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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rozvojová spolupráce EU se zeměmi ACP : přístup ke Rwandě, Haiti a Východnímu Timoru / EU development assistance and the ACP countries. EU's approach to Rwanda, Haiti, and East Timor

Pavelková, Kristina January 2015 (has links)
The work looks at EU's development policy through the lens of one of integration theories, namely multi-level governance. The relationship between the EU and three countries from ACP group, Rwanda, Haiti and East Timor is being analysed. From current trends of multi-level governance the research is focusing on the process of strengthening of supranational level and on advancing regionalization, understood in terms of regional integration on one side and the transfer of powers to lower administrative units or local emancipation. The work is inspired by the idea of the author Martin Holland that integration theories are better observable on EU's development policy than on EU's integration itself. Using the comparison of official EU's declarations over development cooperation with ACP group and real agenda implemented in those countries, the work investigates EU's involvement during penetration of surveyed countries into transnational structures, into regional coalitions and the promotion of emancipation of lower administrative units in the country. The research aims to analyze bonds formed between the European Union and Rwanda, Haiti and East Timor, which, according to Martin Holland, the concept of multi-level governance should best describe.

Intraläsionale Anwendung von autologem thrombozytenangereicherten Plasma und xenogener, azellulärer, porziner Matrix bei Fesselträgerläsionen beim Pferd - eine klinische, vergleichende Studie

Lutz, Sebastian Raphael 31 May 2011 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Studie wurde an 109 Patienten mit einer Erkrankung des Fesselträgers retrospektiv untersucht, ob die intraläsionale Applikation von autologem thrombozyten-reichem Plasma (PRP) Vorteile gegenüber der intraläsionalen Applikation von xenogener azellulärer Matrix aus porziner Harnblasenmukosa (ACell Vet™ UBM Powder) besitzt. Die gesamten Daten zum Patientenmaterial entstammen einer großen, schwerpunktmäßig orthopädisch orientierten Pferdeklinik. In die Gruppe mit Thrombozyten angereichertem Plasma (PRP) wurden 75 Patienten aufgenommen. Es wurden 3 verschieden Methoden zur Herstellung von thrombozytenreichem Plasma verwendet. Als Vergleichsgruppe dienten 34 Patienten, welche mit einer xenogenen Therapieform (ACell™) am Fesselträger behandelt wurden. Initial wurden alle Patienten klinisch und ultrasonographisch untersucht, wobei bei allen Patienten ein frischer oder alter aufgefrischter/chronischer Schaden am Fesselträger dargestellt werden konnte. Die Wahl der Therapieform richtete sich nach der Einschätzung, der Präferenz und den Erfahrungen des jeweiligen behandelnden Tierarztes unter Berücksichtigung des finanziellen Aufwandes für die Patientenbesitzer. Alle Patienten wurden entweder mit PRP oder mit ACell™ behandelt und Boxenruhe in Verbindung mit einem steigernd aufgebauten Schritt- und Aufbautrainingsprogramm verordnet. Die Nachuntersuchungen zur Kontrolle des Heilungserfolges und -fortschrittes beinhalteten eine klinische Lahmheitsuntersuchung sowie eine ultrasonographische Untersuchung. Je nach klinischer und ultrasonographischer Entwicklung wurde das Bewegungsprogramm angepasst. Zum Abschluss der Studie konnte als Resultat festgestellt werden, dass 45 (60 %) Patienten der PRP Gruppe ihr ursprüngliches Leistungsniveau wieder erreicht hatten, 8 (10,7 %) Patienten konnten ihr ursprüngliches Leistungsniveau nicht wieder erreichen, 17 (22,7 %) Patienten erlitten ein Rezidiv und ein (1,3 %) Patient musste euthanasiert werden. Im Vergleich dazu erreichten 20 (58,8 %) Patienten der ACell™ Gruppe wieder ihr ur-sprüngliches Leistungsniveau, 5 (14,7 %) Patienten konnten ihr ursprüngliches Leistungs-niveau nicht wieder erreichen, 7 (20,6 %) erlitten ein Rezidiv und ein (2,9 %) Patient musste euthanasiert werden. Die Unterschiede im Resultat sind statistisch nicht signifikant. Ein statistisch signifikanter Unterschied (p= 0,05) ist allerdings bei der Dauer der Rehabilitationsphase zu beobachten. Im Durchschnitt benötigten erfolgreich therapierte PRP Patienten signifikant weniger Zeit bis zum Erreichen der vollen Belastbarkeit als erfolgreich therapierte ACell™ Patienten. PRP Patienten wurden durchschnittlich 15,6 Wochen im Schritt bewegt und erhielten 13,2 Wochen Aufbautraining, so dass sie im Durchschnitt nach 29,6 Wochen wieder ihre volle Belastbarkeit erreicht hatten. Erfolgreich therapierte ACell™ Patienten wurden durchschnittlich 20,2 Wochen im Schritt bewegt und erhielten im Anschluss im Durchschnitt 19,8 Wochen Aufbautraining, so dass sie im Durchschnitt nach 40,6 Wochen wieder ihre volle Belastbarkeit erreicht hatten. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Rehabilitationsdauer bei mit thrombozytenreichem Plasma behandelten Fesselträgerschäden signifikant kürzer ist als bei mit ACell™ behandelten Fesselträgerschäden, obwohl sich das Resultat der Behandlung statistisch nicht wesentlich unterscheidet (p= 0,88). Die vielversprechenden Ergebnisse einiger ähnlich konzipierten Arbeiten konnten in der vorliegenden Studie mit keiner der angewandten Behandlungsform erreicht werden. Erwähnte Studien umfassten deutlich größere oder deutlich kleinere Patientengruppen und unterschieden sich hinsichtlich Rasse und Nutzung des Patientenmaterials sowie dem meist kürzeren Untersuchungszeitraum. Insofern erscheint einerseits eine derartige Studie aus praktischer Sicht sinnvoll und lohnenswert, andererseits zeigt sich auch der Bedarf an vergleichbaren, klinischen, praxisorientierten Arbeiten zur Evaluierung dieser Behandlungsmethoden.

