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Design and Characterization of Curved and Spherical Flexure Hinges for Planar and Spatial Compliant MechanismsParvari Rad, Farid <1985> 15 April 2014 (has links)
A flexure hinge is a flexible connector that can provide a limited rotational motion between two rigid parts by means of material deformation. These connectors can be used to substitute traditional kinematic pairs (like bearing couplings) in rigid-body mechanisms. When compared to their rigid-body counterpart, flexure hinges are characterized by reduced weight, absence of backlash and friction, part-count reduction, but restricted range of motion. There are several types of flexure hinges in the literature that have been studied and characterized for different applications. In our
study, we have introduced new types of flexures with curved structures i.e. circularly curved-beam flexures and spherical flexures. These flexures have been utilized for both planar applications (e.g. articulated robotic fingers) and spatial applications (e.g. spherical compliant mechanisms). We have derived closed-form compliance equations for both circularly curved-beam flexures and
spherical flexures. Each element of the spatial compliance matrix is analytically computed as a function of hinge dimensions and employed material. The theoretical model is then validated by comparing analytical data with the results obtained through Finite Element Analysis. A case study
is also presented for each class of flexures, concerning the potential applications in the optimal design of planar and spatial compliant mechanisms. Each case study is followed by comparing the performance of these novel flexures with the performance of commonly used geometries in terms of principle compliance factors, parasitic motions and maximum stress demands. Furthermore, we have extended our study to the design and analysis of serial and parallel compliant mechanisms, where the proposed flexures have been employed to achieve spatial motions e.g. compliant spherical joints.
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San Carlo alle quattro Fontane a study in multiple form and architectural symbolism.Steinberg, Leo, January 1960 (has links)
Thesis--New York University. / Includes bibliographical references.
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A New Test Rig for In-Vitro Evaluation of the Knee Joint BehaviourForlani, Margherita <1986> 24 April 2015 (has links)
The evaluation of the knee joint behavior is fundamental in many applications, such as joint modeling, prosthesis and orthosis design. In-vitro tests are important in order to
analyse knee behavior when simulating various loading conditions and studying physiology of the joint.
A new test rig for in-vitro evaluation of the knee joint behavior is presented in this paper. It represents the evolution of a previously proposed rig, designed to overcome its principal limitations and to improve its performances. The design procedure and the adopted solution in order to satisfy the specifications are presented here.
Thanks to its 6-6 Gough-Stewart parallel manipulator loading system, the rig replicates general loading conditions, like daily actions or clinical tests, on the specimen in a wide range of flexion angles. The restraining actions of knee muscles can be simulated when active actions are simulated. The joint motion in response to the applied loads, guided by passive articular structures and muscles, is permitted by the characteristics of the
loading system which is force controlled. The new test rig guarantees visibility so that motion can be measured by an optoelectronic system. Furthermore, the control system
of the new test rig allows the estimation of the contribution of the principal leg muscles in guaranteeing the equilibrium of the joint by the system for muscle simulation. Accuracy in positioning is guaranteed by the designed tibia and femur fixation systems,which allow unmounting and remounting the specimen in the same pose.
The test rig presented in this paper permits the analysis of the behavior of the knee joint and comparative analysis on the same specimen before and after surgery, in a way to
assess the goodness of prostheses or surgical treatments.
