Spelling suggestions: "subject:"amphibolite""
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Geochemistry of amphibolites and related rocks in the Svecokarelides, Ekenas archipelago, S.W. FinlandFergusson, I. W. January 1982 (has links)
No description available.
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Geochemistry and Classification of Amphibolites and Related Rocksvan de Kamp, Peter 09 1900 (has links)
Amphibolites from several localities have been studied chemically. The rocks were spectrographically analyzed for Cr, V, Ni, Co, Sc, Zr, Sr, and Ba and major element analyses were done on 20 amphibolites, sediments, and igneous rocks. The chemistry of sediments and igneous rocks which right isochemically metamorphose to amphibolite has been studied. Discriminant function analyses were performed on major and minor elements, to classify rocks of known and unknown origins. / Thesis / Master of Science (MS)
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Coronite Amphibolites from the Whitestone Area, Parry Sound, OntarioMummery, Robert 12 1900 (has links)
<p> Coronite amphibolites located near the western contact of the.
Whitestone Lake Anorthosite were studied in the field and laboratory in
order to determine their origin. The corona textures consisted of
garnet cores surrounded by complete rims of plagioclase, which in turn
were occasionally surrounded by partial or complete rims of garnet or
pyroxene. The development of coronas is also accompanied by an increase
in pyroxene in the rock, and the development of cryptic zoning in both
garnets and plagioclases. Whole rock X-Ray Fluorescence and mineral
electron-probe analyses were determined for suites of samples collected.
The analyses suggest that corona development occurred isochemically as the
result of a contact metamorphism induced by anorthosite emplacement and
mineral reactions have been proposed. Microprobe analyses of the garnets
led to the establishment of models for the production of garnets in mafic
assemblages and models for the observed cryptic zoning in the garnets~
It was concluded that the coronites represent the transition from
almandine amphibolite facies to clinopyroxene subfacies of granulite
metamorphism of garnetiferous amphibolites. This transition results from
the thermal metamorphism induced by the emplacement of the Whitestone
lake anorthosite. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Métamorphisme et granitisation du massif de Chapedony (Iran central)Houchmand Zadeh, A. 22 July 1969 (has links) (PDF)
Les roches affleurant dans le Massif Chapédony appartiennent à la Formation de Chapédony défInie par HAGHlPOUR er PEUSSlER (1968) c'est-à-dire à la formartion la plus ancienne et la plus métamorphisée parmi les roches précambriennes de la région Sâghand - Posht-e-Bâdâm, et probablement de l'Iran tout entier . Le massif se compose d'une alternance de gneiss, marbres, roches scapolitiques. amphibolites. roches volcaniques et intrusions. Les faciès de migmatitisation, les petites masses de granite anatectique, les pegmatites et les fîlonnets d'aplite y sont nombreux et caractérisent ce massif. Grâce au climat sec, désertique, leurs affleurements sont aussi beaux que ceux des régions côtières et glaciaires dénudées de Fennoscandinavie, Groenland, Canada et Sibérie, où les pétrographes ont souvent pris leurs types de roches migmatitiques. Ces roches, à première vue, toutes semblables et indifférenciables, montrent en fait de nombreuses variations dans la taille, les grains, la couleur, l'épaisseur et la finesse de la foliation et du litage, dans leurs associations mutuelles, la présence ou l'absence de pegmatites, la présence de différentes associations de minéraux leucocrates, leur mode d'adaptation aux efforts tectoniques, etc .. En se basant sur ces caractères, on peut distinguer sept grands ensembles que nous étudierons successivement en partant de l'Est vers l'Ouest et depuis le bas vers le haut . Il faut mentionner que, bien que nos ensembles puissent correspondre à des événements géologiques ou être mis en corrélation avec des formations. des séries ou groupes stratigraphiques, ils n'ont pas pour nous d'autre signification qu'une classification purement pétrographique. Nous décrirons les diverses roches volcaniques et intrusives qui ont influencé la région pendant différentes phases tectoniques et métamorphiques. Enfin nous nous occuperons du sujet principal de ce travail: l'étude des faciès de granitisation, des migmatites, des pegmatites et des aplites. La direction générale des plans de litage et de foliation est NE-SW,
