Spelling suggestions: "subject:"afrikaanse history""
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'n Ondersoek na Afrikaanse beskouings oor die kortverhaal met besondere verwysing na enkele nuwer Afrikaanse verhaleDu Toit, P A January 1974 (has links)
Dit is reeds deur andere gese: dat die "vernuwing van Sestig" in die Afrikaanse prosa die Afrikaanse prosakritiek tot bestekname gedwing het soos die vernuwing in die poësie van Dertig die kritiek van daardie tyd. En waar die vernuwing in die prosa ook op die gebied van die kort prosakuns so duidelik op die voorgrond was, kan daar wel gevra word: hoe geldig is die teorieDit is reeds deur andere gess: dat die "vernuwing van Sestig" in die Afrikaanse prosa die Afrikaanse prosakritiek tot bestekname gedwing het soos die vernuwing in die poesie van Dertig die kritiek van daardie tyd. 2 En waar die vernuwing in die prosa ook op die gebied van die kort prosakuns so duidelik op die voorgrond was, kan daar wel gevra word: hoe geldig is die teorieë wat in Afrikaans so eksplisit oor die "kortverhaal" opgestel is vir die nuwer Afrikaanse verhaalkuns? en daarby: hoe geldig is die nuwer, meer teksgerigte beskouings in Afrikaans? Die vraag is die kern van die huidige studie.
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Kindgerigte taal in Afrikaanse kinderboeke07 October 2015 (has links)
M.A. (Afrikaans Nederlands) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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Sosiohistoriese en sosiolinguistiese aspekte van die leksikale veranderinge van die 1936- en 2001-psalmomdigtings08 January 2009 (has links)
M.A. / The time between the rhyming of the Psalms in 1936 and the subsequent rhyming thereof in 2001 is approximately 70 years. From 1936 to 2001 society has undergone drastic change. Such societal change normally influences language use and structure and brings about incremental and subtle changes in the language, resulting in new meaning being given to words and phrases in the new societal context. Such changes are mostly found in the lexicon of the relevant language. The lexicon is the medium of transmitting meaning, and if the meaning of the lexical item has changed in subsequent generations to the extent that the speakers of one generation do not understand the previous generation, it has become indicative of extensive modification of the language. The singing of the Psalms is historically associated with the accuracy of meaning transmitted by the Scripture by means of user-friendly language usage. Standardised use of language is always linked to aging and closely linked to the progress of time. The renewing of an aging language is important for subsequent generations to facilitate meaningful interpretative singing of the Psalms. However, the renewal of the religious register of the Psalms should always meet the rigorous test of accuracy to the Scripture as Calvin laid it down as a primary prerequisite during the Reformation. Because of the aging of language, as is the case with Afrikaans, the 1936 rhyming of the Psalms was done to facilitate the changes in the normal use of the language and to bring it closer to the la nguage then in use. In this way the standardisation of the language used in the rhyming of the Psalms was established, in accordance with the normal use of standard Afrikaans. During the past 70 odd years the religious register of Afrikaans aged again and resulted in the need for a new rhyming of the Psalms in accordance with the changed register of the language. This resulted in the 2001 rhyming of the Psalms and other Scripture-related hymns, attempting to bridge the gap between the register of formal religion and contemporary language. Using the DE-method, the psalmographer eliminated lexical items with a low frequency of use from the religious register as understanding of and access to these items by the user of the Psalm have become limited. Lexical items with a high frequency of use were selected and these words have moved into the current religious register. Changes in a language are subject to social forces and tensions. The forces of the changing modern society have led to the need to establish a new rhyme to the Psalms. Thus the formal reformative religious register was removed from the Psalms and replaced by the 2001 rhyme, which is representative of current language usage. The use of the new register is successful in the effective transfer of meaning as the essence of the Scripture was retained. Notwithstanding the loss of the archaic expressions of the 1936 rhyme in the 2001 version, the presence and expansion of meaning of core information is very much evident in the 2001 rhyme. By elimination of the great amount of archaic lexical expressions from the 1936 rhyme from the 2001 version, a clear movement in the reformative religious register of Afrikaans was executed. The social influence of the unsatisfactory acquisition of lexical items by the younger generation, pushing out the older form from the register, is very much evident in the