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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploiting Bluetooth Low Energy Pairing Vulnerability in Telemedicine

Zegeye, Wondimu K. 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2015 Conference Proceedings / The Fifty-First Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 26-29, 2015 / Bally's Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV / Telemetry has potentially large contributions to future medical applications. In the past decade wireless devices have invaded the medical area with a wide range of capability as components of a wireless personal area network (WPAN) and Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN). These applications in medical telemetry are not only improving the quality of life of patients and doctor-patient efficiency, but also enabling medical personnel to monitor patients remotely and give them timely health information, reminders, and support-potentially extending the reach of health care by making it available anywhere, anytime. This paper exploits the pairing vulnerability in Bluetooth Low energy (Bluetooth Smart) for HealthCare devices used in medical telemetry applications and demonstrates the key role security plays in telemetry.

Design and implementation of a demonstrator for a Bluetooth Low Energy based fleet service system for hand-held gardening and forestry products

Amanda, Nordhamn January 2016 (has links)
Today, large companies specialized in forestry or park maintenance may own very large machine fleets consisting of hundreds of trimmers, chainsaws and brush cutters. Husqvarna Group, whose core business lies within high-end forestry and gardening products, has noticed that such companies tend to buy cheaper, low quality forestry and gardening products. The reason is thought to be that the companies lack a proper overview of the service status and utilization levels of their machines, leading to insufficient service, causing machines to break prematurely and making it hard to motivate investments in more expensive products. Hence, the companies usually adopt a consumerist approach, and buy cheaper products that are thrown away upon breaking. To make their products more attractive to machine park owners, Husqvarna want to explore the area of Internet of Things and equip their machines with sensing and communication capabilities. Collected data could be used to provide an overview of machine usage and service requirements to the machine parks owners, and could make it easier for machine park owners to dimension their machine fleet. In addition to this, a machine monitoring system where specific operator behavior can be tracked could enable identification of operators who consistently mistreat their machines by, for example, running the machine engine at non-optimal rotation speeds. In this master's thesis, a demonstrator of the working principle of a Bluetooth Low Energy based Fleet Service System is designed and implemented, complete with an evaluation of if received signal strength indicator (RSSI) is a good enough distance estimator to determine which operator operates a certain machine.  Experiments carried out indicate that while RSSI is not a good estimator of distance, it could be used to determine the operator in closest proximity given that operators are not allowed to work closer than within a 10 m radius of each other.

An Evaluation of Network Protocols for Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh Networks / En utvärdering av nätverksprotokoll för Bluetooth Low Energy meshnätverk

Hinrichsen, Oscar January 2015 (has links)
Internet of Things (IoT) is a scenario that theorizes objects and people as potential nodes in an ever-growing wireless network. This idea pushes the development of low-cost wireless technologies that can run on portable power sources for months, or even years. One candidate technique that has shown promising results in this area thru the last years is BluetoothLow Energy (BLE). This thesis studies various techniques to enable and maintain large scale mesh networks over BLE communication. The initial study puts focus on an existing flooding based BLE mesh protocol. The thesis later presents an improved protocol that reduces power consumption with respect to the packet delivery ratio. Other enhancements which are added to the improved protocol are a self-adapting procedure and a packet routing algorithm. Simulations show that the improved protocol can save up to 50 % of the power consumption for a device, compared to the original protocol. / Sakernas Internet (IoT) är ett scenario som skisserar objekt och människor som potentiella noder i ett ständigt växande trådlöst nätverk. Denna vision driver utvecklingen av trådlösa lågkostnadsteknologier som kan köras på portabla strömkällor i flera månader. En kandiderande teknik som har visat goda resultat inom detta område är Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). Detta uppsatsarbete studerar flera tekniker för att möjliggöra och upprätthålla storskaliga meshnätverk över BLE-kommunikation. Den inledande studien granskar ett existerande översvämningsbaserat meshprotokoll för BLE. Uppsatsarbetet presenterar därefter ett förbättrat protokoll som reducerar strömförbrukningen med avseende på kvoten mellan antalet mottagna paket genom antalet skickade paket. Ytterliggare upprustningar som tillkommer i det förbättrade protokollet är en procedur för självanpassning, samt en algorithm för dirigering av paket. Simuleringar visar att det förbättrade protokollet kan spara upp till 50 % av strömkonsumptionen för en enhet, jämfört med originalprotokollet.