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Definição das trajetórias P-T-t em rochas metamórficas do flanco ocidental da Cordilheira Central da Colômbia, nas regiões de Caldas e El Retiro / P-T-t paths definition of the metamorphic rocks in the western flank of the Central Cordillera of Colombia, Caldas and El Retiro regionsBustamante Londoño, Andres 31 October 2003 (has links)
Apesar da existência de vários estudos geológicos detalhados no segmento norte do Andes, muitos aspectos estão ainda por serem resolvidos, principalmente aqueles concernentes ao tipo, grau e evolução metamórfica, ambiente tectônico de formação e correlação com margem paleozóica do continente Gondwana e com os terrenos mesozóicos oceânicos. A Cordilheira Central dos Andes Colombianos, é representada por um complexo polimetamórfico com magmatismo associado e uma fina pilha de sedimentos suprajacente em algumas partes da cordilheira. O embasamento desta cordilheira é principalmente composto por rochas metamórficas e por isto a sua compreensão deve ser feita a partir do entendimento dos processos de metamorfismo que afetaram a área. Na Cordilheira Central, a caracterização dos distintos processos geológicos, tem sido interpretada em termos de eventos orogênicos em escala regional, pelo que muitas incongruências são percebidas na aplicação dos diferentes modelos e o análise detalhado da evolução metamórfica permitiria separar os diferentes eventos e a possibilidade de reconstruir as condições de pressão e temperatura (P-T) da crosta, podendo definir a natureza do ambiente tectônico assim como a relação entre as unidades. Nos arredores da cidade de Medellín (municípios de Caldas e El Retiro) afloram rochas metamórficas com protólitos básicos e pelíticos (Anfibólio Xistos de Caldas e Xistos de Ancón), com alguns aportes de material granítico, às vezes metamorfisado (Gnaisse de La Miel). Outro conjunto de rochas metabásicas e metapelíticas associadas apresenta-se ao oriente destas unidades. Este conjunto de rochas é nomeado Anfibolitos, Migmatitos e Granulitos de El Retiro. A termobarometria nos Anfibólio Xistos de Caldas indicam condições de pressão e temperatura próprias da facies anfibolito e descrevem uma trajetória em sentido antihorário sem ficar claro o caminho de regresso das condições de retrometamorfismo. As pressões nestas rochas variam entre ~6.3 e 13.5 Kb com variações relativamente estreitas da temperatura, com valores que estão entre ~550 e 630ºC. No caso dos Xistos de Ancón, a trajetória resultante é em sentido anti-horário e reflete aumentos de temperatura evidenciados na petrografia pela presença de sillimanita e o regresso da trajetória é pela zona da cianita. As temperaturas neste conjunto variam entre ~400 e 555ºC para pressões constantes de 5 e 6Kb en condições de metamorfismo progressivo. O retrometamorfismo apresenta pressões entre ~7.6 e 7.2Kb com temperaturas ~645 e 635ºC, além de temperaturas entre ~500 e 600ºC com pressão constante de 6Kb. No conjunto de rochas de El Retiro, apresenta-se uma forte descompressão com variações estreitas no campo da temperatura, apresentando valores de pressão entre ~8.7 e 2.7Kb com variação na temperatura de ~740 e 633ºC. As unidades conhecidas como Anfibólio Xistos de Caldas, Xistos de Ancón e Gnaisse de La Miel, evidenciam uma historia metamórfica comum de processos de tipo colisional. Os Anfibólio Xistos de Caldas e os Xistos de Ancón poderiam representam fragmentos de crosta oceânica com sedimentos pelíticos intercalados, a qual foi exumada, além de ter um corpo metagranítico relacionado (Gnaisse de La Miel) cuja geoquímica evidencia seu caráter colisional. Este corpo granítico pode ser o resultado do metamorfismo ou do processo de exumação que afetou a região e gerou o pacote de xistos ou pelo menos começou fazer parte da história geológica da área logo depois da formação dos xistos. As rochas de El Retiro (Anfibolitos, Migmatitos e Granulitos de El Retiro) sugerem que seja um bloco que colidiu com as de Caldas (Anfibólio Xistos de Caldas, Xistos de Ancón e