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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The instructional design of a training program for audiometricians

De Clercq, Hendrika 25 July 2012 (has links)
This study focused on designing a training programme for audiometricians, using the principles of instructional design. Instructional design is the continuing, systematic development of instructional specifications, utilizing researched strategies and principles to create detailed outcomes for the development, implementation, evaluation and maintenance of training programmes. An audiometrician is defined by SANS (10083:2004), as a person registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa as an audiometrician, hearing aid acoustician or someone trained in audiometry. Audiometricians are adult learners. Therefore, in addition to instructional design principles, the principles of adult learning were also incorporated in the training programme. The successful training of audiometricians may ensure that noise induced hearing loss is significantly reduced when audiometric monitoring is appropriately implemented as part of a hearing conservation programme. Training for audiometricians is critical in this process as incorrect audiometric monitoring may negatively influence the outcomes of a hearing conservation programme. This study followed a descriptive research design where the results were described in a quantitative manner. Data was collected by means of electronically mailed questionnaires. All participants were practicing audiometricians at the time of the study and were registered with the South African Society for Occupational Health Nursing. All participants had an audiometric certificate as qualification. For the analysis of data, 181 completed questionnaires were used. The results were analyzed and described in terms of the respondents’ own experience regarding audiometry; their opinions regarding the topics they have been taught in audiometry; the duration of their own training programmes and their opinions regarding a future training programme for audiometricians. Based on the results of the above analysis, the instructional design programme for audiometricians was developed. The obtained results were used to determine what the topics, content, duration, learning outcomes and learner evaluation methods should be in the development of a training programme for audiometricians. This research study developed a training programme for audiometricians in order to ensure that all future audiometricians have the necessary knowledge to perform comprehensive hearing evaluations, interpret audiometric findings and thereby assist in reducing noise induced hearing loss in the industrial sector through hearing conservation programmes. AFRIKAANS : Hierdie studie is toegespits op die ontwerp van ‘n onderrigprogram vir oudiometriste waarin die beginsels van onderrigontwerp toegepas is. Onderrigontwerp behels die deurlopende en stelselmatige ontwikkeling van onderrigspesifikasies deur gebruik te maak van nagevorsde strategieë en beginsels om gedetailleerde uitkomste vir die ontwikkeing, evaluering en onderhoud van opleidingsprogramme daar te stel. ‘n Oudiometris word gedefinieer deur wetgewing (SANS 10083:2004) as ‘n person wat geregistreer is by die Health Professions Council of South Africa as ‘n oudiometris, gehoorapparaat akoestikus of iemand wat opgelei is in oudiometrie. Oudiometriste is volwasse leerders. Om hierdie rede is nie net die beginsels van onderrigontwerp nie, maar ook die beginsels van volwasse leer in die onderrigprogram geïnkorporeer. Suksesvolle onderrig van oudiometriste kan verseker dat die voorkoms van geraas-geïnduseerde gehoorverlies verminder, mits oudiometriese monitering toepaslik as deel van ‘n program vir gehoorkonservering geïntegreer word. Opleiding vir oudiometriste is krities belangrik in hierdie proses want indien oudiometriese monitering verkeerd gedoen word, kan dit die gehoorkonserveringsprogram in totaliteit negatief beïnvloed. ‘n Beskrywende navorsingsontwerp is in hierdie studie gebruik en die resultate is kwantitatief beskryf. Data is deur middel van vraelyste wat elektronies versend is, versamel. Al die deelnemers was ten tye van die studie praktiserende oudiometriste wat by die South African Society for Occupational Health Nursing geregistreer was. Elkeen was in besit van ‘n oudiometriese sertifikaat as kwalfikasie. Vir data-ontleding is 181 voltooide vraelyste gebruik. Die data was geanaliseer en beskryf in terme van die respondente se eie ervaring ten opsigte van oudiometrie; hul mening omtrent die temas wat by hul opleiding ingesluit was; die duur van hul opleidingsprogramme en hul idees omtrent ‘n toekomstige opleidingsprogram vir oudiometriste. Die onderrigontwerp-program is op grond van die resultate van bognoemde analise ontwikkel. Die resultate wat verkry is, is gebruik om die temas, inhoud, duur, leeruitkomste en evalueringsmetodes in die ontwikkeling van ‘n opleidingsprogram vir oudiometriste te bepaal. Hierdie studie is gerig op die ontwikkeling van ‘n opleidingsprogram vir oudiometriste met die doel om te verseker dat hulle oor die nodige kennis beskik om omvattende gehoorevaluerings uit te voer, om oudiometriese bevindinge te interpreteer en daardeur, in gesondheidssorgprogramme, by te dra tot die vermindering van geraas-geïnduseerde gehoorverlies in die industriële sektor Copyright / Dissertation (MCommunication Pathology)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology / unrestricted