Wireless ECG system with bluetooth low energy and compressed sensing

Li, Wanbo 12 July 2016 (has links)
Electrocardiogram (ECG) is a noninvasive technology widely used in health care systems for diagnosis of heart diseases, and a wearable ECG sensor with long-term monitoring is necessary for real-time heart disease detection. However, the conventional ECG is restricted considering the physical size and power consumption of the system. In this thesis, we propose a Wireless ECG System with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and Compressed Sensing (CS). The proposed Wireless ECG System includes an ECG sensor board based on a BLE chip, an Android application and a web service with a database. The ECG signal is first collected by the ECG Sensor Board and then transmitted to the Android application through BLE protocol. At last, the ECG signal is uploaded to the cloud database from the Android app. We also introduce Compressed Sensing into our system with a novel sparse sensing matrix, data compression and a modified Compressive Sampling Matching Pursuit (CoSaMP) reconstruction algorithm. Experiment results show that the amount of data transmitted is reduced by about 57% compared to not using Compressed Sensing, and reconstruction time is 64% less than using Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) or Iterative Re-weighted Least Squares (IRLS) algorithm. / Graduate

Meshnetwork of wireless IoT sensors / Meshnätverk av trådlösa IoT sensorer

Olsson, Alexander January 2016 (has links)
The Internet of things is a scenario where devices such as lighting, household appliances, sensors etc. are connected and communicate with each other via Internet. This puts a demand for a good infrastructure around these devices. One way to handle this is to use radio as a means of communication and let the devices forward each other's traffic in what is known as a mesh network. This thesis explores different radio standards that can be used to create a mesh network for sensors. Two different approaches to mesh networking using Bluetooth Low Energy was implemented and evaluated. One approach works by letting all devices broadcast every message they receive, a rather brute force approach. The other approach worked by letting the network find routes between all the nodes in the network and then establishes a connection between the nodes that want to communicate via intermediate nodes. It was found that the rebroadcast approach in idle mode used 3.36 mAh while the connection approach used 0.47 mAh for the same configuration. Another test was performed where the percentage of successfully delivered messages was measured. For the rebroadcast approach it was 75 % and for connection it was 58 %. Tweaking the connection network to not be able to adapt to changes increased the throughput to 77 %. During the testing numerous ways for improving performance were thought of but not implemented. The need for synchronizing the devices clocks and establishing protocol for when to send and receive became apparent when working with the rebroadcast network. In the connection network there were problems with that the routing maintenance led to unavailable units and reduced performance. / Sakernas internet, Internet of Things är ett scenario där elektriska apparater så som belysning, hushållsmaskiner, sensorer mm är anslutna och kommunicerar med varandra via internet. Men så många anslutna enheter ställer stora krav på infrastrukturen kring enheterna. Ett sätt att lösa problemen kring infrastruktur är att låta enheterna kommunicera via radio och låta dem vidarebefordra varandras datatrafik i en typ av nätverkstopologi som kallas för meshnätverk. Det här examensarbetet utforskar möjliga radiostandarder som kan användas för att skapa ett meshnätverk för just sensorer. Två typer av meshnätverk implementerades med Bluetooth Low Energy och deras styrkor och svagheter utvärderades. En av dessa gick ut på att enheterna i nätverket sände ut meddelanden som alla kunde ta och sedan att de som lyckades ta emot i sin tur sände meddelandena vidare. Det är en enkel metod som är lätt att implementera.Den andra metoden gick ut på att nätverket tog reda på sin konfiguration och vilken rutt som ska tas via andra enheter för att nå den man vill. När enheterna sen vill kommunicera så upprättar de en anslutning via enheterna längs rutten. Två saker som jämfördes mellan metoderna var strömförbrukning och andel lyckade sändningar. För samma nätverk så drog återsändnings nätverket 3.36 mA och anslutningsnätverket 0.47 mA. Antalet lyckade sändningar testades i ett annat scenario och där kom 75 % av meddelanden i återsändningsnätverket fram och motsvarande siffra för anslutningsnätverket var 58\%. Vidare testades det att stänga av utbytet av rutt information och sökningar efter nya enheter i anslutningsnätverket och då kom 77 % av meddelanden fram. I återsändningsnätverket insåg man att det fanns ett behov av att synkronisera klockorna i enheterna och etablera ett protokoll för hur när man ska sända och ta emot.I anslutningsnätverket så uppstod problem med att enheterna blev otillgängliga när de synkroniserade sin konfiguration vilket ledde till försämrad prestanda.

