Spelling suggestions: "subject:"descending""
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Rôle des claudines dans les jonctions serrées de la branche large ascendante corticale de l’anse de Henle / Role of claudins in thick ascending limb of Henle’s loopFiguères, Marie-Lucile 22 September 2017 (has links)
Les claudines sont des protéines des jonctions serrées qui déterminent la perméabilité ionique paracellulaire. La branche large ascendante corticale de l’anse de Henle (cBLAH) exprime plusieurs claudines (en particulier claudine-10b, -14, -16 et -19). Les mutations inactivatrices des claudines-16 et -19 sont responsables du syndrome FHHNC chez l’Homme, caractérisé par une perte de calcium et de magnésium par un défaut de réabsorption dans la BLAH. En l’absence de modèle in vitro adapté, les fonctions des claudines dans la cBLAH restent méconnues, ainsi que l’action des déterminants de la réabsorption du calcium et du magnésium qui y sont exprimés : récepteur de la PTH (PTH1R) et Casr. L’objectif de ce travail était de contribuer à combler ces lacunes. Nous avons montré que la claudine-16 était requise pour une perméabilité paracellulaire aux cations divalents normale dans la cBLAH murine, grâce à l’étude des souris claudine-16-/-. La claudine-16 n’affecte pas les autres perméabilités ioniques, ce qui est concordant avec le phénotype d’inactivation de la claudine-16 chez l’Homme. En condition basale, la claudine-14 est indétectable. Les flux calciques ne sont pas augmentés chez les souris claudine-14-/-. Nous avons décrit le premier cas de mutation inactivatrice de la claudine-10b chez l’Homme, à l’origine d’un syndrome de Bartter et de déficits de sécrétion salivaire et sudorale et conclu que la claudine-10 augmente la perméabilité paracellulaire au sodium. Nous avons également étudié le rôle de Casr et du récepteur de la PTH (PTH1R) dans le contrôle de la perméabilité ionique de la cBLAH murine. La stimulation de la réabsorption du calcium par l’inhibition du Casr ou l’activation du PTH1R ne nécessite pas la présence de la claudine-16. En revanche, la claudine-16 est nécessaire pour le contrôle de la réabsorption de magnésium par ces deux déterminants. Ces résultats sont en faveur d’un contrôle séparé des absorptions de calcium et magnésium, et remettent en cause le concept du rôle central de claudine-14. Notre projet nous a également permis de décrire un nouveau mécanisme d’atteinte des jonctions serrées, d’origine auto-immune, par anticorps anti-claudine-16 chez un patient. Si l’origine de cette atteinte est inconnue, ce modèle soulève de nouvelles questions sur les conséquences de l’inactivation de la claudine-16 dans la BLAH, le phénotype du patient étant différent du syndrome FHHNC (absence de néphrocalcinose en particulier). Ce travail nécessite d’être complété par une étude plus approfondie des mécanismes contrôlant la fonction des claudines en réponse au calcium et au magnésium extracellulaires et à la PTH. / Claudins are integral membrane proteins expressed at tight junctions, which determine paracellular permeability to ions. The thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle (TALH), expresses several claudins (including claudin-10b, -14, -16, -19). Inactivating mutation of claudin-16 and -19 cause familial hypomagnesemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis (FHHNC), a renal tubular disorder featuring a severe defect in paracellular divalent cation transport in the TALH. Due to the lack of appropriate study model, both the function of claudins and the role of potential regulatory factors, such as the PTH receptor PTH1R and the calcium receptor CaSR, are only partially known. The purpose of the study was to contribute to fill this gap. We studied several models of claudin inactivation (claudin-16-/- and claudin-14-/- mice, human inactivating mutation of claudin-10b). We demonstrated that claudin-16 was required for normal paracellular permeability to calcium and magnesium in the TALH, but did not affect the permeability to other ions; this was consistent with the known features of FHHNC syndrome. In basal conditions, claudin-14 is not detectable and calcium reabsorption is not increased in claudin-14-/- mice. We described the first inactivating mutation of claudin-10b in Humans, causing a Bartter syndrome and defects in sweat and saliva secretions; we concluded that claudin-10b increases paracellular permeability to sodium. We studied the role of Casr and PTH1R, as determinants of paracellular permeability in the mouse TALH. Casr inactivation or PTH1R activation could increase calcium absorption in the absence of Claudin-16. By contrast, both conditions did not change magnesium transport in the absence of Claudin-16. These results suggest that calcium and magnesium absorptions can be differentially controlled in the TALH; in addition, they challenge the hypothesis of a central role of Claudin-14. Finally, we described for the first time an autoimmune disease affecting tight junction in the TALH, due to anti-claudine-16 autoantibody. The phenotype of this patient differed from that of patients with FHHNC syndrome (no nephrocalcinosis) and raised new questions about the pathogenesis of claudin-16 inactivation. More data on the effect of extracellular calcium and magnesium, PTH1R and Casr on the function of tight junction in the TALH are warranted.
