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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Развој туризма и оцена туристичке конкурентности Јужнобанатскe области / Razvoj turizma i ocena turističke konkurentnosti Južnobanatske oblasti / Tourism development and tourism competitiveness assessment of the South Banat district

Drakulić Kovačević Nataša 03 October 2019 (has links)
<p>Туризам је у многим земљама препознат као кључни фактор развоја, повећања прихода и запослености. Истовремено има важну улогу у креирању имиџа и<br />промоцији дестинације на међународном тржишту. Туристичка конкурентност је препозната као кључни фактор успеха туристичке дестинације. Због тога је<br />важан задатак дестинацијског менаџмента да разуме како да се постигне и одржи конкурентност. У докторској дисертацији детаљно је приказана ресурсна<br />основа туризма Јужнобанатске области кроз преглед туристичко-географског положаја, природног-географских карактеристика, друштвено-географских карактеристика и материјалне базе. Посебно су анализирани постојећи и потенцијални облици туризма, стратешко планирање и развојни пројекти.<br />Извршена је туристичка валоризација и SWOT анализа расположивих ресурса Јужнобанатске области. Туристичка конкурентност оцењена је на основу<br />ставова представника понуде добијених кроз анкетно истраживање. Анкетни упитник заснован је на Ричи и Кроуч моделу конкурентности. Резултати<br />истраживања указују да Јужнобанатска области није конкурентна туристичка дестинација. Постоји значајна разлика у ставовима преставника приватног и јавног сектора у погледу дестинацијског менаџмента,политике, планирања и развоја дестинације. Ипак кроз истраживање указане су дестинацијске предности које могу бити полазиште за успостављање конкурентности. У оквиру рада дате су препоруке за будућа истраживања и активности јавног и приватног сектора<br />туристичке привреде.</p> / <p>Turizam je u mnogim zemljama prepoznat kao ključni faktor razvoja, povećanja prihoda i zaposlenosti. Istovremeno ima važnu ulogu u kreiranju imidža i<br />promociji destinacije na međunarodnom tržištu. Turistička konkurentnost je prepoznata kao ključni faktor uspeha turističke destinacije. Zbog toga je<br />važan zadatak destinacijskog menadžmenta da razume kako da se postigne i održi konkurentnost. U doktorskoj disertaciji detaljno je prikazana resursna<br />osnova turizma Južnobanatske oblasti kroz pregled turističko-geografskog položaja, prirodnog-geografskih karakteristika, društveno-geografskih karakteristika i materijalne baze. Posebno su analizirani postojeći i potencijalni oblici turizma, strateško planiranje i razvojni projekti.<br />Izvršena je turistička valorizacija i SWOT analiza raspoloživih resursa Južnobanatske oblasti. Turistička konkurentnost ocenjena je na osnovu<br />stavova predstavnika ponude dobijenih kroz anketno istraživanje. Anketni upitnik zasnovan je na Riči i Krouč modelu konkurentnosti. Rezultati<br />istraživanja ukazuju da Južnobanatska oblasti nije konkurentna turistička destinacija. Postoji značajna razlika u stavovima prestavnika privatnog i javnog sektora u pogledu destinacijskog menadžmenta,politike, planiranja i razvoja destinacije. Ipak kroz istraživanje ukazane su destinacijske prednosti koje mogu biti polazište za uspostavljanje konkurentnosti. U okviru rada date su preporuke za buduća istraživanja i aktivnosti javnog i privatnog sektora<br />turističke privrede.</p> / <p>Tourism has been recognized as one of the key sectors for development in many countries and a major source of income, jobs and wealth creation. It also plays a wider role in promoting the image and international perception of a destination. Competitiveness is increasingly being seen as a critical influence on the performance of tourism destinations in world markets. Therefore, the fundamental task of destination management is to understand how tourism destination competitiveness can be enhanced and sustained. Available resources of South Banat district are being reviewed through interpretation of geographical location, natural and anthropogenic values and material base. The existing and potential forms of tourism, strategic planning and development projects were particularly analyzed. Tourist valorization and SWOT analysis of the available resources of the South Banat region&nbsp; were conducted. The assessment of tourist competitiveness is based on the survey of the stakeholders. The questionnaire was based on Ritchie and Crouch&#39;s&nbsp; competitiveness model. The results show that stakeholders believe South Banat is not&nbsp; a competitive tourism destination. A comparison of two groups of stakeholders,&nbsp; the private and public sectors, indicated significant differences in the ratings of destination management and in the destination&#39;s policy, planning and development determinants. However, the destination&#39;s advantages, which can be used as a starting point for improving the destination&#39;s competitiveness, were identified. Suggestions for future research and stakeholders activities in tourism are provided in the dissertation.</p>