register of the Psalms. The 2001 rhyme accelerates the process of elimination of such archaic und inaccessible lexical items from the register. The empirical study indicates the fact that many such archaic forms are already passive in especially the older generation and that active use of such archaic items has disappeared. The study furthermore indicates that Afrikaans contains enough synonyms to facilitate an effective transfer of meaning in such a new rhyme. These synonyms are established and standardised lexical items functioning as common language since the new translation of the Bible in Afrikaans (1983). The changes in language are subject to linguistic forces. Simplification is the most prominent linguistic force that manifests itself in the 2001 rhyme of the Psalms. Simplification makes it easier to understand the core content of the psalms and makes it accessible to all speakers of Afrikaans. Simplification is not only the decrease of lexical items in the language but includes adding difficult or expanded forms that bring balance to the process of change in the language. This adds value to the lexicon, as the items chosen for the rhyme are taken from the language register in its current form. The process is also in a sense held back by the fact that some items from the 1936 rhyme are still used in the 2001 version, putting a constraint on the development of the relevant lexicon. The modification of a language through simplification is mainly the result of reduction and expansion. The skills of the psalmographer resulted in both expansion and reduction as linguistic elements being present in the 2001 rhyme. The empirical study has shown tha t the psalmographer has not used the available synonyms. Instead, the psalmographer has used a total new approach by using a selection of techniques in the 2001 rhyme. These techniques focus on a tight use of specific rhyme patterns evident in the Psalms and its concomitant language usage resulting in extending the understanding of the psalms by the reader. This has also led to the effective communication by means of the reformative religious register. The psalmographer succeeded in creating a unique psa lm register and treasure. By virtue of their imbedded sacral element religious registers are strongly preservative factors preventing the acceptance and change of common language. Acceptance of the 2001 rhyme has already taken place as the rhyme is based on sound Scriptural principles, convincing the reformist reader of the Psalms of its truthfulness and credibility. The use of the accepted common language as already manifested in the new translation of the Bible (1983) also contributes to the acceptance of the 2001 rhyme. This is further reinforced by the appearance of common language usage in authoritative dictionaries presenting such lexicon items as standardised Afrikaans in a rapidly changing society. Intense language transformation is present in the Afrikaans lexicon. Observing the presence of intense change in the most conservative register of a language, that of religion emphasises the intensity of the social and linguistic powers at work in Afrikaans.
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Meerstemmigheid as verteltegniek in enkele tekste van Hennie AucampSnyman, Francina 15 July 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Afrikaans) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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Beatrix Potter se kinderverhale in Afrikaans : 'n funksionele ekwivalering van enkele bron- en doeltaakteksteTaljaard, Susanna Hendrina 05 August 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Linguistics) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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Vernuwing van maatskaplike norme as tema in afrikaanse jeuliteratuur vanaf 1985 tot 1995.Shezi, B. K. January 1999 (has links)
Dissertasie ingehandig by die Faculty of Arts ter vervulling van die vereistes vir die graad Magister Artium in Afrikaans aan die Universiteit van Zululand, South Africa, 1999. / Hierdie studie behels ‘n ondersoek na jeugliteratuur, wat gesien word as verhale met eiesoortige kenmerke wat moet voldoen aan die sielkundige behoeftes van die tiener. Die doelwit is 'n ondersoek na die vernuwing van maatskaplike norme in Afrikaanse jeugliteratuur vanaf 1985 tot 1995. Hoewel maatskaplike norme ‘n sisteem vorm wat as gehee! deur die lede van die samelewing beheer moet word, kan die verhouding tussen verskillende rassegroepe uitgesonder word as die maatskaplike norm wat vir dekades ln groot bron van probleme in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing was, en nog steeds nie volkome opgelos is nie. Daar word dan in hierdie studie gekyk na die uitbeelding van die verhouding tussen verskillende rassegroepe in Afrikaanse jeugliteratuur, en die hipotese wat getoets word, is dat die veranderde norme in die samelewing gereflekteer sal word in literatuur vir jongmense ten einde hulle te help om as volwaardige volwassenes op te tree.
