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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studies on the hypolipidemic and antioxidative effects of different species of Dioscorea in hyperlipidemia hamsters

Wang, Chiung-yean 03 August 2005 (has links)
Recent studies indicated that Atherosclerosis was thought to the resulted from high blood lipid and oxidative stress. Dioscorea has been recognized as an edible medicinal herb as well as healthy plant. Related studies showed that Taiwannative yam (Dioscorea) exhibited hypoglycemic, antioxidative and hypolipidemic functions. However, researches regarding the best species of native Dioscorea revealing the efficacy with both antioxidative and hypolipidemic functions are limited. Previously our laboratory, found that three in five native species of Dioscorea provided by the Agricultural Research Institute had antioxidative effects. The goal of this study was to investigate the effects of this three Dioscorea species (TA01¡BTA03¡BTA05) on lipid metabolism and antioxidative ability of hamsters. Hyperlipidemia hamsters induced by feeding high fat and high cholesterol diet for 3 weeks, were randomly divided into five groups. Group 1 was the control group fed with a high fat and high cholesterol diet (HF, 0.2% cholesterol and 12% fat) ; group 2 was the positive control group fed with a HF diet supplemented with 0.08% atorvastatin (HF+ATS) ; group 3 was TA01 group fed with a HF diet supplemented with 10% TA01 yam powder (HF+TA01) ; group 4 was TA03 group fed with a HF diet supplemented with 10% TA03 yam powder (HF+TA03) ; group 5 was TA05 group fed with a HF diet supplemented with 10% TA05 yam powder (HF+TA05). The experiment was conducted for 12 weeks. Blood was collcted to determine serum total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerol (TG) at week 4 and 8. The hamsters were scarified and the blood, liver and epididymal fat pads were collected at week 12. The weight of body, liver, epididymal fat pads ; Serum TC, TG, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and oxidation of LDL (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, TBARS) were determined ; TC, TG, TBARS, superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and glutathione reductase (GR) of liver were also analyzed. Results indicated that TA01 group had significantly decreased serum TG (P < 0.05) at 4 and 8 weeks. Serum TC and TG of TA03 group were significantly lower than those of the control group at 8 weeks. No significant difference for TC and TG was found between TA05 and the control groups. After 12 weeks of Dioscorea feeding, liver weight and liver to body weight ratio of TA01 and TA03 groups compared to that of control group were significantly reduced. Epididymal fat pads weight and that the body weight ratio tended to be less compared to that of the control group. Serum TG concentration of TA01 was significantly decreased to 89% of the control group. Serum TC, TG and LDL-C concentrations of TA03 group were significantly decreased to 82, 89 and 83% of the control group, respectively. Serum HDL-C of TA03 group was unaffected and LDL TBARS tended to be decreased (1.67 ¡Ó 0.79 vs. 1.06 ¡Ó 0.57) compared to that of the control group. Liver TC concentrations of TA01 and TA03 groups both were significantly decreased to 88% of the control group. Liver TG and TBARS of TA01 and TA03 groups were unchanged. Catalase activities of TA01 and TA03 groups and GR activity of TA01 group were significantly higher than those of the control group. No significant differences were found in GPx and SOD activities among all groups. In conclusion, TA01 and TA03 species of Taiwannative yam (Dioscorea) tubers exhibit beneficial effects on lipid profile and antioxidative status for hyperlipidemia induced by a high fat and high cholesterol diet. Among there species, TA03 reveals the best potential with both hypolipidemic and antioxidant effects, and was suggested to be used in the development of functional food for the modification of lipid profile and oxidative status in cardiovascular disease prevention .

Total Radical Antioxidant Potential of Four Different Types of Full-Leaf Tea as Determined by Luminol-Enhanced Chemiluminescence Measurements

Sreenivasan, Shreepriya 11 May 2013 (has links)
Demand for tea is increasingly driven by its reported antioxidative properties. To ascertain such efficacy, the antioxidative activity (AA) of freshly brewed commercially available full-leaf white, green, oolong, and black tea was determined using a dynamic method. Various amounts (w/v) of tea were brewed at different temperatures for a constant period of time. The AA was calculated based on the ability of the brew to quench hydroxyl-radicals as quantified by chemiluminescence detection. Black tea had the strongest radical scavenging ability followed by green tea. Their AA was far greater than those of the other two types of tea tested. This efficacy finally eroded on serial dilution to a tea concentration of 0.15625 X 10-4 g/mL. The significant data clearly substantiate the sound premise that tea, particularly black tea, is unique in its dramatic ability to counter the adverse onslaught of radicals that are known contributors to human morbidity and mortality.