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Caractérisation biomécanique des anévrismes de l'aorte thoracique ascendante / Biomechanical characterization of the ascending thoracic aortic aneurysmsRomo Marquez, Aaron 13 January 2014 (has links)
L’épidémiologie des anévrismes de l’aorte est un problème de santé publique majeur dans les pays industrialisés. Cette pathologie peut engendrer la mort du patient en cas de rupture de l’anévrisme. Actuellement les critères d’intervention chirurgicale sont basés sur la morphologie de l’anévrisme et il existe des difficultés à évaluer correctement le risque de rupture pour chaque patient. L’objectif de cette thèse était de développer une méthode d’identification des propriétés mécaniques de la paroi artérielle de manière personnalisée permettant d’affiner les critères d’intervention chirurgicale. Des essais de gonflement utilisant des mesures de champs et le développement d’une méthodologie d’analyse ont permis de quantifier la distribution des contraintes des anévrismes de manière expérimentale et de mettre en évidence l’apparition des affaiblissements ponctuels dans la paroi afin de prédire la localisation de la rupture de l’anévrisme. Ensuite, une méthode d’identification de propriétés mécaniques a été mise en place pour mettre en évidence l’hétérogénéité du tissu artériel et pour localiser les endroits à l’origine de la rupture du tissu. L’identification des lois de comportement à partir de données expérimentales issues de patients permettra d’améliorer les modèles numériques artériels utilisées aujourd’hui. De plus, la méthodologie créée pour l’analyse de la rupture d’anévrismes pendant cette thèse ouvre la porte à une étape qui vise à développer la caractérisation mécanique in-vivo par l’utilisation de l’imagerie médicale. L’objectif final sera d’évaluer le risque de rupture de l’anévrisme de chaque patient de manière non-invasive. / Epidemiology of aortic aneurysms is a major public health issue that affects a significant proportion of the population in industrialized countries and can cause the death of the patient in case of rupture of the aneurysm.Currently the only criteria for surgery are based on the morphology of the aneurysm, and there are problems to accurately assess the risk of rupture for each patient.The aim of this thesis was to develop a method to identify the mechanical properties of the arterial wall in a personalized way to refine the criteria for surgery.Inflation tests, full-field measurements and a methodology developed were used in order to quantify experimentally the stress distribution of aneurysms. It was possible to highlight the appearance of localized weakening in the wall which will let us predict the location of the rupture on the aneurysm. Then a method was developed to identify the mechanical properties of the aortic tissue. It was possible to highlight the heterogeneity of arterial tissue and locate the places where the rupture of the tissue may occur.The identification of the aneurysm’s mechanical properties from experimental data will improved arterial numerical models used today. In addition, the methodology developed for the analysis of the rupture of aneurysms during this thesis opens the door to a step that aims to develop the in vivo mechanical characterization by the use of medical imaging. The ultimate goal will be to assess the risk of rupture of the aneurysm of each patient in a noninvasive manner.
