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Aggregate Packing Characteristics of Asphalt MixturesMohammadreza Pouranian (7860779) 22 November 2019 (has links)
in the mineral aggregate (VMA), as a main volumetric design parameter in the
Superpave mixture design method, is an important factor to ensure asphalt
mixture durability and rutting performance. Moreover, an asphalt mixture’s
aggregate skeleton, related to VMA, is another important factor that affects
critical asphalt mixture properties such as durability, workability,
permeability, rutting, and cracking resistance. The objective of this study is to
evaluate the effects of aggregate size distribution and shape parameters on
aggregate packing characteristics (volumetric and compaction properties) of
asphalt mixtures. Three tasks were undertaken to reach this goal. </a></p>
<p>The first task was to propose an analytical
approach for estimating changes in voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA) due to
gradation variation and determining the relevant aggregate skeleton
characteristics of asphalt mixtures using the linear-mixture packing model, an
analytical packing model that considers the mechanisms of particle packing,
filling and occupation. Application of the linear-mixture packing model to
estimate the VMA of asphalt mixtures showed there is a high correlation between
laboratory measured and model estimated values. Additionally, the model defined
a new variable, the central particle size of asphalt mixtures that characterized
an asphalt mixture’s aggregate skeleton. Finally, the proposed analytical model
showed a significant potential to be used in the early stages of asphalt
mixture design to determine the effect of aggregate gradation changes on VMA
and to predict mixture rutting performance.</p>
<p>As the second task, a framework to define and
understand the aggregate structure of asphalt mixtures was proposed. To develop
this framework, an analytical model for binary mixtures was proposed. The model
considers the effect of size ratio and air volume between the particles on the
aggregate structure and packing density of binary mixtures. Based on this
model, four aggregate structures, namely coarse pack (CP), coarse-dense pack (CDP),
fine-dense pack (FDP) and fine pack (FP), were defined. The model was validated
using a series of 3D discrete element simulation. Furthermore, the simulation
of multi-sized aggregate blends using two representative sizes for fine and
coarse stockpiles was carried out to apply the proposed analytical model to
actual aggregate blends. The numerical simulations verified the proposed
analytical model could satisfactorily determine the particle structure of
binary and multi-sized asphalt mixture gradations and could, therefore, be used
to better design asphalt mixtures for improved performance. </p>
<p>The third task virtually investigated the
effect of shape characteristics of coarse aggregates on the compactability of
asphalt mixtures using a discreet element method (DEM). The 3D particles were
constructed using a method based on discrete random fields’ theory and
spherical harmonic and their size distribution in the container was controlled
by applying a constrained Voronoi tessellation (CVT) method. The effect of fine
aggregates and asphalt binder was considered by constitutive Burger’s
interaction model between coarse particles.
Five aggregate shape descriptors including flatness, elongation,
roundness, sphericity and regularity and, two Superpave gyratory compactor
(SGC) parameters (initial density at N<sub>ini</sub> and compaction slope) were
selected for investigation and statistical analyses. Results revealed that
there is a statistically significant correlation between flatness, elongation,
roundness, and sphericity as shape descriptors and initial density as
compaction parameter. Also, the results showed that the maximum percentage of
change in initial density is 5% and 18% for crushed and natural sands,
respectively. The results of analysis discovered that among all particle shape
descriptors, only roundness and regularity had a statistically significant
relation with compaction slope, and as the amount of roundness and regularity
increase (low angularity), the compaction slope decreases. Additionally, the
effect of flat and elongated (F&E) particles percentage in a mixture using
a set of simulations with five types of F&E particles (dimensional ratios
1:2, 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5) and ten different percentage (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40,
50, 80 and 100) with respect to a reference mixture containing particles with
flatness and elongation equal to 0.88 was conducted. Results indicated that
increase of F&E particles in a mixture (more than 15%) results in a
significant reduction in the initial density of the mixture especially for
lower dimensional ratio (1:4 and 1:5). <b><i></i></b></p>
<p> </p>
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Vliv organických látek produkovaných fytoplanktonem na charakter agregátů tvořených koagulací/flokulací při úpravě vody / The influence of algal organic matter on the character of aggregates formed during the coagulation/flocculation process in drinking water treatmentFilipenská, Monika January 2017 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá studiem vlivu kaolinitových ástic (reprezentujících látky tvo ící zákal vody) a peptidové/proteinové složky COM (Cellular Organic Matter) produkovaných sinicí Microcystis aeruginosa na velikost, strukturu a tvar tvo ených agregát v prom nných hydrodynamických podmínkách (gradientu rychlosti) p i úprav vody. Agregace probíhala v Taylor-Couettov reaktoru. Koagulace vybraných typ zne iš ujících p ím sí (kaolinitové ástice, COM peptidy/proteiny a jejich sm s) probíhala pomocí síranu hlinitého a síranu železitého. Vzniklé agregáty byly hodnoceny ve fázi homogenní velikosti (steady state) po 60 min míchání pomocí ukazatel : velikost (polom r) agregát , fraktální dimenze D2 a Dpf a velikostní distribuce. Bylo zjišt no, že velikost agregát je závislá na typu koagula ního inidla, typu koagulované p ím si a aplikovaném gradientu rychlosti. S rostoucím gradientem rychlosti se velikost agregát zmenšuje. Železité koagula ní inidlo produkuje v tší agregáty než hlinité koagula ní inidlo. Podle p ím si roste velikost agregát v po adí kaolinit < COM < kaolinit + COM. Struktura agregát se stává kompaktn jší s gradientem rychlosti. P i použití hlinitého koagula ního inidla vznikají ve srovnání s inidlem železitým kompaktn jší agregáty (mají vyšší hodnotu D2). Kompaktnost agregát klesá v po adí...
