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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Možnosti strategického rozvoje cestovního ruchu na Strakonicku / A possibilities of strategic tourism development in the area Strakonice

ŠKODOVÁ, Hana January 2010 (has links)
The title of the thesis is The Possibilities of Strategic Tourism Development in the Strakonice District and it was written in the academic year 2009/2010. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the primary and secondary potential of tourism development in the Strakonice district, to suggest the possibilities of strategic tourism development and define its priorities and precautions on behalf of the executed analysis. The partial aim of the thesis is defining the examined area and its situation analysis. The other part focuses on collecting the primary (questionnaire survey) and secondary (literature, internet, magazines...) data, SWOT analysis and problem analysis. The conclusion of the thesis is dedicated to evaluating these two analyses, explaining the priorities and measures, that should increase the numbers and level of tourism in given region. Nonetheless does the conclusion of the thesis include confirming or contradicting operational hypothesis set in advance. After evaluation of recent state of sights of culturally-historical interest, natural potential, accommodation and catering facilities, traffic and supporting infrastructure, economical situation, tourism organisations and SWOT analysis, a vision for the forthcoming period of time was set. According to this vision, the Strakonice district should, thanks to its varied places of attractiveness offer, become a competitive and prospering area in terms of tourism. For reaching this state, the conclusion sets four aims, which are further concretized in respective priorities and measures. These aims, priorities and measures are based on the conceptions of tourism evolution for both Czech Republic and South Bohemian Region. The given aims include development and improvement of tourism infrastructure and services, increasing the propagation of given district, improvement of the recent state and building a new traffic infrastructure and transport services. The last aim focuses on wider interconnection of tourism subjects, which requires opening a destination management office at first place.

Принципи учеће регије као оквир за израду стратегије развоја туризма у Новом Саду / Principi učeće regije kao okvir za izradu strategije razvoja turizma u Novom Sadu / The Learning Area Principles as a Framework for the Development of Tourism Development Strategy of Novi Sad

Davidović Nemanja 28 December 2012 (has links)
<p>Докторска дисертација &bdquo;Принципи учеће регије као&nbsp;оквир за израду стратегије развоја туризма у Новом&nbsp;Саду&ldquo; односи се на простор Новог Сада и околине.&nbsp;<br />Концепт туристичке учеће регије је мулти-стејкхолдерски међусекторски приступ решавању&nbsp;проблема у циљу побољшања перформанси малих и&nbsp;средњих предузећа &nbsp;и људских ресурса туристичке&nbsp;привреде на нивоу дестинације. Програм истраживања&nbsp;обухвата:&nbsp; теоријско објашњење и дефинисање&nbsp;принципа туристичке учеће регије,&nbsp; идентификовање&nbsp;стејкхолдера туризма Новог Сада,&nbsp; дефинисање&nbsp;карактеристика и ресурса дестинације Нови Сад,&nbsp;анализа окружења туристичке привреде Новог Сада,&nbsp;идентификовање потреба и шанси дестинације Новог&nbsp;Сада за учењем&nbsp; (утврђивањем веза између стилова&nbsp;лидерства, димензија учеће организације и задовољства&nbsp;послом) и&nbsp; указивање на доступне фондове и&nbsp;иницијативе за повећање капацитета дестинације.</p> / <p>Doktorska disertacija &bdquo;Principi učeće regije kao&nbsp;okvir za izradu strategije razvoja turizma u Novom&nbsp;Sadu&ldquo; odnosi se na prostor Novog Sada i okoline.&nbsp;<br />Koncept turističke učeće regije je multi-stejkholderski međusektorski pristup rešavanju&nbsp;problema u cilju poboljšanja performansi malih i&nbsp;srednjih preduzeća &nbsp;i ljudskih resursa turističke&nbsp;privrede na nivou destinacije. Program istraživanja&nbsp;obuhvata:&nbsp; teorijsko objašnjenje i definisanje&nbsp;principa turističke učeće regije,&nbsp; identifikovanje&nbsp;stejkholdera turizma Novog Sada,&nbsp; definisanje&nbsp;karakteristika i resursa destinacije Novi Sad,&nbsp;analiza okruženja turističke privrede Novog Sada,&nbsp;identifikovanje potreba i šansi destinacije Novog&nbsp;Sada za učenjem&nbsp; (utvrđivanjem veza između stilova&nbsp;liderstva, dimenzija učeće organizacije i zadovoljstva&nbsp;poslom) i&nbsp; ukazivanje na dostupne fondove i&nbsp;inicijative za povećanje kapaciteta destinacije.</p> / <p>Doctoral dissertation &ldquo;The Learning Area Principles as a&nbsp;Framework for the Development of Tourism Development&nbsp;Strategy of Novi Sad&rdquo; refers to Novi Sad and its&nbsp;surroundings. The learning area concept is a multi-stakeholder inter-sectoral approach to problem solving in&nbsp;order to enhance the performance of SME&rsquo;s and human&nbsp;resources of tourism sector on destination level. The research consists of: theoretical background and explanation of tourism learning area principles, identification of tourism stakeholders in Novi Sad, defining the characteristics and resources of Novi Sad as a tourism destination, environmental analysis of tourism sector of Novi Sad, identification of learning needs and opportunities of Novi Sad (examining the links between leadership styles, dimensions of learning organization and job satisfaction) and indicating funds and initiatives for enhancing destination capacities that are available.</p>

