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A Design Method for Flexure-Based Compliant Mechanisms on the Basis of Stiffness and Stress CharacteristicsMeng, Qiaoling <1978> 27 April 2012 (has links)
Geometric nonlinearities of flexure hinges introduced by large deflections often complicate the analysis of compliant mechanisms containing such members, and therefore, Pseudo-Rigid-Body Models (PRBMs) have been well proposed and developed by Howell [1994] to analyze the characteristics of slender beams under large deflection. These models, however, fail to approximate the characteristics for the deep beams (short beams) or the other flexure hinges. Lobontiu's work [2001] contributed to the diverse flexure hinge analysis building on the assumptions of small deflection, which also limits the application range of these flexure hinges and cannot analyze the stiffness and stress characteristics of these flexure hinges for large deflection.
Therefore, the objective of this thesis is to analyze flexure hinges considering both the effects of large-deflection and shear force, which guides the design of flexure-based compliant mechanisms. The main work conducted in the thesis is outlined as follows.
1. Three popular types of flexure hinges: (circular flexure hinges, elliptical flexure hinges and corner-filleted flexure hinges) are chosen for analysis at first.
2. Commercial software (Comsol) based Finite Element Analysis (FEA) method is then used for correcting the errors produced by the equations proposed by Lobontiu when the chosen flexure hinges suffer from large deformation.
3. Three sets of generic design equations for the three types of flexure hinges are further proposed on the basis of stiffness and stress characteristics from the FEA results.
4. A flexure-based four-bar compliant mechanism is finally studied and modeled using the proposed generic design equations. The load-displacement relationships are verified by a numerical example. The results show that a maximum error about the relationship between moment and rotation deformation is less than 3.4% for a flexure hinge, and it is lower than 5% for the four-bar compliant mechanism compared with the FEA results.
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Methods for Clearance Influence Analysis in Planar and Spatial MechanismsVenanzi, Stefano <1975> 15 June 2004 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation presents a new method to asses the influence of clearancein the kinematic pairs on the configuration of planar and spatial mechanisms. The subject has been widely investigated in both past and present scientific literature, and is approached in different ways: a static/kinetostatic way, which looks for the clearance take-up due to the external loads on the mechanism; a probabilistic way, which expresses clearance-due displacements using probability density functions; a
dynamic way, which evaluates dynamic effects like the actual forces in the pairs caused by impacts, or the consequent vibrations.
This dissertation presents a new method to approach the problem of clearance. The problem is studied from a purely kinematic perspective. With reference to a given mechanism configuration, the pose (position and orientation) error of the mechanism link of interest is expressed as a vector function of the degrees of freedom introduced in each pair by clearance: the presence of clearance in a kinematic pair,
in facts, causes the actual pair to have more degrees of freedom than the theoretical clearance-free one. The clearance-due degrees of freedom are bounded by the pair
geometry. A proper modelling of clearance-affected pairs allows expressing such bounding through analytical functions. It is then possible to study the problem as
a maximization problem, where a continuous function (the pose error of the link of interest) subject to some constraints (the analytical functions bounding clearance-
due degrees of freedom) has to be maximize.
Revolute, prismatic, cylindrical, and spherical clearance-affected pairs have been analytically modelled; with reference to mechanisms involving such pairs, the solution to the maximization problem has been obtained in a closed form. / L’attività di ricerca presentata nella tesi di dottorato concerne lo studio dell’influenza del gioco nelle coppie cinematiche in meccanismi piani e spaziali. Tale tema è stato spesso oggetto di studi, tanto nella letteratura scientifica passata quanto in quella attuale. Da uno studio approfondito, si possono dedurre diverse metodologie per
affrontare il problema: metodologie di tipo statico/cinetostatico, che determinano la ripresa nel gioco nelle coppie a seguito dell’azione di un carico; metodologie di tipo probabilistico, che esprimono lo spostamento nelle coppie con gioco in termini di funzioni densità di probabilità; infine, metodologie che si interessano al problema dinamico, volte a determinare effetti quali le effettive forze nelle coppie, o gli urti
successivi al distacco e le conseguenti vibrazioni.
