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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Stridsåtgärder inom fackföreningsrörelsen : En undersökning av SAC och LO:s stridsåtgärder inom pappersindustrin i Värmland på 1920-talet / Industrial action in Swedish trade unions : An examination of SAC:s and LO:s  industrial action in the paper industry in Värmland in the 1920:s

Borehall, Johan January 2017 (has links)
This study examines two trade unions at Skoghall, Skoghalls LS of SAC and the Swedish Paper unions division 36 at Skoghallverken. The purpose of this study is to get a knowledge about what kind of methods that Skoghalls LS of SAC used to get better working conditions and living conditions for the worker at Skoghallsverken and compare them to the methods that division 36 of the Swedish Paperworkersunion at Skoghallsverken used to create better living conditions and working conditions. The question that I asked in the study is: What kind of working methods did Skoghalls LS of SAC and division 36 of the Swedish Paperworkingunion of improve the working and living conditions of the workers at Skoghallsverken? What kinds of conflicts were common at Skoghallsverken between 1920-1928? To be able to do the study I read meeting minutes from Skogshalls LS members meetings between 1919 and 1928 and meeting minutes from division 36 of the Swedish Paperworkersunions membersmettings between 1921 and 1926. And the examination was done at Arkivcentrum Värmland where they helped me to get the sources that I needed to do the study. One of the results that examine shows is that Skoghalls LS of SAC helped workers in their daily lives for i.e. when they had economic troubles. Skoghalls LS probably used the Social security system in Sweden where not created in the 1920: s which is the time that is examined in this study. Division 36 on the other hand had worked in similar way as Skoghalls LS with workers who were in need, i.e. they helped them with money if they had economic problems and raised money to them. But in other conflicts Division 36 took a lot more careful stance against the director’s board at Skoghallsverken i.e. when they gave notice about strike under the Christmas holiday along time before the actual dates. The defensive approach that division 36 used is probably rooted in LO: s reformistic ideas and a will to create consensus between the workers and the directors of the industry. The conclusions that can be drawn from the result are these: Skoghalls where defensive trade union and Skoghallsverken where calm workplace what where free from big conflicts between unions and the employers. The conflicts that occurred in the 1920: s where about social issues i.e. poor housing standards for the employees at Skoghallsverken and indignation about the 8 hours working day. But Skoghalls LS and Skoghall 36 also dealt with issues where families had lost their incomes because the father in the family had died and it was fathers who get the income to their families when they where working. Skoghalls LS and Skoghall 36 where using very similar working methods to improve the workers livingenviroment and workingingenviroment and Skoghalls LS of SAC where not as radical as said they would be. / I denna studie undersöks två fackföreningar på Skoghall, Skoghalls LS av SAC och Svenska Pappersarbetareförbundets avdelning 36 på Skoghallsverken under 1920-talet. Uppsatsens syfte är att ta reda på vilka metoder som Skoghalls LS av SAC använde sig av för att förbättra arbetsvillkoren och livsvillkoren för arbetarna på Skoghallsverken och jämföra Skoghalls LS metoder