Antioxidative Enzyme und \"oxidized low density lipoprotein\" (oxLDL) in Follikelflüssigkeit und Serum bei IVF - Patientinnen mit Adipositas

Bausenwein, Judith 01 July 2011 (has links)
Adipositas und das polyzystische Ovarsyndrom (PCOS) sind häufig Gründe für Anovulation, Infertilität und unerfüllten Kinderwunsch. Sowohl Adipositas als auch das PCOS können zu einem Ungleichgewicht zwischen Anti- und Prooxidanzien im menschlichen Körper führen. Durch Übergewicht der Prooxidanzien ensteht oxidativer Stress. Reaktive Sauerstoffspezies (reactive oxygen species, ROS) fallen vermehrt an und oxidieren Lipoproteine zu „oxidized low density lipoproteins“ (oxLDL). Durch Bindung von oxLDL an den „lectin-like oxidized low-density lipoprotein receptor-1 (LOX-1)“ wird Apoptose und Autophagie induziert. Wir vermuten, dass sich diese Prozesse auch in der Follikelflüssigkeit (FF), dem Milieu der Eizelle, abspielen und zum Absterben reifender Follikel und somit zur Anovulation und Infertilität führen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, zu untersuchen, welchen Einfluss Adipositas, hormonelle Stimulation und PCOS auf die enzymatischen Antioxidanzien Superoxiddismutase (SOD), Katalase, Glutathionperoxidase (GPx) und Glutathionreduktase (GR) sowie auf den oxLDL-Spiegel haben. Es wurden Serum und FF von Frauen unter IVF (in vitro Fertilisation) -Therapie untersucht, die anhand ihres Body Mass Index (BMI), des Taille-Hüft-Quotienten (T/H-Quotient) sowie des PCOS in vier Gruppen eingeteilt wurden. Die Konzentration an oxLDL als Repräsentant des oxidativen Systems und die Aktivität der Enzyme SOD, Katalase, GPx und GR, Repräsentaten des antioxidativen Systems, wurden im Serum vor Stimulationsbeginn und zum Zeitpunkt der Follikelpunktion sowie in der FF gemessen. Adipöse Frauen mit und ohne PCOS hatten höhere Konzentrationen an oxLDL in der FF als normalgewichtige. Die oxLDL-Konzentrationen der FF waren 1000-fach niedriger als die der Seren. Interessanterweise waren auch die Katalase-Aktivitäten in der FF adipöser Frauen mit und ohne PCOS höher als die der normalgewichtigen. Zusammenfassend lässt sich folgern, dass erhöhte oxLDL-Konzentrationen in der FF von adipösen Frauen, unabhängig vom Vorliegen eines PCOS, mit einer gesteigerten Katalase-Aktivität und einer niedrigeren IVF-Erfolgsrate assoziiert sind.

