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"Estudo da ação do nível elevado de pressão sonora e do extrato seco de Ginkgo biloba EGb761 na citoarquitetura da cóclea de cobaias adultas" / Morphological study on the effects of high sound pressure and Ginkgo biloba EGb 761 dry extract to the cochlea cell architecture of adult guinea pigsNadejda Maria Avila Varginha de Moraes e Silva 06 April 2005 (has links)
A preocupação com a exposição do Homem ao ruído excessivo data dos primórdios da civilização. Com a modernidade, os níveis de ruído têm sido crescentes não só nas atividades laborais, como também nas sociais e recreativas, levando a perda auditiva induzida por níveis de pressão sonora elevada (PAINPS) a ser considerada a segunda maior causa de surdez. Esses fatos nos levaram a realizar estudo experimental buscando avaliar o efeito do nível de pressão sonora elevada e do extrato seco de Ginkgo biloba EGb 761 na cóclea de cobaias albinas, fêmeas e adultas, pela avaliação de eventuais alterações da sua citoarquitetura, por meio de microscopia de luz e pela observação das alterações do epitélio sensorial com microscopia eletrônica de varredura / Human exposition to excessive sound levels has been a cause for preoccupation since the early stages of our civilization. In the Modern Era, sound levels have increased not only at work but also during social and leisure activities, leading the hearing loss induced by high levels of sound pressure to be considered the second most important cause of deafness. Bearing that in mind an experimental work was designed in an attempt to search for the effects of high sound pressure and Ginkgo biloba EGb 761 dry extract to the cochlea of albino adult female guinea pigs with the evaluation of cell architecture alterations by means of light microscopy and also by the evaluation of alterations to the sensory epithelium with the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) array
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Origin & Evolution of the C3HDZ-ACL5-SACL Regulatory Module in Land PlantsSolé Gil, Anna 07 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] El correcto desarrollo de tejidos vasculares depende del ajuste preciso entre la proliferación de células vasculares y la diferenciación celular. En Arabidopsis thaliana, la proliferación de células vasculares en el cambium es potenciada por la citoquinina, la síntesi de la cual está promovida por la actividad dependiente de auxina de un heterodímero de factores de transcripción (TF) formado por LONESOME HIGHWAY (LHW) y por TARGET OF MONOPTEROS 5 (TMO5). Como mecanismo de seguridad, las auxinas también activan un módulo inhibidor que implica la inducción precisa de la Termospermina (Tspm) sintasa ACAULIS5 (ACL5) en células vasculares proliferantes por acción conjunta de las auxinas y del TF Class III HD-ZIP (C3HDZ) AtHB8. Entonces, la Tspm permite la traducción de las proteínas SACL de forma celular autónoma, que perjudican la actividad de LHW.
Sin embargo, la observación de que estos elementos están presentes en los genomas de todas las plantas terrestres - y no sólo de las plantas vasculares - plantea dos preguntas desde una perspectiva evolutiva: (i) ¿cuál es la función de estos genes en las plantas terrestres no vasculares? y (ii) ¿cuándo se creó el módulo regulador concreto? En esta Tesis, mediante la combinación de análisis filogenéticos, celulares y moleculares con la hepática Marchantia polymorpha, proponemos que la auxina y C3HDZ son reguladores ancestrales de la expresión de ACL5, y que esta conexión se mantiene en las traqueófitas y las briófitas existentes. Por el contrario, la traducción dependiente de Tspm de SACL parece ser específica de las traqueófitas, basado en la aparición de un uORF conservado en la secuencia 5' líder de los tránscritos de SACL y en evidencia experimental basada en ensayos transitorios para la traducción de SACL. De acuerdo con estas observaciones, las funciones de MpACL5 y MpSACL son diferentes en M. polymorpha. MpACL5 se expresa en "notches" apicales y modula la bifurcación de los meristemos. Por otro lado, la expresión de MpSACL está mayoritariamente excluida de los "notches" apicales