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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Retrieval of earthquake source parameters in inhomogeneous anisotropic mediawith application to swarm events in West Bohemia in 2000

Rößler, Dirk January 2006 (has links)
Earthquakes form by sudden brittle failure of rock mostly as shear ruptures along a rupture plane. Beside this, mechanisms other than pure shearing have been observed for some earthquakes mainly in volcanic areas. Possible explanations include complex rupture geometries and tensile earthquakes. Tensile earthquakes occur by opening or closure of cracks during rupturing. They are likely to be often connected with fluids that cause pressure changes in the pore space of rocks leading to earthquake triggering. Tensile components have been reported for swarm earthquakes in West Bohemia in 2000. The aim and subject of this work is an assessment and the accurate determination of such tensile components for earthquakes in anisotropic media. Currently used standard techniques for the retrieval of earthquake source mechanisms assume isotropic rock properties. By means of moment tensors, equivalent forces acting at the source are used to explain the radiated wavefield. Conversely, seismic anisotropy, i.e. directional dependence of elastic properties, has been observed in the earth's crust and mantle such as in West Bohemia. In comparison to isotropy, anisotropy causes modifications in wave amplitudes and shear-wave splitting. In this work, effects of seismic anisotropy on true or apparent tensile source components of earthquakes are investigated. In addition, earthquake source parameters are determined considering anisotropy. It is shown that moment tensors and radiation patterns due to shear sources in anisotropic media may be similar to those of tensile sources in isotropic media. In contrast, similarities between tensile earthquakes in anisotropic rocks and shear sources in isotropic media may exist. As a consequence, the interpretation of tensile source components is ambiguous. The effects that are due to anisotropy depend on the orientation of the earthquake source and the degree of anisotropy. The moment of an earthquake is also influenced by anisotropy. The orientation of fault planes can be reliably determined even if isotropy instead of anisotropy is assumed and if the spectra of the compressional waves are used. Greater difficulties may arise when the spectra of split shear waves are additionally included. Retrieved moment tensors show systematic artefacts. Observed tensile source components determined for events in West Bohemia in 1997 can only partly be attributed to the effects of moderate anisotropy. Furthermore, moment tensors determined earlier for earthquakes induced at the German Continental Deep Drilling Program (KTB), Bavaria, were reinterpreted under assumptions of anisotropic rock properties near the borehole. The events can be consistently identified as shear sources, although their moment tensors comprise tensile components that are considered to be apparent. These results emphasise the necessity to consider anisotropy to uniquely determine tensile source parameters. Therefore, a new inversion algorithm has been developed, tested, and successfully applied to 112 earthquakes that occurred during the most recent intense swarm episode in West Bohemia in 2000 at the German-Czech border. Their source mechanisms have been retrieved using isotropic and anisotropic velocity models. Determined local magnitudes are in the range between 1.6 and 3.2. Fault-plane solutions are similar to each other and characterised by left-lateral faulting on steeply dipping, roughly North-South oriented rupture planes. Their dip angles decrease above a depth of about 8.4km. Tensile source components indicating positive volume changes are found for more than 60% of the considered earthquakes. Their size depends on source time and location. They are significant at the beginning of the swarm and at depths below 8.4km but they decrease in importance later in the course of the swarm. Determined principle stress axes include P axes striking Northeast and Taxes striking Southeast. They resemble those found earlier in Central Europe. However, depth-dependence in plunge is observed. Plunge angles of the P axes decrease gradually from 50° towards shallow angles with increasing depth. In contrast, the plunge angles of the T axes change rapidly from about 8° above a depth of 8.4km to 21° below this depth. By this thesis, spatial and temporal variations in tensile source components and stress conditions have been reported for the first time for swarm earthquakes in West Bohemia in 2000. They also persist, when