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Effekten av å aktivere en genklynge med potensiell kitin syntase aktivitet i Erwinia carotovora / The Effect of Activating a Gene with Potential Chitin Synthase Activity in Erwinia carotovoraHagen, Kjersti Næss January 2011 (has links)
Kitin er en langkjedet, nitrogenholdig polymer som er bygget opp av N-acetyl-glukosamin-enheter (GlcNAc), og finnes i blant annet det ytre skallet til leddyr, og i celleveggen til sopp. Biosyntese av kitin er katalysert av enzymet kitin syntase som overfører GlcNAc til den ikke-reduserende enden av den voksende polymeren via substratet UDP-GlcNAc. Når kitin deacetyleres dannes det kitosan, som består av en blanding av GlcNAc og GlcN. Kitin og kitosan har en rekke egenskaper som gjør at de har mange ulike bruksområder. De er blant annet biokompatible og biodegraderbare, noe som gjør de svært godt egnet til medisinske og farmasøytiske bruksområder, og kitosan er en effektiv flokkulant på grunn av positivt ladete aminogrupper, og kan brukes til rensing av drikkevann og avløpsvann. Studier av genomsekvensen til E. carotovora har vist at det inneholder en genklynge hvor et gen (ECA2046) koder for en potensiell kitin syntase. Det kan se ut til at flere av genene i samme genklynge, inkludert ECA2046 tilhører samme operon. Formålet med denne oppgaven var å aktivere transkripsjon av ECA2046 ved hjelp av den induserbare PmDI-8 promotoren, og undersøke om dette førte til produksjon av bakteriell kitin. Det var også ønskelig å forsøke å aktivere hele det antatte operonet dersom produktene fra de andre genene er nødvendig for produksjon av en aktiv kitin syntase. Det ble konstruert to ulike rekombineringsvektorer, pKNH25 og pKNH35. I disse vektorene er henholdsvis ECA2046 og ECA2048 klonet inn nedstrøms for PmDI-8. ECA2048 er det første genet i det antatte operonet. Vektorene ble overført ved konjugering fra E. coli S17.1 til E. carotovora. De overførte plasmidene ble integrert i genomet til E.carotovora ved homolog rekombinering. Mutantene ble dyrket videre for å danne ønskede mutanter som hadde fått inkorporert PmDI-8 og xylS, og mistet resten av plasmidet ved videre rekombinering. Det ble funnet en ønsket mutant etter rekombinering med pKNH25, denne ble kalt E.carotovora KNH25, og PmDI-8 i denne mutanten vil kontrollere transkripsjon av ECA2046 og eventuelt nedstrømsgenet ECA2045 som koder for an mulig NAD avhengig epimerase/dehydratase. Ingen ønskede mutanter etter videre rekombinering av muntanten som hadde fått integrert pKNH35 ble funnet, og det var derfor ikke mulig å undersøke om aktivering av transkripsjon av hele det antatte operonet ville føre til produksjon av bakteriell kitin. E.carotovora KNH25 ble dyrket i medium tilsatt induseren m-toluat for å aktivere transkripsjon fra PmDI-8. Analyser av flokkuleringsaktiviteten viste ingen aktivitet, og derfor ingen merkbar produksjon av bioflokkulanter. 1H NMR-analyser ga heller ingen tydelig indikasjon på at det var produsert noe kitosanlignende produkt. Ut ifra NMR-spekteret kan det se ut som det er en blanding av flere stoffer, og grunnet tydelige topper mellom 3,5 og 4 ppm kan det tyde på at det er en annen polymer til stede siden dette område ofte indikerer protoner på sukkermonomerne i polysakkarider. Ved dyrking av både villtypen og mutanten i samme medium, med og uten induser, ble det produsert like store mengder stoff som kan felles med etanol uavhengig av tilstedeværelse av induser. Siden verken målingene av flokkuleringsaktiviteten eller 1H NMR-spekteret gir noen indikasjon på at det er kitosan til stede, og det heller ikke viser seg noen økning i produsert stoff som felles med etanol ved aktivering av PmDI-8 promotoren i E.carotovora KNH25, er det lite som tyder på at aktivering av transkripsjon av kun ECA2046 og eventuelt ECA2045 fører til produksjon av en aktiv kitin syntase, eller et annet aktivt enzym som katalyserer dannelsen av en eventuell polymer som kan felles med etanol.
