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An epidemiological investigation of respiratory disease in racehorsesWood, James Lionel Norman January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Sedated Versus Non-Sedated Methacholine Challenge for the Diagnosis of Airway Hyper-Responsiveness in HorsesLack, Amy Catherine 03 May 2019 (has links)
Pasture-associated severe equine asthma (EPA) is a progressive condition affecting horses in the southeastern United States. Pulmonary function testing with methacholine challenge (MC) provides a definitive diagnosis by eliciting airway hyper-responsiveness. Most horses require extensive conditioning to accept the instrumentation. Our hypothesis was that MC protocols designed to elicit airway hyper-responsiveness would yield equivalent results in the presence and absence of sedation. Sedated and unsedated MCs were performed on 8 EPA-affected horses, with each horse acting as its own control. Acepromazine was superior to xylazine/butorphanol, resulting in sedation and data collection. Based on American Thoracic Society guidelines, an acceptable ability to detect differences in lung resistance is less than a twofold difference in the provocative concentration of methacholine that elicited a 40% increase in lung resistance (PC40RL). Significant differences in PC40RL were not detected. Validation of a sedation protocol for use in MC will expand the application of this diagnostic.
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Die Bedeutung der oberen Atemwege bei zystischer Fibrose – Pathomechanismen, Monitoring und TherapieHentschel, Julia 12 October 2021 (has links)
Zusammenfassung der Habilitationsschrift von Dr. rer. nat. Julia Hentschel mit dem Titel:
„Die Bedeutung der oberen Atemwege bei zystischer Fibrose – Pathomechanismen,
Monitoring und Therapie“, Universität Leipzig
Lange Jahre standen rezidivierende Infekte der Lunge und Gedeihstörung durch
Maldigestion als lebensbegrenzende Symptome eines Patienten mit Mukoviszidose
(Cystische Fibrose/CF) im Vordergrund. Das Hauptaugenmerk in der Diagnostik und Therapie
von CF-Patienten lag daher zumeist auf den unteren Atemwegen bzw. dem Verdauungstrakt.
Verbesserte Therapiemöglichkeiten und eine erhebliche Steigerung der Lebenserwartung
brachten andere Symptome in den klinischen und wissenschaftlichen Fokus. Seit 2005
untersuchen wir systematisch die Rolle der oberen Atemwege bei Patienten mit CF, indem
wir bei jeder Routinevorstellung Material der oberen Atemwege nicht-invasiv gewinnen,
analysieren und asservieren. Wir konnten Methoden etablieren, um nasale Lavagen mit
wenig Aufwand auch für große Studien einfach und schnell zu gewinnen und zu asservieren.
Wir konnten zeigen, dass sich diese nasalen Lavagen eignen, um eine Besiedlung mit
Pathogenen zu erfassen und die resultierende inflammatorische Wirtsantwort zu
untersuchen. Wir konnten erstmals beweisen, dass die oberen Atemwege ein Keimreservoir
darstellen und von dort aus Keime die Lunge (wieder) besiedeln können. Dies fand Eingang
in aktuelle Leitlinien zur Mukoviszidosebetreuung und Lungentransplantation und hat
Einfluss auf den Erfolg dieses ohnehin schon stark risikobehafteten Eingriffs. CF ist eine
Erkrankung, bei der häufig eine überschießende Entzündungsreaktion beobachtet wird.
Unsere Studien legten dabei den Schluss nahe, dass in den oberen Atemwegen andere
Imbalancen eine Rolle spielen als in den unteren Atemwegen und sich daraus auch
unterschiedliche therapeutische Ansätze ergeben könnten. Weiterhin konnten wir
verdeutlichen, dass sich auch der Einfluss therapeutischer Interventionen in den
Inflammationsmediatoren der oberen Atemwege widerspiegelt. Eine wichtige Erkenntnis
daraus war, dass v.a. systemische Antibiosen deutlich langsamer und/oder schlechter in den
Nasennebenhöhlen und den oberen Atemwegen wirken als auf die unteren und dass hier ein
Umdenken in der antibiotischen Therapie der oberen Atemwege erfolgen muss. Unsere
Studien beweisen einmal mehr das Kontinuum der Atemwege von der Nasenspitze über die
paranasalen Sinus bis in die distalen Alveolen und dass ein gutes Therapiekonzept immer das
große Ganze im Blick haben sollte. Schlussendlich stellt die CF hier ein Modellsystem dar.
Viele unserer Erkenntnisse können auch Nicht-CF-Patienten mit Erkrankungen der oberen
Atemwege zugutekommen.
