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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise de desempenho dos algoritmos Apriori e Fuzzy Apriori na extração de regras de associação aplicados a um Sistema de Detecção de Intrusos. / Performance analysis of algorithms Apriori and Fuzzy Apriori in association rules mining applied to a System for Intrusion Detection.

Ricardo Ferreira Vieira de Castro 20 February 2014 (has links)
A extração de regras de associação (ARM - Association Rule Mining) de dados quantitativos tem sido pesquisa de grande interesse na área de mineração de dados. Com o crescente aumento das bases de dados, há um grande investimento na área de pesquisa na criação de algoritmos para melhorar o desempenho relacionado a quantidade de regras, sua relevância e a performance computacional. O algoritmo APRIORI, tradicionalmente usado na extração de regras de associação, foi criado originalmente para trabalhar com atributos categóricos. Geralmente, para usá-lo com atributos contínuos, ou quantitativos, é necessário transformar os atributos contínuos, discretizando-os e, portanto, criando categorias a partir dos intervalos discretos. Os métodos mais tradicionais de discretização produzem intervalos com fronteiras sharp, que podem subestimar ou superestimar elementos próximos dos limites das partições, e portanto levar a uma representação imprecisa de semântica. Uma maneira de tratar este problema é criar partições soft, com limites suavizados. Neste trabalho é utilizada uma partição fuzzy das variáveis contínuas, que baseia-se na teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy e transforma os atributos quantitativos em partições de termos linguísticos. Os algoritmos de mineração de regras de associação fuzzy (FARM - Fuzzy Association Rule Mining) trabalham com este princípio e, neste trabalho, o algoritmo FUZZYAPRIORI, que pertence a esta categoria, é utilizado. As regras extraídas são expressas em termos linguísticos, o que é mais natural e interpretável pelo raciocício humano. Os algoritmos APRIORI tradicional e FUZZYAPRIORI são comparado, através de classificadores associativos, baseados em regras extraídas por estes algoritmos. Estes classificadores foram aplicados em uma base de dados relativa a registros de conexões TCP/IP que destina-se à criação de um Sistema de Detecção de Intrusos. / The mining of association rules of quantitative data has been of great research interest in the area of data mining. With the increasing size of databases, there is a large investment in research in creating algorithms to improve performance related to the amount of rules, its relevance and computational performance. The APRIORI algorithm, traditionally used in the extraction of association rules, was originally created to work with categorical attributes. In order to use continuous attributes, it is necessary to transform the continuous attributes, through discretization, into categorical attributes, where each categorie corresponds to a discrete interval. The more traditional discretization methods produce intervals with sharp boundaries, which may underestimate or overestimate elements near the boundaries of the partitions, therefore inducing an inaccurate semantical representation. One way to address this problem is to create soft partitions with smoothed boundaries. In this work, a fuzzy partition of continuous variables, which is based on fuzzy set theory is used. The algorithms for mining fuzzy association rules (FARM - Fuzzy Association Rule Mining) work with this principle, and, in this work, the FUZZYAPRIORI algorithm is used. In this dissertation, we compare the traditional APRIORI and the FUZZYAPRIORI, through classification results of associative classifiers based on rules extracted by these algorithms. These classifiers were applied to a database of records relating to TCP / IP connections that aims to create an Intrusion Detection System.

Análise de desempenho dos algoritmos Apriori e Fuzzy Apriori na extração de regras de associação aplicados a um Sistema de Detecção de Intrusos. / Performance analysis of algorithms Apriori and Fuzzy Apriori in association rules mining applied to a System for Intrusion Detection.

