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Webbserveranalys : En jämförelse av webbservrars svarstiderGustavsson, Marcus, Hedbrant, Joel January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Utveckling av hotspotsystem / Hotspot system developmentBaktirovic, Adnan January 2008 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är gjort på uppdrag av Fiber Optik Valley. Huvuduppdraget i projektet var att skapa ett fungerande betalningssystem för en hotspot och att utveckla företagets webbsida. Hotspotsystemet som baserades på en gratistjänst från Public IP, är tänkt att kunna fungera delvis autonomt utan ägarens ingripande. Företagets webbsida skapades i en Flex2-utvecklingsmiljö och produkten blev en Adobe Flash-applikation. För att få ett dynamiskt och konfigurerbart system skapades även en kontrollpanel till webbsidan åt företagets webbadministratörer, så att innehållet på sidan ska kunna förändras utan att behöva kompilera om koden. Kontrollpanelen säkrades också med en inloggningsprocess. Som underliggande motor och som ersättning för brister i Flash-funktionaliteten, användes Simple PHP-tjänster mellan Flash-applikationen och PHP-skripten på servern. Betalningssystemet utvecklades med hjälp av PHP, MySQL och JavaScript. I systemet ingår PayPal’s IPN-tjänster för penningtransaktioner och validering av transaktioner. En självständig AMP-server, Apache2, MySQL och PHP5.0, lades till hotspotsystemet för att minska behovet av att ha en webbsida på ett externt webbhotell. / This graduation work was done as a assignment from Fiber Optic City company based in Hudiksvall Sweden. The base assignment was to create an automated payment system for a Hotspot network and a company web page. The hotspot system should work as a standalone service. The company has already a working free-of-charge service that is offered to its customers and is based on Public IP system. The company webpage was done with the help of a development suite called Flex2 and the result was an Adobe Flash application. To increase webpage dynamics a second page was developed for the company to have the ability to change and configure the main company webpage. An authentication service was deployed to configuration page to increase its security. As an engine and a substitute for lack of functionality and security in Adobe Flash simplePHP web service was used to connect Flash with a PHP script on its server. The payment system was developed with the help of PHP, MySQL and JavaScript. The system uses Paypal IPN service for money transaction and transaction validation A standalone web server with Apache2, PHP 5.0 and MySQL was deployed to the hotspot system to reduce the need of having an authentication system on a commercial Internet based web hotel.
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Open Source-baserad utveckling av Document Output Management-lösningarElfving, Thommy January 2014 (has links)
Det finns flera fördelar med att digitalisera företagets affärsdokument; bland dessa kan nämnas minskade utrymmeskostnader och lättare delning av information. En process som inte sällan utgör en del av det elektroniska dokumenthanteringssystemet är hanteringen av dokumentmallar – området som detta examensarbete kommer att fokusera på. Att på ett enkelt och smidigt sätt kunna förena data från ett affärssystem med en passande dokumentmall (kanske i form av en serverkomponent) och, baserat på denna process, generera t.ex. en faktura eller plocklista är något som varje elektroniskt dokumenthanteringssystem värt namnet borde kunna. Men är man tvungen att alltid behöva förlita sig på stängda (ofta kostsamma), proprietära lösningar, eller finns det ett annat sätt? I och med detta examensarbete demonstrerar jag hur man kan utveckla just en sådan lösning; ett program som förenar XML-data med en dokumentmall som har utformats i kontorssviten OpenOffice.org – den öppna kontorssviten.
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The upper Jurassic stratigraphy of Back Mesa, ArizonaHarshbarger, J. W. (John William), 1914-, Harshbarger, J. W. (John William), 1914- January 1948 (has links)
No description available.
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Extending the Growing Hierarchical Self Organizing Maps for a Large Mixed-Attribute Dataset Using Spark MapReduceMalondkar, Ameya Mohan January 2015 (has links)
In this thesis work, we propose a Map-Reduce variant of the Growing Hierarchical Self Organizing Map (GHSOM) called MR-GHSOM, which is capable of handling mixed attribute datasets of massive size. The Self Organizing Map (SOM) has proved to be a useful unsupervised data analysis algorithm. It projects a high dimensional data onto a lower dimensional grid of neurons. However, the SOM has some limitations owing to its static structure and the incapability to mirror the hierarchical relations in the data. The GHSOM overcomes these shortcomings of the SOM by providing a dynamic structure that adapts its shape according to the input data. It is capable of growing dynamically in terms of the size of the individual neuron layers to represent data at the desired granularity as well as in depth to model the hierarchical relations in the data.
However, the training of the GHSOM requires multiple passes over an input dataset. This makes it difficult to use the GHSOM for massive datasets. In this thesis work, we propose a Map-Reduce variant of the GHSOM called MR-GHSOM, which is capable of processing massive datasets. The MR-GHSOM is implemented using the Apache Spark cluster computing engine and leverages the popular Map-Reduce programming model. This enables us to exploit the usefulness and dynamic capabilities of the GHSOM even for a large dataset.
