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Effect of a single intra-articular injection of bupivacaine on synovial fluid prostaglandin E2 concentrations in normal canine stiflesGiangarra, Jenna Elizabeth 19 June 2018 (has links)
Intra-articular bupivacaine is a common analgesic used in dogs with orthopedic disease. Bupivacaine has been linked to chondrotoxicity. The mechanism for bupivacaine's chondrotoxicity is unknown, but may involve inflammation. Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is an inflammatory mediator and a marker of joint inflammation. The aim of this study was to compare synovial fluid PGE2 concentrations after a single intra-articular injection of bupivacaine with a saline control in normal canine stifles. We hypothesized that bupivacaine stifles would have a significantly elevated PGE2 concentration compared to controls. Stifles from eight healthy, adult Beagles were randomly selected as the treated stifle and infused with bupivacaine. The contralateral stifle was injected with saline. Synovial fluid was collected before and after injection. PGE2 was quantified using a commercial ELISA. Data were transformed and mixed model ANOVA was performed with significance set at p<0.05. There were no significant differences in PGE2 concentration between treatment groups or times. Samples acquired with one or two aspiration attempts had significantly lower PGE2 concentrations than samples with =3 aspiration attempts (p=0.001). When adjusted for number of attempts, PGE2 concentrations were significantly higher 24 (p=0.003) and 48 (p=0.041) hours after injection compared to baseline in the bupivacaine group, but not in the saline group. Intra-articular bupivacaine injection did not result in increased synovial fluid PGE2 concentrations compared to controls; however, multiple aspiration attempts did, suggesting that synovial fluid PGE2 concentration is sensitive to multiple fluid collection attempts. Future studies investigating synovial fluid inflammatory mediators should consider methods to minimize aspiration attempts. / M. S. / Intra-articular bupivacaine is a popular pain relief medication commonly used in joint surgery. Despite its historically wide use, bupivacaine has been scrutinized due to its potentially toxic effects on joint cartilage. Currently, the mechanism of this toxicity has not been identified, though it may be associated with inflammation. Prostaglandin E₂ (PGE₂) is considered an indicator of joint inflammation. The purpose of this study was to quantify the concentration of PGE₂ within the joint fluid following a single injection of bupivacaine in normal canine stifles as compared to a saline control. Eight healthy, adult Beagles were used for this study. Stifles were randomized into treatment (bupivacaine) or control (saline) groups such that each dog had one stifle infused with bupivacaine and the opposite stifle with saline. Joint fluid was collected at the following time points: before injection (T0), 30 minutes, 60 minutes, 24 hours and 48 hours. Samples were analyzed in duplicate for PGE₂ concentration. There was no significant effect of treatment group (bupivacaine vs. saline) or time on joint fluid PGE₂ concentration. The number of sampling attempts did have an effect. Samples acquired with only one or two attempts had significantly lower PGE₂ concentrations than samples that required 3 or more sampling attempts. When adjusted for number of attempts, PGE₂ concentrations were significantly higher 24 and 48 hours after injection compared to baseline within the bupivacaine group, but not the saline group. Intra-articular bupivacaine injection did not result in increased joint fluid PGE₂ concentration compared to saline control. The data indicates that joint fluid PGE₂ concentration is highly sensitive to fluid collection attempts.
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The relationship between self concept and hand deformity in rheumatoid arthritisKinnealey, Moya January 1968 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Boston University / PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. Thank you. / 2999-01-01
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The goal of this study was to explore the relationship between psychosocial and demographic characteristics associated with success among individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. Unlike previous research which has predominantly focused on the limiting effects of rheumatoid arthritis, the present study sought to identify factors that were related to success. One hundred and ninety-eight individuals who met the criteria for this study, returned completed questionnaires. Success for people with rheumatoid arthritis was measured on the scales of self-esteem, social activity, and physical activity. Participants were categorized as either "high" or "low" on the success scales in order to see what demographic and psychosocial variables were related levels of self-esteem, social activity, and physical activity. Data analysis included reliability of the success scales, and analysis of variance to determine the relationship among the three scales and selected demographic characteristics. Discriminant analysis was used to explore what demographic and psychosocial factors were related to high (as opposed to low) self-esteem, social activity, and physical activity among 24 participants. The success scales were found to be reliable. There was no significant relationship among the success scales and sex, occupational level, and ethnicity. Results of the discriminant function identified that generally, individuals with high (as opposed to low) self-esteem were very motivated and had a positive outlook on life. People with high (as opposed to low) social activity had fewer physical limitations and a better view of themselves. High (as opposed to low) physical activity was found among people who generally were highly motivated and believed they had some control over their rheumatoid arthritis.
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Sociocultural determinants of illness behavior : the treatment strategies of arthritis sufferers / Treatment strategies of arthritis sufferersGray, Dennis Arthur January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1982. / Bibliography: leaves 349-358. / Microfiche. / x, 358 leaves, bound ill., maps 29 cm
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The impact of protein modification on immunogenicity and arthritogenicity /Westman, Ewa, January 2005 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2005. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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The kidney in rheumatoid arthritis and the effect of drugs on renal function a survey /Sørensen, Arne W. S. January 1966 (has links)
Thesis--Copenhagen. / Summary in Danish. Translated from Danish. Includes bibliographical references (p. 137-165).