Ricardo Ferreira Vieira de Castro 20 February 2014 (has links)
A extração de regras de associação (ARM - Association Rule Mining) de dados quantitativos tem sido pesquisa de grande interesse na área de mineração de dados. Com o crescente aumento das bases de dados, há um grande investimento na área de pesquisa na criação de algoritmos para melhorar o desempenho relacionado a quantidade de regras, sua relevância e a performance computacional. O algoritmo APRIORI, tradicionalmente usado na extração de regras de associação, foi criado originalmente para trabalhar com atributos categóricos. Geralmente, para usá-lo com atributos contínuos, ou quantitativos, é necessário transformar os atributos contínuos, discretizando-os e, portanto, criando categorias a partir dos intervalos discretos. Os métodos mais tradicionais de discretização produzem intervalos com fronteiras sharp, que podem subestimar ou superestimar elementos próximos dos limites das partições, e portanto levar a uma representação imprecisa de semântica. Uma maneira de tratar este problema é criar partições soft, com limites suavizados. Neste trabalho é utilizada uma partição fuzzy das variáveis contínuas, que baseia-se na teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy e transforma os atributos quantitativos em partições de termos linguísticos. Os algoritmos de mineração de regras de associação fuzzy (FARM - Fuzzy Association Rule Mining) trabalham com este princípio e, neste trabalho, o algoritmo FUZZYAPRIORI, que pertence a esta categoria, é utilizado. As regras extraídas são expressas em termos linguísticos, o que é mais natural e interpretável pelo raciocício humano. Os algoritmos APRIORI tradicional e FUZZYAPRIORI são comparado, através de classificadores associativos, baseados em regras extraídas por estes algoritmos. Estes classificadores foram aplicados em uma base de dados relativa a registros de conexões TCP/IP que destina-se à criação de um Sistema de Detecção de Intrusos. / The mining of association rules of quantitative data has been of great research interest in the area of data mining. With the increasing size of databases, there is a large investment in research in creating algorithms to improve performance related to the amount of rules, its relevance and computational performance. The APRIORI algorithm, traditionally used in the extraction of association rules, was originally created to work with categorical attributes. In order to use continuous attributes, it is necessary to transform the continuous attributes, through discretization, into categorical attributes, where each categorie corresponds to a discrete interval. The more traditional discretization methods produce intervals with sharp boundaries, which may underestimate or overestimate elements near the boundaries of the partitions, therefore inducing an inaccurate semantical representation. One way to address this problem is to create soft partitions with smoothed boundaries. In this work, a fuzzy partition of continuous variables, which is based on fuzzy set theory is used. The algorithms for mining fuzzy association rules (FARM - Fuzzy Association Rule Mining) work with this principle, and, in this work, the FUZZYAPRIORI algorithm is used. In this dissertation, we compare the traditional APRIORI and the FUZZYAPRIORI, through classification results of associative classifiers based on rules extracted by these algorithms. These classifiers were applied to a database of records relating to TCP / IP connections that aims to create an Intrusion Detection System.

Data mining of temporal sequences for the prediction of infrequent failure events : application on floating train data for predictive maintenance / Fouille de séquences temporelles pour la maintenance prédictive : application aux données de véhicules traceurs ferroviaires

Sammouri, Wissam 20 June 2014 (has links)
De nos jours, afin de répondre aux exigences économiques et sociales, les systèmes de transport ferroviaire ont la nécessité d'être exploités avec un haut niveau de sécurité et de fiabilité. On constate notamment un besoin croissant en termes d'outils de surveillance et d'aide à la maintenance de manière à anticiper les défaillances des composants du matériel roulant ferroviaire. Pour mettre au point de tels outils, les trains commerciaux sont équipés de capteurs intelligents envoyant des informations en temps réel sur l'état de divers sous-systèmes. Ces informations se présentent sous la forme de longues séquences temporelles constituées d'une succession d'événements. Le développement d'outils d'analyse automatique de ces séquences permettra d'identifier des associations significatives entre événements dans un but de prédiction d'événement signant l'apparition de défaillance grave. Cette thèse aborde la problématique de la fouille de séquences temporelles pour la prédiction d'événements rares et s'inscrit dans un contexte global de développement d'outils d'aide à la décision. Nous visons à étudier et développer diverses méthodes pour découvrir les règles d'association entre événements d'une part et à construire des modèles de classification d'autre part. Ces règles et/ou ces classifieurs peuvent ensuite être exploités pour analyser en ligne un flux d'événements entrants dans le but de prédire l'apparition d'événements cibles correspondant à des défaillances. Deux méthodologies sont considérées dans ce travail de thèse: La première est basée sur la recherche des règles d'association, qui est une approche temporelle et une approche à base de reconnaissance de formes. Les principaux défis auxquels est confronté ce travail sont principalement liés à la rareté des événements cibles à prédire, la redondance importante de certains événements et à la présence très fréquente de "bursts". Les résultats obtenus sur des données réelles recueillies par des capteurs embarqués sur une flotte de trains commerciaux permettent de mettre en évidence l'efficacité des approches proposées / In order to meet the mounting social and economic demands, railway operators and manufacturers are striving for a longer availability and a better reliability of railway transportation systems. Commercial trains are being equipped with state-of-the-art onboard intelligent sensors monitoring various subsystems all over the train. These sensors provide real-time flow of data, called floating train data, consisting of georeferenced events, along with their spatial and temporal coordinates. Once ordered with respect to time, these events can be considered as long temporal sequences which can be mined for possible relationships. This has created a neccessity for sequential data mining techniques in order to derive meaningful associations rules or classification models from these data. Once discovered, these rules and models can then be used to perform an on-line analysis of the incoming event stream in order to predict the occurrence of target events, i.e, severe failures that require immediate corrective maintenance actions. The work in this thesis tackles the above mentioned data mining task. We aim to investigate and develop various methodologies to discover association rules and classification models which can help predict rare tilt and traction failures in sequences using past events that are less critical. The investigated techniques constitute two major axes: Association analysis, which is temporal and Classification techniques, which is not temporal. The main challenges confronting the data mining task and increasing its complexity are mainly the rarity of the target events to be predicted in addition to the heavy redundancy of some events and the frequent occurrence of data bursts. The results obtained on real datasets collected from a fleet of trains allows to highlight the effectiveness of the approaches and methodologies used