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In vitro assessment of the effects of valvular stenosis on aorta hemodynamics and left ventricular functionMadan, Ashish 07 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] Aneurisma arterial é definido como uma dilatação excessiva do diâmetro normal de uma artéria. O aneurisma da aorta ascendente é geralmente assintomático, portanto, é frequentemente identificado acidentalmente durante exames de imagem de rotina. Após a identificação do aneurisma, caso não haja indicação cirúrgica, o paciente deve ser acompanhado de maneira adequada, pois a ruptura arterial pode ser fatal. A influência do fluxo sanguíneo no remodelamento aórtico é uma importante área de investigação. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar padrões hemodinâmicos em aneurismas de aorta ascendente que possam estar relacionados com o aumento do aneurisma. Cada paciente do estudo foi avaliado em dois momentos distintos. Um modelo tridimensional do aneurisma de aorta ascendente foi gerado para cada paciente a partir de exames de angiotomografia de aorta. O padrão de fluxo foi determinado numericamente com a utilização de um software comercial. Foi demonstrado que o ângulo entre a entrada do fluxo principal e o tronco braquiocefálico pode induzir a uma incidência de um jato incidente na parede da aorta, ocasionado áreas de recirculação na região posterior do jato, além de altos valores de pressão e tensão cisalhante. Os presentes achados hemodinâmicos podem estar relacionados com o remodelamento da aorta ascendente. / [en] Arterial aneurysmal is defined as an excessive dilation of the normal diameter of an artery. Ascending aortic aneurysm is generally asymptomatic, so it is often accidentally identified during routine imaging examinations. After the aneurysm has been identified, if there is no surgical indication, the patient should be followed adequately, since arterial rupture can be fatal. The influence of blood flow on aortic remodeling is an important area of investigation. The aim of this study is to identify hemodynamic patterns in ascending aortic aneurysms that may be related to aneurysm enlargement. Each patient in the study was evaluated at two different times. A three-dimensional model of the ascending aortic aneurysm was generated for each patient from aortic angiotomography examinations. The flow field was numerically determined with a commercial software. It has been shown that the angle between the entrance of the main flow and the brachiocephalic trunk can induce an incident jet on the aortic wall, causing areas of recirculation in the posterior region of the jet, besides high values of pressure and wall shear stress. The present hemodynamics findings may be related to remodeling of the ascending aorta.
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[pt] Este estudo apresenta a validação de um modelo físico/numérico para
prever o escoamento na aorta ascendente de um paciente saudável, com o
objetivo de estender sua aplicação para analisar outros pacientes,
especificamente, com aneurisma da aorta ascendente (AAoA). Aplicando o
conceito paciente-específico (PSM), os resultados fornecidos pela técnica de
Ressonância Magnética Quadridimensional (4D-Flow MRI) foram utilizados na
simulação empregando a abordagem de Dinâmica dos Fluidos Computacional
(CFD) com um modelo de turbulência capaz de prever transições entre regimes
laminar/turbulento durante o ciclo cardíaco. Condição de contorno baseada na
vazão medida foi imposta na entrada da aorta. Nas saídas, foram considerados
os percentuais da vazão de entrada correspondentes à cada saída, bem como o
modelo Windkessel de três elementos para estabelecer uma aproximação mais
precisa da relação pressão-vazão. Os resultados favoráveis obtidos dos perfis de
pressão, vazão e tensão de cisalhamento em várias posições ao longo da aorta e
ao longo do ciclo cardíaco validaram a aplicação potencial do PSM a outros
pacientes, em particular, pacientes com AAoA. O AAoA é uma doença silenciosa
com alta mortalidade, e os fatores associados ao pior prognóstico ainda não são
totalmente conhecidos. Com o objetivo de relacionar características da dinâmica
do escoamento com a doença, modelos anatômicos personalizados foram obtidos
a partir de angiotomografias de 30 pacientes em dois anos diferentes (com
intervalos de um a três anos entre eles). Com base na diferença de volume da
aorta ascendente de um ano para outro, dois grupos foram definidos: um com
crescimento do aneurisma e outro sem crescimento. O escoamento durante o ciclo
cardíaco e a geometria correspondente a cada grupo foram comparados para
encontrar padrões que possam indicar o crescimento do aneurisma a partir do
primeiro exame. Embora não tenha havido uma tendência clara entre os dois
grupos de pacientes, foram observados valores mais altos da pressão média-
temporal ( ) em pacientes com crescimento do aneurisma, bem como períodos
mais longos durante o ciclo com a aorta submetida a altos valores de tensão de
cisalhamento. O presente estudo explorou o processo de remodelação de
pacientes com aneurisma e como a geometria pode impactar em seu crescimento,
contribuindo para uma melhor compreensão da fisiopatologia aórtica. / [en] This study presents the validation of a physical/numerical model designed to
predict the ascending aorta flow in a healthy patient, aiming to extend its
application to analyze other patients, specifically, with ascending aortic aneurysm
(AAoA). Applying the patient-specific model (PSM) concept, the results provided
by the Four-dimensional Flow Magnetic Resonance Imaging (4D-Flow MRI)
technique were used in the simulation employing the Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) approach, with a turbulence model capable of predicting
laminar/turbulent regime transitions during the cardiac cycle. Boundary condition
based on measured flow rate was imposed at the aorta s inlet. At the outlets, the
physiological percentages of inlet flow rate corresponding to each output were
considered, as well as the three-element Windkessel model to establish a more
accurate approximation of the pressure-flow relationship. The favorable results
obtained on pressure, flow rate and shear stress profiles at various positions along
the aorta and throughout the cardiac cycle, validated the potential application of
PSM to other patients, in particular patients with AAoA. AAoA is a silent disease
with high mortality, and factors associated with a worse prognosis are not yet fully
known. Aiming to relate flow dynamics characteristics with the disease,
personalized anatomic models were obtained from angiotomography scans of 30
patients in two different years (with intervals of one to three years between them).