y su actividad afecta negativamente la producción de gemas y rizoides mediante la interacción con MpRSL1. Finalmente, la hibridación de ARN in situ de ortólogos de C3HDZ, ACL5 y SACL en la gimnosperma Ginkgo biloba, el helecho Ceratopteris richardii y la licófita Selaginella kraussiana indican que la expresión de los tres genes se solapa en los tejidos vasculares. Nuestros resultados sugieren que la función de C3HDZ, ACL5 y SACL ha seguido trayectorias evolutivas divergentes en briófitas y traqueófitas, para controlar, finalmente, diferentes funciones específicas dentro de cada linaje. Sólo en las traqueófitas se formó el módulo regulador y se asoció con la restricción de la proliferación de células vasculares. / [CA] El correcte desenvolupament dels teixits vasculars depèn del precís ajust entre la proliferació de cèl·lules vasculars i la diferenciació cel·lular. En Arabidopsis thaliana, la proliferació de cèl·lules vasculars al càmbium és potenciada per la citoquinina, la síntesi de la qual està promoguda per l'activitat dependent d'auxina d'un heterodímer de factors de transcripció (TF) format per LONESOME HIGHWAY (LHW) i TARGET OF MONOPTEROS 5 (TMO5). Com a mecanisme de seguretat, l'auxina també activa un mòdul inhibidor que implica la inducció precisa de la Termospermina (Tspm) sintasa ACAULIS5 (ACL5) en cèl·lules vasculars proliferants per l'acció conjunta de l'auxina i del TF Class III HD-ZIP (C3HDZ) AtHB8. Llavors, la Tspm permet la traducció de les proteïnes SACL de forma autònoma cel·lular, que perjudiquen l'activitat de LHW.
Tanmateix, l'observació de que aquests elements estan presents en els genomes de totes les plantes terrestres - i no només de les plantes vasculars - planteja dues preguntes des d'una perspectiva evolutiva: (i) quina és la funció d'aquests gens en les plantes terrestres no vasculars? i (ii) quan es va crear el mòdul regulador complet? En aquesta Tesi, mitjançant la combinació d'anàlisis filogenètics, cel·lulars i moleculars amb la hepàtica Marchantia polymorpha, proposem que l'auxina i C3HDZ són reguladors ancestrals de l'expressió d'ACL5, i que aquesta connexió es mantén en els traqueòfits i briòfits existents. Per contra, la traducció depenent de Tspm de SACL sembla ser específica dels traqueòfits, basat en l'aparició d'un uORF conservat a la seqüència 5' líder dels trànscrits de SACL i en evidència experimental basada en assajos transitoris per a la traducció de SACL. D'acord amb aquestes observacions, les funcions de MpACL5 i MpSACL són diferents a M. polymorpha. MpACL5 s'expressa en "notch" apicals i modula la bifurcació dels meristems. D'altra banda, l'expressió de MpSACL està majoritàriament exclosa dels "notch" apicals i la seva activitat afecta negativament la producció de gemmes i rizoids mitjançant la interacció amb MpRSL1. Finalment, la hibridació d'ARN in situ d'ortòlegs de C3HDZ, ACL5 i SACL a la gimnosperma Ginkgo biloba, la falguera Ceratopteris richardii i el licòfit Selaginella kraussiana indica que l'expressió dels tres gens es solapa als teixits vasculars. Els nostres resultats suggereixen que la funció de C3HDZ, ACL5 i SACL va seguir trajectòries evolutives divergents en briòfits i traqueòfits, per controlar, finalment, diferents funcions específiques dins de cada llinatge. Només en els traqueòfits es va formar el mòdul regulador i es va associar amb la restricció de la proliferació de cèl·lules vasculars. / [EN] The correct development of vascular tissues depends on the precise adjustment between vascular cell proliferation and cell differentiation. In Arabidopsis thaliana, vascular cell proliferation in the cambium is enhanced by cytokinin, whose synthesis is promoted by the auxin-dependent activity of a transcription factor (TF) heterodimer formed by LONESOME HIGHWAY (LHW) and TARGET OF MONOPTEROS 5 (TMO5). As a safety mechanism, auxin also deploys a negative feedforward regulatory module which involves the precise induction of the Thermospermine (Tspm) synthase ACAULIS5 (ACL5) in proliferating vascular cells by the joint action of auxin and the class-III HD-ZIP (C3HDZ) AtHB8 TF. Tspm then allows the cell-autonomous translation of the SACL proteins, which impair the activity of LHW.
