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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The implications of the abolition of influx control legislation in the Western Cape

Oliver-Evans, Ceridwen January 1992 (has links)
Bibliography: pages 259-277. / Influx control legislation was formally abolished in South Africa in 1986. This thesis investigates the social processes set in motion with its abolition in the spheres of employment and urbanisation and argues that the way in which influx control has been defined is central to any analysis concerned with its abolition. In this regard, influx control has been viewed in two senses: a narrow one in which it has been equated with formal influx control legislation, 'the pass laws'; and, secondly and more broadly, through definitions which embrace all methods of control over African urbanisation and associated labour mobility. This thesis argues that, in the macro domain, while influx control in its narrow sense has been abolished, it has been replaced with far more complex and subtle forms of control. These ostensibly racially neutral measures, an 'orderly urbanisation' policy and a wide variety of laws existing on South African statute books continue to circumscribe African rights. The research focuses on a specific region, the Western Cape, an area where influx control has been more harshly implemented than elsewhere through the implementation of the Coloured Labour Preference Policy. This thesis investigates on a micro-level, via the medium of a company compound, how people at both an individual and institutional level have interpreted the legislative changes and acted upon them. The particular range of actors include government officials, employers and employer organisations, union representatives, and migrant workers and their families living in the company compound. The evidence I present was obtained primarily through interviews and ethnographic field-research conducted in 1988. A particular concern of the thesis has been to examine the disjunction between policy and practice as pursued by government officials and the effects and implications arising from this among the actors mentioned above. The main themes which have emerged from this research are those of confusion and a lack of knowledge among many of the informants. It was found that high-ranking government officials lack consensus on vital issues of citizenship and employment which affect the lives of thousands of Transkeian and Ciskeian citizens. Employers, confused by the confusion in government departments, and confronted by a new situation and new sets of rules have either ignored these or succumbed to government policy. Equally, unions have been slow to respond or systematically adopt a policy on the 1986 legislative changes. Finally, it was found that migrant workers and their families are availing themselves of opportunities presented by the abolition of influx control legislation in terms of freedom of movement, although as I argue, this takes the form of a complex range of fluid and dynamic movement patterns between the compound, the rural areas and urban townships. This complexity, as the thesis demonstrates, is reflected both in the attitudes and in the practical daily living arrangements of the workers as they respond to and interpret the macro-level forces which affect them.

Towards addressing the challenges of black managers within the context of transforming South African organisation