Génération de connaissances à l’aide du retour d’expérience : application à la maintenance industrielle / Knowledge generation using experience feedback : application to industrial maintenance

Potes Ruiz, Paula Andrea 24 November 2014 (has links)
Les travaux de recherche présentés dans ce mémoire s’inscrivent dans le cadre de la valorisation des connaissances issues des expériences passées afin d’améliorer les performances des processus industriels. La connaissance est considérée aujourd'hui comme une ressource stratégique importante pouvant apporter un avantage concurrentiel décisif aux organisations. La gestion des connaissances (et en particulier le retour d’expérience) permet de préserver et de valoriser des informations liées aux activités d’une entreprise afin d’aider la prise de décision et de créer de nouvelles connaissances à partir du patrimoine immatériel de l’organisation. Dans ce contexte, les progrès des technologies de l’information et de la communication jouent un rôle essentiel dans la collecte et la gestion des connaissances. L’implémentation généralisée des systèmes d’information industriels, tels que les ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), rend en effet disponible un grand volume d’informations issues des événements ou des faits passés, dont la réutilisation devient un enjeu majeur. Toutefois, ces fragments de connaissances (les expériences passées) sont très contextualisés et nécessitent des méthodologies bien précises pour être généralisés. Etant donné le potentiel des informations recueillies dans les entreprises en tant que source de nouvelles connaissances, nous proposons dans ce travail une démarche originale permettant de générer de nouvelles connaissances tirées de l’analyse des expériences passées, en nous appuyant sur la complémentarité de deux courants scientifiques : la démarche de Retour d’Expérience (REx) et les techniques d’Extraction de Connaissances à partir de Données (ECD). Le couplage REx-ECD proposé porte principalement sur : i) la modélisation des expériences recueillies à l’aide d’un formalisme de représentation de connaissances afin de faciliter leur future exploitation, et ii) l’application de techniques relatives à la fouille de données (ou data mining) afin d’extraire des expériences de nouvelles connaissances sous la forme de règles. Ces règles doivent nécessairement être évaluées et validées par les experts du domaine avant leur réutilisation et/ou leur intégration dans le système industriel. Tout au long de cette démarche, nous avons donné une place privilégiée aux Graphes Conceptuels (GCs), formalisme de représentation des connaissances choisi pour faciliter le stockage, le traitement et la compréhension des connaissances extraites par l’utilisateur, en vue d’une exploitation future. Ce mémoire s’articule en quatre chapitres. Le premier constitue un état de l’art abordant les généralités des deux courants scientifiques qui contribuent à notre proposition : le REx et les techniques d’ECD. Le second chapitre présente la démarche REx-ECD proposée, ainsi que les outils mis en œuvre pour la génération de nouvelles connaissances afin de valoriser les informations disponibles décrivant les expériences passées. Le troisième chapitre présente une méthodologie structurée pour interpréter et évaluer l’intérêt des connaissances extraites lors de la phase de post-traitement du processus d’ECD. Finalement, le dernier chapitre expose des cas réels d’application de la démarche proposée à des interventions de maintenance industrielle. / The research work presented in this thesis relates to knowledge extraction from past experiences in order to improve the performance of industrial process. Knowledge is nowadays considered as an important strategic resource providing a decisive competitive advantage to organizations. Knowledge management (especially the experience feedback) is used to preserve and enhance the information related to a company’s activities in order to support decision-making and create new knowledge from the intangible heritage of the organization. In that context, advances in information and communication technologies play an essential role for gathering and processing knowledge. The generalised implementation of industrial information systems such as ERPs (Enterprise Resource Planning) make available a large amount of data related to past events or historical facts, which reuse is becoming a major issue. However, these fragments of knowledge (past experiences) are highly contextualized and require specific methodologies for being generalized. Taking into account the great potential of the information collected in companies as a source of new knowledge, we suggest in this work an original approach to generate new knowledge based on the analysis of past experiences, taking into account the complementarity of two scientific threads: Experience Feedback (EF) and Knowledge Discovery techniques from Databases (KDD). The suggested EF-KDD combination focuses mainly on: i) modelling the experiences collected using a knowledge representation formalism in order to facilitate their future exploitation, and ii) applying techniques related to data mining in order to extract new knowledge in the form of rules. These rules must necessarily be evaluated and validated by experts of the industrial domain before their reuse and/or integration into the industrial system. Throughout this approach, we have given a privileged position to Conceptual Graphs (CGs), knowledge representation formalism chosen in order to facilitate the storage, processing and understanding of the extracted knowledge by the user for future exploitation. This thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is a state of the art addressing the generalities of the two scientific threads that contribute to our proposal: EF and KDD. The second chapter presents the EF-KDD suggested approach and the tools used for the generation of new knowledge, in order to exploit the available information describing past experiences. The third chapter suggests a structured methodology for interpreting and evaluating the usefulness of the extracted knowledge during the post-processing phase in the KDD process. Finally, the last chapter discusses real case studies dealing with the industrial maintenance domain, on which the proposed approach has been applied.

