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Funktionale Charakterisierung an der Biofilmbildung beteiligter Faktoren pathogener und kommensaler Escherichia coliReidl, Sebastian January 2009 (has links)
Würzburg, Univ., Diss., 2009. / Zsfassung in engl. Sprache.
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Einfluss des C:N:P-Verhältnisses auf die Bildung von BiofilmenScheen, Jürgen. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Universiẗat, Diss., 2003--Dortmund.
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Extrazelluläre polymere Substanzen (EPS) in vertikal durchströmten PflanzenkläranlagenMaciel, Naylson Moreira. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Techn. Universiẗat, Diss., 2004--Berlin.
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Estudo epidemiológico de Staphylococcus spp em ambientes, água e portadores sadios e determinação da sensibilidade a antimicrobianos /Lancellotti, Marcelo. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Fernando Antônio de Ávila / Banca: Patrícia Amoroso / Banca: Branca Maria de Oliveira Santos / Banca: Ruben Pablo Schocken-Iturrino / Banca: José Moacir Marin / Resumo: Este trabalho objetivou trazer uma contribuição aos estudos relacionados à infecção cruzada, por Staphylococcus spp, dentro do ambiente dos consultórios odontológicos, destacando as principais fontes de contaminação e o provável risco a que os profissionais e pacientes estão expostos. Foram coletadas 160 amostras de água, 300 amostras de fômites e 360 amostras das mãos (direita e esquerda) e da cavidade nasal de dentistas, auxiliares e pacientes em 40 consultórios. A determinação da contagem de Staphylococcus spp na água, pelo método de filtração em Millipore® ,mostrou que 28% não atenderam ao padrão de potabilidade estabelecidos pela American Dental Association. Dentre os consultórios estudados, os de atendimento de convênio apresentaram a maior contaminação da água (62,5%) e os consultórios particulares (36%) e de convênios (35%) apresentaram maior contaminação em relação aos fômites pesquisados. As regiões de fômites mais contaminadas foram: assento (90%), maçaneta (80%), aparelho de Rx (76%) e caneta de alta rotação (70%). A área anatômica mais contaminada foi à cavidade nasal (66%) seguido da mão esquerda (57%) e mão direita (42%). A correlação entre os isolados de Staphylococcus spp nos fômites, água e áreas anatômicas significativa, podendo ser sugerido que houve infecção cruzada nos consultórios odontológicos estudados. As cepas de Staphylococcus spp, isoladas das águas de abastecimento do equipamento odontológico, foram sensíveis aos antibióticos ciprofloxacina (97%) e vancomicina (91%) e resistentes a oxacilina (78%), enquanto, as cepas, isoladas de fômites, das mãos e cavidade nasal foram sensíveis ao antibiótico ciprofloxacina (85%) e resistentes a oxacilina (88%). / Abstract: This work aimed at making a contribution to studies related to cross infection by Staphylococcus spp in the environment of dental offices, focusing on main contamination sources and possible risk for professionals and patients. There have been collected 160 samples of water, 300 samples of fomites, and 360 samples from hands (right and left) and nasal cavities of dentists, assistants, and patients in 40 dental offices. The count determination of Staphylococcus spp in water, through the Millipore® filtering method, has shown that 28% did not meet the standard of potability established by the American Dental Association. Among studied dental offices, dental care plan offices have presented the highest rate of contamination of water (62,5%), and private offices (36%) and dental care plan offices (35%) have presented the highest rate of contamination as to researched fomites. The most contaminated fomites areas were: chair (90%), door knob (80%), Rx device (76%), and high-speed handpiece (70%). The most contaminated anatomical area was the nasal cavity (66%), followed by left (57%) and right hands (42%). The correlation among isolated Staphylococcus spp in fomites, water, and anatomical areas was significant, therefore, it might be suggested that there has been cross infection in the studied dental offices. Strains of Staphylococcus spp, which had been isolated from dental equipment water, were sensible to antibiotics ciprofloxacin (97%) and vancomycin (91%), and they were resistant to oxacillin (78%); on the other hand, strains isolated from fomites in hands and nasal cavities were sensible to antibiotics ciprofloxacin (85%) and oxacillin (88%). / Doutor