Page, Christopher 01 January 2020 (has links)
This study explored the influences on Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) students who have completed all required coursework for their degree, but have not finished their dissertation, in an effort to identify factors influencing degree completion. Past research documents an increased time-to-degree (TTD) for Ed.D. students, which has a negative impact on K-12 and higher education, as well as on business, government, and society. This study examined Ed.D. students enrolled at a private teaching college in northern California by use of a survey built upon the framework of Bean’s nine themes of college student retention. It analyzed demographic indicators as well as the professional and personal priorities and how these characteristics interface with the demands of completing a doctoral dissertation. The results highlight key differences between Ed.D. students and other graduate and undergraduate students to understand the reasons behind their increased TTD.

A study of the challenges of adult learning facilitation in a diverse setting with special reference to Soshanguve

Rivombo, Alfred Mashau 06 1900 (has links)
A critical cross-field outcome of Curriculum 2005 as introduced in South Africa is to work effectively with others as members of a team, group, organization, and community. This research aims at investigating challenges that impede adult learners from diverse backgrounds to work effectively as members of a team, group, organization and community. Informed by models of education in lifelong learning (intercultural, multicultural and anti-racist models of education which supplement andragogy), a qualitative inquiry which followed an active research approach was undertaken in selected adult learning centres in Soshanguve in Gauteng Province to explore the challenges of diversity during adult learning facilitation. Data was gathered from sixteen adult education facilitators from four adult education centres by means of in-depth interviews, follow-up interviews and observational fieldwork. Findings indicated that facilitators require additional knowledge and skills to achieve the objectives of the intercultural, multicultural and anti-racist models of education effectively; senior adult learners require particular attention from facilitators to prevent learner attrition in this age group; linguistic diversity problematises effective intercultural communication, especially where the facilitator is not proficient in learners‟ home languages; and awareness should be raised of the negative impact of inflexible attitudes towards certain aspects of diversity such as religion and sexual orientation on effective teaching and learning. However, positive adult education facilitation practices were also observed. Based on the findings of the literature review and the empirical inquiry recommendations for the improvement of practice were made. / ABET and Youth Development / M. Ed. (Adult and Continuing Education)

Enhancing realistic academic self-actualisation : a psycho-andragogical perspective / Bevordering van realistiese akademiese selfaktualisering : 'n Psigo-andragogiese perspektief

