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Inner shell photoionization of atoms and ionsDonnelly, David January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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Lyman-alpha scattering in the intergalactic medium during the epoch of reionisationHiggins, Jonathan January 2012 (has links)
We examine resonant scattering of Lyα (Lyman-alpha) photons in the neutral hydrogen Intergalactic Medium (IGM) at high redshift. Lyα scattering plays a key role in the 21cm emission/absorption against the Cosmic Microwave Background via the 'Wouthuysen-Field Effect' Knowledge of the strength of Lyα scattering induced by the first sources will constitute a significant step in predicting and understanding the eventual observations of the impact of these objects on the signal from the IGM during the Epoch of Reionisation (EoR), using planned facilities such as the Square Kilometre Array. A quantitative analysis of the scattering rate requires formulation and solution of the radiative transfer equation for the system. We consider radiative transfer of Lyα scattering far from a source in the homogeneous expanding IGM for photons that free stream until scattering in the blue wing of the local line profile: we describe an approximation that ignores spatial diffusion of photons and assumes a locally homogeneous scattering medium, allowing the calculation of simple analytic solutions to examine the dependence of the local scattering rate on various physical effects such as local expansion/contraction, and extend our approach to determine time-dependent solutions. The more complex problem of Lyα photons scattering in both frequency and space within a spherically symmetric medium is subsequently solved for several test problems using both Monte Carlo methods and a method based on the ray and moment radiative transfer equations following an approach due to Mihalas et al. [1975, 1976]. We examine local Lyα scattering around a continuum source in the homogeneous expanding IGM using both methods and compare our results with an analytic solution in the zero-temperature diffusion regime derived from an analogous solution for a monochromatic source found by Loeb and Rybicki [1999]. Our results are used to make estimates of the resulting size of the spherical region around the source that is rendered detectable via 21cm observations against the CMB background. We also examine cases with different density and velocity profiles and determine the effect on the scattering rate.
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"Linhas de Estrutura Fina em Absorção no Espectro de QSOs" / Fine-structure absorption lines in QSO spectra.Silva, Alex Ignácio da 21 May 1999 (has links)
Neste trabalho realizamos cálculos teóricos das razões de povoamento dos níveis de estrutura fina do C0, C+ e Si+ considerando em detalhes os efeitos dos diversos mecanismos de excitação: colisões, fluorescência e a radiação cósmica de fundo. Empregamos dados atômicos recentes coletados na literatura na resolução das equações de equilíbrio estatístico pertinentes. A confrontação das razões de povoamento calculadas com as razões de densidades de coluna observadas disponíveis na literatura nos permite obter informações acerca das condições físicas (densidades volumétricas, intensidade de um campo de radiação UV presente, temperatura da radiação cósmica de fundo) e propriedades (dimensão característica e massa) dos sistemas damped Lyman a e Lyman Limit vistos em absorção no espectro de QSOs. Como um aparte, e por sua relação com o tema do trabalho, também investigamos a lei de temperatura da radiação cósmica de fundo. / In this work we perform theoretical calculations of the population ratios of fine structure levels of C0, C+ and Si+ considering in detail the effect of the various excitation mechanisms: collisions, fluorescence and the cosmic background radiation. We employ recent atomic data, gathered in the literature, to solve the related statistical equilibrium equations. The comparison of the calculated population ratios with the observed column densities ratios available in the literature allows us to obtain informations regarding the physical conditions (volume densities, intensity of a UV radiation field present, temperature of the cosmic background radiation) and properties (characteristic size and mass) of damped Lyman a and Lyman Limit systems seen in absorption in spectra of QSOs. We also investigate the temperature law of the cosmic background radiation, which bears a tight relationship with this work.
