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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Entwicklung einer Methode zur Optimierung von Betriebsstrategien für Nebenaggregate konventionell angetriebener Stadtbusse

Steinert, Frank 21 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Während der bisherigen Verbrauchsoptimierung konventioneller Nutzfahrzeuge lag der Fokus verstärkt auf der Reduktion des Energiebedarfs für die Traktionsaufgabe. Dieser zielte vor allem auf die Verbesserung der Effizienz des Antriebstrangs. Einen bisher wenig betrachteten Ansatz bietet auch die Optimierung des Energiebedarfs der Nebenaggregate. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Optimierung der Betriebsstrategien verschiedener Nebenaggregate am Beispiel typischer 12 m und 18 m Stadtbusse. Dabei waren folgende Randbedingungen zu erfüllen: • Die entwickelten Strategien sollten auf aktuellen Fahrzeugsteuergeräten umgesetzt werden können. • Am Fahrzeug sollten möglichst geringe technische Änderungen vorgenommen werden. • Es sollte kein hybrider Ansatz mit verändertem Antriebstrang oder zusätzlichen elektrischen Maschinen verfolgt werden. Basis für alle durchgeführten Optimierungsaufgaben bildete ein Multi-Domänen-Fahrzeugmodell, in dem neben dem konventionellen Antriebsstrang alle betrachteten Nebenaggregatesysteme inklusive derer Steuerung physikalisch modelliert integriert sind. Ausgehend von gemessenen und nachsimulierten realen Fahrprofilen liefert dieses Gesamtfahrzeugmodell die zeitlichen Verläufe der Verbrennungsmotorbetriebspunkte und den Energiebedarf der verschiedenen Nebenaggregatesysteme. Für diese Systeme wurden im Anschluss mit Hilfe der Dynamischen Programmierung nach Bellmann optimale Steuersequenzen berechnet. Diese legten unter dem Gesichtspunkt minimalen Kraftstoffeinsatzes unter anderem die Ein- und Ausschaltzeitpunkte sowie die Betriebspunkte des Kompressors, der Lichtmaschinen sowie des Hauptlüfters fest. Die resultierenden Steuergesetze bilden, mathematisch bewiesen, das absolute Optimum, deren dazugehöriger Kraftstoffverbrauch nicht mehr unterboten werden kann und dienen somit als Referenz. Da diese Methodik mit sehr rechenaufwendigen Algorithmen aktuell nicht echtzeitfähig in ein Fahrzeugsteuergerät implementiert werden kann, wurden aus dem optimalen Systemverhalten verschiedene heuristische Regeln abgeleitet, die dann anhand der Referenz bewertet und gegebenenfalls noch verbessert werden konnten. So entstanden implementierbare heuristische Regeln die auf allen analysierten Linien weit über 90 % des maximal möglichen Einsparpotentials ausschöpften.
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Rôle des auxiliaires du passif en italien / Role of passive auxiliaries in italian

Castellani, Cristina 06 December 2018 (has links)
Le passif italien offre une variété de choix qui n‟est guère comparable à celle du français.En dehors de la forme canonique essere Vpp, il existe aussi les formes avec venire, andare, finire, rimanere, risultare, restare, stare. L‟objectif de ce travail est de comprendre le fonctionnement de essere, venire, andare, rimanere et restare, auxiliaires formateurs du passif italien, et la fonction de l‟existence d‟une telle diversité dans le cadre du Lexique-Grammaire de Maurice Gross et de la méthodologie de l‟Analyse Matricielle Définitoire (AMD) de Amr H. Ibrahim.L‟étude se développe sur 10 chapitres.La première partie présente l‟état de l‟art sur le passif italien et la description des 5 auxiliaires retenus, d‟après la description traditionnelle des linguistes et des grammairiens.Les chapitres suivants sont consacrés à la description de chaque auxiliaire et à la comparaison de leurs emplois. Le travail se conclut sur la synthèse des différentes caractéristiques des périphrases passives et sur des considérations d‟ordre aspectuo-temporel avec une tentative de systématisation.On constate que les auxiliaires sont rarement commutables et que chacun d'eux induit des restrictions d'ordre morpho-syntaxique et aspectuel différent. / Italian passive form offers a variety of choices that are hardly comparable to those of French. Apart from the canonical form essere and Past Participle, there are also the forms with venire, andare, finire, rimanere, risultare, restare, stare. The objective of this work is to understand the use of essere, venire, andare, rimanere and restare, auxiliaries of the Italian passive form, and the function of the existence of such a diversity within the framework of the Lexicon-Grammar of Maurice Gross and Amr H. Ibrahim's Methodology of Analytical Defining Matrixes (ADM).The study develops through 10 chapters.The first part introduces the state of the art on the Italian passive and the description of the chosen five auxiliaries, according to the traditional description of linguists and grammarians. The following chapters are devoted to the description of each auxiliary and the comparison of their uses.The work concludes with the synthesis of the different characteristics of passive periphrases and considerations of an aspectual-temporal order with an attempt at systematization.The aim of this work is to prove that the said auxiliaries are rarely commutable and that each of them introduces different morpho-syntactic and aspectual restrictions.
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A qualificação dos atendentes de enfermagem: transformações no trabalho e na vida / The qualification of nursing attendants: transformations in work and life

