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Tábory lidu v Čechách v 19. století / Political mass public meetings in Bohemia in the 19th centuryKubíček, Lubomír January 2014 (has links)
The work examines the political public mass meetings in Bohemia with specialization on Podkrkonoší. It informs about incidents, which had happened before political public mass meetings took place, or which inspired meetings. Thesis informs about main events as the Revolutions of 1848 in the Austrian Empire, the restoration constitutional life in the Austrian Empire, the Austro-Prussian War and the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867. The main thesis purpose is the presentation of atmosphere of selected political mass meetings and the activities of local people and civil servants in Hořice during 1868 - 1870. Also, the work gives us basic information about political public mass meetings in Bohemia and Moravia and their influence on the Czech constitutional fight. Key word The Austro-Prussian War The Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 The political public mass meetings Hořice The Fundamental articles of 1871 19th century
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Počátky rodu erbu půlměsíce. Rytíři z Vřesovic v pozdním středověku / The beginning of family with half-moon in the coat of arms. Knights of Vřesovice in the late Middle AgesBoukal, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is history of the knights (later lords) of Vřesovice in the late Middle Ages. The work deals mainly with political and economic role of the family members in the late medieval Bohemia, with special attention to the hussite captain Jakoubek of Vřesovice, who was mainly responisible for family rise. Furthermore, this work tries to answer the question, what happened to the family of Vřesovice since Jakoubek's death until the late Middle Ages, because during the 16th century, knights of Vřesovice belonged to the most powerful aristocratic families in Bohemia. Family members from the times of king George and Jagellonian rulers were not yet reflected by many historians. Fates of individual family members are assessed and placed into historical context. The work deals with property relations of knights of Vřesovice and manifestations of their aristocratic representation. As a whole, the work probes into political, economic, cultural and social life in late medieval northwest Bohemia. Key words: Jakoubek of Vřesovice, gentry, nordwest Bohemia, late Middle ages, 15.-16. century, castles, heraldy
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F. X. Brixi's Oratorium pro die sacro parascevesLabudová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with the musical and stylistic analysis of the F. X. Brixi's oratorio Judas Iscariothes, that was preserved in the Osek Monastery under the name Oratorio pro die sacro parasceves. The first part of the thesis describes the musical history, preserved music sources and inventories of Osek. The next section deals with the oratorio in Osek. The main point of this chapter is to inventory oratorio productions performed in Osek during the 18th and early 19th century. The key part of the thesis is the musical and style analysis of the oratorio Judas Iscariothes. Appendix contains the edition of this oratorio.
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Ideologie v diskurzu protektorátního denního tisku / Ideology in the protectorate daily press discourseVeselská, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis Ideology in the protectorate daily press discourse deals with the influence of ideology in the discourse of then legally published dailies České slovo, Lidové noviny and Venkov. The theoretical part refers firstly to the historical background of the state formation Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia and its political and social status within the Greater German Reich. After having depicted the demonstrations of 28th October 1939 and the events of 17th November 1939 the media character in the protectorate era is introduced, a special emphasis is put on the press. After that the concept of discourse is clarified as well as its origin, meaning and current interpretation. Besides the critical discourse analysis, its origins, aims and three major approaches are described. The last chapter of the theoretical part is devoted to the discourse-historical approach which was developed by Ruth Wodak and her colleagues from the Vienna School. The ideal procedure of this approach is outlined and the discursive strategies of nomination, predication and argumentation are explained. With their aid an analysis of four newspaper articles is carried out in the practical part of the thesis. After having summarised the textual analysis the influence of ideology around the events of 17th November 1939 is compared...
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Periodický tisk na Rokycansku v letech 1945-1956 / Periodical press in region of Rokycany in years 1945-1956Kotorová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the history of periodicals in the region Rokycany during the years 1945- 1956. It shows the evolution of journalism and it maps regional periodicals. There is also described the social climate with emphasizes on the social, political and cultural transformations of region Rokycany, which should illustrate the situation and bring deeper understanding of the context. The first part deals with the geographical and historical context of that region at the time of the First and Second Republic, the Protectorate and the post-war development until the mid-50s. The second chapter deals with a recap of periodicals until 1945, there are briefly described preserved periodicals. The main part maps the periodicals in region Rokycany during the years 1945-1956. At first the chapter focuses on an early post- war period, 1945-1948, when the social and political sphere began to awaken back to life again, and so did the journalism. During this period, many periodicals were dissolved, but on the other hand a lot of old periodicals were re-established and some new were founded. There are also reflected communist efforts to control the media, particularly through the regulatory moves. This chapter also pays attention to the period 1948-1956, when it focuses on how the political events of 1948 and...