Sonnekus, Ingrid Phyllis 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / This research was triggered by the need to assist first year students in a way which had not been addressed by the people involved with the upliftment of disadvantaged students. The aspect which was addressed was the personal growth of the adult learner within the academic situation with consideration of his own personal circumstances and ideals. This means that a micro level approach was generated by creating the Academic Enhancement Programme (AEP). The purpose of the programme is to give adult learners the opportunity to understand themselves and their own value systems better on a micro, meso and macro level, to experience personal growth or self-actualisation and to see how these factors influence the adult learners' interaction with the tertiary academic situation. Eight possible value systems were discussed and introduced to the adult learners who participated in the Academic Enhancement Programme. The adult learners were given the opportunity to measure themselves against the value systems and to evaluate how these influenced their realistic academic self-actualisation. The psycho-andragogical categories were utilised during the application of the programme as criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme. The following recommendations were made • the creation of a faculty specific induction programme • linking study packages directly to the context of adult learners • organising personal academic contact • giving personal academic support • making the evaluation procedures transparent • creating and supporting informal study groups Although the study has certain limitations, it should be of great value to the university system during the transformation phase that it is experiencing at present. The main aim of the study is, however, the contribution to the academic growth of the adult learner in the tertiary situation / Hierdie navorsing het ontstaan vanuit die behoefte om eerstejaarstudente op 'n bepaalde wyse te ondersteun. Hierdie wyse is nog nie aangespreek deur mense wat met benadeelde studente gewerk het nie. Die aspek wat ondersoek is, is die persoonlike groei wat volwasse leerders ervaar binne die akademiese situasie met inagneming van hulle eie persoonlike omstandighede en ideale. Dit het beteken dat daar deur middel van 'n mikrobenadering 'n Akademiese Verrykingsprogram geskep moes word. Die doel van die program is drievoudig: Dit meet aan volwasse leerders die geleentheid bied om hulleself en hulle waardesisteme beter te verstaan in 'n mikro-, meso- en makroverband; om persoonlike groei I selfaktualisering te ervaar en om tot die besef te kom dat hierdie aangeleenthede hulle interaksie met die tersiere akademiese situasie be'invloed. Agt verskillende waardesisteme is bespreek en aan die volwasse leerders wat aan die Akademiese Verrykingsprogram deelgeneem het, voorgehou. Die volwasse leerders het die geleentheid gekry om hulself aan hierdie waardesisteme te meet. Hulle kon ook in die loop van die program vasstel hoe dit hulle realistiese akademiese selfaktualisering be'invloed. Die psigo-andragogiese kategoriee is tydens die toepassing van die program as kriteria gebruik om die effektiwiteit van die program te bepaal. Die volgende aanbevelings is gemaak: • dat 'n fakulteit-spesifieke induksieprogram geskep meet word, • dat studiepakkette direk aan die volwasse leerder se verwysingsraamwerk gekoppel meet word, • dat persoonlike akademiese ondersteuning gebied meet word, • dat persoonlike kontak op akademiese gebied bewerkstellig moet word, • dat evalueringsprosedures deursigtig gemaak meet word, • dat informele studiegroepe tot stand gebring en onderhou meet word. Alhoewel die studie aan verskeie beperkings onderhewig is, behoort dit vir die universiteitswese tydens die huidige transformasiegebeure van groot waarde te wees. Die belangrikste doel van die navorsing is egter die bydrae wat dit kan lewer tot die akademiese groei van die volwasse leerder in die tersiere situasie. / Psychology of Education / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

The experiences of recognition of prior learning nursing candidates related to the four year comprehensive nursing training programme at a nursing education institution in Gauteng

Mothokoa, Nomathemba Bridgette 01 June 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the experiences of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) nursing candidates related to the four-year comprehensive nursing training programme at a Nursing Education Institution in Gauteng. To this end an exploratory descriptive qualitative research design was undertaken. The research sample comprised of 13 purposefully selected participants. Face-to-face individual interviews, using open-ended questions (Grand tour), were used to collect data, which was analysed using Tesch’s approach. Findings from the study highlighted the challenges faced by nursing RPL candidates as adult students. These included challenges related to their theoretical learning as well as their clinical facility experiences. Based on the study results, recommendations were formulated in assisting them to successfully and timeously complete their nursing programme / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

Absenteeism of adult learners at the Sekgosese West Circuit in Limpopo Province : a critical reflection

Mello, Masefora Victoria 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to find out why adult learners absent themselves from adult basic education programmes and to devise strategies to encourage them to attend classes. In order to achieve the aim of the study, the objective of the study were to investigate the economic and social reasons why adult learners do not attend classes. The research focus on a critical issue of absenteei(sm by adult learners at SEKGOSESE West Circuit adult centre in Limpopo Province. Literature review was engaged in the field of Adult Education and related to the research problem. The literature review presented an insight into theoretical frameworks and conceptual frameworks about causes of adult learner’s absenteeism. The researcher used sources which included journals, books, articles and dissertations. To collect information. This qualitative study explored the causes of adult learner absenteeism and came with strategies to reduce adult learner absenteeism. Critical theory was used as a theoretical framework. The theory deals with social economic factors and conditions under which people live. Data was collected through focus group interviews. There were sixteen participants who attend classes at Mosima adult learning centre, and they were selected homogeneously. It was discovered that adult learner absenteeism is caused by lack of motivation, lack of support from departmental officials, lack of adult learner commitment, lack of facilities, lack of qualified adult educators, lack of respect amongst adult learners and adult educators as a serious matter, lack of parental support for those who are still under parental care and lack of transport for adult learners who stay far from the centre. Based on the causes of adult learner absenteeism, recommendations are made for the Department of Education to address these causes in order to elevate adult learner absenteeism and further research efforts are recommended. It is recommended that the department of education include stationery material in their budget for adult basic education. Adult Basic education educators should also receive adequate training s o that they can be able to teach adult learners effectively. / ABET and Youth Development / M. Ed. (Adult Education)