Jamodien, Tariq Ishmail 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The phenomenon of transformation was originally conceived, in a South African context, as a political strategy driven by socio-political force with the objective of fostering change based on principles of enhancing human dignity and promoting equality in all aspects of society. The workplace was one of the areas that first experienced the consequences of transformation, encouraged mainly through legislation such as the Employment Equity Act (No. 55 of 1998). The manner in which affirmative action measures may be implemented is determined by the Employment Equity Act (No. 55 of 1998), which aims to ensure that the legacies of apartheid in the South African workplace are redressed. In this regard, employment equity will, over time, be achieved by promoting equal opportunity and fair treatment through the elimination of unfair discrimination and through the implementation of affirmative action measures to advance Black people, women and people with disabilities. Regardless of legislative imperatives, South Africa has failed quite markedly to realise the promotion of greater equality between all South Africans in the workplace. Black South Africans and women are still seriously under-represented in top and senior management posts. The key findings of the 2007/8 Employment Equity Report prepared by the Commission for Employment Equity for the National Department of Labour showed low representation of Blacks at top level management, senior management, and professionally qualified and middle management levels, as compared to their white counterparts. The challenges for organisations to transform are multi-faceted and include skills shortages, homogeneous organisational cultures, a lack of commitment and a failure to incorporate proper human resource strategies. Organisations require a commitment by all members, particularly the leaders, to examine the norms, customs, values and practices which militate against establishing a culture of valuing diversity. A holistic approach that changes organisational systems, practices and policies as well as the individual attitudes and values needed to create a valuing diversity culture should propel an organisation towards true transformation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verskynsel van transformasie is oorspronklik in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks ontwikkel as 'n politieke strategie aangedryf deur sosiopolitieke kragte en met die doel om verandering te bevorder, gebaseer op die beginsels van die verbetering van menswaardigheid en die ondersteuning van gelykheid in alle aspekte van die samelewing. Die werkplek was een van die areas waar die gevolge van transformasie eerste ondervind is, hoofsaaklik bevorder deur wetgewing soos die Wet op Gelyke Indiensneming (No. 55 van 1998). Die wyse waarop maatreels vir regstellende aksie geimplementeer mag word, word deur die Wet op Gelyke Indiensneming (No. 55 van 1998) bepaal. Hierdie wet het ten doel om te verseker dat die erfenis van apartheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse werkplek reggestel word. In hierdie opsig sal gelyke indiensneming mettertyd bewerkstellig word deur gelyke geleenthede en billike behandeling aan te moedig deur die uitskakeling van onbillike diskriminasie en deur die implementering van regstellende-aksiemaatreels om swart mense, vroue en gestremde mense te bevorder. Ongeag van wetgewing het Suid-Afrika in hoe mate misluk in die daarstelling van groter gelykheid tussen alle Suid-Afrikaners in die werkplek. Swart Suid-Afrikaners en vroue is steeds ernstig onderverteenwoordig in top- en senior bestuursposte. Die sleutelbevindings van die 2007/8 Verslag oor Gelyke Indiensneming voorberei deur die Kommissie vir Gelyke Indiensneming vir die Nasionale Departement van Arbeid, het aangetoon dat swartes in vergelyking met hul wit ewekniee swak verteenwoordig is op die vlak van topbestuur, senior bestuur, professioneel gekwalifiseerdes en middelbestuur. Die uitdagings vir organisasies om te transformeer het vele fasette en sluit in 'n tekort aan vaardighede, homogene organisasiekulture, 'n gebrek aan toewyding en 'n gebrek aan die toepassing van behoorlike strategiee vir menslike hulpbronne. Organisasies vereis toewyding van alle lede, veral die leiers, om die norme, gewoontes, waardes en praktyke te ondersoek wat in stryd is met 'n kultuur waarin waarde geheg word aan diversiteit. 'n Holistiese benadering wat organisasiestelsels, -praktyke en -beleid verander, asook die individuele houdings en waardes wat nodig is om 'n kultuur te skep wat waarde heg aan diversiteit, behoort 'n organisasie op die pad te plaas na ware transformasie.

Retention of black employees at Metropolitan

Ngxabazi, Nosipiwo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Metropolitan, like all companies in the insurance sector, would like to limit attrition to ensure that the institutional knowledge is retained. At the time when the employee has already tendered a resignation letter, most companies conduct an exit interview. The researcher feels that at this stage, it is rather late. It is important therefore to understand in advance, the reasons why employees would consider leaving the organisation and put corrective measures in place to prevent that. Retention of key employees is a highly topical subject and an important dilemma that many companies have to deal with. It requires leadership attention and scientific understanding of the causes of attrition. In South Africa, the concept of retention of specifically Black employees has a broader significance in that it contributes to higher BEE scores and opportunities to do business with government for those companies that have such interests. The purpose of this study is to firstly understand the phenomenon of retention as it applies to the Black employees of Metropolitan. Black employees with skills and experience are arguably the most attractive group on the labour market due to the lack of such skills. Because of this, companies are struggling to retain their Black employees. This study explores what Metropolitan should take into account when designing retention measures for Black employees. It asks the Black employees themselves, what they consider as important that would help in retaining them. Furthermore, it will help the company to investigate which characteristics or variables to consider when formulating its retention strategies. The questions that the study endeavours to explore are: What mechanisms should Metropolitan use to retain especially Black employees? If current employees are considering leaving the company, what are the main reasons for wanting to leave or looking for a job elsewhere? What are the characteristics that employees consider most important that would make them want to stay at Metropolitan. The subject matter investigation involved a survey which was sent to Black employees in the company and the results which were analysed. The results shed some understanding on the reasons why employees would consider applying for a job outside of Metropolitan. It gives the company an understanding of how many of its current Black employees are looking for jobs elsewhere. Because of this prior knowledge, the company can intervene and put measures in place to retain those who were already looking to leave the company. The study also details characteristics that Black employees at Metropolitan consider to be important by certain biographical categories like job grade, age, education, gender and experience. The results further build on the existing literature of retention, especially in the South African environment in the era of transformation laws.