Jazyk české menšiny v obci Šumice v rumunském Banátě / The language of Czech minority in Šumice in the Romanian Banat

Frnochová, Adéla January 2012 (has links)
This thesis contributes to a research on Czech dialects in language enclaves abroad. The aim of the paper is to describe the language of the Czech minority in the village of Šumice in Romanian Banat. All traditional levels of language are analyzed: phonological, morphological, syntactical, lexical and word-formation. The research was restricted only to the oldest generation, that means to the people over sixty-five. In the beginning, the author deals with the history of Czech immigrants in Romania and also with their contemporary life. Particular attention is paid to the history of Šumice. In the following part of the thesis, the methods of gathering material are described, as well as the further data processing. The research was supplemented with results of a dialectological questionnaire and with transcriptions of recorded speeches. For comparison, the author used transcriptions of recordings from the 1971 and also data about Šumice from the Český jazykový atlas (Czech Linguistic Atlas). The results of the research are described gradually, separately for each language level. Besides the facts found out on the basis of the questionnaires, the author also presents phenomena detected only in the recordings. The main attention is paid to the elements, which help to classify the dialect of Šumice...

Rodni identiteti u intersekciji sa etniĉkim i religijskim: na primeru istraživanja Banatskih Bugarki u Srbiji, Rumuniji i Bugarskoj / Gender Identity in the Intersection with Ethnicity and Religion: the case of Banat Bulgarians Women of Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria

Vasić Slobodan 30 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U etniĉkoj grupi Banatskih Bugara, u Srbiji,<br />Rumuniji i Bugarskoj, rodni odnosi su predmet<br />kontinuiranih transformacija. Pružajući doprinos<br />prouĉavanjima identiteta ţena iz manjinskih<br />etniĉkih grupa, kao i komparativnom prouĉavanju<br />etniciteta u zemljama koje dele sliĉne dru&scaron;tvenopolitiĉke<br />okolnosti socijalizma i postsocijalizma,<br />ovo istraživanje ima za cilj da utvrdi na koje<br />naĉine Banatske Bugarke u razliĉitim<br />dru&scaron;tvenim kontekstima, oblikuju rodni,<br />etniĉki i religijski identitet. Kako su jezik i<br />religija dva najznaĉajnija dru&scaron;tvena i politiĉka<br />domena kulturne razlike u modernom svetu, a<br />rodni identiteti ne deluju nezavisno, već u<br />sadejstvu sa drugim identitetima, intersekciju<br />rodnih identiteta sa etniĉkim i religijskim<br />posmatram sa stanovi&scaron;ta oĉuvanja identiteta<br />grupe. Analizama položaja žena u javnoj sferi<br />života posvećuje se znaĉajnija pažnja, a<br />zanemaruju se rodni odnosi u privatnoj sferi<br />života, posebno brojĉano malih etniĉkih grupa.<br />Privatna sfera života je, međutim, znaĉajna, jer<br />rodni identiteti u ovoj sferi utiĉu na<br />oblikovanje etniĉkog i religijskog ideniteta i na<br />njihovu intersekciju. Reĉ je o regionu sa<br />razliĉitim istorijskim iskustvima i tradicijama<br />multikulturalizma i koji se odlikuje ĉestim<br />promenama državnih granica. Kontekstualni<br />okvir analize, pored rodnih režima, ĉine<br />potiskivanje religije u socijalizmu, te<br />afirmacija etniĉkih i religijskih identiteta u<br />postsocijalizmu. Akcenat istraživanja je na<br />ženama, ali da bi analiza intersekcije bila<br />celovita, u ovom etnografskom istraţivanju,<br />zastupljeni su i mu&scaron;karci. Ukupno je 51 osoba<br />u osnovnom uzorku, od ĉega, 31 žena i 20<br />mu&scaron;karca. Rezultati pokazuju zadržavanje<br />patrijarhalnih rodnih odnosa u privatnoj sferi<br />života u seoskim okruženjima, uz izuzetak<br />Bugarske, u pojedinim aspektima. Intersekcije<br />identiteta se razlikuju u odnosu na<br />kontekstualne karakteristike Srbije, Rumunije i&nbsp;</p><p>Bugarske i zavise od vi&scaron;estrukih povezanosti<br />na relaciji privatna/javna sfera: od mogućnosti<br />upotrebe maternjeg jezika, karakteristika<br />etniĉki i religijski me&scaron;ovitih brakova i<br />porodica, te od rodnih razlika u religioznosti.<br />Najveći uticaj na oĉuvanje identiteta imaju<br />rodni identiteti žena, jer one socijalizaciju decu<br />i prenose etniĉki i religijski identitet u sledećoj<br />generaciji. Po&scaron;to su žene religioznije od<br />mu&scaron;karaca u sve tri države, veći stepen<br />religioznosti je u pozitivnoj korelaciji sa<br />oĉuvanjem i etniĉkog i religijskog identiteta, u<br />kontekstu etnifikovane crkve. Uloge<br />mu&scaron;karaca u oĉuvanju identiteta, nalaze se u<br />javnoj sferi života i one su omogućene rodnom<br />podelom rada u privatnoj sferi ţivota. U<br />postsocijalizmu, u kontekstu desekularizacije i<br />afirmacije jezika i etniĉkog identiteta, mu&scaron;karci<br />su zastupljeniji u javnim ulogama, ali se beleži<br />postepena transformacija rodnih odnosa u<br />pravcu veće egalitarnosti, posebno u mlađoj<br />generaciji u uzorku, u urbanom okruženju i kod<br />osoba sa većim stepenom obrazovanja.</p> / <p>Gender relations within the ethnic group of<br />Banat Bulgarians have been a subject of<br />transformation in Serbia, Romania and<br />Bulgaria, both during the socialist as well as<br />during the post-socialist period. By<br />contributing to the study of female identity in<br />minority ethnic groups as well as to the<br />comparative study of ethnicity in countries<br />which have similar social and political<br />circumstances in light of socialism and postsocialism,<br />this thesis aims at determining the<br />manner in which the Banat Bulgarian women<br />in different political and social contexts shape<br />and define their gender, ethnic and religious<br />identity. Given the fact that the religion and<br />language are the two most significant social<br />and political domains in terms of cultural<br />differences in the modern world and that the<br />gender identities do not act independently, but<br />rather in conjunction with other identities the<br />intersection of the gender identity and the<br />ethnic and religious identity is observed from<br />the perspective of fostering and preserving the<br />identity of the group. While much focus has<br />been put on the analyses regarding the status of<br />women in the public sphere, the gender<br />relations in the private sphere in smaller ethnic<br />groups still remain under-researched. The<br />private sphere is very important since the<br />gender identities affect the shaping of the<br />ethnic and religious identity and their<br />intersection. This region has a plethora of<br />diverse historical experiences and multicultural<br />traditions and is often characterized by changes<br />in state borders. The contextual framework of<br />the analyses, in addition to gender regimes,<br />includes suppression of religion as well as the<br />affirmation of ethnic and religious identities in<br />post-socialism. Even though the focus of the<br />research was women, in order to make a<br />comprehensive analysis of the intersection, this</p><p>research also included men. The research<br />included 51 interviewees (31 women and 20<br />men). The results indicate a preservation of<br />patriarchal gender relations in the private<br />sphere in rural areas, with the exception of<br />Bulgari, in specific aspects. The identity<br />intersections differ in relation to contextual<br />differences between Serbia, Romania and<br />Bulgaria and mostly depend on multi-faceted<br />connections between the private and the public<br />sphere e.g. the use of the mother tongue,<br />characteristics of ethnically and religiously<br />mixed marriages and families as well as gender<br />differences in religiousness. The female gender<br />identity has the greatest impact on the<br />preservation of an identity i.e. the women<br />socialise their children and carry on their<br />ethnic and religious identity. Since women are<br />more religious in all three countries, the greater<br />degree of religiousness is in positive<br />correlation with the preserving of the ethnic<br />and religious identity, in the context of an<br />ethnically-specific church. Male roles<br />regarding the preservation of identity belong to<br />the public sphere. In post-socialism, in the<br />context of de-secularisation, the state enables<br />and promotes the affirmation of language and<br />ethnic identity. Men have more prominent<br />public roles, however the transformation of<br />gender relations slowly shifts towards equality<br />is noticeable, especially among the younger<br />generations in the sample, in urban areas and<br />among persons with a higher degree of<br />education.</p>

Vyjednávání a rozumění pojmu domov v rodině českých reemigrantů z rumunského Banátu / Negotiating and understanding of the concept of home in the family of Czech re-emigrants from the Romanian Banat

Baudyšová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis is based on a seven-month research of a family of Czech re-emigrants from the Romanian Banat. The aim of the research was to find out how these people understand the term home, how they negotiate it and what they related to it; the method employed here consisted of qualitative interviews. The researched sample does not represent the whole population, but rather the studied issue. The main focus was to gather as much exhaustive (and therefore related to understanding, negotiating and constructing of the meaning of the concept home) data related to the issue of home as possible within the given family rather than any universal application or generalization of the collected data to the whole of the Czech re-emigrants from the Banat. The author defines the term home as multidimensional, stemming from an individual and group experience, and from the current situation of an individual person; and as such she tries to depict it through different theoretical concepts. The thesis also presents an outline of a historical-sociological context of the existence of a Czech minority in Romania and its re-emigration. In relation to the main topic of home also emerged other topics, such as motivations for re-emigration, perceptions of Romania and the Czech Republic, response of the majority...