med Svenska Pappersarbetareförbundets avdelning 36 för att vad vilka arbetsmetoder som de använde sig av för att förbättra de bruksanställdas arbetssituation och livssituation. Frågeställningarna som jag formulerat i uppsatsen är: Vilka arbetsmetoder använde sig SAC och Svenska pappersarbetareförbundet avdelning 36 av för att förbättra de bruksanställdas arbetsmiljö och livsmiljö? Vilka olika typer av konflikter förekom under 1920-1928?. Och för att kunna genomföra undersökningen så har mötesprotokoll från Skoghalls LS mellan åren 1919-1928 använts samt mötes protokoll från Svenska Pappersarbetareförbundets avdelning 36 på Skoghallsverken mellan åren 1921-1926. Undersökningen genomfördes på Arkivcentrum Värmland och gick till så att mötesprotokoll från fackföreningarnas medlemsmöten genomgicks för att få reda på vad fackföreningarna använde av för att förbättra bruksarbetarnas arbetsvillkor och livsvillkor. Resultat av undersökningen visar bland annat att Skoghalls LS stöttade arbetare på det sociala planet när de t.ex. hamnat i ekonomiska svårigheter därför att fadern som försörjde familjen hade dött och då tillsatte Skoghalls LS en kommitté för att ordna ekonomiskt stöd till familjen. Att Skoghalls LS använde sig av dessa metoder i kampen för bättre villkor i arbetet och i vardagen kan bero att arbetarna inte skulle få någon hjälp om facket inte hjälpte dem då det sociala skyddsnätet i Sverige inte var så väl utbyggt. Svenska Pappersarbetareförbundets avdelning 36 på Skoghallsverken stöttade också medlemmar som hamnat i nöd genom att t.ex. samla in pengar till de arbetare som behövde det. Skoghall 36 gick också ut och varslade om att lägga ner arbetet på julaftonen därför att arbetarna inte skulle arbeta under denna högtid. Att Skoghall 36 Samlade in pengar för att stötta nödställda arbetare kan ha berott på att de ville vinna arbetarnas förtroende och få med i fackföreningen samt att det sociala skyddsnätet ännu inte var utbyggt i Sverige. Varslet om strejk som gjordes en tid innan julhelgen gjordes antagligen för att LO baserar sin taktik på reformistisk grund och vill skapa samförstånd mellan arbetare och arbetsgivare. En spontanstrejk skulle göra väcka irritation hos arbetsgivarna. De slutsatser som går att dra av resultat visar att Skoghalls LS var en väldigt defensiv fackförening och att Skoghallsverken var en lugn arbetsplats trots att det under 1920-talet förekom många konflikter på arbetsmarknaden mellan fack och arbetsgivare. De konflikter som förekom på Skoghall och Skoghallsverken handlade t.ex. om sociala frågor så som undermåliga bostadsförhållanden och om familjer som hamnat i svåra förhållanden när fadern dött och familjen förlorat sin inkomst eftersom det var fadern som försörjde familjen ekonomiskt t.ex. Men det förekom också strejker som när Skoghalls LS gick ut i Strejk för att visa sitt missnöje med hur systemet med 8 timmars arbetsdag fungerade eller när Skoghall 36 varslade om strejk för att de inte ville att med lemmarna skulle arbeta under julhelgen. Konflikterna var heller inte särskilt långa eller vilda utan sträckte sig oftast bara över ett par dygn och var inte särskilt frekventa. En annan slutsats som går att dra är att Skoghalls LS och Skoghall 36 använde sig utav väldigt likartade arbetsmetoder för att förbättra de bruksanställdas arbetsmiljö och livsmiljö. Skoghalls LS var inte alls så offensiva som de och SAC utgav sig för att vara och kanske vilket ha göra med att pappersindustrin var en ganska konfliktfri bransch om man jämfört med industrisektorer som flottnings och gruvindustrin som hade betydligt fler konflikter.