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The importance of central airway dilatation in patients with bronchiolitis obliterans / 閉塞性細気管支炎患者における中枢気管支拡張の意義Kogo, Mariko 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第24501号 / 医博第4943号 / 新制||医||1064(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 永井 洋士, 教授 大鶴 繁, 教授 江木 盛時 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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The Effect of Prenatal Stress on a Mouse Model of Allergic Airway DiseaseChau, Jessie T. 04 1900 (has links)
<p>Prenatal life events have been long observed to be able to influence disease into adulthood in both epidemiological and animal studies. Prenatal stress (maternal stress during gestation) is one of such factors that has been shown to impact cognition and behaviour of the offspring. However, the effects of prenatal stress on the immune system are not understood. This study has evaluated the effects of prenatal stress on a murine model. Prenatal stress increased allergic airway inflammation in male, but not female offspring following sensitization and challenge with cockroach extract. This corresponded with stress-induced changes in the immune environment of non-sensitized animals. These changes included a decrease in regulatory T cells at baseline in males compared to non-stressed controls and increased splenic dendritic cell percentage and cytokine, particularly IFN-γ, secretion compared to prenatally stressed females. In females, prenatal stress decreased allergic inflammation, which corresponded to a decreased percentage of dendritic cells in the lung and mesenteric lymph node. Prenatal stress did not affect dendritic cell antigen presentation in ether male or female offspring. There was no evidence to suggest a prenatal stress induced change in glucocorticoid sensitivity of dendritic cells. In order to explore the possibility of prenatal stress induced decrease of parasympathetic output, a vagotomy model was used as a proof of concept in naïve animals not exposed to prenatal stress. Vagal modulation of dendritic cell phenotype and function was assessed. While there was some evidence that vagotomy may indirectly modulate dendritic cell function, its effects on the immune system were different then the changes caused by prenatal stress and thus it is a role of reduced parasympathetic output was not supported. Overall this data indicates a role of prenatal stress on the immune system with clear sex differences, but the mechanism for how this occurs is currently unknown. Further research is needed to investigate the role of TLRs and IFN-γ in this model, as well as other possible mediators of prenatal stress such as the changes to the parasympathetic nervous system that may in turn mediate alterations to the immune system. Differences in when the effects of prenatal stress are expressed during postnatal life are discussed.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)
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Evaluation eines Fragebogens zur Identifizierung der Entwicklung einer berufsbedingten allergischen Atemwegserkrankung gefährdeter landwirtschaftlicher Auszubildender in Niedersachsen / Evaluation of a questionnaire to identify young farming apprentices endangered to develop occupational airway disease in Lower SaxonyEnglisch, Ludwig 24 January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Poor athletic performance of racehorses is a major and significant problem in the racing industry. Determining the definitive reason for poor-performance is however a real diagnostic challenge since many of the causative conditions are multifactorial and may only be manifested during exercise.
A retrospective study, including various breeds of horses, confirmed musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and upper respiratory tract clinical problems to be the most frequently implicated in reducing athletic performance. Evaluation of the lower respiratory tract was though not performed in this study.
The aim of the first part of this work were thus to determine the prevalence of different sub-clinical diseases in a population of poorly-performing Standardbred trotters, and to evaluate the sportive repercussions by comparing their physiological response to exercise with control horses.
Fifty horses underwent thorough clinical and ancillary examinations, including haematological et biochemical evaluation, Doppler echocardiography, standardised exercise tests on treadmill et racetrack, treadmill video-endoscopy et collection of respiratory fluids.
Most of the poorly-performing horses exhibited many concomitant diseases. The most frequently diagnosed sub-clinical problems involved the lower and upper respiratory tract. Poor-performers also exhibited higher values of blood lactate and heart rate, as well as lower values of haematological parameters and anti-oxidants, compared to control horses.
Inflammatory airway disease being mostly present in poorly-performing horses, the second part of this work will mainly focus on this syndrome.
The negative impact of inflammatory airway disease, as diagnosed by cytological evaluation of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, has previously been described on respiratory function using either forced expiration or forced oscillations techniques. Sedation or bronchoprovocation were however usually required. On the other hand, the clinical significance of tracheal inflammation remains currently controversial.
The aim was therefore to exhibit and define the respiratory dysfunctions present in horses subclinically suffering from inflammatory airway disease.