Metodologia para avaliação de motores diesel alimentados por biodiesel

Porte, Anderson Favero January 2011 (has links)
Dentre tantas matérias primas existentes para produção de biodiesel, os óleos e gorduras residuais apresentam-se como uma alternativa promissora em função das questões ambientais envolvidas no seu reaproveitamento. Neste contexto, vários aspectos necessitam ser melhores compreendidos quanto à produção e utilização de biodiesel produzido a partir desta matéria prima. Dentre eles, destacam-se a estabilidade à oxidação do biodiesel e as suas conseqüências para o óleo lubrificante do motor, pois um combustível com baixa estabilidade à oxidação remete à menor vida útil do mesmo, enquanto que a presença de biodiesel no lubrificante degrada a qualidade do óleo, interferindo diretamente nas condições de desgaste das partes móveis do motor. Desta forma, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo propor uma metodologia de análise para identificar as conseqüências do uso de biodiesel de óleos e gorduras residuais em motores, a partir da adição ou não de um anti-oxidante no combustível, bem como avaliar a influência deste anti-oxidante sobre a estabilidade à oxidação do biodiesel. Para tanto, a pesquisa propõe a realização de ensaios em motores de ciclo diesel abastecido com biodiesel, sem troca de óleo, em condições reais de funcionamento, na presença e na ausência de anti-oxidante. Além disso, é proposto que a concentração do antioxidante a ser usado seja determinada a partir do acompanhamento do índice de peróxido do combustível e que o efeito deste anti-oxidante seja avaliado a partir da caracterização do combustível antes e após a sua aplicação. Quanto às conseqüências tribológicas do uso de biodiesel em motores, é proposto um monitoramento das variáveis físico-químicas do lubrificante, além de espectroscopia no infravermelho e por emissão ótica. Para identificar as relações existentes entre o combustível utilizado, o desgaste observado e a contaminação do óleo lubrificante, a metodologia proposta sugere a aplicação de uma matriz de correlação nos resultados obtidos. No presente estudo, a metodologia foi aplicada em um motor de ciclo diesel estacionário, acoplado à um gerador de 12,5 kVA, trabalhando por intervalos de tempo superiores à 250 h. Os resultados mostraram que a adição de BHA como agente anti-oxidante aumenta a estabilidade à oxidação do biodiesel para uma concentração de 1000 ppm, Além disso, também foi possível identificar que ocorreu contaminação do lubrificante pelo biodiesel, na presença ou não de BHA, e que esta contaminação apresentou alguma influência nas condições tribológicas do motor para o período de ensaios considerado. / Amongst many available sources for biodiesel production, the residual oils and fats are presented as a promising alternative by the environmental questions involved in its reuse. This way, some aspects related to biodiesel production and utilization must be better understood. Amongst them, it is highlighted the oxidation stability of biodiesel and its consequences to the engine lubricant oil, because a fuel with low oxidation stability sends to a lesser useful life whereas the presence of biodiesel in the engine lubricant degrades the oil quality, intervening directly with the wearing conditions of the engine mobile parts. In such a way, this research proposes an analysis methodology to identify the consequences of the biodiesel use in engines, in the presence or not of the antioxidative substance, as well to evaluate the influence of an antioxidative substance on the oxidation stability of biodiesel. For that, the research considers the accomplishment of the assays in a diesel engine, without oil exchange, in real conditions of working, in two stages: in the presence and without the antioxidative substance in the fuel. Moreover, it is proposed that the concentration of the antioxidative substance to be used must be evaluated by the accompaniment of the fuel peroxide index and that the effect of this antioxidative substance must be evaluated from the characterization of the fuel before and after its application. About the tribologycal consequences of the biodiesel use in engines, it is proposed a monitoring of the lubricant physical-chemical variables, beyond spectrometry in the infra-red ray and optical emission spectroscopy. To identify the relations between the fuel used, degree of wearing and lubricant oil contamination, the methodology suggests the application of a matrix of correlation in the achieved results. In the present study, the methodology has been applied in a stationary diesel engine coupled to a generator of 12,5 kVA, by a period bigger than 250 h. The lubricant used was SAE 15W40 oil. The results had shown that the BHA addition increases the biodiesel oxidation stability for a 1000 ppm concentration. Moreover, it was also possible identify that contamination lubricant by biodiesel occurs, in the presence or not of BHA, and that this contamination presented some influence on the engine tribologycal conditions for the period of assays considered.

Untersuchung zu dem Einfluss einer Immunonutrition mit Glutamin, Omega-3-Fettsäuren und antioxidativen Vitaminen auf dem postoperativen Verlauf kardiochirurgischer Patienten / The influence of an immunonutrition with glutamine, omega-3-fatty acids and antioxidative vitamins on the postoperative progress of cardiosurgical patients