Žaloba a rozsudek (vzájemný vztah) / Types of civil procedure

Kratochvílová, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
The goal of my Master's degree thesis is to describe the relation between an action and a judgment. My paper is divided into 9 chapters and several subchapters. After a general introduction in chapter 1, I describe the civil procedure and its basic principles in chapter 2. Chapter 3 is focused on describing an action and a judgment separately. It defines both of these acts, an action as an act of a plaintiff, a judgment as an act of a court. This basic definition is followed by an explanation of what form must these two acts have (written, oral, electronic…) according to the Czech Civil Procedure Code. In the next subchapter I describe the main requirements of these two acts (an action - court address, names of a plaintiff and a respondent, names of their representatives…, a judgment - a verdict, a justification and guidance on appeals). Chapter 4 provides the relation between an action requirement and a judgment verdict. A plaintiff summarizes his/her requests in an action requirement. By that he/she is presenting the dispute to the court. The court deals with plaintiffs' requests in his verdict. We can say the verdict of the court is destined by the action requirement. In the last subchapter of chapter 4 I am presenting several examples of action requirements and judgment verdicts. In Chapter 5...

Implementering van regstellende aksie in die rekeningkundige professie in Suid-Afrika

18 March 2015 (has links)
M.Com. (Business Management) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

Reasoning and attributions in injury incidents in major maintenance operations

Mpesi, Kgothatso 21 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 99112152G - MA dissertation - School of Human and Community Development - Faculty of Humanities / Aviation maintenance is an area where better efficiency is needed to cope with ever increasing workloads. However aviation maintenance has also been identified as one of the major causes of accidents and also where maintenance personnel can sustain injuries. Consequently, if further efficiencies are to be achieved, they cannot come at the cost of reduced safety margins. The present study was concerned with identifying the reasons and attributions of injury incidents in major maintenance operations. Moreover compare team leaders and technicians and also investigate whether human error contributes to injury incidents. Much of previous research in this area has employed human error theory. In the present research the researcher tapped into the mainstream psychological theories to help clarify the mechanism underlying the links between the injury incidents and behaviour. The present study employed attribution theory and the theory of reasoned action to share light on explaining behaviour. The sample consisted of 17 participants, five team leaders and twelve aircraft technicians from different departments in major maintenance. Results of the study indicate that participants experienced different injury incidents in major maintenance. These injury incidents occurred as a result of various contributory factors. Contributory factors cited were equipment deficiencies, pressure, slippery and dirty floors and stands. Team leaders and technicians had similar and different responses towards the research questions asked. Types of errors that contributed to these injury incidents were slips, skill-based, knowledge-based errors and most importantly, violations. Participants made external attributions towards injury incidents. Explanations using reasoned action theory with regard to the reasons and actions that lead to injury incidents were related more subjective norm and also associated with violations and pressure.

Action researching my practice as a facilitator of experiential learning with pastoralist farmers in central west Queensland

Roberts, Gerard Michael O'Brien, University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture, School of Agriculture and Rural Development January 1997 (has links)
My thesis document is contextualised as a three year study of my practice as a facilitator of experiential learning with pastoralist farmers in my role as an agricultural extension officer. In the study I used an action research methodology to provide change and understanding in situations in which it was too difficult to control variables. In my use of the methodology, action provided change and research provided understanding. The action research methodology also provided rigour through the spiral of its cyclic process. Within the agricultural extension context, my learning outcomes about my role in working participatively and collaboratively with pastoralists, prompted significant change in my practice of facilitation. The change enabled us as an experiential learning group facilitated by an agricultural extension officer, to provide for pastoralist participants to increasingly direct their own learning. From reflection on the project observations that led to my working more collaboratively and participatively, I theorise that improved facilitation practice can derive from personal and collaborative reflection as a part of action researching. My reflection, during the process of thesis writing allowed me to use action science to demonstrate that my improved facilitiation practice came about from enhanced congruency of theories of action of participation and collaboration. Personally, I developed a more congruent practice of participation and collaboration through action researching my practice of facilitating experiential learning with pastoralists, and by reflecting on the emergent outcomes for me as the facilitator. This thesis concludes with my consideration of whether or not my specific learning outcomes may provide a foundation for some cautious expansion of the emergent outcomes of the action research such that they may be of interest to others in extension. / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Efficiency and redistribution in economies with hidden action

Panaccione, Luca 05 September 2006 (has links)
In this thesis, we study how the efficiency of competitive equilibrium in a pure exchange economy with hidden action depends on the market structure. We consider both competitive anonymous markets, where consumers make their choices taking as given some relevant economic parameters, and competitive strategic markets, where consumers interact with financial intermediaries who explicitly take into account the choices of other economic agents. In the first chapter, we review some known results on the efficiency of competitive equilibrium under different market structures. In the second chapter, we assume that there are multiple consumption goods and that the level of action affects the marginal benefit consumers get from consumption. We consider two different market structures: a complete set of contingent-commodity markets, and a complete set of financial markets, together with spot markets for consumption goods. The main result we provide in this chapter is that under more general hypothesis than those usually considered in the literature, the equilibrium with financial markets is not efficient. In the third chapter, we assume that consumers can insure themselves by voluntarily committing to deliver part of their endowment to a common pool in exchange for a sure return from the pool itself. We show that an equilibrium with pool of promises exists, and we characterize it.