Black economic empowerment : looking at ROE, ROA, P/E and gearing of companies listed on JSE from Impumelelo edition (2000.2001) : comparative financial analysis

Kahimise, Robert N. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This empirical study was aimed at analysing the financial performance of black economic empowered companies, as selected per Impumelelo publication - 2000/1 edition. The Unit of Analysis of this study is therefore the phenomenon commonly described as Black Economic Empowerment, and in particular the financial performance of these business entities with specific interest in the following ratios; ROE, ROA, PIE and DIE. The fundamental problems analysed in this study are: Whether these Companies can financially perform consistently, with specific reference to ROE (Management effectiveness) and ROA (Company's efficiency); Whether these Companies utilised their capital efficiently - Financial leverage; Whether is worth investing in any commercial bank or in black economic empowerment Companies; Market perception of these Companies; Whether these Companies are really highly geared; through a comparative study between Impumelelo sample and similar white-owned companies, to assess the better performer on Management effectiveness and Company efficiency. The purpose of this study was further to draw appropriate empowerment strategies from the U.S.A, Malaysia and Brazil; contextualised them into the South African situation. The outcomes of these analysis revealed that black economic empowerment companies are indeed highly geared than their white-counterparts, and due to this inherent risk inconsistency in performance has been identified. Within the selected performance categories only half of the sample is classified as good performers, eight percent as excellent performers while profitability is maintained by seventy six percent of the companies. Over the period reviewed more then ninety percent of these companies' consistently signalled wrong perceptions to the market. On the comparative study, the Impumelelo sample overwhelmingly outperformed the white-owned sample on ROE and ROA per sector. Impumelelo sample revealed volatility in the returns comparing to low stable returns by the white-owned sample. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie empiriese studie was om die finansiële prestasie van swart ekonomiesbemagtigde maatskappye, soos geselekteer deur Impumelelo - 2000/1 uitgawe, te analiseer. Die onderwerp van hierdie studie is dus die verskynsel gewoonlik beskryf as Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging, en in die besonder die finansiële prestasies van hierdie entiteite, veral die volgende verhoudings (ratio's): Wins op Belegging, Wins op Bates, Prys/verdienste en Skuld/ekwiteit. Die fundamentele probleme wat hierdie studie analiseer is: Kan hierdie maatskappye konsekwent finansieel presteer veral wat betref Bekwaamheid van Bestuur en Bekwaamheid van die Maatskappy? Kan hierdie maatskappye hulle kapitaal effektief gebruik? (Finansiële hefboming.) Is dit beter om in 'n handelsbank te belê of in swart ekonomies-bemagtigde maatskappye? Wat is die mark persepsie van hierdie maatskappye? Maak hierdie maatskappye werklik op grootskaal gebruik van hefboming? Hoe vergelyk hierdie Impumelelo steekproef met soortgelyke maatskappye in wit besit, veral wat betref die bedrewenheid van die bestuur en die effektiwiteit van die maatskappy? 'n Verdere doelwit van hierdie studie is om toepaslike bemagtigings strategië van die VSA, Malaysië en Brasilië te bestudeer in samehang met die Suid-Afrikaanse situasie. Die uitslag van hierdie studie is dat swart ekonomies-bemagtigde maatskappye inderdaad meer van hefboming gebruik maak as hulle wit eweknieë, en as 'n gevolg van hierdie inherente risiko is hulle prestasies soms inkonsekwent. In die selekteerde prestasie kategorië kon net die helfde van die steekproef geklassifiseer word as goeie presteerders en agt persent as uitstaande presteerders. Ses-en-sewentig van die maatskappye toon 'n wins. Gedurende die periode onder bespreking het meer as neëntig persent van hierdie maatskappye aanhoudend verkeerde seine na die mark uitgestuur. In die vergelykende studie het die Impumelelo steekproef oorweldigend die steekproef in wit besit verbygesteek veral wat effektiwiteit betref per sektor. Die Impumelelo steekproef se wins is onbestendig in vergelyking met die lae, stabiele wins van die steekproef in wit besit.