Návrh na vytvoření turistického informačního centra v obci Tři Studně v CHKO Žďárské vrchy / The Concept of Creation of the Tourist Information Centre in the Municipality of Tři Studně in the Protected Landscape Area Žďárské Hills

HALVOVÁ, Monika January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis was a proposal to form a tourist information center and its location in the village of Tři Studně. Based on the analysis of supply and demand of the tourist destination offers a service that will provide visitors information center. For tourist information center have been proposed two alternatives. The first draft took advantage of the current meeting room of the Municipal Office at Tři Studně without modification, and it only added new equipment and technology . The second proposal is already associated with structural modifications of the room. Tři Studně are due to its abundant natural potential tourists visited in the summer and winter months. It forms one of the most Important Recreational Areas in Vysočina. Tři Studně in the TIC will be one of the most important elements of marketing communication of the village and its vicinity.

An?lise de necessidades de ingl?s para fins espec?ficos em um curso de gradua??o em turismo

Sarmento, Maria Edileuda do Rego 06 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:06:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaERS_DISSERT.pdf: 1409095 bytes, checksum: 47d94589cef732af65add0f419e0a74b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-06 / This study presents the results of a survey conducted in the area of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in order to identify (1) the learning needs of students in a course in Tourism, their desires and lacks, at a federal university, with respect to use of English; (2) the needs of the present situation of teachers and the coordinator of that course as to the language; (3) the needs of the target situation of professionals (graduates) and companies with respect to this language. This research is a case study (STAKE, 1998; YIN, 2009) and was used for data collection, instruments such as questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and document on the Tourism Course. To this end, it was adopted the theoretical basis for the constructs of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Ingl?s para Fins Espec?ficos (IFE) in Brazil, also known as Ingl?s Instrumental, whose foundation is based on the work by Hutchinson and Waters (1987), Robinson (1991), Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998), Celani, Deyes, Holmes, Scott (2006), among others, since this work is devoted to a specific area, Tourism. Results show that students opined the ability to prioritize reading and speaking into the classroom. Professionals reported that the latter is an indispensable tool for entering the labor market, yet they feel unprepared and need to attend English language courses in private language schools. The testimony of company executives also point to this deficiency. Finally, the present situation of teachers reveals that, while advocating the use of English in the classroom, this is not because students prefer their mother tongue. There is also an evident lack of needs analysis. Eventually, the coordinator said that there is some uncertainty as to the methodology, content and language skills worked, and the lack of interaction among teachers of English. It was concluded, therefore, it is important to conduct a needs analysis so that one can redesign a course that meets the different contextual needs: students, teachers, coordination, represented by the institutional needs, and the labor market / Este estudo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa desenvolvida na ?rea de Ingl?s para Fins Espec?ficos (IFE) com o objetivo de identificar (1) as necessidades de aprendizagem dos alunos de um curso de Turismo, seus desejos e car?ncias, numa universidade federal, quanto ao uso do ingl?s; (2) as necessidades da situa??o atual dos professores e do coordenador do referido curso quanto ao idioma; (3) as necessidades da situa??o-alvo dos profissionais (egressos) e empresas com rela??o a essa l?ngua. Esta pesquisa ? um