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Mikrobiální půdní aktivity v půdách spontánně vznikajících na obnažené matečné horniněChmelár, Šimon January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Efeito antibacteriano do acido anacÃrdico em culturas planctÃnicas e biofilmes de Streptococcus mutans. / Antibacterial effect of the anacardic acid on planktonic cultures and biofilms of Streptococcus mutansDenise Lins de Sousa 30 April 2014 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Ãcido anacÃrdico à um composto extraÃdo do lÃquido da castanha de caju (LCC) e tem emergido como um composto promissor devido a sua variedade de propriedades biolÃgicas. Este estudo està dividido em trÃs capÃtulos, cujos objetivos foram: capÃtulo 1) investigar a atividade antibacteriana de uma emulsÃo de Ãcidos anacÃrdicos, extraÃdos do LCC, e de uma emulsÃo sintÃtica do Ãcido anacÃrdico, em culturas planctÃnicas de Streptococcus mutans, bem como avaliar sua citotoxicidade in vitro; capÃtulo 2) avaliar o efeito de diferentes concentraÃÃes de uma emulsÃo de Ãcidos anacÃrdicos extraÃdos do LCC em biofilmes maduros de S. mutans; e capÃtulo 3) avaliar o efeito da aplicaÃÃo Ãnica versus aplicaÃÃo duas vezes ao dia de diferentes concentraÃÃes de uma emulsÃo de Ãcidos anacÃrdicos em biofilmes de S. mutans. A atividade antibacteriana das emulsÃes foi determinada atravÃs da concentraÃÃo inibitÃria mÃnima (CIM) e concentraÃÃo bactericida mÃnima (CBM), e a citotoxicidade foi mensurada atravÃs do reagente CellTiter Blue (capÃtulo 1). Biofilmes foram crescidos em discos de hidroxiapatita imersos em caldo de peptona caseÃna soja e extrato de levedura com 1% sacarose por cinco dias. Biofilmes foram tratados com a emulsÃo de Ãcidos anacÃrdicos por um minuto no Ãltimo dia do experimento para avaliar seu efeito em biofilme maduro; viabilidade bacteriana e mensuraÃÃo de peso seco foram realizadas (capÃtulo 2). Diferentes concentraÃÃes da emulsÃo de Ãcidos anacÃrdicos foram aplicadas apenas no Ãltimo dia do experimento e duas vezes ao dia durante cinco dias para avaliar o efeito de diferentes aplicaÃÃes da emulsÃo de Ãcidos anacÃrdicos em biofilmes de S. mutans; viabilidade bacteriana, mensuraÃÃo de peso seco e quantificaÃÃo de polissacarÃdeos foram realizados (capÃtulo 3). A CIM e CBM da emulsÃo de Ãcidos anacÃrdicos (LCC) em cultura planctÃnica foram 0,48 μg/ml; e a CIM da emulsÃo sintÃtica do Ãcido anacÃrdico foi 4,38 μg/ml, mas sua CBM nÃo pÃde ser determinada (> 3.200 μg/ml) (capÃtulo 1). Observou-se uma reduÃÃo significante na viabilidade bacteriana de biofilmes maduros apÃs tratamento com as concentraÃÃes da emulsÃo de Ãcidos anacÃrdicos, mas estas nÃo alteraram o peso seco do biofilme (capÃtulo 2). O tratamento diÃrio com diferentes concentraÃÃes da emulsÃo de Ãcidos anacÃrdicos reduziu a viabilidade bacteriana do biofilme e modificou os nÃveis de polissacarÃdeos intracelular e extracelulares (capÃtulo 3). Pode-se concluir que a emulsÃo de Ãcidos anacÃrdicos apresenta-se como um promissor agente antibacteriano, tendo a capacidade de reduzir a viabilidade do S. mutans tanto em culturas planctÃnicas quanto em biofilmes. / Anacardic acid is an extract from processing of cashew nut shell liquid (CNSL) and it has been recognized to have several biological activities. This study is divided into three chapters, whose aims were: chapter 1) to investigate the antibacterial activity of an anacardic acids emulsion, from CNSL, and a synthetic emulsion of anacardic acid on planktonic cultures of S. mutans as well as to evaluate its cytotoxic effect in vitro; chapter 2) to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of an anacardic acids emulsion on Streptococcus mutans mature biofilm; and chapter 3) to