Structural Basis for Protein Recognition, Acyl-substrate Delivery, and Product Release by ACP in the Biosynthesis of Lipid A

Masoudi, S. Ali January 2014 (has links)
<p>Acyl-carrier-protein (ACP) is the principal transporter of fatty acids, coordinating acyl-transfer among a vast network of diverse enzymes and biochemical processes. ACP association with protein partners is thought to be exceedingly transient. This paradigm has posed challenges for understanding the molecular basis for acyl-delivery and dissociation. During biosynthesis of the lipid A component (endotoxin) of lipopolysaccharides, ACP shuttles acyl-intermediates thioester-linked to its 4'-phosphopantetheine arm among four acyltransferases: LpxA, LpxD, LpxL, and LpxM. LpxA and LpxD are essential cytoplasmic enzymes, which not only provide an excellent model system to study ACP-based interaction, but also offer an important therapeutic target for development of novel antibiotics. The current dissertation reports the crystal structures of three forms of <italic>Escherichia coli</italic> ACP engaging LpxD, which represent stalled substrate and breakage products along the reaction coordinate. The structures reveal the intricate interactions at the interface that optimally position ACP for acyl-delivery and directly involve the pantetheinyl group. Conformational differences among the stalled ACPs provide the molecular basis for the association-dissociation process. An unanticipated conformational shift of 4'-phosphopantetheine groups within the LpxD catalytic chamber reveals an unprecedented role of ACP in product release. Moreover, the crystal structure of <italic>E. coli</italic> LpxA in complex with one form of ACP (holo-ACP) is presented. The structure reveals three molecules of holo-ACP localize to the C-terminal domain of the LpxA homotrimer, and shows the functional role of this domain is two-fold: ACP recognition and nucleotide binding of UDP-GlcNAc. A comparison with the LpxD:ACP complexes uncovers that ACP utilizes different surface residues for recognition even amongst closely related acyltransferases, yet still relies on "electrostatic steering" for docking to its enzyme partner. Insights gleaned from the presented structures have provided not only a better understanding of ACP interaction with acyltransferases, but also has identified the "drugable molecular landscape" for the development of novel antibiotics against infective bacteria.</p> / Dissertation

An analysis of the Sugar Industry and its global competitiveness : The case of Fiji