Based on the volume difference of the ascending aorta from one year to another,
two groups were defined: one with aneurysm growth and another without growth.
The flow field during the cardiac cycle and the geometry corresponding to each
group were compared to find patterns that may indicate the aneurysm growth from
the first exam. Although there was no clear trend between the two patient groups,
higher time-averaged pressure ( ) values were observed in patients with
aneurysm growth, as well as longer time periods during the cycle with the aorta
subjected to high values of shear stress. The present study explored the
remodeling process of patients with aneurysm and how the geometry and flow
pattern can impact its growth, contributing to a better understanding of aortic
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Utrymning uppåt : Påverkan av vinterkläder vid utrymning uppåt via trapporNeumann, Dorothea, Asplund, Mattias January 2016 (has links)
When cities grow larger the demand for more residential buildings and public transport increases. To be able to meet the demands and still make the city compact the interest for underground facilities grows. Underground facilities come with some drawbacks, one example is the evacuation where the people are expected to evacuate upwards. This master thesis is aiming to further develop the research done on the subject by examining the impact of winter clothing. Two tests were performed in Skrapan, which is 25 floors high. The participants went up for 22 of the floors and were recorded during the ascending. Some of the participants had a pulse watch and a breathing mask, which measured the oxygen consumption. The median for the walking speed varied between 0,81 m/s and 0,56 m/s with regular clothing and 0,78 m/s to 0,57 m/s with winter clothes. In the building codes it says that 0,6 m/s should be used when calculating evacuation times when ascending stairs. The heart rate did not change significantly between the two tests. However, the oxygen consumption was higher with the jacket on. The participants would not have been able to keep going for much longer than 5 minutes with their current pace. According to the results in this master thesis 0,6 m/s is too high because in the tests that were made the participants were physically active and still couldn’t keep that speed up for the whole test. Due to the test being two days in a row, almost all of the participants walked slower the second time. However, the ones that walked with winter clothes the second day walked more slowly than the ones with regular clothes compared to the first day. Therefore, it is safe to say that the clothes do affect the walking speed of evacuating people and that more clothes i.e. warm shoes or a hat will have an even greater impact. / I takt med att städerna växer, både till yta och befolkningsmängd, ökar behovet av infrastruktur bland annat inom kollektivtrafiken och transportvägar. Genom att bygga dessa anläggningar under marken går det att exploatera marken ovan till andra ändamål. Med undermarksanläggningar kommer vissa svårigheter, så som begränsade utrymningsmöjligheter. Riktlinjerna för utrymning uppåt är inte till för längre trappor, och är därför inte representativt för de nya användningsområdena. Vikten av att dimensionera utrymningsmöjligheterna utifrån vad dagens befolkning kan prestera är relevant för att säkerställa en trygg utrymning i händelse av en olycka. Examensarbetet inriktar sig därför på att vidareutveckla tidigare forskning om utrymning uppåt genom att undersöka hur gånghastigheterna i trappor påverkas av vinterkläder. Försök genomfördes med 21 personer under två dagar i ett av Skrapans utrymningstrapphus, där varje försöksperson fick gå en gång per dag. Mätmetoderna som användes var bland annat; pulsklocka, tidtagning, videoobservationer och andningsmask som mäter syreupptagningsförmågan. Medianen för gånghastigheten beräknades på varje våningsplan där de högsta värdet med vanliga kläder blev 0,81 m/s, 3 meter upp i trappan och det lägsta 0,56 m/s, 57 meter upp i trappan. Med vinterkläder blev motsvarande värden 0,78 m/s, 5 meter upp i trappan och 0,57 m/s, 33 meter upp i trappan. Enligt Boverkets allmänna råd om analytisk dimensionering ska den dimensionerande gånghastigheten i trappor sättas till 0,6 m/s. Denna riktlinje är inte godtagbar eftersom försökets urvalsgrupp hade svårt att hålla den hastigheten trots att majoriteten av försökspersonerna i examensarbetet var unga och i god kondition. Gånghastigheterna