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Expertise en sport de balle dans des tâches de poursuite virtuelle : importance de l'implication des processus perceptivo-moteurs / Expertise in ball sports revealed in virtual reality environments : importance of perceptual-motor processesMallek, Maroua 23 September 2019 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail était d’identifier certains des déterminants perceptivo-cognitfs et/ou perceptivo-moteurs de l’expertise dans les sports de balle dans des environnements virtuels. Des joueurs de tennis et de basket avec différents niveaux d’expertise ont été testés au cours d’une première partie expérimentale comportant deux études de jugements perceptivo-cognitifs et une étude de poursuite visuo-manuelle. Les résultats n’ont pas montré de différence liée à l’expertise dans les tâches de jugements perceptivo-cognitifs, mais seulement dans la tâche de poursuite visuo-manuelle. Ce résultat questionne sur le rôle des représentations (ou des modèles internes) dans le développement de l’expertise et met en avant l’importance des régulations perceptivo-motrices pour discriminer l’expertise. Sur la base de ces résultats et afin d’explorer davantage l’expertise dans le registre perceptivo-moteur, une seconde partie expérimentale comportant trois expérimentations a été réalisée en utilisant des tâches de poursuite visuo-manuelle. Les résultats révèlent des capacités d’adaptation et de régulation du mouvement supérieures des experts particulièrement dans les situations où les trajectoires sont peu prévisibles. Les résultats obtenus au cours de cette thèse permettent en définitive de mettre en évidence que les tâches de poursuite visuo-manuelle aussi schématiques soient-elles, sont discriminantes de l’expertise en sport de balle. Ils soulignent des perspectives de développement des environnements virtuels pour tester et entraîner les experts dans le registre perceptivo-moteur. / The aim of this thesis is to identify the perceptual-cognitive and perceptual-motor determinants of expertise in ball sports in virtual environments. Tennis and basketball players with different levels of expertise were tested. To this purpose, the first experimental part contained two perceptual judgment studies and a visuomotor tracking study. Results did not show any difference between experts and non-experts in perceptual judgment tasks, but only in the visuomotor tracking task. Results raise some questions about the role of representations (or internal models) in the development of expertise. Results highlight the importance of perceptual-motor regulations to discriminate expertise. In order to explore more deeply the perceptual-motor process of expertise, a second experimental part involving three experiments was performed using visuomotor tracking tasks. Results reveal higher adaptation and regulation abilities of experts, particularly in the most constraint periods of tracking. This finding highlights that the visuomotor tracking tasks can discriminate expertise in ball sports. The present thesis reveals the potential of virtual environments to test and train perceptual-motor processes of experts.
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Framtidens Flexibla Sporthall : För mer tidseffektiva sporthallar / The future flexible indoor sport accomodation : A proposal for more efficient use of sport facilitiesFerngren, Jenny January 2015 (has links)
This report contains a developing project about a future indoor sport center. The project should provide inspiration on how to shorten set-up times between different sports. The client for the project is the municipality of Karlstad and the project is a thesis for the Bachelor of Science in Innovation and Design, 2015. The Municipality of Karlstad feels that today's accommodations are not used as desired and they find it difficult to get in many different sports under one roof. The main goal of the project was to reduce the set-up times between different sports. As a second goal, all the ideas that came up during the project were gathered, drawn and displayed in an idea bank, to provide further inspiration. The third goal was to make a model to visualize the solutions of a future sports hall. The dimensions 90x55 was used to allow maximum dimension of the model in the thesis. The facility was suggested by the municipality to be divided into two parts, where one side was for ball sports and the other for physical education and martial arts. Focus of the project became the part of physical education and martial arts, since that area currently is the least developed. The project is based on interviews and field trips to sport facilities. This was the main contribution towards the