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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The development of vesiculated beads

Terblanche, Johannes C. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScIng)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Vesiculated beads consist of aerated microvoids encapsulated in a solid spherical continuous polymeric shell. The difference in refractive index between the voids and polymer granules causes effective scattering of incident light on the particles, presenting it with a white appearance. The size of these beads generally range in the region of 0.5 – 40 μm, making it suitable for use as pigment extender in the surface coatings or paint industry. Currently, titanium dioxide pigment is predominantly used as opacifying agent in paint formulations, but due to the high cost associated in purchasing this pigment, as well as fluctuation in import prices, paint manufacturers are looking for alternative products to replace or at least partially replace this pigment. As an alternative, opaque vesiculated polymer particles can be produced locally at a cheaper price and in existing vessels available in the paint industry. Approximately five years ago a paint company in Mexico and member of the Nova Club, started research in developing vesiculated beads for production in their factories. However, it was found extremely difficult to scale-up the production to industrial size, since the system was very sensitive to process variables. A local paint company and member of the Nova Club acquired this technology and continued further research in developing vesiculated beads on large scale in existing Cowles disperser systems found in the paint industry. The beads consist mainly of an organic phase comprising of unsaturated carboxylated polyester and styrene. A polyamine is also added to assist the formation of vesicles in the organic phase. This phase is slowly added under agitation to an aqueous phase consisting of deionised water, a thickener and colloid stabilisers to form an oil-inwater emulsion. Agitation is continued for a specified period of time, also known as the emulsification period, to allow sufficient time for the organic globules to break-up to smaller particle sizes. These globules are subsequently catalysed with a freeradical initiator and redox activator and left static overnight to allow formation of the solid beads. To determine the most important process parameters during production of vesiculated beads, a fully integrated laboratory scale Cowles reactor system was designed and constructed, geometrically analogous to the vessels found in the paint industry. The system measures and controls production temperature, mixing speed and component addition rates. Production runs were performed where various process parameters were varied to investigate the effect on properties, which include average particle size and particle size distribution, pH, viscosity and opacity. The most important process parameters that were found to play a significant role include production temperature, organic phase addition rate, emulsification time, the Cowles impeller diameter and mixing speed. Production runs were performed in geometrically similar 5l and 20l vessels on the laboratory-scale system to investigate the effect of scale-up. A model presented by Klein et al. (1996) was used as basis for describing the average particle size as a function of mixing speed, impeller diameter, vessel diameter and emulsification time. The applicability of this model was tested on average particle size data obtained from industrial scale runs performed on the plants and proved to be reasonably accurate. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sferiese polimeerpartikels met klein lugholtes vasgevang in ‘n harde omhulsel word al jare in die verf industrie aangewend as pigment. Weens die verskil in brekingsindeks tussen die soliede polimeerpartikel en die vasgevange lugholtes, word invallende lig versprei op so ‘n manier dat die partikels ondeursigtig (of wit) voorkom. Hierdie partikels kan geproduseer word met deursneë wat strek van 0.5 – 40 μm, wat dit geskik maak vir gebruik in verf formulasies. Tans word titaandioksied poeier hoofsaaklik gebruik in verf as pigment, maar weens die hoë koste van die invoer en aankoop van hierdie produk, het verfmaatskappye begin soek na goedkoper alternatiewe. Aangesien hierdie ondeursigtige polimeerpartikels plaaslik goedkoper vervaardig kan word in bestaande mengvate beskikbaar in verf aanlegte, dien dit as moontlike plaasvervanger. Ongeveer vyf jaar gelede het ‘n Mexikaanse verfmaatskappy, wat lid is van die Nova Klub, navorsing begin doen om hierdie polimeerpartikels in hul fabrieke te produseer. Dit was egter vir hulle onmoontlik om die produksie op te skaal na industriële vervaardiging aangesien die proses baie sensitief was vir produksieveranderlikes. Sekere eienskappe soos die gemiddelde partikelgrootte, partikelverspreiding, pH, viskositeit en deursigtigheid van die partikels kon nie van lot tot lot herhaal word nie en verdere navorsing is gestaak. ‘n Plaaslike verfmaatskappy (ook lid van die Nova Klub) het die tegnologie oorgeneem en die proses verder ontwikkel. Die proses is aangepas sodat “Cowles” mengers, wat wydverspreid in die verf industrie beskikbaar is, gebruik kan word om dit te vervaardig. Die partikels bestaan hoofsaaklik uit ‘n organiese fase wat ‘n onversadigde gekarboksileerde poliëster en stireen insluit. ‘n Poli-amien word ook bygevoeg en is verantwoordelik vir die vorming van die lugholtes in die partikels. Hierdie fase word stadig onder menging by ‘n tweede water fase, bestaande uit gedeïoniseerde water, ‘n verdikker en kolloïdale stabiliseerders gevoeg om ‘n olie-in-water emulsie te vorm. Menging word voortgesit vir ‘n bepaalde emulsifiseringsperiode om die oliedruppels verder op te breek. Gevolglik word hierdie druppels gekataliseer met ‘n vry-radikaal inisieerder en redoksaktiveerder en oornag staties gelos om vorming van die soliede partikels toe te laat. Aangesien eienskappe van die polimeerpartikels so sensitief is vir prosesveranderlikes, is besluit om aanvanklik ‘n ten volle geïntegreerde laboratorium skaal “Cowles” reaktorsisteem te ontwerp en bou. Hierdie sisteem is geometries gelykvormig aan die mengvate wat in verffabrieke gevind word. Die produksietemperatuur, stuwergrootte, mengspoed en materiaal toevoertempo kan effektief gemeet, verstel en beheer word. Eksperimentele lopies is gedoen en die effek van verskeie produksieveranderlikes op eienskappe is ondersoek. Die belangrikste veranderlikes wat die proses beïnvloed, is die emulsifiseringstemperatuur, die toevoertempo van die organiese fase, emulsifiseringsperiode, stuwerdeursnit en mengspoed. Eksperimentele lopies is gedoen op twee geometriese gelykvormige mengvate (5l en 20l kapasiteit) om die effek van opskaling op eienskappe te ondersoek. ‘n Model wat deur Klein et al. (1996) voorgestel is, is as basis gebruik om die gemiddelde partikelgrootte te bepaal as ‘n funksie van mengspoed, stuwerdeursnit, mengvat deursnit en emulsifiseringstyd. Hierdie model is getoets op partikelgrootte data wat verkry is van groot industriële skaal lopies uitgevoer in die fabrieke onder bekende produksie kondisies en daar is gevind dat hierdie model bevredigend gebruik kan word om die gemiddelde partikelgrootte te voorspel.