Gnaisse de La Miel) e a partir de então têm uma história conjunta, no mínimo, a partir do Triássico, como é indicado pela geocronologia e pela ausência de estruturas regionais entre estas unidades. Finalmente um possível processo de rifteamento que da origem a pontos restritos de calor e que geram as rochas em facies granulito, assim como estruturas de cisalhamento mais marcadas em alguns litotipos. / In spite of the existence of several detailed geological studies in the northern segment of the Andes Cordillera, many aspects are still to be resolved, mainly those concerning the type, grade and metamorphic evolution, tectonic setting formation and correlation with the Palaeozoic margin of Gondwana and with Mesozoic oceanic terranes. The Central Cordillera is represented by a polimetamorphic complex with associated magmatism, and a thin pile of cover sediments in some parts of the mountain range. The basement of the Central Cordillera is mainly constituted by metamorphic rocks and for that its comprehension should be done from the understanding of the metamorphism that affected the area. In the Central Cordillera, the characterization of the different geological processes has been interpreted in terms of orogenic events in regional scale, however, a lot of incongruities are perceived in the application of the different models, and the detailed analysis from the metamorphic evolution would permit the separation distinct events and the reconstruction possibility of the crusts pressure and temperature (P-T) conditions, being able to define the nature of the tectonic setting, as well as the relation among the units. In the surroundings of the city of Medellín (Caldas and El Retiro cities) occur metamorphic rocks with basic and pelitic protolites (Amphibole Schist of Caldas and Schists of Ancón), with some contributions of granitic material, sometimes affected by metamorphic processes (Gneiss of La Miel). Another group of metabasic and metapelitic rocks associated is observed to the east of these units. This group is named Amphibolites, Migmatites and Granulites of El Retiro. The group Amphibole Schist of Caldas and Schists of Ancón could be formed in an distal environment and under reduct conditions and later inserted to the continent by a possible subduction zone. El Retiro rocks could be correspond to the continental basement of the area and it leaves of them it can correspond to impure sediments, of continental margin, formed under high grade metamorphic conditions. The metamorphism in these last rocks was more intense, originating the rocks in the granulite facies in portions of the crust in which the partial pressure of H2O was relatively lowers, as well as of migmatites, result of the anatexis of quartz-feldspatic composition rocks, in places which the partial pressure of H2O was higher. This metamorphism was accompanied of intense deformation, which to have juxtaposed both migmatites and granulites blocks. Therefore later there was intense interaction fluid-rock, as well as restricted points of heat caused by igneous intrusions and that are responsible for the variations in the size of grain of the minerals and especially by the fortress retrometamorphic reequilibrium and by the fluids transport. Thermobarometric data in Amphibole Schist of Caldas indicate pressure and temperature conditions of the amphibolite facies and they describe a counterclockwise path, with no precise retrometamorphic P-T-t trajectory. The pressures in these rocks vary between 6.3 and 13.5Kb with narrow variations of the temperature, with values between ~550 and 630ºC. In the case of the Schists of Ancón, the result is a counterclockwise path and it reflects increases of temperature evidenced by the occurence of sillimanite and the return of the path to the kyanite zone (amphibolite facies). The temperatures in this group vary between ~400 and 555ºC for constant pressures of 5 and 6Kb in prograde metamorphic conditions. The retrometamorphism presents pressures between ~7.6 and 7.2Kb with temperatures aproximately between ~645 and 635ºC, besides temperatures between ~500 and 600ºC with constant pressure of 6Kb. The El Retiro set presents a strong decompression with narrow variations in the temperature field, showing pressure values between ~8.7 and 2.7Kb with temperatures of ~740 and 633ºC.