creation of the model. A model helps to gain understanding and visualizes how the proposed solutions and ideas would work. The final model shows solutions that allow more types of gymnastics with for example jumping pits and trapezes integrated underneath the sport accommodations floors. Dancing mats can be rolled out mechanically to reduce muscular use. Another solution that also reduces muscular use is a tool-treadmill running over half the facility. Martial arts are located on top of the flexible floors but also under the floor just like the trapeze does. All solutions are designed to operate by the press of a button. The thesis has followed the product development process. By benchmarking and interviews, the model evolved to the needs of the users desires. The inspiration that the municipality wished to get is considered fulfilled by the model and the idea bank. / Denna rapport behandlar ett utvecklingsprojekt om framtidens sporthall, ett projekt som skall ge inspiration om hur ställtiderna kan förkortas emellan olika sporter. Uppdragsgivaren är Karlstads Kommun och projektet är ett examensarbete för Högskoleingenjörsprogrammet i Innovationsteknik och design, 2015. Karlstads Kommun upplever att dagens hallar inte används under maximal tid och de tycker att det är svårt att få in många olika sporter under ett tak. Målen med projektet har varit att göra en modell för att visualisera de lösningar en framtida sporthall skulle kunna äga. Alla idéer som kom upp under projektet gestaltades i projektets andra mål, en idébank för att kunna ge vidare inspiration. Ett tredje mål var att minska ställtiden mellan de olika sporterna. Ett maximalt yttre mått har funnits till hallen, 90x55 meter. Hallen är tänkt att delas upp i två delar där en sida gällde för bollsporter och den andra för gymnastik samt mattsporter 1). Fokus i projektet kom att hamna på delen med gymnastik och mattsporter, då den delen är minst utvecklad i dagens läge. Arbetet byggdes på de önskningar som kommit fram från intervjuer och studiebesök och den största vinsten av insikt gavs från tillverkning av modellen. Modellbygge är ett sätt att visa för utomstående hur idéer skall kunna fungera. Genom en iterativ process för att testa sina idéer i en modell kan stora summor pengar sparas genom att hitta de brister som annars kan ha vart svåra att upptäcka. I den slutgiltiga modellen ses lösningar som gör det möjligt för fler typer av gymnastik med t.ex. hoppgropar och trapetser integrerat under hallens golv. Dansvåder och ett redskapsrullband rullas ut mekaniskt för att minska fysiskt belastning av kroppen. Mattsporterna är placerade över gymnastikens flexibla golv men även under golvet precis som med trapetserna. Alla lösningar är tänkta att tjänstgöra genom knapptryckning. Arbetet har följt produktutvecklingsprocessen och genom benchmarking och intervjuer har modellen utvecklats till behovet efter användarnas önskan. Den inspiration som kommunen önskat sig anses uppfyllas genom modell och idébank. 1) Mattsporter - Ett samlingsnamn i denna rapport för kampsporter. I rapporten inkluderar mattsporter Judo, Jiujitsu, brottning och karate.
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Analýza poranění a léčby ramenního kloubu u overhead sportovců v České republice / Analysis of the shoulder girdle injury and therapy of overhead athletes in Czech republicVocásek, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Author: Bc. Jan Vocásek Thesis title: Analysis of the shoulder girdle injury and therapy of overhead athletes in Czech republic Cíl: The aim of the thesis was to create a literal research for the shoulder girdle injuries of overhead athletes, theoretically to write the anatomical and kinesiological characteristics of the shoulder girdle, to analyze the biomechanics, injury mechanisms in individual overhead sports, rehabilitation treatment and to find out how frequent the injuries of athletes in the Czech Republic follow-up treatment varies from abroad. Methods: For the purpose of this research was established a non-standardized questionnaire, based on literature studied and research questions, and then was distributed to 6 selected physicians dealing with this issue in the Czech Republic, who anonymously filled out questions regarding the shoulder joint injury based on their own clinical experiences. Results: Four of the six hypotheses were confirmed from the data obtained. The number of patients with shoulder girdle injuries in overhead sports in the Czech Republic has risen year- on-year and the most common injury is SLAP lesion. It has also been confirmed that the most common injury is caused by ball overhead sports and on the dominant upper limb. Key words: shoulder girdle, overhead sports,...
