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The role of essential oils in the management of mechanical low back painLuders, Regina Gertrude January 1994 (has links)
Dissertation submitted in partial compliance with the requirements for the Masters Diploma in Technology: Chiropractic, Technikon Natal, 1994. / The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of essential oils, applied by means of effleurage massage, in the treatment of mechanical low back pain, in terms of the patient's physical and psychological responses to the essential oils, in order to determine the role of essential oils in the management of mechanical low back pain. / M
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A aromaterapia científica na visão psiconeuroendocrinoimunológica: um panorama atual da aromaterapia clínica e científica no mundo e da psiconeuroendocrinoimunologia / Scientific aromatherapy in the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological view: a panorama of clinical and scientific aromatherapy in the world and psychoneuroendocrineimmunologyLyra, Cassandra Santantonio de 03 February 2010 (has links)
Esse estudo é um estudo teórico, baseado em revisão bibliográfica. Ele objetivou a construção de um panorama conceitual da aromaterapia, considerandose sua história e desenvolvimento, além de propor um modelo integrativo dos aspectos fisiológicos e psicossociais com base nas premissas psiconeuroendocrinoimunológicas. Aromaterapia é uma prática milenar, que passou por diversas mudanças ao longo da história e por esse motivo, atualmente, apresentase conceitualmente confusa e imprecisa. Seu ressurgimento nos anos 30 permitiu um início da visão científica do assunto, que, no entanto, evoluiu lentamente pelas dificuldades metodológicas encontradas. A organização do panorama atual dessa terapia permitiu observar que existem muitos países que estudam a aromaterapia, no entanto, com abordagens e visões distintas, de modo que tornase complexa a intersecção dos estudos. No seu estudo científico diversos elementos devem ser aqui considerados, como tipo de estudo (teórico, préclínico ou clínico), variáveis a serem controladas (farmacológicas, dos sujeitos e de procedimento) e questões abordadas (quanto ao efeito dos óleos essenciais, quanto aos seus mecanismos de ação e quanto à influência das variáveis em ambos). Além disso, atualmente existem diversas abordagens: filosófica (baseada em filosofias de saúde orientais), psicológica (baseada no conceito de memória olfativa), farmacoquímica (baseada em farmacologia e química dos óleos essenciais), neurológica (baseada nas neurociências) e psiconeuroendocrinoimunológica (baseada na psiconeuroendocrinoimunologia). Esse trabalho se focou nos estudos préclínicos e clínicos de aromaterapia, a partir de uma visão psiconeuroendocrinoimunológica. A fim de servir como um passo inicial à padronização científica do assunto, foi proposto uma definição mais objetiva de aromaterapia, a partir da qual o trabalho foi desenvolvido. Dentro do modelo psiconeuroendocrinoimunológico, a aromaterapia pode ter efeitos diretos ou indiretos nos sistemas nervoso, endócrino, imune e psicológico, sendo esses efeitos tanto fisiológicos quanto psicológicos e dados por mecanismos de ação farmacológicos e olfativos. Os aromas sempre têm efeitos farmacológicos, independente da via de aplicação utilizada, no entanto, quando se utiliza a via inalatória, são acrescidos a esses efeitos farmacológicos os efeitos olfativos, que são próprios do sistema olfativo e diferenciados. O estudo do olfato é indispensável para o entendimento científico da aromaterapia e ele tem se desenvolvido amplamente, apesar de que ainda existem muitos elementos a serem esclarecidos. Com isso, os estudos na área da aromaterapia científica tem evoluído cada vez mais, permitindo estudos mais minuciosos e conclusivos a respeito do funcionamento dos óleos essenciais no organismo e na mente. Um caminho pra esses estudos, dentro do modelo psiconeuroendocrinoimunológico, é o estudo da relação entre aromaterapia e stress. A premissa básica da teoria de stress é estudar a integração do corpo e da psique. Esse estudo concluiu que a psiconeuroendocrinoimunologia é um modelo útil para estudar a aromaterapia, por permitir o seu estudo científico integrando seus efeitos fisiológicos e psicológicos, e que a organização realizada permitiu uma fundamentação teórica para a elaboração, em futuros projetos na área, de métodos científicos em aromaterapia, stress e psiconeuroendocrinoimunologia. / This is