Jenshagen, Hanna, Andersson, Sandra January 2010 (has links)
<p>The Sugar Industry in Fiji is facing a lot of problems. Since the Government of Fiji has not fulfilled their commitments to the European Union (EU), the EU has backed away from supporting the industry. The milling efficiency has been constantly declining since the mid 1980’s and farm productivities have not kept pace with the changing international market for sugar. To be able to obtain the economies of scale, the sugar production in Fiji has to increase with 75 % from the current level of production. A lot of towns in Fiji would be nothing without the Sugar Industry, and thousands of people are dependent on the industry for their sustenance. Due to this fact, it is certain that the loss of confidence in the industry, or any likely collapse, would imply disaster for Fiji as a whole. It will lead to serious implications on the economic, social and political stability of Fiji.</p><p>The overall aim of this thesis is to study the effects of the EU measures especially on the Sugar Industry in Fiji, to be able to understand to which extent the industry depends on the support from the EU. The aim is also to analyse and discuss different competition strategies on how Fiji can compete and be a part of the global market of sugar.</p><p>This research was made from a qualitative approach in order to gain a deeper understanding about the problem. Abduction made it possible to work parallel with different parts of the thesis. A combination of primary and secondary data gathering has been used, with the secondary data as a basis for building the empirical part of the thesis. The primary data was collected through in-depth interviews with people at different positions within the Sugar Industry in Fiji.</p><p>Fiji is dependent on the Sugar Industry and since there is no other obvious donor for Fiji today, and it is crucial that the industry gets support, the conclusion is that Fiji also is dependent on the support from the EU. Even though Fiji has the possibility to increase their competitiveness on the regional as well as on the international market, there is no need for Fiji to strive after the world market at the moment.</p>

Synthesis of Caseinolytic Protease Agonists Towards the Synthesis of the Natural Acyldepsipeptides

Cossette, Michele 30 November 2011 (has links)
Caseinolytic protease (ClpP) is a cylindrical protease forming the core of protein degradation machinery in eubacteria. ClpP is tightly regulated and is non-functional without a member of the Clp-ATPases. A new class of antibiotics, termed ADEPs, bind to ClpP and allow for activation without the Clp-ATPases; leading to cell death. A more efficient synthetic route to the ADEPs utilizing solid-phase peptide synthesis was investigated. A linear peptide was synthesized, however attempts to close the depsipeptidic macrocycle via macrolactonization failed. Further attempts of assembling a branched depsipeptide for ring closure via a macrolactamization resulted in products that were not stable to cleavage conditions. A group of molecules termed Activators of Self-Compartmentalizing Proteases (ACP) were identified through a screen for activity towards ClpP. Compound ACP1 was synthesized along with twelve analogs and their activity towards ClpP evaluated. The project resulted in a compound with a higher activity than its natural product counterpart.

Palmitoyl-acyl Carrier Protein Thioesterase in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.): Biochemical and Molecular Characterization of a Major Mechanism for the Regulation of Palmitic Acid Content

Huynh, Tu T 08 1900 (has links)
The relatively high level of palmitic acid (22 mol%) in cottonseeds may be due in part to the activity of a palmitoyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) thioesterase (PATE). In embryo extracts, PATE activity was highest at the maximum rate of reserve accumulation (oil and protein). The cotton FatB mRNA transcript abundance also peaked during this developmental stage, paralleling the profiles of PATE enzyme activity and seed oil accumulation. A cotton FatB cDNA clone was isolated by screening a cDNA library with a heterologous Arabidopsis FatB probe (Pirtle et al., 1999, Plant and Cell Physiology 40: 155-163). The predicted amino acid sequence of the cotton PATE preprotein had 63% identity to the Arabidopsis FatB thioesterase sequence, suggesting that the cotton cDNA clone probably encoded a FatB-type thioesterase. When acyl-CoA synthetase-minus E. coli mutants expressed the cotton cDNA, an increase in 16:0 free fatty acid content was measured in the culture medium. In addition, acyl-ACP thioesterase activity assays in E. coli lysates revealed that there was a preference for palmitoyl-ACP over oleoyl-ACP in vitro, indicating that the cotton putative FatB cDNA encoded a functional thioesterase with a preference for saturated acyl-ACPs over unsaturated acyl-ACPs (FatA). Overexpression of the FatB cDNA in transgenic cotton resulted in elevated levels of palmitic acid in transgenic somatic embryos compared to control embryos. Expression of the anti-sense FatB cDNA in transgenic cotton plants produced some plants with a dwarf phenotype. These plants had significantly smaller mature leaves, all with smaller cells, suggesting that these plants may have less palmitic acid available for incorporation into extraplastidial membrane lipids during cell expansion. Thus manipulation of FatB expression in cotton directly influenced palmitic acid levels. Collectively, data presented in this dissertation support the hypothesis that there indeed is a palmitoyl-ACP thioesterase in cotton, encoded by the isolated FatB cDNA, which plays a major role in regulating palmitic acid content of extraplastidial complex glycerolipids. This work forms the basis for future studies of the influence of palmitic acid content on plant membrane function and provides a key target for the metabolic engineering of palmitic acid levels in storage oils of developing cottonseeds.