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Sportspesifieke inoefening en antropometriese, fisieke en motoriese vereistes van 15– tot 17–jaar oue vroulike netbalspelers / Y. WillemseWillemse, Yolandi January 2010 (has links)
In the light of the facts given in literature it is evident that players in the game of netball
need to meet specific anthropometric (body length, body mass, percentage body fat and
percentage muscle mass), physical (pliancy, abdominal power, aerobic endurance and
anaerobic endurance) and motor (speed over 5 m and 10 m, agility and explosive
power) requirements. This consequently necessitates specific attention to be given to
the mentioned requirements. In spite of the fact that a few studies do exist that enter
into the requirements of the profile of netball players in different positions, as well as
into what the effect of a periodization programme is on anthropometric, physical and
motor requirements, voids do exist regarding the positional profile of 15 to 17 year old
netball players and as to what the effect is of a sport specific periodization programme
in the course of a season on 15 to 17 year old netball players.
In the light of the above–mentioned, this study was undertaken with the aim to:
1) Determine the requirements for 15 to 17 year old netball players;
2) Compile positional profile scales of netball specific requirement for 15 to 17 year old
players in the Tlokwe region;
3) Establish the effect of a sport specific periodization programme on anthropometric,
physical and motor requirements for 15 to 17 year old female netball players, of a
specific school in the Tlokwe region, in the course of a season.
96 players (28 goalkeepers, 44 centre court players and 24 defenders) between ages
15 and 17 years from two high schools in the North–West Province were used in the
study to determine positional differences. A group of only 22 player of one school was
exposed to a sport specific periodization programme for purposes of the study, since
the coach and players from only one school’s teams were prepared to participate in the
sport scientific intervention programme for the full duration of the netball season. The
afore–mentioned group was evaluated over a period of two years, namely prior to the start of the season (T1), after conclusion of the season once the sport specific
periodization programme was completed (T2), prior to the start of the season in the
subsequent year (T3) and after conclusion of the season without the sport specific being
followed. The data is processed on the basis of descriptive statistics. Furthermore, the
practical significance of test result changes between the respective groups and different
test sessions were compared using Cohen’s effect size.
Literature was consulted to determine whether specific requirements exist for netball
players and whether differences occur in the three positional groups. However, no
literature could be traced in which only netball specific requirements for 15 to 17 year
old players were focused on. The literature did indeed point out clear anthropometric
differences between the three positional groups, namely attacking, centre court and
defence players in club and elite netball players. The goalkeeper and defence players
are, according to literature, considerably taller and heavier than the centre court players.
Literature also indicated that differences do indeed occur regarding physical and motor
requirements. Centre court players are significantly faster and more agile than the
goalkeeper and defenders. However, there were components of which the differences
were not prominent concerning the three positional groups.
Where a specific positional profile of anthropometric, physical and motor requirements
for 15 to 17 year old female netball players was composed from available data of
players in the North–West Province, Tlokwe region, the results of the anthropometric
requirements indicated that body length showed a large significant difference between
the three positional groups, with defenders being the tallest, followed by goalkeepers,
and the centre court players being the shortest. Body mass also showed a medium
significant difference between goalkeepers and centre court players as well as between
centre court players and defence players. Goalkeepers were heavier than centre court
players, and defenders also showed a higher body mass than centre court players. The
other two variables, namely percentage fat and percentage muscle mass, only showed
small practically significant differences, in this group of netball players, between the test
With the physical and motor requirements, results indicated that large practically
significant differences occurred in vertical jumping, 5 m speed, 10 m speed and agility between the groups. The general trend observed in the profiles was that the largest
significant differences occurred between goalkeepers and defence players on the one
hand and centre court players on the other. Vertical jump and speed showed a large
significant difference between goalkeepers and centre court players as well as between
centre court players and defenders, although the goalkeepers and defenders’ results
corresponded considerably. Other large significant differences occurred in the 10 m
speed as well as in 505–agility to the left between centre court players and defenders.