anisotropy is assumed and can be explained by intrusion of fluids into the opened cracks during tensile faulting. / Erdbeben entstehen durch plötzlichen Sprödbruch des Gesteins, meist als Scherbruch entlang einer Bruchfläche. Daneben werden für einige Beben v.a. in vulkanischen Gebieten auch Mechanismen beobachtet, die scheinbar vom Modell des Scherbruches abweichen. Ursachen dafür beinhalten komplexe Bruchgeometrien und tensile Erdbeben. Bei tensilen Erdbeben kommt es während des Bruchs zum Öffnen oder Schließen der Bruchfläche und damit zu Volumenänderungen. Erdbeben mit tensilen Anteilen stehen wahrscheinlich oft im Zusammenhang mit Fluiden, welche zur Durckänderung im Porenraum von Gesteinen und damit zum Auslösen des Bebens führen. Sie wurden auch im Vogtland während eines Erdbebenschwarms im Jahr 1997 beobachtet. Die Beurteilung und sichere Bestimmung tensiler Anteile von Erdbeben sind Ziel und Gegenstand dieser Arbeit. Bei Standardverfahren zur Bestimmung von Erdbebenmechanismen werden isotrope Gesteinseigenschaften angenommen. Momententensoren beschreiben dabei Kräfte, die das abgestrahlte Wellenfeld erklären. Allerdings wird seismische Anisotropie, d.h. Richtungsabhängigkeit elastischer Eigenschaften, in der Erdkruste und im Mantel wie z.B. im Vogtland beobachtet. Anisotropie bewirkt im Vergleich zu isotropen Medien Veränderungen der Wellenamplituden und -polariserungen sowie das Aufspalten von Scherwellen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden daher der Einfluss seismischer Anisotropie auf wahre oder scheinbar auftretende tensile Quellanteile untersucht und Erdbebenmechanismen unter Berücksichtigung seismischer Anisotropie bestimmt. Es wird gezeigt, dass Momententensoren und Abstrahlmuster von Scherbrüchen in anisotropen Medien denen von tensilen Brüchen in isotropen Medien ähneln können. Umgekehrt treten Ähnlichkeiten tensiler Beben in anisotropen Gesteinen mit Scherbrüchen in isotropen Medien auf. Damit existieren Mehrdeutigkeiten beobachteter tensiler Quellanteile. Die Effekte von Anisotropie hängen von der Orientierung des Bruches und vom Grad der Anisotropie ab. Außerdem beeinflusst Anisotropie das Moment eines Bebens. Herdflächenorientierungen können auch dann verlässlich bestimmt werden, wenn man Isotropie statt Anisotropie annimmt und die Spektren von Kompressionswellen verwendet. Bei Hinzunahme der Spektren von Scherwellen können Uneindeutigkeiten auftreten. Abgeleitete Momententensoren zeigen systematische Artefakte. Beobachtungen tensiler Quellanteile von Beben im Vogtland im Jahr 1997 können nicht allein durch moderate Anisotropie erklärt werden. Weiterhin wurden früher bestimmte Momententensoren induzierter Beben nahe der Kontinentalen Tiefbohrung, Bayern, unter Annahme anisotroper Parameter reinterpretiert. Die Beben werden einheitlich als Scherbrüche charakterisiert, obwohl deren Momententensoren tensile Bestandteile enthalten, die als scheinbar angesehen werden. Die Resultate unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit, seismische Anisotropie zu berücksichtigen, um tensile Komponenten von Erdbeben eindeutig zu bestimmen. Ein daher neu entwickelter Inversionsalgorithmus wurde getestet und erfolgreich auf 112 Erdbeben der letzten intensiven Schwarmepisode im Jahr 2000 im Vogtland an der deutsch-tschechischen Grenze angewandt. Die Herdparameter wurden unter Verwendung isotroper und anisotroper Geschwindigkeitsmodelle ermittelt. Die Beben zeigen Lokalmagnituden zwischen 1,6 und 3,2. Sie weisen zueinander ähnliche Herdflächenlösungen mit linkslateralem Versatz auf steil einfallenden, etwa Nord-Süd orientierten Bruchflächen auf. Die Fallwinkel nehmen oberhalb 8,4km Tiefe ab. Für über 60% der betrachteten Erdbeben werden tensile Quellanteile mit Volumenvergrößerung beobachtet. Die tensilen Komponenten zeigen Abhängigkeiten von Herdzeit und -ort. Sie sind zu Beginn des Schwarms sowie in Tiefen unterhalb 8,4km besonders signifikant und nehmen später an Bedeutung ab. Abgeleitete Hauptspannungsachsen enthalten P Achsen mit nordwestlicher und T Achsen mit südwestlicher Streichrichtung. Sie ähneln denen in Mitteleuropa. Es werden tiefenabhängige Fallwinkel beobachtet. Die Änderungen erfolgen für die P Achsen graduell von 50° hin zu flacheren Fallwinkeln bei tieferen Beben. Sie erfolgen jedoch abrupt für die T Achsen von etwa 8° oberhalb einer Tiefe von etwa 8,4km zu 21° einfallend unterhalb dessen. Mit dieser Arbeit werden erstmals zeitliche und räumliche Veränderungen tensiler Quellanteile und Spannungszustände im Vogtland für Erdbeben im Jahr 2000 beobachtet. Diese haben auch dann Bestand, wenn seismische Anisotropie berücksichtigt wird. Sie können durch Fluide erklärt werden, die in die Bruchflächen eindringen.

