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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traffic-Related Metals in Soil and Sediment in Mauritius / Trafikrelaterade metaller i jord och sediment på Mauritius

Petersson, Liselott January 2005 (has links)
<p>Trafik utgör en stor föroreningskälla av tungmetaller i vägnära jordar och särskilt är det koppar (Cu), bly (Pb) och zink (Zn) som associeras med fordonstrafik. I ett historiskt perspektiv härrör blyutsläpp främst från bränsleförbränning, medan kopparemissioner (i första hand från slitage av bromsbelägg) och zinkutsläpp (från däck) från trafik står för så mycket som hälften av det urbana utsläppet av koppar och zink till omgivningen.</p><p>Koppar-, bly- och zinkkoncentrationer i vägnära jord och sediment undersöktes inom avrinningsområdet för Grand River North West i Mauritius. Eftersom totalmetall utgör en dålig indikator på den mängd metall som finns potentiellt tillgänglig för biota användes extraktion med hjälp av 0.5 M HCl tillsammans med totalkoncentrationer.</p><p>Den rumsliga variationen längsmed transekt vinkelrätt mot vägar undersöktes liksom variationen med djupet. Observerade kopparkoncentrationer var jämförbara med bakgrundsnivåer. Till skillnad från Cu var koncentrationer av Pb och Zn förhöjda i den omedelbara närheten till vägar med relativt stor trafikintensitet, men halterna minskade snabbt med avståndet. Resultat från platserna för jordreferenser visar på storskalig förorening av Pb på ön. Uppmätta kopparkoncentrationer kunde inte knytas till trafikens påverkan.</p><p>Vid regn kan metaller som finns i förorenat vägdamm och förorenad jord övergå till löslig form, eller sköljas bort i partikulär form, och transporteras till närliggande vattendrag. I Mauritius är det här av speciell vikt eftersom flodsediment till slut kommer att deponeras i de känsliga kustområdena som omger ön. Dock tyder inte resultaten på förhöjda metallhalter i sediment nära de studerade vägarna.</p><p>Även om erhållna resultat av Cu inte visar på någon förhöjning och zonen med hög förorening av Pb och Zn är relativt smal, är det angeläget att följa utvecklingen eftersom antalet fordon växer snabbt i Mauritius, vilket kan förändra dagens situation och ge upphov till större miljöpåverkan. För att undvika eventuella ekologiska skador är det därför av stor vikt att i fortsättningen övervaka situationen längs landets vägar.</p> / <p>Traffic has been identified as a significant heavy metal polluter of roadside soils, and copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) in particular are associated with road travel. In a historic perspective, the Pb contribution from anthropogenic sources to nature has predominantly been a result of fuel combustion. There are indications that Cu (mainly through braking system) and Zn (emissions from tires) released from traffic give rise to as much as half of the total urban contribution of copper and zinc to the environment.</p><p>Concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn in roadside soils and sediment have been determined at selected roads within the Grand River North West watershed in Mauritius. As total metal concentrations are not a suitable indicator of the metal concentrations that are potentially available to biota, metals extractable in 0.5 M HCl have been determined along with total concentrations. The spatial variation in metal concentration along soil transects perpendicular to roads were investigated, as was the variation with depth.</p><p>Observed Pb and Zn concentrations exhibited elevated levels in topsoil in the immediate vicinity of roads with relatively large traffic densities, but the decrease in concentration with distance was rapid. Results from soil reference sites pointed to a large scale Pb pollution on the island. In comparison, observed Cu concentrations could not be assigned any influence from traffic at the selected study sites.</p><p>In the event of rain, metals contained in polluted road dust and soil may be released into soluble form, or flushed from roadways as particulate matter, and transported to nearby water courses. In Mauritius, this is of particular importance as sediment in rivers eventually may be deposited in the sensitive coastal areas of the island. However, results do not indicate that there were any elevated levels of heavy metals in sediment close to roads that were investigated in this study.</p><p>Although Cu concentrations in roadside soils did not show any enrichment and the zone of elevated Pb and Zn concentrations was not wide, there is a concern that the continuing rapid increase in the number of vehicles in Mauritius will change the situation, possibly resulting in greater impact on the surrounding environment. Hence, in order to avoid any ecological damage, it is desirable to continue monitoring the situation along highways in the country.</p>

Determinação da concentração de entrada dos gases de efeito estufa na Costa Norte/Nordeste brasileira / Determination of the background greenhouse gases concentrations in Amazon basin