estudo de caso (STAKE, 1998; YIN, 2009) e foram utilizados, para levantamento dos dados, como instrumentos de coleta: question?rios, entrevistas semiestruturadas, al?m de documento sobre o curso de Turismo. Para tanto, foram adotados como aporte te?rico os construtos do English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Ingl?s para Fins Espec?ficos (IFE) tamb?m conhecido no Brasil como Ingl?s Instrumental, cuja fundamenta??o baseia-se nos trabalhos de Hutchinson e Waters (1987), Robinson (1991), Dudley-Evans e St. John (1998), Celani, Deyes, Holmes, Scott (2006), dentre outros, visto que este trabalho ? voltado para uma ?rea espec?fica, o turismo. Os resultados demonstram que os alunos opinaram pela habilidade em leitura e priorizaram a oralidade em sala de aula. Os egressos relataram que esta ?ltima ? uma ferramenta indispens?vel para sua entrada no mercado de trabalho; mesmo assim, sentem-se despreparados, necessitando frequentar escolas de l?ngua. O depoimento dos dirigentes de empresas tamb?m aponta para essa defici?ncia. Por ?ltimo, a situa??o atual dos professores denota que, embora defendam o uso da l?ngua inglesa em sala de aula, isso n?o acontece, porque os alunos preferem a l?ngua materna. Tamb?m ficou evidenciada a inexist?ncia de an?lise de necessidades. Por fim, a coordenadora informou que h? certa indefini??o quanto ? metodologia, aos conte?dos e ?s habilidades lingu?sticas trabalhadas, al?m da falta de intera??o entre os professores de ingl?s. Conclui-se, portanto, que ? relevante realizar uma an?lise de necessidades para que se possa redesenhar um curso que atenda ?s diferentes necessidades contextuais: de alunos, professores, coordena??o, representada pelas necessidades institucionais, profissionais e o mercado de trabalho

An integrated tourism management framework for the Kruger National Park, South Africa, 2003

Mabunda, Madoda David 25 August 2004 (has links)
This study sets out to address problems caused by the lack of an integrated tourism management framework that would give a strategic direction to the delivery of tourism services in the Kruger National Park (KNP). The lack of tourism management plans and capacity in protected areas can be traced back to the classic management approach that concentrates exclusively on biodiversity conservation while paying superficial attention to other equally important management elements such as tourism, community participation, financial viability and governance matters. As a result of such management deficiencies, protected areas are unable to raise sufficient revenue from their tourism business to adequately meet obligations of their conservation mandate, community expectations and maintenance of the tourism facilities. Financial problems lead to over-dependence on diminishing and inflation-eroded state subsidies, thus compromising the effective management of parks. A management approach that does not balance the elements that constitute the management function of a protected area has the potential to destroy the resource base on which the attractiveness of a protected area as a holiday destination hinges and risks alienating tourists. The practice of 'fortress conservation' with protected areas treated as distinct units from their surrounding communities is being challenged worldwide. Protected area managers are now constantly looking for management paradigms that can harmonize the fundamental functions of conserving biodiversity, delivering tourism services and ensuring financial viability whilst contributing to the socio-economic development and benefits for local people balancing conservation and socio-economic needs. This is the situation in which the KNP finds itself. The study recommends the adoption of an integrated tourism management framework based on adaptive tourism management principles to enable the Park to cope with continuous uncertainties, conflict management, dynamic systems of societal changes, economic changes, changes of ecosystems and bridging the gap between conservation and tourism. / Thesis (PhD (Tourism Management))--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Tourism Management / unrestricted

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