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Geochemical Systematics Among Amphibolitic Rocks in the Central Blue Ridge Province of southwestern North CarolinaCollins, Nathan 01 January 2011 (has links)
The Central Blue Ridge sub-province of the southern Appalachian Mountains preserves an unique and complex geologic history. The Cartoogechaye terrane is the westernmost terrane of the Central Blue Ridge sub-province, and is characterized by extensive olistostromal sequences, including mafic-ultramafic massifs, isolated mafic units, and block-in-matrix structures of varying scales. This study investigates the genetic and tectonic relationships, and regional chemical and metamorphic trends of the amphibolitic rocks entrained within units of the Cartoogechaye and nearby terranes, toward constraining the origins of these regional sequences, and examining the rationale for the current Blue Ridge terrane designations.
A distinct compositional variation exists between the northern and southern portions of the Cartoogechaye terrane, evident in the mafic rocks of the terrane. The amphibolite blocks and mega-blocks of the Willets-Addie mafic unit, in the northeastern portion of the Cartoogechaye terrane, indicate igneous rock protoliths of a calc-alkaline composition that are different from the mafic-origin amphibolitic massifs of the southwestern Cartoogechaye terrane (Ryan et al., 2005). Amphibolitic blocks of the Tathams Creek/Sylva area, immediately southwest of the Willets-Addie study site, show rare earth element systematics indistinguishable from the more mafic rocks in the Willets-Addie area, albeit with some chemical variation related most likely to variable migmatization of the rocks regionally. Mafic rocks in the adjoining Mars Hill terrane to the northwest show similar chemical trends, even though the Mars Hill terrane is recognized as different from the Cartoogechaye terrane, based on dating results from enclosing granitiods and migmatitic segregations. In the southwestern Cartoogechaye terrane, the Carroll Knob mafic complex preserves chemical signatures suggestive of ocean crustal origins, similar to the Buck Creek mafic-ultramafic suite (Berger et al. 2001, Peterson et al., 2009). However, the amphibolites in the Carroll Knob complex indicate pyroxene-rich cumulate and gabbroic protoliths consistent with an active oceanic magma system undergoing continuous magmatic replenishment and crystallization. West of the Carroll Knob complex, the Kimsey Bald mafic body includes amphibolites with protoliths comparable to the MORB-like, high-Ti amphibolites of the Buck Creek suite. The few amphibolite samples from the Lake Chatuge complex examined in this study also shows ocean crustal affinities, similar to those in the Buck Creek, Kimsey Bald, and Carroll Knob complexes.
The chemical distinctions among these amphibolite suites, and the differences in the inferred crustal ages among their enclosing crustal units point to a possible boundary between the northern and southern regions of the Cartoogechaye terrane, one related either to likely crustal protoliths, or to a change in tectonic environment. The varied types of blocks comprising the Tathams Creek and associated Cartoogechaye units may indicate a transitional zone between the upper plate-derived accretionary sequences observed to the northeast and dominantly lower oceanic plate lithologies exposed in the southwestern extent of the terrane.