Linearization of Regular Proper Groupoids

alanw@math.berkeley.edu 27 June 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Efficiency and redistribution in economies with hidden action

Panaccione, Luca 05 September 2006 (has links)
In this thesis, we study how the efficiency of competitive equilibrium in a pure exchange economy with hidden action depends on the market structure. We consider both competitive anonymous markets, where consumers make their choices taking as given some relevant economic parameters, and competitive strategic markets, where consumers interact with financial intermediaries who explicitly take into account the choices of other economic agents. In the first chapter, we review some known results on the efficiency of competitive equilibrium under different market structures. In the second chapter, we assume that there are multiple consumption goods and that the level of action affects the marginal benefit consumers get from consumption. We consider two different market structures: a complete set of contingent-commodity markets, and a complete set of financial markets, together with spot markets for consumption goods. The main result we provide in this chapter is that under more general hypothesis than those usually considered in the literature, the equilibrium with financial markets is not efficient. In the third chapter, we assume that consumers can insure themselves by voluntarily committing to deliver part of their endowment to a common pool in exchange for a sure return from the pool itself. We show that an equilibrium with pool of promises exists, and we characterize it.

Nietzsche's Skepticism of Agency

Lorentz, Ben 18 December 2012 (has links)
Nietzsche’s view of the self and will seems to culminate in a naturalistic account of human agency. If we understand Nietzsche as primarily a naturalist who thinks philosophy should more or less be modeled on the sciences whose investigations are restricted to empirical observation and whose explanations, like causal explanation, are natural (rather than supernatural), then ascribing a naturalistic account of human agency to Nietzsche is appropriate. However, I argue that attributing a naturalistic account of agency, or any account of agency to Nietzsche, misunderstands Nietzsche’s skepticism. I attempt to demonstrate the primacy of Nietzsche’s skepticism by showing how “his” naturalistic “account” of agency is best understood as an instrument in the service of his purely critical and deflationary project. To show the instrumental character of his “account,” I show how the account is used to oppose traditional notions of agency without itself becoming Nietzsche’s theory of agency.

An Action Research on Life Education for Elementary School Children¡GUse Story as Instructional Methods

Liu, Tzu-chi 27 July 2010 (has links)
The study is based on the research subjects in chai-shan elementary school; the research subjects were from the fourth class of the sixth grade (female: 12, male: 17). The purpose of this study is using storytelling strategy to practice the life education course. Researcher recorded the subjects¡¦ learning situation; after this course, researcher also observed the growth and change in the cognitive concepts and behavior of the research students. What¡¦s more, researcher viewed the reflections and growth of the teacher and the students, hoping the research could provide other life education educators with some reference and implementation data. This research used action research method. By observation, interview and document analysis, researcher investigated the students¡¦ reactions and changes after implementing this course. This research implementation period is 10 weeks (20 classes) in the formal class curriculum. Meanwhile, this life education strategy is adjusted with the researcher¡¦s review and students¡¦ class performances. The research course is expected to be objective, complete and detailed, and it is also expected to sharp the researcher¡¦s professional knowledge and research ability on life education courses. The research result shows that: 1.By applying storytelling strategy, the course could achieve the goal of life education. 2. Implementing life education with narrative curriculum model could strengthen students¡¦ confidence, bringing up ability of communication and emotional adjustment, and made students understand the meaning and value of life. 3. The teacher could upgrade the growing of professional knowledge by the practice and reflection of the life education course. Last but not least, according to the result, researcher provide specific recommendations to the school administrative units and the future studies, for reference.

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