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Chitosan-based nanoparticles for siRNA-mediated downregulation of P-glycoprotein in rat brain endothelial cells in vitroAuganes, Hanne January 2011 (has links)
Chitosans are cationic polymers desirable for use in nucleic acid delivery due to its biocompability, biodegradable and low toxic nature. The P-glycoprotein (P-gp) pump is a member of membrane transporters in brain endothelial cells which recognizes xenobiotics, extruding them from the cells. P-gp is a highly clinically relevant target as it also limits accessibility of drugs from the blood to the brain.The overall aim of this work was to investigate the feasibility of using chitosan as a delivery vehicle for siRNA-mediated knockdown of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) efflux pump in an in vitro model of blood brain barrier. The human lung cancer cells (H1299) stably expressing GFP was used for screening and optimization of the delivery system and conditions. Lung cancer is often represented among multidrug resistant cell lines and is therefore also a suitable target for knockdown of transporters. The main objective was to implement this knowledge to efficiently downregulate the P-gp pump residing in the rat brain endothelial cell line RBE4. The approach was to first establish suitable physiochemical characteristics of the chitosans like DPn and the N/P ratios of chitosan/siRNA complexes by studying exogenous GFP and endogenous GAPDH expression and uptake of fluorescently labeled siRNA by flow cytometry. Cytotoxicity profiling of the chitosans and polyplexes was preformed with AlamarBlue, PI-staining, Cell counting and BCA assay. We further investigated the effect of chitosan mediated mdr1a-siRNA on drug efflux in the RBE4 cells using two functional assays; Rhodamine 123 efflux by flow cytometry and visualization of the anticancer drug Doxorubicin by CLSM.We demonstrated that chitosan can be used as an efficent delivery vehicle for siRNA in both H1299 and RBE4 cells with negligible cytotoxicity in vitro. The formulated chitosan/siRNA polyplexes was found to dependent on DPn and N/P ratios in order to exert maximal effect on both uptake and knockdown. Specifically, we managed to downregulate the P-gp expression in RBE4 cells using chitosans with a high DPn complexed with mdr1a-siRNA in a low N/P ratio. Together these results elucidate the potential of chitosan mediated siRNA downregulation of the P-gp pump in RBE4 cells and further development for in vivo applications.
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Granule-containing cells of rat carotid body and their biogenic amines : an electron microscopic and biochemical studyHellström, Sten January 1975 (has links)
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Endogenous proteolytic enzymes - Studies of their impact on fish muscle proteins and textureHultmann, Lisbeth January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis covers studies on endogenous proteolytic enzymes and their impact on fish muscle proteins and texture. The studies have been performed using Atlantic salmon (<i>Salmo salar</i>) and cod (<i>Gadus morhua</i>) subjected to different treatments and storage conditions.</p><p>The textural properties were very different in the two species. Salmon fillets were significantly softer and less resilient than cod fillets, and the properties changed somewhat differently during storage experiments. Different proteolytic enzymes have been reported to participate in muscle softening. Some of these enzymes were investigated, and specific proteolytic activities were detected throughout the storage periods. Collagenase-like enzymes seem to be the most important for cod muscle texture. Microorganisms and/or microbial enzymes seem not to be important for changes in salmon muscle texture. Results suggest that the cathepsin B-like enzymes are important for salmon texture. The activities of the proteolytic enzymes may be greatly affected by the muscle pH, and by the treatment(s) the fish are subjected to. In any case, changes caused by differences in proteolytic activities may need some time to be detectable or have significant impact on fish quality.</p><p>When cod fillets are stored in ice, it is highly recommended to keep the temperature low. Even a relatively mild temperature abuse was sufficient to result in less favorable textural characteristics, and make the fillets seem older than their days of storage.</p><p>Salmon fillets are often subjected to cold-smoking. The smoking temperature was important for the solubility properties of the muscle proteins, and for their composition, but did not affect the proteolytic activity. The effects of the processing parameters were most important early in the product’s shelf life, as the differences caused by the different smoking temperatures were reduced by further storage of the smoked samples.</p> / Paper II and III are reprinted with kind permission of Elsevier, sciencedirect.com
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Endogenous proteolytic enzymes - Studies of their impact on fish muscle proteins and textureHultmann, Lisbeth January 2004 (has links)