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A Cognitively Inspired Framework to Support the Driving Task of Vehicles of the FutureMazzalai, Alessandro January 2018 (has links)
In this work an artificial driving agent able to adapt its behavior depending on the specific situation and to generate human-like maneuvers was developed. The agent, called co-driver, was designed with a bio-inspired architecture, with an approach that takes advantage of ideas from cognitive science. In fact the decision process is based on the affordance competition hypothesis: the agent generates a representation of all possible actions given what is perceived in the environment and then chooses the optimal maneuver after inhibiting all the dangerous ones. In the first stage of the development process, atomic actions, called motor primitives, were identified. Then the co-driver was implemented with a layered architecture, where these motor primitives were combined in the upper levels in order to obtain more complex behaviors. Thanks to this particular architecture, the development process of the final artificial driver was split in two parts: initially an advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) was implemented and tested, and finally the architecture was extended in order to have an artificial driving agent for automated driving. In the first case the system was successfully tested on public roads and was able to warn the driver in case of dangerous scenarios, such as blind intersections. In the latter case, the co-driver could manage several challenging test cases in urban scenarios, from car following to cut-in scenario and curves. Finally, it was compared with a state-of-art driver model of CarMaker simulation software used by the main car manufacturers. Due to the achieved results, this work can be considered a valid potential solution for automated driving. In fact, the artificial driver was used as starting point for a European project (“Dreams4Cars”) that is currently in progress.
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Technological heritage exploitation of the experience of the LISA Pathfinder release mechanismDalla Ricca, Edoardo 05 July 2024 (has links)
Gravitational waves, which are ripples in space-time predicted by Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, have revolutionized our understanding of the universe since their first-ever direct detection in 2015 by the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (Advanced LIGO), the most sensitive on-ground gravitational wave detector ever built. The detection of gravitational waves marked a monumental milestone in scientific achievement, providing a new observational tool to probe some of the most enigmatic phenomena in the universe. The successful detection of gravitational waves has not only validated Einstein's theory but has also opened a new window onto the universe, allowing scientists to explore phenomena that were previously hidden from traditional electromagnetic observations. Moreover, gravitational wave astronomy promises to shed light on fundamental questions regarding the nature of gravity, the origin of compact objects, and the evolution of the universe itself. However, the on-ground detection of gravitational waves is affected by some factors limiting the measurement sensitivity, mainly the presence of a relatively high background noise due to the Earth environment. As a result, innovative technologies to detect gravitational waves from space are being developed, since the outer space environment is less noisy compared to Earth. The inaugural space-based detector, known as the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), is being developed and its launch is currently scheduled for 2034. Given the mission complexity, a dedicated precursory mission known as LISA Pathfinder (LPF) was launched in 2015 and operated until 2017. LISA Pathfinder aimed at demonstrating the feasibility of gravitational waves detection directly from space by measuring the noise affecting the relative acceleration of two free falling test masses (TMs) enclosed in the same spacecraft. The scientific goal of the mission was fulfilled, proving that a requirement on the TMs relative acceleration 10 times more demanding than the one set was met. The mission was a scientific success, however some difficulties had to be faced, particularly during the release of the TMs into free fall. The mission telemetry data shows that, for the majority of the in-flight releases, all linear and rotational TMs velocity components were not compliant with the requirements. Given these anomalies, an additional dedicated TMs release campaign was carried out at the end of the mission phase to test different release strategies. The analysis of the extended mission campaign telemetry data supports the hypothesis that the separation of the mechanism responsible for the TM release from the TM caused the TMs to assume unexpected states. The research work outlined in the thesis arises in this context: understanding what happened at the TMs releases is critical since the mechanism in charge of the release will also be employed in LISA. Starting from three extensive on-ground experimental campaigns, through a methodical exploration of the campaigns results, the TM release into free fall function is assessed, providing guidelines for the design of the release mechanism units for LISA. The factors contributing to the momentum acquired by the TMs at the release are identified and analyzed, demonstrating that the nominal release dynamics is compliant with the LPF design requirements. The results are considered for possible application in future space missions relying on very accurate precision sensors or accelerometers for spacecraft navigation and scientific measurements study.
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Procedura di progettazione di protesi a basso costo per l'arto inferioreBorghi, Corrado <1979> 23 April 2009 (has links)
L'attività di ricerca descritta in questa tesi fornisce linee guida per la progettazione di arti protesici inferiori, con particolare riferimento alla progettazione di protesi a basso costo. La necessità di efficienti protesi a basso costo risulta infatti sentita nei Paesi in via di sviluppo ma anche dalle fasce meno abbienti dei paesi occidentali.
