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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vnitřní bezpečnost USA: Realita či mýtus? Domácí boj s terorismem po 11. září / U.S. Homeland Security: Reality or Myth? Domestic counterterrorism post-9/11

Bernardyová, Alžběta January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "U.S. Homeland Security: Reality or Myth? Domestic Counterterrorism post-9/11" examines the change in U.S. domestic counterterrorism policy after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. More specifically, it focuses on the U.S. government's reorganization, which led to the creation of the Department of Homeland Security. As outlined in this thesis, the homeland security agenda was aimed at unifying the U.S. efforts to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reducing America's vulnerability to terrorism, and minimizing the damage and recovering from attacks that do occur. This thesis sets out to answer two interconnected questions: (1) whether the proposed homeland security agenda led to an efficient and unified system of U.S. domestic counterterrorism measures based on enhanced information sharing; and (2) why, in spite of the unique opportunity created by the 9/11 attacks, a comprehensive reorganization of the U.S. government to create a coherent homeland security agenda did not materialize. Throughout this thesis, it is argued that an efficient U.S. government reorganization was obstructed by three main factors. First, the change was obstructed by the organizational nature of the government agencies. Second, the reorganization was hindered by the "rational choices" of the U.S....

Vliv izokinetické síly a posturálních svalů na dynamické síly, rychlost a úhlovou rychlost přímého kopu bez zátěže a s nesenou zátěží / Effects of isokinetic strength and postural muscles on dynamic strength, velocity and angular velocity of a front kick with and no carried load.

Krajcigr, Jan January 2022 (has links)
Title: Effects of isokinetic strength and postural muscles on dynamic strength, velocity and angular velocity of a front kick with and no carried load. Objectives: The aim of the work was to find the effect of the isokinetic strength of hip and knee flexors and extensors of the lower limb performing a front kick, hip rotators during concentric and eccentric contraction of the standing lower limb and the postural muscles on dynamic forces, velocity and angular velocity of a front kick with and no carried load. Methods: This correlation study was conducted on 16 male participants (age: 22 ± 1,5 years⁏ weight: 79 ± 6,6 kg⁏ height: 182 ± 6,1 cm) studying military physical education at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of Charles University in Prague. Participants performed 5 consecutive front kicks with or without additional load (0 kg, 5 kg, 15 kg, 30 kg, 45 kg). The dynamic strength of the kicks was measured using a Kistler force plate. The velocity and angular velocity of the kicks were measured using a motion capture system (Qualisys). The isokinetic strength of hip and knee flexors and extensors and hip internal and external rotators were measured using a Humac Norm isokinetic dynamometer (CSMI). Postural muscles strength was assessed using 5 different stability tests. The correlation...

RoBuoy : Dynamic Positioning of an Autonomous Buoy using GNSS / RoBuoy : Dynamisk Positionering av en autonom boj med GNSS

Anderberg, Erik, Olanders, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Buoys anchored to the seabed are often used for marking courses in competitive sailing and other water sports, but they may need to be relocated several times per day. To avoid the time and fuel consuming labour of raising and moving the anchors, a prototype of an autonomous buoy using electric motors to maintain its position was built and tested. The prototype buoy was built as a catamaran pontoon boat with one motor in each hull. To navigate it used a Global Navigation Satellite Systems receiver and a compass as sensors. Based on information from the sensors, a microcontroller regulated the buoy’s heading and velocity using proportional, integral and derivative control. The prototype was tested and evaluated in terms of design suitability, control system performance and dynamic positional precision. Except for leaking propeller axle seals the general design of the buoy was found suitable, as was the PID control system. However, while the GNSS position was sufficiently accurate when stationary, it would not register movement smaller than approximately 30 m. Consequently the buoy was only able to stay within 19.8 m of the target location on average. The performance maybe improved by either using a different GNSS receiver, or upgrading to Real Time Kinematics GNSS. / Bojar förankrade till havsbottnen används ofta för att märka ut banan i kappsegling eller andra vattensporter, men kan behöva flyttas flera gånger per dag. För att undvika det tids- och bränslekrävande arbetet av att lyfta och flytta ankarna byggdes och testades en prototyp av en autonomboj som håller sin position med hjälp av elmotorer. Prototypbojen byggdes som en pontonbåt i katamaranutförande med en motor i varje skrov. För att navigera använde den en mottagare för Global Navigation Satellite Systems och en kompass som sensorer. Baserat på information från sensorerna styrde en mikrokontroller bojens kurs och hastighet med proportionella, integrerande och deriverande regulatorer. Prototypen testades och utvärderades med avseende på konstruktionens lämplighet, reglersystemets prestanda och dynamisk positioneringsprecision. Förutom läckande propelleraxelstätningar ansågs den generella designen var lämplig, likaså PID-reglersystemet. Aven om den stillastående GNSS-positionen var tillräckligt exakt, så registrerades inte rörelser mindre än 30 m. Följaktligen kunde bojen bara hålla sig inom 19.8 m från målpositionen i genomsnitt. Prestandan skulle kunna förbättras med en annan GNSS mottagare eller genom att uppgradera till Real Time Kinematics GNSS.