Lakvattenrening och kontroll vid deponier : granskning och sammanställning / Treatment of leachate and control at landfills : review and compilation

Eriksson, Linda January 2005 (has links)
<p>If not purified leachate from landfills would cause damages on the environment. At most landfills in Sweden local treatment of leachate is achieved, at the rest the leachate is transported to sewertreatment. While no comprehensive legal provisions for discharge exist in Sweden there is a difference in discharges between the installations for landfill. If no comprehensive legal provisions is produced guidance must improve.</p><p>Treatment of leachate and self monitoring system at fifteen installations in Sweden has been studied and compared. A study of literature about different treatment solutions has also been performed. Practical information about the landfills has been gathered through visits. Processes of treatment described in literature correspond to measures. Variations exists between the self monitoring systems at the installations both between parameters for analyses, how often controls take place and were testpoints are situated.</p><p>Knowledge of reactions and techniques for treatment of compounds common in leachate exist. Further research about compounds whose effect we do not know for certain must be achieved.</p> / <p>Lakvattenrening och egenkontrollprogram vid femton deponier i Sverige har studerats och jämförts. En litteraturstudie angående olika reningstekniker har även utförts. Information om deponierna och reningsprocesserna har inhämtats via studiebesök och miljörapporter. Vid jämförelse av rening har olika processer studerats separat. Den beskrivning av processerna som finns i litteraturen stämmer väl med uppmätta resultat. Exempel på detta är ammoniumhalter som reduceras i luftad damm, halter totalkväve som minskar genom rening i Satsvis Biologisk Reaktorteknik och reducerad halt suspenderat material som inträffar vid rening genom markfilter. Egenkontrollprogrammen vid de olika deponierna varierar dels i avseende på vilka parametrar som kontrolleras och dels hur ofta kontroller utförs och var provpunkter är belägna.</p><p>För de vanligast förekommande ämnen som existerar i lakvatten finns kunskap om reaktioner och fungerande tekniker för rening. Problem uppstår för de ämnen vilkas reaktioner och förändringar man ej känner till. Farhågor finns dessutom att det i lakvatten finns föreningar vars existens och verkan vi ej känner till. På grund av detta krävs ytterligare forskning på lakvatten.</p>

Effect of Oxygen Partial Pressure and COD Loading on Biofilm Performance in a Membrane Aerated Bioreactor

Zhu, Ivan Xuetang 28 July 2008 (has links)
The membrane aerated bioreactor (MABR) is a unique technological innovation where a gas permeable membrane is applied to biological processes. In an MABR, oxygen and other substrates diffuse from the opposite directions into a biofilm, and thus simultaneous chemical oxygen demand (COD) and nitrogen removal can be achieved. However, controlling biofilm thickness, stability, and attachment is challenging. The objectives of this research were to study the effect of oxygen partial pressure on process performance with respect to nitrogen removal and examine the biomass properties in MABRs at different oxygen partial pressures and COD loadings. The conditions within the bioreactors were based on a low hydrodynamic condition (average fluid velocity 22 cm/min along the membrane surface), with the intention of minimizing the impact of the hydrodynamic shear on biomass properties. Simultaneous nitrification and denitrification were achieved in the reactors, and increasing oxygen partial pressure enhanced the total nitrogen removal. The biomass at the membrane-biofilm interface was more porous at a loading of 11.3 kg COD/1000 m2/day (areal porosity about 0.9) as compared with a loading of 22.6 kg COD/1000 m2/day (areal porosity about 0.7), indicating carbon substrate was limiting near the membrane. Long-term (over 30 days) experimental results showed that at the loading of 11.3 kg COD/1000 m2/day, the oxygen partial pressures of 0.59 atm and 0.88 atm caused over 80% of the biomass to become suspended in the bulk phase while at 0.25 atm and 0.41 atm oxygen over 97% of the biomass was immobilized on the membrane. There is a critical oxygen partial pressure that can sustain the biofilm, which increases with an increasing COD loading. The nitrifying population in the reactors was examined by applying fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). At the loading of 22.6 kg COD/1000 m2/day, there were 12% beta-proteobacterial ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and 17%Nitrobacter in homogenized biofilm biomass at 0.59 atm oxygen while there were 7% beta-proteobacterial AOB and 4% Nitrobacter at 0.25 atm oxygen. The ratio of protein to carbohydrate in extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) of the homogenized biomass in the reactor decreased with increasing oxygen partial pressure. Surface characterization of the biomass revealed that the higher the oxygen partial pressure, the lower the biomass hydrophobicity and surface charge. The ratio of EPS protein to carbohydrate in a membrane aerated biofilm decreased when approaching the membrane-biofilm interface. The distribution of nitrifiers and dissolved oxygen profiles inside the biofilm suggested that dual substrate limitations exist, and it was concluded that the membrane aerated biofilm had an aerobic region in the inner layer and an anoxic region in the outer layer. It is proposed that the loss of EPS due to secondary substrate consumption, especially the loss of EPS proteins, at the bottom of the biofilm was responsible for biofilm detachment subjected to a critical oxygen partial pressure.