evaluate the effect of a single and daily treatment of an anacardic acids emulsion on Streptococcus mutans biofilm. The antibacterial activity of the emulsions was determined using the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC), and the cytotoxicity was evaluated using CellTiter-Blue cell viability (chapter 1). The biofilms were grown on hydroxyapatite discs and immersed in tryptone yeast-extract broth containing 1% (w/v) sucrose for 5 days. The biofilms were exposed to anacardic acids emulsion for 1 min on the last day of experiment to evaluate its effect on mature biofilm; bacterial viability and dry weight were analyzed (chapter 2). Different concentrations of anacardic acids emulsion were applied on the last day of the experiment and twice daily until the fifth day to evaluate the effects of different treatments of anacardic acids emulsion on S. mutans biofilms; bacterial viability, dry weight and polysaccharides were analyzed (chapter 3). The MBC and MIC of the anacardic acids emulsion (from CNSL) on planktonic culture were 0.48 μg/ml; the MIC of the synthetic emulsion of anacardic acid was 4.38 μg/ml, but the MBC could not be determined (> 3,200 μg/ml) (chapter 1). Significant decreases in the viability of mature biofilms were observed after anacardic acids emulsion treatment, but they did not change the amount of dry weight (chapter 2). The daily treatment with different concentrations of anacardic acids emulsion decreased the bacterial viability and modified the polysaccharides levels on biofilm (chapter 3). We concluded that anacardic acids emulsion is a promising antibacterial agent, and it can decrease S. mutans viability in planktonic cultures and in biofilms.
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Análise biomolecular de comunidades microbianas subgengivais associadas às periodontites crônica e agressiva generalizadas / Biomolecular analyses of subgingival microbial communities from generalized chronic and agressive periodontitisCruz, Sergio Eduardo Braga da 06 July 2010 (has links)
Orientadores: Reginaldo Bruno Gonçalves, Daniel Saito / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T03:29:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Cruz_SergioEduardoBragada_D.pdf: 4484196 bytes, checksum: 41cbfe2b81d194ae03d4070bbe8108b8 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Há um consenso que outros micro-organismos além de Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Tannerella forsythia (Tf) e Treponema denticola (Td) estariam correlacionados às periodontites, inclusive algumas espécies ainda não identificadas. Nosso objetivo foi estudar as microbiotas subgengivais de indivíduos com periodontite crônica generalizada (PCG) e periodontite agressiva generalizada (PAG) para avaliar diferenças entre suas microbiotas. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS-Foram selecionados 15 indivíduos com PCG e 14 com PAG. Coletou-se amostra do biofilme subgengival de uma bolsa periodontal profunda (BP-PS ? 7mm) e uma moderada (BM - PS entre 5 e 6 mm) de cada indivíduo. Foi preparado e analisado, por meio de DGGE, o perfil bacteriano entre os grupos. A similaridade e a análise de cluster do padrão de UTO's foram verificadas utilizando-se coeficiente de Jaccard e a construção do dendrograma realizada por UPGMA. Realizou-se também análise clonal direta de 10 amostras de BP de cada grupo e as sequências foram agrupadas em táxons com similaridade >97%. RESULTADOS-DGGE - No perfil de DGGE foi observada uma tendência para a formação de grupos em BP, mas não em BM, com a presença de dois grupos maiores e distintos de oito indivíduos tanto para PCG como PAG, com variação de similaridade intra-grupo entre 53,6-68,4% e 50,2-64,7%, respectivamente. Análise clonal - Foram identificados 109 táxons conhecidos a partir de 987 clones. Ao todo 44 gêneros bacterianos, 28 gêneros comuns aos dois grupos, nove que se apresentaram apenas para PCG e sete para PAG. Entre os dois grupos foram observados 34 táxons comuns, sendo 42 específicos para PAG e 37 para PCG. A espécie Tf foi detectada em 90% dos indivíduos com PCG e 80% com PAG, Pg foi detectada em 70% com PCG e 50%