An Approach to Extending Ontologies in the Nanomaterials Domain

Leshi, Olumide January 2020 (has links)
As recently as the last decade or two, data-driven science workflows have become increasingly popular and semantic technology has been relied on to help align often parallel research efforts in the different domains and foster interoperability and data sharing. However, a key challenge is the size of the data and the pace at which it is being generated, so much that manual procedures lag behind. Thus, eliciting automation of most workflows. In this study, the effort is to continue investigating ways by which some tasks performed by experts in the nanotechnology domain, specifically in ontology engineering, could benefit from automation. An approach, featuring phrase-based topic modelling and formal topical concept analysis is further motivated, together with formal implication rules, to uncover new concepts and axioms relevant to two nanotechnology-related ontologies. A corpus of 2,715 nanotechnology research articles helps showcase that the approach can scale, as seen in a number of experiments conducted. The usefulness of document text ranking as an alternative form of input to topic models is highlighted as well as the benefit of implication rules to the task of concept discovery. In all, a total of 203 new concepts are uncovered by the approach to extend the referenced ontologies

DRFS: Detecting Risk Factor of Stroke Disease from Social Media Using Machine Learning Techniques

Pradeepa, S., Manjula, K. R., Vimal, S., Khan, Mohammad S., Chilamkurti, Naveen, Luhach, Ashish Kr 01 January 2020 (has links)
In general humans are said to be social animals. In the huge expanded internet, it's really difficult to detect and find out useful information about a medical illness. In anticipation of more definitive studies of a causal organization between stroke risk and social network, It would be suitable to help social individuals to detect the risk of stroke. In this work, a DRFS methodology is proposed to find out the various symptoms associated with the stroke disease and preventive measures of a stroke disease from the social media content. We have defined an architecture for clustering tweets based on the content using Spectral Clustering an iterative fashion. The class label detection is furnished with the use of highest TF-IDF value words. The resultant clusters obtained as the output of spectral clustering is prearranged as input to the Probability Neural Network (PNN) to get the suitable class labels and their probabilities. Find Frequent word set using support count measure from the group of clusters for identify the risk factors of stroke. We found that the anticipated approach is able to recognize new symptoms and causes that are not listed in the World Health Organization (WHO), Mayo Clinic and National Health Survey (NHS). It is marked that they get associated with precise outcomes portray real statistics. This type of experiments will empower health organization, doctors and Government segments to keep track of stroke diseases. Experimental results shows the causes preventive measures, high and low risk factors of stroke diseases.

