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Computational complexity and scheduling algorithms for wireless networksGoussevskaia, Olga January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Zürich, Techn. Hochsch., Diss.
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Approximation and online algorithms in scheduling and coloringFishkin, Aleksei V. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
University, Diss., 2003--Kiel.
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Average case approximability of optimisation problemsSchelm, Birgit. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Techn. University, Diss., 2004--Berlin.
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Effiziente Färbungsalgorithmen für k-färbbare Graphen / Efficient coloring algorithms for k-colorable graphsBaumann, Tobias 24 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
It is known to be an NP-complete problem to color a graph with a given number of colors. We present some approximation algorithms which come close to the desired number of colors. We also develop an algorithm that colors k-colorable graphs with ~O(n^a(k)) colors, where a(2)=0, a(3)=3/14 and
a(k)=1 - 6/(k+4+3(1-2/k)/(1-a(k-2))) for k >= 4, as presented in [20]. This formula has been generalized for new possible base algorithms. / Das Problem, einen Graphen mit einer gegebenen Anzahl Farben zu
färben, ist als NP-vollständig bekannt. Hier werden einige
Algorithmen vorgestellt, die für dieses Problem eine gute
Approximation liefern. Des Weiteren wird ein allgemeines
Färbungsverfahren hergeleitet, das für k-färbbare Graphen
den bisher besten existierenden Algorithmus darstellt. Es können
k-färbbare Graphen mit ~O(n^a(k)) Farben
gefärbt werden, wobei a(2)=0, a(3)=3/14 und
a(k) = 1 - 6/(k+4+3(1-2/k)/(1-a(k-2))) für
k >= 4 gilt [20]. Diese Formel wurde für
neue Basisalgorithmen verallgemeinert.
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Geometric algorithms for object placement and planarity in a terrainRay, Rahul. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
University, Diss., 2004--Saarbrücken.
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Linear-Quadratic Regulator Design for Optimal Cooling of Steel ProfilesBenner, Peter, Saak, Jens 11 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
We present a linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) design for a heat transfer model describing the cooling process of steel profiles in a rolling mill. Primarily we consider a feedback control approach for a linearization of the nonlinear model given there, but we will also present first ideas how to use local (in time) linearizations to treat the nonlinear equation with a regulator approach. Numerical results based on a spatial finite element discretization and a numerical algorithm for solving large-scale algebraic Riccati equations are presented both for the linear and nonlinear models.
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Network-Design Problems in Graphs and on the Plane / Netzwerk-Design-Probleme in Graphen und auf der EbeneFleszar, Krzysztof January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
A network design problem defines an infinite set whose elements, called instances, describe relationships and network constraints. It asks for an algorithm that, given an instance of this set, designs a network that respects the given constraints and at the same time optimizes some given criterion.
In my thesis, I develop algorithms whose solutions are optimum or close to an optimum value within some guaranteed bound. I also examine the computational complexity of these problems. Problems from two vast areas are considered: graphs and the Euclidean plane.
In the Maximum Edge Disjoint Paths problem, we are given a graph and a subset of vertex pairs that are called terminal pairs. We are asked for a set of paths where the endpoints of each path form a terminal pair. The constraint is that any two paths share at most one inner vertex. The optimization criterion is to maximize the cardinality of the set.
In the hard-capacitated k-Facility Location problem, we are given an integer k and a complete graph where the distances obey a given metric and where each node has two numerical values: a capacity and an opening cost. We are asked for a subset of k nodes, called facilities, and an assignment of all the nodes, called clients, to the facilities. The constraint is that the number of clients assigned to a facility cannot exceed the facility's capacity value. The optimization criterion is to minimize the total cost which consists of the total opening cost of the facilities and the total distance between the clients and the facilities they are assigned to.
In the Stabbing problem, we are given a set of axis-aligned rectangles in the plane. We are asked for a set of horizontal line segments such that, for every rectangle, there is a line segment crossing its left and right edge. The optimization criterion is to minimize the total length of the line segments.
