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Les relations entre la présence de conduites violentes dans le couple et le besoin d'autonomie /Guitard, Annik. January 2002 (has links)
Thèse (M.Ps.)--Université Laval, 2002. / Bibliogr.: f. 18-20. Publié aussi en version électronique.
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Succesful cognitive aging the use of computers and the internet to support autonomy in later life /Slegers, Karin. January 1900 (has links)
Proefschrift Universiteit Maastricht. / Met lit. opg. - Samenvatting in het Nederlands.
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Job autonomy, well-being, and health a study among Dutch health care workers /Jonge, Jan de. January 1996 (has links)
Proefschrift Rijksuniversiteit Limburg, Maastricht. / Met samenvatting in het Duits en het Nederlands. - Met lit. opg.
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Changing autonomy new perspectives on the care for stroke patients in nursing homes /Proot, Ireen. January 1900 (has links)
Proefschrift Universiteit Maastricht, 2001. / Met bibliogr., lit. opg. - Met samenvatting in het Nederlands.
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Zweckmäßigkeit und Autonomie im Zusammenhang mit den Versuchen Kants, die Gültigkeit des moralischen Gesetzes zu begründen /Méndez-Burguillos, Manuel, January 1900 (has links)
Diss--Universität Frankfurt (Main), 1995. / Bibliogr. p. 203-210.
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Identité, apprentissage et auto-organisationJorro, José. January 1986 (has links)
Th. 3e cycle--Philos.--Toulouse 2, 1985.
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Statens, godsens eller böndernas socknar ? : den sockenkommunala självstyrelsens utveckling i Västerfärnebo, Stora Malm och Jäder, 1800-1880 /Tiscornia, Alberto. January 1992 (has links)
Doctoral diss.--Department of history--Uppsala, 1992. / Résumé en anglais.
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Le principe d'autonomie des universités françaises / The principle of french university autonomyBensmaine-Coeffier, Sophie 05 July 2016 (has links)
Toute nation fait désormais face à un lieu commun selon lequel, le développement et la qualité de son fonctionnement dépendront plus que jamais du niveau de son enseignement supérieur, tant du point de la formation que de sa recherche et sa valorisation. Si en France, l’enseignement supérieur est fortement marqué par le poids de l’Etat, et de la conception du service public, force est de constater qu’il fait aujourd’hui face à de nombreuses évolutions marquantes : l’augmentation de l’offre et de la demande, la diversification des enseignements à la fois dans les domaines à enseigner et dans les méthodologies d’enseignement, la mise en concurrence.Le modèle français doit être repensé, dans le respect de ce qui fait l'essence même des universités, à savoir la liberté académique. Il faut alors penser ce qu’est l’action de l’Etat dans le domaine de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche. / Every nation now faces a commonplace that the development and the quality of its performance depend more than ever on the level of its higher education, both in terms of the training of its research and its valuation. If in France, higher education is strongly influenced by the weight of the State, and the concept of public service, it is clear that today face many significant developments: the rise of supply and demand, diversification of teaching in both areas to teach and teaching methodologies, the introduction of competition.The French model has to be redesigned, respecting what makes the essence of universities, namely academic freedom. You have to remember what the action of the State in the field of higher education and research.
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Odmítání očkování a jeho etické souvislosti / Vaccination refusing and its ethical coherenceBISCHOFOVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is named: Vaccination refusing and its ethical coherence. The work consists of several parts. The first part is formed by theoretical possibilities. In this part we focus on the question of ethics. The basic question of this issue is a matter of imaginary dispute which also the ethics describes in its basic principles and which is the principle of nonmaleficence (not to inflict harm intentionally) and principle of beneficence (act for the benefit of others); and also the principle of autonomy and justice. This part further contains overview of compulsory and voluntary vaccination, a short description of each disease, side effects, division of the vaccines, principles of correct immunization and storage of vaccines, and an overview of reasons why the parents refuse vaccination given by the literature. The second chapter is the methodology. We set as a target of our work to identity and analyze ethical problems connected with refusing vaccination and to find out and describe the main reasons of the parents for refusing vaccination of their children. To reach these targets we interviewed twelve mothers and five pediatricians. The third chapter comprises of case studies, which shortly introduce the families, where the parents refuse vaccination for their children and briefly explain the problem in accepting children without vaccination by the pediatricians and society. There are twelve of these case studies. The fourth chapter includes results of the research, which were divided into three parts. The first part consists of reasons why the parents refuse vaccination for their children. There we analyzed five the most given reasons (side effects, different approach to life, composition of the vaccines, no occurrence of the diseases + small risk of infection, low age for vaccination). The second part is created by ethical problems connected with refusing vaccination from the perspective of the parents. During the interview we analyzed seven problems (truthfulness of the information, preventing from collective incorporation, denial of free choice, authority of the state, collective immunity, vaccination as a business, testing of vaccinations). In the third part there are the results of interviews with the doctors. After that follows the discussion. In the discussion there is a confrontation of the perspective of the parents, doctors, other specialists, and my own of the given problematic. In the conclusion I present an overview of the issue and proposals to think about and to the possible solutions.
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Vliv daňových příjmů na financování obceKapounová, Anna January 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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