Tratabilidade de lixiviado de aterro sanitário por reagente de Fenton consorciado com esgoto sanitário em biofiltro aerado submerso / Treatability of landfill leachate by Fenton\'s reagent combined with submerged aerated bioreactor

Fazzio, Araceli Laranjeira 15 April 2014 (has links)
A disposição ambientalmente adequada dos resíduos sólidos em aterros sanitários requer atenção ao tratamento do lixiviado gerado, que atualmente representa um desafio aos engenheiros, técnicos e pesquisadores da área. Esse trabalho avalia a tratabilidade do lixiviado pelo processo oxidativo avançado Reagente de Fenton, seguido por tratamento consorciado com esgoto sanitário em biofiltro aerado submerso. Os ensaios com Reagente de Fenton foram realizados em escala de bancada, com tempo de duração de 70 min por batelada; constatou-se que a razão mássica mais eficiente em termos de remoção de DQO do lixiviado bruto foi de 2:1 (H2O2:Fe II). Os resultados mostraram que esse tratamento reduziu, em média, 62% da DQO do lixiviado bruto. Entretanto, houve acréscimo do teor de sólidos no efluente e formação de lodo. Quanto ao tratamento consorciado com esgoto sanitário, foram utilizados dois biofiltros aerados submersos - reator controle (R1) e reator R2, que recebia 2% de lixiviado tratado por reagente de Fenton - com vazões de 330 mL/h e 450 mL/h, respectivamente, ambos com tempo de detenção hidráulica de 12 h. No período monitorado e considerando as eficiências médias de remoção de DQO de 75% e 70% e de DBO de 95% e 88% nos reatores R1 e R2, respectivamente, não foi possível concluir se houve tratamento do lixiviado ou apenas diluição. Entretanto, foi observado que a adição de lixiviado comprometeu a eficiência de remoção de matéria orgânica na forma de COD, no biofiltro R2. / The environmentally sound disposal of solid waste in landfills requires attention to the treatment of the leachate generated, which currently represents a challenge to the engineers, technicians and researchers. This research assesses the treatability of leachate by advanced oxidation process Fenton\'s reagent, followed by combined treatment with sewage submerged aerated biofilters. Assays with Fenton\'s reagent were performed in a bench scale, with a duration of 70 min per batch, it was found that the most efficient weight ratio in terms of COD removal of crude leachate was 2:1 (H2O2:Fe II). Results shows that treatment decreased on average 62% of the COD of the crude leachate. However, there was an increase of solids in the effluent and sludge formation. As for combination with sewage treatment, two submerged aerated biofilters were used - control reactor (R1) and R2 reactor, which received 2% of treated leachate by Fenton\'s reagent - with flows of 330 mL/h and 450 mL/h, respectively, both with a hydraulic retention time of 12 h. In the monitored period and considering the average COD removal efficiencies of 75% and 70% of BOD and 95% and 88% in the reactors R1 and R2, respectively, it was not possible to conclude whether there was treatment of leachate or just dilution. However, it was observed that the addition of leachate compromised the efficiency of removal of organic material in the form of COD in the biofilter R2.

Influência da taxa de recirculação de lodo no processo de nitrificação em sistema de FBAS precedido de reator UASB. / Influence of sludge recirculation rate in nitrification process in asbf system preceded of uasb reactor.

Chagas, Adalberto Francisco 11 October 2006 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de avaliar o pós-tratamento de um Reator UASB com Filtro Biológico Aerado Submerso, no intuito de verificar sua eficácia na nitrificação, submetendo o mesmo a diferentes taxas de recirculação do lodo do decantador final para a entrada do FBAS. A necessidade do pós-tratamento, deve-se ao fato do efluente do reator UASB, mesmo tendo uma boa eficiência na remoção de matéria orgânica, seu efluente não atende a Legislação ambiental brasileira, logo, o pós-tratamento tem o principal papel de completar a remoção de matéria orgânica, e também efetuar a remoção de nitrogênio amoniacal, que de acordo com a Resolução CONAMA Nº 357, de 17 de março de 2005, o padrão de lançamento é de até 20 mgN/L. Esse estudo foi desenvolvido em unidade de escala piloto, em três regimes distintos de operação, situada no Centro Tecnológico de Hidráulica ? CTH, constituída por um FBAS com um volume útil de 605 L, seguido de decantador, tratando o efluente de um reator UASB de 25 m3. Os três regimes de operação tiveram tempo de duração de 75, 80 e 54 dias, respectivamente, com vazões de alimentação de 500 L/h nos dois primeiros regimes e 200 L/h no regime 3. As taxas de recirculação foram respectivamente 0,2, 0,4 e 0,8, para os regimes 1, 2 e 3. Esses três regimes de operação apresentaram as seguintes taxas de aplicação superficial, respectivamente: DQO (35, 40 e 16 g DQO/m2.dia); DBO (16, 14 e 7 g DBO/m2.dia) e NKT (8,8, 8,7 e 3,1 g NKT/m2.dia). Foram realizadas análises de DBO, DQO, sólidos em suspensão, nitrogênio amoniacal e Kjeldahl, nitrito, nitrato e alcalinidade, onde o regime de operação 3 apresentou os melhores resultados, produzindo um efluente final com as seguintes concentrações médias: 78 mg/L (DQO), 28 mg/L (DBO), 27 mg/L (SST), 12 mg/L (NKT), 10 mg/L (NH3/NH4 +) e 23,4 mg/L (NO3 -). As eficiências de remoção observadas foram: 68% (DQO), 76% (DBO), 79% (SST), 75% (NKT) e 75% (NH3/NH4 +). / This study aimed at to evaluate the post-treatment of UASB reactor with aerated submerged biological filter, with the objective of verifying your effectiveness in the nitrification process, submitting it to different sludge recirculation rates from the final settling tank to the entrance of FBAS. The necessity of the post-treatment is due to the fact of the UASB reactor effluent, although tends a good efficiency in the removal of organic matter, it doesn't to meet the standards of Brazilian environmental legislation, therefore, the post-treatment has the main paper of completing the organic matter removal, and also to ammonia nitrogen removal, that in agreement with the Resolution CONAMA N. 357, of march 17, 2005, the release pattern for this parameter is 20 mgN/L. This study was developed in a pilot plant with three different operational regimes, located in ?Centro Tecnológico de Hidráulica ? CTH?, constituted by a FBAS with an useful volume at 605 L, following by settling tank, treating the effluent from 25 m3 UASB reactor. The three operation regimes had time of duration of 75, 80 and 54 days, respectively, with feeding flows at 500 L/hour in the first two regimes and 200 L/hour in the regime 3. The sludge recirculation rate were 0,2, 0,4 and 0,8, for the regimes 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The three operation regimes introduced these superficial aplication rates, respectively: COD (35, 40 and 16 g COD/m2.day); BOD (16, 14 and 7 g BOD/m2.day) and NKT (8,8, 8,7 and 3,1 g NKT/m2.day). Analyses of parameters were accomplished as BOD, COD, solids in suspension, ammonia nitrogen and total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate and alkalinity, where the operation regime 3 presented the best results, producing a final effluent with these average concentrations: 78 mg/L (COD), 28 mg/L (BOD), 27 mg/L (TSS), 12 mg/L (NKT), 10 mg/L (NH3/NH4 +) and 23,4 mg/L (NO3 -). The observed efficiency removal were: 68% (COD), 76% (BOD), 79% (TSS), 75% (NKT) and 75% (NH3/NH4 +).

