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Rozhodovací kritéria pro alokaci konferencí a kongresů v Praze / Criteria decision for the allocation of conferences and congresses in PragueTrávová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis named Decision criteria for the allocation of conferences and congresses in Prague is to analyse all the factors, which influence the choice of a particular congress or conference destination. The priority is to evaluate the congress tourism potential of the city of Prague and to suggest options for the innovation in order to increase the popularity of the destination. The thesis analyses the characteristics of the whole decision process of allocation a congress or a conference. Moreover, the activity of congress or conference organizers and destination organizations is described as well. The thesis is divided into four chapters. In the first and the second one, the substantial concepts of congress tourism, its organization and subjects are defined and characterized. The second target of this thesis is focused on the analysis of the decision criteria for the choice of the congress destination, the potential of Prague including SWOT analysis and the consequent summarization of impacts and possible innovations for Prague. The given interviews and materials from professionals in this field are the main sources for this thesis. In the end of the thesis, the overall situation in the congress tourism in Prague is evaluated and some suggestions for innovations for congresses or conference organization are proposed.
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Riadenie nákladov na IS/ICT vo vybranej spoločnosti / Management of IS/ICT costs in selected companyGazda, Štefan January 2013 (has links)
The thesis is focused on IS/ICT cost management. The purpose of this thesis is to create an IS/ICT cost model based on the principles of managerial method ABC (Activity Based Costing) for business informatics of selected company. The theoretical part is focused on costs in IS/ICT, their classification and management, with the analyze of the reasons for continuous growth of IS/ICT cost management. A significant part of this section is a characteristic of ABC method and a description of different phases in creation of ABC model. The practical part of the thesis presents a selected company, its business informatics and an organizational structure. Subsequently the current state of IS/ICT cost management is described and analyzed. Based on the analysis and with regard to objectives of the company in the future, a new IS/ICT cost allocation model is designed. For the purpose of calculating and determining of intradepartmental prices for ICT services, a process of allocating and calculating costs is simulated on the new designed model, with the use of current and historical data of the company. At the end of the practical part, the results achieved through the designed model and the results of the current method of allocation and calculation costs are compared.
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Měření ziskovosti korporátních zákazníků v bankovnictví / Measurement of customers´ profitability in corporate bankingVacek, Petr January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation thesis aims to establish a complex theoretical basis for a measurement of customer's profitability which can be easily used in the practice. The main reason for that is the absence of such publication in the current academic sphere. A combination of management accounting and knowledge of banking enables to achieve the aim. The thesis itself is closely linked to the banking practice. There are derived customer's profitability indicators as modifications of the popular RAROC in which a customer margin is used instead of net profit. There is designed a simplified way of operational cost allocation. Questionnaires and interviews with senior representatives of seven Czech banks helped to identify the most significant labor-intensity factors of corporate customers. The description of principal features of risk costs and derivation of formulas for profitability variances are also the part of the thesis. The theoretical part is followed by the practical one where a contemporary banking practice of corporate customer's profitability measurement on the Czech market is explored. It identified three weak points -- cost allocation, profitability variances and one-year horizon of a calculation. At the end, the theoretical basis is applied on an existing customer portfolio and the result is compared with a currently used customer's profitability measurement.
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Simulace zkreslení zvukového signálu v percepčním zvukovém kodéru / Simulation of Audio Signal Distortion in Perceptual Audio EncoderPeloušek, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of the creation of a programme that would simulate the distortion that appears during the process of lossy audio coding. As the environment for the creation, the MATLAB programming language has been chosen. An encoder, which changes the subjective signal quality according to customer preferences for the bitrate, has been created as a practical part of this thesis. Its function is based on a dynamic bit allocation technique and includes an optional window switching algorithm. The theoretical background for the creation of the programme consists of an explanation of the main principles of lossy coding with emphasis on MPEG1 layer 3 operating principles. The practical chapter describes how the created programme and its parts work, and it includes results of the run quality testing. The testing was conducted using the objective assessment method PEMO-Q, and consisted of comparing the objective quality of the programme’s outputs to the quality of samples on which a regular MP3 encoder with identical settings was used.
