Spelling suggestions: "subject:"arbitrator"" "subject:"arbitration""
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O consensualismo e a arbitragem comercial / Consent and Commercial ArbitrationScaletscky, Fernanda Sirotsky 17 May 2016 (has links)
A arbitragem é um mecanismo consensual de resolução de disputas com vistas à prolação de uma sentença passível de execução. Na arbitragem comercial, a convenção arbitral é considerada a pedra angular do instituto, motivo pelo qual é nela que o presente estudo estará centrado. Sendo a convenção arbitral um negócio jurídico e, considerando que, para a formação de qualquer negócio jurídico requer-se a presença do consenso, segundo o qual o acordo de vontades é suficiente à conclusão da avença, o consentimento mostra-se como um elemento essencial da convenção arbitral, tendo em vista que ela não existe sem acordo de vontades. Nesse sentido, faz-se necessário examinar como o consensualismo se aplica e se manifesta na arbitragem comercial. Para esse fim, devem ser desenvolvidas as questões atinentes à aplicação do consensualismo à validade formal e material da convenção arbitral. Em relação às exigências formais para a validade da convenção arbitral, ver-se-á que mesmo que essas tenham sido relativizadas, sobretudo em relação à arbitragem comercial internacional, muitas questões ainda surgem quanto à necessidade de respeito aos requisitos formais para que uma parte possa ser considerada validamente obrigada pela convenção arbitral, seja no direito brasileiro, seja em outros ordenamentos jurídicos. Em relação à validade substancial da convenção arbitral, serão examinadas outras formas de manifestação do consentimento das partes, tendo em vista que a manifestação de vontade das partes nem sempre se dá pela expressa assinatura na convenção arbitral escrita, podendo os comportamentos adotados pelas partes, do início ao término do contrato, e mesmo durante o procedimento arbitral, ser uma forma de apontar para a sua intenção em relação à arbitragem. Ao final, será feita uma reflexão crítica no sentido de verificar qual a importância que o consentimento tem na prática arbitral atual e se o seu conceito se alterou, para que nele também tenham lugar as novas práticas adotadas pelos agentes do comércio internacional. / Arbitration is a consensual and private dispute resolution mechanism which leads to an enforceable arbitral award. In commercial arbitration the agreement to arbitrate is considered to be the cornerstone of arbitration, and that is why this study will be centered in it. Being the arbitration agreement a contract and considering that for the formation of any valid contract the presence of consent is required, whereby the mutual will of the parties is enough to the conclusion of the contract, the consent shows itself as an essential element of the agreement to arbitrate, since it doesn\'t exist without the mutual will of the parties. In this sense, it is necessary to examine how consent applies and manifests itself in commercial arbitration. To that end, the issues concerning the application of consent in the formal and material validity of the agreement to arbitrate must be developed. With regard to the formal requirements for the validity of the arbitration convention, it will be seen that even if they have been relativized, especially in relation to international commercial arbitration, many questions still arise about the need to respect the formal requirements in order to a party may be considered validly bound by the arbitration agreement, this is so in Brazilian law and in many other jurisdictions. Regarding the substantial validity of the agreement to arbitrate, this study will examine other forms of manifestation of consent, considering that the expression of the will of the parties is not always proven by their express signature in the written arbitration agreement, and the behaviors adopted by the parties, from the beginning to the termination of the contract, and even during the arbitral proceedings, may be a way of pointing to their real intentions in relation to arbitration. In the end, it will be made a critical reflection in order to verify what is the importance of consent in current arbitration practice and if its concept has changed, in order to embrace the new practices adopted by the players of international trade.