Exploring and identifying broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) implementation and compliance challenges in the South African liquid fuels sector

Samodien, Zaahir 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) not only aims to readdress the racial imbalances of the apartheid era, but also seeks to promote social responsibility and empowerment of historically disadvantaged South African (HDSA) communities (Esser & Dekker, 2008). The transformation journey within the South African Liquid Fuels Sector has been a difficult and lengthy one. The South African Liquid Fuels Sector was amongst the first to receive its own Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) sector charter (Liquid Fuels Charter) in 2000. Although numerous transformation milestones have been achieved, the sector has been criticised for its slow pace in advancing transformation, which has in part contributed to the amendment of the B-BBEE Codes in 2013. The argument of slow transformation can be attributed to obstacles faced by those in industry tasked with implementing B-BBEE. There has been a deficiency in studies that have investigated transformation and the implementation of B-BBEE within the sector. As a result, the central objective of this study was to explore the B-BBEE implementation challenges faced by companies within the liquid fuels sector. A qualitative approach was employed for the collection of primary data and involved interviews with eight top and senior management representatives of Chevron South Africa (Pty) Ltd. The results emanating from the study revealed numerous implementation challenges. The study together with literature reviewed, highlights the need to address these challenges in order for B-BBEE implementation to yield the desired results for all stakeholders within the South African Liquid Fuels Sector. The study concludes that a lack of understanding of B-BBEE policy; alignment of internal party interests; overcoming internal biases; skills shortages and lack of experience by Black individuals; involvement of senior management in implementation process; co-ordination and structure required in B-BBEE implementation execution; communication within organisations; diversity/cultural awareness; and B-BBEE policy issues and skills attraction and retention are some of the issues impacting B-BBEE implementation within the South African Liquid Fuels Sector.

The impact of positive organisational factors on the career success of black employees in the South African work environment: An exploratory study

