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Sikhulekel’ ibomvu! Abalale bebabili, bavuke bebathathuCele, Phillip Magaye January 2010 (has links)
Submitted in partial fulfilment for the requirements of the degree of Master of Arts in the Department of African Languages, South Africa, 2010. / Lolu cwaningo luyimizamo nemvuselelo yamasiko aphathelene nokugana, ukuganwa nokuganiswa. Kubhekisiswa amasiko agcinwayo kule micimbi ukuze kungaveli izinkinga ezinye zazo ezingaba ukungatholi abantwana.
Umcwaningi ubhekisisa kakhulu imbangela yobunyumba noma yokungazali. Le nkinga ayiqali njengoba sekuganwene kodwa iba imbangela yokuphambanisa amasiko noma yokungawanaki amasiko. Amasiko awaqalwa ngoba umntwana esekhulile kodwa umntwana ukhuliswa ngawo ukuze angabi nankinga endleleni. Lolu cwaningo luzoba usizo kubantu asebekhohliwe ukuthi amasiko ayegcinwa kanjani. Lolu cwaningo lungumhlahlandlela.
Isahluko sokuqala sikhombisa izinhloso nenkuthazo okukhuthaze umcwaningi ukuba acwaninge ngalesi sihloko, elandela umgudu noma inqubo yamasiko esintu. Lokhu kubonakale kungaba usizo ekunciphiseni ukulahleka kwemishado ngenxa yokungazali, okubangwa ukungawagcini amasiko oMdabu.
Isahluko sesibili sikhuluma ngamasiko nemikhuba yamaZulu agcinelwa ukulungiselela ukwenda okunempumelelo. Kubukwa amasiko agcinwayo kusukela intombazana isencane. Kukhulunywa ngamasiko okugonqa nomkhehlo namasiko anjengokucimela nawo anakwa. Miningi nemikhutshana egcinwe kulesi sahluko njengokuqiniswa kwentombi eganayo. Lolu cwaningo lukhuluma ngenyama yokuncamisa. Kubukwa nemvunulo intombi evunula ngayo uma iyogcagca. Kubhekwa amasiko enziwa kungenwa emzini, amasiko enziwa esihlahleni nasesigcawini.
Isahluko sesithathu sigxile emasikweni okuganiselana akhuthaza ukuthola abantwana. Kuchazwa nezinkinga ezibangwa ukungazali. Kunezinkinga ezinjengokungathombi, izigulo zocansi, imimoya yamandiki, umoya wendawe, amaphupho kanye nezizwe. Kulolu cwaningo kubukwe nemithi yemitombo. Imimoya esegazini lomuntu idla kuye egazini. Yingakho kufanele alungise igazi lowo muntu onemimoya ngoba imimoya yona iphila kuye, idla egazini likamguli.
Isahluko sesine sona sicwaninga ngamasiko nemikhuba ehambisana nokubeletha. Kulesi sahluko kucwaningwa ngokubamba nokungabambi isisu kukamakoti. Kutholakala ukuthi okunye ukungabambi kuke kwenziwe ukufuya izinyoka notikoloshe. Lokho okungumkhuba ovamile kakhulu ukwenziwa abesifazane. Kubukwe nemikhuba eyenziwa okhulelwe ukuze kuhleleke kahle isisu. Kucwaningwe nangezinhlobo zezihlambezo. Kucwaningwe nangokuziphatha kwansuku zonke kukamakoti okhulelwe. Kucwaningwe nangezinto angazenza nezinto angeze azenza okhulelweyo njengokuvuka ekuseni kusempondo zankomo, akwenziwa funa ahlangane nemimoya emibi egcwele ezindlelni. Kuke kwenzeke isisu siphuphume ngezizathu ezithile. Ucwaningo luthole nokuthi kwenziwanjani ukwenza izaba zokumisa isisu esesiphuphuma. Lolu cwaningo luthole nokuthi zaba zini ezenziwayo uma ukubeletha kubanzima. Kulolu cwaningo kucwaningwe nangezinsila zokubeletha, amagazi nomzanyana. Kucwaningiwe futhi ngezinyamazane ashunqiselwa ngazo umntwana. Kucwaningwe nangendlela yokuziphatha komdlezana.