Aguiar, Zenaide Neto 14 December 2001 (has links)
Este trabalho tomou como objeto de estudo as transformações ocorridas no trabalho, vida e, especialmente, maneira de pensar e agir das atendentes de enfermagem a partir de sua qualificação como auxiliares pelo Projeto Larga Escala (PLE). Utilizou o trabalho e a qualificação como categorias de análise e teve como objetivo dimensionar as mudanças ocorridas com as atendentes a partir de sua qualificação. Constituíram os sujeitos deste estudo as atendentes que se qualificaram como auxiliares de enfermagem pelo PLE na Administração Regional de Saúde - 5 (da cidade de São Paulo) no período de 1990 a 1992, utilizando histórias de vida como estratégia de captação da realidade. A análise das histórias permitiu reconhecer as possibilidades e limites dos processos de qualificação. Observou-se que a qualificação garantiu às antigas atendentes: a) o acesso a uma posição de melhor remuneração, de promoção a uma categoria profissional e alguns direitos trabalhistas; b) a conquista de alguns direitos como cidadãs, que não se relacionam com a possibilidade de ascensão social; c) mudança no padrão de conhecimento; d) autonomia relativa aos aspectos técnicos da atenção à saúde; e) ganhos na humanização do cuidado. A qualificação parece ter uma força relativa na modificação da qualidade da atenção à saúde, permitindo uma certa compreensão do objeto de trabalho e no domínio das tecnologias utilizadas no processo de trabalho. Não parece constituir-se, no entanto, em força capaz de suscitar transformações no modelo constituído de assistência clínica individual, desvelando assim uma certa fragilidade da apreensão da dimensão política proposta pelo PLE para a qualificação dos profissionais da saúde / This study took as object the transformations occurred in working, living and specially in the thinking and acting way of nursing attendants after their qualification as nursing auxiliaries through the LSP (Large Scale Project). It utilized work and qualification as analytical categories. The aim was to evaluate the dimension of the changes occurred with attendants after de qualification process. Study subjects were attendants who have qualified as auxiliaries through LSP, conducted by the Regional Health Administration – 5 (São Paulo city), during 1990 a 1992. Life histories were used as a methodological tool to apprehend these transformations. The analyses allowed the recognition of both potentialities and limitations of the qualification process. Qualification have guarantied to the attendants: a) access to improved remuneration, promotion to a professional status e some working rights; b) conquer of some citizen rights not directly related with social rising; c) change in knowledge patterns; d) a certain autonomy related to technical aspects of health attention; d) gains in the humanization of care. The qualification process seems to have a relative power to modify the quality of health attention, allowing a certain understanding of the object of the health work and dominating technologies used in the working process. Nevertheless, it does not seems to constitute changes in the individual and clinical model of health assistance, showing a certain fragility to apprehend the political dimension proposed by the LSP to qualify health workers
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Influência do aumento de profissionais auxiliares da odontologia e de infraestrutura odontológica na produção dos serviços públicos de saúde entre os anos de 2008/2009 e 2014/2015