von der Heide, Inga January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Ob eine Immunonutrition einen Nutzen in der Versorgung schwer kranker oder chirurgischer Patienten bringt, ist Thema kontroverser Diskussionen. Dabei scheint unklar, welches Patientenklientel von welcher Zusammensetzung verschiedener immunmodulatorischer Substanzen am meisten profitiert. Zudem ist nicht einheitlich geklärt, zu welchen Zeitpunkten und über welche Zeiträume die Immunmodulation den größten Nutzen bringt. Die hier durchgeführte Studie wurde konzipiert, um zu untersuchen, ob die Patienten, die einer aortokoronaren Bypassoperation unter Einsatz der Herz-Lungen-Maschine zugeführt werden, eine Verbesserung ihres klinischen Outcomes zeigen, wenn sie immunmodulatorische Substanzen perioperativ erhalten. Die konkreten Fragestellungen für diese Arbeit lauten daher: 1) Kann die Immunonutrition mit Glutamin, ௰-3-Fettsäuren und antioxidativ wirksamen Vitaminen die Inzidenz von postoperativen Infektionen bei Patienten, die einer aortokoronaren Bypassoperation zugeführt werden, verringern? 2) Verkürzt sich die Liegedauer der Patienten auf der Intensivstation und nach Verlegung auf Normalstation postoperativ bei regelmäßiger Einnahme der immunmodulierenden Substanzen über den Zeitraum des stationären Aufenthaltes? 3) Verbessert sich das klinische Outcome der Patienten durch die perioperative Substitution insgesamt, durch ein selteneres Auftreten von häufigen Komplikationen und Kreislaufinstabilitäten? Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Kohortenstudie mit 137 Patienten durchgeführt, wovon sich 97 Patienten in der Kontrollgruppe und 40 in der Experimentalgruppe befanden. Die Patienten der Experimentalgruppe erhielten ab dem Tag ihrer stationären Aufnahme 2 unterschiedliche Substanzen zur oralen Einnahme verabreicht. Die eine enthielt einen hohen Anteil an Glutamin und antioxidativ wirksamen Substanzen (Glutamine Plus®) und die andere einen hohen Gehalt an ௰-3-Fettsäuren (Supportan® Drink). Das Glutamine Plus® wurde morgens und abends, der Supportan® Drink mittags verabreicht. Die Substitution erfolgte über den kompletten stationären Aufenthalt, abgesehen von dem Tag der Operation selber. Die Blutentnahmen für die entsprechenden infektiologischen Parameter erfolgten zu den Zeitpunkten präoperativ, 6 Stunden nach Ende der Operation, 2 Tage postoperativ und vor der Entlassung. Es zeigte sich, dass die Patienten, die die Substanzen erhielten, weniger postoperative Infektionen entwickelt hatten, als die Patienten in der Kontrollgruppe. Das wurde aus einer signifikanten PCT-Erhöhung in der Kontrollgruppe abgeleitet. Allerdings hatte diese postoperative Komplikation keine Auswirkung auf die Liegezeit der Patienten auf der Intensivstation oder auf die Dauer des stationären Aufenthaltes nach Verlegung von der Intensivstation auf eine periphere Station zur Folge. Ebenfalls zeigten sich keine Unterschiede zwischen den beiden Kohorten in der Notwendigkeit einer antibiotischen Therapie, sowie im Auftreten von Kreislaufinstabilitäten oder den häufigsten Komplikationen. / The influence of an immunonutrition with glutamine, omega-3-fatty acids and antioxidative vitamins on the postoperative progress of cardiosurgical patients

Untersuchungen zum antioxidativen Status und Stoffwechsel bei Färsen im peripartalen Zeitraum

Finn, Franziska 19 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Während der Kalbung kommt es neben physischen Belastungen auch zu weit reichenden Veränderungen auf hämatologischer und klinischchemischer Ebene. Durch verschiedene Prozesse kommt es zusätzlich zur Entstehung von oxidativem Stress. Zusammen hat dies einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf das Wohlbefinden, die Gesundheit und die Leistung der Kühe im postpartalen Zeitraum. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war es, die antioxidative Kapazität und den Stoffwechsel von Färsen im geburtsnahen Zeitraum unter Berücksichtigung des Geburtsverlaufes und des Gesundheitsstatus post partum zu analysieren.

