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Význam architektury J. B. Santiniho- Aichela pro kulturní cestovní ruch České republiky / The Importance of Jan Blažej Santini- Aichel`s Architecture for Cultural Tourism in the Czech RepublicHromádková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Master thesis concerns of the architecture of Jan Blažej Santini- Aichel from the point of view of cultural tourism in the Czech Republic.First part is concentrated on definition cultural tourism and its components. Second part clarifies the importance and position of Santini`s architecture in art history. Third part takes note of attendance and present touristic offer of sights whose common denominator is architect Santini, and also is attentive to activities of citizen`s association Travel around Santini. The conclusion endeavours to define the position of Santini`s sights in the cultural tourism in the Czech Republic and also tries to point out assets and negatives of activities of citizen`s association Travel around Santini, and outlines potential direction of activities of the citizen`s association in the future.
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Špitál sv. Alžběty na Pohořelci. Dochované oltářní obrazy ze špitální kaple. / Saint Elizabeth's spital in Pohořelec. The extant altarpieces of the spital's chapel.Lorencová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
Saint Elizabeth's spital in Pohořelec The extant altarpieces of the spital's chapel Abstract This thesis deals with the Saint Elizabeth's spital in Pohořelec near the monastery of Premonstratensians in Strahov. This spital was founded by the abbot Kaspar Questenberg and was located in the western part of Pohořelec. However, the original building wasn't preserved, because it had to yield to Prague's fortification in the 60's of the 17th century. Under the abbot Vincenc Makarius Frank the new spital was constructed. There was the chapel dedicated to the patron St. Elisabeth, which was mentioned in the written sources since the beginning of the hospital existence. During few years there were also ordered altarpieces. The contemporary literature associates only two paintings of saints with Saint Elizabeth's spital (St. Barbara and St. Rosalia). These paintings were placed on the side altars of the chapel and today are in the possession of the Royal Canonry of Premonstratensians at Strahov. Thanks to the preserved written sources, we were able to discover additional information of the spital's equipment and the chapel main altarpiece. This thesis summarizes the previous research and determines templates of altarpieces and their sources of inspiration. The attention is also aimed to the history of the spital,...
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Barokáři - historicky poučená interpretace staré hudby v Česku očima jejích aktérů / "Barokáři" - Historically Informed Performance in the Czech Republic Through the Eyes of Its InterpretersVacek, Přemysl January 2020 (has links)
In this thesis I present a community of musicians dealing with a specific approach to music of older styles - historically informed performances (HIP). The aim is to answer the question as to why these promising classically educated musicians decided to leave the traditional career path in their field and chose alternative musical expression. I follow the rise and development of the professional scene of historically informed performances and its community from the turn of the 80s and 90s of the 20th century to the present day. Based on the analysis and interpretation of oral historical interviews, I describe changes in this environment and subsequent reflection on the perception of the profession and lives of the actors. I focus on their individual perceptions of authenticity and historical time, formed by their incorporation in early music.
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"Čas je blízko." Eschatologie v Grimmelshausenově "Simpliciánských spisech": Čas a figury zjevení / "Because the time is near." Eschatology in Grimmelshausen's "Simplicianische Schriften": The Time and Figures of RevelationMaroszová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta, Ústav germánských studií Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Fakultät für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften, Institut für Deutsche Philologie Abstract Dissertation / Disertační práce "Denn die Zeit ist nahe." Eschatologie in Grimmelshausens Simplicianischen Schriften: Zeit und Figuren der Offenbarung. "Čas je blízko." Eschatologie v Grimmelshausenově "Simpliciánských spisech": Čas a figury zjevení "Because the time is near." Eschatology in Grimmelshausen's "Simplicianische Schriften": The Time and Figures of Revelation Autor: PhDr. Jana Maroszová Studijní obor / Fach: Filologie, Germánské jazyky a literatury / Neuere Deutsche Literatur, Deutsche Sprache und Literatur des Mittelalters Vedoucí / Betreuer: Doc. PhDr. Milan Tvrdík, CSc.; Prof. Dr. Friedrich Vollhardt LS 2011 / Sommersemester 2011 1 "Because the time is near." Eschatology in Grimmelshausen's "Simplicianische Schriften": The Time and Figures of Revelation Abstract This research study deals with Grimmelshausen's baroque novels known and designated by the author himself as "Simplicianische Schriften"1 (1668-1675). The purpose of this dissertation is to explore the way eschatology in these literary works is presented. This study is introduced with historical, cultural and religious background,...
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Obnova areálu Tasovického mlýna / Renewal of the Mill Grounds In TasoviceJoja, Marie January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the renewal of the Renewal of the Mill Grounds In Tasovice. The scenario of renewal includes four basic stages of recovery of the complex. In the first phase, grounds are cleaned and structures conserved together with defining exterior areas of the site that will be used for the second phase of temporary use in the form of cultural events of the village. In the third phase the approach is to restore individual objects and find appropriate functional content of each. The final stage is the functional filling of the entire complex and unification.