Utvärdering av inomhuslokalisering med Bluetooth Low Energy / Evaluation of indoor localization using Bluetooth Low Energy

Johansson, Mathias, Karlsson, Mikael January 2015 (has links)
Wireless communication is becoming more common, a relatively new technology within the area is Bluetooth Low Energy. It’s been developed to be energy efficient and in regard to compatibility. Alongside the growth of wireless technology, scientists and companies are looking for new areas of use. One of these is localization, which means to determine the position of a moving device with the use of stationary devices, an example of this would be GPS.This report means to evaluate indoor localization using Bluetooth Low Energy and was made for Combitech AB in Jönköping. The purpose of the work was to determine with what accuracy and precision the position of a moving device could be estimated. The report will answer the following questions: With what accuracy and precision can the position of a device be determined within a test area of varying size using Bluetooth Low Energy? Is the accuracy and precision affected by the environment?The authors chose an inductive reasoning and therefore intended to answer the questions with the help of experimental studies. A system consisting of both software and hardware was developed and was then used to conduct multiple rounds of tests, where the size of the area and the environment was varied.By evaluating the data gathered from said tests and comparing it to theoretical studies and prior research credible results were obtained. The accuracy appears to decrease as the distance between the units is increased, however a deeper analysis shows that the difference is smaller below 500 cm. No correlation is found between environment and accuracy. When three stationary units, forming a triangle with 400 cm between the vertices, are used to determine the position of a fourth the achieved accuracy is 65 cm. During the tests the precision is not shown to decrease with distance, it seems to vary independently. However, as the environment is changed a noticeable difference is observed. In a gymnasium the standard deviation was calculated to 0.38 RSSIwhereas in an office environment it was 0.99 RSSI. In regard to the given results the authors conclude that Bluetooth Low Energy shows some potential for the use in indoor positioning systems. A possible scenario where the technology would be well suited would be when the units need to work of a coin cell battery for a large period of time, while the system must support multiple types of units and a rough estimation of the position is adequate. / Trådlös kommunikation blir allt mer vanlig i vår vardag, en relativt ny teknik inom detta område är Bluetooth Low Energy som utvecklats med avseende på energieffektivitet och kompabilitet. Parallellt med den trådlösa teknikens spridning letar forskare, såväl som företag, efter nya användningsområden. En av dessa är lokalisering, vilket innebär att med fasta enheter avgöra rörliga enheters position, ett exempel på detta är GPS. Detta arbete handlar om att utvärdera inomhuslokalisering med Bluetooth Low Energy och gjordes på uppdrag av Combitech AB i Jönköping. Syftet var att undersöka med vilken noggrannhet och precision en rörlig enhets position kunde avgöras. Rapporten kommer att besvara följande frågeställningar: Med vilken noggrannhet och precision kan man med Bluetooth Low Energy avgöra en enhets position inom ett testområde med varierande storlek? Påverkas noggrannhet och precision av omgivningen?Författarna valde en induktiv metod och ämnade därför besvara frågeställningarna med hjälp av experimentella studier. Ett testsystem bestående av hård- samt mjukvara utvecklades varpå tester utfördes i flera omgångar, där storlek på område och omgivning varierades. Genom utvärdering av testdata i förhållande till teoretiska studier och tidigare forskning kunde trovärdiga resultat nås. Noggrannheten tycks minska då avståndet mellan enheter ökas, djupare analys pekar på en mindre förlust under 500 cm. Det observeras dock inget samband mellan noggrannhet och omgivning. Då tre fasta enheter placeras med ett inbördes avstånd på 400 cm kan positionen avgöras med 65 cm noggrannhet. Precisionen påverkas under testerna inte av avstånd, signalstyrkevärdena varierar helt oberoende av detta. Vid skifte av omgivning tydliggörs dock en markant skillnad i resultat. I en idrottshall beräknades standardavvikelsen till 0,38 RSSI medan den i en kontorsmiljö var 0,99 RSSI.Författarna drar utifrån det uppnådda resultat slutsatsen att Bluetooth Low Energy har viss potential att användas för inomhuslokalisering. Exempel på ett möjligt scenario där tekniken anses väl lämpad är då de fasta enheterna måste drivas av knappcellsbatterier under en lång tidsperiod, att systemet skall stödja en mängd olika enheter samt att en grov uppskattning av position är tillräcklig.