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The kidney in rheumatoid arthritis and the effect of drugs on renal function a survey /Sørensen, Arne W. S. January 1966 (has links)
Thesis--Copenhagen. / Summary in Danish. Translated from Danish. Includes bibliographical references (p. 137-165).
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Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Follow-Up Assessment of Physical Functioning Abilities After Treatment in a Comprehensive Environmental Control UnitCockburn, Orbie 03 1900 (has links)
Two instruments were developed and administered to fifteen female and three male rheumatoid arthritics (mean age 44) previously hospitalized for allergy treatment by ecological methods. The Physical Functioning Ability Scale assessed functional capacity according to common daily activities, and the Rehabilitation Questionnaire surveyed adjustment problems subjects encountered after hospital discharge. ANOVA was performed on the functionality scale comparing dimensions of dependence, pain, and difficulty with categorical activities of mobility, work, and personal care, Significant F values (p(.05) were obtained for interaction and dimensions, but not for categories. Functional independence from human/mechanical assistance was particularly noted. Recommendation for future research concerns replicating this study using a control group of rheumatoid arthritics treated by traditional medical approaches.
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Utilização do alcaloide montanina extraído da Rhodophiala Bifida como nova estratégia terapêutica para artrite reumatoideFarinon, Mirian January 2015 (has links)
Base teórica: A artrite reumatoide (AR) é uma doença autoimune sistêmica onde a inflamação crônica da sinóvia articular e a subsequente erosão óssea e da cartilagem resultam em destruição articular, dor e incapacidade funcional. Apesar dos recentes progressos no tratamento da AR, estes ainda apresentam limitações e significativos efeitos adversos, salientando a necessidade de novas estratégias terapêuticas. Plantas da família das Amarilidáceas apresentam em seus bulbos um conjunto de alcaloides muito característicos e exclusivos com atividades farmacológicas, tais como atividade antiviral, anti-inflamatória e atividade anticolinérgica. A montanina é um alcaloide isolado da Rhodophiala bífida, uma planta da família das amarilidáceas utilizada na medicina popular, mas nunca antes testada como terapia para doenças inflamatórias. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da montanina como uma terapia anti-inflamatória in vivo em dois modelos de artrite e in vitro sobre a proliferação de linfócitos e sobre a invasão de fibroblastos sinoviais (FLS). Métodos: Artrite induzida por antígeno (AIA) foi realizada em camundongos Balb/C com albumina bovina sérica metilada e a nocicepção e a migração de leucócitos para a articulação do joelho foram os parâmetros avaliados. Artrite induzida por colágeno (CIA) foi realizada em camundongos DBA/1J e o desenvolvimento e severidade da artrite foi avaliado através de escore clínico, nocicepção articular e escore histológico. Montanina foi administrada via intraperitoneal, duas vezes ao dia. A proliferação de linfócitos estimulados por concanavalina A (conA) foi realizada pelo método de MTT e invasão de FLS em 24 horas foi avaliada em um sistema de insertos de Matrigel. Resutados: A administração de montanina diminuiu a migração articular de leucócitos (p0,001) e a nocicepção (p0,01) em camundongos com AIA. Em camundongos com CIA, o tratamento com montanina reduziu a severidade da artrite e o dano articular avaliado pelos escores clínico (p0,01) e histológico (p0,05) e melhorou a nocicepção articular (p0,05), sem causar nenhum dano hepático. Além disso, montanina inibiu in vitro a proliferação de linfócitos estimulados com conA (p0,01) e diminuiu a invasão de FLS (p0,05) em 54%, com uma ação independente de citotoxicidade. Conclusão: Esses resultados indicam que a montanina pode ser explorada para se tornar um possível fármaco para o tratamento de doenças inflamatórias e autoimunes, como a AR. / Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune and systemic disease where the chronic inflammation of articular synovia and the subsequent bone and cartilage erosion results in joint destruction, pain and functional disability. Despite recent progress in RA treatments, its still have limitations and significant side effects, emphasizing the need of new therapeutic strategies. Amaryllidaceae plants presenting at its bulbs a set of very characteristics and exclusives alkaloids with pharmacological activities such as antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anticholinergic activity. Montanine is an alkaloid isolated from the Rhodophiala bifida, an Amaryllidaceae plant used in alternative medicine but never before tested as a therapy for inflammatory diseases. Objective: To evaluate the effect of montanine as an in vivo anti-inflammatory therapy in two arthritis models and in vitro on lymphocytes proliferation and fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) invasion. Methods: Antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) was performed in Balb/C mice with methylated bovine serum albumin and nociception and leukocytes migration into the knee joint were evaluated. Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) was performed in DBA/1J mice and arthritis development and severity were assessed by clinical scoring, articular nociception and histological scoring. Montanine was administered intraperitoneally twice a day. Lymphocyte proliferation stimulated by concanavalin A in 48 hours was performed with MTT assay and FLS invasion in 24 hours was assayed in a Matrigel-coated transwell system. Results: Administration of montanine decreased leukocyte articular migration (p0.001) and nociception (p0.01) in mice with AIA. In mice with CIA, treatment with montanine reduced severity of arthritis and joint damage assessed by clinical (p0.01) and histological score (p0.05) and ameliorates articular nociception (p0.05), without causing any hepatic damage. Moreover, montanine inhibited in vitro lymphocyte proliferation stimulated with ConA (p0.01) and decreased FLS invasion by 54% (p0.05), with an action independent of cytotoxicity. Conclusion: These findings suggest that montanine can be explored to become a possible medicament to treat inflammatory and autoimmune diseases such as arthritis.
