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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Assessment Of The Accuracy Of The Euler-Bernoulli Beam Theory For Calculating Strain and Deflection in Composite Sandwich Beams

Ho, Qhinhon D 18 December 2015 (has links)
This study focuses on assessing the accuracy of the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory as computational bases to calculate strain and deflection of composite sandwich beam subjected to three-point and four-point bending. Two groups of composite sandwich beams tests results will be used for comparison purposes. Mechanical properties for the laminated skin are provided by researchers from University of Mississippi (Ellen Lackey et al., 2000). Mechanical properties for the balsa wood core are provided by Alcan Baltek Corporation. Appropriate material properties and test geometries are then used in the Euler-Bernoulli-based algorithm in order to generate analytical data for comparison to experimental data provided by researchers from University of New Orleans (UNO, 2005). The resulting single material cross section is then analyzed in the traditional manner using the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. In general, the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory provides an appropriate analytical approach in predicting flexural behavior of composite sandwich beams.

Extensomètres à fibre optique Longue Base (ELB) pour l'évaluation dynamique des structures

Cumunel, Gwendal 14 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
La thèse s'inscrit dans le développement de systèmes d'instrumentation pour les structures intelligentes du génie civil. Elle dresse un panorama des capacités d'un nouveau capteur pour l'évaluation dynamique des ouvrages : l'Extensomètre à fibre optique de Longue Base de mesure Continûment Attaché (ELB-CA). Un modèle analytique complet de la mesure des capteurs est déterminé et appliqué au cas des poutres d'Euler-Bernoulli. Les divers traitements et études (par exemple par analyse en ondelettes) réalisés sur les réponses numériques et expérimentales de l'ELB-CA ont permis de dégager quelques caractéristiques des ELB-CA. Certaines sont spécifiques à la base de mesure du capteur : filtrage de modes pour le contrôle des structures et détection de défauts à partir de la courbure modale. D'autres, comme la détection de non-linéarités géométriques ou l'obtention de formes modales différentes, sont liées au type de mesure réalisée et peuvent s'appliquer à tous les extensomètres.

Viana maps and limit distributions of sums of point measures

Schnellmann, Daniel 17 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis consists of five articles mainly devoted to problems in dynamical systems and ergodic theory. We consider non-uniformly hyperbolic two dimensional systems and limit distributions of point measures which are absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure. Let $f_{a_0}(x)=a_0-x^2$ be a quadratic map where the parameter $a_0\in(1,2)$ is chosen such that the critical point $0$ is pre-periodic (but not periodic). In Papers A and B we study skew-products $(\th,x)\mapsto F(\th,x)=(g(\th),f_{a_0}(x)+\al s(\th))$, $(\th,x)\in S^1\times\real$. The functions $g:S^1\to S^1$ and $s:S^1\to[-1,1]$ are the base dynamics and the coupling functions, respectively, and $\al$ is a small, positive constant. Such quadratic skew-products are also called Viana maps. In Papers A and B we show for several choices of the base dynamics and the coupling function that the map $F$ has two positive Lyapunov exponents and for some cases we further show that $F$ admits also an absolutely continuous invariant probability measure. In Paper C we consider certain Bernoulli convolutions. By showing that a specific transversality property is satisfied, we deduce absolute continuity of the to these Bernoulli convolutions associated distributions. In Papers D and E we consider sequences of real numbers in the unit interval and study how they are distributed. The sequences in Paper D are given by the forward iterations of a point $x\in[0,1]$ under a piecewise expanding map $T_a:[0,1]\to[0,1]$ depending on a parameter $a$ contained in an interval $I$. Under the assumption that each $T_a$ admits a unique absolutely continuous invariant probability measure $\mu_a$ and that some technical conditions are satisfied, we show that the distribution of the forward orbit $T_a^j(x)$, $j\ge1$, is described by the distribution $\mu_a$ for Lebesgue almost every parameter $a\in I$. In Paper E we apply the ideas in Paper D to certain sequences which are equidistributed in the unit interval and give a geometrical proof of an old result by Koksma.