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Nelineární analýza a predikce síťového provozu / Nonlinear analysis and prediction of network trafficČlupek, Vlastimil January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deal with an analysis of network traffic and its properties. In this thesis are discussed possibilities of prediction network traffic by FARIMA model, theory of chaos with Lyapunov exponent and by neural networks. The biggest attention was dedicated to prediction network traffic by neural networks. In Matlab with using Neural Network Toolbox were created, trained and tested recurrent networks for prediction specific types of network traffics, which was captured on local network. There were choosed Elman network, LRN and NARX network to test the prediction of network traffic, results were discussed. Thesis also introduce area of application ability prediction of network traffic, there is introduce design of system for dynamic allocation bandwidth with particular description of its prediction part. Thesis also states possible use designed system for dynamic allocation of bandwidth.
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Predikce datového toku v počítačových sítích / Prediction of data flow in computer networksZvěřina, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to study problems of prediction of data in computer networks. Furthermore, this work deals with network traffic and analyzing its properties. In this study were analyzed the possibilities of network traffic prediction using Farima model, the theory of chaos with Lyapunov exponents and neural networks. Possibilities of prediction with the focus on neural network were discussed in detail here, mainly on recurrent neural networks. Prediction was performed in Matlab development environment in Neural Network Toolbox, where they were created, trained and evaluated neural network to predict specific types of network traffic. For testing were selected Elman network NARX network and general LRN recurrent network. The results were clearly organized into tables and plotted in graphical relationships before and after the use of predictive techniques designed to final evaluation.
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Evaluace finanční podpory podnikání / Evaluation of Business Financial SupportGregor, Štěpán January 2007 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is the analysis of small and medium enterprises financial support with respect to the Joint Regional Operational Programme as an bearer of regional support, which is financed from the European Union and the following list of recommendations within the frame of the realization stage of the project cycle that are generalized especially at the level of the final user as the beneficiary of the support.
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Transformace jazyka C do VHDL / Transformation from C to VHDL LanguageMecera, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The thesis describes the process of transformation of the behavior of processor described in C language into VHDL language. Individual steps of automatized transformation are compared to manual design of processor. The thesis highlights advantages of the internal representation of program in the form of graph. Optimizations based on various factors are introduced in this thesis. One of them are algebraic modifications of expressions. The time of computation or space requirements of the circuit can be lowered by proper aplication of properties of math operators - associativity, comutativity and distributivity. Special attention is payed to optimizations, that make use of parallelism of operations for the process of planning. Algorithms of time-constrained scheduling and resource-constrained scheduling are discussed. The end of this thesis is devoted to resource allocation.
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Analýza vlivu politických vztahů na obecní rozpočet: případová studie obce Kamenický Šenov / Analysis of the impacts of political relations on local budget: Case study of municipality Kamenický ŠenovBouchalová, Nikola January 2016 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis is the analysis of political influences on a municipal budget in municipality Kamenický Šenov. Thanks to solving problems of municipal budgets, it is possible to analyze relationship of political decisions and municipal budget. Most of political science's dissertations focus on elections, voting systems or mayor's election, but the question of influence of political relationship on municipal budget is not in public interest. This topic is very important, but unfortunately neglected. This diploma thesis is divided into four chapters. The first three chapters theoretically embed this work. The first chapter introduces the horizontal typology of the municipal systems, public administration, fiscal federalism, incomes and expenses of municipalities and formation of the municipal budget in France and Sweden. The third chapter is dedicated to the Czech Republic and it proceeds from the structure of the first chapter. The fourth chapter of this work is arranged as the unique case study of municipality Kamenický Šenov. The municipality Kamencký Šenov has been ruled by a coalition of KSČM and ČSSD from 1998 to 2009; in 2002 a new member SNK Naše město joined this coalition. This coalition stood up for investment policy, which is represented by the construction of the...
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Modelování ceny stavebního díla v závislosti na reálných smluvních vztazích / Construction cost modeling depending on the real contractual relationsČáp, Radim January 2012 (has links)
Dissertation deals with the design of appropriate procedures for modeling of construction costs in accordance with contractors bid, considering possible risks of construction project with focus on one type of FIDIC contract conditions, the so-called Red Book. The description of the potential risk and cost impacts on the construction contract in the pre-production stage of the bid preparation and in the implementation phase.
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