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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Inverse Method Implements the Automata Approach for Modal Satisfiability

Baader, Franz, Tobies, Stephan 24 May 2022 (has links)
Tableaux-based decision procedures for satisfiability of modal and description logics behave quite well in practice, but it is sometimes hard to obtain exact worst-case complexity results using these approaches, especially for EXPTIME-complete logics. In contrast, automata-based approaches often yield algorithms for which optimal worst-case complexity can easily be proved. However, the algorithms obtained this way are usually not only worst-case, but also best-case exponential: they first construct an automaton that is always exponential in the size of the input, and then apply the (polynomial) emptiness test to this large automaton. To overcome this problem, one must try to construct the automaton 'on-the-fly' while performing the emptiness test. In this paper we will show that Voronkov´s inverse method for the modal logic K can be seen as an on-the-fly realization of the emptiness test done by the automata approach for K. The benefits of this result are two-fold. First, it shows that Voronkov´s implementation of the inverse method, which behaves quite well in practice, is an optimized on-the-fly implementation of the automata-based satisfiability procedure for K. Second, it can be used to give a simpler proof of the fact that Voronkov´s optimizations do not destroy completeness of the procedure. We will also show that the inverse method can easily be extended to handle global axioms, and that the correspondence to the automata approach still holds in this setting. In particular, the inverse method yields an EXPTIME-algorithm for satisfiabilty in K w.r.t. global axioms.

Automatické shlukování regulárních výrazů / Automatic Grouping of Regular Expressions

Stanek, Timotej January 2011 (has links)
This project is about security of computer networks using Intrusion Detection Systems. IDS contain rules for detection expressed with regular expressions, which are for detection represented by finite-state automata. The complexity of this detection with non-deterministic and deterministic finite-state automata is explained. This complexity can be reduced with help of regular expressions grouping. Grouping algorithm and approaches for speedup and improvement are introduced. One of the approches is Genetic algorithm, which can work real-time. Finally Random search algorithm for grouping of regular expressions is presented. Experiment results with these approches are shown and compared between each other.

Syntaxí řízený překlad založený na hlubokých zásobníkových automatech / Syntax-Direxted Translation Based on Deep Pushdown Automata

Solár, Peter Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis introduces syntax-directed translation based on deep pushdown automata. Necessary theoretical models are introduced in the theoretical part. The most important model, introduced in this thesis, is a deep pushdown transducer. The transducer should be used in syntax analysis, significant part of translation. Practical part consists of an implementation of simple-language interpret based on these models.

Simulations and Antichains for Efficient Handling of Finite Automata / Simulace a protiřetězce pro efektivní práci s konečnými automaty

Holík, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
Cílem této práce je vývoj technik umožňujících praktické využití nedeterministických konečných automatů, zejména nedeterministických stromových automatů. Jde zvláště o techniky pro redukci velikosti a testování jazykové inkluze, jež hrají zásadní roli v mnoha oblastech aplikace konečných automatů. V oblasti redukce velikosti vycházíme z dobře známých metod pro slovní automaty které jsou založeny na relacích simulace.  Navrhli jsme efektivní algoritmy pro výpočet stromových variant simulačních relací a identifikovali jsme nový typ relace založený na kombinaci takzvaných horních a dolních simulací nad stromovými automaty. Tyto kombinované relace jsou zvláště vhodné pro redukci velikosti automatů slučováním stavů. Navržený princip kombinace relací simulace je relevantní i pro slovní automaty.  Náš přínos v oblasti testování jazykové inkluze je dvojí. Nejprve jsme zobecnili na stromové automaty takzvané protiřetězcové algoritmy, které byly původně navrženy pro slovními automaty. Dále se nám podařilo použitím simulačních relací výrazně zefektivnit protiřetězcové algoritmy pro testování jazykové inkluze jak pro slovní, tak pro stromové automaty. Relevanci našich technik pro praxi jsme demonstrovali jejich nasazením v rámci regulárního stromového model checkingu, což je verifikační metoda založená na stromových automatech. Použití našich algoritmů zde vedlo k výraznému zrychlení a zvětšení škálovatelnosti celé metody. Základní myšlenky našich algoritmů pro redukci velikosti automatů a testování jazykové inkluze jsou aplikovatelné i na jiné typy automatů. Příkladem jsou naše redukční techniky pro alternující Büchiho automaty prezentované v poslední části práce.

Sebereplikace v celulárních systémech / Self-Replication in Cellular Systems

Komenda, Tomáš Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis deals with cellular systems and their applications to self - replication data structures. The sector cellular automats is a very interesting and inspiring area which seems now as a very suitable environment for the simulation of various phenomen. One of these phenomen may be, for example, artificial life or self- replication the structure, which transmits some useful information or carry out the necessary calculations. In this thesis is detailed subscribe cellular automats and their division. It focuses on Langtons loop, Codds automata, Byls loop, Chou-Reggia loop, Tempesti loop, Perrier loop, SDSR loop, Evoloop and Sexyloop. Part of the work is to accelerate replication Byls loops through change to the rules of cellular automat and the addition of functionality to the ability to release space to the completion of replication loops. At thesis, I also dealt with the evolutionary design of the rules of cellular automata.