Pós-tratamento de efluente de reator anaeróbio em sistema seqüencial constituído de ozonização em processo biológico aeróbio / Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor effluent of post-treatment using oxidation with ozone and submerged aerated biofilter

Lima, Ana Beatriz Barbosa Vinci 22 September 2006 (has links)
O pós-tratamento apresenta-se como uma forma de adequar o efluente de reatores anaeróbios aos requisitos da legislação ambiental e propiciar a proteção dos corpos receptores. O trabalho foi desenvolvido com a finalidade de avaliar a viabilidade técnica da utilização do processo de ozonização quando aplicado a um sistema combinado composto por reator UASB seguido por biofiltro aerado submerso. No sistema foi avaliada a operação de quatro biofiltros, dois com carvão ativado e dois com anéis de polietileno. Para verificar a influência da oxidação com ozônio na biodegrabilidade somente um dos biofiltros preenchidos por cada material suporte recebeu efluente ozonizado. Os menores valores de concentração de DQO foram encontrados nos filtros preenchidos com carvão ativado granular, com valores de até 14,00 mg/L, para os dois tipos de afluentes, ozonizado e não-ozonizado. Contudo, considerando eficiência de remoção de DQO para todo período de operação os biofiltros preenchidos com anéis de polietileno se mostraram mais eficazes, com eficiência de até 80%. Os resultados evidenciaram a ocorrência de nitrificação em todos os sistemas, uma vez que houve consumo de NTK e de alcalinidade, com queda de pH; produção de nitrato. / The post-treatment is presented as an alternative to adjust the effluent of anaerobic reactors to the requirements of the brazilian environmental legislation. The work was developed with the purpose to evaluate the viability of the use of the ozonization process when applied to a system composed by a reactor UASB followed by submerged aerated biofilter. In the system the operation of four biofilters was evaluated, two fillet with granular activated carbon (GAC) and two with polyethylene rings. To check the influence of the oxidation with ozone in biodegradability, only one of the biofilter with each support material received ozonized effluent. The lowest values of DQO concentration had been found in the filters with GAC, with values of up to 14,00 mg/L, for the two types, ozonized and not-ozonized. However, considering the DQO removal efficiency for all operation periods the biofilters with polyethylene rings were more efficient, with efficiency of up to 80%. The results had evidenced the occurrence of nitrification in all the systems, a time that had NTK and alkalinity consumption, with fall of pH and nitrate production.

Tratabilidade de lixiviado de aterro sanitário por reagente de Fenton consorciado com esgoto sanitário em biofiltro aerado submerso / Treatability of landfill leachate by Fenton\'s reagent combined with submerged aerated bioreactor

Araceli Laranjeira Fazzio 15 April 2014 (has links)
A disposição ambientalmente adequada dos resíduos sólidos em aterros sanitários requer atenção ao tratamento do lixiviado gerado, que atualmente representa um desafio aos engenheiros, técnicos e pesquisadores da área. Esse trabalho avalia a tratabilidade do lixiviado pelo processo oxidativo avançado Reagente de Fenton, seguido por tratamento consorciado com esgoto sanitário em biofiltro aerado submerso. Os ensaios com Reagente de Fenton foram realizados em escala de bancada, com tempo de duração de 70 min por batelada; constatou-se que a razão mássica mais eficiente em termos de remoção de DQO do lixiviado bruto foi de 2:1 (H2O2:Fe II). Os resultados mostraram que esse tratamento reduziu, em média, 62% da DQO do lixiviado bruto. Entretanto, houve acréscimo do teor de sólidos no efluente e formação de lodo. Quanto ao tratamento consorciado com esgoto sanitário, foram utilizados dois biofiltros aerados submersos - reator controle (R1) e reator R2, que recebia 2% de lixiviado tratado por reagente de Fenton - com vazões de 330 mL/h e 450 mL/h, respectivamente, ambos com tempo de detenção hidráulica de 12 h. No período monitorado e considerando as eficiências médias de remoção de DQO de 75% e 70% e de DBO de 95% e 88% nos reatores R1 e R2, respectivamente, não foi possível concluir se houve tratamento do lixiviado ou apenas diluição. Entretanto, foi observado que a adição de lixiviado comprometeu a eficiência de remoção de matéria orgânica na forma de COD, no biofiltro R2. / The environmentally sound disposal of solid waste in landfills requires attention to the treatment of the leachate generated, which currently represents a challenge to the engineers, technicians and researchers. This research assesses the treatability of leachate by advanced oxidation process Fenton\'s reagent, followed by combined treatment with sewage submerged aerated biofilters. Assays with Fenton\'s reagent were performed in a bench scale, with a duration of 70 min per batch, it was found that the most efficient weight ratio in terms of COD removal of crude leachate was 2:1 (H2O2:Fe II). Results shows that treatment decreased on average 62% of the COD of the crude leachate. However, there was an increase of solids in the effluent and sludge formation. As for combination with sewage treatment, two submerged aerated biofilters were used - control reactor (R1) and R2 reactor, which received 2% of treated leachate by Fenton\'s reagent - with flows of 330 mL/h and 450 mL/h, respectively, both with a hydraulic retention time of 12 h. In the monitored period and considering the average COD removal efficiencies of 75% and 70% of BOD and 95% and 88% in the reactors R1 and R2, respectively, it was not possible to conclude whether there was treatment of leachate or just dilution. However, it was observed that the addition of leachate compromised the efficiency of removal of organic material in the form of COD in the biofilter R2.