Al fine di comprendere le strategie adottate dall'apparato locomotorio per muoversi con le protesi sono analizzati il cammino fisiologico, le protesi presenti sul mercato ed infine le modalità con cui le loro prestazioni sono valutate.
Con il presente lavoro, dopo aver osservato la presenza di una scarsa strutturazione della metodologia di progettazione che riguarda specialmente il settore del basso costo, si propone una metodologia il più possibile oggettiva e ripetibile tesa ad individuare quali sono gli aspetti essenziali di una protesi per garantire al paziente una buona qualità di vita. Solo questi aspetti dovranno essere selezionati al fine di ottenere la massima semplificazione della protesi e ridurre il più possibile i costi.
Per la simulazione delle attività di locomozione, in particolare del cammino, è stato elaborato un apposito modello spaziale del cammino. Il modello proposto ha 7 membri rigidi (corrispondenti a piedi, tibie, femori e bacino) e 24 gradi di libertà. Le articolazioni e l'appoggio dei piedi al suolo sono modellati con giunti sferici. La pianta del piede consente tre possibili punti di appoggio.
I criteri di realizzazione delle simulazioni possono comprendere aspetti energetici, cinematici e dinamici considerati come obiettivo dall'apparato locomotorio.
In questa tesi vengono trattati in particolare gli aspetti cinematici ed è mostrata un'applicazione della procedura nella quale vengono dapprima identificati i riferimenti fisiologici del cammino e quindi simulato il cammino in presenza di una menomazione al ginocchio (eliminazione della flessione in fase di appoggio).
Viene quindi lasciato a sviluppi futuri il completamento della procedura e la sua implementazione in un codice di calcolo. / Inexpensive and efficient prostheses are needed both for developing and Western countries. The research activity described in this thesis aims at providing guidelines for the development of lower limb prostheses, referring in particular to the design of low cost prostheses.
Physiological gait, commercial prostheses and prostheses evaluation methods are analyzed in order to understand the strategies adopted by the human locomotion system to walk with such artificial devices.
This work outlines a lack of systematic approaches for the design prostheses, in particular for the low cost ones. This lack is overcome by suggesting a metodology, which is as much objective and repeatable as possible, oriented to the definition of the essential aspects that provide the patient with a good quality of life. Only these aspects should be selected to design the low cost prostheses, i.e. in order to obtain the maximum simplification and thus the maximum cost reduction.
A model for the simulation of gait has been implemented. The spatial model presented is made up of 7 rigid members (correspondent to feet, shanks, thighs and pelvis) and has 24 degrees of freedom. The articular joints and the contact of the foot with ground are modeled as spherical joints. The foot sole allows three different supporting points. The simulations are executed utilizing criteria that consider the energetic, kinematic and dynamic issues as addressed by the locomotion system.
An application of the procedure is shown. The identification of the kinematic physiological parameters and the simulation of a maimed gait (without stance knee flexion) are presented.
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Data fusion of images and 3D range dataFornaser, Alberto January 2014 (has links)
A robot is a machine that embodies decades of research and development. Born as a simple mechanical devices, these machines evolved together with our technology and knowledge, reaching levels of automation never imagined before. The modern dream is represented by the cooperative robotics, where the robots do not just work for the people, but together with the people. Such result can be achieved only if these machines are able to acquire knowledge through perception, in other words they need to collect sensor measurements from which they extract meaningful information of the environment in order to adapt their behavior. This thesis speaks about the topic of the autonomous object recognition and picking for Automated Guided Vehicles, AGVs, robots employed nowadays in the automatic logistic plants. The development of a technology capable of achieving such task would be a significant technological improvement compared to the structure currently used in this field: rigid, strongly constrained and with a very limited human machine interaction. Automating the process of picking by making such vehicles more smart would open to many possibilities, both in terms of organization of the plants, both for the remarkable economic implications deriving from the abatement of many of the associated fixed costs. The logistics field is indeed a niche, in which the costs of the technology represent the true limit to its spread, costs due mainly to the limitations of the current technology. The work is therefore aimed at creating a stand-alone technology, usable directly on board of the modern AGVs, with minimal modifications in terms of hardware and software.