påverkades även av att försökstillfällena genomfördes dagarna efter varandra vilket gjorde att försökspersonerna inte hade möjlighet att återhämta sig helt mellan försöken. Dock var tidsskillnaden från första dagen till den andra större för de som gick med vinterkläder andra dagen än för de som gick med vanliga kläder andra dagen. Vilket visar på att försökspersonerna blivit påverkade av vinterkläderna och därför gått långsammare. Mätningarna av syreupptagningsförmågan hos försökspersonerna gav varierande resultat, mycket beroende på kön och om de hade vinterkläder på sig eller inte. Kvinnornas utnyttjande grad ökade från 70-85 % till 73-90 % av sin maximala syreförbrukning när de var iklädda vinterkläder. Jämfört med männens utnyttjande grad som sjönk från 63-85 % till 61-77 % vid användandet av vinterkläder. Försökspersonerna var nära sin maximala syreförbrukning, VO2,max, vilket tyder på att de inte skulle klara av att hålla samma tempo i en längre trappa. Männen skulle kunna hålla samma tempo i cirka 15 minuter medan kvinnorna som ligger på 90 % av sin kapacitet enbart skulle kunna hålla samma hastighet i cirka 5 minuter. Vilket är ett ytterligare tecken på att hastigheten i BBRAD är för hög i långa trappor.
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Modélisation surfacique et volumique de la peau : classification et analyse couleur / Skin surface and volume modeling : clustering and color analysisBreugnot, Josselin 27 June 2011 (has links)
Grâce aux innovations technologiques récentes, l’exploration cutanée est devenue de plus en plus facile et précise. Le relevé topographique de la surface de peau par projection de franges ainsi que l’exploration des structures intradermiques par microscopie confocale in-vivo en sont des exemples parfaits. La mise en place de ces techniques et les développements sont présentés dans cette thèse. L’apport de l’imagerie est évident tant pour le traitement des acquisitions de ces appareils que pour l’évaluation de paramètres cutanés à partir de photographie par exemple. L’extension du modèle LIP niveaux de gris à la couleur a été réalisée pour apporter une évaluation proche de celle d’un expert grâce aux fondements logarithmiques du modèle, proches de la vision humaine. Enfin, la classification de données dans une image, sujet omniprésent dans le traitement d’images, a été abordée par les classifications hiérarchiques ascendantes, utilisant un cadre mathématique rigoureux grâce aux métriques ultramétriques / Thanks to recent developments, skin evaluation has become easier and more accurate. Topographical evaluation of skin surface by fringes projection as intra-dermal structures and exploration by in-vivo laser confocal microscopy are some examples. The use and development of these tools are developed in this thesis. Image processing contribution is obvious, as much for the treatment of these tools acquisitions, as for cutaneous parameters evaluation, based on digital camera acquisitions for example. Grey level LIP model extension to color has been realized in order to bring way of analysis near to the expert one, thanks to logarithmic bases of this model, very close to the human vision. At least, data clustering in images, a redundant topic in image analysis, has been approached by ascending hierarchical clustering, using rigorous mathematical properties thanks to the ultrametric distances
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Variations métaboliques du maïs lors de l’association coopérative avec la bactérie phytostimulatrice Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1 / Maize metabolome variations after inoculation with the Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacterium Azospirillum lipoferum CRT1Rozier, Camille 14 December 2017 (has links)
Les bactéries rhizosphériques stimulatrices de croissance (PGPR) du genre Azospirillum sont utilisées commercialement pour leur capacité à stimuler la croissance et à augmenter le rendement des céréales via une relation associative complexe et peu comprise. L'objectif de cette étude a été d'utiliser les outils modernes de la métabolomique pour caractériser les mécanismes biochimiques activés par la souche A. lipoferum CRT1 chez son hôte, le maïs.L'analyse des contenus phytochimiques des racines, feuilles et sève ascendante a suggéré pour la première fois l'importance de la communication racine-feuille et des sucres simples dans l’augmentation de croissance et du potentiel de conversion photochimique de jeunes plantules par A. lipoferum