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On serum lipoproteins in the rat.Yap, James A. January 1966 (has links)
In the early 1900's, investigators (1-6) using ammonium sulfate for the precipitation of serum proteins established an association of lipids with the serum globulins. Upon acidification of a solution of horse serum globulins half-saturated with ammonium sulfate from neutral pH to pH 3.9, Macheboeuf isolated what is now regarded as the first well defined lipid-protein complex of constant composition (5). [...]
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Purification of mitochondrial monoamine oxidase and its properties.Youdim, Moussa B.H. January 1966 (has links)
P.49 missing from ms. (not misnumbering) / Monoamine oxidase (oxidoreductase (deaminating,)) is defined as the enzyme which is responsible for the oxidative deamination of amines such as adrenaline, noradrenaline, serotonin, tryptamine, tyramine and alkyl monoamines. The enzyme was first described in 1928 by Hare-Bernheim. [...]
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Studies on the enzyme systems of the blood.Alivisatos, Spyridon Gerasimo Anastasio A. January 1951 (has links)
The study to be reported here is part of a larger program of research on the preservation of blood. The larger investigation was begun in December, 1939, at the beginning of the second World War, under the sponsorship of the National Research Council of Canada. [...]
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Biochemical investigations of snake venoms in relation to their neurotoxic effects.Braganca, Beatriz M. January 1951 (has links)
Venoms are complex mixtures of pharmacologically very active components, many of which have been shown to be proteins having enzymic activities. They are powerful toxins to man and animals and as such have aroused the interest of investigators in various fields from early times. [...]
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Factors affecting the metabolism of acetylcholine in tissue suspensions.Brodkin, Elliot. January 1951 (has links)
The function of the nervous system is the control and coordination of the various activities of the body. Not only do nerves initiate or modify the specific functions of organs, but they also seem to control the sensitivity of organs in regard to directly attacking stimuli. [...]
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Effect of thyroid hormone on the metabolism of 17a-hydroxypregnenolone and 17a-hydroxyprogesterone in man.Giannopoulos, George. January 1966 (has links)
The evidence is quite conclusive from animal studies that hypothyroidism induced by surgical thyroidectomy or by the administration of antithyroid drugs results in adrenal atrophy, and that an excess of circulating thyroid hormone results in adrenal enlargement. In guinea pigs, thyroid feeding has resulted in a 25 per cent increase in adrenal size (37).
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Hexosemonophosphate oxidation and methemoglobin reduction in human erythrocytes.Francoeur, Marc. January 1951 (has links)
The outbreak of the second world war greatly stimulated investigations on the preservation and use of blood. Numerous groups of workers attacked this problem and rapidly improved methods of preservation and methods for following the survival of red blood cells after transfusion. [...]
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I. Catalytic decomposition of hydroxylamine by hemoglobin. II. Studies of the effects of methyl-bis(beta-chloroethyl) amine and 'anticholine oxidases' on choline metabolism in vitro.Colter, John Sparby. January 1951 (has links)
The vital biological processes of cellular respiration depend on pyrrole pigments. It has been known for a long time that the red blood pigment hemoglobin serves as a carrier of oxygen to the tissues in all vertebrates (with one exception, Amphioxus) and in some invertebrates, and that a closely related substance, myohemoglobin, plays a role in storing oxygen in the red muscles of vertebrates. [...]
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A study on the immunochemistry of hemagglutinins.Rubenstein, David. January 1951 (has links)
This study was undertaken as a continuation of the investigation of the preservation of blood started at the beginning of World War II in the department of biochemistry at McGill University by Collip and Denstedt. At that time the only reliable method for testing the viability of the cells in a preserved sample and the efficiency of a preservative solution, or method was the laborious biological procedure of transfusing the preserved cells and following the rate of elimination of the donor cells in the recipient. [...]
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On the preparation of estrone-16-C14 and the study of its metabolism.Thompson, Lloyd M. Thompson. January 1951 (has links)
In 1916 Lanthrop and Loeb (l) demonstrated a diminished incidence of spontaneous mammary cancer in female mice of known high incidence strains as a sequel to castration. This observation clearly implicated the ovarian hormone secretions (2), acting in conjunction with hereditary factors, in the transformation of normal to cancerous tissue in the mammary gland. [...]
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