In summary it can be mentioned that the most and the largest significant differences
occurred between goalkeepers and centre court players as well as between defenders
and centre court players. Only one medium significant difference occurred between the
goalkeepers and defenders, which is ankle dorsiflexion and which can be ascribed to
injuries. From this it can be inferred that a positional profile can indeed be compiled for
the different positional groups in netball, but that the requirements of positional variables
between goalkeepers and defenders correspond largely and that the large difference
between the last–mentioned two groups occur when compared with those of the centre
court players of this specific group.
The results of the group of twenty–two players that were evaluated twice during the
course of both netball seasons indicate that the variable that showed a large significant
difference between T1 and T2, following the sport specific periodization program, was
body mass (inverted difference). Although there was no large significant difference, it
can clearly be deduced from the graphs presented in the study that a visible difference
(improvement) was observed in most of the variables. The variables that showed a
large practically significant difference with the training of the coach’s general
programme, were ankle dorsiflexion on the left, abdominal power and 5 m speed
(inverted effect). A number of variables indeed existed that also showed medium and
small significant differences during the course of both seasons, but it will not be
mentioned here.
A number of shortcomings and recommendations did indeed come to the fore during
and after the course of the study. It should, however, be borne in mind that such a
structured periodization programme is very important for the development of netball
potential. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Human Movement Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Sportspesifieke inoefening en antropometriese, fisieke en motoriese vereistes van 15– tot 17–jaar oue vroulike netbalspelers / Y. WillemseWillemse, Yolandi January 2010 (has links)
In the light of the facts given in literature it is evident that players in the game of netball
need to meet specific anthropometric (body length, body mass, percentage body fat and
percentage muscle mass), physical (pliancy, abdominal power, aerobic endurance and
anaerobic endurance) and motor (speed over 5 m and 10 m, agility and explosive
power) requirements. This consequently necessitates specific attention to be given to
the mentioned requirements. In spite of the fact that a few studies do exist that enter
into the requirements of the profile of netball players in different positions, as well as
into what the effect of a periodization programme is on anthropometric, physical and
motor requirements, voids do exist regarding the positional profile of 15 to 17 year old
netball players and as to what the effect is of a sport specific periodization programme
in the course of a season on 15 to 17 year old netball players.
In the light of the above–mentioned, this study was undertaken with the aim to:
1) Determine the requirements for 15 to 17 year old netball players;
2) Compile positional profile scales of netball specific requirement for 15 to 17 year old
players in the Tlokwe region;
3) Establish the effect of a sport specific periodization programme on anthropometric,
physical and motor requirements for 15 to 17 year old female netball players, of a
specific school in the Tlokwe region, in the course of a season.
96 players (28 goalkeepers, 44 centre court players and 24 defenders) between ages
15 and 17 years from two high schools in the North–West Province were used in the
study to determine positional differences. A group of only 22 player of one school was
exposed to a sport specific periodization programme for purposes of the study, since
the coach and players from only one school’s teams were prepared to participate in the
sport scientific intervention programme for the full duration of the netball season. The
afore–mentioned group was evaluated over a period of two years, namely prior to the start of the season (T1), after conclusion of the season once the sport specific
periodization programme was completed (T2), prior to the start of the season in the
subsequent year (T3) and after conclusion of the season without the sport specific being
followed. The data is processed on the basis of descriptive statistics. Furthermore, the
practical significance of test result changes between the respective groups and different
test sessions were compared using Cohen’s effect size.
Literature was consulted to determine whether specific requirements exist for netball
players and whether differences occur in the three positional groups. However, no
literature could be traced in which only netball specific requirements for 15 to 17 year
old players were focused on. The literature did indeed point out clear anthropometric
differences between the three positional groups, namely attacking, centre court and
defence players in club and elite netball players. The goalkeeper and defence players
are, according to literature, considerably taller and heavier than the centre court players.
Literature also indicated that differences do indeed occur regarding physical and motor
requirements. Centre court players are significantly faster and more agile than the
goalkeeper and defenders. However, there were components of which the differences
were not prominent concerning the three positional groups.
