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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Atividade microbiana do solo e a interação de diazotróficos endofíticos e fungos micorrízicos arbusculares na cultura do trigo. / Root colonization of wheat genotypes by diazotrophic bacteria under nitrogen fertilizer addition.

Sala, Valéria Marino Rodrigues 23 April 2002 (has links)
A pesquisa sobre bactérias diazotróficas associadas à cultura do trigo tem demonstrado a necessidade de associar bactérias eficientes a genótipos responsivos ao nitrogênio, os quais mais se beneficiariam dessa associação. Em um experimento com parcelas subdivididas instalado em condições de campo, em Mococa (SP), empregando os tratamentos: 3 doses de N (0, 60 e 120 kg ha -1 ) x 3 genótipos de trigo (IAC-24, ITD-19 e IAC-355), foi avaliada a ocorrência de microrganismos diazotróficos endofíticos em raízes desinfestadas superficialmente, utilizando-se 3 meios de cultivo distintos, NFb, semi-específico para Azospirillum spp, JNFb, semi-específico para Herbaspirillum spp., e LGI-P, semi-específico Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus. O genótipo IAC-355 apresentou a menor quantidade de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas. Além disso, para este genótipo, houve um ajuste linear ascendente da quantidade de bactérias diazotróficas com o aumento na quantidade de N adicionada, o que comprova a influência do genótipo da planta na associação com essas bactérias. Nenhuma bactéria pertencente aos gêneros Azospirillum ou Herbaspirillum foi isolada do genótipo IAC-355. Nas condições estudadas, não foi identificado nenhum isolado de Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus nas raízes do trigo. Foram obtidos 8 isolados do gênero Azospirillum e 12 do gênero Herbaspirillum. Esses isolados foram testados "in vitro", no genótipo do qual foram originalmente isolados. Todos os isolados testados no genótipo ITD-19 causaram maior crescimento radicular que a testemunha e apenas 1 isolado de Herbaspirillum sp. propiciou aumento significativo do teor de N na parte aérea. A colonização micorrízica no genótipo IAC-355 foi maior que nos demais genótipos independente da dose de N, comprovando a influência do genótipo na colonização. A colonização micorrízica se correlacionou com a massa da matéria seca, e com o teor e a quantidade acumulada de P e N na parte aérea, assim como com a produtividade. A atividade da biomassa microbiana foi alterada na ausência de N, obtendo-se correlação entre o qCO2 e a relação Cmic:Corg, indicando que na ausência de N, houve perdas de C no solo cultivado com o genótipo IAC-24, enquanto que na presença do IAC-355, houve maior eficiência na utilização do C do solo pelos microrganismos. Na contagem de bactérias nitrificadoras obteve-se um ajuste linear ascendente em relação à quantidade de N adicionada, provavelmente devido à maior disponibilidade de substrato. A quantidade de microrganismos nitrificadores se correlacionou com a massa da matéria seca, e com o teor e a quantidade acumulada de N na parte aérea, assim como com a produtividade. A interação FMA-bactéria diazotrófica não propiciou benefícios para cultura do trigo. A interação FMA-bactéria diazotrófica demonstrou ser bastante especifica. As plantas associadas a Glomus, quando em presença dos isolados bacterianos apresentaram maior crescimento, acúmulo e aproveitamento dos nutrientes. Confirmou-se que o fungo micorrízico realmente é um agente transmissor de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas, sendo que Acaullospora causou maior colonização radicular. As plantas dos tratamentos em que somente a bactéria foi inoculada apresentaram o dobro da produção de matéria seca, da quantidade acumulada e do índice de eficiência de utilização de N e P na parte aérea em relação à testemunha. A especificidade da interação planta-bactéria diazotrófica associativa indica que é possível obter benefícios desta associação, explorando bactérias e cultivares locais. / The research on diazotrophic bacteria associated to wheat has demonstrated the need to associate efficient bacteria to N-responsive genotypes, which would be more benefited from this association. A field experiment was carried out in Mococa, state of São Paulo-Brazil, with 3 genotypes of wheat (IAC-24, ITD-19 and IAC-355) under 3 nitrogen doses (0, 60 e 120 kg ha -1 ). The occurrence of diazotrophic bacteria was evaluated in three media, namely, NFb semi-specific for Azospirillum spp., JNFb semi-specific for Herbaspirillum spp., and LGI-P semi-specific for Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, using