Právní aspekty spolupráce Evropské unie se zeměmi skupiny AKT / Legal aspects of cooperation between the EU and ACP countries

Pšenka, Lubomír January 2011 (has links)
Legal aspects of cooperation between the EU and ACP countries The origins of the EU cooperation with the group of Sub-saharan African, Caribbean and Pacific countries (ACP Group) date back to the very beginnings of the European integration with Part IV of the Treaty of Rome establishing association of the former colonies of the several founding member states to the European Economic Community. After the colonies gained their independence, their association to the EEC was given a basis of the international law by means of the conventions from Yaoundé (1963, 1969) and Lomé (1975, 1980, 1985, 1990 - revised in 1995). The cooperation between the EC/EU and ACP countries has progressively evolved into a comprehensive partnership encompassing the political, development and economic cooperation. The relations between the EU and 78 ACP countries are actually ruled by the Cotonou Partnership Agreement (2000, revised in 2005 and 2010) which is to be in force until 2020. The EU-ACP partnership constitutes a specific system of international law and probably can be described as the most comprehensive relationship between developed and developing countries. In many ways, the cooperation with the ACP countries represents a special case in the field of the EU external relations and, due to a specific historical...

Les groupes d'Etats et l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce / State "groups" and World Trade Organization

Thiel, Meryl 12 June 2013 (has links)
Dans le système financier et commercial actuel, l'OMC est au cœur des débats, sa politique libérale divisant tant les universitaires que les praticiens sur les formes de gouvernance économique mondiale. Très ouverte à la participation de divers acteurs du commerce mondial, l'OMC a en effet vu la percée lente mais assurée des ONG lors des négociations. Dans le même temps, les intégrations économiques régionales se sont multipliées et leur participation aux négociations de l'OMC s'est accrue, ce qui a conduit à augmenter les interrogations sur les formes de gouvernance étatique économique mondiale. Au sein de l'Organisation, il est un type de regroupement étatique qui a un rôle de plus en plus important, mais dont l'étude reste quasi inexistante : les Groupes d’États, qui reposent sur le respect et la défense de relations équitables. or, l'équité est affichée comme un des objectifs de l'OMC. L'approche constructiviste et de politique juridique permettront d'analyser les modalités et conséquences de l'interaction entre les Groupes et l'Organisation. Cette analyse mettra alors en lumière le degré de contribution des groupes au droit de l'OMC et, dans une plus large mesure, dessinera uen nouvelle acception de l'équité et des formes de gouvernance économique mondiale. / The WTO, which is one of the most criticized international organizations in the world, is currently the focus of debates because of its liberalisms policies. As academics as lawyers wonder how the WTO philosophy can be linked to different forms of international economic governance. Indeed, the number of NGO has grown in the WTO negotiations. In the same time, the number of Regional Economic Integration and their participation to the WTO negotiations increased. As a consequence, interrogations concerning international economic governance rose. At the WTO, a kind of coalitions is particularly remarkable but rarely studied in law: State Coalitions, which are based on the respect and defence of Equity. Similarly, one of the goals of the WTO is to establish Equity in international economic relations. Thanks to constructivism, this thesis highlights the interaction between State coalitions and the WTO. The focus is to point up how important is the contribution of State coalitions to WTO law. As a consequence, this thesis will draw a new meaning of Equity and international economic governance.