Roux, Shayne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is rooted in career psychology with implications for career management. In addition, the study draws from various fields including the positive organisational behaviour paradigm. The underlying assumption of this study is that certain organisational and individual factors influence the experience of subjective career success amongst black employees in the South African work environment. In order to evaluate this assumption an attempt was made to gain an understanding of the antecedents of subjective career success. An overview of the literature led the researcher to the conclusion that transformational leadership, job resources, supportive organisational climate, psychological empowerment, and psychological capital (PsyCap), could be regarded as antecedents of subjective career success. Based on the literature, a theoretical model was developed that portrays a sequential process within which the identified variables play roles that vary in salience, depending on the stage in the sequential process. A mixed-methods research design was employed to guide the investigation. More specifically, the study consisted of a qualitative strand, followed by two quantitative strands. In the qualitative strand (Phase 1), a semi-structured interview was used to obtain information about the factors influencing career success from 30 black employees in white-collar jobs from three different South African organisations. The purpose of the qualitative strand was two-fold, firstly to seek confirmation that the instruments utilised covered the most salient issues. Secondly, to obtain guidance on how to supplement constructs that were not adequately covered, before continuing with the subsequent quantitative strands. The outcome of Phase 1 provided evidence of sufficient coverage of the variables as based on the literature review. However, it was decided to add three questions to the job resources measuring instrument, as well as two items to the supportive organisational climate instrument. During both the quantitative strands, survey research was used. To facilitate the collection of data during the survey research, an electronic web-based questionnaire was compiled. Standardised questionnaires were utilised to measure each of the ten constructs. The purpose of Phase 2 was to pilot test the composite questionnaire. A total of 220 usable questionnaires were analysed during Phase 2 with regard to the psychometric properties associated with each of the constructs. Evidence of the psychometric properties was obtained by means of internal consistency, confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis. All the instruments used in Phase 2 had acceptable reliabilities and goodness-of-fit, with the exception of the psychological capital instrument (PCQ). More specifically, less than satisfactory reliability coefficients were observed for resilience (α= .60) and optimism (α= .48). On the basis of this, no changes were made to the content of the instruments for use in Phase 3. However assumptions about the factorial structure of the job resources scale had to be revisited. The outcome of Phase 2 was a set of reliable and valid measuring instruments that could be used with confidence. The purpose of Phase 3 was to evaluate thirteen propositions guiding the current study. A total of 418 usable questionnaires were analysed during Phase 3. During Phase 3, further confirmation was found that all the instruments used had acceptable reliabilities, as well as goodness-of-fit. In addition, correlation analysis, step-wise multiple regression and structural equation modelling (variance and covariance-based) were employed. All the independent variables were significantly related to the dependent variable, subjective career success, except for objective career success (past). Job resources, psychological capital and supportive organisational climate, however, were the only significant predictors of career success. In order to evaluate the appropriateness of the proposed sequential model, both variance and covariance-based structural equation modelling were used. Model exploration was facilitated by the use of variance-based structural equation modelling. Both non-significant paths, as well as significant, but weak paths, were removed during the exploration process. The covariance-based approach allowed the utilisation of modification indices to arrive at an optimal model. A model consisting of only the significant paths were subjected to covariance-based structural equation modelling. The modification indices suggested adding three direct paths between subjective career success and transformational leadership, job resources, as well as supportive organisational climate. However, in the optimal model, the direct path between transformational leadership and subjective career success was excluded due to not being statistically significant. In the optimal model all the proposed paths were significant. Acceptable goodness-of-fit was obtained for this optimal model. The results of Phase 3 provided evidence supporting the majority of the thirteen propositions that guided the current study. With the unique combination of variables, this study can be seen as making a contribution to the existing theory and literature by explicating the interrelationships between transformational leadership, job resources, supportive organisational climate, psychological empowerment, psychological capital (PsyCap), and subjective career success. The researcher made recommendations for future research, as well as for scientific and practical interventions regarding the development of subjective career success. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is gegrond in loopbaansielkunde met implikasies vir loopbaanbestuur. Hierbenewens het die studie op verskeie velde gesteun, insluitend, en veral, die positiewe organisatoriese gedragsparadigma. Die onderliggende aanname in die studie was dat die ervaring van subjektiewe loopbaansukses onder swart werknemers in die Suid-Afrikaanse werkomgewing deur sekere organisatoriese en individuele faktore beïnvloed word. Ten einde hierdie aanname te evalueer, is gepoog om ’n begrip te vorm van die aanleidende oorsake van subjektiewe loopbaansukses. ’n Literatuuroorsig het die navorser tot die slotsom gebring dat transformasionele leierskap, werkhulpbronne, ondersteunende organisatoriese klimaat, sielkundige bemagtiging en sielkundige kapitaal (PsyCap) as oorsaaklike faktore van subjektiewe loopbaansukses beskou kan word. ’n Teoretiese model wat op die literatuur gebaseer was, is ontwikkel om ’n opeenvolgende proses waarin die geïdentifiseerde veranderlikes wissellende rolle ten opsigte van prominensie speel, weer te gee. ’n Gemengde-metodes-ontwerp is in die navorsing gebruik om die ondersoek te rig. Meer besonderlik het die studie ’n kwalitatiewe fase behels, wat deur twee kwantitatiewe fases gevolg is. In die kwalitatiewe fase (Fase 1) is semigestruktureerde onderhoude met 30 swart gesalarieerde werknemers in drie verskillende Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies gevoer om inligting oor die faktore wat loopbaansukses beïnvloed, in te win. Die doel van die kwalitatiewe fase was tweeledig: eerstens om bevestiging te verkry dat die instrumente wat gebruik is, die mees belangike kwessies gedek het. Tweedens was die doel om uit te vind hoe om die konstrukte wat nie behoorlik gedek is nie, aan te vul voordat daar met die daaropvolgende kwantitatiewe fases voortgegaan word. Die uitkoms van Fase 1 het getuienis gelewer dat daar, soos op die literatuuroorsig gebaseer, voldoende dekking van die veranderlikes was. Daar is egter besluit om drie vrae by die meetinstrument vir die meet van werkhulpbronne by te voeg, sowel as om twee items by die meetinstrument vir die meet van ondersteunende organisatoriese klimaat by te voeg. Opname-navorsing is gedurende beide kwantitatiewe fases gebruik. ’n Elektroniese web-gebaseerde vraelys is opgestel om die opname-navorsing te vergemaklik. Gestandaardiseerde vraelyste is gebruik om elk van die tien konstrukte te meet. Die doel van Fase 2 was om ’n voortoetsing met die saamgestelde vraelys uit te voer. Twee honderd en twintig bruikbare vraelyste is gedurende Fase 2 ontleed met betrekking tot die psigometiese eienskappe wat met elk van die konstrukte geassosieer was. Getuienis omtrent die psigometriese eienskappe van die meetinstrumente is deur middel van interne konsekwentheid, en bevestigende en ondersoekende faktorontleding verkry. Al die instrumente wat in Fase 2 gebruik is, het aanvaarbare betroubaarheid en goeie passing getoon, met die uitsondering van die sielkundige kapitaal (PsyCap) instrument, meer spesifiek, minder aanvaarbare vlakke van betroubaarheid is gevind in die geval van veerkragtigheid (α= .60) en optimisme (α= .48). Daar is egter geen veranderinge vir gebruik in Fase 3 aan die inhoud van die instrumente aangebring nie. Aannames ten opsigte van die faktoriale struktuur van die werkhulpbronneskaal moes egter hersien word. Die uitkoms van Fase 2 was ’n betroubare en geldige stel meetinstrumente wat met vertroue gebruik kon word. Die doel van Fase 3 was om die dertien hipoteses wat die huidige studie gerig het, te evalueer. Hiervoor is 418 bruikbare vraelyste tydens Fase 3 ontleed. Verdere bevestiging dat al die instrumente aanvaarbare betroubaarheid, asook goeie passing getoon het, is tydens Fase 3 verkry. Daarbenewens is korrelasie-ontleding, stapsgewyse meervoudige regressie en strukturele vergelykingsmodellering (variansieen kovariansie-gebaseerd) gebruik. Behalwe vir objektiewe loopbaansukses (vorige), was al die onafhanklike veranderlikes beduidend verwant aan die afhanklike veranderlike, naamlik subjektiewe loopbaansukses. Werkhulpbronne, sielkundige kapitaal en ondersteunende organisatoriese klimaat was egter die enigste beduidende voorspellers van loopbaansukses. Beide variansie- en kovariansie-gebaseerde strukturele vergelykingsmodellering is gebruik om die toepaslikheid van die voorgestelde konseptuele model te evalueer. Verkenning van die model is met gebruik van variansie-gebaseerde strukturele vergelykingsmodellering bewerkstellig. Beide nie-beduidende bane, sowel as beduidende, maar swak bane, is tydens die verkenningsproses verwyder. Met die benutting van modifikasie-indekse het die kovariansie-gebaseerde benadering dit moontlik gemaak om ’n optimale model daar te stel. Die model, wat slegs uit die beduidende bane bestaan het, is aan kovariansie-gebaseerde strukturele vergelykingsmodellering onderwerp. Die modifikasie-indekse het die toevoeging van drie direkte bane tussen subjektiewe loopbaansukses en transformasionele leierskap, werkhulpbronne, en ondersteunende organisatoriese klimaat voorgestel. In die optimale model is die direkte baan tussen transformasionele leierskap en subjektiewe loopbaansukses egter uitgeskakel omdat dit nie statisties beduidend was nie. Al die voorgestelde bane was in die optimale model beduidend en goeie passing is vir hierdie optimale model verkry. Die resultate van Fase 3 het bewys gelewer vir die aanvaarding van die meerderheid van die dertien hipoteses wat die huidige studie gerig het. Vanweë die ontwikkeling van die onderlinge verband tussen transformasionele leierskap, werkhulpbronne, ondersteunende organisatoriese klimaat, sielkundige bemagtiging, sielkundige kapitaal (PsyCap), en subjektiewe loopbaansukses, kan hierdie studie, met hierdie unieke samestelling van veranderlikes, as bydraend tot die bestaande teorie en literatuur beskou word. Die navorser doen aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing, sowel as vir wetenskaplike en praktiese intervensies ten opsigte van die ontwikkeling van subjektiewe loopbaansukses.