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Utilização do alcaloide montanina extraído da Rhodophiala Bifida como nova estratégia terapêutica para artrite reumatoideFarinon, Mirian January 2015 (has links)
Base teórica: A artrite reumatoide (AR) é uma doença autoimune sistêmica onde a inflamação crônica da sinóvia articular e a subsequente erosão óssea e da cartilagem resultam em destruição articular, dor e incapacidade funcional. Apesar dos recentes progressos no tratamento da AR, estes ainda apresentam limitações e significativos efeitos adversos, salientando a necessidade de novas estratégias terapêuticas. Plantas da família das Amarilidáceas apresentam em seus bulbos um conjunto de alcaloides muito característicos e exclusivos com atividades farmacológicas, tais como atividade antiviral, anti-inflamatória e atividade anticolinérgica. A montanina é um alcaloide isolado da Rhodophiala bífida, uma planta da família das amarilidáceas utilizada na medicina popular, mas nunca antes testada como terapia para doenças inflamatórias. Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da montanina como uma terapia anti-inflamatória in vivo em dois modelos de artrite e in vitro sobre a proliferação de linfócitos e sobre a invasão de fibroblastos sinoviais (FLS). Métodos: Artrite induzida por antígeno (AIA) foi realizada em camundongos Balb/C com albumina bovina sérica metilada e a nocicepção e a migração de leucócitos para a articulação do joelho foram os parâmetros avaliados. Artrite induzida por colágeno (CIA) foi realizada em camundongos DBA/1J e o desenvolvimento e severidade da artrite foi avaliado através de escore clínico, nocicepção articular e escore histológico. Montanina foi administrada via intraperitoneal, duas vezes ao dia. A proliferação de linfócitos estimulados por concanavalina A (conA) foi realizada pelo método de MTT e invasão de FLS em 24 horas foi avaliada em um sistema de insertos de Matrigel. Resutados: A administração de montanina diminuiu a migração articular de leucócitos (p0,001) e a nocicepção (p0,01) em camundongos com AIA. Em camundongos com CIA, o tratamento com montanina reduziu a severidade da artrite e o dano articular avaliado pelos escores clínico (p0,01) e histológico (p0,05) e melhorou a nocicepção articular (p0,05), sem causar nenhum dano hepático. Além disso, montanina inibiu in vitro a proliferação de linfócitos estimulados com conA (p0,01) e diminuiu a invasão de FLS (p0,05) em 54%, com uma ação independente de citotoxicidade. Conclusão: Esses resultados indicam que a montanina pode ser explorada para se tornar um possível fármaco para o tratamento de doenças inflamatórias e autoimunes, como a AR. / Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune and systemic disease where the chronic inflammation of articular synovia and the subsequent bone and cartilage erosion results in joint destruction, pain and functional disability. Despite recent progress in RA treatments, its still have limitations and significant side effects, emphasizing the need of new therapeutic strategies. Amaryllidaceae plants presenting at its bulbs a set of very characteristics and exclusives alkaloids with pharmacological activities such as antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anticholinergic activity. Montanine is an alkaloid isolated from the Rhodophiala bifida, an Amaryllidaceae plant used in alternative medicine but never before tested as a therapy for inflammatory diseases. Objective: To evaluate the effect of montanine as an in vivo anti-inflammatory therapy in two arthritis models and in vitro on lymphocytes proliferation and fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLS) invasion. Methods: Antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) was performed in Balb/C mice with methylated bovine serum albumin and nociception and leukocytes migration into the knee joint were evaluated. Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) was performed in DBA/1J mice and arthritis development and severity were assessed by clinical scoring, articular nociception and histological scoring. Montanine was administered intraperitoneally twice a day. Lymphocyte proliferation stimulated by concanavalin A in 48 hours was performed with MTT assay and FLS invasion in 24 hours was assayed in a Matrigel-coated transwell system. Results: Administration of montanine decreased leukocyte articular migration (p0.001) and nociception (p0.01) in mice with AIA. In mice with CIA, treatment with montanine reduced severity of arthritis and joint damage assessed by clinical (p0.01) and histological score (p0.05) and ameliorates articular nociception (p0.05), without causing any hepatic damage. Moreover, montanine inhibited in vitro lymphocyte proliferation stimulated with ConA (p0.01) and decreased FLS invasion by 54% (p0.05), with an action independent of cytotoxicity. Conclusion: These findings suggest that montanine can be explored to become a possible medicament to treat inflammatory and autoimmune diseases such as arthritis.
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