Mining High Impact Combinations of Conditions from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey

Mohan, Arjun 14 November 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The condition of multimorbidity — the presence of two or more medical conditions in an individual — is a growing phenomenon worldwide. In the United States, multimorbid patients represent more than a third of the population and the trend is steadily increasing in an already aging population. There is thus a pressing need to understand the patterns in which multimorbidity occurs, and to better understand the nature of the care that is required to be provided to such patients. In this thesis, we use data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) from the years 2011 to 2015 to identify combinations of multiple chronic conditions (MCCs). We first quantify the significant heterogeneity observed in these combinations and how often they are observed across the five years. Next, using two criteria associated with each combination -- (a) the annual prevalence and (b) the annual median expenditure -- along with the concept of non-dominated Pareto fronts, we determine the degree of impact each combination has on the healthcare system. Our analysis reveals that combinations of four or more conditions are often mixtures of diseases that belong to different clinically meaningful groupings such as the metabolic disorders (diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia); musculoskeletal conditions (osteoarthritis, spondylosis, back problems etc.); respiratory disorders (asthma, COPD etc.); heart conditions (atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction); and mental health conditions (anxiety disorders, depression etc.). Next, we use unsupervised learning techniques such as association rule mining and hierarchical clustering to visually explore the strength of the relationships/associations between different conditions and condition groupings. This interactive framework allows epidemiologists and clinicians (in particular primary care physicians) to have a systematic approach to understand the relationships between conditions and build a strategy with regards to screening, diagnosis and treatment over a longer term, especially for individuals at risk for more complications. The findings from this study aim to create a foundation for future work where a more holistic view of multimorbidity is possible.

Host-pathogen interactions and evolution of epitopes in HIV-1: understanding selection and escape

Paul, Sinu 16 April 2012 (has links)
No description available.

pcApriori: Scalable apriori for multiprocessor systems

Schlegel, Benjamin, Kiefer, Tim, Kissinger, Thomas, Lehner, Wolfgang 16 September 2022 (has links)
Frequent-itemset mining is an important part of data mining. It is a computational and memory intensive task and has a large number of scientific and statistical application areas. In many of them, the datasets can easily grow up to tens or even several hundred gigabytes of data. Hence, efficient algorithms are required to process such amounts of data. In the recent years, there have been proposed many efficient sequential mining algorithms, which however cannot exploit current and future systems providing large degrees of parallelism. Contrary, the number of parallel frequent-itemset mining algorithms is rather small and most of them do not scale well as the number of threads is largely increased. In this paper, we present a highly-scalable mining algorithm that is based on the well-known Apriori algorithm; it is optimized for processing very large datasets on multiprocessor systems. The key idea of pcApriori is to employ a modified producer--consumer processing scheme, which partitions the data during processing and distributes it to the available threads. We conduct many experiments on large datasets. pcApriori scales almost linear on our test system comprising 32 cores.

Scalable frequent itemset mining on many-core processors

Schlegel, Benjamin, Karnagel, Thomas, Kiefer, Tim, Lehner, Wolfgang 19 September 2022 (has links)
Frequent-itemset mining is an essential part of the association rule mining process, which has many application areas. It is a computation and memory intensive task with many opportunities for optimization. Many efficient sequential and parallel algorithms were proposed in the recent years. Most of the parallel algorithms, however, cannot cope with the huge number of threads that are provided by large multiprocessor or many-core systems. In this paper, we provide a highly parallel version of the well-known Eclat algorithm. It runs on both, multiprocessor systems and many-core coprocessors, and scales well up to a very large number of threads---244 in our experiments. To evaluate mcEclat's performance, we conducted many experiments on realistic datasets. mcEclat achieves high speedups of up to 11.5x and 100x on a 12-core multiprocessor system and a 61-core Xeon Phi many-core coprocessor, respectively. Furthermore, mcEclat is competitive with highly optimized existing frequent-itemset mining implementations taken from the FIMI repository.

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