com PAG e Td foi detectada em 40% com PCG e 30% PAG. A espécie Aa foi encontrada em somente 20% de PCG e 30% de PAG. A espécie Filifactor alocis foi observada em altas taxas e prevalência em PCG (58 clones, 90%) e PAG (91 clones, 90%). As espécies encontradas exclusivamente por grupo com prevalência acima de dois pacientes foram: PCG: Treponema lecithinolyticum, Selenomonas dianae, Prevotella pleuritidis, Dialister pneumosintes; e para PAG: Fusobacterium nucleatum ss vincentii, Veillonella parvula, Peptococcus sp. Cepa GEA8, Streptococcus gordonii, Lautropia mirabilis, Gemella sanguinis, Afipia broomeae. Para os filotipos, PCG: Peptostreptococcaceae sp. Clone-MCE10_174, Fusobacterium sp. C-I035, Veillonellaceae sp. C-JS031; PAG: Peptostreptococcaceae sp. C-PUS9170, Treponema sp. CG093. Apesar de não haver exclusividade entre grupos, é de nota os filotipos Synergistes sp. clone W028 (80% e 60%) e o clone D084 (70% e 10%) em PCG e PAG, respectivamente. O filotipo Bacteroidetes sp. AU126 foi encontrado tanto em PCG (60%) como PAG (30%). CONCLUSÃO - O presente trabalho demonstrou por meio de DGGE uma tendência a um perfil microbiano comum entre a maioria das amostras estudadas, entretanto, sem seu completo delineamento como dois grupos distintos microbiologicamente. A análise clonal, apesar de algumas espécies específicas entre grupos, demonstrou pequenas diferenças, sem, entretanto, delinear grupos microbiologicamente específicos. / Abstract: There is an agreement that not only the already known periodontopathogens, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa), Porphyromonas gingivalis (Pg), Tannerella forsythia (Tf) and Treponema denticola (Td) would be involved in periodontitis, but also some others micro-organisms not-yet-identified. The scope of this study is to compare the subgingival microbiota in generalized chronic periodontitis (GCP) or generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAP) subjects. MATERIAL AND METHODS - 15 subjects with GCP and 14 with GAP were enrolled. One subgingival biofilm sample from a periodontal deep pocket (DP) with PD ? 7mm and one from a moderate pocket (MP) with PD from 5 to 6 mm were harvested from each subject. The microbial profiles (OTU's) were compared between groups by DGGE and the similarity OTU profile was analyzed by Jaccard coefficient and the dendrogram and cluster analyses were made by UPGMA. The direct clonal analysis of the 16SrDNA from 10 samples of each group from DP was made. The sequences were grouped in clusters of taxa with > 97% similarity. RESULTS - DGGE - It was observed in the profile a tendency for eight subjects from each group to assemble as clusters in the DP, but not for the MP samples, with similarities between 53.6-68.4% (GCP) and 50.2-64.7% (GAP). Clonal analyses - One-hundred-and-nine already recognized taxa were obtained from 987 clones. From a total of 44 bacterial genera, 28 were common for both groups; nine were exclusive to PCG and seven to PAG subjects. It was found 34 common taxa between GCP and GAP, 37 were specific for GCP and 42 for GAP. The Tf species was found in 90% from GCP subjects and 80% from GAP subjects, Pg was found in 70% from GCP and in 50% from GAP and Td was detected in 40% from GCP and 30% from GAP. The Aa species were found in only 20% GCP subjects and in 30% from GAP. Filifactor alocis species were detected in high prevalence in both GCP (58 clones, 90%) and PAG (91 clones, 90%). The species which were detected exclusively in each group, with 20% prevalence or more were, for GCP: Treponema lecithinolyticum, Selenomonas dianae, Prevotella pleuritidis, Dialister pneumosintes; and GAP: Fusobacterium nucleatum ss vincentii, Veillonella parvula, Peptococcus sp. Cepa GEA8, Streptococcus gordonii, Lautropia mirabilis, Gemella sanguinis, Afipia broomeae. In relation to phylotypes, PCG: Peptostreptococcaceae sp. Clone-MCE10_174, Fusobacterium sp. C-I035, Veillonellaceae sp. C-JS031; PAG: Peptostreptococcaceae sp. C-PUS9170, Treponema sp. C-G093. Despite not been found exclusively for neither GCP nor GAP, the phylotypes Synergistes sp. clone W028 (80% e 60%) and clone D084 (70% e 10%) had a notable presence in GCP and GAP, respectively. The phylotype Bacteroidetes sp. AU126 was found in GCP (60%) and GAP (30%) groups. CONCLUSION - The present study demonstrated by DGGE a slight tendency to the clustering of the microbial profile of some GCP and GAP subjects, although these were not well delineated. The clonal analyses showed some differences, but also could not show GCP and GAP as microbiologic distinct profiles. / Doutorado / Microbiologia e Imunologia / Doutor em Biologia Buco-Dental