Intendierte und tatsächliche Sprachwirklichkeit in Böhmen Diglossie im Schulwesen der böhmischen Kronländer, 1740-1918 /

Newerkla, Stefan. January 1999 (has links)
Originally presented as author's thesis: Wien, Universität Wien, 1997. / Includes bibliographical references and index.

Problematika socio-ekonomického rozvoje příhraničních oblastí Jihočeského kraje / The issue of socio-economic development of border areas of South Bohemia region

KOMENDOVÁ, Linda January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with cross-border cooperation and the influence of socio-economic development of this cooperation. The aim of the thesis is to assess the socio-economic development situation, determining the causes of decline and its persistence in the border regions. The work is divided into two main parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with regional policy, cross-border cooperation and cross-border cooperation tools. The practical part deals with socio-economic and SWOT analysis of the South Region.

Posouzení dopadu investice na region / Consideration of the impact of investment in the region

SCHREIBEROVÁ, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the assessment of investment "Finalization of waterway of Vltava in section České Budějovice {--} Týn nad Vltavou" in the South Bohemia region. The aim of this work is the analysis of the impact of this investment on region from macroeconomic and microeconomic perspectives. The other aim of work is basic presentation of the investment, the progress of cost benefit analysis and identification of benefits, which will be brought by the investment to South Bohemia region.

Krizový management za běžných a mimořádných situací na jednotlivých fakultách Jihočeské univerzity. / Crisis management in current and emergency situations at separate faculties of the University of South Bohemia.

SKRÁŠKOVÁ, Anna January 2007 (has links)
The aim of my work is to verify the real state of the critical management in case of an emergency event or critical situation at the University of South Bohemia, and on the basis of the analysis propose the way to secure necessary critical preparedness of the university in this respect. In the thesis I delt with the dangers and threats specific for České Budějovice, Nové Hrady and Vodňany concerning the University of South Bohemia. I ground my work on the hypothesis that the preparedness of faculties and colleges at the University of South Bohemia for emergency events and their resolution is not sufficient, which was proved true in the course of elaboration. I compared the existing plans and precautions at the University of South Bohemia with the present laws and notices valid in the Czech Republic. The obtained information thus led to the preparation of a Plan of critical preparedness for the University of South Bohemia with assuming that other elaboration by all the faculties and colleges in practice will be realized. The result of my thesis is the Plan of critical preparedness of the University of South Bohemia in electronic form that will be used as a proposal of precautions and solutions of emergency situations at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.

Funkcionalismus a vilová architektura počátku 30. let 20. století v jižních Čechách / Functionalism and the villa architecture on the beginning of the 1930´s in South Bohemia

STAŇKOVÁ, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on particular villas built in South Bohemian region at the beginning of the 20th century. The introductory chapters of this thesis explain the term "villa" and also briefly describe this specific type of construction. Follows the chapter summarising the most important architectural styles of the 20th century which is followed by the chapter concerning origin and development of functionalism both in the Czech Republic and in the rest of the world. The sixth chapter includes the core of this thesis by analysing particular South Bohemian villas. At this placethe author is focusing on personalities of the builders, architects hand in hand with a description of the original appearance of the buildings and their current state. The text of this thesis is for illustration amended by number of picture attachements.