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Electron - Ion Recombination Data for Plasma Applications : Results from Electron Beam Ion Trap and Ion Storage RingAli, Safdar January 2012 (has links)
This thesis contains results of electron-ion recombination processes in atomic ions relevant for plasma applications. The measurements were performed at the Stockholm Refrigerated Electron Beam Ion Trap (R-EBIT) and at the CRYRING heavy-ion storage ring. Dielectronic recombination (DR) cross sections, resonant strengths, rate coefficients and energy peak positions in H-like and He-like S are obtained for the first time from the EBIT measurements. Furthermore, the experimentally obtained DR resonant strengths are used to check the behaviour of a scaling formula for low Z, H-and He-like iso-electronic sequences and to update the fitting parameters. KLL DR peak positions for initially He- to B-like Ar ions are obtained experimentally from the EBIT measurements. Both the results from highly charged sulfur and argon are compared with the calculations performed with a distorted wave approximation. Absolute recombination rate coefficients of B-like C, B-like Ne and Be-like F ions are obtained for the first time with high energy resolution from storage ring measurements. The experimental results are compared with the intermediate coupling AUTOSTRUCTURE calculations. Plasma rate coefficients of each of these ions are obtained by convoluting the energy dependent recombination spectra with a Maxwell-Boltzmann energy distribution in the temperature range of 103-106 K. The resulting plasma rate coefficients are presented and compared with the calculated data available in literature. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Accepted. Paper 5: Accepted. Paper 6: Manuscript. Paper 7: Manuscript.</p>
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"Linhas de Estrutura Fina em Absorção no Espectro de QSOs" / Fine-structure absorption lines in QSO spectra.Alex Ignácio da Silva 21 May 1999 (has links)
Neste trabalho realizamos cálculos teóricos das razões de povoamento dos níveis de estrutura fina do C0, C+ e Si+ considerando em detalhes os efeitos dos diversos mecanismos de excitação: colisões, fluorescência e a radiação cósmica de fundo. Empregamos dados atômicos recentes coletados na literatura na resolução das equações de equilíbrio estatístico pertinentes. A confrontação das razões de povoamento calculadas com as razões de densidades de coluna observadas disponíveis na literatura nos permite obter informações acerca das condições físicas (densidades volumétricas, intensidade de um campo de radiação UV presente, temperatura da radiação cósmica de fundo) e propriedades (dimensão característica e massa) dos sistemas damped Lyman a e Lyman Limit vistos em absorção no espectro de QSOs. Como um aparte, e por sua relação com o tema do trabalho, também investigamos a lei de temperatura da radiação cósmica de fundo. / In this work we perform theoretical calculations of the population ratios of fine structure levels of C0, C+ and Si+ considering in detail the effect of the various excitation mechanisms: collisions, fluorescence and the cosmic background radiation. We employ recent atomic data, gathered in the literature, to solve the related statistical equilibrium equations. The comparison of the calculated population ratios with the observed column densities ratios available in the literature allows us to obtain informations regarding the physical conditions (volume densities, intensity of a UV radiation field present, temperature of the cosmic background radiation) and properties (characteristic size and mass) of damped Lyman a and Lyman Limit systems seen in absorption in spectra of QSOs. We also investigate the temperature law of the cosmic background radiation, which bears a tight relationship with this work.
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The solar abundance of beryllium : constraining the solar problem via non-LTE modellingOgneva, Daria January 2023 (has links)
Accurately determining the solar abundance of beryllium is a key to calibrate transport processes at the base of convective zone, which in turn is an improvement upon existing solar models and general understanding of the physical processes within the Sun. To determine an abundance, assumptions about the solar atmosphere must be made. While it is common to assume local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) due to the simplicity this brings to the calculations, it is more accurate to assume non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (non-LTE), because it better resembles the physics of the solar atmosphere, where observed spectral lines form. Non-LTE calculations require a model atom that will provide important information about the atom to the radiative transfer code in order to preform necessary calculations. In this project, the solar abundance of beryllium was studied with main purpose of calculating the non-LTE abundance correction to be applied on already known LTE abundances. This was done by creating a comprehensive model atom of beryllium, containing essential information about the atom’s states as well as radiative and collisional transitions coupling those states. Simulations using radiative transfer code were performed and their results analysed to compute non-LTE abundance correction for the solar 3D LTE abundance A(Be) = 1.38. Resulting correction was computed to be equal to +0.03, which, when applied on the LTE abundance,does not affect the abundance significantly, contrary to the -0.060 correction of Korotin &Kučinskas (2021). A possible reason for this result might be that the model atom includes additional collisional transitions (Kaulakys collisions), omitted in Korotin+.
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Investigation of radiative transfer effects in photoionized nebulaeProzesky, Andri January 2019 (has links)
Detailed knowledge of the hydrogen population structure is necessary for the interpretation of hydrogen recombination line (HRL) observations. Calculations of
hydrogen departure coefficients using a capture-collision-cascade type model with
the angular momentum quantum levels resolved that includes the effects of external radiation fields are presented. The stimulating processes are important at radio
frequencies and can influence level populations. Updated atomic rates and new numerical techniques with a solid mathematical basis have been incorporated into the
model to ensure convergence of the solution. My results differ from previous results
by up to 20 per cent. The effects on departure coefficients of continuum radiation
from dust, the cosmic microwave background, the stellar ionising radiation, and
free-free radiation are quantified.
Atomic hydrogen masers occur in recombination plasmas in sufficiently dense HII
regions. These HRL masers have been observed in a handful of objects to date and
the analysis of the atomic physics involved has been rudimentary. A new model of
HRL masers is presented which uses an nl-model to describe the atomic populations
interacting with free-free radiation from the plasma, and an escape probability
framework to deal with radiative transfer effects. The importance of including the
collisions between angular momentum quantum states and the free-free emission
in models of HRL masers is demonstrated. The model is used to describe the
general behaviour of radiative transfer of HRLs and to investigate the conditions
under which HRL masers form. The model results show good agreement with
observations collected over a broad range of frequencies. Theoretical predictions
are made regarding the ratio of recombination lines from the same upper quantum
level for these objects. / Physics / Ph. D. (Astronomy)
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