Metodologia para avaliação de motores diesel alimentados por biodiesel

Porte, Anderson Favero January 2011 (has links)
Dentre tantas matérias primas existentes para produção de biodiesel, os óleos e gorduras residuais apresentam-se como uma alternativa promissora em função das questões ambientais envolvidas no seu reaproveitamento. Neste contexto, vários aspectos necessitam ser melhores compreendidos quanto à produção e utilização de biodiesel produzido a partir desta matéria prima. Dentre eles, destacam-se a estabilidade à oxidação do biodiesel e as suas conseqüências para o óleo lubrificante do motor, pois um combustível com baixa estabilidade à oxidação remete à menor vida útil do mesmo, enquanto que a presença de biodiesel no lubrificante degrada a qualidade do óleo, interferindo diretamente nas condições de desgaste das partes móveis do motor. Desta forma, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo propor uma metodologia de análise para identificar as conseqüências do uso de biodiesel de óleos e gorduras residuais em motores, a partir da adição ou não de um anti-oxidante no combustível, bem como avaliar a influência deste anti-oxidante sobre a estabilidade à oxidação do biodiesel. Para tanto, a pesquisa propõe a realização de ensaios em motores de ciclo diesel abastecido com biodiesel, sem troca de óleo, em condições reais de funcionamento, na presença e na ausência de anti-oxidante. Além disso, é proposto que a concentração do antioxidante a ser usado seja determinada a partir do acompanhamento do índice de peróxido do combustível e que o efeito deste anti-oxidante seja avaliado a partir da caracterização do combustível antes e após a sua aplicação. Quanto às conseqüências tribológicas do uso de biodiesel em motores, é proposto um monitoramento das variáveis físico-químicas do lubrificante, além de espectroscopia no infravermelho e por emissão ótica. Para identificar as relações existentes entre o combustível utilizado, o desgaste observado e a contaminação do óleo lubrificante, a metodologia proposta sugere a aplicação de uma matriz de correlação nos resultados obtidos. No presente estudo, a metodologia foi aplicada em um motor de ciclo diesel estacionário, acoplado à um gerador de 12,5 kVA, trabalhando por intervalos de tempo superiores à 250 h. Os resultados mostraram que a adição de BHA como agente anti-oxidante aumenta a estabilidade à oxidação do biodiesel para uma concentração de 1000 ppm, Além disso, também foi possível identificar que ocorreu contaminação do lubrificante pelo biodiesel, na presença ou não de BHA, e que esta contaminação apresentou alguma influência nas condições tribológicas do motor para o período de ensaios considerado. / Amongst many available sources for biodiesel production, the residual oils and fats are presented as a promising alternative by the environmental questions involved in its reuse. This way, some aspects related to biodiesel production and utilization must be better understood. Amongst them, it is highlighted the oxidation stability of biodiesel and its consequences to the engine lubricant oil, because a fuel with low oxidation stability sends to a lesser useful life whereas the presence of biodiesel in the engine lubricant degrades the oil quality, intervening directly with the wearing conditions of the engine mobile parts. In such a way, this research proposes an analysis methodology to identify the consequences of the biodiesel use in engines, in the presence or not of the antioxidative substance, as well to evaluate the influence of an antioxidative substance on the oxidation stability of biodiesel. For that, the research considers the accomplishment of the assays in a diesel engine, without oil exchange, in real conditions of working, in two stages: in the presence and without the antioxidative substance in the fuel. Moreover, it is proposed that the concentration of the antioxidative substance to be used must be evaluated by the accompaniment of the fuel peroxide index and that the effect of this antioxidative substance must be evaluated from the characterization of the fuel before and after its application. About the tribologycal consequences of the biodiesel use in engines, it is proposed a monitoring of the lubricant physical-chemical variables, beyond spectrometry in the infra-red ray and optical emission spectroscopy. To identify the relations between the fuel used, degree of wearing and lubricant oil contamination, the methodology suggests the application of a matrix of correlation in the achieved results. In the present study, the methodology has been applied in a stationary diesel engine coupled to a generator of 12,5 kVA, by a period bigger than 250 h. The lubricant used was SAE 15W40 oil. The results had shown that the BHA addition increases the biodiesel oxidation stability for a 1000 ppm concentration. Moreover, it was also possible identify that contamination lubricant by biodiesel occurs, in the presence or not of BHA, and that this contamination presented some influence on the engine tribologycal conditions for the period of assays considered.