Daar word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat daar nie in enigeen van die verhale wat ontleed is, enige negatiewe rassistiese voorstellings van swart of ander karakters op grand van rasseverskille voorkom nie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing word uitgebeeld as ongemtegreerd en daar word ook erkenning gegee aan die feit dat daar grense en ongelykhede bestaan tussen mense op grand van politieke en sosiale faktore. Daar word egter ook aan die ander kant erkenning gegee aan die nadelige gevolge van hierdie politieke stelsel, en dit is vera! belangrik dat karakters uit verskillende rasse- en sosiale groepe as innerlik gelykwaardig uitgebeeld word. Daar word klem gele op die sielsgenootskap tussen mense en die feit dat ons almal op die psigiese vlak dieselfde probleme en behoeftes het, en dat mense, ongeag hulle velkleur, mekaar kan help in die groeiproses tot groter lewenskennis en selfinsig.
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'n Polisistemiese ondersoek na veranderinge in die Afrikaanse kinderliteratuur-sisteem sedert 1990Oosthuizen, Mia Magriet 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Afrikaans children's literature has long been neglected in the Afrikaans literary polysystem and has been considered inferior by numerous figures, especially litterateurs. The negative effect of this attitude has been a shortage of academic studies on Afrikaans children's literature, the marginalised position of the genre in the Afrikaans literary canon and the absence of a general literary definition of "children's literature". The 1990’s see the dawn of a new democratic era in South Africa and a subsequent revival of the system of Afrikaans children's literature. However, despite this revival and growth, there is still a shortage of dedicated research into this genre.
This thesis details the changes in the children's literature system that has occurred since 1990, by way of a polysystemic approach. The polysystem theory, as developed by Itamar-Even Zohar, serves as foundation for this study. Questions around genres, subgenres and problems surrounding the umbrella term "youth literature" are addressed. The age group of the readers of children's book are defined and a general definition of the children's literature genre is formulated. Based on this definition, ten academic studies since 1990, all of which are devoted specifically to children's literature, are identified and discussed. A historical overview of the development of Afrikaans children's literature is presented to support the choice of 1990 in the scope of the literature review.
It is shown that the events that lead to the changes since 1990 are generally attributable to the political changes in South Africa that lead to the first democratic election in 1994. These changes in the different social and political systems are related to the changes in the children's literature system. It is further shown that these changes are reflected in the children's book itself, and are discussed in terms of the clear trends that emerge in children's literature and children's books since 1990. These trends are illustrated by an examination of six relevant publications. A literary definition of the term "children’s literature" is presented. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Afrikaanse kinderliteratuur is vir lank as die stiefkind in die Afrikaanse literêre polisisteem behandel en is deur verskeie rolspelers, veral literatore, as minderwaardig beskou. Negatiewe gevolge wat hieruit spruit, is onder andere 'n tekort aan akademiese studies oor Afrikaanse kinderliteratuur, die genre se marginale posisie in die literêre kanon en gebrek aan 'n algemene en letterkundige definisie van die term "kinderliteratuur." Teen die 1990's breek daar 'n nuwe era van demokrasie in Suid-Afrika aan en is daar gepaardgaande herlewing in die Afrikaanse kinderliteratuur-sisteem. Ten spyte van hierdie herlewing en groei wat by Afrikaanse kinderliteratuur plaasvind, is daar steeds 'n tekort aan navorsing wat spesifiek oor hierdie genre gedoen word.