surface-sterilized roots. Regardless the nitrogen dose, the population of diazotrophic bacteria established poorly in the genotype IAC-355, but the infection increased with the addition of nitrogen for the same genotype, proving the influence of the host genotype for its association with these bacteria. Azospirillum spp. or Herbaspirillum spp. could not be isolated from the surface-sterilized roots of IAC-355. In the field experiment G. diazotrophicus was not found in any of the wheat-genotype roots. It was obtained 12 Herbaspirillum spp. isolates and 8 Azospirillum spp isolates. These strains were tested under gnotobiotic conditions, using the genotype from which they had been originally isolated. Inoculated ITD-19 plants showed an increase in root length, even though, only one strain showed a significant increase on shoot N accumulation. In the genotype IAC-355 mycorrhizal colonization was higher, proving the influence of the plant genotype. Mycorrhizal colonization showed significant correlation to shoot dry matter, shoot N and shoot P concentration and accumulation, as well as to the grain yield. In the absence of added N, the activity of microbial biomass was affected. The correlation between the qCO2 and biomass C-to-N ratio, showed that in absence of N, soil-C loss under IAC-24 cultivation, but a greater efficiency in the use of the soil-C by the microorganisms under IAC-355 cultivation. The populations of nitrifying bacteria increased with N addition, probably due to the N-rich substrate availability. The nitrifying bacteria showed significant correlation to shoot dry matter, shoot N concentration and accumulation, as well as to grain yield. There was no benefit from the AMF-diazotrophic bacteria co-inoculation on wheat plants. The specificity of AMF-diazotrophic bacteria interaction was demonstrated, it was confirmed that AMF indeed is a transmitting agent of endophytic diazotrophic bacteria, Acaullospora caused higher endophytic-bacteria root colonization. Plants inoculated with single strain doubled shoot dry matter, shoot N and P concentration and accumulation as compared to the control. Plant-bacteria interaction specificity demonstrates the possibility of getting benefits from this association by exploring both bacterial strains and plant genotypes from the same location.

Atividade microbiana do solo e a interação de diazotróficos endofíticos e fungos micorrízicos arbusculares na cultura do trigo. / Root colonization of wheat genotypes by diazotrophic bacteria under nitrogen fertilizer addition.

Valéria Marino Rodrigues Sala 23 April 2002 (has links)
A pesquisa sobre bactérias diazotróficas associadas à cultura do trigo tem demonstrado a necessidade de associar bactérias eficientes a genótipos responsivos ao nitrogênio, os quais mais se beneficiariam dessa associação. Em um experimento com parcelas subdivididas instalado em condições de campo, em Mococa (SP), empregando os tratamentos: 3 doses de N (0, 60 e 120 kg ha -1 ) x 3 genótipos de trigo (IAC-24, ITD-19 e IAC-355), foi avaliada a ocorrência de microrganismos diazotróficos endofíticos em raízes desinfestadas superficialmente, utilizando-se 3 meios de cultivo distintos, NFb, semi-específico para Azospirillum spp, JNFb, semi-específico para Herbaspirillum spp., e LGI-P, semi-específico Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus. O genótipo IAC-355 apresentou a menor quantidade de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas. Além disso, para este genótipo, houve um ajuste linear ascendente da quantidade de bactérias diazotróficas com o aumento na quantidade de N adicionada, o que comprova a influência do genótipo da planta na associação com essas bactérias. Nenhuma bactéria pertencente aos gêneros Azospirillum ou Herbaspirillum foi isolada do genótipo IAC-355. Nas condições estudadas, não foi identificado nenhum isolado de Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus nas raízes do trigo. Foram obtidos 8 isolados do gênero Azospirillum e 12 do gênero Herbaspirillum. Esses isolados foram testados "in vitro", no genótipo do qual foram originalmente isolados. Todos os isolados testados no genótipo ITD-19 causaram maior crescimento radicular que a testemunha e apenas 1 isolado de Herbaspirillum sp. propiciou aumento significativo do teor de N na parte aérea. A colonização micorrízica no genótipo IAC-355 foi maior que nos demais genótipos independente da dose de N, comprovando a influência do genótipo na colonização. A colonização micorrízica se correlacionou com a massa da matéria seca, e com o teor e a quantidade acumulada de P e N na parte aérea, assim como com a produtividade. A