Metodologia para avaliação de motores diesel alimentados por biodiesel

Porte, Anderson Favero January 2011 (has links)
Dentre tantas matérias primas existentes para produção de biodiesel, os óleos e gorduras residuais apresentam-se como uma alternativa promissora em função das questões ambientais envolvidas no seu reaproveitamento. Neste contexto, vários aspectos necessitam ser melhores compreendidos quanto à produção e utilização de biodiesel produzido a partir desta matéria prima. Dentre eles, destacam-se a estabilidade à oxidação do biodiesel e as suas conseqüências para o óleo lubrificante do motor, pois um combustível com baixa estabilidade à oxidação remete à menor vida útil do mesmo, enquanto que a presença de biodiesel no lubrificante degrada a qualidade do óleo, interferindo diretamente nas condições de desgaste das partes móveis do motor. Desta forma, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo propor uma metodologia de análise para identificar as conseqüências do uso de biodiesel de óleos e gorduras residuais em motores, a partir da adição ou não de um anti-oxidante no combustível, bem como avaliar a influência deste anti-oxidante sobre a estabilidade à oxidação do biodiesel. Para tanto, a pesquisa propõe a realização de ensaios em motores de ciclo diesel abastecido com biodiesel, sem troca de óleo, em condições reais de funcionamento, na presença e na ausência de anti-oxidante. Além disso, é proposto que a concentração do antioxidante a ser usado seja determinada a partir do acompanhamento do índice de peróxido do combustível e que o efeito deste anti-oxidante seja avaliado a partir da caracterização do combustível antes e após a sua aplicação. Quanto às conseqüências tribológicas do uso de biodiesel em motores, é proposto um monitoramento das variáveis físico-químicas do lubrificante, além de espectroscopia no infravermelho e por emissão ótica. Para identificar as relações existentes entre o combustível utilizado, o desgaste observado e a contaminação do óleo lubrificante, a metodologia proposta sugere a aplicação de uma matriz de correlação nos resultados obtidos. No presente estudo, a metodologia foi aplicada em um motor de ciclo diesel estacionário, acoplado à um gerador de 12,5 kVA, trabalhando por intervalos de tempo superiores à 250 h. Os resultados mostraram que a adição de BHA como agente anti-oxidante aumenta a estabilidade à oxidação do biodiesel para uma concentração de 1000 ppm, Além disso, também foi possível identificar que ocorreu contaminação do lubrificante pelo biodiesel, na presença ou não de BHA, e que esta contaminação apresentou alguma influência nas condições tribológicas do motor para o período de ensaios considerado. / Amongst many available sources for biodiesel production, the residual oils and fats are presented as a promising alternative by the environmental questions involved in its reuse. This way, some aspects related to biodiesel production and utilization must be better understood. Amongst them, it is highlighted the oxidation stability of biodiesel and its consequences to the engine lubricant oil, because a fuel with low oxidation stability sends to a lesser useful life whereas the presence of biodiesel in the engine lubricant degrades the oil quality, intervening directly with the wearing conditions of the engine mobile parts. In such a way, this research proposes an analysis methodology to identify the consequences of the biodiesel use in engines, in the presence or not of the antioxidative substance, as well to evaluate the influence of an antioxidative substance on the oxidation stability of biodiesel. For that, the research considers the accomplishment of the assays in a diesel engine, without oil exchange, in real conditions of working, in two stages: in the presence and without the antioxidative substance in the fuel. Moreover, it is proposed that the concentration of the antioxidative substance to be used must be evaluated by the accompaniment of the fuel peroxide index and that the effect of this antioxidative substance must be evaluated from the characterization of the fuel before and after its application. About the tribologycal consequences of the biodiesel use in engines, it is proposed a monitoring of the lubricant physical-chemical variables, beyond spectrometry in the infra-red ray and optical emission spectroscopy. To identify the relations between the fuel used, degree of wearing and lubricant oil contamination, the methodology suggests the application of a matrix of correlation in the achieved results. In the present study, the methodology has been applied in a stationary diesel engine coupled to a generator of 12,5 kVA, by a period bigger than 250 h. The lubricant used was SAE 15W40 oil. The results had shown that the BHA addition increases the biodiesel oxidation stability for a 1000 ppm concentration. Moreover, it was also possible identify that contamination lubricant by biodiesel occurs, in the presence or not of BHA, and that this contamination presented some influence on the engine tribologycal conditions for the period of assays considered.

Properties of Extracts Obtained from Rice Straw by Its Subcritical Fluid Treatment / 亜臨界流体処理による稲わら抽出物の特性

Tangkhavanich, Boonnakhom 24 September 2013 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第17899号 / 農博第2022号 / 新制||農||1017(附属図書館) / 学位論文||H25||N4795(農学部図書室) / 30719 / 京都大学大学院農学研究科食品生物科学専攻 / (主査)教授 安達 修二, 教授 入江 一浩, 教授 谷 史人 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

An Automated Study of Antioxidant Potentials of Polar Extract of Turmeric as Influenced by Ultraviolet Radiation

Alawadi, Nagham Salah 07 May 2016 (has links)
Turmeric polar extract (TPE) was obtained by dielectric-precipitation of turmeric slurry and found to contain three proteins with two in the 10-11 KDa range being dominant. Antioxidative activity and persistence (AP) of TPE (5%, w/v) respectively showed 87% and 85% greater generation of alkoxy- and peroxyl radicals compared the non-redox-active buffer alone showing significant (p<0.05) pro-oxidative behavior. Conversely, purified curcumin (CU) (0.1% w/v) was dramatically antioxidative with AA and AP values of 2,828 and 1,129%, respectively, compared to the blank. However, a combination of the two at the same concentration dropped these values to 590 and 389%, respectively, reflecting dramatic dampening of the efficacy of CU. Ultraviolet radiation significantly modulated the efficacy of CU where UVB (300 nm) exposure gave the highest enhancement when limited to five min. Data showed that turmeric contains highly pro-oxidant polar proteins that significantly dramatically diminishes the beneficial antioxidative efficacy of its principal phytochemical, CU.

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