CRT1. Une analyse transcriptomique a révélé un impact modéré au niveau des racines et des modifications de nombreux nœuds régulateurs des processus biologiques cellulaires des feuilles, dont ceux contrôlés par les auxines et l’acide abscissique. Des essais agronomiques conduits deux années consécutives sur quatre sites ont indiqué que l'augmentation de rendement par A. lipoferum CRT1 dérivait d’une sécurisation de la germination lors de stress environnementaux précoces et non de modifications des métabolomes (dont ceux liés à la nutrition azotée et phosphorée), de la croissance et du potentiel photosynthétique des plantules, des modifications qui étaient par contre liées aux contextes pédo-climatiques. La sécurisation de la germination était due à une accélération de la sortie de la radicule et de la consommation des sucres simples, et molécules apparentées, de la graine / Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) of the genus Azospirillum are used commercially for their capacity to stimulate the growth and enhance the yield of cereal crops via an intricate, complex and poorly understood associative relationship. The aim of this study was to use modern metabolomics tools to decipher the biochemical mechanisms activated by A. lipoferum CRT1 in its maize host.The analysis of the phytochemical contents of roots, leaves and ascending sap revealed for the first time the importance of root-to-shoot communication and of simple sugars in the enhancement of growth and photochemical conversion potential of young plantlets by A. lipoferum CRT1. A transcriptomic analysis showed moderate impact on roots and a coordinate modulation of several regulatory nodes of cellular biological processes, including some mediated by auxins and abscissic acid. Agronomic field trials conducted two consecutive years in four sites correlated yield enhancement by A. lipoferum CRT1 to the securing of seed germination during environmental stresses. No correlation was found with modifications of plantlets metabolomes (including those linked to nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition), growth and photochemical conversion potential which were found to depend on additional soil and climate cues. Germination securing was due to a speeding of radicule emergence and of seed simple sugars consumption
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Topics in Network Utility Maximization : Interior Point and Finite-step MethodsAkhil, P T January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Network utility maximization has emerged as a powerful tool in studying flow control, resource allocation and other cross-layer optimization problems. In this work, we study a flow control problem in the optimization framework. The objective is to maximize the sum utility of the users subject to the flow constraints of the network. The utility maximization is solved in a distributed setting; the network operator does not know the user utility functions and the users know neither the rate choices of other users nor the flow constraints of the network.
We build upon a popular decomposition technique proposed by Kelly [Eur. Trans. Telecommun., 8(1), 1997] to solve the utility maximization problem in the aforementioned distributed setting. The technique decomposes the utility maximization problem into a user problem, solved by each user and a network problem solved by the network. We propose an iterative algorithm based on this decomposition technique. In each iteration, the users communicate to the network their willingness to pay for the network resources. The network allocates rates in a proportionally fair manner based on the prices communicated by the users. The new feature of the proposed algorithm is that the rates allocated by the network remains feasible at all times. We show that the iterates put out by the algorithm asymptotically tracks a differential inclusion. We also show that the solution to the differential inclusion converges to the system optimal point via Lyapunov theory. We use a popular benchmark algorithm due to Kelly et al. [J. of the Oper. Res. Soc., 49(3), 1998] that involves fast user updates coupled with slow network updates in the form of additive increase and multiplicative decrease of the user flows. The proposed algorithm may be viewed as one with fast user update and fast network update that keeps the iterates feasible at all times. Simulations suggest that our proposed algorithm converges faster than the aforementioned benchmark algorithm.