A study of the challenges of adult learning facilitation in a diverse setting with special reference to Soshanguve

Rivombo, Alfred Mashau 06 1900 (has links)
A critical cross-field outcome of Curriculum 2005 as introduced in South Africa is to work effectively with others as members of a team, group, organization, and community. This research aims at investigating challenges that impede adult learners from diverse backgrounds to work effectively as members of a team, group, organization and community. Informed by models of education in lifelong learning (intercultural, multicultural and anti-racist models of education which supplement andragogy), a qualitative inquiry which followed an active research approach was undertaken in selected adult learning centres in Soshanguve in Gauteng Province to explore the challenges of diversity during adult learning facilitation. Data was gathered from sixteen adult education facilitators from four adult education centres by means of in-depth interviews, follow-up interviews and observational fieldwork. Findings indicated that facilitators require additional knowledge and skills to achieve the objectives of the intercultural, multicultural and anti-racist models of education effectively; senior adult learners require particular attention from facilitators to prevent learner attrition in this age group; linguistic diversity problematises effective intercultural communication, especially where the facilitator is not proficient in learners‟ home languages; and awareness should be raised of the negative impact of inflexible attitudes towards certain aspects of diversity such as religion and sexual orientation on effective teaching and learning. However, positive adult education facilitation practices were also observed. Based on the findings of the literature review and the empirical inquiry recommendations for the improvement of practice were made. / ABET and Youth Development / M. Ed. (Adult and Continuing Education)

Enhancing realistic academic self-actualisation : a psycho-andragogical perspective / Bevordering van realistiese akademiese selfaktualisering : 'n Psigo-andragogiese perspektief

Sonnekus, Ingrid Phyllis 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English and Afrikaans / This research was triggered by the need to assist first year students in a way which had not been addressed by the people involved with the upliftment of disadvantaged students. The aspect which was addressed was the personal growth of the adult learner within the academic situation with consideration of his own personal circumstances and ideals. This means that a micro level approach was generated by creating the Academic Enhancement Programme (AEP). The purpose of the programme is to give adult learners the opportunity to understand themselves and their own value systems better on a micro, meso and macro level, to experience personal growth or self-actualisation and to see how these factors influence the adult learners' interaction with the tertiary academic situation. Eight possible value systems were discussed and introduced to the adult learners who participated in the Academic Enhancement Programme. The adult learners were given the opportunity to measure themselves against the value systems and to evaluate how these influenced their realistic academic self-actualisation. The psycho-andragogical categories were utilised during the application of the programme as criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme. The following recommendations were made • the creation of a faculty specific induction programme • linking study packages directly to the context of adult learners • organising personal academic contact • giving personal academic support • making the evaluation procedures transparent • creating and supporting informal study groups Although the study has certain limitations, it should be of great value to the university system during the transformation phase that it is experiencing at present. The main aim of the study is, however, the contribution to the academic growth of the adult learner in the tertiary situation / Hierdie navorsing het ontstaan vanuit die behoefte om eerstejaarstudente op 'n bepaalde wyse te ondersteun. Hierdie wyse is nog nie aangespreek deur mense wat met benadeelde studente gewerk het nie. Die aspek wat ondersoek is, is die persoonlike groei wat volwasse leerders ervaar binne die akademiese situasie met inagneming van hulle eie persoonlike omstandighede en ideale. Dit het beteken dat daar deur middel van 'n mikrobenadering 'n Akademiese Verrykingsprogram geskep moes word. Die doel van die program is drievoudig: Dit meet aan volwasse leerders die geleentheid bied om hulleself en hulle waardesisteme beter te verstaan in 'n mikro-, meso- en makroverband; om persoonlike groei I selfaktualisering te ervaar en om tot die besef te kom dat hierdie aangeleenthede hulle interaksie met die tersiere akademiese situasie be'invloed. Agt verskillende waardesisteme is bespreek en aan die volwasse leerders wat aan die Akademiese Verrykingsprogram deelgeneem het, voorgehou. Die volwasse leerders het die geleentheid gekry om hulself aan hierdie waardesisteme te meet. Hulle kon ook in die loop van die program vasstel hoe dit hulle realistiese akademiese selfaktualisering be'invloed. Die psigo-andragogiese kategoriee is tydens die toepassing van die program as kriteria gebruik om die effektiwiteit van die program te bepaal. Die volgende aanbevelings is gemaak: • dat 'n fakulteit-spesifieke induksieprogram geskep meet word, • dat studiepakkette direk aan die volwasse leerder se verwysingsraamwerk gekoppel meet word, • dat persoonlike akademiese ondersteuning gebied meet word, • dat persoonlike kontak op akademiese gebied bewerkstellig moet word, • dat evalueringsprosedures deursigtig gemaak meet word, • dat informele studiegroepe tot stand gebring en onderhou meet word. Alhoewel die studie aan verskeie beperkings onderhewig is, behoort dit vir die universiteitswese tydens die huidige transformasiegebeure van groot waarde te wees. Die belangrikste doel van die navorsing is egter die bydrae wat dit kan lewer tot die akademiese groei van die volwasse leerder in die tersiere situasie. / Psychology of Education / D.Ed. (Psychology of Education)