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Definição das trajetórias P-T-t em rochas metamórficas do flanco ocidental da Cordilheira Central da Colômbia, nas regiões de Caldas e El Retiro / P-T-t paths definition of the metamorphic rocks in the western flank of the Central Cordillera of Colombia, Caldas and El Retiro regionsAndres Bustamante Londoño 31 October 2003 (has links)
Apesar da existência de vários estudos geológicos detalhados no segmento norte do Andes, muitos aspectos estão ainda por serem resolvidos, principalmente aqueles concernentes ao tipo, grau e evolução metamórfica, ambiente tectônico de formação e correlação com margem paleozóica do continente Gondwana e com os terrenos mesozóicos oceânicos. A Cordilheira Central dos Andes Colombianos, é representada por um complexo polimetamórfico com magmatismo associado e uma fina pilha de sedimentos suprajacente em algumas partes da cordilheira. O embasamento desta cordilheira é principalmente composto por rochas metamórficas e por isto a sua compreensão deve ser feita a partir do entendimento dos processos de metamorfismo que afetaram a área. Na Cordilheira Central, a caracterização dos distintos processos geológicos, tem sido interpretada em termos de eventos orogênicos em escala regional, pelo que muitas incongruências são percebidas na aplicação dos diferentes modelos e o análise detalhado da evolução metamórfica permitiria separar os diferentes eventos e a possibilidade de reconstruir as condições de pressão e temperatura (P-T) da crosta, podendo definir a natureza do ambiente tectônico assim como a relação entre as unidades. Nos arredores da cidade de Medellín (municípios de Caldas e El Retiro) afloram rochas metamórficas com protólitos básicos e pelíticos (Anfibólio Xistos de Caldas e Xistos de Ancón), com alguns aportes de material granítico, às vezes metamorfisado (Gnaisse de La Miel). Outro conjunto de rochas metabásicas e metapelíticas associadas apresenta-se ao oriente destas unidades. Este conjunto de rochas é nomeado Anfibolitos, Migmatitos e Granulitos de El Retiro. A termobarometria nos Anfibólio Xistos de Caldas indicam condições de pressão e temperatura próprias da facies anfibolito e descrevem uma trajetória em sentido antihorário sem ficar claro o caminho de regresso das condições de retrometamorfismo. As pressões nestas rochas variam entre ~6.3 e 13.5 Kb com variações relativamente estreitas da temperatura, com valores que estão entre ~550 e 630ºC. No caso dos Xistos de Ancón, a trajetória resultante é em sentido anti-horário e reflete aumentos de temperatura evidenciados na petrografia pela presença de sillimanita e o regresso da trajetória é pela zona da cianita. As temperaturas neste conjunto variam entre ~400 e 555ºC para pressões constantes de 5 e 6Kb en condições de metamorfismo progressivo. O retrometamorfismo apresenta pressões entre ~7.6 e 7.2Kb com temperaturas ~645 e 635ºC, além de temperaturas entre ~500 e 600ºC com pressão constante de 6Kb. No conjunto de rochas de El Retiro, apresenta-se uma forte descompressão com variações estreitas no campo da temperatura, apresentando valores de pressão entre ~8.7 e 2.7Kb com variação na temperatura de ~740 e 633ºC. As unidades conhecidas como Anfibólio Xistos de Caldas, Xistos de Ancón e Gnaisse de La Miel, evidenciam uma historia metamórfica comum de processos de tipo colisional. Os Anfibólio Xistos de Caldas e os Xistos de Ancón poderiam representam fragmentos de crosta oceânica com sedimentos pelíticos intercalados, a qual foi exumada, além de ter um corpo metagranítico relacionado (Gnaisse de La Miel) cuja geoquímica evidencia seu caráter colisional. Este corpo granítico pode ser o resultado do metamorfismo ou do processo de exumação que afetou a região e gerou o pacote de xistos ou pelo menos começou fazer parte da história geológica da área logo depois da formação dos xistos. As rochas de El Retiro (Anfibolitos, Migmatitos e Granulitos de El Retiro) sugerem que seja um bloco que colidiu com as de Caldas (Anfibólio Xistos de Caldas, Xistos de Ancón e Gnaisse de La Miel) e a partir de então têm uma história conjunta, no mínimo, a partir do Triássico, como é indicado pela geocronologia e