Borges, Viviane Francisca 12 November 2013 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo a determinação da concentração de entrada dos Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE) no ar proveniente do Oceano Atlântico na região norte/nordeste da costa brasileira e o entendimento da origem destas massas de ar e o padrão circulatório e sua sazonalidade. Esta parte do litoral corresponde à área em que as massas de ar adentram no continente, antes de chegar à Bacia Amazônica. Em 2010 foram iniciados estudos em dois locais na costa, Salinópolis, no estado do Pará e Natal, no Rio Grande do Norte. Amostras de ar foram coletadas em superfície semanalmente e foram analisadas no Laboratório de Química Atmosférica do IPEN, quantificando-se os gases: dióxido de carbono (CO2), metano (CH4), óxido nitroso (N2O), hexafluoreto de enxofre (SF6) e monóxido de carbono (CO). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que Salinópolis (SAL) apresenta maior sazonalidade, entre as estações climáticas, quando comparada a Natal (NAT), sendo essa observação confirmada pelas trajetórias retrocedentes das massas de ar, para cada local de estudo. Observou-se que SAL recebe massas de ar, tanto do Oceano Atlântico Norte, como do Sul (dependendo da época do ano), e em NAT, as massas de ar são originárias apenas do Oceano Atlântico Sul. Este comportamento está relacionado com a zona de convergência intertropical. Os resultados de uma maneira geral mostram a ocorrência de um crescimento nas concentrações médias obtidas em SAL e NAT com o passar dos anos, acompanhando o crescimento mundial. A concentração média para o principal GEE, CO2, em SAL nos anos de 2010, 2011 e 2012 foi de 388,01, 390,39 e 392,14 ppm, respectivamente, e em NAT foi de 388,59, 389,65 e 392,59 ppm respectivamente. / This study had the objective to determinate the background concentrations of Greenhouse Gases in the air from Atlantic Ocean in the north/northeast region of the Brazilian coast and understanding the origin of these air masses and circulatory pattern and seasonality. This region of the coast corresponds to the zone where the air masses pass through before to arrive in Amazon Basin. Studies were started in 2010, in two sites of the coast, Salinópolis in Pará state and Natal in Rio Grande do Norte state. The air samplings were performed on the surface weekly and analysed in the Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory of IPEN, quantifying concentrations of the gases: Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and Carbon monoxide (CO). The obtained results showed that Salinópolis (SAL) have higher seasonality, among climatic seasons, in comparison to Natal (NAT), being this observation confirmed by backward trajectories of air masses to each studied site. SAL received air masses from the North and South Atlantic Ocean, and NAT the air masses arrived only from the South Atlantic Ocean. This behavior, is related with the intertropical convergence zone position. The results, in general, showed an increase of mean GHG concentrations in SAL and NAT along the years, following global growth. The mean concentration of the main GHG, CO2, in SAL to 2010, 2011 and 2012 was 388.01, 390.39 and 392.14 ppm, respectively, and in NAT it was 388.59, 389.65 e 392.59 ppm, respectively.

Traffic-Related Metals in Soil and Sediment in Mauritius / Trafikrelaterade metaller i jord och sediment på Mauritius

Petersson, Liselott January 2005 (has links)
Trafik utgör en stor föroreningskälla av tungmetaller i vägnära jordar och särskilt är det koppar (Cu), bly (Pb) och zink (Zn) som associeras med fordonstrafik. I ett historiskt perspektiv härrör blyutsläpp främst från bränsleförbränning, medan kopparemissioner (i första hand från slitage av bromsbelägg) och zinkutsläpp (från däck) från trafik står för så mycket som hälften av det urbana utsläppet av koppar och zink till omgivningen. Koppar-, bly- och zinkkoncentrationer i vägnära jord och sediment undersöktes inom avrinningsområdet för Grand River North West i Mauritius. Eftersom totalmetall utgör en dålig indikator på den mängd metall som finns potentiellt tillgänglig för biota användes extraktion med hjälp av 0.5 M HCl tillsammans med totalkoncentrationer. Den rumsliga variationen längsmed transekt vinkelrätt mot vägar undersöktes liksom variationen med djupet. Observerade kopparkoncentrationer var jämförbara med bakgrundsnivåer. Till skillnad från Cu var koncentrationer av Pb och Zn förhöjda i den omedelbara närheten till vägar med relativt stor trafikintensitet, men halterna minskade snabbt med avståndet. Resultat från platserna för jordreferenser visar på storskalig förorening av Pb på ön. Uppmätta kopparkoncentrationer kunde inte knytas till trafikens påverkan. Vid regn kan metaller som finns i förorenat vägdamm och förorenad jord övergå till löslig form, eller sköljas bort i partikulär form, och transporteras till närliggande vattendrag. I Mauritius är det här av speciell vikt eftersom flodsediment till slut kommer att deponeras i de känsliga kustområdena som omger ön. Dock tyder inte resultaten på förhöjda metallhalter i sediment nära de studerade vägarna. Även om erhållna resultat av Cu inte visar på någon förhöjning och zonen med hög förorening av Pb och Zn är relativt smal, är det angeläget att följa utvecklingen eftersom antalet fordon växer snabbt i Mauritius, vilket kan förändra dagens situation och ge upphov till större miljöpåverkan. För att undvika eventuella ekologiska skador är det därför av stor vikt att i fortsättningen övervaka situationen längs landets vägar. / Traffic has been identified as a significant heavy metal polluter of roadside soils, and copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) in particular are associated with road travel. In a historic perspective, the Pb contribution from anthropogenic sources to nature has predominantly been a result of fuel combustion. There are indications that Cu (mainly through braking system) and Zn (emissions from tires) released from traffic give rise to as much as half of the total urban contribution of copper and zinc to the environment. Concentrations of Cu, Pb and Zn in roadside soils and sediment have been determined at selected roads within the Grand River North West watershed in Mauritius. As total metal concentrations are not a suitable indicator of the metal concentrations that are potentially available to biota, metals extractable in 0.5 M HCl have been determined along with total concentrations. The spatial variation in metal concentration along soil transects perpendicular to roads were investigated, as was the variation with depth. Observed Pb and Zn concentrations exhibited elevated levels in topsoil in the immediate vicinity of roads with relatively large traffic densities, but the decrease in concentration with distance was rapid. Results from soil reference sites pointed to a large scale Pb pollution on the island. In comparison, observed Cu concentrations could not be assigned any influence from traffic at the selected study sites. In the event of rain, metals contained in polluted road dust and soil may be released into soluble form, or flushed from roadways as particulate matter, and transported to nearby water courses. In Mauritius, this is of particular importance as sediment in rivers eventually may be deposited in the sensitive coastal areas of the island. However, results do not indicate that there were any elevated levels of heavy metals in sediment close to roads that were investigated in this study. Although Cu concentrations in roadside soils did not show any enrichment and the zone of elevated Pb and Zn concentrations was not wide, there is a concern that the continuing rapid increase in the number of vehicles in Mauritius will change the situation, possibly resulting in greater impact on the surrounding environment. Hence, in order to avoid any ecological damage, it is desirable to continue monitoring the situation along highways in the country.