a theoretical study, based on bibliographical revision. It aimed to build a conceptual panorama of aromatherapy, considering it\'s history and development, and also propose an integrative model of the physiological and psychosocial aspects, based on the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological premisses. Aromatherapy is a millenarian practice, that suffered many changes throughout history, and, for this reason, nowadays, it is confusing and uncertain. It\'s reappearance in the 30\'s permitted a start of the scientific view of the theme. However, the scientific view evolved slowly because of the methodological difficulties that were found. The organization of the current panorama of this therapy permitted observing that many countries study aromatherapy. However, there are many different approaches and views of the subject, in a way that it\'s complex to do the intersection of the studies. In it\'s scientific study there are many elements to be considered, such as type of study (theoretical, preclinical or clinical), variables to control pharmacological, subject and procedural) and questions studied (about the effects of essential oils, about their action mechanisms and about the influence of the variables on both). Furthermore, currently there are many approaches to the study: philosophical (based on oriental heath philosophy), psychological (based on the concept of olfactory memory), pharmacochemical (based of pharmacology and essential oil chemistry), neurological (based on neuroscience) and psychoneuroendocrineimmunological (based on psychoneuroendocrineimmunology). This work focused on preclinical and clinical studies, from a psychoneuroendocrineimmuneological point of view. In order to serve as a first step to the scientific standardizing of the subject, a more objective definition of aromatherapy was proposed, from which the study developed the subject. In the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological model, aromatherapy may have direct or indirect effects in the nervous, endocrine, immune and psychological systems. These effects can be physiological and psychological and they are caused by pharmacological and olfactory mechanisms. Aromas always have pharmacological effects, independently from application via, but when the inhalation is used the olfactory effects are added to these pharmacological effects. The olfactory effects are different from the others and characteristic of the olfactory system. The study of olfaction is indispensable to the scientific understanding of aromatherapy and it has evolved immensely, although there are still many elements still to be understood. Consequently, the studies in aromatherapy also have evolved more, permitting more minute and conclusive studies about the functioning of essential oils in the organism and mind. A path to this kind of study, in the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological model, is the study of the interaction between aromatherapy and stress. The basic premiss of the theory of stress is to study the integration of body and mind. This study concluded that psychoneuroendocrineimmunology is a useful model to study aromatherapy because it permits the scientific evaluation of both physiological and psychological effects of aromatherapy. It also concluded that the organization of the current panorama permitted a theoretical foundation for elaboration of scientific methods in aromatherapy, stress and psychoneuroendocrineimmunology in future studies.
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Make it essentialBruno Flores, Josue Manuel, Castillo García, Alejandra Gabriela, Escudero Yañez, Natalie, Hernández Bonilla, Camila Jimena, Lopez Villacorta, Erika Valeria 05 July 2019 (has links)
“Make it essential” es el nombre de nuestro proyecto de negocio que plantea poner fin a una necesidad y problemática que permanece en la sociedad y que, en los últimos años, se ha incrementado de manera significativa en los sectores de educación y laboral como es el estrés, a través de una solución innovadora que les permita llevar una vida más plena.
El proyecto se basa en la venta de joyas difusoras de aceites esenciales que cumplen el propósito de aliviar el estrés que es originado por los estudios, el trabajo y también problemas por los que pueda estar pasando la persona. A lo largo del ciclo, hemos logrado validar la idea de negocio a través del planteamiento de hipótesis y la ejecución del Concierge que fue impulsado por las estrategias de marketing en redes sociales.