La tesi in oggetto presenta una nuova metodologia per affrontare il problema. Tale metodologia differisce dalle precedenti poichè presenta un’analisi di tipo puramente cinematico. Con riferimento ad una configurazione assegnata per un meccanismo, l’errore di posizione del membro di riferimento viene espresso come funzione vettoriale dei gradi di libertà introdotti dal gioco. La presenza di gioco in una coppia, infatti, introduce gradi di libertà aggiuntivi; questi gradi di libertà sono però vincolati. Un’opportuna modellazione delle coppie cinematiche affette da gioco permette di esprimere analiticamente per mezzo di opportune funzioni il vincolo sui gradi di libertà introdotti. E’ quindi possibile studiare la funzione che rappresenta l’errore di posizionamento del membro di riferimento riconducendo il problema alla massimizzazione di una funzione continua definita su un dominio compatto. La soluzione al problema è ottenuta analiticamente in forma chiusa, modellando coppie di tipo rotoidale, prismatico, cilindrico e sferico per meccanismi piani e spaziali.
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Qualifica a Vibrazioni di Componenti Meccanici: Studio e Verifica di una Procedura di Test Tailoring. / Vibration Qualification Testing: Experimental Evaluation of a Test Tailoring Procedure.Cipollini, Roberto <1984> 08 May 2013 (has links)
I test di qualifica a vibrazioni vengono usati in fase di progettazione di un componente per verificarne la resistenza meccanica alle sollecitazioni dinamiche (di natura vibratoria) applicate durante la sua vita utile. La durata delle vibrazioni applicate al componente durante la sua vita utile (migliaia di ore) deve essere ridotta al fine di realizzare test fattibili in laboratorio, condotti in genere utilizzando uno shaker elettrodinamico. L’idea è quella di aumentare l’intensità delle vibrazioni riducendone la durata. Esistono diverse procedure di Test Tailoring che tramite un metodo di sintesi definiscono un profilo vibratorio da applicare in laboratorio a partire dalle reali vibrazioni applicate al componente: una delle metodologie più comuni si basa sull’equivalenza del danno a fatica prodotto dalle reali vibrazioni e dalle vibrazioni sintetizzate. Questo approccio è piuttosto diffuso tuttavia all’autore non risulta presente nessun riferimento in letteratura che ne certifichi la validità tramite evidenza sperimentalmente. L’obiettivo dell’attività di ricerca è stato di verificare la validità del metodo tramite una campagna sperimentale condotta su opportuni provini. Il metodo viene inizialmente usato per sintetizzare un profilo vibratorio (random stazionario) avente la stessa durata di un profilo vibratorio non stazionario acquisito in condizioni reali. Il danno a fatica prodotto dalla vibrazione sintetizzata è stato confrontato con quello della vibrazione reale in termini di tempo di rottura dei provini. I risultati mostrano che il danno prodotto dalla vibrazione sintetizzata è sovrastimato, quindi l’equivalenza non è rispettata. Sono stati individuati alcuni punti critici e sono state proposte alcune modifiche al metodo per rendere la teoria più robusta. Il metodo è stato verificato con altri test e i risultati confermano la validità del metodo a condizione che i punti critici individuati siano correttamente analizzati. / Qualification with respect to input vibrations is an important step in the development of a product since it provides fundamental information relative to the product fatigue life. For the sake of test feasibility, environmental vibrations that excite the product during its lifetime (thousand of hours) must be reduced to test profiles suitable for an experimental campaign to be performed in a laboratory (typically by means of an electromechanical shaker). The idea is to increase the amplitude of the input vibrations while decreasing the corresponding duration. Some Test Tailoring procedures exist for the definition of test vibration profiles starting from environmental data properly acquired: one of the most common is based on the equivalence of the fatigue damage caused by both the environmental data and the test profiles. This approach is reasonable and quite widespread: however, in the author’s knowledge, the literature offers no paper dealing with the demonstration of the method reliability based on experimental evidence. In the present thesis, the intense experimental campaign carried out to validate the method (on a proper specimen) is presented. The method is firstly applied to synthesize a test profile (that is random stationary) having the same duration of the non-stationary environmental vibration. The damage potential of the synthesized vibration is then compared to the environmental vibration one, in terms of the specimen time to failure. Results show that the test profile damage potential is highly overestimated and therefore the equivalence is not respected. Some critical issues are pointed out to try to explain and overcome the high error. The method is applied in many other cases and the final results basically confirm the soundness of the method provided that critical issues are properly accounted and compensated for.
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Model reduction techniques in flexible multibody dynamics with application to engine cranktrain simulationRicci, Stefano <1982> 08 May 2013 (has links)
The development of a multibody model of a motorbike engine cranktrain is presented in this work, with an emphasis on flexible component model reduction.
A modelling methodology based upon the adoption of non-ideal joints at interface locations, and the inclusion of component flexibility, is developed: both are necessary tasks if one wants to capture dynamic effects which arise in lightweight, high-speed applications.