Moreover, the conventional GHSOM algorithm can handle datasets with numeric attributes only. This is owing to the fact that it relies heavily on the Euclidean space dissimilarity measures of the attribute vectors. The MR-GHSOM further extends the GHSOM to handle mixed attribute - numeric and categorical - datasets. It accomplishes this by adopting the distance hierarchy approach of managing mixed attribute datasets.
The proposed MR-GHSOM is thus capable of handling massive datasets containing mixed attributes. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the MR-GHSOM in terms of clustering of mixed attribute datasets, we present the results produced by the MR-GHSOM on some popular datasets. We further train our MR-GHSOM on a Census dataset containing mixed attributes and provide an analysis of the results.
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Big Data v technológiách IBM / Big Data in technologies from IBMŠoltýs, Matej January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis presents Big Data technologies and their possible use cases and applications. Theoretical part is initially focused on definition of term Big Data and afterwards is focused on Big Data technology, particularly on Hadoop framework. There are described principles of Hadoop, such as distributed storage and data processing, and its individual components. Furthermore are presented the largest vendors of Big Data technologies. At the end of this part of the thesis are described possible use cases of Big Data technologies and also some case studies. The practical part describes implementation of demo example of Big Data technologies and it is divided into two chapters. The first chapter of the practical part deals with conceptual design of demo example, used products and architecture of the solution. Afterwards, implementation of the demo example is described in the second chapter, from preparation of demo environment to creation of applications. Goals of this thesis are description and characteristics of Big Data, presentation of the largest vendors and their Big Data products, description of possible use cases of Big Data technologies and especially implementation of demo example in Big Data tools from IBM.
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Hlášení podnětů obcím - ZmapujTo.cz / Civic issues reporting - ZmapujTo.czHujer, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This work deals with communicating issues in public space from citizens to municipalities. The main objective is the creation of a system for reporting those issues using smartphone. The first chapter contains the analysis of existing foreign and domestic projects focused on issues mapping. The second chapter focuses on analysis and design of a new system. The third chapter discuses variants of technologies available for each part of the system. The fourth chapter describes choice of technologies and development of individual parts of the system.
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Performance Testing and Assessment of Various Network-Based ApplicationsKondepati, Divya Naga Krishna, Mallidi, Satish Kumar Reddy January 2019 (has links)
Performance Testing is one of the crucial parts of any software cycle process. In today’s world, there is any number of network-based applications. Manual Testing and Automated Testing are the two important ways to test any type of application. For Manual Testing a mobile application known as BlekingeTrafiken is used. For Automated Testing, a web application known as Edmodo is used. Selenium is the automated tool included for automated testing. But, for each application, there are several users and because of that, there might be a decrease in performance of the application as an increase in the number of users. Performance of an application also depends on response times, mean, stability, speed, capacity, accuracy. The performance also depends on the device (memory consumption, battery, software variation) and Server/API (less no of calls) and depends on the network performance (jitters, packet loss, network speed). There are several tools for performance testing. By using these tools, we can get accurate performance results of each request. In this thesis, we performed manual testing of a mobile application by increasing the number of users under similar network conditions, automated testing of a web application under various test cases and tested the performance of an iPad application (PLANETJAKTEN). It is a real-time gaming application used to learn mathematics for children. Apache JMeter is the tool used for performance testing. The interaction between the JMeter tool and the iPad is done through HTTP Proxy method. When any user starts using the application, we can measure the performance of each request sent by the user. Nagios is the tool used to monitor the various environments. Results show that for manual testing, the time taken for connecting to WI-FI is low compared to opening and using the application. For automated testing, it is found that the time taken to run each test case for the first time is high compared to the remaining trials. For performance testing, the experimental results show that the error percentage (the percentage of failed requests) is high for logging into the application compared to using the application.
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Zdokonalování zdrojového kódu aplikací / Applications Source Code ImprovementObluková, Alena January 2017 (has links)
The problem discussed in this master's thesis is to increase the usability of aplication Classycle, especially to increase the comprehensibility of its outputs. Having studied theories of refactoring, testing, graphs and after thorough analysis of Classycle, it has been created new outputs of the application, displaying the output data in graphics form. The application has been tested with real-life data and it is ready to be deploy in company. Thanks to creation of new forms of outputs, which are discribed in practical part of master's thesis, programmer obtains a powerful tool for detection dependences between classes and packages in code.
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Návrh a tvorba mobilní aplikace pro systémy Android a iOS / Design and Creation of Mobile Application for Android and iOSBláha, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with design and implementation of mobile application for iOS and Android operating systems using tools for mobile application development. Ionic 4 was chosen for implementation, which is a set of tools that can be used to develop software, using Angular, HTML and SASS.
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