In the k-Colored Non-Crossing Euclidean Steiner Forest problem, we are given an integer k and a finite set of points in the plane where each point has one of k colors. For every color, we are asked for a drawing that connects all the points of the same color. The constraint is that drawings of different colors are not allowed to cross each other. The optimization criterion is to minimize the total length of the drawings.
In the Minimum Rectilinear Polygon for Given Angle Sequence problem, we are given an angle sequence of left (+90°) turns and right (-90°) turns. We are asked for an axis-parallel simple polygon where the angles of the vertices yield the given sequence when walking around the polygon in counter-clockwise manner. The optimization criteria considered are to minimize the perimeter, the area, and the size of the axis-parallel bounding box of the polygon. / Ein Netzwerk-Design-Problem definiert eine unendliche Menge, deren Elemente, als Instanzen bezeichnet, Beziehungen und Beschränkungen in einem Netzwerk beschreiben. Die Lösung eines solchen Problems besteht aus einem Algorithmus, der auf die Eingabe einer beliebigen Instanz dieser Menge ein Netzwerk entwirft, welches die gegebenen Beschränkungen einhält und gleichzeitig ein gegebenes Kriterium optimiert.
In meiner Dissertation habe ich Algorithmen entwickelt, deren Netzwerke stets optimal sind oder nachweisbar nahe am Optimum liegen. Zusätzlich habe ich die Berechnungskomplexität dieser Probleme untersucht. Dabei wurden Probleme aus zwei weiten Gebieten betrachtet: Graphen und der Euklidische Ebene.
Im Maximum-Edge-Disjoint-Paths-Problem besteht die Eingabe aus einem Graphen und einer Teilmenge von Knotenpaaren, die wir mit Terminalpaare bezeichnen. Gesucht ist eine Menge von Pfaden, die Terminalpaare verbinden. Die Beschränkung ist, dass keine zwei Pfade einen gleichen inneren Knoten haben dürfen. Das Optimierungskriterium ist die Maximierung der Kardinalität dieser Menge.
Im Hard-Capacitated-k-Facility-Location-Problem besteht die Eingabe aus einer Ganzzahl k und einem vollständigen Graphen, in welchem die Distanzen einer gegebenen Metrik unterliegen und in welchem jedem Knoten sowohl eine numerische Kapazität als auch ein Eröffnungskostenwert zugeschrieben ist. Gesucht ist eine Teilmenge von k Knoten, Facilities genannt, und eine Zuweisung aller Knoten, Clients genannt, zu den Facilities. Die Beschränkung ist, dass die Anzahl der Clients, die einer Facility zugewiesen sind, nicht deren Kapazität überschreiten darf. Das Optimierungskriterium ist die Minimierung der Gesamtkosten bestehend aus den Gesamteröffnungskosten der Facilities sowie der Gesamtdistanz zwischen den Clients und den ihnen zugewiesenen Facilities.
Im Stabbing-Problem besteht die Eingabe aus einer Menge von achsenparallelen Rechtecken in der Ebene. Gesucht ist eine Menge von
horizontalen Geradenstücken mit der Randbedingung, dass die linke und rechte Seite eines jeden Rechtecks von einem Geradenstück verbunden ist. Das Optimierungskriterium ist die Minimierung der Gesamtlänge aller Geradenstücke.
Im k-Colored-Non-Crossing-Euclidean-Steiner-Forest-Problem besteht die Eingabe aus einer Ganzzahl k und einer endlichen Menge von Punkten in der Ebene, wobei jeder Punkt in einer von k Farben gefärbt ist. Gesucht ist für jede Farbe eine Zeichnung, in welcher alle Punkte der Farbe verbunden sind. Die Beschränkung ist, dass Zeichnungen verschiedener Farben sich nicht kreuzen dürfen. Das Optimierungskriterium ist die Minimierung des Gesamtintenverbrauchs, das heißt, der Gesamtlänge der Zeichnungen.
Im Minimum-Rectilinear-Polygon-for-Given-Angle-Sequence-Problem besteht die Eingabe aus einer Folge von Links- (+90°) und Rechtsabbiegungen (-90°). Gesucht ist ein achsenparalleles Polygon dessen Eckpunkte die gegebene Folge ergeben, wenn man das Polygon gegen den Uhrzeigersinn entlangläuft.