Mobility amongst senior black managers in South Africa

07 June 2012 (has links)
D.Phil / The Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) Act of 2003 and the Employment Equity Act of 1998 have disrupted the labour market in South Africa by accelerating the need to appoint senior black managers in organisations. There is at the same time an undersupply of candidates meeting the requirements because of the education system and job reservation policies under the apartheid government. One of the outcomes of the operating environment is a perception that there is an abnormally high job mobility rate among senior black managers. The South African Employment Equity Act of 1998 defines blacks as Coloureds, Indians and Africans. The biggest challenge facing corporate South Africa is to retain senior black skill. The research problem the study attempts to solve is to understand factors that lead to senior black managers‟ mobility. Little research has been done in this regard. The objective of the study is to present a model that can assist in better retention of senior black managers. The model will present solutions for any sub groups that may emerge. This study also investigates the perceptions of senior black managers with regard to factors that influence their decision to change jobs.

Responses of selected enterprises to the amended broad-based black economic empowerment legislation in Cape Town, South Africa

Forbes, Jolette January 2018 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Human Resource Management))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2018. / Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) has been the epitome of policy reform pervading South Africa (SA) since 1994, the end of apartheid. Often making media headlines, it inherently arrogates itself to all stakeholders engaged in commerce with/within SA. The impetus for the study ensued owing to recent (2013) changes to the B-BBEE legislative landscape. More specifically, the focus of the study was on one segment: Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSEs), operating within the same realm as Small Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs). The rationale for such a focus stemmed from this market segment’s seemingly rigid response to such change, deemed to support this study’s results. The literature review embarked upon in Chapters 2 to 4, that is, collecting secondary data, provided for a solid foundation relative to a subject matter embedded with technical jargon and often driven by highly emotive/subjective inputs from stakeholders. The literature primarily drew from untested assumptions: these were mainly due to the high degree of contentiousness surrounding B-BBEE as subject matter, the lack of research (statistical results) relative to B-BBEE legislative change and more specifically, the lack of the latter relative to this study’s scope. The above introduction initiates the notion of there being inherent demarcations to this study, dictating the most relevant research design and methodology suited thereto. A pragmatic research philosophy was adopted, owing to its qualitative, exploratory enquiry. Furthermore, the unit of analysis, consisting of 16 samples, was conveniently selected. Although convenience sampling was regarded the most suitable approach to collecting data, it gave rise to the study’s biggest limitation: its inability to generalise findings. On that note, its findings were in line with the researcher’s precedential assumption upon its initiation: legislative change to Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) for Qualifying Small Enterprises (QSEs) lead(s) to non-compliance and impeded transformation goals. The results give rise to a plethora of valuable insights into the dynamics of the industry, not only for strategic direction to be set for/by stakeholders on both a micro and macro level, but also providing a solid foundation relative to further research to be embarked upon – a notion highly advocated in supporting the integration of sustainable transformation in modern South Africa (SA).