Generační střety na stránkách protektorátního kolaborantského tisku / Conflict of Generations in the Mirror of the Protectorate Collaborators Press

Nezdařil, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to cover the variability of the protectorate press propaganda in relation to the generational and social belonging of the target readership group. This has been researched through analysing three collaboration newspapers - Arijský boj, Zteč and Přítomnost. Propagandist images have been reconstructed based on an analysis of three large topics, namely depicting the classes of the protectorate intellectuals, the youth and finally the Jewish minority. Except for covering the specific propagandist techniques, the aim is also an attempt to evaluate the perspectives of accepting these images by the protectorate society, and of explaining why they failed. Due to the primary sources that were used in the research, presented thesis affects mainly the period between 1942 and 1945.

Náboženské a politické pozadí vzniku první křížové výpravy / The religious and political Background of the beginning of the First Crusades Founding

Novotný, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
7 ABSTRACT Title: THE RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL BACKGROUD OF THE BEGINNING OF THE FIRST CRUSADES FOUDING The objective of this diploma thesis The religious and political Background of the beginning of the First Crusade Fouding is, to present the circumstances and the events, which preceded the beginning of the First Crusade on basis of examining literature. Further the thesis aims to clarify the three significant civilizations (European, Byzantine and Muslim), which participated in the crusade. The thesis itself is divided in several main sections: 1. Holy Land and the pilgrimage (pilgrim) tradition 2.Christians and Muslims fighting before the First Crusade. 3. Turbulent wartime conditions in Western Europe after the collapse of the Carolingian Empire. 4. The struggle for investiture. 5. Convening of the expedition. 6. The main leaders of the First Crusade. 7. Europe, Byzantium and the Muslim world of the XIth century - religion, life, culture and philosophy. 8. The World of Western Europe in the XIth century 9. World of the XIth century Byzantine Empire 10. World of the Muslim Asia Minor in the XIth century. 11. The chroniclers of the First Crusade. While studying the topic I mostly used secondary literature. Mainly I relied on the first volume of the work A History of the Crusades, which is a high quality...

Problematika Malárie v Zambii / Malaria as a major Public Health problem in Zambia

MUBIANA, Nawa January 2013 (has links)
Malaria is known to be endemic throughout Zambia and continues to be a major public health problem. Eighty three percent (83 %) of Zambian population is reported to be living in malaria high risk areas and the remaining 17 percent is reported living in malaria low risk areas. Zambia has a 16 percent malaria national prevalence. Malaria peak transmission periods are usually during the rainy season ? from November to April and the main transmitting vectors are anopheles species; funestus, gambiae and arabiensis. Plasmodium falciparum is the main transmitting parasite accounting for about 98 percent of all malaria infections in the country. Other species of plasmodium that can be found in Zambia are ovale and malariae. The main intervention measures used in the prevention and control of malaria in Zambia are; Indoor Residual spray (IRS), mass distribution of insecticide treated mosquito nets (ITNs) and Intermittent Prevention Treatment (IPT). The main aim of this thesis is to analyze the efficiency and effectiveness of the the current intervention measures used to prevent and control malaria in Zambia. I approached this issue from time the ?roll back malaria ? project was intiated in 1998 up to 2011. With help of the changes introduced to the health sector under the sector wide approach reforms in 1995, the public health approach in the fight against malaria was even much widened. The second aim of my thesis is to offer acceptable alternative interventions that can used in the prevention and control of malaria. In this qualitative type of research, I chose to use secondary analyzation of data as my research method. I obtained much of the information from studying health literature, journals, laws and other online publications, which I found to be relevant to the topic at hand. I also consulted with the Zambian ministry of health through provincial health offices as well as via district health offices. A series of three open research questions was used as a guide to obtaining the much needed data. However, the results revealed that the current intervention measures used in the prevention and control of malaria are efficient and effective. In 2009, Zambia recorded a 66 percent reduction in deaths due to malaria. This success recorded clearly surpasses the target set by the ?roll back malaria? 2006 which was aimed at reducing mortality due to malaria by 50 percent by year 2010. However, parasitemia results still show great variation in prevalence between urban areas and rural. This inequality is also evident in the access to health care as well. There is much need to scale up on intervention measures if a Zambia without malaria is to be achieved. This work can as used as a public health tool in the prevention of malaria in Zambia and also as a road map to future research concerning malaria and public health.