Isahluko sesihlanu sibhekisise imimoya emibi ehlasela abantwana. Kucwaningwe ukuthi iyini imimoya? Ivelaphi? Inangozi yini kubantwana? Abantwana bangavikelwa kanjani kuleyo ngozi? Kunemithi yokuxosha imimoya. Izinyamazane, isiqunga, umashwilishwili, indalucwatha kanye nempila. Kuye kwacwaningwa namasiko agcinwayo uma umdlezana kade emshiyile umntanakhe. Kuye kwacwaningwa ngemikhuhlane yabantwana nangendlela yokuyikhuza.
Isahluko sesithupha siveza isihlaziyo lapho kuhlaziywa khona ucwaningo lo msebenzi wonke. Kuvezwa nezincomo ezingalandelwa ukuvula amehlo omphakathi ukuze usizakale ezinkingeni zawo. Izincomo zikhuthaza kakhulu umuzi oNsundu ukuba unamathele emagugwini awo okuyindlela yokulandela amasiko nenkolo yoMdabu ukuze kuthi noma beqhuba ngendlela yesilungu kodwa bangakulahli okwakubo okuyindlela yawokhokho babo. Kube sekuphethwa wonke umsebenzi.
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The fig and fig tree imagery in the Gospel of MatthewMacDougall, Daniel W. January 1988 (has links)
Thesis (Th. M.)--Calvin Theological Seminary, 1988. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 160-174).
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Genetic relations and phylogeography of woodland and barrenground caribouDueck, Gregory S., January 1998 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Alberta, 1998. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 45-56).
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A Comparative Ecological Study of Two Sister Species of Darters in Kentucky, <i>Etheostoma Kantuckeense</i> and <i>Etheostoma Lawrencei</i>Schmidt, Bjorn Victor 01 May 2009 (has links)
Etheostoma kantuckeense and E. lawrencei are former members of the wide ranging E. spectabile species complex. Etheostoma kantuckeense is endemic to the Barren River Basin in Southern Kentucky and Northern Tennessee, while E. lawrencei occurs in the Green River, Salt River, and Cumberland River Basins of Central and Eastern Kentucky. Isolation of populations within these drainages has allowed for a relatively recent evolutionary divergence, leading to slight differences in morphology. This study was conducted to address if geographical isolation has led to measurable differences in the ecology of these two species. In particular, habitat preference across three spatial scales and growth rates were examined. To assess stream preference within a drainage, 59 streams were sampled for fish abundance and environmental parameters in the Upper Barren River Basin (E. kantuckeense; N=24) and the Upper Green River Basin (E. lawrencei; N=35). Channel unit preference and growth rates were compared in two physically similar upland streams, which were sampled monthly from August 2007 through August 2008. Surveys for microhabitat preference were conducted in these same streams in November 2008. Results from a canonical correspondence analysis show that both species occupy equivalent stream types in their respective watersheds. Within the two survey streams, run habitat was preferred over riffle and pool habitats over the course of the year, and both species exhibited similar seasonal habitat shifts. Microhabitat associations for both species were predominately for small to coarse gravel (1–40mm diameter) substrates. In addition, growth of individuals in their first year of life was similar for both species. These results suggest that these species maintain similar ecological traits in their respective watersheds. The retention of these headwater adapted traits in disjunct populations likely promoted vicariant allopatric speciation in these fishes through isolation and the inability to disperse across ecological barriers.
