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Inserção de conhecimento probabilístico para construção de agentes BDI modelados em redes bayesianas / Insertion of probabilistic knowledge into BDI agents construction modelled in bayesian networksKieling, Gustavo Luiz January 2011 (has links)
A representação do conhecimento de maneira mais fiel possível à realidade é uma meta histórica e não resolvida até o momento na área da Inteligência Artificial. Problemas são resolvidos e decisões são tomadas levando-se em conta diversos tipos de conhecimentos, os quais muitos são tendenciosos, inexatos, ambíguos ou ainda incompletos. A fim de tentar emular a capacidade de representação do conhecimento humano, levando-se em conta as diversas dificuldades inerentes, tem-se construído sistemas computacionais que armazenam o conhecimento das mais diversas formas. Dentro deste contexto, este trabalho propõe um experimento que utiliza duas formas distintas de representação do conhecimento: a simbólica, neste caso BDI, e a probabilística, neste caso Redes Bayesianas. Para desenvolvermos uma prova de conceito desta proposta de representação do conhecimento estamos utilizando exemplos que serão construídos através da tecnologia de programação voltada para agentes. Para tal, foi desenvolvida uma implementação de um Sistema MultiAgente, estendendo o framework Jason através da implementação de um plugin chamado COPA. Para a representação do conhecimento probabilístico, utilizamos uma ferramenta de construção de Redes Bayesianas, também adaptada a este sistema. Os estudos de caso mostraram melhorias no gerenciamento do conhecimento incerto em relação às abordagens de construções de agentes BDI clássicos, ou seja, que não utilizam conhecimento probabilístico. / Achieving faithful representation of knowledge is a historic and still unreached goal in the area of Artificial Intelligence. Problems are solved and decisions are made taking into consideration different kinds of knowledge, from which many are biased, inaccurate, ambiguous or still incomplete. Computational systems that store knowledge in many different ways have been built in order to emulate the capacity of human knowledge representation, taking into consideration the several inherent difficulties to it. Within this context, this paper proposes an experiment that utilizes two distinct ways of representing knowledge: symbolic, BDI in this case, and probabilistic, Bayesian Networks in this case. In order to develop a proof of concept of this propose of knowledge representation, examples that will be built through agent oriented programming technology will be used. For that, implementation of a MultiAgent System was developed, extending the Jason framework through the implementation of a plugin called COPA. For the representation of probabilistic knowledge, a Bayesian Network building tool, also adapted to this system, was used. The case studies showed improvement in the management of uncertain knowledge in relation to the building approaches of classic BDI agents, i.e., that do not use probabilistic knowledge.
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Interpretace agentního systému řízeného záměrem v jazyce PROLOG / Intention Driven Agent in PROLOGNěmec, Ladislav January 2020 (has links)
This lever deals with the realization of the iterpreter of an Driven Agent by the PROLOG implementation. The model was used by Jason implemented in Java that interprets the language of AgentSpeak(L). An interpreter and a program for processing agent systems in the language AgentSpeak (L) were created. This interpreter can work with multiple agents, can implement a system with an environment and use the FRAg system for interpretation. Examples of agent systems in AgentSpeak (L) were proposed to describe the functionality of the interpreter, and subsequently the advantages and disadvantages of the FRAg system were described.
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Agentní platforma pro bezdrátové senzorové sítě / Agent Platform for Wireless Sensor NetworksLichý, Stanislav January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to implement the agent platform for SunSpot sensor nodes. Reader is firstly presented with introduction to wireless sensor networks and the SunSpot sensor nodes. The thesis then describes the terms agent, agent platform and BDI agent. Then the description of ALLL language and related agent platform called WSageNt is presented. The rest of thesis deals with the concept and implementation of compatible agent plaform for SunSpot sensor nodes. The final part discusses results of work, compatibility with WSageNt platform and possible extensions.
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Adventure hra s inteligentními spolupracujícími postavami / Adventure Game with Intelligent Cooperating ActorsVacek, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this master's thesis is to design and implement framework that can be used for development of agent systems. Framework is implemented in Java and encapsulates JADE library. Framework is used for implementation of adventure game. There are several characters (agents) with specific roles who cooperate and try to achieve their goals.