Leninsko-stalinska ideologie jako pseudonáboženství / Leninist-stalinist Communistic Ideology as a Pseudo-religion

PEKÁREK, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis presented points out the presence of religious elements in Marxist-Leninist ideology. It examines the writings of the godfathers of this ideology(Marx, Engels, Lenin, or other less familiar Marxist, focusing specifically on their attitude to religion and religious thought in general. The thesis draws attention to the cognate elements of Christianiny and the very essence of Marxist-Leninist ideology, especially in terms of similar perception of historic eras of social development. The exposition is not limit to a description of Marxist theoretical attitudes assumed towards religious thoughts; the practical realization of these attitudes in Lenin- and Stalin-governed Russia is also investigated.

Techniky převzetí a úprava převzetí v českém právním řádu / The takeover techniques and regulation of takeovers in the Czech law system

Poborský, František January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with takeover techniques and regulation of takeovers in the Czech law system. In the theoretical part of the paper there are explained key definitions and general facts concerning with takeovers. The main theme of the theoretical part analyzes the most frequent takeover techniques. The paper studies how particular techniques work. It also takes into account expert discussions about the takeover theme. The takeover laws of the Czech Republic are analyzed in the second part of the diploma thesis. The paper contains a synthesis of theoretical findings and regulation of corresponding laws. It reveals practical use of particular takeover techniques in the Czech Republic.

Energetická politika EU z pohledu lobbingu / EU energy policy from lobbying perspective

Dvořáková, Adéla January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis aims to contribute to the clarification of the process of shaping new EU climate and energy policy and to describe European lobbying groups entering in the 2030 Climate and Energy Framework policy-making process. The thesis aims to assess influence and participation of selected lobbying groups in this policy-making process. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical aspects of energy policy, further it provides the definition of basic terms and description of the EU legislative process in terms of lobbying. The second chapter explains energy policy in the context of fight against climate change and defines this issue at international and European level. The last chapter of the thesis deals with the current policy-making process of the 2030 policy framework for climate and energy and specifically focuses on lobbying activities and the intensity of lobbying impact of selected political, governmental and social actors according to the classification of interest groups by Howlett and Ramesh.

Organizace bojující proti korupci v České republice / Anti-corruption organizations in the Czech Republic

Vojáčková, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The corruption and the fight against it falls among very frequently discussed topics appearing on the front pages of media, also this phenomenon is currently being intensively discussed and plays an ever increasing role in the civil society as well. Recently, the civil society has shown a new trend which manifests itself in the birth of new anti-corruption organizations, new projects and other activities. Because of all the reasons, the paper deals with the anti-corruption non-governmental organizations (NGO's) and their activities in the Czech Republic. The text is divided into four chapters constituting two parts having two chapters each. The first part contains a summary of theoretical knowledge, the first chapter describes the non-profit sector and NGO's activities theory, the second chapter summarizes the basic theoretical information about the corruption phenomenon. The second part focuses on the description of the anti-corruption organizations, employs the theoretical knowledge and provides an analysis of the anti-corruption NGOs. The third chapter describes particular organizations, analyzes their activities and, based on some common characteristics recognized, outlines the division of the organizations into several groups. The fourth chapter contains an analysis on cooperating between different anti-corruption NGOs and handles a case study of a so called Pankrácká výzva(Pankrácká challenge).

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