Abella, Cássia Pereira January 2016 (has links)
Os recursos destinados ao pagamento dos profissionais de saúde representam a maior parte das despesas dos serviços públicos de saúde. No Brasil, não existem estudos sobre a influência na produtividade exercida pelos recursos auxiliares na área odontológica. Este estudo teve como objetivo explorar a associação entre mudanças nas taxas de profissionais auxiliares da odontologia e de infraestrutura odontológica nos serviços públicos de saúde com mudanças nas taxas de procedimentos odontológicos entre os anos de 2008/2009 e 2014/2015. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória do tipo ecológica longitudinal, incluindo todos os 5.570 municípios brasileiros, tendo o ano de 2008 como o ponto inicial e 2015 final. Foram utilizados dados secundários provenientes do DATASUS e do Atlas de Desenvolvimento Humano. As variáveis de desfecho foram: procedimentos Grupo 1, constituído pela taxa mensal de procedimentos atribuíveis ao auxiliar em saúde bucal a cada 1000 habitantes, procedimentos do Grupo 2, taxa mensal de procedimentos executáveis pelo técnico em saúde bucal cada 1000 habitantes e procedimentos do Grupo 3, taxa mensal de procedimentos de competência exclusiva do cirurgião-dentista a cada 1000 habitantes. As variáveis de desfecho foram controladas por dados demográficos e socioeconômicos. O aumento da taxa de auxiliar em saúde bucal foi associado ao incremento nos procedimentos do Grupo 2 (OR= 1,40, IC95%: 1,20-1,63) e do Grupo 3 (OR=1,44, IC95%: 1,24-1,67). O acréscimo de técnico em saúde bucal foi relacionado tanto ao aumento quanto a diminuição de procedimentos do Grupo 1 e 2. O aumento da taxa de cadeiras odontológicas esteve associado ao aumento de procedimentos do Grupo 2 (OR=1,18, IC95%: 1,00-1,39). Este estudo possui uma representatividade nacional sobre a influência dos recursos humanos e de infraestrutura em odontologia na produtividade da equipe de saúde bucal. Frente aos resultados, sugere-se a contratação de ASB pelos gestores e profissionais que desejam ampliar a produção dos procedimentos destes dois grupos e também a realização de pesquisas com o intuito de esclarecer o efeito da taxa de TSB na produtividade odontológica. / The resources for the payment of health professionals represent a major part of total expenses of the public health services. Having adequate workforce for each task is very important to avoid over and under utilization of resources and many tasks in Dentistry can be done for auxiliaries. However, in Brazil, there are no study on the influence of dental auxiliaries on dental team productivity. The aim of this paper was to assess association between changes in the rates of dentistry professionals and dental infrastructure in public health services with changes in rates of dental procedures between the years 2008/2009 and 2014/2015. This an exploratory longitudinal ecological, including all 5,570 Brazilian municipalities, with 2008 as the starting point and final 2015. Secondary data from DATASUS and the Atlas of Human Development were collated. The outcome variables were: Group 1 procedures, consisting of the monthly rate of procedures attributable to dental assistant per 1000 inhabitants, Group 2 procedures, monthly rates attributable to dental hygienists per 1000 inhabitants and Group 3 procedures, monthly rates due to procedures exclusive to the Dentist per 1000 inhabitants. Outcome variables were controlled by demographic and socioeconomic data. The increase of dental assistant rate was associated with an increase in Group 2 (OR = 1.40, 95% CI: 1.20-1.63) and Group 3 (OR = 1.44, 95% CI: 1.24-1.67). The increase in dental hygienists was related both to the increase and decrease in Group 1 and 2 procedures. The increase in the rate of dental chairs was associated with an increase in Group 2 procedures (OR = 1.18, 95% CI: 1, 00-139). This study has a national representation on the influence of human resources and infrastructure in dentistry on the productivity of the oral health team. In view of the results, it is suggested that dental assistant could be hired by managers and professionals who wish to increase the production of the procedures of these two groups and also to carry out researches in order to clarify the effect of oral health technician rates on dental productivity.
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Ácido cítrico: um estudo sobre a viabilidade comercial e técnica de sua utilização na indústria de beneficiamento textil / Citric acid: a study of commercial and technical feasibility of their use in the textile processing industry