This thesis covers studies on endogenous proteolytic enzymes and their impact on fish muscle proteins and texture. The studies have been performed using Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and cod (Gadus morhua) subjected to different treatments and storage conditions. The textural properties were very different in the two species. Salmon fillets were significantly softer and less resilient than cod fillets, and the properties changed somewhat differently during storage experiments. Different proteolytic enzymes have been reported to participate in muscle softening. Some of these enzymes were investigated, and specific proteolytic activities were detected throughout the storage periods. Collagenase-like enzymes seem to be the most important for cod muscle texture. Microorganisms and/or microbial enzymes seem not to be important for changes in salmon muscle texture. Results suggest that the cathepsin B-like enzymes are important for salmon texture. The activities of the proteolytic enzymes may be greatly affected by the muscle pH, and by the treatment(s) the fish are subjected to. In any case, changes caused by differences in proteolytic activities may need some time to be detectable or have significant impact on fish quality. When cod fillets are stored in ice, it is highly recommended to keep the temperature low. Even a relatively mild temperature abuse was sufficient to result in less favorable textural characteristics, and make the fillets seem older than their days of storage. Salmon fillets are often subjected to cold-smoking. The smoking temperature was important for the solubility properties of the muscle proteins, and for their composition, but did not affect the proteolytic activity. The effects of the processing parameters were most important early in the product’s shelf life, as the differences caused by the different smoking temperatures were reduced by further storage of the smoked samples. / Paper II and III are reprinted with kind permission of Elsevier, sciencedirect.com
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Studies of Insulin and Cytokine Regulation of Fatty Acid Desaturases, FOXO3A and FOXO3A Target Genes in THP-1 MonocytesTønnessen, Marianne Lode January 2012 (has links)
The increase of obesity that we have experienced during the last decades and its association with insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes and other metabolic diseases has resulted in an enormous interest for understanding the mechanisms underlying these disorders. Tissue inflammation triggered by food with a high glycemic index has been suggested to be an important mediator in the development of insulin resistance. Despite great research efforts lately, more research is needed in order to understand how nutrients interact with the genetic factors that control and triggers the inflammatory responses. The composition of macronutrients in a diet influences the levels of insulin secretion in the body. Besides controlling the blood glucose concentration, insulin also regulates a range of inflammatory processes. Inflammation is largely dependent on some small cell-signaling molecules called cytokines, as these activate a wide range of inflammatory-related genes. The objective of this study is to explore the regulatory effects of insulin and cytokines on the transcription of the following selected genes related to inflammation; D5D, D6D, SCD and FOXO3A. In addition, expression of TRAIL, BTG1 and TWIST1 is studied as they all are target genes for FOXO3A, and related to inflammatory processes and/or glucose metabolism. Quantitative-PCR was used to study mRNA expression of relevant genes in THP-1 cells treated with insulin and cytokines. As the investigation was performed on THP-1 monocytes, it was necessary to optimize the in vitro conditions in order to obtain a maximal response from the insulin and cytokine treatments. The concentration of insulin was an important factor in this study, because the regulation of FOXO3A and desaturases (D5D, D6D and SCD) mRNA expression seemed to be dose-dependent. The treatment period was also critical, as a set of time-course experiments revealed that FOXO3A and the desaturases were regulated by insulin and cytokines at different time-points. In this study, THP-1 cells treated with insulin and/or cytokines revealed significant regulations of the relevant genes. Gene expression of D5D, D6D and SCD was significantly up-regulated in response to insulin. Furthermore, mRNA expression of the transcription factor FOXO3A was significantly down-regulated by insulin, IL-1&#946; and TNF-&#945;. However, neither FOXO3A nor the desaturases were cooperatively regulated by these stimulating factors. TRAIL, TWIST and BTG1 on the other hand, were significantly up-regulated in a synergistic manner when cells were treated with a combination of insulin, IL-1&#946; and TNF-&#945;. The observed regulation of gene expressions in THP-1 monocytes treated with insulin and cytokines suggests that insulin may affect the regulation of inflammatory related genes in circulating human monocytes. As insulin is secreted in the bloodstream followed by elevated levels of glucose after a meal, these results may reflect possible diet-induced changes in gene expression.