Viana maps and limit distributions of sums of point measures

Schnellmann, Daniel January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Contribution à la théorie des entiers friables

Martin, Bruno 11 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Un entier naturel est dit $y$-friable lorsque son plus grand facteur premier n'excède pas $y$. Ce travail est consacré à l'étude des entiers friables dans le cadre de la théorie analytique et probabiliste des nombres. La première partie est dévolue à un problème posé par Davenport en 1937, qui consiste à déterminer les conditions de validité de diverses généralisations de son développement de la fonction sinus en série de parties fractionnaires. Ces généralisations peuvent être décrites par un couple de fonctions arithmétiques, liées par la relation de convolution $f=g*\1$. Nous traitons le cas où $g$ est la fonction de Piltz d'ordre $z\in\CC$. La deuxième partie est consacrée à l'étude du comportement asymptotique de la constante optimale dans une version friable de l'inégalité de Turán-Kubilius. Précisant des résultats récents de La Bretèche et Tenenbaum, nous généralisons au cas friable une formule asymptotique de la variance d'une fonction arithmétique additive, établie par Hildebrand en 1983.

Structural and Aerodynamic Interaction Computational Tool for Highly Reconfigurable Wings

Eisenbeis, Brian Joseph 2010 August 1900 (has links)
Morphing air vehicles enable more efficient and capable multi-role aircraft by adapting their shape to reach an ideal configuration in an ever-changing environment. Morphing capability is envisioned to have a profound impact on the future of the aerospace industry, and a reconfigurable wing is a significant element of a morphing aircraft. This thesis develops two tools for analyzing wing configurations with multiple geometric degrees-of-freedom: the structural tool and the aerodynamic and structural interaction tool. Linear Space Frame Finite Element Analysis with Euler-Bernoulli beam theory is used to develop the structural analysis morphing tool for modeling a given wing structure with variable geometric parameters including wing span, aspect ratio, sweep angle, dihedral angle, chord length, thickness, incidence angle, and twist angle. The structural tool is validated with linear Euler-Bernoulli beam models using a commercial finite element software program, and the tool is shown to match within 1% compared to all test cases. The verification of the structural tool uses linear and nonlinear Timoshenko beam models, 3D brick element wing models at various sweep angles, and a complex wing structural model of an existing aircraft. The beam model verification demonstrated the tool matches the Timoshenko models within 3%, but the comparisons to complex wing models show the limitations of modeling a wing structure using beam elements. The aerodynamic and structural interaction tool is developed to integrate a constant strength source doublet panel method aerodynamic tool, developed externally to this work, with the structural tool. The load results provided by the aerodynamic tool are used as inputs to the structural tool, giving a quasi-static aeroelastically deflected wing shape. An iterative version of the interaction tool uses the deflected wing shape results from the structural tool as new inputs for the aerodynamic tool in order to investigate the geometric convergence of an aeroelastically deflected wing shape. The findings presented in this thesis show that geometric convergence of the deflected wing shape is not attained using the chosen iterative method, but other potential methods are proposed for future work. The tools presented in the thesis are capable of modeling a wide range of wing configurations, and they may ultimately be utilized by Machine Learning algorithms to learn the ideal wing configuration for given flight conditions and develop control laws for a flyable morphing air vehicle.

Modélisation dynamique de la locomotion compliante : Application au vol battant bio-inspiré de l'insecte