The elements that made possible such development are the multi-sensor approach and data-fusion. The thesis starts with the analysis of the state of the art related of the field of the automated logistic, focusing mostly on the most innovative applications and researches on the automatization of the load/unload of the goods in the modern logistic plants. What emerges form the analysis it is that there is a technological gap between the world of the research and the industrial reality: the results and solutions proposed by the first seem not match the requirements and specification of the second.
The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the sensors used: industrial cameras, planar 2D safety laser scanners and 3D time of flight cameras (TOF). For every device a specific (and independent) process is developed in order to recognize and localize Euro pallets: the information that AGVs require in order to perform the picking of an object are the three coordinates that define its pose in the 2D space, $[x,y,\theta]$, position and attitude. The focus is addressed both on the maximization of the reliability of the algorithms and both on the capability in providing a correct estimation of uncertainty of the results. The information content that comes from the uncertainty represents a key aspect for this work, in which the probabilistic characterization of the results and the adoption of the guidelines of the measurement field are the basis for a new approach to the problem. That allowed both the modification of state of the art algorithms both the development of new ones, developing a system that in the final implementation and tests has shown a reliability in the identification process sufficiently high to fulfill the industrial standards, 99\% of positive identifications.
The third part is devoted to the calibration of system. In order to ensure a reliable process of identification and picking it is indeed fundamental to evaluate the relations between the sensing devices, sensor-sensor calibration, but also to relate the results obtained with the machine, sensor-robot calibration. These calibrations are critical steps that characterize the measurement chain between the target object and the robot controller. From that chain depends the overall accuracy in performing the forking procedure and, more important, the safety of such operation.
The fourth part represents the core element of the thesis, the fusion of the identifications obtained from the different sensors. The multi-sensor approach is a strategy that allows the overcome of possible operational limits due to the measurement capabilities of the individual sensors, taking the best from the different devices and thus improving the performance of the entire system. This is particularly true in the case in which there are independent information sources, these, once fused, provide results way more reliable than the simple comparison of the data. Because of the different typology of the sensors involved, Cartesian ones like the laser and the TOF, and perspective ones like the camera, a specific fusion strategy is developed. The main benefit that the fusion provides is a reliable rejection of the possible false positives, which could cause very dangerous situations like the impact with objects or worst. A further contribution of this thesis is the risk prediction for the maneuver of picking. Knowing the uncertainty in the identification process, in calibration and in the motion of the vehicle it is possible to evaluate the confidence interval associated to a safe forking, the one that occurs without impact between the tines and the pallet. That is critical for the decision making logic of the AGV in order to ensure a safe functionality of the machine during all daily operations.
Last part of the thesis presents the experimental results. The aforementioned topics have been implemented on a real robot, testing the behavior of the developed algorithms in various operative conditions.
