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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza AVG signálů / Analysis of AVG signals

Musil, Václav January 2008 (has links)
The presented thesis discusses the basic analysis methods of arteriovelocitograms. The core of this work rests in classification of signals and contribution to possibilities of noninvasive diagnostic methods for evaluation patients with peripheral ischemic occlusive arterial disease. The classification employs multivariate statistical methods and principles of neural networks. The data processing works with an angiographic verified set of arteriovelocitogram dates. The digital subtraction angiography classified them into 3 separable classes in dependence on degree of vascular stenosis. Classification AVG signals are represented in the program by the 6 parameters that are measured on 3 different places on each patient’s leg. Evaluation of disease appeared to be a comprehensive approach at signals acquired from whole patient’s leg. The sensitivity of clustering method compared with angiography is between 82.75 % and 90.90 %, specificity between 80.66 % and 88.88 %. Using neural networks sensitivity is in range of 79.06 % and 96.87 %, specificity is in range of 73.07 % and 91.30 %.

Hodnocení finanční situace podniku / The evaluation the financial situation of the firm

Červený, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
Objective of this thesis is to make a summary elaboration of particular proposals, which can reform the financial situation of the company and target the elimination of inconvenient financial indicators. In this thesis, there are used the financial analysis methods to parse financial situation of the company. For a consideration of the company financial results are proposed the processes to improve the financial situation of the company.

'Correlation and portfolio analysis of financial contagion and capital flight'

NAKMAI, SIWAT 29 November 2018 (has links)
This dissertation mainly studies correlation and then portfolio analysis of financial contagion and capital flight, focusing on currency co-movements around the political uncertainty due to the Brexit referendum on 26 June 2016. The correlation, mean, and covariance computations in the analysis are both time-unconditional and time-conditional, and the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) and exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) methods are applied. The correlation analysis in this dissertation (Chapter 1) extends the previous literature on contagion testing based on a single global factor model, bivariate correlation analysis, and heteroskedasticity bias correction. Chapter 1 proposes an alternatively extended framework, assuming that intensification of financial correlations in a state of distress could coincide with rising global-factor-loading variability, provides simple tests to verify the assumptions of the literature and of the extended framework, and considers capital flight other than merely financial contagion. The outcomes show that, compared to the literature, the extended framework can be deemed more verified to the Brexit case. Empirically, with the UK being the shock-originating economy and the sterling value plummeting on the US dollar, there exist contagions to some other major currencies as well as a flight to quality, particularly to the yen, probably suggesting diversification benefits. When the correlation coefficients are time-conditional, or depend more on more recent data, the evidence shows fewer contagions and flights since the political uncertainty in question disappeared gradually over time. After relevant interest rates were partialled out, some previous statistical contagion and flight occurrences became less significant or even insignificant, possibly due to the significant impacts of the interest rates on the corresponding currency correlations. The portfolio analysis in this dissertation (Chapter 2) examines financial contagion and capital flight implied by portfolio reallocations through mean-variance portfolio analysis, and builds on the correlation analysis in Chapter 1. In the correlation analysis, correlations are bivariate, whereas in the portfolio analysis they are multivariate and the risk-return tradeoff is also vitally involved. Portfolio risk minimization and reward-to-risk maximization are the two analytical cases of portfolio optimality taken into consideration. Robust portfolio optimizations, using shrinkage estimations and newly proposed risk-based weight constraints, are also applied. The evidence demonstrates that the portfolio analysis outcomes regarding currency contagions and flights, implying diversification benefits, vary and are noticeably dissimilar from the correlation analysis outcomes of Chapter 1. Subsequently, it could be inferred that the diversification benefits deduced from the portfolio and correlation analyses differ owing to the dominance, during market uncertainty, of the behaviors of the means and (co)variances of all the shock-originating and shock-receiving returns, over the behaviors of just bivariate correlations between the shock-originating and shock-receiving returns. Moreover, corrections of the heteroskedasticity bias inherent in the shock-originating returns, overall, do not have an effect on currency portfolio rebalancing. Additionally, hedging demands could be implied from detected structural portfolio reallocations, probably as a result of variance-covariance shocks rising from Brexit. / This dissertation mainly studies correlation and then portfolio analysis of financial contagion and capital flight, focusing on currency co-movements around the political uncertainty due to the Brexit referendum on 26 June 2016. The correlation, mean, and covariance computations in the analysis are both time-unconditional and time-conditional, and the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) and exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) methods are applied. The correlation analysis in this dissertation (Chapter 1) extends the previous literature on contagion testing based on a single global factor model, bivariate correlation analysis, and heteroskedasticity bias correction. Chapter 1 proposes an alternatively extended framework, assuming that intensification of financial correlations in a state of distress could coincide with rising global-factor-loading variability, provides simple tests to verify the assumptions of the literature and of the extended framework, and considers capital flight other than merely financial contagion. The outcomes show that, compared to the literature, the extended framework can be deemed more verified to the Brexit case. Empirically, with the UK being the shock-originating economy and the sterling value plummeting on the US dollar, there exist contagions to some other major currencies as well as a flight to quality, particularly to the yen, probably suggesting diversification benefits. When the correlation coefficients are time-conditional, or depend more on more recent data, the evidence shows fewer contagions and flights since the political uncertainty in question disappeared gradually over time. After relevant interest rates were partialled out, some previous statistical contagion and flight occurrences became less significant or even insignificant, possibly due to the significant impacts of the interest rates on the corresponding currency correlations. The portfolio analysis in this dissertation (Chapter 2) examines financial contagion and capital flight implied by portfolio reallocations through mean-variance portfolio analysis, and builds on the correlation analysis in Chapter 1. In the correlation analysis, correlations are bivariate, whereas in the portfolio analysis they are multivariate and the risk-return tradeoff is also vitally involved. Portfolio risk minimization and reward-to-risk maximization are the two analytical cases of portfolio optimality taken into consideration. Robust portfolio optimizations, using shrinkage estimations and newly proposed risk-based weight constraints, are also applied. The evidence demonstrates that the portfolio analysis outcomes regarding currency contagions and flights, implying diversification benefits, vary and are noticeably dissimilar from the correlation analysis outcomes of Chapter 1. Subsequently, it could be inferred that the diversification benefits deduced from the portfolio and correlation analyses differ owing to the dominance, during market uncertainty, of the behaviors of the means and (co)variances of all the shock-originating and shock-receiving returns, over the behaviors of just bivariate correlations between the shock-originating and shock-receiving returns. Moreover, corrections of the heteroskedasticity bias inherent in the shock-originating returns, overall, do not have an effect on currency portfolio rebalancing. Additionally, hedging demands could be implied from detected structural portfolio reallocations, probably as a result of variance-covariance shocks rising from Brexit.

Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for Material Analysis / Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) for Material Analysis

Pořízka, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
Tato doktorská práce je zaměřena na vývoj algoritmu ke zpracování dat naměřených zařízením pro spektrometrii laserem indukovaného plazmatu (angl. LIBS). Zařízení LIBS s tímto algoritmem by mělo být následně schopno provést třídění vzorků a kvantitativní analýzu analytu in-situ a v reálném čase. Celá experimentální část této práce byla provedena ve Spolkovém institutu pro materiálový výzku a testování (něm. BAM) v Berlíně, SRN, kde byl sestaven elementární LIBS systém. Souběžně s experimentílní prací byl vytvořen přehled literárních zdrojů s cílem podat ucelený pohled na problematiku chemometrických metod používaných k analýze LIBS měření. Použití chemometrických metod pro analýzu dat získaných pomocí LIBS měření je obecně doporučováno především tehdy, jsou-li analyzovány vzorky s komplexní matricí. Vývoj algoritmu byl zaměřen na kvantitativní analýzu a třídění vyvřelých hornin na základě měření pomocí LIBS aparatury. Sada vzorků naměřených použitím metody LIBS sestávala z certifikovaných referenčních materiálů a vzorků hornin shromážděných přímo na nalezištích mědi v Íránu. Vzorky z Íránu byly následně na místě roztříděny zkušeným geologem a množství mědi v daných vzorcích bylo změřeno na Univerzitě v Clausthalu, SRN. Výsledné kalibrační křivky byly silně nelineární, přestože byly sestaveny i z měření referenčních vzorků. Kalibrační křivku bylo možné rozložit na několik dílčích tak, že závislost intenzity měděné čáry na množství mědi se nacházela v jiném trendu pro jednotlivé druhy hornin. Rozdělení kalibrační křivky je zpravidla přisuzováno tzv. matričnímu jevu, který silně ovlivňuje měření metodou LIBS. Jinými slovy, pokud určujeme množství analytu ve vzorcích s různou matricí, je výsledná kalibrační křivka sestavená pouze z jedné proměnné (intenzity zvolené spektrální čáry analytu) nepřesná. Navíc, normalizace takto vytvořených kalibračních křivek k intenzitě spektrální čáry matrčního prvku nevedla k výraznému zlepšení linearity. Je obecně nemožné vybrat spektrální čáru jednoho matričního prvku pokud jsou analyzovány prvky s komplexním složením matric. Chemometrické metody, jmenovitě regrese hlavních komponent (angl. PCR) a regrese metodou nejmenších čtverců (angl. PLSR), byly použity v multivariační kvantitatvní analýze, tj. za použití více proměnných/spektrálních čar analytu a matričních prvků. Je potřeba brát v potaz, že PCR a PLSR mohou vyvážit matriční jev pouze do určité míry. Dále byly vzorky úspěšně roztříděny pomocí analýzy hlavních komponent (angl. PCA) a Kohonenových map na základě složení matričních prvků (v anglické literatuře se objevuje termín ‚spectral fingerprint‘) Na základě teorie a experimentálních měření byl navržen algoritmus pro spolehlivé třídění a kvantifikaci neznámých vzorků. Tato studie by měla přispět ke zpracování dat naměřených in-situ přístrojem pro dálkovou LIBS analýzu. Tento přístroj je v současnosti vyvíjen v Brně na Vysokém učení technickém. Toto zařízení bude nenahraditelné při kvantifikaci a klasifikaci vzorků pouze tehdy, pokud bude použito zároveň s chemometrickými metodami a knihovnami dat. Pro tyto účely byla již naměřena a testována část knihoven dat v zaměření na aplikaci metody LIBS do těžebního průmyslu.

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