Influência da taxa de recirculação de lodo no processo de nitrificação em sistema de FBAS precedido de reator UASB. / Influence of sludge recirculation rate in nitrification process in asbf system preceded of uasb reactor.

Adalberto Francisco Chagas 11 October 2006 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de avaliar o pós-tratamento de um Reator UASB com Filtro Biológico Aerado Submerso, no intuito de verificar sua eficácia na nitrificação, submetendo o mesmo a diferentes taxas de recirculação do lodo do decantador final para a entrada do FBAS. A necessidade do pós-tratamento, deve-se ao fato do efluente do reator UASB, mesmo tendo uma boa eficiência na remoção de matéria orgânica, seu efluente não atende a Legislação ambiental brasileira, logo, o pós-tratamento tem o principal papel de completar a remoção de matéria orgânica, e também efetuar a remoção de nitrogênio amoniacal, que de acordo com a Resolução CONAMA Nº 357, de 17 de março de 2005, o padrão de lançamento é de até 20 mgN/L. Esse estudo foi desenvolvido em unidade de escala piloto, em três regimes distintos de operação, situada no Centro Tecnológico de Hidráulica ? CTH, constituída por um FBAS com um volume útil de 605 L, seguido de decantador, tratando o efluente de um reator UASB de 25 m3. Os três regimes de operação tiveram tempo de duração de 75, 80 e 54 dias, respectivamente, com vazões de alimentação de 500 L/h nos dois primeiros regimes e 200 L/h no regime 3. As taxas de recirculação foram respectivamente 0,2, 0,4 e 0,8, para os regimes 1, 2 e 3. Esses três regimes de operação apresentaram as seguintes taxas de aplicação superficial, respectivamente: DQO (35, 40 e 16 g DQO/m2.dia); DBO (16, 14 e 7 g DBO/m2.dia) e NKT (8,8, 8,7 e 3,1 g NKT/m2.dia). Foram realizadas análises de DBO, DQO, sólidos em suspensão, nitrogênio amoniacal e Kjeldahl, nitrito, nitrato e alcalinidade, onde o regime de operação 3 apresentou os melhores resultados, produzindo um efluente final com as seguintes concentrações médias: 78 mg/L (DQO), 28 mg/L (DBO), 27 mg/L (SST), 12 mg/L (NKT), 10 mg/L (NH3/NH4 +) e 23,4 mg/L (NO3 -). As eficiências de remoção observadas foram: 68% (DQO), 76% (DBO), 79% (SST), 75% (NKT) e 75% (NH3/NH4 +). / This study aimed at to evaluate the post-treatment of UASB reactor with aerated submerged biological filter, with the objective of verifying your effectiveness in the nitrification process, submitting it to different sludge recirculation rates from the final settling tank to the entrance of FBAS. The necessity of the post-treatment is due to the fact of the UASB reactor effluent, although tends a good efficiency in the removal of organic matter, it doesn't to meet the standards of Brazilian environmental legislation, therefore, the post-treatment has the main paper of completing the organic matter removal, and also to ammonia nitrogen removal, that in agreement with the Resolution CONAMA N. 357, of march 17, 2005, the release pattern for this parameter is 20 mgN/L. This study was developed in a pilot plant with three different operational regimes, located in ?Centro Tecnológico de Hidráulica ? CTH?, constituted by a FBAS with an useful volume at 605 L, following by settling tank, treating the effluent from 25 m3 UASB reactor. The three operation regimes had time of duration of 75, 80 and 54 days, respectively, with feeding flows at 500 L/hour in the first two regimes and 200 L/hour in the regime 3. The sludge recirculation rate were 0,2, 0,4 and 0,8, for the regimes 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The three operation regimes introduced these superficial aplication rates, respectively: COD (35, 40 and 16 g COD/m2.day); BOD (16, 14 and 7 g BOD/m2.day) and NKT (8,8, 8,7 and 3,1 g NKT/m2.day). Analyses of parameters were accomplished as BOD, COD, solids in suspension, ammonia nitrogen and total Kjeldahl nitrogen, nitrite, nitrate and alkalinity, where the operation regime 3 presented the best results, producing a final effluent with these average concentrations: 78 mg/L (COD), 28 mg/L (BOD), 27 mg/L (TSS), 12 mg/L (NKT), 10 mg/L (NH3/NH4 +) and 23,4 mg/L (NO3 -). The observed efficiency removal were: 68% (COD), 76% (BOD), 79% (TSS), 75% (NKT) and 75% (NH3/NH4 +).

Kartläggning och nedbrytning av komplexbildare i ett integrerat kartongbruk / Mapping and degradation of chelating agents in an integrated board mill