pela ausência de estruturas regionais entre estas unidades. Finalmente um possível processo de rifteamento que da origem a pontos restritos de calor e que geram as rochas em facies granulito, assim como estruturas de cisalhamento mais marcadas em alguns litotipos. / In spite of the existence of several detailed geological studies in the northern segment of the Andes Cordillera, many aspects are still to be resolved, mainly those concerning the type, grade and metamorphic evolution, tectonic setting formation and correlation with the Palaeozoic margin of Gondwana and with Mesozoic oceanic terranes. The Central Cordillera is represented by a polimetamorphic complex with associated magmatism, and a thin pile of cover sediments in some parts of the mountain range. The basement of the Central Cordillera is mainly constituted by metamorphic rocks and for that its comprehension should be done from the understanding of the metamorphism that affected the area. In the Central Cordillera, the characterization of the different geological processes has been interpreted in terms of orogenic events in regional scale, however, a lot of incongruities are perceived in the application of the different models, and the detailed analysis from the metamorphic evolution would permit the separation distinct events and the reconstruction possibility of the crusts pressure and temperature (P-T) conditions, being able to define the nature of the tectonic setting, as well as the relation among the units. In the surroundings of the city of Medellín (Caldas and El Retiro cities) occur metamorphic rocks with basic and pelitic protolites (Amphibole Schist of Caldas and Schists of Ancón), with some contributions of granitic material, sometimes affected by metamorphic processes (Gneiss of La Miel). Another group of metabasic and metapelitic rocks associated is observed to the east of these units. This group is named Amphibolites, Migmatites and Granulites of El Retiro. The group Amphibole Schist of Caldas and Schists of Ancón could be formed in an distal environment and under reduct conditions and later inserted to the continent by a possible subduction zone. El Retiro rocks could be correspond to the continental basement of the area and it leaves of them it can correspond to impure sediments, of continental margin, formed under high grade metamorphic conditions. The metamorphism in these last rocks was more intense, originating the rocks in the granulite facies in portions of the crust in which the partial pressure of H2O was relatively lowers, as well as of migmatites, result of the anatexis of quartz-feldspatic composition rocks, in places which the partial pressure of H2O was higher. This metamorphism was accompanied of intense deformation, which to have juxtaposed both migmatites and granulites blocks. Therefore later there was intense interaction fluid-rock, as well as restricted points of heat caused by igneous intrusions and that are responsible for the variations in the size of grain of the minerals and especially by the fortress retrometamorphic reequilibrium and by the fluids transport. Thermobarometric data in Amphibole Schist of Caldas indicate pressure and temperature conditions of the amphibolite facies and they describe a counterclockwise path, with no precise retrometamorphic P-T-t trajectory. The pressures in these rocks vary between 6.3 and 13.5Kb with narrow variations of the temperature, with values between ~550 and 630ºC. In the case of the Schists of Ancón, the result is a counterclockwise path and it reflects increases of temperature evidenced by the occurence of sillimanite and the return of the path to the kyanite zone (amphibolite facies). The temperatures in this group vary between ~400 and 555ºC for constant pressures of 5 and 6Kb in prograde metamorphic conditions. The retrometamorphism presents pressures between ~7.6 and 7.2Kb with temperatures aproximately between ~645 and 635ºC, besides temperatures between ~500 and 600ºC with constant pressure of 6Kb. The El Retiro set presents a strong decompression with narrow variations in the temperature field, showing pressure values between ~8.7 and 2.7Kb with temperatures of ~740 and 633ºC.