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Att hantera konflikter i grundskolans tidigare år : Pedagogens delaktighetKarlsson, Linn January 2010 (has links)
The subject of this study is conflict management. The purpose of this paper is to examine how teachers deal with conflicts between pupils in primary education. The purpose is also to get more insight on what a conflict is and show different strategies to manage conflicts. To learn about how teachers deal with conflicts between pupils in primary school, I chose to do interviews. I interviewed four teachers. In the interviews we talked about: their definition of what a conflict is, what kind of conflict that are most common, and how common it is with conflicts in the school which they work at, how they handle conflicts between students, how they believe that they manage conflicts, if they have received any training or education in conflict management and if the school they work at have any special guidelines for handling conflicts. My questions are: How do the teachers think about their own involvement in students' conflict management? How do the teachers think about which types of conflicts that can be difficult to manage? The result of the study is that the teachers often let students handle conflicts themselves and they think it is good for them to do it because it is a knowledge that we humans need have. However, all the teachers says that when the conflicts that the children can´t handle themselves, they are there to help and support. Educators' perception of what type of conflict that is difficult to deal with was different. These conflicts were: personal conflicts, situations where students do not realize that there are a conflict, and just believe that the other is just wrong, ethnic conflicts and conflict situations where students are saying different versions and refuse to change their minds. To access the time to manage conflicts also emerged as problematic in some situations. / Ämnet på denna undersökning är konflikthantering. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur pedagoger hanterar konflikter mellan elever i grundskolans tidigare år. Syftet är också att få mer insikt om vad en konflikt är och visa på olika strategier vid konflikthantering. För att få reda på hur pedagoger hanterar konflikter mellan elever i grundskolans tidigare år valde jag att göra intervjuer. Intervjuerna gjordes med fyra pedagoger. Med de intervjuade pratade jag om: deras definition av vad en konflikt är; vilken typ av konflikt som är vanligast och hur vanligt det är med konflikter där de arbetar; hur de hanterar konflikter mellan elever; hur de själva bedömer att de hanterar konflikter; om de har fått någon utbildning i konflikthantering och om skolan som de arbetar på har några speciella riktlinjer för att hantera konflikter. Mina frågeställningar är: Hur tänker pedagogerna om sin egen delaktighet i elevernas konflikthantering? Hur tänker pedagogerna om vilken typ av konflikter som kan vara svåra att hantera? Resultatet av studien är att pedagogerna låter ofta eleverna sköta konflikter själva och de anser att det är bra för dem att få göra det då det är en kunskap som vi människor behöver. Dock säger alla pedagogerna att vid de konflikter som barnen inte kan hantera själva så finns de där för att hjälpa till och stötta. Pedagogernas uppfattning av vilken typ av konflikt som är svårare att hantera skiljde sig åt. Dessa konflikter var; personliga konflikter, situationer då eleverna inte inser att det är en konflikt utan anser att den andre bara har fel, etniska konflikter och konfliktsituationer då eleverna säger olika versioner och vägrar ändra åsikt. Att få tillgång till tid för att hantera konflikter framkom också som problematiskt vid vissa situationer.
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Rozhodčí řízení v mezinárodním obchodním styku / Arbitration procedure within international business transactionsTylš, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis discusses the fundamental issues of arbitration in international trade. The aim of the paper is to explain the basic aspects of international arbitration, which constitute reason for choosing this method of dispute resolution, and further evaluate whether development of arbitration as such may cause international traders to reconsider arbitration as primary dispute resolution method. The structure of this thesis consists of an introduction, nine chapters and a conclusion. I determine thesis dissertation in the introduction, followed by the first chapter, where the reader is briefly acquainted with the history of arbitration and international commercial arbitration. In the second chapter dispute resolution methods in general are defined. The third chapter is devoted to alternative dispute resolution methods, their advantages and disadvantages and I further describe certain types of ADR. In the fourth chapter, arbitration is explained together with its basic attributes, theoretical concepts of arbitration and definition of international and domestic arbitration. At the end of the chapter legal sources of arbitration are listed. The fifth chapter describes the arbitration agreement as a precondition for arbitration; conditions for the validity of arbitration agreements are further defined as well...
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La compétence du tribunal arbitral dans l'arbitrage commercialFlores Patiño, Alejandro 02 1900 (has links)
"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit (L.L.M)" / Cette étude vise à définir et à préciser l'étendue ainsi que le contenu de la notion de
compétence du tribunal arbitral dans l'arbitrage commercial.
L'analogie des statuts du juge étatique et de l'arbitre nous permettra d'étendre
l'application de certaines notions propres à la justice étatique, telles que «juridiction»,
«compétence» et «pouvoir», à l'arbitrage commercial. Ainsi, dans la première partie, à
travers l'identification des principaux pouvoirs qu'un tribunal arbitral possède ou peut
posséder, nous aurons à préciser la notion de juridiction arbitrale. L'étude sera axée sur la
détermination du contenu et sur l'identification de la source de chacun des pouvoirs
traités. Par ailleurs, dans la deuxième partie, l'identification des limites desdits pouvoirs
nous permettra de préciser la notion de compétence arbitrale.