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Vývoj depresivní symptomatologie, vyhoření a životního stylu v české populaci - v letech 2014-2020 / The development of depressive symptomatology, burnout and lifestyle in the Czech population - in years 2014-2020Vňuková, Martina January 2020 (has links)
Introduction It is clear from the literature that depressive disorder is closely related to lifestyle, however the relationship between burnout and lifestyle remains unclear. The aim of this study was to present a comprehensive overview of depressive symptoms, burnout and lifestyle over the years. Furthermore, this study looks at the relationship between burnout, depressive symptomatology and lifestyle and seeks to clarify the extent to which burnout can be explained by these variables. Methods Data collection took place in three waves. The first data collection was in 2014 (October/November), the second in 2017 (March) and the third in 2020 (March). The STEM/MARK agency conducted the data collection and collected answers from a representative sample of respondents using the CAWI method - computer-assisted questioning. These respondents were selected from the European National Panel. Because the target group was adults (18-65 years), an online survey was chosen. Internet penetration in this target population is sufficient and it was not necessary to use a combination of methodologies. Results All 3 data collections identically show that for the model explaining burnout statistically significant variables are: age, depression and fatigue during the day. Other variables related to healthy lifestyles...
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Důvěra a reputace v distribuovaných systémech / Trust and Reputation in Distributed SystemsMalačka, Ondřej January 2009 (has links)
The goal of this master's thesis is to design and implement agent system for dealing with sportsmen. It will be possible to apply trust and reputation principles on this system. This system is implemented in Jason agent language. Agents there posing as sports club managers. The main target of these managers is to have the maximal profit. The environment of agents is changing by playing the matches between the teams. Players quality evalution follows the played matches. Based on played matches, managers can evaluate the worth of each player and trade them in order to achieve the maximal possible profit. Untrustworthy agents take a place in this system. These agents overvalue their players using inccorect behavior. The experiments will be made within this masters's thesis in order to compare gain of apllication trust and reputation principles.
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Platforma pro mobilní agenty v bezdrátových senzorových sítích / Platform for Mobile Agents in Wireless Sensor NetworksHoráček, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with implementation of an agent platform, which is able to run agent code in wireless sensor networks. Implementation has been done for MICAz platform, which uses TinyOS operating system for developing applications. This work contains list of chosen TinyOS parts and illustrates, how such a platform can be used for our purposes. We will describe main features of ALLL language and we will also demonstrate some examples of agents.
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Measuring Change in Key HRQL Outcomes Using MOS SF-36 vs VSAQ and BDI With Patients Undergoing CABG SurgeryMalo, Sharon Y. 30 July 1999 (has links)
Health-related quality of life (HRQL) measures taken before and after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) aid in determining meaningful patient-perceived outcomes associated with alternative clinical interventions. This study compared performance of the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36 (MOS SF-36) subscales for Physical Functioning (PF), Role Physical (RP), Mental Health (MH), and Role Emotional (RE) against two other questionnaires, i.e. the Veteran's Specific Activity Questionnaire (VSAQ: self-efficacy for vigorous physical activity) and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II: mental-emotional functioning). Seventy-one patients (59-M; 12-F; age, Mean + SD = 63 ± 8.6 years) were administered these three questionnaires just before and 3 months following CABG surgery. Score distributions were evaluated for the pre- and post-surgery measurements, as were change scores after CABG. All measures except the MOS SF-36 subscales for RP and RE showed statistically significant change after CABG (p<0.01). Only the subscales of RP and RE demonstrated substantial ceiling (21.0% and 56.3%) and floor effects (49.3% and 16.9%). Evaluation of individual change scores after CABG indicated that 59% and 62% of the patients, respectively, had clinically meaningful increases in the two measures of physical capability, i.e. PF and VSAQ. In contrast, 60% and 72% of patients, respectively, showed no clinically meaningful changes in the two measures of emotional functioning, i.e. RE and BDI-II scores. Chi-square analyses revealed that use of scales with similar definitional constructs resulted in significantly different surgical outcomes for the following: PF vs VSAQ (p<0.001), RP vs VSAQ (p<0.02); and MH vs BDI-II (p<0.0001). These findings illustrate the limitations in performance of the MOS SF-36 for assessing changes of importance in HRQL after CABG. The VSAQ and BDI-II, two simple measures of physical and emotional functioning that are fundamentally similar to those contained in the MOS SF-36, appear to be sensitive markers for detecting changes in these important outcomes after CABG surgery. / Master of Science