Löfgren, Lina, Olsson, Robert January 2006 (has links)
<p>Skoghalls Bruk fick i juni 2005 tillstånd av miljödomstolen att öka kartongproduktionen från 665 000 till 800 000 ton kartong per år. Villkoren för tillståndet var att under en prövotidsperiod bl.a. utreda möjligheten att minska utsläpp till omkringliggande vatten.</p><p>Syftet med examensarbetet var att kartlägga Skoghalls Bruks avloppssystem med avseende på komplexbildarna EDTA (etylendiamintetraättiksyra) och DTPA (dietylentriaminpentaättiksyra), kväve samt fosfor.</p><p>Dessutom genomfördes nedbrytningsförsök i luftade dammar i laboratorieskala.</p><p>För att få en klarare bild av nedbrytningen i Skoghalls Bruks luftade damm gjordes även en molekylviktsfraktionering på inkommande och utgående avloppsvatten.</p><p>Komplexbildare används inom pappers- och massaindustrin för sin förmåga att binda till sig metalljoner som kan vara skadliga i processen. Metalljoner katalyserar nedbrytningen av väteperoxid i blekningen och påskyndar bildandet av aldehyder i kartongen vilket kan leda till lukt- och smakpåverkan.</p><p>EDTA och DTPA anses vara stabila ämnen, vilket innebär att de är biologiskt svårnedbrytbara. Under den litteraturstudie som genomfördes fanns motsägande uppgifter angående nedbrytningen av komplexbildare, där vissa menade att de genomgår biologisk nedbrytning, men att det sker mycket långsamt. Andra påstod att komplexbildare inte bryts ner överhuvudtaget.</p><p>Komplexbildare kan elimineras genom fotokemisk oxidativ nedbrytning. Då EDTA och DTPA bildar komplex med Fe3+ blir de fotokemiskt labila och oxideras till mindre föreningar vid belysning med ultraviolett ljus. Sammanfattningsvis gav litteraturstudien att det mest effektiva sättet att minska komplexbildare i avloppsvatten innan det släpps till recipienten är att UV-bestråla vid optimala förhållanden, dvs. rätt pH och eventuellt tillsats av Fe3+ om det behövs.</p><p>Provtagning av avloppsvatten i Skoghalls Bruks reningsanläggning gjordes under 6 veckor för att kartlägga utsläppen och de olika delströmmarnas bidrag.</p><p>Nedbrytningsförsök genomfördes i två luftade dammar i laboratorieskala. För att studera temperaturens inverkan konstruerades en sommar- och en vinterdamm med temperaturerna 27 respektive 16°C. Efter referensförsöket, som gjordes för att se eventuella skillnader mellan försöken, undersöktes inverkan av ultraviolett ljus på nedbrytningen av komplexbildare. Sedan tillsattes Fe3+ i form av järnklorid i ett försök att öka den fotokemiska nedbrytningen. Alla försök pågick under två veckor vardera.</p><p>I syfte att undersöka partikelstorleksfördelningen före och efter nedbrytning i Skoghalls Bruks luftade damm gjordes en molekylviktsfraktionering. Inkommande och utgående avloppsvatten från dammen ultrafiltrerades och analyserades med avseende på COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), komplexbildare, kväve och fosfor.</p><p>Kartläggningen visade att EDTA bröts ner effektivt i reningsanläggningen medan nedbrytningen av DTPA var obetydlig. EDTA reducerades med 88 % över den luftade dammen.</p><p>Avlopp från kartongmaskinerna samt CTMP-fabriken var de avlopp som innehöll mest EDTA. Största mängden DTPA återfanns i blekerifiltratet och i KM 8:s avlopp.</p><p>Skoghalls Bruk släppte ut komplexbildare motsvarande 0,188 kg/ton kartong, i form av 100 % syra i obunden form, under karteringsperioden vilket var klart lägre än gränsvärdet som är 1,6 kg 100 % syra/ton kartong.</p><p>Kväve reducerades med 67 % över den luftade dammen. Det nuvarande gränsvärdet för kväveutsläpp till recipient är 500 kg/dygn, men ett av målen med prövotidsutredningen är att minska utsläppen till 300 kg/dygn. Enligt resultaten från karteringsperioden var kväveutsläppet 204 kg/dygn vilket uppfyller målet för prövotidsutredningen. Av det totala kväveutsläppet kom 39 kg/dygn från komplexbildare. Utsläppet av kväve från mixeriavloppet var 56 kg/dygn till recipient vilket var klart högre än förväntat.</p><p>Den totala fosforreduceringen över reningsanläggningen var 78 %. Utsläppet av fosfor till recipient var 19 kg/dygn vilket är klart lägre än gränsvärdet som är 50 kg/dygn.</p><p>På grund av komplexbildaranalysens mätosäkerhet var det svårt att få entydiga resultat från laboratorieförsöken. Det fastställdes dock att DTPA var svårare att bryta ner än EDTA och att järntillsats i kombination med ultraviolett ljus gav en positiv effekt på nedbrytningen av båda komplexbildarna. Även nedbrytningen av COD, kväve och fosfor ökade vid järntillsats.</p><p>Att DTPA är svårare att bryta ner än EDTA framkom även av resultaten från molekylviktsfraktioneringen. Det visade sig också att EDTA och DTPA inte är helt vattenlösliga utan kan binda till fast material. Största delen av komplexbildarna fanns dock i fraktionen med partiklar med molekylvikt mindre än 1 kDa. Kväve och fosfor fanns i de låg- och högmolekylära fraktionerna.