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Naše menšiny (později Naše hranice), meziválečný časopis podporující českou menšinu v národnostně smíšených oblastech severovýchodních Čech / Naše menšiny /our minorities (later Naše hranice/Our boundaries), an intewar journal supporting the Czech community in the nationally mixed regions of southeast BohemiaŠtěpánová, Marie January 2015 (has links)
"Our Minorities (later Our Boundaries), an interwar magazine supporting Czech minority in nationally mixed regions of Nord-East Bohemia" presents for the first time a longer embracive characterization of a First Republic periodical, seated in Malé Svatoňovice, and published between 1920-1938 (XVII and XVIII volumes already as Our Boundaries). This thesis uses a method of historical analysis and besides of information about publishing, personalities connected with this monthly paper (particularly J. M. Vlček) and contents of sections, recognizing how this already not very known regional serial wanted to support Czech minorities in a mainly German speaking borderline area.
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Populační dynamika zrzohlávky rudozobé (Netta rufina) / Population dynamics of Red-crested Pochard (Netta rufina)Poláková, Klára January 2014 (has links)
This study is aimed at analysis of long-term and short-term changes in numbers of Red-crested Pochard (Netta rufina) in Třeboň region. This species is increasing in long-term period and it is also spreading into new localities in the Czech Republic. There were recorded two waves of arrival of Red-crested Pochard arrive, i.e. in April and in May. The total numbers were decreasing at the end of breeding season (from the beginning of July) in study area. The water surface area and area of littoral vegetation were found to be the most important factors affecting preference of individual ponds in pre-breeding season. Furthermore, water transparency seems to be important factor affecting numbers of broods, ducklings and adults in post-breeding season. Low numbers of broods per 1 female were recorded in years with high numbers of Red- crested Pochard at the start of breeding season. However, the frequency of brood parasitism was higher in these years. Key words: Netta rufina, Red-crested Pochard, population dynamics, ducks, breeding, numbers, brood parasitism, south Bohemia
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Sídliště kultury nálevkovitých pohárů v Líbeznicích / A Funnel Beaker culture settlement at LíbezniceSosnová, Anežka January 2015 (has links)
The polycultural settlement area in Libeznice (Prague-East district) represents a relatively large complex of many different settlement structures, mostly of Funnel Beaker culture and Hallstat period, as well as three Unetice culture tombs and a skeleton burial probably of La-Téne period. An archaeological excavation, which was caused by the construction of a ring road, took place in the years 2008 and 2009. During the works several dozens of settlement structures of Funnel Beaker culture were uncovered - a large open settlement with a number of long houses and other structures. This thesis follows my bachelor thesis, where a chosen group of sixteen structures is analysed. In this thesis a remaining group of nineteen settlement structures is dealt with and published and its ceramic artefacts and also chipped stone industry, polished stone industry and bone industry are analysed in detail. On the basis of its morphological features coincident with previous results was this settlement dated to the younger period of Funnel Beaker culture, i.e. to the salzmünde phase, followed by a small collection of ceramics of Boleráz phase (Baden culture). Middle Eneolithic period - Funnel Beaker culture - Salzmünde phase - habitation area - Bohemia
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Osudy matičních školy a jejich učitelů; Ústřední matice školská v jižních Čechách 1880-1918 / Desteny of schools of Central School Foundation and their teachers; Central School Foundation in South Bohemia 1880-1918Slámová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
The submitted thesis deals with the function of private minority schools of Central School Foundation and destiny of their teachers in South Bohemia between 1880 and 1918. In the first chapters it takes down circumstances of the rise of Central School Foundation and the school laws of the second half of the 19th century, which was important for primary schools and their teachers. Decision points of this work are chapters about private minority schools of Central School Foundation and their teachers. In this part, the work is based on the sources from National Archive in Prague and States district archives in South Bohemia (school chronicles and documents). The chapter about private minority schools of Central School Foundation takes down these schools from their opening to transfer into public administration and later support of Central School Foundation to their public schools. The chapters about teachers of Central School Foundation mapping their problems as employee private association, their financial and living conditions and their provision in case of old age and illness. Key words: Central School Foundation, South Bohemia, national minority schools, teachers, the turn of 19th and 20th century.
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Sídliště kultury s vypíchanou keramikou v Kolíně-Hlubokém dole / The Stroked pottery site in Kolín-Hluboký důlVašinová, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with new found neolithic settlement in Kolín, which is dated from Neolithic - Stroked Pottery Culture. On the site were found also the Lengyel Culture imports. The thesis brings the results of the pottery and the chipped industry analyses. The relative chronology of the settlement and some pits was based upon the pottery analysis. There were some settlement pits, which were situated outside and inside the circle, and circular ditch chosen for it. Marginally is here solved the question of interpretation of the function of objects and intercultural relations. The work brings especially the findings about next neolithic site with circular ditch and Lengyel culture imports in Bohemia. Keywords: Neolithic - The Stroked Pottery Culture - Lengyel Culture - Settlement - Circular ditch - Pottery - Kolín - Central Bohemia
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