El público logró tener una buena aceptación del producto gracias al valor diferenciado que posee y obtuvo ventas por 212 unidades a la fecha, que están valorizadas en S/. 12,321. Asimismo, la empresa tiene como objetivo crecer con el tiempo, tanto en ventas como en capacidad instalada, con la finalidad de lograr atender la demanda proyectada y expandirse a otros territorios. Es decir, el análisis de viabilidad en un horizonte de 5 años nos indica que el proyecto está valorizado en S/. 47,963 gracias a la proyección de flujos de efectivo traídos a valor presente, lo cual nos indica que el proyecto es viable y sostenible en el tiempo. / "Make it essential" is the name of our business project that proposes to end a need and problem that remains in society and that in recent years has increased significantly in the education and work sectors such as stress, through an innovative solution that allows them to lead a fuller life.
The project is based on the sale of jewelry diffusers of essential oils that fulfill the purpose of relieving the stress that is caused by studies, work and also problems that the person may be going through. Throughout the cycle we have managed to validate the business idea through the hypothesis approach and the execution of the Concierge that was driven by social media marketing strategies.
The audience managed to have a good acceptance of the product thanks to the differentiated value that it has, achieving sales of 212 units to date that are valued in S /. 12,321. The company aims to grow over time, both in sales and installed capacity to meet projected demand and expand to other territories. The feasibility analysis over a 5-year horizon tells us that the project is valued in S/. 47,963 thanks to the projection of cash flows brought to present value, which tells us that the project is viable and sustainable over time. / Trabajo de investigación
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Effekter och upplevelser av aromaterapi, taktilmassage och akupunktur inom palliativ omvårdnadLindqvist, Petra, Falkerhorn, Suzanne January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of the present literature review was to describe and evaluate the effects and experiences within the complementary approaches such as aromatherapy, tactile massage and acupuncture amongst palliative care patients. Search through Medline (through Pub Med) database and additional manual search was conducted. In total 16 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were reviewed. The result was presented under respectively category: aromatherapy, tactile massage and acupuncture. Physical and psychological effects as well as experiences from the treatments were also documented under the different complementary approaches. Aromatherapy and tactile massage were found to be more effective for reduction in anxiety and depressive mood whilst acupuncture had a greater impact on physical symptoms such as fatigue/insomnia, nausea/vomiting and chemotherapy induced emesis and also xerostomia. Not only did the patients experience relaxation and peacefulness but also feelings of comfort from the aromatherapy and tactile massage therapies. The result also showed that acupuncture felt invigorating and generated more energy for the patients to cope with more activities in their daily lives. In conclusion the complementary therapies aromatherapy, tactile massage and acupuncture are effective and alleviating and therefore very beneficial for patients in palliative care. The complementary therapies is a perfect and valuable tool for symptom management and strengthens the caregiver/patient relationship.</p>
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Effekter och upplevelser av aromaterapi, taktilmassage och akupunktur inom palliativ omvårdnadLindqvist, Petra, Falkerhorn, Suzanne January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the present literature review was to describe and evaluate the effects and experiences within the complementary approaches such as aromatherapy, tactile massage and acupuncture amongst palliative care patients. Search through Medline (through Pub Med) database and additional manual search was conducted. In total 16 articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were reviewed. The result was presented under respectively category: aromatherapy, tactile massage and acupuncture. Physical and psychological effects as well as experiences from the treatments were also documented under the different complementary approaches. Aromatherapy and tactile massage were found to be more effective for reduction in anxiety and depressive mood whilst acupuncture had a greater impact on physical symptoms such as fatigue/insomnia, nausea/vomiting and chemotherapy induced emesis and also xerostomia. Not only did the patients experience relaxation and peacefulness but also feelings of comfort from the aromatherapy and tactile massage therapies. The result also showed that acupuncture felt invigorating and generated more energy for the patients to cope with more activities in their daily lives. In conclusion the complementary therapies aromatherapy, tactile massage and acupuncture are effective and alleviating and therefore very beneficial for patients in palliative care. The complementary therapies is a perfect and valuable tool for symptom management and strengthens the caregiver/patient relationship.