atividade da biomassa microbiana foi alterada na ausência de N, obtendo-se correlação entre o qCO2 e a relação Cmic:Corg, indicando que na ausência de N, houve perdas de C no solo cultivado com o genótipo IAC-24, enquanto que na presença do IAC-355, houve maior eficiência na utilização do C do solo pelos microrganismos. Na contagem de bactérias nitrificadoras obteve-se um ajuste linear ascendente em relação à quantidade de N adicionada, provavelmente devido à maior disponibilidade de substrato. A quantidade de microrganismos nitrificadores se correlacionou com a massa da matéria seca, e com o teor e a quantidade acumulada de N na parte aérea, assim como com a produtividade. A interação FMA-bactéria diazotrófica não propiciou benefícios para cultura do trigo. A interação FMA-bactéria diazotrófica demonstrou ser bastante especifica. As plantas associadas a Glomus, quando em presença dos isolados bacterianos apresentaram maior crescimento, acúmulo e aproveitamento dos nutrientes. Confirmou-se que o fungo micorrízico realmente é um agente transmissor de bactérias diazotróficas endofíticas, sendo que Acaullospora causou maior colonização radicular. As plantas dos tratamentos em que somente a bactéria foi inoculada apresentaram o dobro da produção de matéria seca, da quantidade acumulada e do índice de eficiência de utilização de N e P na parte aérea em relação à testemunha. A especificidade da interação planta-bactéria diazotrófica associativa indica que é possível obter benefícios desta associação, explorando bactérias e cultivares locais. / The research on diazotrophic bacteria associated to wheat has demonstrated the need to associate efficient bacteria to N-responsive genotypes, which would be more benefited from this association. A field experiment was carried out in Mococa, state of São Paulo-Brazil, with 3 genotypes of wheat (IAC-24, ITD-19 and IAC-355) under 3 nitrogen doses (0, 60 e 120 kg ha -1 ). The occurrence of diazotrophic bacteria was evaluated in three media, namely, NFb semi-specific for Azospirillum spp., JNFb semi-specific for Herbaspirillum spp., and LGI-P semi-specific for Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus, using surface-sterilized roots. Regardless the nitrogen dose, the population of diazotrophic bacteria established poorly in the genotype IAC-355, but the infection increased with the addition of nitrogen for the same genotype, proving the influence of the host genotype for its association with these bacteria. Azospirillum spp. or Herbaspirillum spp. could not be isolated from the surface-sterilized roots of IAC-355. In the field experiment G. diazotrophicus was not found in any of the wheat-genotype roots. It was obtained 12 Herbaspirillum spp. isolates and 8 Azospirillum spp isolates. These strains were tested under gnotobiotic conditions, using the genotype from which they had been originally isolated. Inoculated ITD-19 plants showed an increase in root length, even though, only one strain showed a significant increase on shoot N accumulation. In the genotype IAC-355 mycorrhizal colonization was higher, proving the influence of the plant genotype. Mycorrhizal colonization showed significant correlation to shoot dry matter, shoot N and shoot P concentration and accumulation, as well as to the grain yield. In the absence of added N, the activity of microbial biomass was affected. The correlation between the qCO2 and biomass C-to-N ratio, showed that in absence of N, soil-C loss under IAC-24 cultivation, but a greater efficiency in the use of the soil-C by the microorganisms under IAC-355 cultivation. The populations of nitrifying bacteria increased with N addition, probably due to the N-rich substrate availability. The nitrifying bacteria showed significant correlation to shoot dry matter, shoot N concentration and accumulation, as well as to grain yield. There was no benefit from the AMF-diazotrophic bacteria co-inoculation on wheat plants. The specificity of AMF-diazotrophic bacteria interaction was demonstrated, it was confirmed that AMF indeed is a transmitting agent of endophytic diazotrophic bacteria, Acaullospora caused higher endophytic-bacteria root colonization. Plants inoculated with single strain doubled shoot dry matter, shoot N and P concentration and accumulation as compared to the control. Plant-bacteria interaction specificity demonstrates the possibility of getting benefits from this association by exploring both bacterial strains and plant genotypes from the same location.

Caractérisation moléculaire des micro-organismes endophytes de la canneberge (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.)