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Paläoproterozoisches Krustenwachstum (2.0-1.8 Ga) am Beispiel der Västervik-Region in SE-Schweden und dem Kamanjab Inlier in NW-Namibia / Paleoproterozoic crustal growth (2.0-1.8 Ga) illustrated on basis of the Västervik-area in SE-Sweden and the Kamanjab inlier in NW-NamibiaNolte, Nicole 18 October 2012 (has links)
Um Hinweise auf die geodynamische Entwicklung und zur Rekonstruktion der magmatischen und tektono-metamorphen Geschichte der Västervik-Region (SE-Schweden) und dem Kamanjab Inlier (NW-Namibia) zu erhalten, wurden isotopengeochemische Untersuchungen (Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, K-Ar, U-Pb) in Kombination mit Haupt- und Spurenelementanalytik sowie Untersuchungen zu den P-T-Bedingungen an metamorphen Gesteinen durchgeführt. Beide Gebiete vereint eine gemeinsame Entwicklung innerhalb des Superkontinentes Columbia. Sowohl die Västervik-Region als auch der Kamanjab Inlier sind durch ihre Lage entlang eines aktiven Kontinentalrandes geprägt. In beiden Arbeitsgebieten konnte eine mehrphasige Entwicklung erkannt werden. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass der granitoide Magmatismus entlang des südlichen Randes des Laurentia-Baltika Systems durch zwei paläoproterozoische Phasen charakterisiert ist. So konnten fünf granitoide Einheiten unterschieden werden, die in ihrer Zusammensetzung von Tonaliten bis Syenograniten variieren. Geochemische Klassifikationen haben für drei der fünf Einheiten einen „magnesian“, metaluminösen Cordillerancharakter gezeigt, der in Verbindung mit einem aktiven Kontinentalrand steht (2. Phase 1.81-1.77 Ga). Die übrigen zwei Einheiten zeigen einen Wechsel zu „ferroan“, peraluminösen Granitoiden mit einem A-Typ-Charakter, die während einer Extensionsphase gebildet wurden (1. Phase 1.87-1.84 Ga). Während die Ältere der beiden A-Typ-Gruppen mit der ersten Phase korreliert werden kann, zeigt die Jüngere Affinitäten zur sogenannten Granit-Pegmatit-Einheit. Das bestehende tektonische Modell für die Bergslagen-Region (N‘ Västervik) setzt eine Verlagerung der Subduktionszone in SW‘ Richtung voraus, die einhergeht mit einem Wechsel des geodynamischen Regimes. Die für die Västervik-Region definierten fünf granitoiden Einheiten passen gut in dieses Modell und liefern Argumente für einen neuen tektonischen Zyklus im Süden der Bergslagen-Region. Der Kamanjab Inlier zeigt eine ähnliche Entwicklung, wie sie in der Västervik-Region beobachtet werden konnte. Der granitoide Magmatismus wurde auf ein paläoproterozoisches Alter von 1.88-1.81 Ga datiert und fällt vermutlich mit einem ersten tektono-metamorphen Ereignis zusammen, in dem es unter anderem zur Ausbildung von Migmatiten kam. Die ermittelten Sm-Nd-Modellalter der Amphibolite zeigen eine systematische Zunahme von tiefen zu höheren Krustenstockwerken (Rooikop/Aandgloed[S]: TDM 2.10-1.96 Ga; Suiderkruis/Aandgloed [N]: TDM 2.40-2.12 Ga; Ehobib: TDM 2.74-2.30 Ga). Das Einsetzen der Kibarischen Orogenese bzw. des kibarischen Riftereignisses im Mesoproterozoikum (~1.6 Ga) wird als Auslöser für eine großräumige Überprägung des südlichen Randes des Kongo-Kraton gesehen. Sowohl K-Ar-Datierungen (1.3-1.4 Ga) als auch die Ergebnisse der Rb-Sr-Isotopenanalyse (~1.5 Ga) deutet auf eine solche Überprägung hin und können mit einem zweiten tektono-metamorphen Ereignis sowie dem bimodalen Magmatismus entlang des Kontinentalrandes korreliert werden. Untersuchungen der P-T-Bedingungen zeigen eine Unterteilung in eine nördliche (T=650-750 °C; P=8-11 kbar) und eine südliche (T=500-600 °C; P=5-9 kbar) Domäne. Ausgehend von zwei diskreten Metamorphoseereignissen scheinen die Geländebeobachtungen (Ausbildung der Migmatite) die Bedingungen des ersten tektono-metamorphen Ereignisses widerzuspiegeln. Wohingegen die durch Laborbefunde ermittelten, das zweite Ereignis zeigen.
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