Where a specific positional profile of anthropometric, physical and motor requirements
for 15 to 17 year old female netball players was composed from available data of
players in the North–West Province, Tlokwe region, the results of the anthropometric
requirements indicated that body length showed a large significant difference between
the three positional groups, with defenders being the tallest, followed by goalkeepers,
and the centre court players being the shortest. Body mass also showed a medium
significant difference between goalkeepers and centre court players as well as between
centre court players and defence players. Goalkeepers were heavier than centre court
players, and defenders also showed a higher body mass than centre court players. The
other two variables, namely percentage fat and percentage muscle mass, only showed
small practically significant differences, in this group of netball players, between the test
With the physical and motor requirements, results indicated that large practically
significant differences occurred in vertical jumping, 5 m speed, 10 m speed and agility between the groups. The general trend observed in the profiles was that the largest
significant differences occurred between goalkeepers and defence players on the one
hand and centre court players on the other. Vertical jump and speed showed a large
significant difference between goalkeepers and centre court players as well as between
centre court players and defenders, although the goalkeepers and defenders’ results
corresponded considerably. Other large significant differences occurred in the 10 m
speed as well as in 505–agility to the left between centre court players and defenders.
In summary it can be mentioned that the most and the largest significant differences
occurred between goalkeepers and centre court players as well as between defenders
and centre court players. Only one medium significant difference occurred between the
goalkeepers and defenders, which is ankle dorsiflexion and which can be ascribed to
injuries. From this it can be inferred that a positional profile can indeed be compiled for
the different positional groups in netball, but that the requirements of positional variables
between goalkeepers and defenders correspond largely and that the large difference
between the last–mentioned two groups occur when compared with those of the centre
court players of this specific group.
The results of the group of twenty–two players that were evaluated twice during the
course of both netball seasons indicate that the variable that showed a large significant
difference between T1 and T2, following the sport specific periodization program, was
body mass (inverted difference). Although there was no large significant difference, it
can clearly be deduced from the graphs presented in the study that a visible difference
(improvement) was observed in most of the variables. The variables that showed a
large practically significant difference with the training of the coach’s general
programme, were ankle dorsiflexion on the left, abdominal power and 5 m speed
(inverted effect). A number of variables indeed existed that also showed medium and
small significant differences during the course of both seasons, but it will not be
mentioned here.
A number of shortcomings and recommendations did indeed come to the fore during
and after the course of the study. It should, however, be borne in mind that such a
structured periodization programme is very important for the development of netball
potential. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Human Movement Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Sportovní centrum / Sports CentreSauer, Vít January 2018 (has links)
The content of the master´s thesis is new building sports hall of ball sports. This building has contains no cellar and three above-ground floors. In ground floor, there are playing area, changing rooms, relevant functional facilities including utility rooms. The first floor is completely reserved for spectators, there are tribune for sitting spectators, gallery for standing spectators, hygienic rooms and buffet for spectators. In the third floor, there are rooms for VIP spectators, briefing room, head office of sports hall including conference room, spaces for TV transmission, hygienic rooms and utility room. Object is based on concrete foundation pads and strips foundation. Structural system of the object is combination of column system from cast-inplace reinforced concrete and wall system from brickwork. Floor structures over above the first and second floor are designed as castin- place reinforced concrete, floor structure above the third floor is folded from wood beams. Loadbearing structure of roof is system of glue laminated timber girders, roof cladding is mechanically anchored.
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Sportovní zařízení v Holešově / Sport Center in HolešovLánský, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This bachelor thesis “Family Residence with Two Flats“ is composed in a form of implementing project documentation and it contains all requisites according to the valid regulations. It is a complex of two connected buildings. The first part is the base for athletes and spectators. The second part consists of a sports hall with the playing surface and bleachers for spectators. The first part of the building has 3 floors. The sports hall is roofed using trusses made of laminated wood. Part of this work is the study of dispositions specialization focused on technical equipment of buildings and wooden structures and seminar papers presented in the form of drawings details.
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