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Real Time Investigations of Aggregation of Sulfur-Rich AsphalteneHammond, Christian B. 01 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Ecologie spatiale des espèces arborescentes de la Réserve Forestière de Yoko: structure spatiale et mise en évidence des facteurs écologiques responsables, Ubundu, Province Orientale, R.D. Congo / Spatial ecology of tree species Yoko Forest Reserve: spatial structure and highlighting the ecological factors responsible, Ubundu, Eastern Province, DR CongoKumba Lubemba, Sylvain 16 June 2015 (has links)
Les forêts tropicales renferment des peuplements arborescents dont la gestion et l’aménagement nécessitent des connaissances sur leur organisation spatiale et leur dynamique. Les analyses de la structure spatiale des espèces arborescentes peuvent être utilisées en forêts naturelles pour identifier les mécanismes sous-jacents qui structurent les peuplements forestiers afin d’améliorer la compréhension des relations entre les espèces. Cette étude a été menée dans la Réserve Forestière de Yoko (RFY) aux environs de Kisangani à l’est de la RD Congo (R.D.C). Elle consiste à analyser la structure spatiale horizontale des espèces les plus abondantes et à tenter d’identifier, à l’échelle locale, les facteurs et/ou processus écologiques potentiellement explicatifs pour en retirer des enseignements utiles à la gestion des massifs forestiers situés à proximité de Kisangani. <p>Pour ce faire, une parcelle d’échantillonnage de 25 ha (500m 500m) a été délimitée dans le bloc sud de la RFY constitué d’une végétation ligneuse mixte et semi-décidue. Un inventaire forestier a permis d’analyser la composition floristique et structurale de la zone. Trois techniques (ou modèles statistiques) relevant de l’écologie spatiale pour l’analyse de la structure horizontale des espèces ont été utilisées :la méthode du voisin le plus proche de Clark & Evans (1954), la méthode d’échantillonnage aléatoire de Hines & Hines (1979), ces deux méthodes reposant sur une analyse à échelle unique de la parcelle d’étude, et la méthode de Ripley (1977) permettant non seulement une analyse multi-échelle mais aussi l’étude des relations intra et interspécifiques. Concernant ce point précis, les arbres ont été catégorisés en trois stades de développement sur la base de leurs diamètres (les jeunes, les immatures et les adultes). Une analyse comparative et théorique des trois méthodes a été effectuée. <p>Un total de 169 espèces appartenant à 36 familles dont 114 genres ont été identifiées, et la famille des Fabaceae dont la majorité des espèces appartiennent à la sous famille des Caesalpinioideae est apparue prépondérante. Trois espèces se sont révélées les plus abondantes et les plus représentatives du peuplement, et ont pour cette raison fait l’objet de toutes les analyses :Gilbertiodendron dewevrei J. Léonard (De Wild), Scorodophloeus zenkeri Harms et Uapaca guineensis Mull. Arg. Elles ont toutes les trois montré une structure agrégée, et cela à toutes les échelles d’analyse. Les agrégats observés présentent un rayon d’environ 25 m de distance. L’analyse en fonction du diamètre a indiqué une structure agrégée pour les plus petits diamètres et régulière pour les plus grands, et que l’agrégation diminue avec le diamètre. Les résultats montrent également que les structures spatiales observées dépendent de l’échelle d’analyse considérée et de la méthode utilisée. La méthode de Clark & Evans est sensible à la variation de l’étendue. À cet égard, l’échantillonnage aléatoire de Hines & Hines est apparu plus adaptée que celui de Clark & Evans. Les fonctions de Ripley et dérivées sont des outils efficaces et apportent plus d’information. Les analyses ont montré des associations positives entre G. dewevrei et S. zenkeri, ainsi qu’entre G. dewevrei et U. guineensis. Par contre, une indépendance a été constatée entre S. zenkeri et U. guineensis. Il apparaît également que les jeunes sont associés positivement aux adultes supposés reproducteurs, et que les immatures sont indépendants par rapport aux adultes. La dispersion faible ou limitée des graines à proximité des arbres parents en est le principal facteur endogène responsable. Ce facteur explique également les associations positives entre les jeunes et les adultes de la même espèce. La compétition entre des individus pour les besoins en espace, en lumière ou en nutriments dans le sol, explique la structure régulière observée ainsi que l’indépendance des immatures envers les adultes. La dispersion limitée n’est cependant pas le seul facteur explicatif de l’agrégation spatiale des