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Drag-free Spacecraft Technologies: criticalities in the initialization of geodesic motionZanoni, Carlo January 2015 (has links)
Present and future space missions rely on systems of increasingly demanding performance for being successful. Drag-free technology is one of the technologies that is fundamental for LISA-Pathfinder, a European Space Agency mission whose launch is planned for the end of September 2015. A purely drag-free object is defined by the absence of all external forces other than gravity. This is not a natural condition and therefore a shield has to be used in order to eliminate the effect of undesired interactions. In space, this is achieved by properly designing the spacecraft that surrounds the object, usually called test mass (TM). Once the TM is subjected to gravity alone its motion is used as a reference for the spacecraft orbit. The satellite orbit is controlled by measuring the relative TM-to-spacecraft position and feeding back the command to the propulsion system that counteracts any non gravitational force acting on the spacecraft. Ideally, the TM should be free from all forces and the hosting spacecraft should follow a pure geodesic orbit. However, the purity of the orbit depends on the spacecraft’s capability of protecting the TM from disturbances, which indeed has limitations. According to a NASA study, such a concept is capable of decreasing operation and fuel costs, increasing navigation accuracy. At the same time, a drag-free motion is required in many missions of fundamental physics. eLISA is an ESA concept mission aimed at opening a new window to the universe, black holes, and massive binary systems by means of gravitational waves. This mission will be extremely challenging and needs to be demonstrated in flight. LISA-Pathfinder is in charge of proving this concept by demonstrating the possibility of reducing the non-gravitational disturbance below a certain demanding threshold. The success of this mission relies on recent technologies in the field of propulsion, interferometry, and space mechanisms. In this frame, the system holding the TM during launch and releasing it in free-fall before the science phase represents a single point of failure for the whole mission. This thesis describes the phenomena, operations, issues, tests, activities, and simulations linked to the release following a system engineering approach. Great emphasis is given to the adhesion (or cold welding) that interferes with the release. Experimental studies have been carried out to investigate this phenomenon in conditions representative of the LISA-Pathfinder flight environment. The last part of the thesis is dedicated to the preliminary design of the housing of the TM in the frame for a low-cost mission conceived at Stanford (USA). Analysis and results are through out presented and discussed. The goal of this thesis is a summary of the activities aimed at a successful LISA-Pathfinder mission. The ambition is to increase the maturity of the technology needed in drag-free projects and therefore provide a starting point for future fascinating and challenging missions of this kind.
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Optimal-Control-Based Adas for Driver Warning and Autonomous Intervention Using Manoeuvre Jerks for Risk AssessmentGalvani, Marco January 2013 (has links)
In this research work, two ADAS have been proposed, both based on optimal control and manoeuvre jerks as parameters for threat assessment. The first is named “Codriver”, and is a system for driver warning. The second is a sort of completion of the first, since it is designed for autonomous vehicle intervention if the driver does not react to the warnings. The Codriver has been developed by the Mechatronics Group of the University of Trento, which the author is part of, in the framework of the European Project “interactIVe”, to warn the driver for all-around threats safety. It has been then implemented on a real vehicle of Centro Ricerche Fiat, which has been widely tested at the end of the project. On the other hand, for the second system only the main components have been developed by the author during a research period at the University of Tokyo, Japan, and its application is restricted to autonomous obstacle avoidance. In particular, a motion planning algorithm has been used together with a control loop de- signed to execute the planned trajectories. Both systems exploit Optimal Control (OC) for motion planning: the Codriver uses OC to plan real-time ma- noeuvres with humanlike criteria, so that they can be compared to what the driver is doing in order to infer his/her intentions, and warn him if these are not safe; the second system uses OC instead to plan emergency manoeuvres, i.e. neglecting driver actuation limitations and pushing the vehicle towards its physical limits. The initial longitudinal and lateral jerks of the planned manoeuvres are used by both the systems as parameters for risk assessment. Manoeuvre jerks are proportional to pedal and steering wheel velocities, and their initial values thus describe the entity of the correction needed by the driver to achieve a given goal. Since human drivers plan and act with minimum jerk criteria, and are jerk-limited, more and more severe manoeuvres at a given point are not reachable anymore by a human driver, since they require too high initial jerks: initial jerks can be thus considered proportional to the risk level of current situation. For this reason, when the manoeuvres to handle current scenario require jerks beyond a given threshold, the Codriver outputs a warning. This threshold must be lower than driver limits, so that he/she will be able to react to the warning and still have the chance to perform a safe manoeuvre. When the required jerks exceed drivers’ actuation limits, the risk level raises to an upper step, where driver warning would be not effective and autonomous vehicle intervention should be enabled. In obstacle avoidance scenarios, it was demonstrated during driving simulator tests that manoeuvre jerks are more robust parameters for risk assessment than for example time headways, since they are less affected by driver’s age and gender.