The experiences of recognition of prior learning nursing candidates related to the four year comprehensive nursing training programme at a nursing education institution in Gauteng

Mothokoa, Nomathemba Bridgette 01 June 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the experiences of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) nursing candidates related to the four-year comprehensive nursing training programme at a Nursing Education Institution in Gauteng. To this end an exploratory descriptive qualitative research design was undertaken. The research sample comprised of 13 purposefully selected participants. Face-to-face individual interviews, using open-ended questions (Grand tour), were used to collect data, which was analysed using Tesch’s approach. Findings from the study highlighted the challenges faced by nursing RPL candidates as adult students. These included challenges related to their theoretical learning as well as their clinical facility experiences. Based on the study results, recommendations were formulated in assisting them to successfully and timeously complete their nursing programme / Health Studies / M.A. (Nursing Science)

The perceptions of adult learners about the adult basic education and training practitioners turn-over at the Witbank Education Circuit

Ngobeni, Hangie Veniel 21 September 2018 (has links)
MPM / Oliver Tambo Institute of Governance and Policy Studies / Adult basic education and training in South Africa is viewed as an instrument for social, economic and political development. However, over the years, the programme faced challenges relating to recruitment and retention of suitably qualified practitioners, resulting in high staff turn-over. The study focused on the perception of adult learners about the adult basic education and training practitioners turn-over at the Witbank education circuit to gain insight into the magnitude of the problem and recommend ways and strategies to address the identified challenges. The study used a mixed method approach, incorporating elements of both quantitative and qualitative research approach. The research sample comprised adult learners, educators, Adult center managers and adult basic education and training coordinators using purposive sampling technique. Data was collected using semi-structured questionnaires and analyzed using the eight steps of Tesch in Cresswell (2009:186). The results of the study revealed that the participants were to a large extent, aware that ABET practitioners’ turnover is a serious problem at the Witbank education circuit. The study participants revealed that lack of commitment and recognition by government to address ABET practitioner turnover decisively is impacting negatively on learners’ motivation, morale, study progress and their relationship with practitioners. This leads ABET learners to not take the ABET programme seriously, and drop of the programme due to lack of progress whereas most ABET practitioners take ABET as a waiting station for better jobs. A number of strategies can be employed to address the challenge of ABET practitioners’ turnover. Amongst others are the following: the basic working conditions of ABET practitioners should be improved. This will automatically translate into job satisfaction and long tenure, thereby counteracting current levels of high staff turnover. ABET practitioners should also be afforded relevant skills development programmes to ensure continuous professional growth and development. / NRF

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