Salhi, Lila Naouelle 04 1900 (has links)
Il a été établi que la majorité des plantes vasculaires abritent des micro-organismes endophytes bactériens et fongiques, qui peuvent coloniser les tissus végétaux et former des associations allant du mutualisme à la pathogénèse. Les symbioses végétales mutualistes les plus communes impliquent les champignons endo-mycorhiziens arbusculaires (AMF). Ces champignons s’associent aux racines des plantes et leur permettent d’améliorer leur nutrition minérale, tandis qu’ils bénéficient des composés produits par l'hôte. Toutefois, les plantes de la famille Ericaceae s’engagent plutôt dans des associations mutualistes avec les champignons mycorhiziens éricoïdes (ErMF). Ces derniers sont morphologiquement et taxonomiquement mal définis, en apparence distribués aléatoirement parmi les espèces issues des grandes divisions taxonomiques des Ascomycota et Basidiomycota. En raison de cette incohérence taxonomique et de l'absence d'une histoire évolutive explicative, la diversité réelle de ces champignons est mal caractérisée. De ce fait, ce projet vise à étudier le microbiote associé à la plante Ericaceae Vaccinium macrocarpon Aït (canneberge), axant la recherche sur les angles morphologiques, génomiques et transcriptomiques des champignons de type ErMF et autres endophytes capables de contrôler la croissance des agents phytopathogènes et de stimuler la croissance des plantes. Notre première démarche présentée dans le chapitre 2 s’est focalisée sur la caractérisation du microbiote endophyte bactérien et fongique de la canneberge, une plante vivace principalement produite en Amérique du Nord, notamment au Québec. Nous avons isolé et identifié 180 micro-organismes à partir de plantes de cultivars variés, collectées de champs différents, et avons démontré l'existence d'une variabilité dans le microbiote selon les tissus, les cultivars, et même entre les champs d'une même ferme. Parmi les endophytes d’intérêt identifiés, l’isolat fongique Lachnum sp. EC5 a stimulé la croissance des cultivars de canneberge Stevens et Mullica Queen et a formé des structures intracellulaires similaires à celles des ErMF à l’intérieur des cellules racinaires de la canneberge. De plus, l’isolat EB37 identifié Bacillus velezensis s’est révélé être un puissant agent antifongique, montrant cependant une tolérance particulière au champignon Lachnum sp. EC5, lors des tests de confrontation. Ce volet sera détaillé avec plus de précision dans le chapitre 4. Le chapitre 3 a porté sur l’analyse génomique comparative de l’isolat fongique Lachnum sp. EC5 avec plusieurs espèces de champignons Leotiomycetes ErMF, saprophytes et pathogènes. Nous avons analysé le sécrétome protéique prédit de ces champignons et mis en évidence que les gènes codant pour les enzymes de dégradation des parois végétales ne sont pas corrélés au mode de vie fongique (mycorhizien, pathogène ou saprophyte). A l’inverse, 10 protéines effectrices de Lachnum sp. EC5 prédites pour cibler spécifiquement un compartiment intracellulaire chez les cellules végétales ont des similarités avec celles d’espèces mutualistes comme Meliniomyces variabilis et Oidiodendron maius. Aussi, la protéine effectrice putative Zn-MP, prédite pour cibler, potentiellement, les chloroplastes végétaux nous permet de proposer un rôle dans le renforcement de l’immunité végétale. Le chapitre 4 s’est intéressé aux mécanismes de régulation d'expression de gènes induits lors de l’interaction entre le champignon Lachnum sp. EC5 et la bactérie B. velezensis EB37. Ces mécanismes ont été comparés à ceux activés chez la bactérie en présence de champignons pathogènes. Nous avons démontré une physiologique cellulaire bactérienne distincte en présence de Lachnum sp. EC5, dénotée par une faible expression des gènes induits lors du stress nutritif associé aux processus de sporulation, de formation du biofilm, de secretion de CAZymes et de lipopeptides. Nous avons suggéré que la sous-régulation de ces mécanismes serait essentiellement explicable par une disponibilité plus importante en glucose ou en d’autres sources de carbone préférentielles pour la bactérie. En réponse, le champignon Lachnum sp. EC5 a vécu différents changements morphologiques. Il aurait détoxifié ses environnements intra et extra-cellulaires et surexprimé sa voie de production de carbone dépendante du cycle du glyoxylate, générant ainsi des conditions favorisant un contact physique entre les deux micro-organismes. En conclusion, nous avons argumenté et documenté que la définition des ErMF basée uniquement sur des critères morphologiques est mal adaptée à catégoriser ces champignons. Notre approche multidisciplinaire a mis en évidence la diversité du microbiote de la canneberge, a étendu la notion d’ErMF à d'autres champignons jusqu'ici exclus de ce groupe, et a souligné l'importance des associations interspécifiques sur l’interaction ErMF-plantes. Ces