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Alginat - protein interaksjoner / Alginate - Protein InteractionsKristoffersen, Lill June January 2011 (has links)
Lite er kjent i forhold til proteiners interaksjon med alginat, noe som er viktig å ha kjennskap til ved bruk av biopolymeren som immobiliseringsmateriale for celler og proteiner. Denne oppgaven er derfor en studie av alginat protein interaksjoner. En interaksjon med albumin, fibrinogen og insulin ble undersøkt, da proteinene har relevans i forhold til release systemer av proteiner, og en immunrespons mot alginatkuler ved celletransplantasjon. Lysozym ble brukt som positiv kontroll, ettersom proteinet er kjent å interagere med alginat.Ettersom alginat er negative ladet er det naturlig å tro at elektrostatiske krefter har betydning for polymerens vekselvirkning med andre molekyler. For å undersøke elektrostatiske krefters innflytelse på alginat protein interaksjoner, ble proteinenes elektrostatiske overflatepotensial modellert ved hjelp av Adopter Poisson-Boltzmann Solver (APBS). Isoterm titreringskalorimetri (ITC) ble videre brukt for å måle vekselvirkningsvarmen ved interaksjon mellom proteiner og alginat i løsning. Proteinbinding til alginatkuler ble kvantifisert ved konsentrasjonsmålinger på nanodrop og mikroplateleser, og visualisert i mikroskop. Det ble tatt utgangspunkt i fysiologiske betingelser (pH = 7 og ionestyrke = 160mM), slik at forholdene samsvarte med det alginatkuler opplever ved transplantasjon.Ved ITC interagerte proteinene med alginat etter synkende styrke: lysozym (positivt ladet) >> albumin (negativt ladet) > fibrinogen (negativt ladet). Albumin og fibrinogen viste å interagere svakt med alginat, til tross for deres negative ladning. Dette kan forklares ved at proteinene har en stor overflate, med enkelte positive regioner selv ved pH > pI. Den høye ionestyrken brukt i studiet bidrar til å redusere de tiltrekkende kreftene mellom molekylene. Ingen målbar interaksjon ble observert mellom alginat og insulin (negativt ladet), noe som kan forklares ved at proteinet har en liten overflate med få positive regioner. Proteinbinding til alginatkuler viste samme trend som ITC, noe som indikerer at alginatets elektrostatiske egenskaper i gel og løsning er den samme. Binding av lysozym ga kulekollaps ved høye proteinkonsentrasjoner på grunn av kondensering til gelnettverket i alginat. Den svake bindingen av albumin og fibrinogen påvirket ikke kulenes stabilitet.Studiet indikerer at elektrostatiske tiltrekkende krefter har betydning ved alginat protein interaksjoner, og at proteinenes overflateladning har betydning for deres interaksjon med alginat. APBS viste å gi et bra bilde på proteinenes mulige interaksjon med alginat, ettersom det var bra korrelasjon mellom antatt og observert interaksjon. Dette kan forklares ved at APBS implementerer eksperimentelle forhold (pH, ionestyrke etc.) som har betydning for proteinenes elektrostatiske overflatepotensial. De eksperimentelle metodene brukt i studiet ga i flere tilfeller bare et kvalitativt mål på proteinenes interaksjon med alginat. Dette skyldes mest sannsynlig den svake (nanodrop og plateleser) og uspesifikke (ITC) interaksjonen som ble observerte.I videre arbeid vil det være interessant å se nærmere på adsorpsjon og absorpsjon av proteiner til alginatkuler eksponert for helblod, et modellsystem som samsvarer mer med det alginatkuler opplever ved transplantasjon. Hvordan proteinsammensetningen på kuleoverflaten endres over tid er også av interesse, ettersom proteinbinding ikke er en statisk prosess.
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A Study of Metabolites in Breast Cancer Xenografts : Optimisation of Extraction Method for MS-based Analysis and Investigation of Subtypes using Metabolite Profiling and Isotope LabellingPedersen, Ine January 2012 (has links)
The most common cancer among women in Europe and the United States is breast cancer. However, treatment remains a major challenge. If prediction of prognosis and treatment response become more reliable, treatment can be improved. An approach to overcome this challenge is to establish a technique for identification of subtypes. Metabolite profiling of breast cancer has shown potential to identify subtype. The aim was divided into three parts, including metabolite extraction and profiling and isotope labelling of metabolites.The first aim was to optimise a method for extraction of polar and non-polar metabolites for mass spectrometry-based analysis. To achieve the aim, beads-based homogenisation of xenograft tissue in 60% methanol solution and in chloroform was performed in a series of experiments. Requirements were fulfilled, including complete extraction, simple performance and high reproducibility. Method was therefore stated successfully optimised.The second aim was to obtain and compare metabolite profiles of luminal-like and basal-like subtypes of breast cancers. To achieve the aim, polar metabolites were extracted from xenograft tissue using the optimised method prior to gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. Profiles comprising more than 30 metabolites and their concentration were obtained. For comparison of subtypes, data analysis including log2 ratios, principal component analysis (PCA) and Student's t-test were used. All data analyses indicated differences in metabolite concentrations between subtypes. 15 metabolites were found by Student's t-test to significantly differ in concentration between subtypes, including lactate, glycine, citrate, lysine and aspartate. Therefore, metabolite profiling is a potential tool for identification of subtype. Furthermore, metabolites shown to significantly differ may provide insight into metabolic changes in breast cancers that remain poorly understood. The third aim was to investigate metabolic pathways in luminal-like subtype, possessing reduced tumour growth rates due to treatment. To achieve the aim, 13C-labelled glucose was injected into xenograft models prior to tumour excision, extraction, GC-MS analysis and calculation of summed fractional labelling (SFL). 8.3% lactate, 2.2% citrate and 1.6% fumarate were found labelled using SFL. 13C labelling was therefore shown retained throughout glycolysis, to enter the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA) cycle and to give rise to TCA intermediates.