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以BDI代理人架構為基礎於網路虛擬社群 之群體犯罪偵測 / A BDI-based Collective Crime Detection Service for Virtual Community莊竣丞, Jhuang, Jyun Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本論文所定義之「網路群體犯罪」,不同於組織犯罪般有結構的犯罪團體,亦非為了追求共同利益而合作的共犯夥伴,而是網路使用者自發性互動行為下逐漸浮現的群體近似犯罪行為,並且普遍存在於當今各式各樣的網際網路社群,以各種不同的樣貌與形式展現。本研究以Sutherland(1978)提出之差別接觸理論與Bandura(1977)提出之社會學習理論為基礎,運用理論相關的元素與概念作為食材與食譜,以BDI代理人模式為方法來設計網路群體犯罪之模擬模式,透過動態模擬群體犯罪在不同條件下展現不同之面貌。更運用Watts(2003)主張的網路科學概念與分析方法,來分析犯罪關係網絡之特性,本研究藉由控制網路社群之使用者人數(Size)與初始犯罪率(ICR)來觀察不同組合之下所演化的網路結構差異,並從四個衡量指標:犯罪技能平均數、群聚係數、前10%使用者平均連結度、連結度小於10之比率,標示演化之網路結構的特徵。研究結果發現:1. 犯罪技能擴散的速度受到ICR高低的影響,當ICR越高的時候犯罪技能擴散的速度越快,反之,當ICR較低的時候犯罪技能擴散速度隨之減緩。2. 當ICR超越某一特定臨界值之後,使用者擁有的犯罪技能平均數與所屬社群人數成正向關係。3. ICR的高低對於群聚係數的高低有反向關係,當ICR越高則群聚係數越低,反之,當ICR越低時群聚係數越高。4. 社群使用者人數越多的情況下,群聚係數越低。5. 前10%使用者的平均連結度有隨著演化次數逐漸增加的趨勢。6. 初始犯罪率的高低與前10% 使用者的平均連結度成反比關係。7. 不論演化次數、社群人數多寡與初始犯罪率值之高低,均僅有少數犯罪者擁有高度的連結,絕大多數的使用者或犯罪者其連結度數均不高(符合power law分佈)。 / Collective crime is an emerging phenomenon along with collective intelligence in recent years. It is defined as a form of universally distributed crime originated from spontaneous interaction among community users in this paper. The issues that collective crime addresses focus on deviant or criminal behavior existing in common groups or crowds rather than traditional topics at computer crime or cybercrime. The theories, “differential association” proposed by criminologist Sutherland(1978) and “social learning” proposed by sociologist Bandura(1977), underpin the explanation of collective crime phenomena and the model design of agent-based simulation. The detection function of collective crime consists of the evolving network function based on the micro-simulation and an analysis of the function along with four indicators: average amount of crime skills, average cluster coefficient, average degree of top 10% users, and rate of users with degrees smaller than 10. The research findings are: 1. A community with higher initial crime rate (ICR) results in faster spreading of crime skills. 2. A negative relationship between the community size and the average amounts of crime skills exists, as ICR exceeds a threshold. 3. As ICR gets increasing, the average cluster coefficient gets decreasing, and vice versa. 4. The average cluster coefficient gets decreasing along with increasing community size. 5. The average degree of top 10% users gets increasing along time. 6. A negative relationship exists between ICR and the average degree of the top 10% users. 7. The distribution of the degrees of community users follows the scale-free power law distribution – whatever the network evolution times, community size and ICR are, most of the community users have fewer degrees and only few criminals have pretty high degrees relatively.
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Environnement virtuel générateur d’émotionsBrosseau, Pierre-Olivier 08 1900 (has links)
Les émotions jouent un rôle important dans la prise de décision quotidienne. En effet, elles influencent grandement la manière dont les individus interagissent avec leur environnement. Dans cette étude nous avons premièrement conçu un environnement virtuel de conduite automobile, puis créé des scénarios générateurs d’émotions à l’aide de la méthode Belief-Desire-Intention. Nous avons évalué l’efficacité de ces scénarios à l’aide d’un groupe de 30 personnes et d’un casque électroencéphalogramme pour mesurer leurs émotions. On observe que plus de 70% des scénarios conçus avec cette méthode ont généré l’émotion que l’on avait anticipée chez 52% à 76% des participants. La deuxième phase de cette expérience porte sur la réduction d’émotions avec un agent correcteur. Nous avons noté une efficacité de la réduction des émotions allant de 36.4% jusqu’à 70.0% des participants à travers les différents scénarios. / Emotions play an important role in daily decision-making. Indeed, they greatly influence how individuals interact with their environment. In this study, we first designed a virtual driving environment and various emotion-inducing scenarios using the Belief-Desire-Intention method. We evaluated the effectiveness of these scenarios with a group of 30 people and an EEG headset to measure the emotions. Over 70% of scenarios designed with this method induced the emotion that had been anticipated in 52% to 76% of the participants. The second phase of this experiment is the reduction of emotions with a corrective agent. We noted an efficiency in reducing emotions ranging from 36.4% to 70.0% of the participants through the different scenarios.
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