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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ultra-Low Noise and Highly Linear Two-Stage Low Noise Amplifier (LNA)

Cherukumudi, Dinesh January 2011 (has links)
An ultra-low noise two-stage LNA design for cellular basestations using CMOS is proposed in this thesis work.  This thesis is divided into three parts. First, a literature survey which intends to bring an idea on the types of LNAs available and their respective outcomes in performances, thereby analyze how each design provides different results and is used for different applications. In the second part, technology comparison for 0.12µm, 0.18µm, and 0.25µm technologies transistors using the IBM foundry PDKs are made to analyze which device has the best noise performance. Finally, in the third phase bipolar and CMOS-based two-stage LNAs are designed using IBM 0.12µm technology node, decided from the technology comparison. In this thesis a two-stage architecture is used to obtain low noise figure, high linearity, high gain, and stability for the LNA. For the bipolar design, noise figure of 0.6dB, OIP3 of 40.3dBm and gain of 26.8dB were obtained. For the CMOS design, noise figure of 0.25dB, OIP3 of 46dBm and gain of 26dB were obtained. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to analyze the LNA circuit in terms of design, performance, application and various other parameters. Both designs were able to fulfill the design goals of noise figure < 1 dB, OIP3 > 40 dBm, and gain >18 dB.

Základnová stanice pro agentní platformu WSageNt s využitím GSM modulu / Basestation for WSageNt Agent Platform with Using GSM Module

Molák, Josef January 2012 (has links)
This master's thesis describes the software and hardware extension of multiagent platform WSageNt to ensure communication between basestation and web interface Control Panel using GSM network. Sensor node FITmote is used as a basestation and modem Teltonika is used as a interface to GSM. The physical interconnection of the devices implementing the newly created bridge to connect different logic voltage levels of their serial interface. Application for basestation was extended to serial communication with modem. This extend provide communication over GSM network to Internet. Application on control server also was modified for TCP/IP communication.

Concealment Materials and Techniques for mm-Wave Advanced Antenna Systems

Bharadwaj Sriram, Adhitya January 2018 (has links)
With the advent of the 5G technology standard for communication, it is esti-mated that around 50 billion devices around the world will be interconnectedunder this standard [1]. This has prompted the need to investigate new ma-terials, technologies and methods to conceal antennas for preserving the aes-thetic value of urban centers, and preventing these antenna systems from beingidentified or damaged. The aim of this thesis work was to identify possiblematerials and investigate methods for concealing Ericsson’s 5G mm-Wave Ad-vanced Antenna System(AAS) Radio Base Stations. A study of economicallyviable, commercially available materials for concealment, and methods to deter-mine their dielectric properties was done. A practical investigation of the effectsome available concealment materials on the RF performance of the mm-Wavebase station beams, was also performed. The results from the investigationsand measurements performed led to some useful conclusions and understand-ing about the various concealment material solutions. Overall, the investigatedconcealment materials were found to have two prominent effects:1. Reduction in EIRP (Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power) of the basestation beams (attenuation).2. Distortion in the shape of the base station beams.The boresight beams for all the investigated cases were found to be attenu-ated(effect 1) by the concealments, but the steered beams were found to beboth attenuated in distorted(effect 2) by the concealments. In particular, con-cealments with a thin dielectric material mesh structure were found to have theleast effect on the base station beams. All other thicker(> λ0/2), compositeconcealments and even those with pure foam structures, were found to have anoticeable effect on the base station beams. In conclusion, thin dielectric mesh,films and paints could hence be of interest as concealment solutions for furtherinvestigations moving forward. / I och med införandet av 5G-tekniken för kommunikation bedöms det att cirka50 miljarder enheter runt om i världen kommer att vara uppkopplade via denna standard [1]. För att bevara det estetiska värdet av stadscentrum och förhindra att 5G-teknikens antenner identifieras eller skadas finns behov att undersöka nya material, tekniker och metoder för att dölja antenner. I detta examensarbete identifieras möjliga material samt undersöks metoder för att dölja Ericssons 5G mm-vågs Advanced Antenna System (AAS) radiobasstationer. Enstudie av ekonomiskt genomförbara, kommersiellt tillgängliga material för döljande och metoder för bestämning av dess dielektriska egenskaper gjordes. En empirisk undersökning av effekten av några tillgängliga maskeringsmaterial på RF-prestanda hos loberna från mm-vågsbasstationer utfördes också. Resultaten från de undersökningar och mätningar som utfördes ledde till några användbara slutsatser och förståelse för egenskaperna hos de olika maskeringsmaterialen. Sammantaget visade sig de undersökta maskeringsmaterialen ha två huvudsakliga effekter:1. Dämpning av EIRP (ekvivalent isotropisk utsrålad effekt) hos basstationsloberna.2. Distorsion av basstationslobernas form.De centrala basstationsloberna för alla undersökta fall visade sig dämpas (ef-fekt 1) av maskeringsmaterialen, men de utstyrda loberna befanns vara både dämpade och förvrängda (effekt 2) av maskeringsmaterialen. Maskeringsmaterial med en tunn dielektrisk nätstruktur visade sig ha den minsta effekten på basstationsloberna. Alla andra tjockare, sammansatta material och ävende med rena skumstrukturer visade sig ha en märkbar effekt på basstation-sloberna. Sammanfattningsvis kan därför tunna dielektriska nät, filmer (plastfolier) och färger vara av intresse som lösningar för vidare undersökningar.

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