arbres, d’autres facteurs tels que l’hétérogénéité environnementale (sol, topographie,…) ou la perturbation sont vraisemblablement aussi impliqués. La perturbation anthropique ou naturelle est un processus écologique qui devrait avoir joué un rôle déterminant dans l’organisation spatiale des communautés de la forêt. Combinée au phénomène de masting, aux effets de Janzen-Connell et aux ectomycorhizes, elle est très probablement à la base des structures spatiales et des relations spatiales observées entre les espèces de la RFY. / Tropical forests contain tree-stands with management and planning requires knowledge of their spatial organization and dynamics. Analyses of the spatial structure of tree species can be used in natural forests to identify the underlying mechanisms that structure of forest stands to improve the understanding of the relationships between species. This study was conducted in the Yoko Forest Reserve (YFR) around Kisangani in eastern DR Congo (DRC). It is to analyze the horizontal spatial structure of the most abundant species and to try to identify, on a local scale, factors and / or potentially explicative ecological processes to draw valuable lessons for the management of forest areas nearby Kisangani. <p>To do this, a sample plot of 25 ha (500m x 500m) was delineated in the southern block of the YFR consists of a mixed woody vegetation and semi-deciduous. A forest inventory was used to analyze the floristic and structural composition of the area. Three techniques (or statistical models) under spatial ecology for the analysis of the horizontal structure of the species were used: the nearest neighbor method of Clark & Evans (1954), the random sampling method Hines & Hines (1979), these two methods based on a single scale analysis of the study plot, and the method of Ripley (1977) allows not only a multi-scale analysis, but also the study of intra- and inter-relationships. Regarding this point, the trees were categorized into three stages of development on the basis of their diameters (young, immature and adult). A comparative and theoretical analysis of the three methods was performed. <p>A total of 169 species belonging to 36 families with 114 genera have been identified and the family Fabaceae which the majority of species belong to the subfamily Caesalpinioideae appeared decisive. Three species have proved the most abundant and the most representative of the stand, and for this reason the subject of all analyzes Gilbertiodendron dewevrei J. Léonard (De Wild) Scorodophloeus zenkeri Harms and Uapaca guineensis Mull. Arg. They all three showed an aggregated structure, and that all scales of analysis. Observed aggregates have a radius of about 25 m distance. The analysis based on the diameter indicated an aggregated structure for smaller diameters and regular for larger and that aggregation decreases with diameter. The results also show that the observed spatial structures depend on the considered analysis of scale and the method used. The method of Clark & Evans is sensitive to the variation in the extent. In this regard, the random sampling of Hines & Hines appeared more suitable than that of Clark & Evans. Ripley's functions and derivatives are effective tools and provide more information. Analyses showed positive associations between G. dewevrei and S. zenkeri, and between G. dewevrei and U. guineensis. By against, independence was found between S. zenkeri and U. guineensis. It also appears that young people are positively associated with the supposed breeding adults and immatures are independent compared to adults. The low or limited seed dispersal near parent trees is the main endogenous factor responsible. This factor also explains the positive associations between youth and adults of the same species. The competition between individuals to space requirements, light or nutrients in the soil, explains the observed regular structure and the independence of immature towards adults. Limited dispersal, however, is not the only factor explaining the spatial aggregation trees, other factors such as environmental heterogeneity (soil, topography, ) or disturbance are probably also involved. Anthropogenic or natural disturbance is an environmentally friendly process that should have played a decisive role in the spatial organization of forest communities. Combined with masting phenomenon, the effects of Janzen-Connell and Ectomycorrhizae, it is very probably the basis of spatial structures and spatial relationships observed between species of the YFR.<p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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