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Barren River District Health Department Health Education/Risk Reduction Demonstration ProjectsBruce, Rebecca 01 July 1989 (has links)
In July 1980, the Barren River District Health Department (BRDHD), serving eight counties (combined population approximately 204,000) in Southcentral Kentucky, was selected as a demonstration site under the auspices of the federal Health Education Risk Reduction (HERR) Program. With continued HERR funding for eight years, the BRDHD developed several successful health promotion projects. Major components of these projects include: 1) community health promotion, which serves to identify high -risk groups in the community and provide them with health education-health promotion services, 2) school health education which included the development of a preschool health education curriculum, 3) teacher education workshop, which instructs primary and secondary public school teachers in health education methods, 4) smoking cessation. and 5) a large industrial wellness program. This study reports on an eight year program evaluation of the HERR demonstration. Overall, the program evaluation suggests an increase in health knowledge and some attitude and behavior change for many of the participants ii BRDHD programs.
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A Comparison of Selected Nutrition Factors of Personal Care Residents with Nutrition for the Elderly Residents.Costin, Jill Kay 01 November 1984 (has links)
Persons in the Nutrition for the Elderly program in Barren River Area Development District in Kentucky and personal care residents at Lakeview Nursing Home, Morgantown, Kentucky, and Glasgow Rest Home, Glasgow, Kentucky participated I this study on a voluntary basis. The population consisted of an intact sample of sixty-eight persons: forty-six personal care residents (PC residents) and twenty-two Nutrition for the Elderly participants (NE participants). The Ne participants and Pc residents were compared to determine which received the best nutritional care. Selected parameters of nutritional assessment were compared for the two groups be means of a t test. The groups were considered to be significantly different at the 0.5 level.
The PC residents were found to have significantly higher intakes of energy, calcium, iron, vitamin A, and riboflavin. The NE participants were found to have a significantly higher percent intake of protein. The mean weight of the NE participants was significantly higher than the PC residents. However, the PC residents were found to have a significantly higher mean kcaloric intake. PC residents had a higher mean intake of niacin, vitamin C, and percent intake of fat than the NE participants, but not significantly higher. The NE participants had a slightly higher percent intake of carbohydrate, than the PC residents. However, the difference was not significant. Overall, the findings demonstrate that the PC residents had a higher nutritional intake than the NE participants.
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A Floristic Survey of the Vascular Plants of Barren County, KentuckyJohnson, George Pryor 01 May 1980 (has links)
A floristic survey was made of the vascular plants of Barren County, Kentucky. A total of 1190 specimens were collected which represent 603 species, 351 genera and 103 families.
The Asteraceae had the largest number of species of any family, a total of 85. The next largest families were Poaceae and Fabaceae, with 54 and 35 species, respectively. The genus Carex was represented by 24 species, the largest number for any genus.
A description and discussion of the vascular flora of specific sites as well as the county in general is given. An annotated list of species is also presented.
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Molecular Analysis of <i>Trypanosoma cruzi</i> Isolates Obtained from Raccoons (<i>Procyon lotor</i>) in Warren and Barren Counties of KentuckyBi, Lipeng 01 May 2010 (has links)
Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas disease, infects a variety of wild mammals in the southern United States, but it has only recently been isolated from raccoons trapped in the state of Kentucky. The purpose of the present study was to use a molecular genotyping approach, followed by DNA sequencing to determine the genotypes (type I, or types IIa-IIe) of 15 of the Kentucky isolates. DNA samples were prepared from 15 T. cruzi- isolates using a Qiagen mini kit, and PCR amplification was performed using published primers for the 24S α rDNA sequence (D71 and D72), the non-transcribed spacer of the mini-exon genes (TC, TC1, and TC2), the 18S rDNA sequence (V1 and V2), and TCZ1 and TCZ2 primers that amplify a 188-base pair segment of the repetitive 195-bp nuclear DNA sequence of T. cruzi. DNA sequencing (ABI 3130 Genetic Analyzer) was performed on all amplification products obtained from the PCR analysis of the RW2 and RB12 isolates (randomly selected to represent both Warren and Barren counties of Kentucky; the number started with an “R” which stood for raccoon, a “W” for Warren County or a “B” for Barren County, followed by a number which represented the order in which animal was trapped). The resulting sequences were edited before analysis using the BLAST database of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Genbank. All 15 isolates were positively confirmed as T. cruzi based upon PCR amplification of a 195 bp repetitive genomic DNA sequence, and all 15 isolates showed identical PCR amplification results with all 4 sets of T. cruzi-specific primers. Two positive PCR samples were randomly selected for further DNA sequence analysis, and all samples were positively identified as the type IIa genotype of T. cruzi with max identities ranging from 94%-99%. The results of this study confirm that all hemoculture isolates obtained from raccoons trapped in Warren and Barren counties of Kentucky are T. cruzi. Furthermore, all BLAST comparisons of amplicon DNA sequences showed high sequence identity to type IIa strains of T. cruzi. The type IIa strain of T. cruzi is the most commonly reported genotype from raccoons trapped in the U.S.A.