However, the observation that these elements are present in the genomes of all land plants -and not only vascular plants- poses two questions from an evolutionary perspective: (i) what is the function of these genes in non-vascular land plants? and (ii) when was the full regulatory module assembled? In this Thesis, through the combination of phylogenetic, cellular, and molecular genetic analyses with the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha, we propose that auxin and C3HDZ are ancestral regulators of ACL5 expression, and that this connection is maintained in extant tracheophytes and bryophytes. On the contrary, thermospermine-dependent translation of SACL seems to be specific of tracheophytes, based on the appearance of a conserved uORF in the 5' leader sequence of SACL transcripts and on experimental evidence using transient assays for SACL translation. In agreement with these observations, the functions of MpACL5 and MpSACL are different in M. polymorpha. MpACL5 is expressed in apical notches and modulates meristem bifurcation. On the other hand, MpSACL expression is mostly excluded from apical notches and its activity negatively affects gemmae and rhizoid production through the interaction with MpRSL1. Finally, in situ RNA hibridization of C3HDZ, ACL5 and SACL orthologs in the gymnosperm Ginkgo biloba, the fern Ceratopteris richardi and the lycophyte Selaginella kraussiana indicates that the expression of the three genes overlaps in vascular tissues. Our results suggest that the function of C3HDZ, ACL5 and SACL followed divergent evolutionary trajectories in bryophytes and tracheophytes, to ultimately control different lineage-specific functions. Only in tracheophytes was the regulatory module assembled and associated with the restriction of vascular cell proliferation. / Solé Gil, A. (2023). Origin & Evolution of the C3HDZ-ACL5-SACL Regulatory Module in Land Plants [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196681
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A case for memory enhancement : ethical, social, legal, and policy implications for enhancing the memoryMuriithi, Paul Mutuanyingi January 2014 (has links)
The desire to enhance and make ourselves better is not a new one and it has continued to intrigue throughout the ages. Individuals have continued to seek ways to improve and enhance their well-being for example through nutrition, physical exercise, education and so on. Crucial to this improvement of their well-being is improving their ability to remember. Hence, people interested in improving their well-being, are often interested in memory as well. The rationale being that memory is crucial to our well-being. The desire to improve one’s memory then is almost certainly as old as the desire to improve one’s well-being. Traditionally, people have used different means in an attempt to enhance their memories: for example in learning through storytelling, studying, and apprenticeship. In remembering through practices like mnemonics, repetition, singing, and drumming. In retaining, storing and consolidating memories through nutrition and stimulants like coffee to help keep awake; and by external aids like notepads and computers. In forgetting through rituals and rites. Recent scientific advances in biotechnology, nanotechnology, molecular biology, neuroscience, and information technologies, present a wide variety of technologies to enhance many different aspects of human functioning. Thus, some commentators have identified human enhancement as central and one of the most fascinating subject in bioethics in the last two decades. Within, this period, most of the commentators have addressed the Ethical, Social, Legal and Policy (ESLP) issues in human enhancements as a whole as opposed to specific enhancements. However, this is problematic and recently various commentators have found this to be deficient and called for a contextualized case-by-case analysis to human enhancements for example genetic enhancement, moral enhancement, and in my case memory enhancement (ME). The rationale being that the reasons for accepting/rejecting a particular enhancement vary depending on the enhancement itself. Given this enormous variation, moral and legal generalizations about all enhancement processes and technologies are unwise and they should instead be evaluated individually. Taking this as a point of departure, this research will focus specifically on making a case for ME and in doing so assessing the ESLP implications arising from ME. My analysis will draw on the already existing literature for and against enhancement, especially in part two of this thesis; but it will be novel in providing a much more in-depth analysis of ME. From this perspective, I will contribute to the ME debate through two reviews that address the question how we enhance the memory, and through four original papers discussed in part three of this thesis, where I examine and evaluate critically specific ESLP issues that arise with the use of ME. In the conclusion, I will amalgamate all my contribution to the ME debate and suggest the future direction for the ME debate.
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