avancées permettront d’améliorer nos connaissances sur le microbiote des plantes éricacées contribuant, au développement de solutions environnementales éco-responsables pour l’industrie de la canneberge. / It has been established that the majority of vascular plants harbour bacterial and fungal endophytes that colonize plant tissues, and thus form associations that range from mutualism to pathogenesis. Mycorrhizal fungi are a particular class of endophytes that associate with plant roots and enhance plant mineral uptake. The most common type of mutualistic plant symbiosis involves arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), whereas plants of the Ericaceae family instead engage in mutualistic associations with ericoid mycorrhizal fungi (ErMF). The ErMF group, in its current definition, includes both ascomycete and basidiomycete species, yet is morphologically, taxonomically and evolutionarily poorly defined, which implies that the group’s true diversity is not well understood. The objective of this project is to complement morphological information with genomic and transcriptomic data to better understand the role of ErMF in 1) controlling the negative effects of pathogenic infections, and 2) the potential plant growth stimulation for the Ericaceous plant Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait. Our first approach presented in Chapter 2 focused on the characterization of the bacterial and fungal endo-symbiotic microbiota of the Ericaceous plant, Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait (cranberry), a perennial plant mainly in North America, particularly in Quebec. We isolated ~180 distinct bacterial and fungal endophytes collected from roots, stems, and leaves of cranberry plants cultivated in Quebec, Canada. We show that the cranberry microbiome varies substantially between tissues, cultivars, and across fields of the same farm. Among the isolated endophytes, the fungus Lachnum sp. EC5 was found to promote the growth of cranberry cultivars Stevens and Mullica Queen, and to form intracellular structures resembling those other ErMF inside the cortical root cells. In addition, the bacterium Bacillus velezensis (EB37) has been found to be a potent antifungal agent. Interestingly, a confrontation test between EB37 and the fungus Lachnum sp. EC5 revealed a mutual tolerance, which we will describe later in chapter 4. In chapter 3, our project focused on the comparative genomic analysis of the fungus Lachnum sp. EC5 with several Leotiomycete ErMF, saprophytes and pathogens. We analyzed fungal secretomes and demonstrated that genes encoding plant cell wall degradation enzymes are conserved between the tested fungi which suggests that such proteins are not indicative of a particular fungal lifestyle. On the other hand, 10 effector proteins identified in Lachnum sp. EC5 were also only found in mutualistic fungi, such as Meliniomyces variabilis, Oidiodendron maius and have been reported to target the plant intracellular compartments. Also, the identification of the putative effector protein Zn-MP, specific to Lachnum sp. EC5 and predicted to target plant chloroplasts, suggest a role in the reinforcement of plant immunity. Chapter 4 focuses on the patterns of gene expression regulation induced in the biocontrol bacterium B. velezensis EB37 in interaction with the potentially mutualistic fungus Lachnum sp. EC5. These mechanisms were then compared to those activated when the bacterium is in the presence of pathogenic/saprophytic fungi. We demonstrated that in co-culture with Lachnum sp. EC5, EB37expresses fewer genes related to stress, and fewer related to the stationary phase which often involves production of bacterial biofilms and lipopeptides, such as mycosubtilin. We suggest that the lessened response to stress is related to an increased availability of glucose or other preferential sources of carbons for the bacterium. Conversely, Lachnum sp. EC5 in the presence of EB37 underwent morphological changes by a higher lateral branching., detoxified its external and internal environment by expressing both a catalase activity and efflux pumps, and overexpressed its glyoxylate cycle-dependent carbon production pathway, and thus promoting favourable conditions for close physical contact with the bacterium. In conclusion, we demonstrated that the morphological-based definitions are poorly adapted to the categorization of ErMF fungi. Our multidisciplinary approach highlighted the diversity of the cranberry microbiota, extended the notion of ErMF to other fungi hitherto excluded from this fungal group and underlined the importance of interspecific associations on the ErMF-plant interaction. These advances enhance our understanding of the Ericaceous plant microbiota and contributes to the development of sustainable solutions for the cranberry industry.

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