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Srovnání vlivu klasických masážních a aromaterapeutických technik na psychickou regeneraci žen / Comparing the influence of classical massage and aromatherapy techniques on mental recovery womenKAŇKOVSKÁ, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation dwells on problems of aromatherapeutic methods connected to psychological side of human, focuses on the comparison of classic and aromatherapeutic massage techniques and their influence on psychological regeneration, when women were chosen as the aim group. We can find in it a comprehensive knowledge of classic massage on the one hand, but as well as aromatherapy - it's history, definition and impacts. The indispensable part of that work is the characterization of terms related to psychological side of human, specifically with women going through menopause. I show in my work the possibility of application of aromatherapy in the context of spiritual regeneration of women. It happened to them irreplaceable and regular therapy and gained at each kind of anchoring in their lives.
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A aromaterapia científica na visão psiconeuroendocrinoimunológica: um panorama atual da aromaterapia clínica e científica no mundo e da psiconeuroendocrinoimunologia / Scientific aromatherapy in the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological view: a panorama of clinical and scientific aromatherapy in the world and psychoneuroendocrineimmunologyCassandra Santantonio de Lyra 03 February 2010 (has links)
Esse estudo é um estudo teórico, baseado em revisão bibliográfica. Ele objetivou a construção de um panorama conceitual da aromaterapia, considerandose sua história e desenvolvimento, além de propor um modelo integrativo dos aspectos fisiológicos e psicossociais com base nas premissas psiconeuroendocrinoimunológicas. Aromaterapia é uma prática milenar, que passou por diversas mudanças ao longo da história e por esse motivo, atualmente, apresentase conceitualmente confusa e imprecisa. Seu ressurgimento nos anos 30 permitiu um início da visão científica do assunto, que, no entanto, evoluiu lentamente pelas dificuldades metodológicas encontradas. A organização do panorama atual dessa terapia permitiu observar que existem muitos países que estudam a aromaterapia, no entanto, com abordagens e visões distintas, de modo que tornase complexa a intersecção dos estudos. No seu estudo científico diversos elementos devem ser aqui considerados, como tipo de estudo (teórico, préclínico ou clínico), variáveis a serem controladas (farmacológicas, dos sujeitos e de procedimento) e questões abordadas (quanto ao efeito dos óleos essenciais, quanto aos seus mecanismos de ação e quanto à influência das variáveis em ambos). Além disso, atualmente existem diversas abordagens: filosófica (baseada em filosofias de saúde orientais), psicológica (baseada no conceito de memória olfativa), farmacoquímica (baseada em farmacologia e química dos óleos essenciais), neurológica (baseada nas neurociências) e psiconeuroendocrinoimunológica (baseada na psiconeuroendocrinoimunologia). Esse trabalho se focou nos estudos préclínicos e clínicos de aromaterapia, a partir de uma visão psiconeuroendocrinoimunológica. A fim de servir como um passo inicial à padronização científica do assunto, foi proposto uma definição mais objetiva de aromaterapia, a partir da qual o trabalho foi desenvolvido. Dentro do modelo psiconeuroendocrinoimunológico, a aromaterapia pode ter efeitos diretos ou indiretos nos sistemas nervoso, endócrino, imune e psicológico, sendo esses efeitos tanto fisiológicos quanto psicológicos e dados por mecanismos de ação farmacológicos e olfativos. Os aromas sempre têm efeitos farmacológicos, independente da via de aplicação utilizada, no entanto, quando se utiliza a via inalatória, são acrescidos a esses efeitos farmacológicos os efeitos olfativos, que são próprios do sistema olfativo e diferenciados. O estudo do olfato é indispensável para o entendimento científico da aromaterapia e ele tem se desenvolvido amplamente, apesar de que ainda existem muitos elementos a serem esclarecidos. Com isso, os estudos na área da aromaterapia científica tem evoluído