Výchova ke zdraví v oblasti adekvátního pohybového režimu pro ženy v menopauze na základě Pilatesovy metody / Health Education in Adequate Psysical Exercise Regimen for Women in Menopause

HROMKOVÁ, Renata January 2015 (has links)
In today's society youth, beauty and performance are considered to be the most important. At the same time, a modern woman spends up to one third of her life with a lack of sex hormones. Menopause brings a number of changes in both physical and psychological ways. This involution process is irreversible, however health education through an educational programme of comprehensive approach of Pilates can help these women to ease acceptance of this life phase. For this work I used DVD materials I've already developed for my previous work Pilates Method for the Senior Population and I also created a new challenging educational programme. Keywords: adequate exercise regime, educational programme, harmonization, Pilates method, health promotion intervention motion programme, menopause

Hodnotová orientace studentů Teologické fakulty Jihočeské univerzity v Českých Budějovicích ve volném čase / The value orientation of students of the Faculty of Theology the University of South Bohemia in Budweis in their leisure time

BEREŠOVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the value orientation of students of the Faculty of Theology the University of South Bohemia in Budweis in their leisure time. Firstly, there are explained the basic concepts, which are followed by a detailed overview of particular value concepts to their philosophical, sociological, pedagogical and psychological perspective. Furthermore, the classification values of the selected authors, roles of values and their importance in human life and society are presented in this thesis. Last but not least is this thesis focused on the researches of value orientations in both Czech and foreign literature. There is a chapter elaborated about the leisure time, its concepts, definitions of selected authors, functions of leisure time and its role in socioscientific contexts at the conclusion of the theory part. The main aim of the research is to describe and analyze the value orientation of students of the Faculty of Theology the University of South Bohemia in Budweis in their leisure time. The data obtained from a non-standardized questionnaire will be compared by gender, the age of students and their years of study at the Theological Faculty. Eventually, will be the evaluation and recomendation made for the use in practise.

Neolitický sídelní areál Hrdlovka: analýza keramického materiálu / The Neolithic settlement area Hrdlovka: analysis of ceramic material

VONDROVSKÝ, Václav January 2015 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis aims primarily to the analysis of ceramic material obtained from the Neolithic settlement area Hrdlovka excavated during salvage terrain excavation since the year 1987 to 1990. For the purposes of processing of finds and excavation situations the complex database and digitalised site plan were created in the GIS interface. The analysis of ceramics was targeted particularly to the establishing of settlement area relative chronology and separating of individual settlement phases. Current description system of Czech Neolithic pottery was modified and replenished with regard to Hrdlovka´s finding situation specifics. The process of chronological analysis comprising also spatial data was divided into several steps. Resulting sequence comprises 10 settlement horizons (Hrdlovka A - J), which correspond to nearly uninterrupted development since the early stage of the Linear Pottery culture to the late stage of the Stroked Pottery culture. Important pieces of knowledge were obtained mainly about the transitional phase between the both cultures, which was in Hrdlovka documented by two settlement horizons. The analysis of ceramics spatial distribution and some architecture characteristics are also presented in limited range.

Regionální diferenciace populačního vývoje v Jihočeském kraji: historickogeografická analýza / Regional differentiation in the population development of South Bohemia: historic-geographic analysis

KLUČKA, Štěpán January 2016 (has links)
The master's thesis deals with the formation of territorial differentiation in South Bohemia region from the point of population development. The structure of the regional settlement system has undergone dynamic and uneven development that has been affected by a wide range of varied factors. As a result of their spatial interactions, numerous micro-regional disparities appeared. The primary purpose of this study is to determine the impact of these factors both at the level of individual municipalities and the level of micro-regions. Empirical data for this research were collected from the national population censuses, regularly gathered from 1869. Because of this time constraint, the main attention is paid to the industrial period that is also considered as the most important stage for urbanization processes. The study is divided into four significant parts: the crucial analytical part is preceded by a brief introduction of the most important possible determinants and the contextualization of regional population development in the context of nationwide trends. The third part is the core of the research that is based on the analysis of key factors on a sample of 103 selected South Bohemian municipalities. The second analytical part builds on the conclusions of the previous one and deals with an assessment of changes in the dynamics of population development at the micro-regional level. Within the final synthesis, the micro-regions are divided into categories based on the core-periphery concept. Furthermore, the generalization of the main trends and the prediction is implemented. Finally, all the research hypotheses are both confirmed or refused.

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