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Differentially Regulated pathways of Potential Importance for Treatment Response and Cardiac Toxicity after Administration of Doxorubicine to BC PatientsOlsen, Tone January 2012 (has links)
Doxorubicin is a topoisomerase-targeting anthracycline that is one of the most effective anticancer drugs currently known. However, its clinical use is restricted by cardiotoxicity and the development of drug resistance. The main goal of this thesis has been to increase the knowledge of doxorubicin mechanism in addition to evaluate if predictive biomarkers for doxorubicin response could be identified. A total of 128 tumor samples collected from breast cancer patients before and after neoadjuvant treatment with doxorubicin were studied. mRNA expression level in tumor tissue was assessed using whole-genome mRNA microarray analysis (Agilent Human GE 4x44K microarray).More than 5000 genes were found to be up- and down regulated following doxorubicin treatment. The molecular and cellular functions as well as canonical pathways found to be enriched in the list of genes up regulated after doxorubicin exposure were involved in among other cardiovascular system development and function, cellular movement and immune responses. p53 was found to be the transcription factor regulating the highest number of target molecules within the list of up regulated genes. RNA processing, splicing and translation were shown to be overrepresented in the list of down regulated genes. The association between doxorubicin response and changes in gene expression revealed several genes such as CTGF, ITGB4 and IGF1 to be up regulated in the samples collected from patients characterized with a partial response to doxorubicin compared to those with minimal change and/or stable disease following treatment. In addition, the gene expression profiles between samples having wild type compared to mutated TP53 were studied, and a lower induction of expression were found for several genes such as FGF9 and COL11A2 in the samples having a mutated p53. This study showed that the gene expression profile in breast cancer tumors is altered as a response to doxorubicin exposure. Identifying genes significantly altered after therapy and associate their change with response to treatment may help identify the subgroup of patients benefitting from doxorubicin treatment. Patients with little or no effect of treatment could receive alternative therapy and be spared unnecessary treatment and risk of side effects.
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The B7-H3 Protein and its role in Breast Cancer Treatment ResponsePedersen, Cathrine January 2012 (has links)
Breast cancer is the most common cancer type amongst women, and closer to 3000 women in Norway will be diagnosed with this disease in 2012. Although major improvements have been achieved in the treatment, and thus the outcome, of breast cancer patients in the past years, little has been accomplished for those with an advanced disease. B7-H3 is an immunoregulatory protein, and its overexpression has been associated with advanced disease and poor prognosis in breast cancer. A previous study has shown that B7-H3 silencing increased Paclitaxel sensitivity in B7-H3 expressing breast cancer cell lines. Resistance to treatment is a general challenge in systemic management of advanced breast cancer, and increased knowledge about the molecules and pathways involved in this process is important in order to improve the outcome for these patients.To further study the function of B7-H3 and its putative involvement in lack of treatment response in breast cancer, we compared the efficacy of 22 different anti-cancer drugs in two B7-H3 expressing triple negative metastatic breast cancer cell lines, MDA-MB-435 and MDA-MB-231, and their B7-H3 silenced counterparts. In particular two drugs targeting the PI3K/Akt pathway, API-2 and Everolimus, showed a significantly better efficacy in the B7-H3 silenced cells. To elucidate the cellular mechanisms involved in the observed sensitization in the B7-H3 knockdown cells, we performed Western blot analysis on several proteins in the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway. The cells that did not express B7-H3 had lower levels of both phospho-Akt and the downstream signaling molecule phospho-p70S6K following drug exposure, indicating B7-H3 associated the regulation of proteins in this pathway. This, together with the previously observed relationships between B7-H3 expression in metastasis and chemoresistance, suggest that this protein might be a therapeutic marker to increase the effect of current anti-cancer treatment, although the specific roles of B7-H3 in this context need to be investigated further.
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