Konzeption und Aufbau eines Geoinformationssystems zur Modellierung und Simulation von Offenlandschaften

Wagner, Anja January 2004 (has links)
Zwischen 1990 und 1994 wurden rund 1000 Liegenschaften, die in der ehemaligen DDR von der Sowjetarmee und der NVA für militärische Übungen genutzt wurden, an Bund und Länder übergeben. Die größten Truppenübungsplätze liegen in Brandenburg und sind heute teilweise in Großschutzgebiete integriert, andere Plätze werden von der Bundeswehr weiterhin aktiv genutzt. <br /> <br /> Aufgrund des militärischen Betriebs sind die Böden dieser Truppenübungsplätze oft durch Blindgänger, Munitionsreste, Treibstoff- und Schmierölreste bis hin zu chemischen Kampfstoffen belastet. Allerdings existieren auf fast allen Liegenschaften neben diesen durch Munition und militärische Übungen belasteten Bereichen auch naturschutzfachlich wertvolle Flächen; gerade in den Offenlandbereichen kann dies durchaus mit einer Belastung durch Kampfmittel einhergehen. Charakteristisch für diese offenen Flächen, zu denen u.a. Zwergstrauchheiden, Trockenrasen, wüstenähnliche Sandflächen und andere nährstoffarme baumlose Lebensräume gehören, sind Großflächigkeit, Abgeschiedenheit sowie ihre besondere Nutzung und Bewirtschaftung, d.h. die Abwesenheit von land- und forstwirtschaftlichem Betrieb sowie von Siedlungsflächen. Diese Charakteristik war die Grundlage für die Entwicklung einer speziell angepassten Flora und Fauna. <br /> <br /> Nach Beendigung des Militärbetriebs setzte dann in weiten Teilen eine großflächige Sukzession &ndash; die allmähliche Veränderung der Zusammensetzung von Pflanzen- und Tiergesellschaften &ndash; ein, die diese offenen Bereiche teilweise bereits in Wald verwandelte und somit verschwinden ließ. Dies wiederum führte zum Verlust der an diese Offenlandflächen gebundenen Tier- und Pflanzenarten.<br /> <br /> Zur Erhaltung, Gestaltung und Entwicklung dieser offenen Flächen wurden daher von einer interdisziplinären Gruppe von Naturwissenschaftlern verschiedene Methoden und Konzepte auf ihre jeweilige Wirksamkeit untersucht. So konnten schließlich die für die jeweiligen Standortbedingungen geeigneten Maßnahmen eingeleitet werden.<br /> <br /> Voraussetzung für die Einleitung der Maßnahmen sind zum einen Kenntnisse zu diesen jeweiligen Standortbedingungen, d.h. zum Ist-Zustand, sowie zur Entwicklung der Flächen, d.h. zur Dynamik. So kann eine Abschätzung über die zukünftige Flächenentwicklung getroffen werden, damit ein effizienter Maßnahmeneinsatz stattfinden kann.<br /> Geoinformationssysteme (GIS) spielen dabei eine entscheidende Rolle zur digitalen Dokumentation der Biotop- und Nutzungstypen, da sie die Möglichkeit bieten, raum- und zeitbezogene Geometrie- und Sachdaten in großen Mengen zu verarbeiten. Daher wurde ein fachspezifisches GIS für Truppenübungsplätze entwickelt und implementiert. Die Aufgaben umfassten die Konzeption der Datenbank und des Objektmodells sowie fachspezifischer Modellierungs-, Analyse- und Präsentationsfunktionen. Für die Integration von Fachdaten in die GIS-Datenbank wurde zudem ein Metadatenkatalog entwickelt, der in Form eines zusätzlichen GIS-Tools verfügbar ist. Die Basisdaten für das GIS wurden aus Fernerkundungsdaten, topographischen Karten sowie Geländekartierungen gewonnen.<br /> <br /> Als Instrument für die Abschätzung der zukünftigen Entwicklung wurde das Simulationstool AST4D entwickelt, in dem sowohl die Nutzung der (Raster-)Daten des GIS als Ausgangsdaten für die Simulationen als auch die Nutzung der Simulationsergebnisse im GIS möglich ist. Zudem können die Daten in AST4D raumbezogen visualisiert werden.<br /> Das mathematische Konstrukt für das Tool war ein so genannter Zellulärer Automat, mit dem die Flächenentwicklung unter verschiedenen Voraussetzungen simuliert werden kann. So war die Bildung verschiedener Szenarien möglich, d.h. die Simulation der Flächenentwicklung mit verschiedenen (bekannten) Eingangsparametern und den daraus resultierenden unterschiedlichen (unbekannten) Endzuständen. Vor der Durchführung einer der drei in AST4D möglichen Simulationsstufen können angepasst an das jeweilige Untersuchungsgebiet benutzerspezifische Festlegungen getroffen werden. / Between 1990 and 1994 more than a thousand military properties in East Germany used for military exercise by the Soviet army and the East German forces were handed over to government institutions of the national state and federal states (Laender), respectively. The largest military training areas are located in the federal state of Brandenburg. Some of these are, by now, part of environmentally protected areas, others are still being used by the German forces. <br /> <br /> As a result of long-lasting military operations the soils of these areas are heavily polluted by ammunition, duds, fuel and lubricants as well as a range of chemicals. Due to these special environmental conditions specifically adapted vegetation and fauna developed in these environments which make these areas valuable from an environmental protection perspective. Unlike other environments in North West Germany these former military training areas are characterised by wideness, separateness as well as the absence of agricultural, forest and settlement land use. This allowed for the development of a characteristic vegetation cover composed of dwarf bush heaths, drying lawns, desert-like sand surfaces and other nutrient-poor treeless habitats. <br /> <br /> Following the end of military use the process of succession &ndash; a gradual change of flora and fauna over space and time &ndash; set in. More a than a decade later the former open plains have, in part, developed into forests. The loss of open range land effected the disappearance of adapted animal and plant populations. To retain, preserve and develop these environmentally valuable areas different methods and concepts were examined for the respective effectiveness by multi-disciplinary group of scientists.<br /> <br /> Prerequisites of the application of methods to preserve the open plains are up-to-date knowledge of local conditions as well as in-depth understanding of the land surface developments and their dynamics, in particular. Based on this expertise the future surface development of these areas can be estimated which, in term, is a prerequisite for selecting the appropriate methods.<br /> <br /> Geo information systems (GIS) play an important role for the digital documentation and monitoring of biotopes, land use etc as they provide for acquisition, processing and storage of mass geo data including their locational and feature attributes. To make this GIS functionality available for the management and development of former military training areas a dedicated GIS has been developed and implemented. Tasks tackled included a database concept and object model as well as application-specific modelling, analysis and map presentation functions. Integration of relevant spatial and attribute data into this system required a meta data catalogue made available as an add-on GIS tool. <br /> Topographic base data for GIS input were taken from remote sensing imagery, topographic maps and additional field surveys.<br /> <br /> To simulate the development of the former military areas over space and time a specific simulation tool had to be developed as conventional GIS lack dynamic functionalities. The AST4D tool enables the user to utilise existing GIS data. Processed results, in term, can then be used within the GIS application. Additionally AST4D data may be visualised in map form.<br /> The AST4D GIS tool is based on the mathematical model of cellular automata. This model allows for the user-defined setting of status quo and simulation of future developments under different input parameters and target conditions.

