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Financování z ESF / Financing from ESFKalousková, Dita January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to make the EU structural funds functioning clear and to show the possibilities of the European social fund utilization in 2007 - 2013 period. The thesis tries to cover systematically the regional policy issues - from its principal to the specific use of its instruments in order to fulfil set objectives. The thesis should give practical information and advice for potential grant applicants and also show the main risks and traps arising in every part of project cycle.
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Distribuované systémy na platformě .NET Framework / Distributed Systems on the .NET Framework PlatformVítek, Martin January 2009 (has links)
With the expansion of the Internet communication and related availability of increasing number of services built on different technologies, distributed systems represent a solution to integrate these network services and provide them to users in a coherent form. The .NET Framework which provides an environment for application development in a highly distributed environment of Internet and intranet can be used to achieve this goal. This PhD thesis deals with access to shared resources in the context of distributed systems using the .NET platform. The first part of the work is devoted to describing the basic principles of distributed systems and .NET platform techniques, which can be used for implementation of the principles. For the purposes of request processing having asynchronous nature not only in distributed systems a universal interface for the description of asynchronous operations was designed and implemented. The interface extends standard asynchronous techniques on the .NET platform. In order to address the issue of access to shared resources model was designed based on the principles of object-oriented programming, along with basic algorithm to avoid deadlock in the case of use resources by multiple processes (threads) simultaneously. This extendable model has been successfully implemented and its functionality verified in basic scenarios of access to shared resources. After the definition of resources and their dependencies the implemented model allows working with resources as with any other objects on .NET platform. The synchronization processes proceed transparently in background.
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Geografické aspekty vývoje oficiální rozvojové spolupráce: globální a národní úroveň / Geographical aspects of the Official Development Assistance: Global and National LevelChárová, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the Official Development Assistance. The purpose of this dissertation was, first of all, to find out whether the target aid is focused on the poorest countries of the world. The theoretical part concentrates primarily on the institutional history of the Official Development Assistance and also on the development of mainstream theories which influenced it to the highest degree. In the analytical part the dissertation draws particularly from the database of the Development Assistance Committee under the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. From the global point of view, the dissertation is focused especially on the quantitative analysis of the changes in the allocation of the Official Development Assistance in the period from 1989 to 2008. From the geographical point of view, the spatio-temporal change in territorial priorities of important bilateral and multilateral donors and also the dependence of their expenditure on the socio-economic maturity of aid beneficiaries was analysed. The ability to clearly define the territorial priorities and on their basis to effectively target the development assistance is in national context analysed on the example of the Czech Republic. From the local point of view, the dissertation gives a brief description of the...
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Výkonové a programové rozpočtování na úrovni územní samosprávy. / Performance and program budgeting on the level of municipal authoritiesHAMPELOVÁ, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The aim of my thesis was to clear up the issues of the program and performance budgeting on the level of municipal authorities. On the basis of available sources, I have gained findings and experience from abroad where these methods are used from the half of last century. Various changes and measures are assessed and realized to make a budget process better, economising more transparent and the allocation of sources more improved. The establishing of program-performance budgeting is quite a difficult process including several phases. Their realization is a necessary condition to be able to continue with the next phase and the whole process itself.
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Aspekty čerpání finančních prostředků ze zdrojů EU a návrh finančních zdrojů pro vybranou Místní akční skupinu / Aspects of drawing funds from EU sources and design funds for selected local action groupOTTENSCHLÄGEROVÁ, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is entitled "Aspects of drawing funds from EU sources and design funds for selected local action group". MAS is based on the LEADER program, which is funded by the Rural Development Programme (RDP). This program seeks to maintain the population in the country, and the region more attractive, both in terms of cultural or professional backgrounds, such as support of local customs and traditions. A grant from the RDP can ask all rural areas in the Czech Republic, in addition to the capital.
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Budoucnost svobodná a společná: Spor The Zeitgeist Movement a Freedomain Radio jako konflikt vědeckých paradigmat / Future free and shared: Dispute of The Zeitgeist Movement and Freedomain Radio as a Scientific Paradigm ConflictKaleta, Jan January 2016 (has links)
The thesis analyses a dispute of two anarchist movements promoting Anarcho-Capitalism and an automated non-monetary economy. It asks the question whether the dispute can be explained in terms of paradigm conflict and not exclusively in political terms . The goal is to search for signs of scientific paradigm in an apparently ideological dispute. The thesis also examines the reasons why did the debate deteriorate into a personal and moral conflict of the representatives. The method of analysis is Grounded Theory, with reference to authors who interpret Kuhn's paradigm conflict as the consequence of an unconscious language barrier. Paradigm was operationally defined as a hierarchy of concepts with physical reference, theoretical network of the concepts and the scientific field objectives. The field objectives are the only reliable reference points between paradigms. The thesis sums up the debate between Anarcho-Capitalists and proponents of Resource-Based Economy and recovers the scientific answers and field objectives which were demanded yet missing in the debate. The thesis concludes that the debate can legitimately continue and that the ideological differences were mostly caused by a different scope of technical instruments and their describing paradigms, regardless of historical origin and...
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Motivace dánské rozvojové pomoci / Motivations in Danish development assistanceZwingerová, Iva January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the motivations that are formative for the Danish foreign aid. Denmark is one of the most generous donors and it plays an active role on the field of international development cooperation. An analysis of his motives will help us to better understand which ideological concepts are decisive for the Danish willingness to help other nations and also to identify what interests take part in formulation of Danish development programmes. The identification of the specific dimensions of motivation is based on a broad theoretical framework, which divides motives into seven categories: security, power, wealth, enlightened self-interest, prestige, obligation and humanitarianism. The author of the study maintains that it is possible to discover a wider range of motivations in Danish development assistance. It is a great simplification to assess the Danish foreign aid only in reference to commonly shared values of international solidarity, altruism and moral obligation to help others, which are the most prominent explanations in the literature. An analysis of Danish strategies reveals that the poverty reduction and sustainable growth are the main objectives of the Danish foreign aid. Based on the quantitative analysis of four basic criteria related to the aid performance (total volume,...
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Efektivní správa paměti ve vícevláknových aplikacích / Effective Memory Management for Multi-Threaded ApplicationsVašíček, Libor January 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes design and implementation of effective memory management for multi-threaded applications. At first, the virtual memory possibilities are described, which can be found in the latest operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows and Linux. Afterwards the most frequently used algorithms for memory management are explained. Consequently, their features are used properly for a new memory manager. Final design includes particular tools for application debugging and profiling. At the end of the thesis a series of tests and evaluation of achieved results were done.
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