</p> / <p>In June of 2005 Skoghall Mill got permission from the Environmental Court to increase their production of board from 665 000 tons to 800 000 tons per year. The condition for the permission was to, during a trial period, investigate the possibility to decrease the emissions to the surrounding water. The purpose of this master thesis is to do a mapping of Skoghall Mill’s waste water treatment system regarding the chelating agents EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) and DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid), nitrogen and phosphor.</p><p>Also degradation-trials were made with aerated lagoons in laboratory-scale.</p><p>To get a more complete view of the degradation in Skoghalls Mills aerated lagoon a molecular weight fractionation of the incoming and the outgoing water was made.</p><p>Chelating agents are used in the pulp- and paper industry due to its ability to bind metal-ions which are hazardous for the process. The metal-ions catalyze the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the bleaching process and the forming of aldehydes in the board which can lead to problems with taste and odour.</p><p>EDTA and DTPA are regarded to be very stable, which means that they are hard to degrade biologically. There was contradictory information about the degradation of chelating agents during the literature survey. Some say that chelating agents are degraded biologically but very slowly. Others say that they don’t degrade at all.</p><p>Chelating agents can be eliminated through photochemical oxidative degradation. When EDTA and DTPA form complexes with Fe3+ they become photolabile and oxidize to smaller compounds at illumination with ultraviolet light. To sum up the literature survey, the most efficient way to reduce chelating agents in sewage water before discharge to receiving waters, is UV treatment at optimal conditions i.e., at the right pH and with addition of Fe3+ if necessary.</p><p>The sampling of the waste water in Skoghalls waste water treatment plant was made during 6 weeks to map the emissions and the contribution of the different sub-streams.</p><p>The degradation-trials were made in two aerated lagoons in laboratory-scale. To study the influence of temperature a summer- and a winter-lagoon were made and the temperatures were sat to, respectively, 27 and 16°C. After the reference-trial, which was made to determine possible differences between the trials, the influence of ultraviolet light on degradation of chelating agents were investigated. In an attempt to enhance the photochemical degradation, Fe3+ in the form of ferric chloride was then added. All trials went on for two weeks each.</p><p>In order to investigate the particle size distribution, before and after degradation in Skoghall Mill’s aerated lagoon, a molecule weight fractionation was made. Incoming and outgoing sewage water from the lagoon was ultra-filtrated and analyzed regarding COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), chelating agents, nitrogen and phosphor.</p><p>The mapping showed that EDTA was efficiently degraded in the waste water treatment plant, while degradation of DTPA was insignificant. EDTA was reduced by 88 % trough the aerated lagoon.</p><p>Waste water from the board machines and the CTMP-plant contained the largest amount EDTA. DTPA was recovered mostly in the bleaching filtrate and KM 8’s waste water.</p><p>The emission of chelating agents, counted as acid, from Skoghall Mill during the period of the mapping was 0,188 kg/ton board which is well below the emission limit value of 1,6 kg/ton board.</p><p>Nitrogen was reduced by 67 % through the aerated lagoon. The present emission limit value for nitrogen is 500 kg/day. According to the results from the period of the mapping the emission of nitrogen was 204 kg/day which is well below the emission limit value. The contribution of chelating agents to the nitrogen emission was 39 kg/day. 56 kg nitrogen /day were recovered in the waste water from the causticizing area, which is remarkably higher than expected.</p><p>The total reduction of phosphor through the waste water treatment plant was 78 %. The emission of phosphor to receiving waters was 19 kg/day which is well below the emission limit value of 50 kg/day.</p><p>Due to the insecurity in measurement of chelating agents, it was difficult to retain unambiguous results from the laboratory-trials. However it was determined that DTPA was more difficult to degrade than EDTA and that a combination of ultraviolet light and addition of ferric iron had a favourable effect on the degradation of both chelating agents. Also the degradation of COD, nitrogen and phosphor increased when ferric iron was added.</p><p>The fact that DTPA are more difficult to degrade than EDTA was also stated in molecular weight fractionation. It was also shown that EDTA and DTPA weren’t totally water-soluble but can bind to solid material. The largest amount of chelating agents was recovered in the fraction with particles whose molecular weight is less than 1 kDa. Nitrogen and phosphor were recovered in the low- and high-molecular fractions.</p>