With regard to the first topic, both a ball bearing model and a journal bearing model are implemented, in order to properly capture the dynamic effects of the main connections in the system: angular contact ball bearings are modelled according to a five-DOF nonlinear scheme in order to grasp the crankshaft main bearings behaviour, while an impedance-based hydrodynamic bearing model is implemented providing an enhanced operation prediction at the conrod big end locations.
Concerning the second matter, flexible models of the crankshaft and the connecting rod are produced. The well-established Craig-Bampton reduction technique is adopted as a general framework to obtain reduced model representations which are suitable for the subsequent multibody analyses. A particular component mode selection procedure is implemented, based on the concept of Effective Interface Mass, allowing an assessment of the accuracy of the reduced models prior to the nonlinear simulation phase. In addition, a procedure to alleviate the effects of modal truncation, based on the Modal Truncation Augmentation approach, is developed. In order to assess the performances of the proposed modal reduction schemes, numerical tests are performed onto the crankshaft and the conrod models in both frequency and modal domains.
A multibody model of the cranktrain is eventually assembled and simulated using a commercial software. Numerical results are presented, demonstrating the effectiveness of the implemented flexible model reduction techniques. The advantages over the conventional frequency-based truncation approach are discussed.
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Synthesis of Hand Exoskeletons for the Rehabilitation of Post-Stroke PatientsMozaffari Foumashi, Mohammad <1983> 08 May 2013 (has links)
This dissertation presents the synthesis of a hand exoskeleton (HE) for the rehabilitation of post-stroke patients. Through the analysis of state-of-the-art, a topological classification was proposed. Based on the proposed classification principles, the rehabilitation HEs were systematically analyzed and classified. This classification is helpful to both understand the reason of proposing certain solutions for specific applications and provide some useful guidelines for the design of a new HE, that was actually the primary motivation of this study.
Further to this classification, a novel rehabilitation HE was designed to support patients in cylindrical shape grasping tasks with the aim of recovering the basic functions of manipulation. The proposed device comprises five planar mechanisms, one per finger, globally actuated by two electric motors. Indeed, the thumb flexion/extension movement is controlled by one actuator whereas a second actuator is devoted to the control of the flexion/extension of the other four fingers. By focusing on the single finger mechanism, intended as the basic model of the targeted HE, the feasibility study of three different 1 DOF mechanisms are analyzed: a 6-link mechanism, that is connected to the human finger only at its tip, an 8-link and a 12-link mechanisms where phalanges and articulations are part of the kinematic chain. The advantages and drawbacks of each mechanism are deeply analyzed with respect to targeted requirements: the 12-link mechanism was selected as the most suitable solution. The dimensional synthesis based on the Burmester theory as well as kinematic and static analyses were separately done for all fingers in order to satisfy the desired specifications.
The HE was finally designed and a prototype was built. The experimental results of the first tests are promising and demonstrate the potential for clinical applications of the proposed device in robot-assisted training of the human hand for grasping functions.
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Inverse Static Analysis of Massive Parallel Arrays of Three-State Actuators via Artificial IntelligencePasila, Felix <1974> 08 May 2013 (has links)
Massive parallel robots (MPRs) driven by discrete actuators are force regulated robots that undergo continuous motions despite being commanded through a finite number of states only. Designing a real-time control of such systems requires fast and efficient methods for solving their inverse static analysis (ISA), which is a challenging problem and the subject of this thesis. In particular, five Artificial intelligence methods are proposed to investigate the on-line computation and the generalization error of ISA problem of a class of MPRs featuring three-state force actuators and one degree of revolute motion.
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Design of a new harrow type wool transport mechanism to reduce fibre entanglementKayumov, Juramirza <1978> 24 April 2015 (has links)
The wool is entangled at several stages of its processing. In the conventional scouring machines, the prongs or the rakes agitate the wool and lead the fiber entanglement. Several scouring systems have been commercialized in order to reduce the fiber entanglement. In spite of the existing technologies, the conventional scouring machines are widely used in wool processing.
In this thesis, a new approach for the harrow type wool transport mechanism has been introduced. The proposed mechanism has been designed based on the motion of the conventional harrow type wool transport mechanism by exploiting new synthesis concepts. The developed structure has been synthesized based on the Hrones and Nelson's "Atlas of four bar linkages". The four bar linkage has been applied for the desired trajectory of the developed wool transport mechanism. The prongs of the developed mechanism immerse the wool into the scouring liquor and gently propel forward toward the end of the machine with approximately straight line motion in a certain length instead of circular or elliptical motion typical of the conventional machines.
