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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Yadavalli, Srujana Samhita 27 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

New Platforms to Diversify the Chemical Space of the Expanding Genetic Code:

Ficaretta, Elise Danielle January 2024 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Abhishek Chatterjee / Genetic code expansion (GCE) is an enabling technology whereby noncanonical amino acids (ncAAs) can be site-specifically incorporated into proteins of interest, allowing for vast applications and an improved understanding of structure-function relationships in biology. GCE stands out as a versatile platform due to the use of a variety of engineered aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (aaRS)/transfer RNA (tRNA) pairs, and it has endowed proteins with over 200 distinct ncAAs in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems. My dissertation outlines endeavors aimed at broadening the chemical diversity of α-amino side chains and substrates beyond α-amino acids in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms through the utilization of GCE technology. This was achieved by creating universal GCE platforms called altered translational machinery (ATM) strains, which eliminate the limitations of orthogonality for the evolution of aaRS/tRNA pairs. This expansion enables the use of the same aaRS/tRNA pair for ncAA incorporation functionalities into multiple domains of life. Moreover, the diversity of ncAAs that can be genetically encoded in eukaryotic cells was enhanced by evolving the E. coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase (EcLeuRS)/tRNA pair using a yeast-based selection system. This advancement facilitated the incorporation of novel ncAAs into proteins within mammalian cells. Additionally, I worked toward developing a platform for introducing monomers into the genetic code beyond α-amino acids. This involved developing an aaRS evolution platform that doesn't rely on translation as a selectable readout. Finally, I worked towards the creation of polyester-polyamide oligomers with sequence control as a step towards the goal of generating sequence-defined biopolymers with new-to-nature backbone chemistries. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2024. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Chemistry.

Aminoacyl-ARNt synthétases mitochondriales humaines : aspects fondamentaux et contribution à la compréhension de pathologies reliées / New properties of mitochondrial aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and their connection to mitochondrial diseases

Schwenzer, Hagen 21 October 2013 (has links)
Les aminoacyl-ARNt synthetases (aaRS) sont impliquées dans le mécanismes de la traduction. Dans les cellules humaines, il existe deux jeux de gènes nucléaires codant pour les aaRS : un pour les aaRS cytosolique (cyt), le second pour les aaRS mitochondriales (mt). Les aaRS mt sont traduites dans le cytosole, adressées et importées dans la mitochondrie.Mutations dans 9 gènes d’aaRS mt ont été démontrées comme responsables de pathologies mitochondriales. Certaines des mutations n’affectent pas la propriété originelle d’aminoacylation. Il a été proposé que certaines de ces mutations puissent affecter des propriétés alternatives.Alors l’organisation des aaRS cyt est bien étudiée et que des implications dans des fonctions alternatives établies pour certaines d’entre elles, les connaissances quant aux aaRS mt restent parcimonieuses. L’objectif principal de ce manuscrit de thèse est: (i) révéler d’organisation sous-mt de l’AspRS mt; (ii) étendre l’analyse de l’organisation sous-mt à l’ensemble des aaRS mt; et (iii) contribuer à la compréhension de mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents à certaines pathologies. Ces travaux ouvrent la porte vers d’autres investigations de l’organisation des aaRS à l’intérieur de la mitochondrie. Ces contributions seront utiles à la meilleure compréhension de mécanismes moléculaires sous-jacents à pathologies mitochondriales. / Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) are housekeeping enzymes involved in translation. In human cells, 2 different sets of nuclear genes code for aaRSs. One codes for cytosolic (cyt) aaRSs, and the second one codes for aaRSs of mitochondrial (mt) location. Mt-aaRSs are translated in the cytosol, targeted and imported into mitochondria.Mutations in 9 mt-aaRSs have been described. Some of the mutations do not display significant influence on the housekeeping aminoacylation activity. It has been proposed that those mutations affect alternative functions.Alternate functions have been described for cyt-aaRSs. While the organization of cyt-aaRSs is explored and their involvement into alternate functions established, the properties of the human mt-aaRSs remain unknown. On one site, this thesis integrate mt-AspRS into new functional networks (sub-mitochondrial localization and partnership). On the other site, it expand the view of the sub-mitochondrial organization to the full set of mt-aaRSs and should ultimately shed light into the molecular mechanisms underlying some of the pathologies. These results open the door for additional investigations to gain a complete view about the sub-mitochondrial organization of aaRSs. Those contributions will be of help for the understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying some mitochondrial disorders.