When the flows originate or terminate at a single node, the network problem is the maximization of a so-called d-separable objective function over the bases of a
polymatroid. The solution is the lexicographically optimal base of the
polymatroid. We map the problem of finding the lexicographically optimal base of
a polymatroid to the geometrical problem of finding the concave cover of a set of points on a two-dimensional plane. We also describe an algorithm that finds the concave cover in linear time.
Next, we consider the minimization of a more general objective function, i.e., a separable convex function, over the bases of a polymatroid with a special structure. We propose a novel decomposition algorithm and show the proof of correctness and optimality of the algorithm via the theory of polymatroids. Further, motivated by the need to handle piece-wise linear concave utility functions, we extend the decomposition algorithm to handle the case when the separable convex functions are not continuously differentiable or not strictly convex. We then provide a proof of its correctness and optimality.
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Reconnaissance détaillée de la partie nord-est du Bassin de Saïss (Maroc) : interprétation de sondages électriques verticaux par combinaison des méthodes statistique, géostatistique et d'inversion / Detailed recognition of the north-eastern part of the Saïss Basin (Morocco) : interpretation of vertical electric soundings by combining methods statistical, geostatistical and inversionHarmouzi, Ouassima 26 May 2010 (has links)
La prospection géoélectrique est largement utilisée au Maroc pour des reconnaissances hydrogéologique. Le but de ce travail et de proposer de nouvelles techniques d’interprétation des sondages électriques verticaux en un temps réduit, et aussi de bien exploiter une base de données de sondages électriques, par l’établissement entre autre des images 2D horizontales et verticales de l’estimation de la distribution des résistivités électriques apparentes (modélisation géostatistique, inversion, etc.). Dans le but de caractériser électriquement le secteur d’étude (nord-est du Bassin de Saïss), une analyse statistique des résistivités apparentes de sondages électriques verticaux a été réalisée. Cette simple analyse descriptive est suivie par une étude statistique multidirectionnelle : analyse en composantes principales (ACP) et par une classification hiérarchique ascendante (CHA). (...) Les résultats des analyses statistiques et géostatistiques complétés par les inversions des sondages moyens pas classe, ont mis en évidence la fiabilité de ces techniques pour l’interprétation d’un nombre important de sondages électriques au lieu de la méthode ordinaire qui se base sur l’inversion des sondages un par un et les corréler ultérieurement pour construire la structure globale du domaine étudié. Avec les techniques utilisées, dans le cadre de ce travail, des résultats très satisfaisants en un temps plus réduit sont obtenus. Les profils étudiés et inversés à l’aide du logiciel RES2Dinv montrent tous les trois grandes structures définies auparavant (Résistant-Conductrice-Résistant), par contre on note des variations intra formations. De plus, l’organisation spatiale des formations permet de confirmer l’existence de failles cohérentes avec la structure en horst et graben du bassin. / The Geoelectric prospection is usually used in Morocco for hydrogeological recognition. The purpose of this work is to propose new techniques for interpreting vertical electric soundings in a reduced time, and also to fully exploit a database of stored electrical soundings by the establishment, amongst other things, of the horizontal and vertical 2D images, estimating the distribution of apparent electrical resistivity (geostatistic modeling, inversion, etc.). In order to characterize electrically the study area (north-east of the Saïss Basin), a statistical analysis of apparent resistivity of vertical electric soundings was performed. This simple descriptive analysis is followed by a statistical analysis (principal component analysis PCA and ascending hierarchical classification HAC.) (...)The results of statistical analysis and geostatistical supplemented by inversion of the average electric sounding per class, highlighted the reliability of these techniques to the interpretation of a large number of electrical soundings instead of the usual method which is based on the inversion of the electrical sounding one by one and correlate them later, to build the global structure of the area studied. With the techniques used in this work, very satisfactory results in a more reduced time, for interpreting vertical electric soundings, are obtained. VIThe studied profiles and inverted using the software RES2Dinv show all three structures defined previously (Resistant – Conductive - resistant), on the other hand, there are variations within the same formation. In addition, the spatial organization of the formation makes it possible to confirm the existence of faults coherent with the structure in horst and graben basin.
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