Lokalizační systém / Localization system

Chlad, Miloslav January 2017 (has links)
The intent of this master’s thesis is to look for the best solution of finding lost items of everyday use. Described solution is based on GPS for outdoor and Bluetooth Low Energy for indoor localization. User of this system will be able to find his/her lost items using smartphone application.

Mobilsportsensor : Utvecklingsplattform för att kvantifiera träning / Mobile Sport Sensor : Development Platform to Quantify Training

Lindgren, Carl, Jakum, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Simning är en sport där små marginaler har stor inverkan på resultatet. I OS-finalen 2008 vann Michael Phelps över Milorad Čavić med en hundradels sekund. För att få marginalen på sin sida behöver simmaren träna otaliga timmar. I dagsläget har Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan inte en bra prototyp för att testa, utvärdera och mäta en simmares träning. Att kontinuerligt under ett helt träningspass få mätvärden som kan användas för att förbättra simtekniken skulle kunna ge en stor fördel. Målet med det här examensarbetet är att utvärdera möjligheten att utveckla en metod för att mäta dessa värden. Metoden som valdes var att med en IMU och mikrokontroller mäta rörelser. En jämförelseanalys gjordes mellan mikrokontrollers för att ge plattformen bästa utvecklingsmöjligheter. Efter resultatet från jämförelseanalysen införskaffades de två olika mikrokontrollers som hade störst potential och dessa två jämfördes vidare. Därefter utvecklades flera möjliga designer för plattformen med störst potential som kan användas för att kvantifiera simträning. Resultatet blev två funktionella protyper som uppfyllde de krav som ställdes. Framtida utveckling skulle vara att testa och utvärdera plattformarna vidare och hitta andra sporter och användningsområden. / Swimming is a sport where small margins can have a big impact on the result. In the 2008 Olympic finals Michael Phelps won over Milorad Čavić by one hundredth of a second. To get the margin on their side, the swimmers need to practice countless hours. Currently, the Royal Institute of Technology does not have a good prototype for testing, evaluating, and measuring a swimmer's training. Continuously getting measured values during an entire training session that can be used to improve a swimming technique could provide a great advantage. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the possibility of developing a method for measuring these metrics. The method chosen was to measure movements using an IMU and microcontroller. A comparison analysis was made between microcontrollers to provide the platform with the best development opportunities. Following the results of the comparison analysis, two different microcontrollers with the greatest potential were acquired and these two were further compared. Subsequently, several possible designs were developed for the platform with the greatest potential that can be used to quantify swim training. The result was two functional prototypes that met the requirements. Future development would be to test and evaluate the platforms further and find other sports and areas of use.

Bluetooth-implementation för Netbiter EC350

Alfredsson, Erika, Bengtsson, Matilda January 2014 (has links)
In industries today the demand for reading the state of industrial equipment and thus prevent machine breakdown, is increasing. The company HMS Industrial Networks AB has a product on the market, Netbiter EC350 that is used to read sensors and thus find out the condition of industrial equipment. By reporting scanned data to users through a cloud service, users can keep track of their equipment.   When developing Netbiter EC350 a slot was made for a Bluetooth module to offer clients a wireless reading in future developments. In this project a prototype was made to show how this Bluetooth communication can be implemented.   The goal of the project was to create a Bluetooth communication between a Bluetooth sensor and Netbiter EC350. A user interface was made to allow the user to read sensor values.   The result of the project shows how a Bluetooth communication can be implemented to read sensors wireless and therefore it fulfills its purpose and goal. The user can find connectable Bluetooth devices, connect to a device and read measured values through a user interface.   The prototype demonstrates how a Bluetooth communication with a Netbiter EC350 can be implemented and the project is therefore considered to be a good basis for future development.

Návrh řešení komunikačního rozhraní ve WBAN systémech / Design of communication interface in WBAN systems

Kandera, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá technickou realizáciou WBAN zariadenia, ktoré je schopné súbežne komunikovať prostredníctvom dvoch bezdrôtových komunikačných protokolov. Rešerš dostupných riešení je dostupná s hodnotením jednotlivých produktov podľa vopred stanovených kritérií. Návrh z hľadiska software obsahuje tvorbu vlastného BLE servisu, konfiguráciu Timeslot API a periférií často využívaných vo WBAN zariadeniach. Výroba dosiek plošných spojov pre zariadenie a dedikovaný ovládač zahŕňa vlastnú anténu, nabíjací obvod batérie a nRF52810 čip. Testovanie prototypov je zhrnuté v poslednej kapitole spoločne s experimentálnym meraním útlmu živočíšneho tkaniva.

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