Organisation sous-mitochondriale de l'aspartyl-ARNt synthétase humaine et implication dans le syndrome LBSL / Submitochondrial organization of human mitochondrial aspartyl-tRNA synthetase and its implication in LBSL disease

Karim, Loukmane 04 October 2016 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont eu pour objectif de contribuer à la compréhension du lien entre l’aspartyl-ARNt synthétase mitochondriale (AspRSmt) humaine et le syndrome LBSL, en étudiant les propriétés de cette enzyme au niveau cellulaire. Les objectifs étaient : 1) d’explorer l’organisation de l’AspRSmt dans la mitochondrie (Chapitre 1), 2) d’identifier la forme mature de l’AspRSmt après son import, ainsi que la localisation sous-mitochondriale de cette enzyme (Chapitre 2), 3) d’évaluer l’impact de quelques mutations, impliquées dans le syndrome LBSL, sur les propriétés de l’AspRSmt (Chapitre 3). Nous avons démontré que l’AspRSmt existe sous différentes formes de produits de maturation, et qu’elle est retrouvée, au moins, dans deux complexes, suggérant potentiellement différents partenaires et/ou fonctions pour cette enzyme. Nous avons établi la localisation sous-mitochondriale de l’AspRSmt, et démontré que cette dernière est doublement localisée avec une fraction soluble et une fraction périphérique interagissant avec la membrane. Nous avons également découvert que, sous certaines conditions de stress, l’AspRSmt est relarguée de la mitochondrie et pourrait avoir un lien avec le processus d’apoptose. En outre, nous avons évalué l’impact de quelques mutations, impliquées dans le syndrome LBSL, et trouvé qu’elles n’ont pas d’effet significatif sur les propriétés de l’AspRSmt. L’ensemble des résultats souligne, d’une part, les lacunes restant à combler concernant les propriétés de l’AspRSmt dans la compréhension du lien mutations/pathologie (LBSL), et d’autre part, suggère fortement l’existence d’une éventuelle fonction non canonique (alternative) de l’AspRSmt. / The aim of the PhD project was to contribute to the understanding of the link between mutations in the human mitochondrial aspartyl-tRNA synthetase (mt-AspRS) and LBSL disease, by studying the properties of this enzyme at the cellular level. Our objectives were: 1) to explore the organization of mt-AspRS in mitochondria (Chapter 1), 2) to identify the mature form of mt-AspRS after its import, and to characterize its submitochondrial localization (Chapter 2), 3) to assess, in cellulo, the impact of some LBSL-causing mutations on some properties of mt-AspRS (Chapter 3). We showed that mt-AspRS is processed into different mature forms, and that mt-AspRS belongs to two complexes likely suggesting different partners and/or functions. We demonstrated that mt-AspRS is dually localized with soluble and peripherally membrane-associated fractions. We also demonstrated that, under stress conditions, mt-AspRS is released outside mitochondria with a possible link to the apoptosis. Furthermore, we assessed the impact of some LBSL-causing mutation on some cellular properties of mt-AspRS, and showed that most mutations do not have a significant impact. This underscores the need for more studies about mt-AspRS properties, and strongly suggests a potential non-canonical (alternative) function of the enzyme.

Evolutionary synthetic biology: structure/function relationships within the protein translation system

Cacan, Ercan 06 September 2011 (has links)
Production of mutant biological molecules for understanding biological principles or as therapeutic agents has gained considerable interest recently. Synthetic genes are today being widely used for production of such molecules due to the substantial decrease in the costs associated with gene synthesis technology. Along one such line, we have engineered tRNA genes in order to dissect the effects of G:U base-pairs on the accuracy of the protein translation machinery. Our results provide greater detail into the thermodynamic interactions between tRNA molecules and an Elongation Factor protein (termed EF-Tu in bacteria and eEF1A in eukaryotes) and how these interactions influence the delivery of aminoacylated tRNAs to the ribosome. We anticipate that our studies not only shed light on the basic mechanisms of molecular machines but may also help us to develop therapeutic or novel proteins that contain unnatural amino acids. Further, the manipulation of the translation machinery holds promise for the development of new methods to understand the origins of life. Along another line, we have used the power of synthetic biology to experimentally validate an evolutionary model. We exploited the functional diversity contained within the EF-Tu/eEF1A gene family to experimentally validate the model of evolution termed ‘heterotachy’. Heterotachy refers to a switch in a site’s mutational rate class. For instance, a site in a protein sequence may be invariant across all bacterial homologs while that same site may be highly variable across eukaryotic homologs. Such patterns imply that the selective constraints acting on this site differs between bacteria and eukaryotes. Despite intense efforts and large interest in understanding these patterns, no studies have experimentally validated these concepts until now. In the present study, we analyzed EF-Tu/eEF1A gene family members between bacteria and eukaryotes to identify heterotachous patterns (also called Type-I functional divergence). We applied statistical tests to identify sites possibly responsible for biomolecular functional divergence between EF-Tu and eEF1A. We then synthesized protein variants in the laboratory to validate our computational predictions. The results demonstrate for the first time that the identification of heterotachous sites can be specifically implicated in functional divergence among homologous proteins. In total, this work supports an evolutionary synthetic biology paradigm that in one direction uses synthetic molecules to better understand the mechanisms and constraints governing biomolecular behavior while in another direction uses principles of molecular sequence evolution to generate novel biomolecules that have utility for industry and/or biomedicine.

Etude comparative de couples ARNt/aminoacyl-ARNt synthétases chez la levure et la mitochondrie humaine.