Respiratory function was evaluated at rest by IOS in 34 Standardbred trotters, whereas tracheal mucus score, and both tracheal and bronchoalveolar lavages were performed 60 min post-exercise. According to the cytology of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, the inflammatory group included 19 horses and 15 horses were used as control.
A significant correlation was found between both cytological evaluations concerning neutrophil counts, whereas no association was found between tracheal mucus and any cytology. A significant increase of respiratory resistance at the lower frequencies (1 10 Hz) as well as a significant decrease of respiratory reactance beyond 5 Hz was observed in inflammatory compared to control horses. Both parameters were also significantly different between inspiration and expiration in the inflammatory group only. Both eosinophil and mast cell counts of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were significantly correlated with respectively respiratory resistance and reactance.
The present work involved intensive clinical and functional evaluation of control and asymptomatic poorly-performing horses. The different studies allowed establishing the prevalence of medical subclinical diseases in these latter and evaluating its sportive impact considering the associated physiological responses to exercise. The presence of respiratory dysfunctions in horses with lower airway inflammation, the major trouble associated with disappointing performance, were also exhibited by impulse oscillometry./
La contre-performance est un problème majeur dans lindustrie des courses. En déterminer la cause
exacte reste néanmoins un défi diagnostic puisque la plupart des affections présentes sont souvent subcliniques,
multifactorielles et peuvent ne se manifester que pendant lexercice.
Une étude rétrospective, incluant des chevaux de différentes races et disciplines, a ainsi confirmé les
affections cliniques des voies respiratoires supérieures, musculo-squelettiques et cardiovasculaires
comme étant les plus fréquemment impliquées dans la réduction des performances athlétiques.
Cependant, lévaluation des voies respiratoires profondes navait pas été effectuée chez ces différents
Lobjectif de la première partie de ce travail était donc de déterminer la prévalence des différentes
affections sub-cliniques induisant une contre-performance chez des Trotteurs Français, et den évaluer
les répercussions sportives par la comparaison des réponses physiologiques à lexercice avec celle de
chevaux contrôles.
Cinquante chevaux ont respectivement été soumis à un examen clinique complet, une prise de sang
pour analyse hémato-biochimique au repos et 60 minutes après chaque test deffort, une
échocardiographie Doppler, des tests deffort standardisés sur piste et tapis roulant, une endoscopie à
leffort, une évaluation locomotrice à grande vitesse, ainsi quun lavage trachéal et broncho-alvéolaire
réalisés 60 minutes post-effort.
La plupart des chevaux contre-performants ou intolérants à leffort présentaient plusieurs affections
concomitantes. Les troubles sub-cliniques les plus fréquemment diagnostiqués concernaient
respectivement les voies respiratoires profondes et supérieures. Ces chevaux présentaient par ailleurs
des paramètres hématologiques (taux dhémoglobine et volume globulaire moyen) et anti-oxydants
significativement inférieurs, et des paramètres pro-oxydants significativement supérieurs aux chevaux
contrôles. De plus, les valeurs de fréquence cardiaque et lactatémie étaient, lors des différents tests
deffort, significativement supérieures à celles des chevaux contrôles,
Linflammation des voies respiratoires profondes étant majoritairement présente chez ces chevaux
présentant des performances décevantes, la deuxième partie de ce travail se concentre plus
spécifiquement sur ce syndrome.
Limpact négatif sur la fonction respiratoire de cette affection, telle que diagnostiquée par lévaluation
cytologique du liquide de lavage broncho-alvéolaire, a précédemment été décrite à laide de
techniques dexpiration forcée ou doscillations forcées. Une sédation ou une bronchoprovocation
étaient cependant généralement requises pour la réalisation de ces tests. Parallèlement, la signification
clinique de linflammation trachéale reste actuellement controversée.
Lobjectif était ainsi de mettre en évidence et définir les dysfonctions respiratoires présentes chez des
chevaux souffrant sub-cliniquement de maladie inflammatoire des voies respiratoires.
La fonction respiratoire a été évaluée au repos par oscillométrie à impulsions chez 34 Trotteurs
Français asymptomatiques, alors que le score de mucus trachéal et les différents lavages ont été
évalués 60 minutes post-effort. Sur base de la cytologie broncho-alvéolaire, le groupe inflammatoire
comprenait 19 chevaux et 15 ont été utilisés comme contrôles.