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Avaliação da atividade antimicrobiana de óleos essenciais contra microrganismos do grupo mutans e determinação da atividade antiproliferativa / Antimicrobial activity of essential oils on mutans Streptococci and determination of their antiproliferative effectGalvão, Lívia Câmara de Carvalho, 1985- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Pedro Luiz Rosalen, Marta Cristina Teixeira Duarte / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T05:30:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Galvao_LiviaCamaradeCarvalho_M.pdf: 2503098 bytes, checksum: 760c43af0e7b213e1e3e3c97f4e922d7 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a atividade antimicrobiana, in vitro, de óleos essenciais e frações dos óleos de melhor atividade, contra microrganismos do grupo mutans em estado planctônico. Além disso, os biofilmes de Streptococcus mutans foram submetidos às frações ativas e os óleos de melhor atividade e frações ativas foram avaliados quanto à sua citotoxicidade e caracterizados quimicamente. Para isso, vinte óleos essenciais (OE) foram obtidos por hidrodestilação a partir de plantas pertencentes ao banco de germoplasmas da Coleção de Plantas Medicinais e Aromáticas (CPMA/CPQBA/UNICAMP). Estes OE foram avaliados quanto à sua atividade antimicrobiana por meio dos ensaios: concentrações inibitória (CIM) e bactericida mínima (CBM) contra Streptococcus mutans UA159. Controles positivo (clorexidina 0,12 %) e negativo (propilenoglicol 6,12 % e 25 %) também foram testados...Observação: O resumo, na íntegra, poderá ser visualizado no texto completo da tese digital / Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro antimicrobial activity of essential oils (EO) and fractions from highest activity EO against planktonic cells of mutans streptococci. Besides, the biofilms formed by this microorganism were submitted to active fractions and the higher activity EO and active fractions were evaluated regarding their citotoxicity and chemically characterized. For this, twenty essentinal oils were obtained from plants of the "Collectio of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants" (CPMA, CPQBA/UNICAMP), germplasm bank by hydrodistillation. These EO were evaluated by antimicrobial assays: minimum inhibitory (MIC) and bactericidal (MBC) concentrations against Streptococcus mutans UA159. Positive (chlorhexidine 0.12%) and negative (propylene glycol 6.12 % and 25%) controls were also tested...Note: The complete abstract is available with the full electronic document / Mestrado / Farmacologia, Anestesiologia e Terapeutica / Mestre em Odontologia
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Modelling water quality for water distribution systemsMaier, Stefan Heinrich January 1999 (has links)
Maintaining water quality in distribution systems has become a prominent issue in the study of water networks. This thesis concentrates on disinfectant and particle counts as two important indicators of water quality. The models discussed in this work are based on data collected by the author. The experimental set-up and procedure are described and observations of particle counts, particle counter size distributions, monochloramine as disinfectant, temperature, heterotrophic plate counts and epifluorescence microscopy counts are reported. A model of the response of particle counts to an increase in flow is developed. This model is obtained from specification derived from the data and assumptions, and is validated by its interpretability and its fit to data. A local shear-off density and an initial biofilm