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Japonská hospodářská krize a její paralela s poslední krizí ve Spojených státech / českyanglickyněmeckyJapan's economic crisis and its parallels to the current financial crisis in the United StatesKolářová, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analysis the parallel between Japan crises in the 90s and the recent financial crisis, which originated in the United States in 2007. A significant part is devoted to analyzing the root causes of the emergence of the Japan crisis and recent financial crisis. Practical part will focus on analysis of economic cycles of these crises, analysis of price behavior on stock and property market, and finaly on analysis of impact of impact of measures taken on subsequent economic development. Conclusion will seek to answer the question whether the United States expect the same economic development as Japan in the nineties.
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Využití vícerozměrného škálování a motorických testů pro hodnocení a výběr vojáků do kurzů boje zblízka / Utilization of Multidimensional scaling and kinetic tests for evaluation and selection of soldiers to courses of close combatVágner, Michal January 2011 (has links)
TTiittllee:: Utilization of Multidimensional scaling and kinetic tests for evaluation and selection of soldiers to courses of close combat TThhee aaiimm ooff wwoorrkk:: The work deals with the structure scale for evaluation of close combat techniques and the selection of predictors, which will improve the quality of the identification of soldiers with conditions for the successful solution of model situations using the techniques of close combat. MMeetthhoodd:: In the beginning of the study is constructed a scale of criterion variable for evaluating techniques of close combat. The construction of scale was used the model of multidimensional scaling. The data was obtained from eight Czech Army experts of close combat. The scale was verified by generalized and weighted Kappa coefficient. By the kinetic tests was tested the group of 157 professional soldiers from different units. The soldiers were old between 20 and 32. Besides kinetic tests were in the study included the previous experiences with fight activities. To selection of the kinetic tests was used the model of linear regression. The evaluation of predictive power of kinetic tests was made by individual cohorts in prediction cycle. RReessuullttss:: In first part of the study was created scale of criterion variable which contain three...
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Vztah mezi svaly kyčelního kloubu a dynamikou přímého kopu při použití balistické vesty a batohu / Relationship between hip muscles and dynamics front kick while using ballistic vest and backpackMaleček, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Title: Relationship between hip muscles and dynamics front kick while using ballistic vest and backpack. Objective: Determine the rate of the relationship among isokinetic strength of hip muscles during flexion and extension movement, external and internal rotation and the dynamics of the front kick while using the military personal protective equipment. The method: The master thesis corresponds with an empirically based study of observational type. The measured research sample consisted of students (n = 15) of Military Department attending full-time and combined form of study at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport of Charles University in Prague. Dynamics of front kick were measured by dynamometric Kistler plates and evaluated through computer software BioWare. Isokinetic strength of hip muscles during flexion and extension movement, external and internal rotation was tested and rated by isokinetic dynamometer Humac Norm. The flexibility of selected muscles group was measured by a specialist in physiotherapist area. The Spearman rank correlation coefficient of the order (rs) was chosen for the final evaluation of the rate of relationship. The results: The strongest correlation relationship was between the external hip rotation muscles (at speed 90 řs-1 ) and the impact force on the...
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Boj proti daňovým únikům / Fight against tax evasionBelková, Martina January 2016 (has links)
Name of the thesis: Fight against tax evasion Fight against tax evasion has become an all-society and mainly international problem. The task of this thesis is to approach the issue of tax evasion and give analysis of current legislation and measures combating the perpetration of tax evasion in the Czech Republic and abroad. This thesis seeks, inter alia, to describe how the international community, including the Czech Republic, handles with increasingly complex issue of tax evasion and to evaluate effective but also intended measures and their actual importance in connection with fight against tax evasion. The thesis is in addition to introduction and conclusion divided into four chapters. The first chapter of the thesis describes the basic definitions related to taxes and tax system in general. The second chapter deals with the term tax evasion, the causes of its occurrence and its consequences. This chapter also defines the terms closely related to tax evasion, i.e. tax havens and grey economy. The third chapter presents different types of tax evasion in the Czech Republic, with a deeper analysis of value added tax, consumption tax and income tax. The fourth chapter is the most important part of the thesis. It deals with measures taken in order to combat tax evasion in the USA, Organization for...
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Boj proti korupci při zneužívání fondů Evropské unie: případová studie ROP Severozápad / Fighting Corruption in Misuse of Financial Funds from European Union: Case Study Regional Operation Programme North-West (ROP Severozápad)Frodlová, Ellen January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is focusing on corruption and misuse of financial funds from European Union. It primarily analyses Regional Operation Programme North-West (ROP Severozápad), which ended with massive corruption affair. The affair lead to the suspension of payments from the European Union, change of assignment of projects in the next programme period, but also opened the question of current trends in corruption in the Czech Republic. The main aim of the thesis was to identify the most dangerous spots that lead to misuse of European funds, connect the corruption affair with current corruption trends in the Czech Republic and suggest basic activities that could prevent the misuse of European subsidies in the future. The aim was achieved via analysis of the operation programme, that ran through the years 2007-2013. It was discovered, that the system was purpose-built so that the local politicians could manipulate with the order of winning projects and thus unfairly distribute the financial funds from the European Union.