Une corrélation significative était observée entre les cytologies concernant le taux de neutrophiles,
alors quaucune association nétait présente entre score de mucus trachéal et cytologies des différents
lavages. Une augmentation significative de la résistance respiratoire aux faibles fréquences (1 à 10 Hz)
et une diminution de la réactance respiratoire au-delà de 5Hz a été observée chez les chevaux
inflammatoires comparativement aux contrôles. Ces deux paramètres étaient également
significativement différents entre inspiration et expiration dans le groupe inflammatoire uniquement.
La résistance et la réactance respiratoire étaient par ailleurs respectivement corrélées aux taux
déosinophiles et de mastocytes du lavage broncho-alvéolaire.
Ce travail comprenait une évaluation clinique et fonctionnelle intensive chez des chevaux contrôles et
des chevaux contre-performants. Les études menées ont permis détablir la prévalence des affections
médicales sub-cliniques chez ces derniers et den évaluer limpact sportif par lintermédiaire des
réponses physiologiques à lexercice. La présence de dysfonctions respiratoires chez les chevaux avec
inflammation des voies respiratoires profondes, premier trouble associé à des performances
décevantes, a également pu être mise en évidence à laide de loscillométrie à impulsion.
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The Comparison of Airway Responses of Normal Horses Fed Round Bale versus Square Bale HayLarson, Jennifer Lynn 25 July 2012 (has links)
Background – Feeding horses round bale hay (RBH) has been associated with airway inflammation. The purpose of this study was to determine if horses fed RBH for a 6-week period demonstrated more evidence of airway inflammation than horses fed square bale hay (SBH) of comparable quality.
Hypothesis - The respiratory health of horses fed RBH will not differ from horses fed SBH of comparable quality.
Animals – Two feeding groups of 15 healthy horses (mixed ages, breeds) from the University riding program.
Methods – This was a prospective study performed during fall of 2009. At the beginning and end of a 6- week feeding trial, horses were examined (physical, upper airway endoscopic) and samples (tracheal aspirate (TA), bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)) collected for cytology and/or bacterial/fungal culture. Hay was analyzed for nutritional value and bacterial/fungal content.
Results – Horses fed RBH demonstrated an increase in pharyngeal lymphoid hyperplasia (p=0.0143) and percentage neutrophils (p=0.0078) in the TA samples post-feeding as compared to pre-feeding values. Nutritional analysis of hay and measurements of bacterial/fungal load did not differ over time and/or between hay types.
Conclusions and clinical importance – The identification of airway inflammation in the horses fed RBH indicates that factors associated with the manner in which the hay is fed and consumed contribute to the development of subclinical airway inflammation. RBH affords horses continuous daily exposure to hay and as horses bury their muzzles in the bale, exposure to particulate matter is likely increased. These factors may partially explain the response in horses fed RBH. Further studies are required to confirm these predictions. / Master of Science
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Development and stability of IL-17-secreting T cellsGlosson, Nicole L. January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / IL-17-producing T cells are critical to the development of pathogen and tumor immunity, but also contribute to the pathology of autoimmune diseases and allergic inflammation. CD8+ (Tc17) and CD4+ (Th17) IL-17-secreting T cells develop in response to a cytokine environment that activates Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) proteins, though the mechanisms underlying Tc17/Th17 development and stability are still unclear. In vivo, Tc17 cells clear vaccinia virus infection and acquire cytotoxic potential, that is independent of IL-17 production and the acquisition of IFN-γ-secreting potential, but partially dependent on Fas ligand, suggesting that Tc17-mediated vaccinia virus clearance is through cell killing independent of an acquired Tc1 phenotype. In contrast, memory Th cells and NKT cells display STAT4-dependent IL-23-induced IL-17 production that correlates with Il23r expression. IL-23 does not activate STAT4 nor do other STAT4-activating cytokines induce Il23r expression in these populations, suggesting a T cell-extrinsic role for STAT4 in mediating IL-23 responsiveness. Although IL-23 is important for the maintenance of IL-17-secreting T cells, it also promotes their instability, often resulting in a pathogenic Th1-like phenotype in vitro and in vivo. In vitro-derived Th17 cells are also flexible when cultured under polarizing conditions that promote Th2 or Th9 differentiation, adopting the respective effector programs, and decreasing IL-17 production. However, in models of allergic airway disease, Th17 cells do not secrete alternative cytokines nor adopt other effector programs, and remain stable IL-17-secretors. In contrast to Th1-biased pro-inflammatory environments that induce Th17 instability in vivo, during allergic inflammatory disease, Th17 cells are comparatively stable, and retain the potential to produce IL-17. Together these data document that the inflammatory environment has distinct effects on the stability of IL-17-secreting T cells in vivo.
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