Carmo, Reneé Simões Argolo do 06 March 2015 (has links)
A pesquisa em questão visou demonstrar as vantagens não só comerciais e técnicas, como também, ecológicas e ocupacionais da utilização do ácido cítrico nas empresas de beneficiamento têxtil, em comparação com o ácido acético, objetivando a implantação de um processo de tingimento mais sustentável, visto que, a exigência dos órgãos fiscalizadores tem crescido nos últimos anos e a busca na redução de custos operacionais e adequações ambientais são de vital importância para a sobrevivência e perpetuação das empresas de beneficiamento têxtil. Foram efetuados testes comparativos de medições de pH, neutralização de banhos alcalinos, comparação teórica de biodegradabilidade e danos à saúde e testes práticos comparativos contra dispersantes de tingimento e sequestrante e por fim os resultados práticos de tingimento em escala laboratorial. Os resultados demonstraram a compatibilidade do ácido cítrico frente ao acético no acerto de pH e neutralização de banhos alcalinos, demonstrado a capacidade do ácido cítrico em dispersar corantes dispersos superior à dispersantes de mercado, e superior poder de complexação frente à outros ácidos e ao Ladiquest 1097, e por fim foi constatado com base em dados teóricos a superioridade do ácido cítrico em comparação ao acético em questões ecológicas, possuindo o ácido cítrico valor de DQO em torno de 30% inferior ao ácido acético e toxicidade em torno de 70% inferior e por fim através dos tingimentos realizados pode-se comprovar a eficácia do ácido cítrico em processos de tingimento de poliéster e poliamida sem haver significativa alteração dos processos com ácido acético. A pesquisa pode demonstrar que a substituição do ácido acético, em processos de tingimento, pelo ácido cítrico é perfeitamente viável e além de trazer redução nos custos de processo na ordem de 12% nos tingimentos de poliéster e 0,76 no tingimento de poliamida, trará benefícios ambientais e ocupacionais às empresas que adotarem esta substituição, fazendo com que o ácido cítrico nas empresas de beneficiamento seja considerado um insumo sustentável. / The research in question aimed to demonstrate the advantages not only commercial and technical, but also environmental and occupational use of citric acid in textile dying companies, compare with acetic acid, aiming at implementing a more sustainable dyeing process, as that the requirement of regulatory agencies has grown in recent years and the search on reducing operating costs and environmental adaptations are of vital importance for the survival and perpetuation of textile dyeing companies. Comparative tests were of measurements of pH, neutralization of alkaline baths, theoretical comparison of biodegradability and damage to health and comparative practice tests against dispersants and sequestering dyeing and finally the practical results of dyeing in laboratory scale. The results demonstrated the compatibility of citric acid compare with acetic in the pH adjustment and neutralization of the alkali bath, demonstrated the ability of citric acid in the dispersing disperse dyes upper market dispersants, and higher power as compared to other complexing acids and Ladiquest 1097 and finally based on the environmental data theoretical superiority of citric acid compared to acetic acid, citric acid having a COD value of approximately 30% lower than the toxicity acetic acid and around 70% lower, and finally by the dyes could prove the efficacy of citric acid in polyester and polyamide dyeing processes with no significant change in the processes with acetic acid. The research may show that the substitution of acetic acid, in dyeing processes, the citric acid is feasible and also brings reduction in process costs in the order of 12% in the dyeing of polyester and 0.76%in the polyamide dyeing, will environmental and occupational benefits to companies that adopt this replacement, causing the citric acid in the processing firms is considered a sustainable feedstock.
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Romance morphosyntactic microvariation in complementizer and auxiliary systems

Colasanti, Valentina January 2019 (has links)
This thesis describes and analyses patterns of complementation and auxiliation in the languages spoken in an understudied area of Italy, namely Southern Lazio. From a descriptive perspective, this thesis serves to document several severely endangered Romance languages spoken in the Italian peninsula. In so doing, several previously undocumented complementizer and auxiliary systems are illustrated for the first time. From a theoretical perspective, this thesis accounts for the patterns of variation found in these auxiliary and complementizer systems. Traditional descriptions of Italo- Romance treat these systems as entirely unrelated. Indeed, to date, no previous study has compared the distribution of complementizers and auxiliaries in Italo-Romance to investigate similarities and correspondences between them. This dissertation takes the original step of demonstrating that the distribution of particular auxiliary systems correlates with the distribution of particular complementizer systems, offering, in turn, an integrated and complementary theoretical analysis of both phenomena.