Belkhiri, Ayman 03 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Le travail présenté dans cette thèse est consacré à la modélisation de la dynamique de locomotion des "soft robots", i.e. les systèmes multi-corps mobiles compliants. Ces compliances peuvent être localisées et considérées comme des liaisons passives du système,ou bien introduites par des flexibilités distribuées le long des corps. La dynamique de ces systèmes est modélisée en adoptant une approche Lagrangienne basée sur les outils mathématiques développés par l'école américaine de mécanique géométrique. Du point de vue algorithmique, le calcul de ces modèles dynamiques s'appuie sur un algorithme récursif et efficace de type Newton-Euler, ici étendu aux robots locomoteurs munis d'organes compliants. Poursuivant des objectifs de commande et de simulation rapide pour la robotique, l'algorithme proposé est capable de résoudre la dynamique externe directe ainsi que la dynamique inverse des couples internes. Afin de mettre en pratique l'ensemble de ces outils de modélisation, nous avons pris le vol battant des insectes comme exemple illustratif. Les équations non-linéaires qui régissent les déformations passives de l'aile sont établies en appliquant deux méthodes différentes. La première consiste à séparer le mouvement de l'aile en une composante rigide dite de "repère flottant" et une composante de déformation. Cette dernière est paramétrée dans le repère flottant par la méthode des modes supposés ici appliquée à l'aile vue comme une poutre d'Euler-Bernoulli soumise à la flexion et à la torsion. Quant à la seconde approche, les mouvements de l'aile n'y sont pas séparés mais directement paramétrés par les transformations finies rigides et absolues d'une poutre Cosserat. Cette approche est dite Galiléenne ou "géométriquement exacte" en raison du fait qu'elle ne requiert aucune approximation en dehors des inévitables discrétisations spatiale et temporelle imposées parla résolution numérique de la dynamique du vol. Dans les deux cas,les forces aérodynamiques sont prises en compte via un modèle analytique simplifié de type Dickinson. Les modèles et algorithmes résultants sont appliqués à la conception d'un simulateur du vol, ainsi qu'à la conception d'un prototype d'aile, dans le contexte du projet coopératif (ANR) EVA.

Ląstelių plyšinės jungties modeliavimas naudojant Markovo grandines / Modelling of the Gap Junction of Cells Using Markov Chains

Sakalauskaitė, Aurelija 31 August 2011 (has links)
Šiame darbe pateikiama ląstelių plyšinės jungties Markovo modelių sudarymo metodika, apimanti perėjimo tikimybių skaičiavimą panaudojant nepriklausomų J. Bernulio bandymų schemą, stacionariųjų tikimybių skaičiavimą ir plyšinės jungties laidumo priklausomybės nuo įtampos skaičiavimus. Tariama, kad plyšinė jungtis sudaryta iš daugybės lygiagrečiai sujungtų kanalų (pvz., 1000). Kiekvienas kanalas sudarytas iš 2 nuosekliai sujungtų puskanalių (koneksonų), o kiekvienas koneksonas sudarytas iš 6 lygiagrečiai sujungtų vienetų (koneksinų). Kiekvienas koneksinas gali būti atviroje arba uždaroje būsenoje, kuri priklauso nuo kanalo įtampos. Modelių, sukurtų naudojant šią metodiką, adekvatumas patikrintas lyginant plyšinės jungties modeliavimo rezultatus su imitacinio modeliavimo (programų, kurias atliko Nerijus Paulauskas ir Saulius Vaičeliūnas (KTU Informatikos fakulteto magistrantai)) rezultatais, kurie patikrinti su eksperimentų rezultatais. Sukurta Markovo modelių metodika panaudota kuriant plyšinės jungties modelius, kai koneksinai aprašomi 3 būsenomis: uždara, atvira ir visiškai uždara. / In this paper the methodology of composing of Markov models of the gap junction of cells is introduced. This methodology contains of computing of transition probabilities using scheme of independent J. Bernoulli trials, computing of stationary probabilities and computing of the conductance of the gap junction dependence on a voltage. It is considered that the gap junction consists of a lot of channels (for example, 1000), joined parallel with each other. Each channel consists of two subchannels (connexons), joined in series, and each connexon consists of 6 units (connexins), joined parallel with each other. Each connexin can be in an open or a closed state. State of a connexin depends on a voltage that is going through the channel. The adequacy of models that were created using this methodology is tested comparing the results of modelling of the gap junction using Markov chains with the results of the imitational modelling (programs that were done by Nerijus Paulauskas and Saulius Vaičeliūnas (postgraduate students from Informatics faculty, KTU)). The latter results were tested with the results of experiments. In this paper the methodology of created Markov models was used creating the models of gap junction, where a connexin is described being in 3 states: closed, open and deep closed.