L'étude nous permettra de conclure que, sauf exception, telle que le recours à la force, les
pouvoirs d'un juge étatique sont les mêmes que ceux qu'un tribunal arbitral peut
posséder. En fait, ce dernier, grâce à la volonté des parties, pourrait en avoir plus que le
premier. Toutefois, le caractère hybride de l'arbitrage nous amènera à affirmer que, sauf
exception, telle que la justice naturelle, les limites des pouvoirs du juge étatique diffèrent
de celles du tribunal arbitral. / The objective of this study is to define and specify the scope as well as the content of the
concept of arbitral tribunal jurisdiction in commercial arbitration.
An analogy between the status of national judge and of arbitrator enables us to expand the
application of certain concepts specifie to national justice, such as "jurisdiction", "authority" and "powers", to commercial arbitration. Thus, in the first part, by identifying
the principal powers an arbitral tribunal has or could have, we specify the concept of
arbitral authority. The study focuses on determining the content and identifying the
source of each of the powers treated. Moreover, in the second part, identifying the limits
of said powers enables us to specify the concept of arbitral jurisdiction.
The study allows us to conclude that, with a few exceptions such as physical imposition,
the powers of a national judge are the same as those of an arbitral tribunal. In fact, the
latter, owing to the intention of the parties, may have more than the former. However, the
hybrid character of arbitration leads us to assert that, with a few exceptions such as
natural justice, the limits of the national judge's powers differ from those of the arbitral
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La compétence du tribunal arbitral dans l'arbitrage commercialFlores Patiño, Alejandro 02 1900 (has links)
Cette étude vise à définir et à préciser l'étendue ainsi que le contenu de la notion de
compétence du tribunal arbitral dans l'arbitrage commercial.
L'analogie des statuts du juge étatique et de l'arbitre nous permettra d'étendre
l'application de certaines notions propres à la justice étatique, telles que «juridiction»,
«compétence» et «pouvoir», à l'arbitrage commercial. Ainsi, dans la première partie, à
travers l'identification des principaux pouvoirs qu'un tribunal arbitral possède ou peut
posséder, nous aurons à préciser la notion de juridiction arbitrale. L'étude sera axée sur la
détermination du contenu et sur l'identification de la source de chacun des pouvoirs
traités. Par ailleurs, dans la deuxième partie, l'identification des limites desdits pouvoirs
nous permettra de préciser la notion de compétence arbitrale.
L'étude nous permettra de conclure que, sauf exception, telle que le recours à la force, les
pouvoirs d'un juge étatique sont les mêmes que ceux qu'un tribunal arbitral peut
posséder. En fait, ce dernier, grâce à la volonté des parties, pourrait en avoir plus que le
premier. Toutefois, le caractère hybride de l'arbitrage nous amènera à affirmer que, sauf
exception, telle que la justice naturelle, les limites des pouvoirs du juge étatique diffèrent
de celles du tribunal arbitral. / The objective of this study is to define and specify the scope as well as the content of the
concept of arbitral tribunal jurisdiction in commercial arbitration.
An analogy between the status of national judge and of arbitrator enables us to expand the
application of certain concepts specifie to national justice, such as "jurisdiction", "authority" and "powers", to commercial arbitration. Thus, in the first part, by identifying
the principal powers an arbitral tribunal has or could have, we specify the concept of
arbitral authority. The study focuses on determining the content and identifying the
source of each of the powers treated. Moreover, in the second part, identifying the limits
of said powers enables us to specify the concept of arbitral jurisdiction.
The study allows us to conclude that, with a few exceptions such as physical imposition,
the powers of a national judge are the same as those of an arbitral tribunal. In fact, the
latter, owing to the intention of the parties, may have more than the former. However, the
hybrid character of arbitration leads us to assert that, with a few exceptions such as
natural justice, the limits of the national judge's powers differ from those of the arbitral
tribunal. / "Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures En vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit (L.L.M)"
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