shedding profile were introduced and thus a linear model for this part of the water quality dynamics could be obtained. A procedure for the identification of the parameters of the local shear-off function and for the determination of the biofilm shedding profile is presented. This profile can be used to provide information about the status of the distribution system in terms of shear-off from the biofilm on the pipe walls. Monochloramine decay dynamics are investigated. The chlorine meter data is preprocessed with the help of titration data to correct meter drift. The data is then used in calibrating two different possible chlorine models: a model with a single decay coefficient and a model with bulk decay coefficient and wall demand (as used in Epanet). Important difficulties in identifying these parameters that come about because of the structure of the models are highlighted. Identified decay coefficients are compared and tested for flow, inlet chlorine and temperature dependence. The merits and limits of the approach to modelling taken in this work and a possible generalisation are discussed. The water industry perspective and an outlook are provided.
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Study of high protein dairy powder (MPC80) susceptibility to fouling and efficacy of micro-nano-bubble aqueous ozone in removal of Bacillus spp. biofilms on stainless steel surfacesGandhi, Gagan January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Food Science Institute / Jayendra K. Amamcharla / Fouling and biofilm formation on stainless-steel (SS) surfaces can be sources for cross-contamination and pose a great threat to the public health and food quality. The dairy industry needs an intervention strategy focusing on technologies discouraging the biofilm attachment and developing a sustainable eco-friendly approach for biofilm removal from the dairy processing surfaces. Since fouling encourages the attachment of bacteria to the SS surfaces, it becomes important to study the ways of reducing the fouling. The bacterial attachment to the fouled SS surfaces can be prevented by modifying the SS surface properties by chemical (using coatings) or mechanical methods. On the other hand, the degree of fouling can also be reduced by using good quality raw materials. The objective-1 of the study was focused on understanding the relationship between effect of milk protein concentrate (MPC80) solubility characteristics and fouling on SS surfaces during thermal processing. The powders were stored at different temperatures (25 ºC and 40 ºC) for 2 weeks to generate powders with different dissolution characteristics. Fouling characteristics of reconstituted MPC80 powder were studied using a custom-built benchtop plate heat exchanger. Exposing the MPC80 powder to a higher temperature during storage (40 ºC) significantly decreased the solubility and increased the amount of foulant on SS coupons (P < 0.05). Microscopic investigations (scanning electron microscopy and laser scanning confocal microscopy) of resulting fouled layers revealed heterogeneous fouling layers of varying tomographies, consisting of lipids, proteins, and calcium.
In the second study, the efficacy of Micro- and Nano-bubble aqueous ozone (MNAO) as a disinfectant was studied in removal of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus licheniformis biofilm from the SS surface. For the Bacillus cereus biofilm removal, a log reduction of only 0.68 cfu/cm2 was observed after the de-ionized water wash. Whereas both MNAO and cleaning-in-place (CIP) treatments significantly reduced the bacterial counts by 2.43 and 2.88 log10 cfu/cm2, respectively. On the other hand, for the Bacillus licheniformis biofilm removal from SS surfaces, a significant log reduction observed was 1.45, 3.03, 2.92 log10 cfu/cm2, respectively after de-ionzed water, MNAO, and CIP treatments. Thus, it was observed that MNAO has great potential for removal of Bacillus cereus and Bacillus licheniformis biofilms from the SS surface, and can be used in the dairy industry as an effective sanitizer/disinfectant
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