cada vez mais, permitindo estudos mais minuciosos e conclusivos a respeito do funcionamento dos óleos essenciais no organismo e na mente. Um caminho pra esses estudos, dentro do modelo psiconeuroendocrinoimunológico, é o estudo da relação entre aromaterapia e stress. A premissa básica da teoria de stress é estudar a integração do corpo e da psique. Esse estudo concluiu que a psiconeuroendocrinoimunologia é um modelo útil para estudar a aromaterapia, por permitir o seu estudo científico integrando seus efeitos fisiológicos e psicológicos, e que a organização realizada permitiu uma fundamentação teórica para a elaboração, em futuros projetos na área, de métodos científicos em aromaterapia, stress e psiconeuroendocrinoimunologia. / This is a theoretical study, based on bibliographical revision. It aimed to build a conceptual panorama of aromatherapy, considering it\'s history and development, and also propose an integrative model of the physiological and psychosocial aspects, based on the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological premisses. Aromatherapy is a millenarian practice, that suffered many changes throughout history, and, for this reason, nowadays, it is confusing and uncertain. It\'s reappearance in the 30\'s permitted a start of the scientific view of the theme. However, the scientific view evolved slowly because of the methodological difficulties that were found. The organization of the current panorama of this therapy permitted observing that many countries study aromatherapy. However, there are many different approaches and views of the subject, in a way that it\'s complex to do the intersection of the studies. In it\'s scientific study there are many elements to be considered, such as type of study (theoretical, preclinical or clinical), variables to control pharmacological, subject and procedural) and questions studied (about the effects of essential oils, about their action mechanisms and about the influence of the variables on both). Furthermore, currently there are many approaches to the study: philosophical (based on oriental heath philosophy), psychological (based on the concept of olfactory memory), pharmacochemical (based of pharmacology and essential oil chemistry), neurological (based on neuroscience) and psychoneuroendocrineimmunological (based on psychoneuroendocrineimmunology). This work focused on preclinical and clinical studies, from a psychoneuroendocrineimmuneological point of view. In order to serve as a first step to the scientific standardizing of the subject, a more objective definition of aromatherapy was proposed, from which the study developed the subject. In the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological model, aromatherapy may have direct or indirect effects in the nervous, endocrine, immune and psychological systems. These effects can be physiological and psychological and they are caused by pharmacological and olfactory mechanisms. Aromas always have pharmacological effects, independently from application via, but when the inhalation is used the olfactory effects are added to these pharmacological effects. The olfactory effects are different from the others and characteristic of the olfactory system. The study of olfaction is indispensable to the scientific understanding of aromatherapy and it has evolved immensely, although there are still many elements still to be understood. Consequently, the studies in aromatherapy also have evolved more, permitting more minute and conclusive studies about the functioning of essential oils in the organism and mind. A path to this kind of study, in the psychoneuroendocrineimmunological model, is the study of the interaction between aromatherapy and stress. The basic premiss of the theory of stress is to study the integration of body and mind. This study concluded that psychoneuroendocrineimmunology is a useful model to study aromatherapy because it permits the scientific evaluation of both physiological and psychological effects of aromatherapy. It also concluded that the organization of the current panorama permitted a theoretical foundation for elaboration of scientific methods in aromatherapy, stress and psychoneuroendocrineimmunology in future studies.