Koldioxidreducerande åtgärder inom ett anläggningsprojekt / Carbon dioxide reduction measures in a construction project

Hagberg, Ebba, Björklund, Markus January 2016 (has links)
Denna examensrapport ingår som ett obligatoriskt moment i den treåriga Byggingenjörsutbildningen, vid Högskolan i Borås. Studien beskriver den förbättringspotential anläggningsprojektet Knutpunkt Gamlestaden har, för att kunna minska koldioxidavtrycket. Kortare beskrivningar kring posterna armering, asfalt, drivmedel och plattor av natursten ges, där produktionsprocesser och transporter vägs in. Författarna har tagit fram alternativa producenter och material, vilket i slutändan reducerar projektets totala koldioxidbelastning. Det har även tagits hänsyn till om dessa alternativ är tillgängliga och realistiska att införa i projektet. De eventuella fördelar och nackdelar som förändringen kan medföra, förs det en diskussion kring. Med hjälp av Skanskas interna klimatkalkylsverktyg, redovisas förbättringspotentialen i siffror. Detta för att få ut koldioxidbelastningen och därmed kunna jämföra de nya alternativen mot de befintliga. / This report is a part of the three-year Bachelor in Civil Engineering program at the University of Borås. The study describes the potential of improvement that the project Knutpunkt Gamlestaden have, in order to reduce the carbon footprint. Brief descriptions of the items rebar, asphalt, fuel and slabs of natural stone is given, where the production and  ransportation are considered. The authors have looked at alternative producers and materials, which ultimately reduces the project's total carbon footprint. It has also been taken into account if these options are available and realistic to implement in the project. The possible advantages and  isadvantages that the change can bring are discussed. With help from Skanska's in-house climate calculation tool, the potential for improvement is graphically described. This is to demonstrate the carbon load and to be able to compare the new options to the existing ones.

Suivi des mouvements de la main et reproduction de gestes à partir de séquences vidéo monoculaires / Monocular hand motion tracking and gestures recognition

Ben Henia, Ouissem 12 April 2012 (has links)
Les gestes de la main représentent un moyen naturel et intuitif de communication chez l'homme lui permettant d'interagir avec son environnement dans la vie de tous les jours. Ils permettent notamment de ponctuer et de renforcer l'expression orale d'un dialogue entre personnes. Outre la communication entre individus, les gestes de la main permettent de manipuler des objets ou encore d'interagir avec des machines. Avec le développement de la vision par ordinateur, on assiste à un véritable engouement pour de nouveaux types d'interactions qui exploitent le mouvement de la main et qui passent par une étape d'analyse et de reconnaissance du mouvement afin d'aboutir à l'interprétation des gestes de la main. La réalisation d'un tel objectif ouvre un large champ d'applications. C'est dans ce cadre que se positionne le travail réalisé au cours de cette thèse. Les objectifs visés étaient de proposer des méthodes pour: 1) permettre le transfert d'animation depuis une séquence réelle vers un modèle 3D représentant la main. Dans une telle perspective, le suivi permet d'estimer les différents paramètres correspondant aux degrés de liberté de la main. 2) identifier les gestes de la main en utilisant une base de gestes prédéfinie dans le but de proposer des modes d'interactions basés sur la vision par ordinateur. Sur le plan technique, nous nous sommes intéressés à deux types d’approches : le premier utilise un modèle 3D de la main et le deuxième fait appel à une base de gestes / Hand gestures take a fundamental role in inter-human daily communication. Their use has become an important part of human-computer interaction in the two last decades. Building a fast and effective vision-based hand motion tracker is challenging. This is due to the high dimensionality of the pose space, the ambiguities due to occlusion, the lack of visible surface texture and the significant appearance variations due to shading. In this thesis we are interested in two approaches for monocular hand tracking. In the first one, a parametric hand model is used. The hand motion tracking is first formulated as an optimization task, where a dissimilarity function between the projection of the hand model under articulated motion and the observed image features, is to be minimized. A two-step iterative algorithm is then proposed to minimize this dissimilarity function. We propose two dissimilarity functions to be minimized. We propose also in this thesis a data-driven method to track hand gestures and animate 3D hand model. To achieve the tracking, the presented method exploits a database of hand gestures represented as 3D point clouds. In order to track a large number of hand poses with a database as small as possible we classify the hand gestures using a Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Applied to each point cloud, the PCA produces a new representation of the hand pose independent of the position and orientation in the 3D space. To explore the database in a fast and efficient way, we use a comparison function based on 3D distance transform. Experimental results on synthetic and real data demonstrate the potentials of ours methods

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