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New mechanisms for modelling the motion of the human ankle complexBaldisserri, Benedetta <1984> 27 April 2012 (has links)
The relevance of human joint models was shown in the literature. In particular, the great importance of models for the joint passive motion simulation (i.e. motion under virtually unloaded conditions) was outlined. They clarify the role played by the principal anatomical structures of the articulation, enhancing the comprehension of surgical treatments, and in particular the design of total ankle replacement and ligament reconstruction. Equivalent rigid link mechanisms proved to be an efficient tool for an accurate simulation of the joint passive motion.
This thesis focuses on the ankle complex (i.e. the anatomical structure composed of the tibiotalar and the subtalar joints), which has a considerable role in human locomotion. The lack of interpreting models of this articulation and the poor results of total ankle replacement arthroplasty have strongly suggested devising new mathematical models capable of reproducing the restraining function of each structure of the joint and of replicating the relative motion of the bones which constitute the joint itself.
In this contest, novel equivalent mechanisms are proposed for modelling the ankle passive motion. Their geometry is based on the joint’s anatomical structures. In particular, the role of the main ligaments of the articulation is investigated under passive conditions by means of nine 5-5 fully parallel mechanisms. Based on this investigation, a one-DOF spatial mechanism is developed for modelling the passive motion of the lower leg. The model considers many passive structures constituting the articulation, overcoming the limitations of previous models which took into account few anatomical elements of the ankle complex. All the models have been identified from experimental data by means of optimization procedure. Then, the simulated motions have been compared to the experimental one, in order to show the efficiency of the approach and thus to deduce the role of each anatomical structure in the ankle kinematic behavior.
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Dynamic analysis of the motorcycle chattering behaviour by means of symbolic multibody modellingLeonelli, Luca <1986> 15 April 2014 (has links)
Aim of this research is the development and validation of a comprehensive multibody motorcycle model featuring rigid-ring tires, taking into account both slope and roughness of road surfaces. A novel parametrization for the general kinematics of the motorcycle is proposed, using a mixed reference-point and relative-coordinates approach. The resulting description, developed in terms of dependent coordinates, makes it possible to efficiently include rigid-ring kinematics as well as road elevation and slope. The equations of motion for the multibody system are derived symbolically and the constraint equations arising from the dependent-coordinate formulation are handled using a projection technique. Therefore the resulting system of equations can be integrated in time domain using a standard ODE algorithm.
The model is validated with respect to maneuvers experimentally measured on the race track, showing consistent results and excellent computational efficiency. More in detail, it is also capable of reproducing the chatter vibration of racing motorcycles. The chatter phenomenon, appearing during high speed cornering maneuvers, consists of a self-excited vertical oscillation of both the front and rear unsprung masses in the range of frequency between 17 and 22 Hz. A critical maneuver is numerically simulated, and a self-excited vibration appears, consistent with the experimentally measured chatter vibration. Finally, the driving mechanism for the self-excitation is highlighted and a physical interpretation is proposed.
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Displacement Analysis of Under-Constrained Cable-Driven Parallel RobotsAbbasnejad Matikolaei, Ghasem <1984> 15 April 2014 (has links)
This dissertation studies the geometric static problem of under-constrained cable-driven
parallel robots (CDPRs) supported by n cables, with n ≤ 6. The task consists of determining the overall robot configuration when a set of n variables is assigned. When variables
relating to the platform posture are assigned, an inverse geometric static problem (IGP)
must be solved; whereas, when cable lengths are given, a direct geometric static problem (DGP) must be considered. Both problems are challenging, as the robot continues to
preserve some degrees of freedom even after n variables are assigned, with the final configuration determined by the applied forces. Hence, kinematics and statics are coupled and
must be resolved simultaneously.
In this dissertation, a general methodology is presented for modelling the aforementioned
scenario with a set of algebraic equations. An elimination procedure is provided, aimed at
solving the governing equations analytically and obtaining a least-degree univariate polynomial in the corresponding ideal for any value of n. Although an analytical procedure
based on elimination is important from a mathematical point of view, providing an upper
bound on the number of solutions in the complex field, it is not practical to compute these
solutions as it would be very time-consuming. Thus, for the efficient computation of the
solution set, a numerical procedure based on homotopy continuation is implemented. A
continuation algorithm is also applied to find a set of robot parameters with the maximum
number of real assembly modes for a given DGP. Finally, the end-effector pose depends
on the applied load and may change due to external disturbances. An investigation into
equilibrium stability is therefore performed.
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