Finite elements for modeling of localized failure in reinforced concrete

Jukic, Miha 13 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In this work, several beam finite element formulations are proposed for failure analysis of planar reinforced concrete beams and frames under monotonic static loading. The localized failure of material is modeled by the embedded strong discontinuity concept, which enhances standard interpolation of displacement (or rotation) with a discontinuous function, associated with an additional kinematic parameter representing jump in displacement (or rotation). The new parameters are local and are condensed on the element level. One stress resultant and two multi-layer beam finite elements are derived. The stress resultant Euler-Bernoulli beam element has embedded discontinuity in rotation. Bending response of the bulk of the element is described by elasto-plastic stress resultant material model. The cohesive relation between the moment and the rotational jump at the softening hinge is described by rigid-plastic model. Axial response is elastic. In the multi-layer beam finite elements, each layer is treated as a bar, made of either concrete or steel. Regular axial strain in a layer is computed according to Euler-Bernoulli or Timoshenko beam theory. Additional axial strain is produced by embedded discontinuity in axial displacement, introduced individually in each layer. Behavior of concrete bars is described by elastodamage model, while elasto-plasticity model is used for steel bars. The cohesive relation between the stress at the discontinuity and the axial displacement jump is described by rigid-damage softening model in concrete bars and by rigid-plastic softening model in steel bars. Shear response in the Timoshenko element is elastic. Finally, the multi-layer Timoshenko beam finite element is upgraded by including viscosity in the softening model. Computer code implementation is presented in detail for the derived elements. An operator split computational procedure is presented for each formulation. The expressions, required for the local computation of inelastic internal variables and for the global computation of the degrees of freedom, are provided. Performance of the derived elements is illustrated on a set of numerical examples, which show that the multi-layer Euler-Bernoulli beam finite element is not reliable, while the stress-resultant Euler-Bernoulli beam and the multi-layer Timoshenko beam finite elements deliver satisfying results.

Nonparametric estimation of the mixing distribution in mixed models with random intercepts and slopes

Saab, Rabih 24 April 2013 (has links)
Generalized linear mixture models (GLMM) are widely used in statistical applications to model count and binary data. We consider the problem of nonparametric likelihood estimation of mixing distributions in GLMM's with multiple random effects. The log-likelihood to be maximized has the general form l(G)=Σi log∫f(yi,γ) dG(γ) where f(.,γ) is a parametric family of component densities, yi is the ith observed response dependent variable, and G is a mixing distribution function of the random effects vector γ defined on Ω. The literature presents many algorithms for maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) of G in the univariate random effect case such as the EM algorithm (Laird, 1978), the intra-simplex direction method, ISDM (Lesperance and Kalbfleish, 1992), and vertex exchange method, VEM (Bohning, 1985). In this dissertation, the constrained Newton method (CNM) in Wang (2007), which fits GLMM's with random intercepts only, is extended to fit clustered datasets with multiple random effects. Owing to the general equivalence theorem from the geometry of mixture likelihoods (see Lindsay, 1995), many NPMLE algorithms including CNM and ISDM maximize the directional derivative of the log-likelihood to add potential support points to the mixing distribution G. Our method, Direct Search Directional Derivative (DSDD), uses a directional search method to find local maxima of the multi-dimensional directional derivative function. The DSDD's performance is investigated in GLMM where f is a Bernoulli or Poisson distribution function. The algorithm is also extended to cover GLMM's with zero-inflated data. Goodness-of-fit (GOF) and selection methods for mixed models have been developed in the literature, however their application in models with nonparametric random effects distributions is vague and ad-hoc. Some popular measures such as the Deviance Information Criteria (DIC), conditional Akaike Information Criteria (cAIC) and R2 statistics are potentially useful in this context. Additionally, some cross-validation goodness-of-fit methods popular in Bayesian applications, such as the conditional predictive ordinate (CPO) and numerical posterior predictive checks, can be applied with some minor modifications to suit the non-Bayesian approach. / Graduate / 0463 / rabihsaab@gmail.com

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