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Barokní sochařská dílna Ondřeje Filipa a Jana Antonína Quitainerových / Baroque sculpture workshop of Andreas Philipp and Johann Anton QuitteinerHořák, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The Quitteiner family sculpture workshop operated in Prague from the turn of the 18th century to the year 1765. The span of its existence is delimited on one side by the arrival of its founder, Andreas Philipp Quitteiner (1679-1729), from Frýdlant in northern Bohemia, and on the other side by the death of the upholder of the family tradition, Johann Anton Quitteiner (1709-1765). During the lifetime of Quitteiner Senior the workshop built its reputation as the leading Prague- based sculpture studio. A. F. Quitteiner strengthened his position while working in the Württemberg region in 1709-1712, and then in 1713 and 1714, when he participated together with other Prague artists in decorating the palace residence at Ludwigsburg. After his return to Prague the elder Quitteiner won recognition alongside the most prominent figures of Czech Baroque sculpture F. M. Brokoff and M. B. Braun, and created his best works, including four statues on the side altars of the Holy Family and Saint John of Nepomuk in Saint Thomas's church in Prague's Lesser Quarter. Quitteiner's son Johann Anton learnt his craft in the family workshop which he took over after his father's death. The starting point for his work was the realistic style of his father. He built on this foundation, however, adding to it elements of...
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Typy adverbií v jazyce barokních textů a jejich vývoj / Types of adverbs in the language of baroque texts and their developmentKLIMEŠOVÁ, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
Adverbs constitute an important element in expressing circumstances. In our dissertation we try to present various types of adverbs in the language of texts which date back to 17th and 18th centuries (so-called Baroque period). The word-formation aspect of these adverbs and the development of their meaning are emphasized. Different semantic shifts of adverbs are observed as well as their usage with functions of different parts of speech (usually particles or conjunctions). The development of adverbs found in Baroque texts is compared both with older language period and with some results of their development in contemporary Czech.
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Pojednání o slovesném vidu barokního období / The Progression of the Verbal Aspect into the Bohemian Language SystemKAMENÍK, Josef January 2018 (has links)
The topic of this dissertation concerns with the analysis of baroque period's grammatical aspect in Czech language. In the first part I focus on the modernheoretical literature about the grammatical aspect and related verbal categories. Subsequently I interpret the classification, meanings and assumed usage of the grammatical aspect presented by authors of baroque grammar books. On the grounds of this study I create a methodological basis for practical research, define the main concepts as well as terms and I set hypotheses about the baroque aspect system. Thereafter I try to verify the hypothesis using the verbal material excerpted from the original texts. The cornerstone of my research is the grammatical aspect recorded in the literary texts of the baroque epoch. The grammatical aspects in these texts are assessed from the view of verbal system, their semantic meaning and formal realization. Moreover, I explore some important grammatical phenomena closely associated with the grammatical aspect, such as tenses, lexical aspects and transgressive constructions. The presented dissertation sets a goal to describe the state of baroque grammatical aspects and their application in contemporary literature as thorough as possible. Besides it aims to specify the trend resulting in a full integration of grammatical aspects into the Czech verbal system.
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České překlady Johna Donna v kontextech širší překladatelské poetiky svých autorů. / The Czech translations of John Donne: a translator's poetics and its consequencesŠťastná, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The PhD thesis studies the translations and the overall reception of John Donneʼs poetry in the Czech literary culture. Its introduction explains the choice of the topic, outlines the structure of the text and the main question to be answered: to what extent Donne has become a significant presence in the Czech cultural context and how his work has been transplanted through translations. The first chapter gives a brief overview of the historical changes in the appreciation of Donneʼs poetry and, drawing on a range of Donnean literature, attempts to define the main features of his poetics. The second chapter traces the gradual building of an awareness of Donneʼs poetry among Czech readers through translations, translation paratexts and references in the works of Czech literary scholars. It introduces the Czech translators of Donne and discusses their motives for translating his work where these could be ascertained. The first part of Chapter 3 describes the method used in analyzing the Czech translations. It introduces the model of translation criticism presented by Antoine Berman in his analysis of French Donnean translations (Pour une critique des traductions: John Donne, 1995) and comments on its application in the study of the Czech translations. The second part sums up the findings of two...
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Život pražských malířů v 17. a 18. století / The painter's life in Prague in the 17th and 18th centuriesSekyrka, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The painter's life in Prague in the 17th and 18th centuries Tomáš Sekyrka For more than a century, the life stories of Prague-based painters in the Baroque era (which I define as 1620-1780 for the purposes of this work) have been a focus of research by art historians and other specialists. Research in this area was based to varying degrees on an analysis and interpretation of artworks and data offered by a multitude of written documents, primarily drawing information from the registers of Prague parishes (providing major dates in painters' lives), various official records of municipal authorities (corroborating, among other facts, the circumstances of painters' admission to the estates of Prague burghers or facts on property title, particularly ownership of houses), a wealth of accounting materials (about the relationship between those commissioning the artworks and the artists themselves, in particular the client's requirements and deadlines and artist's compensation). Nor did researchers neglect the unique manuscripts of the Prague painters' guilds (one in each of Prague's three towns), which provide membership lists and meeting minutes. However, a considerable amount of the historical data discovered by researchers has been used mostly to study the origin of specific artworks or to capture a certain...
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