The Critical Reception of Herta Müller in the German and English Printed Media Before and After the Nobel Prize for Literature 2009

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: After being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2009, Herta Müller attained great prominence around the world. Commentators, especially in English-speaking countries, seemed shocked by the decision. One of the primary concerns was that Müller was relatively unknown. This thesis seeks to address this and other concerns by looking at reviews of her works in German- and English-language publications both before and after the Nobel Prize was awarded. This thesis analyses chronologically the reception of her books beginning with Niederungen in 1982 and ending with the reception of her novel Atemschaukel in 2009. It compares the reception of the original German text to that of the English translation; therefore only works which have been translated and published in English are discussed. The study also shows that while Müller's work did not top the bestseller charts, at least before the Nobel Prize, she was hardly the completely unknown author that some in the English-language media believed. This thesis seeks to present trends in the reception as well as provide a basis for further study of the reception of Herta Müller. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. German 2011

A magyar irodalom kialakulása és története a Bácska és a Bánság területén / (The Development and History of Hungarian Literature on the Territory of Bácska and Bánság)

Mak Ferenc 09 June 2013 (has links)
<p>Pola veka nakon ukidanja apsolutizma je u mađarskoj književnosti bio period preporoda, razvoja građanstva, kada su &scaron;irom Mađarske osnivane nove institucije književnosti i naučnog života. U gimnazijama Bačke i Banata su posle 1867. godine omladinu poučavali visokoobrazovani profesori klasične filologije i književnosti, njihove studije sa tematikom iz istorije književnosti i kritičke recenzije dela su redovito objavljivane u &scaron;kolskim biltenima, a njihovi udžbenici i radovi namenjeni &scaron;iroj publici su bili dostupni i brojnijoj čitalačkoj publici. Pažnja nekolicine učenih profesora somborske i pančevačke gimnazije se tada okrenula prema srpskoj književnosti, nastao je ceo niz prevoda srpskih junačkih pesama i srpske romantične poezije, a pojavili su se i prvi tomovi mađarsko&ndash;srpskih rečnika. Prvi roman na mađarskom jeziku je objavljen 1868-e godine u Somboru, da bi se nakon toga do 1918-e razvijao i obogaćivao u sve čistijoj estetskoj formi. U lirici se 1880-ih godina javljaju atmosfera, doživljaj života i predela u Bačkoj i Banatu, dok autori istovremeno i naučnih i beletrističkih putopisa otkrivaju lepote i kulturnu ba&scaron;tinu zavičaja, pa i &scaron;ire: donjeg toka Dunava, Slavonije i Bosne. Mađarska književnost na&scaron;ih krajeva je u prvih pet decenija&nbsp;postojanja od početnih uspeha stigla do generacije Dežea Kostolanjija (Kosztol&aacute;nyi Dezső), čiji su članovi stvorili najveća dela mađarske književnosti XX veka.</p> / <p>The half century following the eradication of absolutism witnessed the renaissance of literature, the era of embourgeoisement, the time when the new literary and scientific institutions were established throughout Hungary. After 1867 young people in gymnasiums were taught by teachers erudite in classical philology and literature; their papers in literary history and analyses were regularly published in the school reports, and their school textbooks and studies written for the general public reached a wide circle of readers. It was at this time that the interest of a number of teachers in the gymnasiums in Zombor and Pancsova was aroused in Serbian literature; consequently, works of Serbian romantic poetry and heroic songs appeared in Hungarian translation one after the other, and the first Hungarian &ndash; Serbian dictionaries were compiled. The first Hungarian novel was published in Zombor in 1868, and was followed by several in aesthetically more and more purified form until 1918. Lyric poetry became imbued with the atmosphere, sensation of life and experience of the landscape of B&aacute;cska and B&aacute;n&aacute;t, while travelogues, scientific and literary at the same time, revealed the beauties and the cultural history of the homeland and beyond it of the Lower Danube Region, Slavonia and Bosnia. Within the span of fifty years Hungarian literature of our region developed from its initial successes as far as Dezső Kosztol&aacute;ny&rsquo;s generation whose members created works worthy of being ranked among the&nbsp;best works of 20th century Hungarian literature</p>

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