Toward Macromolecular Shape And Size Control: Novel Enantioselective Nitrations And Iterative Exponential Growth Methods For Polymer Synthesis

Campbell, Joseph Patrick 01 January 2019 (has links)
Chirality is a key principle in organic chemistry. All chiral compounds are non-superimposable mirror images of each other and therefore lack an improper axis of rotation (Sn). These mirror images often have identical properties in an achiral environment, however when two chiral molecules interact, they produce different shapes and properties. Nature, to this extent takes advantage of this aspect through unique formation of shape defined biological macromolecules that are tailored to carry out various life processes. This level of shape control is only made possible because of natural chiral monomers such as amino acids or glycosides that make up such macromolecules. Under new methods such as Chirality Assisted Synthesis (CAS), shape and size-controlled polymers and macromolecules can be realized through the use of chiral monomers to make well defined macromolecules. Because chirality dictates shape, and shape defines function in reference to macromolecules, controlling the chirality of monomers, while concurrently dictating shape and size can lead to the potential of biomimetic methodologies and cage like structures. Accessing shape defined monomers can be difficult especially when in reference to chiral compounds. The unique structure of enantiopure tribenzotriquinacenes show promise in the formation of well-defined cage like structures through utilization of CAS methodology. Synthesis of functionalized tribenzotriquinacenes along with development of an enantioselective electrophilic aromatic nitration method was attempted. Further exploration into the effectiveness of through-space enantioselective nitrations found a dependence on solvent temperature, and the auxiliary that is used. Synthetic difficulties, results, modifications and processes toward a generalized method are presented herein. In addition, controlling the size of polymers has always been a difficult synthetic challenge. Overall selectivity toward one product over another is determined via a variety of chemical properties. However, the formation of sequence and size defined polymers are a prominent aspect of natural polymers. The size selective synthesis, of unique ABAB sequenced polymers was attempted using an iterative exponential growth method. The ability to scale up these processes and create monodisperse oligoethers is also presented and described herein.
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The Modal Auxiliaries Can and Could - A contrastive investigation of the modal auxiliaries can and could in descriptions in materials aimed for English tuition and the English-Swedish Parallel Corpus

Mörn, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>The two modal auxiliaries can and could are investigated in this essay. Focus is on the correspondence between descriptions in grammar books and real-life data. </p><p>First four English learner grammar books aimed for Swedish high-schools were analyzed. The uses and translations of can and could found in the grammar books were then compared to real-life examples from an English-Swedish parallel corpus. </p><p>It was found that three of the grammar books categorize the uses of can and could according to ability, possibility and permission in quite general terms and these uses correlated to the majority of the corpus examples. The forth book did not mention the possibility use and stated very specific uses of the modal auxiliaries. This grammar book did not correspond to the corpus data to the same extent as the other three grammars.</p><p>It could be concluded that the assumptions made about use correlated to a greater extent with the corpus than the assumptions made about translations.</p>

The Modal Auxiliaries Can and Could - A contrastive investigation of the modal auxiliaries can and could in descriptions in materials aimed for English tuition and the English-Swedish Parallel Corpus

Mörn, Anna January 2009 (has links)
The two modal auxiliaries can and could are investigated in this essay. Focus is on the correspondence between descriptions in grammar books and real-life data. First four English learner grammar books aimed for Swedish high-schools were analyzed. The uses and translations of can and could found in the grammar books were then compared to real-life examples from an English-Swedish parallel corpus. It was found that three of the grammar books categorize the uses of can and could according to ability, possibility and permission in quite general terms and these uses correlated to the majority of the corpus examples. The forth book did not mention the possibility use and stated very specific uses of the modal auxiliaries. This grammar book did not correspond to the corpus data to the same extent as the other three grammars. It could be concluded that the assumptions made about use correlated to a greater extent with the corpus than the assumptions made about translations.

Calculation Of Core Losses Of A Six Phase Induction Motor With Third Harmonic Current Injection

Buyukbas, Afsin - 01 January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT CALCULATION OF CORE LOSSES OF A 6-PHASE INDUCTION MOTOR WITH 3RD HARMONIC CURRENT INJECTION B&Uuml / Y&Uuml / KBAS, AfSin M.S., Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Dr. H. B&uuml / lent ERTAN January 2004, 106 pages The advantages of using a six-phase induction motor for industrial drives, over the conventional three-phase drive can be summarized as improved reliability, reduction on the power ratings for the static converters and harmonic reduction. A technique of injecting third harmonic zero sequence current components in the phase currents to improve the machine torque density was presented recently by another research study. However, to meaninigfully evaluate the performnce of such machines and/or to be able to make good designs / it is necessary to obtain an accurate mathematical model for the loss calculation. The calculation of high frequency loss in this context presents a very difficult problem. In this thesis a modified version of a loss calculation model, which was developed in another MS thesis will be applied to a six-phase induction motor with third harmonic current injection.

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