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San Carlino Alle Quattro Fontane: La ampliación del siglo XVIIIGrau Fernández, Marta 29 December 2015 (has links)
[EN] The thesis is focused on the monastery of San Carlino alle Quattro Fontane, internationally recognized as the masterpiece of the great Baroque architect Francesco Borromini (1599-1667). In this work, which occupied most of his career until his death, all the principles of his architecture are collected and summarizes his professional career. The small and humble community of Spanish Discalced Trinitarians arrived in Rome in 1609, entrusted the architect the construction of its new headquarters in Rome in 1634 who took charge without claiming any compensation. The monastery stands as an architectural jewel of the Baroque and represents the living spirit of this Order that has been transmitted by Borromini in the project, and later imitated and completed by architect Alessandro Sperone.
Although the convent was designed by Borromini as a unit and as a single project, the complex was built in different phases functionally independent based on the available economic resources. In this way and over the years it gradually took shape, first with the construction of the quarto del dormitorio later with the cloister and its attached dependences and, finally, with the construction of the church, which facade would not be completed until 1676, after the death of Borromini. Therefore, the integral construction of Borromini's project spanned more than forty years since the foundation stone. This logic programming construction in phases allowed the acquisition of various properties that constituted the original site, as well as the relocation of the friars in other areas as construction progressed.
Thirty years after completing the Borromini's project and since the community had grown significantly in recent years, the Trinitarian Fathers decided to extend the convent. The new project, which construction began in 1710 and has never been studied, involved the addition of a new L-shaped wing and a covered walkway that hugged the old orange garden. However, the XVIII century expansion not unduly separated in time with Borromini project, caused numerous formal and functional alterations in the first complex.
From the study of archival documentation - unpublished to date - this research reconstructs the evolution and the original configuration of the entire monastery complex, establishing a unitary and unusual overview which highlights the architects and technicians involved, the materials and techniques used and the architectural, constructive and formal aspects of the XVIII century enlargement and the Borromini's project, to which remains indissolubly linked. / [ES] La tesis doctoral se centra en el complejo conventual de San Carlino alle Quattro Fontane, reconocida internacionalmente como la obra maestra del gran arquitecto del barroco Francesco Borromini (1599-1667). En esta obra, que le ocupó casi toda su carrera hasta su muerte, se recogen todos los principios de su arquitectura y se resume su trayectoria artística. La pequeña y humilde comunidad de Trinitarios Descalzos españoles llegada a Roma en 1609, confió en 1634 al arquitecto la construcción de su nueva sede en Roma, quien asumió el encargo sin pretender compensación alguna. El convento se erige como una joya arquitectónica del barroco y como la expresión viva del espíritu de esta Orden que ha sido transmitido por Borromini en el proyecto, y más tarde imitado y completado con la ampliación llevada a cabo en 1710 por el también arquitecto Alessandro Sperone.
A pesar de que el conjunto diseñado por Borromini fue afrontado desde el principio como un proyecto unitario, el complejo se construyó en distintas fases funcionalmente independientes en base a los recursos económicos disponibles. De este modo y con el transcurso de los años fue paulatinamente adquiriendo forma, primero con la construcción del cuarto del dormitorio, más tarde con la del claustro y sus dependencias anejas y, por último, con la construcción de la iglesia, cuya fachada sin embargo no sería completada hasta 1676, después de la desaparición de Borromini. Así, la construcción integral del convento borrominiano abarcó más de cuarenta años desde la puesta de la primera piedra. Esta lógica programación de la construcción en varias fases permitió acompasarla a la adquisición de las diferentes propiedades que constituirían el solar original, así como a la reubicación de los frailes en otras dependencias según iba avanzando la construcción.