Determinação da concentração de entrada dos gases de efeito estufa na Costa Norte/Nordeste brasileira / Determination of the background greenhouse gases concentrations in Amazon basin

Viviane Francisca Borges 12 November 2013 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo a determinação da concentração de entrada dos Gases de Efeito Estufa (GEE) no ar proveniente do Oceano Atlântico na região norte/nordeste da costa brasileira e o entendimento da origem destas massas de ar e o padrão circulatório e sua sazonalidade. Esta parte do litoral corresponde à área em que as massas de ar adentram no continente, antes de chegar à Bacia Amazônica. Em 2010 foram iniciados estudos em dois locais na costa, Salinópolis, no estado do Pará e Natal, no Rio Grande do Norte. Amostras de ar foram coletadas em superfície semanalmente e foram analisadas no Laboratório de Química Atmosférica do IPEN, quantificando-se os gases: dióxido de carbono (CO2), metano (CH4), óxido nitroso (N2O), hexafluoreto de enxofre (SF6) e monóxido de carbono (CO). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que Salinópolis (SAL) apresenta maior sazonalidade, entre as estações climáticas, quando comparada a Natal (NAT), sendo essa observação confirmada pelas trajetórias retrocedentes das massas de ar, para cada local de estudo. Observou-se que SAL recebe massas de ar, tanto do Oceano Atlântico Norte, como do Sul (dependendo da época do ano), e em NAT, as massas de ar são originárias apenas do Oceano Atlântico Sul. Este comportamento está relacionado com a zona de convergência intertropical. Os resultados de uma maneira geral mostram a ocorrência de um crescimento nas concentrações médias obtidas em SAL e NAT com o passar dos anos, acompanhando o crescimento mundial. A concentração média para o principal GEE, CO2, em SAL nos anos de 2010, 2011 e 2012 foi de 388,01, 390,39 e 392,14 ppm, respectivamente, e em NAT foi de 388,59, 389,65 e 392,59 ppm respectivamente. / This study had the objective to determinate the background concentrations of Greenhouse Gases in the air from Atlantic Ocean in the north/northeast region of the Brazilian coast and understanding the origin of these air masses and circulatory pattern and seasonality. This region of the coast corresponds to the zone where the air masses pass through before to arrive in Amazon Basin. Studies were started in 2010, in two sites of the coast, Salinópolis in Pará state and Natal in Rio Grande do Norte state. The air samplings were performed on the surface weekly and analysed in the Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory of IPEN, quantifying concentrations of the gases: Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and Carbon monoxide (CO). The obtained results showed that Salinópolis (SAL) have higher seasonality, among climatic seasons, in comparison to Natal (NAT), being this observation confirmed by backward trajectories of air masses to each studied site. SAL received air masses from the North and South Atlantic Ocean, and NAT the air masses arrived only from the South Atlantic Ocean. This behavior, is related with the intertropical convergence zone position. The results, in general, showed an increase of mean GHG concentrations in SAL and NAT along the years, following global growth. The mean concentration of the main GHG, CO2, in SAL to 2010, 2011 and 2012 was 388.01, 390.39 and 392.14 ppm, respectively, and in NAT it was 388.59, 389.65 e 392.59 ppm, respectively.

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