Change to the quality of life of Black mineworkers in South Africa.

De Vries, Peter. January 1983 (has links)
In many respects a gold mine could be viewed as South African society in microcosm, for it hes many of the same structures and features of its macro-society. In most societies it would be inappropriate to regard an industrial setting as the microcosm of the larger society as, in most societies, people are hardly aware of authority or of the legal system. The principal source of contact with such systems for most people would be of an irritant kind, associated with parking and traffic misdemeanours. This does not apply to the black person in South Africa, where freedom of movement, place of residence,position at work, use of public facilities, etc. are severely circumscribed. In fact, it is not unusual for black persons to be accosted by the police from time to time to determine whether they are permitted to be where they are, or to be removed from premises by white officials. Moreover, most white persons abrogate unto themselves the right to give instructions to any black person, a situation not unfamiliar on a mine. In the South African macro-society and the mine micro-society the top echelon of jobs, the best living conditions, salaries, hours of work, conditions of employment, opportunities for advancement and other privileges are reserved for whites, and blacks have no authority to effect changes to these conditions. It is postulated that change in South Africa for blacks is likely to take a form similar to change on a mine. Consequently, by studying change to the quality of life of black workers on a mine, useful insights may be gained into the reactions of black persons to change in the macro-society. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1983.

Produksie en reproduksie van swart werkers van die Roodepoortse munisipaliteit

Van Schalkwyk, Jacobus Hendrik 16 April 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Anthropology) / The scope of this study covers the deployment and application of black labour within the Roodepoort Municipality. In order to fulfill certain so-called obligations the Municipality is dependent on cheap labour which is appointed and applied within the framework of South African law and according to specific methods. The Municipality gives preference to homeland labourers who are recruited on average once every three years in Venda. The preference for recruiting labourers in Venda stems from the relationship which exists between Venda and the R.B.A. at government level, and the ensuing relationship which the Municipality has fostered with the Venda Embassy. In this respect the Municipality exploits the political system in the R.S.A. to satisfy its own needs. The Roodepoort Municipality functions as an arm of the central authority in as much as it subscribes to the dominant ideology of the country. The political and economic systems of South Africa form the basis of bargaining power which influences the patterns of control and domination. The interaction between the central government and the municipal authorities influences the functioning and policy of the latter. This liaison enables, amongst others, the Municipality of Roodepoort to enforce its policy and to put certain directives to its workers. In addition to the constitutional framework, mechanisms such as the municipal structure as well as rules and regulations are used to control the workers. The workers do not; , however, accept the administration and control of the Municipality without further ado. They respond by making use of certain strategies aimed at adapting their working environment. Despite the loss of certain liberties, the workers adapt relatively quickly to the conditions in their working environment. The circumstances in Venda which result in large numbers of migrant labourers leaving their home to work in highly industrialized areas is related to the historical development of the territory and consequently its economic dependence and political restrictedness. Despite being "independent" since 13 September 1979, Venda is still dependent on South Africa judging by the financial support it receives and the reliance of the population in respect of job opportunities in white areas. Without the revenue it receives from its migrating labour as well as the remittances sent back, Venda would not be capable of its reproduction. Limited resources and insufficient capital input from the central government leads to minimal development in Venda and this results in there being insufficent means to fulfill the needs of reproduction. Blacks are therefore compelled to work outside their homeland for meagre wages and under circumstances over which they have virtually no control.

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