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Modeling Daily Power Demand in Southern Kentucky: A Single Household ApproachDickson, Craig M. 01 August 2012 (has links)
In this study, we use a nonparametric technique, locally weighted robust least squares regression (LOESS), to forecast a 24 hour demand profile at the household level and compare it to existing aggregate demand models discussed in literature. Of these aggregate demand models, a quadratic autoregressive model was selected to be used as a basis for comparison with the LOESS forecasts. It was our goal to automate the forecasting process by using the goodness of fit metric, AICCI, for smoothing parameter selection. The statistical workflow was executed using SAS and data was provided by the Glasgow Electric Plant Board of Barren County, Kentucky. Results show that LOESS outperformed the autoregressive model in roughly 80% of all cases and than using LOESS alone or as part of an ensemble model is a feasible approach to automating future household demand profile for the purpose of generating different levels of power demand profile aggregation as needed by Glasgow Electronic Plant Board.
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Age, Reproduction, Growth, Condition and Diet of the Introduced Yellow Bass, <i>Morone mississippiensis</i>, in Barren River Lake, KentuckyZervas, Peter G. 01 August 2010 (has links)
Introduction of fish species to North American drainages has occurred for over 100 years. Introduced fish species have been documented to have adverse effects on both the environment and native species of the drainage into which they have been introduced. To better understand the effects that introduced species may have on a particular drainage, it is essential to understand aspects of the introduced species’ life history. The objectives of the current study is to quantify the age, reproduction, growth, condition and diet of the yellow bass, Morone mississippiensis, in Barren River Lake, Kentucky. Monthly collections from three areas on Barren River Lake were made via a boat-mounted electrofisher from March 2008 to March 2009. Fish age was estimated by examining the sagittal otoliths of each individual. Reproductive condition was assessed using the mean gonadosomatic index (GSI) of all sexually mature individuals by month. Yearly growth rates were estimated by computing the mean length at age for each age class and subsequent calculation of the von Bertalanffy growth function (VBGF). To estimate the condition of yellow bass as it changed throughout the sample period, relative weight of each individual was calculated and the mean monthly relative weight was calculated. To examine the diet of yellow bass, diet items were identified to the lowest practical taxonomic level. Then, dry weight of each diet item was estimated and pooled by season to assess the season changes in the diet of yellow bass. Individuals of age group 3 were the most frequent. Mean GSI was significantly higher in March, April and May of 2008. Calculation of the VBGF yielded 254.7 mm as the maximum attainable mean total length of yellow bass in Barren River Lake. VBGF predicted mean total lengths of age classes 0-8 were as follows: 21.7 mm, 64.4 mm, 99.2 mm, 127.7 mm, 151.0 mm, 170.0 mm, 185.5 mm, 198.2 mm, and 208.5 mm. Relative weight was highest in summer. The diet of adult and sub-adult yellow bass relied heavily on chironomid larvae and pupae throughout the year, although diet item consumption was very low in winter. Young-of-year gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum), however, became the most important adult diet item in the spring and summer. To better understand the impacts that the introduced yellow bass has on the ecosystem of Barren Rive Lake, a multi-year study including an estimation of relative abundance is recommended.
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