Fender, Aurélie 18 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Le travail de cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'étude des règles qui régissent la spécificité d'aminoacylation des ARN de transfert (ARNt) par les aminoacyl-ARNt synthétases (aaRS). La précision de cette réaction est cruciale puisqu'elle détermine la fidélité de la traduction de l'information génétique et la synthèse de protéines fonctionnelles. J'ai tiré profit des stratégies de biologie moléculaire, basées sur la transcription in vitro des ARNt, la production d'enzymes clonées, et la mutagénèse, afin d'explorer les relations structure/fonction des systèmes d'aminoacylation de levure et de la mitochondrie humaine.<br />Les aspects fonctionnels et structuraux ont été davantage explorés par des essais de cristallisation et des approches in vivo.<br />Jusqu'à présent, il était admis que les règles de reconnaissance et d'aminoacylation d'ARNt isoaccepteurs pour un système donné devaient être identiques. L'analyse d'une famille d'ARNt isoaccepteurs de l'arginine de levure et de sa relation particulière avec l'ARNtAsp nous ont permis d'établir que : (i) les isoaccepteurs sont arginylés avec des efficacités différentes (un facteur 20 les sépare) et sont protégés de la misaminoacylation par des antidéterminants idiosyncrasiques, (ii) l'isoaccepteur ARNt4<br />Arg possède des propriétés d'aspartylation, vestiges de son histoire évolutive, puisque seulement deux mutations sont<br />suffisantes pour convertir sa spécificité – c'est un exemple de génération de la diversité moléculaire par duplication de gènes. Les systèmes d'aminoacylation mt de mammifères restent peu étudiés, et ce malgré la « bizarrerie » structurale et l'implication dans des<br />pathologies sévères de leurs ARNt, codés par le génome mt. Nos efforts ont permis l'assignement des 10 gènes nucléaires manquants codant pour les aaRS mt humaines. Ceux-ci<br />sont portés par un jeu de gènes différents de celui codant pour les sysnthétases cytoplasmiques. L'analyse détaillée du système d'aspartylation, choisi comme système modèle a révélé (i) une identité de l'ARNt mt moins stringente que celle des ARNt classiques, (ii) une adaptation subtile et ciblée de l'aaRS mt, codée par le génome nucléaire et de type bactérien. Ceci illustre un processus de co-évolution entre les génomes mt et nucléaire<br />humain. De plus, j'ai déterminé les signaux qui protègent l'ARNtAsp mt d'être un substrat des aaRS non mt. De manière surprenante, ce n'est pas la dégénérescence structurale globale de<br />l'ARNt qui empêche le plus cette aminoacylation croisée mais une simple paire de bases du bras D.

Changes In Threonyl-Trna Synthetase Expression And Secretion In Response To Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress By Monensin In Ovarian Cancer Cells

Hammer, Jared Louis 01 January 2017 (has links)
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (ARS) are a family of enzymes that catalyze the charging of amino acids to their cognate tRNA in an aminoacylation reaction. Many members of this family have been found to have secondary functions independent of their primary aminoacylation function. Threonyl-tRNA synthetase (TARS), the ARS responsible for charging tRNA with threonine, is secreted from endothelial cells in response to both vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), and stimulates angiogenesis and cell migration. Here we show a novel experimental approach for studying TARS secretion, and for observing the role of intracellular TARS in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response and in angiogenesis. Using Western blotting, immunofluorescence microscopy and RT-qPCR we were able to investigate changes in TARS protein and transcript levels. We initially hypothesized that TARS was secreted by exosomal release, and so we treated a human ovarian cancer cell line (CaOV-3) with monensin, an ionophore that increases exosome production, and VEGF to observe changes in intracellular and extracellular TARS protein. Monensin treatment consistently increased extracellular and intracellular TARS protein, however CD63, an exosome marker protein, levels were unaffected by monensin treatment. VEGF had no effect on intracellular TARS. We therefore hypothesized that the TARS response was a result of ER stress. The unfolded protein response (UPR) is a series of signaling pathways that are activated upon ER stress. When CaOV-3 cells were treated with increasing concentrations of monensin, intracellular levels of TARS and p-eIF2α, a downstream UPR target, increased accordingly. Monensin increased intracellular TARS protein and transcript levels in CaOV-3 cells. Monensin also increased DNAJB9, an ER chaperone protein, transcript levels, further confirming ER stress. Interestingly, monensin increased VEGF transcript levels about 6-fold. Borrelidin, a natural TARS inhibitor, also increased VEGF transcript levels, and caused an increase in p-eIF2α protein. Although the mechanism of TARS secretion remains unresolved, these data indicate that intracellular TARS expression increases in response to ER stress by monensin. Given TARS and VEGF transcript expression increased accordingly, it is possible that intracellular TARS may have pro-angiogenic function. Future directions may include investigating TARS interactions with translational control machinery.

Regulation of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase genes in <I>Bacillus subtilis</I>

Williams-Wagner, Rebecca N. 30 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Characterizing the role of the bifunctional glutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase in humandiseases

Jin, Danni January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Proline Codon Translational Fidelity in Rhodopseudomonas palustris: Characterization of Novel Trans-editing Factor ProXp-abu

Bacusmo, Jo Marie 18 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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