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Kreativní účetnictvíZahrádková, Petra January 2008 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá vymezením technik, které mohou vést k vykazování nesprávného obrazu o finanční situaci a výkonnosti podniku. Popisuje praktiky jak window dressingu, tak mimobilančního financování. Uvádí, jak tyto metody ovlivní roční účetní výkazy a možná rozhodování jejich uživatelů. Zabývá se také možností jejich odhalování a případné prevence.
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Zahraniční politika Itálie na přelomu tisíciletí s důrazem na bezpečnostní problematiku / Foreign policy of Italy at the turn of the millennium, with an emphasis on security issuesTurečková, Iva January 2008 (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá italskou zahraniční politikou vlády koalice Domu svobod v letech 2001-2006 se zaměřením na bezpečnostní problematiku. Charakterizuje tradiční priority italské zahraniční politiky, na jejichž základě sleduje vývoj zahraničněpolitického kurzu Itálie pod vedením Silvia Berlusconiho. Analýza transatlantických vztahů je doplněna pojednáním o postoji Itálie k evropskému integračnímu procesu a k vybraným strategickým sférám italského národního zájmu. Cílem práce je zhodnotit pravdivost hypotézy o změně tradiční zahraničněpolitické orientace Itálie, která je s touto vládou často dávána do spojitosti. Poslední kapitola je z tohoto důvodu věnována postavení Itálie v boji proti terorismu, které představuje jeden ze základních bodů sporu.
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Boj proti korupci v Evropě: OLAF vs. GRECO / OLAF vs. GRECO - Fight against corruption in EuropeHavlenová, Jitka January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the problematic around the fight against corruption in Europe. Specifically it focuses on two organizations: OLAF and GRECO. The aim of this thesis is to determine how intensively these two organizations have contributed in the fight against corruption in Europe. Historical description, analysis of institutional settings and comparative analysis were used as methods for the solution. The sub-questions, which focused on the organizational structure, the opportunity to influence the investigation, the possibility of setting up anti-corruption policies in Europe and the opportunity to influence the legislation in its Member States, helped to answer the main question. Carrying out this comparison, it was found that although OLAF can conduct its own investigation of financial fraud, it has not got the ability to set up anti-corruption policies in Europe, neither has it got the possibility to influence the legislation in its Member States. In contrast, GRECO does not investigate financial fraud, but it may, to some degree, have influence on setting up the anti-corruption policies in Europe. GRECO also has the power to influence the legislation of its Member States. The conclusion of this work delivers a report on the status and capability to fight against corruption in Europe (from an EU and European Council perspective). It also provides material about the work of OLAF and GRECO in the Czech language.
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Význam mikrofinancování pro rozvoj ve střední Asii / Importance of microfinance for development in Central AsiaPavlíček, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis aims at analysing impacts of microfinance on economimies of particular countries in Central Asia region. Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan were chosen for the analysis. First part of the thesis characterizes socioeconomic development and situation in selected countries. Second part of the thesis analyses specific form of microfinance and governments' attitude to this area of financial sector. The last part of the thesis compares impacts of microfinance on chosen economies with each other. It also deals with comparation of microfinance system in Central Asia and vision of Muhammad Yunus, pioneer of modern microfinance.
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Vývoj amerického boje proti povstalcům ve vietnamské a irácké válce / The Evolution of American Contrainsurgency in the Vietnam and Iraq WarsReif, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The United States was throughout the history engaged in several conflicts which had a character of counterinsurgency. These are - among others- War in Vietnam and second War in Iraq. These two conflicts are examined in this diploma thesis. Author poses a question how did counterinsurgency tactics evolved in both conflicts. The second question is whether the United States implemented counterinsurgency experiences from Vietnam War in Iraq War and if so, how they were implemented. The United States developed several counterinsurgency programs and the most of them were successful - they prevented Vietcong from spreading its influence in South Vietnam. However these programs were often poorly financed, or they did not gain enough support from The US Army, because the Army prefered conventional approach in fighting against communists. The United States fought a conventional warfare in the first few years of Iraq War and it had not succeeded in garnering popularity among civilians. The change came with a new commander- general David Petraeus. Petraeus was inspired by the experiences from the Vietnam War (and other conflicts) and he concentrated his effort on providing safety to Iraqi population. This strategy paid off and the Army had much less losses during his command then during the pre - 2007 period....
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