Apenas treinta años después de concluirse la fábrica borrominiana y puesto que la comunidad había crecido notablemente en los últimos años, los Padres Trinitarios decidieron ampliar el convento para dotarlo de nuevos ambientes. Este nuevo proyecto, cuya construcción se inició en 1710 y cuyo estudio no ha sido nunca abordado, consistió en la adición de una nueva ala en forma de ele y de un pasaje cubierto que abrazaban el antiguo jardín de naranjos. Sin embargo, la ampliación setechentesca, no distanciada en el tiempo excesivamente del proyecto de Borromini, provocó numerosas alteraciones formales y funcionales en la fábrica borrominiana.
A partir del estudio de la documentación de archivo relativa a la ampliación de la fábrica y al proyecto borrominiano - inédita hasta la fecha - la presente investigación reconstruye la evolución y la configuración original de todo el complejo conventual, estableciendo una visión unitaria e insólita de conjunto que pone en evidencia los artífices implicados, los materiales y técnicas utilizadas y los aspectos arquitectónicos, constructivos y formales de la ampliación setechentesca, así como de la fábrica borrominiana, a la que queda indisolublemente ligada. / [CA] La tesi doctoral se centra en el complex conventual de Sant Carlino alle Quattro Fontane, reconeguda internacionalment com l'obra mestra del gran arquitecte del barroc Francesco Borromini (1599-1667). En aquesta obra, que li va ocupar gairebé tota la seva carrera fins a la mort, es recullen tots els principis de la seva arquitectura i es resumeix la seva trajectòria artística. La petita i humil comunitat de Trinitaris Descalços espanyols arribada a Roma en 1609, va confiar en 1634 a l'arquitecte la construcció de la seva nova seu a Roma, qui va assumir l'encàrrec sense pretendre cap compensació. El convent s'erigeix com una joia arquitectònica del barroc i com l'expressió viva de l'esperit d'aquesta Ordre que ha estat transmès per Borromini en el projecte, i més tard imitat i completat amb l'ampliació començada en 1710 pel també arquitecte Alessandro Sperone.
Tot i que el conjunt dissenyat per Borromini va ser afrontat des del principi com un projecte unitari, el complex es va construir en diferents fases funcionalment independents en base als recursos econòmics disponibles. D'aquesta manera i amb el transcurs dels anys va adquirint forma gradualment, primer amb la construcció del quarto del dormitori, més tard amb la del claustre i les seves dependències annexes i, finalment, amb la construcció de l'església, la façana però no seria completada fins 1676, després de la desaparició de Borromini. Així, la construcció integral del convent borrominiano va durar més de quaranta anys des de la posada de la primera pedra. Aquesta lògica programació de la construcció en diverses fases va permetre compassar-la a l'adquisició de les diferents propietats que constituirien el solar original, així com a la reubicació dels frares en altres dependències segons anava avançant la construcció.
Trenta anys després de concloure la fàbrica borrominiana i ja que la comunitat havia crescut notablement en els últims anys, els Pares Trinitaris van decidir ampliar el convent per dotar-lo de nous ambients. Aquest nou projecte - que es va iniciar a construir l'any 1710 i que no ha estat mai estudiat - va consistir en l'addició d'una nova ala en forma d'ela i d'un passatge cobert que abraçaven l'antic jardí de tarongers. No obstant això, l'ampliació setechentesca, no distanciada en el temps excessivament del projecte de Borromini, va provocar nombroses alteracions formals i funcionals en la fàbrica borrominiana.
A partir de l'estudi de la documentació d'arxiu relativa a l'ampliació de la fàbrica i al projecte borrominiano - inèdita fins a la data - la present investigació reconstrueix l'evolució i la configuració original de tot el complex conventual, establint una visió unitària i insòlita de conjunt que posa en evidència els artífexs implicats, els materials i tècniques utilitzades i els aspectes arquitectònics, constructius i formals de l'ampliació setechentesca, així com de la fàbrica borrominiana, a la qual queda indissolublement lligada. / Grau Fernández, M. (2015). San Carlino Alle Quattro Fontane: La ampliación del siglo XVIII [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/59225
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