Kartläggning och nedbrytning av komplexbildare i ett integrerat kartongbruk / Mapping and degradation of chelating agents in an integrated board mill

Löfgren, Lina, Olsson, Robert January 2006 (has links)
Skoghalls Bruk fick i juni 2005 tillstånd av miljödomstolen att öka kartongproduktionen från 665 000 till 800 000 ton kartong per år. Villkoren för tillståndet var att under en prövotidsperiod bl.a. utreda möjligheten att minska utsläpp till omkringliggande vatten. Syftet med examensarbetet var att kartlägga Skoghalls Bruks avloppssystem med avseende på komplexbildarna EDTA (etylendiamintetraättiksyra) och DTPA (dietylentriaminpentaättiksyra), kväve samt fosfor. Dessutom genomfördes nedbrytningsförsök i luftade dammar i laboratorieskala. För att få en klarare bild av nedbrytningen i Skoghalls Bruks luftade damm gjordes även en molekylviktsfraktionering på inkommande och utgående avloppsvatten. Komplexbildare används inom pappers- och massaindustrin för sin förmåga att binda till sig metalljoner som kan vara skadliga i processen. Metalljoner katalyserar nedbrytningen av väteperoxid i blekningen och påskyndar bildandet av aldehyder i kartongen vilket kan leda till lukt- och smakpåverkan. EDTA och DTPA anses vara stabila ämnen, vilket innebär att de är biologiskt svårnedbrytbara. Under den litteraturstudie som genomfördes fanns motsägande uppgifter angående nedbrytningen av komplexbildare, där vissa menade att de genomgår biologisk nedbrytning, men att det sker mycket långsamt. Andra påstod att komplexbildare inte bryts ner överhuvudtaget. Komplexbildare kan elimineras genom fotokemisk oxidativ nedbrytning. Då EDTA och DTPA bildar komplex med Fe3+ blir de fotokemiskt labila och oxideras till mindre föreningar vid belysning med ultraviolett ljus. Sammanfattningsvis gav litteraturstudien att det mest effektiva sättet att minska komplexbildare i avloppsvatten innan det släpps till recipienten är att UV-bestråla vid optimala förhållanden, dvs. rätt pH och eventuellt tillsats av Fe3+ om det behövs. Provtagning av avloppsvatten i Skoghalls Bruks reningsanläggning gjordes under 6 veckor för att kartlägga utsläppen och de olika delströmmarnas bidrag. Nedbrytningsförsök genomfördes i två luftade dammar i laboratorieskala. För att studera temperaturens inverkan konstruerades en sommar- och en vinterdamm med temperaturerna 27 respektive 16°C. Efter referensförsöket, som gjordes för att se eventuella skillnader mellan försöken, undersöktes inverkan av ultraviolett ljus på nedbrytningen av komplexbildare. Sedan tillsattes Fe3+ i form av järnklorid i ett försök att öka den fotokemiska nedbrytningen. Alla försök pågick under två veckor vardera. I syfte att undersöka partikelstorleksfördelningen före och efter nedbrytning i Skoghalls Bruks luftade damm gjordes en molekylviktsfraktionering. Inkommande och utgående avloppsvatten från dammen ultrafiltrerades och analyserades med avseende på COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), komplexbildare, kväve och fosfor. Kartläggningen visade att EDTA bröts ner effektivt i reningsanläggningen medan nedbrytningen av DTPA var obetydlig. EDTA reducerades med 88 % över den luftade dammen. Avlopp från kartongmaskinerna samt CTMP-fabriken var de avlopp som innehöll mest EDTA. Största mängden DTPA återfanns i blekerifiltratet och i KM 8:s avlopp. Skoghalls Bruk släppte ut komplexbildare motsvarande 0,188 kg/ton kartong, i form av 100 % syra i obunden form, under karteringsperioden vilket var klart lägre än gränsvärdet som är 1,6 kg 100 % syra/ton kartong. Kväve reducerades med 67 % över den luftade dammen. Det nuvarande gränsvärdet för kväveutsläpp till recipient är 500 kg/dygn, men ett av målen med prövotidsutredningen är att minska utsläppen till 300 kg/dygn. Enligt resultaten från karteringsperioden var kväveutsläppet 204 kg/dygn vilket uppfyller målet för prövotidsutredningen. Av det totala kväveutsläppet kom 39 kg/dygn från komplexbildare. Utsläppet av kväve från mixeriavloppet var 56 kg/dygn till recipient vilket var klart högre än förväntat. Den totala fosforreduceringen över reningsanläggningen var 78 %. Utsläppet av fosfor till recipient var 19 kg/dygn vilket är klart lägre än gränsvärdet som är 50 kg/dygn. På grund av komplexbildaranalysens mätosäkerhet var det svårt att få entydiga resultat från laboratorieförsöken. Det fastställdes dock att DTPA var svårare att bryta ner än EDTA och att järntillsats i kombination med ultraviolett ljus gav en positiv effekt på nedbrytningen av båda komplexbildarna. Även nedbrytningen av COD, kväve och fosfor ökade vid järntillsats. Att DTPA är svårare att bryta ner än EDTA framkom även av resultaten från molekylviktsfraktioneringen. Det visade sig också att EDTA och DTPA inte är helt vattenlösliga utan kan binda till fast material. Största delen av komplexbildarna fanns dock i fraktionen med partiklar med molekylvikt mindre än 1 kDa. Kväve och fosfor fanns i de låg- och högmolekylära fraktionerna. / In June of 2005 Skoghall Mill got permission from the Environmental Court to increase their production of board from 665 000 tons to 800 000 tons per year. The condition for the permission was to, during a trial period, investigate the possibility to decrease the emissions to the surrounding water. The purpose of this master thesis is to do a mapping of Skoghall Mill’s waste water treatment system regarding the chelating agents EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) and DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid), nitrogen and phosphor. Also degradation-trials were made with aerated lagoons in laboratory-scale. To get a more complete view of the degradation in Skoghalls Mills aerated lagoon a molecular weight fractionation of the incoming and the outgoing water was made. Chelating agents are used in the pulp- and paper industry due to its ability to bind metal-ions which are hazardous for the process. The metal-ions catalyze the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in the bleaching process and the forming of aldehydes in the board which can lead to problems with taste and odour. EDTA and DTPA are regarded to be very stable, which means that they are hard to degrade biologically. There was contradictory information about the degradation of chelating agents during the literature survey. Some say that chelating agents are degraded biologically but very slowly. Others say that they don’t degrade at all. Chelating agents can be eliminated through photochemical oxidative degradation. When EDTA and DTPA form complexes with Fe3+ they become photolabile and oxidize to smaller compounds at illumination with ultraviolet light. To sum up the literature survey, the most efficient way to reduce chelating agents in sewage water before discharge to receiving waters, is UV treatment at optimal conditions i.e., at the right pH and with addition of Fe3+ if necessary. The sampling of the waste water in Skoghalls waste water treatment plant was made during 6 weeks to map the emissions and the contribution of the different sub-streams. The degradation-trials were made in two aerated lagoons in laboratory-scale. To study the influence of temperature a summer- and a winter-lagoon were made and the temperatures were sat to, respectively, 27 and 16°C. After the reference-trial, which was made to determine possible differences between the trials, the influence of ultraviolet light on degradation of chelating agents were investigated. In an attempt to enhance the photochemical degradation, Fe3+ in the form of ferric chloride was then added. All trials went on for two weeks each. In order to investigate the particle size distribution, before and after degradation in Skoghall Mill’s aerated lagoon, a molecule weight fractionation was made. Incoming and outgoing sewage water from the lagoon was ultra-filtrated and analyzed regarding COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), chelating agents, nitrogen and phosphor. The mapping showed that EDTA was efficiently degraded in the waste water treatment plant, while degradation of DTPA was insignificant. EDTA was reduced by 88 % trough the aerated lagoon. Waste water from the board machines and the CTMP-plant contained the largest amount EDTA. DTPA was recovered mostly in the bleaching filtrate and KM 8’s waste water. The emission of chelating agents, counted as acid, from Skoghall Mill during the period of the mapping was 0,188 kg/ton board which is well below the emission limit value of 1,6 kg/ton board. Nitrogen was reduced by 67 % through the aerated lagoon. The present emission limit value for nitrogen is 500 kg/day. According to the results from the period of the mapping the emission of nitrogen was 204 kg/day which is well below the emission limit value. The contribution of chelating agents to the nitrogen emission was 39 kg/day. 56 kg nitrogen /day were recovered in the waste water from the causticizing area, which is remarkably higher than expected. The total reduction of phosphor through the waste water treatment plant was 78 %. The emission of phosphor to receiving waters was 19 kg/day which is well below the emission limit value of 50 kg/day. Due to the insecurity in measurement of chelating agents, it was difficult to retain unambiguous results from the laboratory-trials. However it was determined that DTPA was more difficult to degrade than EDTA and that a combination of ultraviolet light and addition of ferric iron had a favourable effect on the degradation of both chelating agents. Also the degradation of COD, nitrogen and phosphor increased when ferric iron was added. The fact that DTPA are more difficult to degrade than EDTA was also stated in molecular weight fractionation. It was also shown that EDTA and DTPA weren’t totally water-soluble but can bind to solid material. The largest amount of chelating agents was recovered in the fraction with particles whose molecular weight is less than 1 kDa. Nitrogen and phosphor were recovered in the low- and high-molecular fractions.

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