Die Optimierungskriterien sind die Minimierung des Umfangs und der inneren Fläche des Polygons sowie der Größe des notwendigen Zeichenblattes, d.h., des kleinsten Rechteckes, das das Polygon einschließt. / Given points in the plane, connect them using minimum ink. Though the task seems simple, it turns out to be very time consuming. In fact, scientists believe that computers cannot efficiently solve it. So, do we have to resign? This book examines such NP-hard network-design problems, from connectivity problems in graphs to polygonal drawing problems on the plane. First, we observe why it is so hard to optimally solve these problems. Then, we go over to attack them anyway. We develop fast algorithms that find approximate solutions that are very close to the optimal ones. Hence, connecting points with slightly more ink is not hard.
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From Worst-Case to Average-Case Efficiency – Approximating Combinatorial Optimization ProblemsPlociennik, Kai 18 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In theoretical computer science, various notions of efficiency are used for algorithms. The most commonly used notion is worst-case efficiency, which is defined by requiring polynomial worst-case running time. Another commonly used notion is average-case efficiency for random inputs, which is roughly defined as having polynomial expected running time with respect to the random inputs. Depending on the actual notion of efficiency one uses, the approximability of a combinatorial optimization problem can be very different.
In this dissertation, the approximability of three classical combinatorial optimization problems, namely Independent Set, Coloring, and Shortest Common Superstring, is investigated for different notions of efficiency. For the three problems, approximation algorithms are given, which guarantee approximation ratios that are unachievable by worst-case efficient algorithms under reasonable complexity-theoretic assumptions. The algorithms achieve polynomial expected running time for different models of random inputs. On the one hand, classical average-case analyses are performed, using totally random input models as the source of random inputs. On the other hand, probabilistic analyses are performed, using semi-random input models inspired by the so called smoothed analysis of algorithms.
Finally, the expected performance of well known greedy algorithms for random inputs from the considered models is investigated. Also, the expected behavior of some properties of the random inputs themselves is considered.
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From Worst-Case to Average-Case Efficiency – Approximating Combinatorial Optimization Problems: From Worst-Case to Average-Case Efficiency – Approximating Combinatorial Optimization ProblemsPlociennik, Kai 27 January 2011 (has links)
In theoretical computer science, various notions of efficiency are used for algorithms. The most commonly used notion is worst-case efficiency, which is defined by requiring polynomial worst-case running time. Another commonly used notion is average-case efficiency for random inputs, which is roughly defined as having polynomial expected running time with respect to the random inputs. Depending on the actual notion of efficiency one uses, the approximability of a combinatorial optimization problem can be very different.
In this dissertation, the approximability of three classical combinatorial optimization problems, namely Independent Set, Coloring, and Shortest Common Superstring, is investigated for different notions of efficiency. For the three problems, approximation algorithms are given, which guarantee approximation ratios that are unachievable by worst-case efficient algorithms under reasonable complexity-theoretic assumptions. The algorithms achieve polynomial expected running time for different models of random inputs. On the one hand, classical average-case analyses are performed, using totally random input models as the source of random inputs. On the other hand, probabilistic analyses are performed, using semi-random input models inspired by the so called smoothed analysis of algorithms.
Finally, the expected performance of well known greedy algorithms for random inputs from the considered models is investigated. Also, the expected behavior of some properties of the random inputs themselves is considered.
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Linear-Quadratic Regulator Design for Optimal Cooling of Steel ProfilesBenner, Peter, Saak, Jens 11 September 2006 (has links)
We present a linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) design for a heat transfer model describing the cooling process of steel profiles in a rolling mill. Primarily we consider a feedback control approach for a linearization of the nonlinear model given there, but we will also present first ideas how to use local (in time) linearizations to treat the nonlinear equation with a regulator approach. Numerical results based on a spatial finite element discretization and a numerical algorithm for solving large-scale algebraic Riccati equations are presented both for the linear and nonlinear models.
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