In hierdie tesis word die veranderinge wat sedert 1990 in die kinderliteratuur-sisteem plaasgevind het, ondersoek aan die hand van die polisisteem-benadering. Die polisisteemteorie, soos ontwikkel deur Itamar Even-Zohar, dien as teoretiese grondslag van hierdie studie. Kwessies omtrent genres, subgenres en probleme rakende die gebruik van die sambreelterm "jeugliteratuur" word bespreek. Die ouderdomsgroep van die kinderboek-lesers word afgebaken en 'n algemene definisie vir die genre kinderliteratuur word geformuleer. Na aanleiding van die algemene definisie van kinderliteratuur word tien akademiese studies geïdentifiseer en bespreek wat sedert 1990 verskyn het en spesifiek handel oor kinderliteratuur. As deel van die motivering vir die gebruik van 1990 as afbakening van die ondersoeksveld, word 'n historiese oorsig oor die ontwikkeling van Afrikaanse kinderliteratuur ook gebied.
Daar word getoon dat die gebeure wat aanleiding gegee het tot die veranderinge wat sedert 1990 plaasgevind het, grootliks gekoppel kan word aan die politieke veranderinge wat tot die eerste demokratiese verkiesing in 1994 in Suid-Afrika gelei het. Hierdie veranderinge in die verskillende sosiale en politieke sisteme word in verband gebring met die veranderinge in die kinderliteratuur-sisteem. Daar word ook getoon dat die verskillende veranderinge neerslag vind in die kinderboek. Hierdie veranderinge word bespreek na aanleiding van die tendense wat in die Afrikaanse kinderboek waargeneem kan word. Die tendense word aan die hand van 'n steekproef van 6 kinderboeke geïllustreer. 'n Letterkundige definisie van die genre kinderliteratuur word aangebied.
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Die fantastiese as literêre soort, met spesifieke verwysing na die oeuvre's van Etienne Leroux en Willem BrakmanDe Vries, Mimie Naudene 13 October 2015 (has links)
M.A. (Afrikaans en Nederlands) / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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Die uitbeelding van die vrou in 'n aantal bekroonde Afrikaanse jeugboeke : 'n leserkundige studieDe Villiers, Christina Magrietha 15 September 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (Information Science) / Although the influence of literature cannot be determined exactly, it is generally accepted that it can influence attitudes and values and therefore play an important role in the socializing process of the adolescent. One of the most important processes the adolescent undergoes is the development of his/her sex role through socialization, within the context of the family and society at large. In addition the traditional role of women through the ages has undergone such substantial changes that women play an increasingly important part in society. The modern woman can attain self-realization and self-expression through marriage, motherhood and a career. The problem addressed in this research, is whether the portrayal of women in available youth literature is a realistic reflection of society at a particular point. The ideal is that the attitudes that are projected are not biased toward either of the sexes and that boys as well as girls may develop to their full potential within the prescribed boundaries of their sex roles. Because of the feminist interest, much research has been done since the sixties and seventies regarding sexism in children's and youth literature. Virtually throughout, the findings of these investigations showed that the female characters are portrayed as passive stereotypes. The portrayal of women in literature awarded with the Scheepers Prize for Afrikaans youth literature is investigated in this research.
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"Between the walls of Jasper, in the streets of gold" : the deconstruction of Afrikaner mythology in Marlene van Niekerk's triomfDu Plessis, Aletta Catharina 07 1900 (has links)
Triomf explores the distortion of the national Afrikaner identity as a result of apartheid. This
dissertation aims to demonstrate how van Niekerk deconstructs the Afrikaner through myths,
stories, symbols, intertextuality and Derridean deconstruction. The Benades represent the
Afrikaner on three levels: the personal, the national and the primordial. Since the Benades are
primordial, Van Niekerk is able to use the archetypes of Jung’s collective unconscious to
deconstruct the archetypal mythological structures Afrikaner nationalists used to develop identity
and unity. The archetypes deconstructed are Spirit, the Great Mother, Re-birth, the Trickster, the
Physical Hearth and the Sacred Fire. Afrikaner myths deconstructed include the Great Trek, the
family, the patriarch, the matriarch, the future of a white Afrikaner nation and the binding
character of Afrikaans as white national language. Van Niekerk undermines the plaasroman of the
1920s and 1930s, as the Afrikaner’s national identity was constituted and deconstructed in literature. / English / M.A. (English)
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