Modelling proactive behaviour of conversational interfaces

L'Abbate, Marcello. Unknown Date (has links)
Techn. University, Diss., 2006--Darmstadt.

Metody automatizované transformace modelů v analýze IS / Methods of Automated Model Transformations in Information System Analysis

Tůma, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
This doctoral dissertation thesis has impact to holistically development extension of information systems. Thesis has impact to analytical models and its transformation methods. This thesis is focused on models Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) and Business Object Relational Modeling (BORM). Model BPMN is developed since 2000. Model BORM is developed since 1993 and it is older. The thesis general target was extension of holistically development of information systems. The main target was to bridge the gap between BPMN and BORM models. This thesis was inspired by Finite State Machine (FSM). The state of the art describes approaches to models transformation. In the analytical part the mathematical formula are used to describe transformation. This part is used to base for the implementation part. The implementation part contains transformation algorithm its description and verification on the case studies. Impact of developed transformation method is validated on the comparison with the other approaches. The targets were aimed and documented automated transformation calculus. The impact of automated BPMN and BORM models connection using transformation method. The result is method of automated transformation from BPMN model to BORM model using algorithm. The transformation method is based on the Mealy automaton.

Potenciál nádraží v rámci obchodu a cestovního ruchu / The Potential of Railway Stations in Trade and Tourism

ZELENKOVÁ, Martina January 2017 (has links)
Diploma The Potencial of Railway Stations in Trade and Tourism examines the potential of the selected railway station. It is primary focused on increasing the attractiveness of these areas, using new technologies and innovations. For this work was chosen a station building in Kutná Hora. The resulting proposals will be applied to respond to the current needs of local passengers regarding the possibilities of the station.

Efektivnost trhu a automatické obchodní systémy / Market efficiency and automated trading

ZEMAN, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with the problem efficiency of the spot currency market. The main aim of this thesis is to verify the Efficient-market hypothesis on the majo foreign exchange pairs, and especially in the short term. The author focuses on the effective functioning of foreign exchange markets. The behaiour of the five main spot foreign exchange pairs - EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, USD/JPY and USD/CAD was analyzed in the thesis. Due to the increasing rise of intraday trades and growing popularity of margin accounts among retail investors, spot rates have been investigated primarily through a high-frequency data, that were collected for a period equal to or shorter than one day. The hypothesis of the effective exchange rate behaviour was verified by both using statistical methods, such as through automated trading systems, which were designed to assess the economic importance of the theory and to exclude or confirm the possibility of achieving above-average profits of retail investors on the foreign exchange markets.

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