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Biocandle / BiocandleHernandez Torres, Diana Vanessa, León Yausin, Franco Dimas, Montesinos Montalvo, Fiorella 21 July 2020 (has links)
Biocandle es un modelo de negocio que busca alcanzar la demanda del mercado de repelentes de insectos. Está diseñado en la presentación de una vela aromática que ahuyenta a los insectos y al mismo tiempo proporciona propiedades de aromaterapia que agregan valor a través de las diferentes esencias utilizadas para su elaboración, y a diferencia de otros productos, está hecho con componentes naturales que no son dañinos. a la salud de las personas. El problema que encontramos y, por lo tanto, nos motivó a llevar a cabo este proyecto es que muchas personas tienen problemas con los insectos, sin embargo, no encuentran la manera perfecta de lidiar con ellos, ya que las alternativas que existen actualmente en el mercado no son agradables. para ellos debido al olor y la toxicidad en el caso de tabletas repelentes o repelentes en aerosol y la textura cuando se aplica a la piel en el caso de repelentes en crema. Para comprender el problema, hicimos un análisis del mercado a través de entrevistas y, en consecuencia, pudimos validar el interés en el producto descrito anteriormente. Además, aplicamos diferentes herramientas durante el proyecto, tales como DAFO, marketing y recursos humanos, finanzas y análisis de costos con datos reales de los suministros necesarios para la elaboración y el costo de entrega, entre otros. / Biocandle is a business model that seeks to reach the market demand of insect repellents. It is designed in the presentation of an aromatic candle that drives away insects and at the same time it provides aromatherapy properties which add value through the different essences used for its elaboration, and unlike other products, it is made with natural components that are not harmful to people's health. The problem we have found and therefore, motivated us to carry out this project is that many people have problems with insects, however, they do not find the perfect way to deal with them, since the alternatives that currently exist in the market are not pleasant for them due to the smell and toxicity in the case of repellent tablets or spray repellents and the texture when applied to the skin in the case of cream repellents.
To understand the problem, we did an analysis to the market through interviews and in consequence, we were able to validate the interest in the product described above. Moreover, we applied different tools during the project such as SWOT, marketing and human resources, Finance and cost analysis with real data of the supplies needed for the elaboration and delivery cost, among others. / Trabajo de investigación
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Relationships between aroma component composition of herbs and its aromachology effects / ハーブの香気成分組成とアロマコロジー効果との関係Tomi, Kenichi 23 May 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(農学) / 乙第13034号 / 論農博第2835号 / 新制||農||1044(附属図書館) / 学位論文||H28||N5007(農学部図書室) / 32992 / 京都大学大学院農学研究科農学専攻 / (主査)教授 坪山 直生, 教授 黒木 裕士, 教授 妻木 範行 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Consumer choice behavior and marketing plan for aromatherapy products in Hong Kong.January 1999 (has links)
by Lam Shiu Ying Sati. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 56-57). / Questionnaire also in Chinese. / Chapter I. --- introduction --- p.1 / Definition of Aromatherapy --- p.1 / Uses of Aromatherapy --- p.2 / Aromatherapy as Alternative Natural Healing --- p.3 / Aromatherapy in Hong Kong --- p.4 / Objective of the Project --- p.5 / Chapter II. --- ENVIRONMENT --- p.7 / brief History of Aromatherapy --- p.7 / Social and Legal Environment on Aromatherapy in the World and Hong Kong --- p.8 / Social Issues --- p.9 / Legal Issues on Selling Essential Oils --- p.11 / Qualification of Aromatherapists --- p.13 / Chapter III. --- INDUSTRY --- p.15 / Aromatherapy Related Products --- p.15 / Market Players in Hong Kong --- p.17 / Chapter IV. --- MARKETING STRATEGIES --- p.26 / The Company --- p.26 / Market Opportunities --- p.28 / Marketing Strategies of Company ABC --- p.29 / Position of Company ABC --- p.29 / Product and Price Considerations --- p.30 / Promotion and Channel Considerations --- p.31 / Potential Problems and Constraints --- p.34 / Chapter V. --- MARKET SURVEY --- p.35 / Chapter VI. --- CONCLUSION --- p.42 / APPENDIX --- p.46 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.56
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