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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


M.Bashir, Ayoub, Latif, Alan January 2010 (has links)
The division of Electricity at Uppsala University runs a project called Lysekil project, they have designed a buoy that uses the waves to create electric power from a generator attached to the bottom of the sea. Uppsala University is closely connected with the company Seabased and the university makes use of their facilities in Lysekil.   When they designed the buoy issues occurred, the geometric design was flawed, brackets with a short shelf life and it is generally uneconomic. A study visit was done in Lysekil on Seabased facility. With this visit the project started, which is to improve the design of the buoy and the attachment of wires leading to the generator.   In this project we have chosen to use a beam system with three beams that are attached to the buoy. Then a wire attached to a plate that sits between the beams will be leading to the generator. Two proposals for construction are created, what distinguishes them are the brackets between the beams and the buoy. From these constructions, the design that is considered most optimal for our project is chosen. All parts of the buoy have been modeled and the drawings are designed in ProEngineer software. The two constructions are compared with each other, but the whole focus is on the second and final structure.   The report begins with an introduction describing Lysekil project, and a task description of our project. The project aims to produce an optimal buoy that will be easy to design, materials restrictive with good durability and an economical solution. Wave power true function has been studied, mechanical and finite element analysis of beams, buoy and plate design. This has been presented in this report, where in the various chapters can read more about the processes. Although the relevant facts and information on this project and buoy development is included. The calculations of finite element analysis are attached in the appendices, and a budget structure of the buoy.

Zařazení technik boje na zemi do systému do systému boje zblízka v AČR / Inclusion on the ground fighting techniques in the system of close combat in the Army of the Czech Republic.

Král, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
Title of thesis: Inclusion on the ground fighting techniques in the system of close combat in the Army of the Czech Republic. Aim of thesis: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of termination, the risk of injury and severity of selected techniques of fighting on the ground in order to create a theoretical model for the incorporation of new techniques into close combat training in the Army of the Czech Republic. Methods: This thesis is processed by multivariate preferences. IAC group of senior mentors and close combat instructors evaluated using a printed questionnaire completion efficiency, risk of injury and severity of the performance of six combat techniques on the ground in design with no weapon and then in the version with weapons (assault with a knife during the implementation techniques) marks 1 "worst" to 3 "best". To summarize the evaluation I used tables showing the frequency of individual signs and then multiply the resulting frequency value equal to the value of the mark, below which the frequency is. The data obtained from the product of the frequency and the added values allowed us to compare techniques between themselves and determine their mutual order. Results: Despite the chosen criteria evaluated for divergence of selected techniques and access to the results...

Koncept för koppling av boj till generator i ett vågkraftverk

Mahbob, Feroz January 2012 (has links)
Den största delen av all energi på jorden utvinns idag från fossila bränslen. Detta innebär stora faror för miljön såsom utsläpp av växthusgaser. För att uppnå en hållbar utveckling behöver vi miljövänliga och förnybara energikällor. Vågkraft är därför en bra lösning för framtidens energiförsörjning med många fördelar. På avdelning för Elektricitetslära i Ångströmslaboratoriet vid Uppsala universitet jobbar man med utvecklingen av ett vågkraftkoncept där en boj som flyter på havsytan kopplas till en generator på havets botten. Arbetet sker inom det så kallade Lysekilsprojektet och systemet testas på en anläggning i Lysekil på västkusten. I den befintliga konstruktionen kopplas bojen med hjälp av tre kättingar till en vajer som går till generatorn. På grund av vågornas rörelse uppstår nötningar där de tre kättingarna kopplas till bojen och till varandra. Det finns också stor risk för korrosion. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att komma på ett nytt koncept för infästningen mellan bojen och vajern till generatorn. Målet är att minska nötningen och på så sätt minska behovet av underhållsarbete. Det första steget i arbetet var att generera flera koncept på möjliga konstruktionslösningar. Ett koncept som baseras på att fyra balkar placeras ovanpå bojen med en platta i mitten där vajern fästes med hjälp av en fästanordning valdes som det lämpligaste konceptet. Konceptet vidareutvecklades med hjälp av CAD-programmet SolidWorks. Konstruktionen som arbetades fram motsvarar till största delen den kraftspecifikation som arbetades fram i början av projektet. Den kan klara av en kraft på 500 kN, som kan uppstå vid de största vågorna. Den har inga rörliga delar, så det kommer inte att ske någon nötning. Istället för kättingar används en vajer som är väl skyddad mot korrosion. Konstruktionen behöver inte lika mycket underhåll som den befintliga konstruktionen med kättingar. Den är också lätt att montera, förutsatt att rätt verktyg konstrueras. / Today most of all energy on earth is produced from fossil fuels. This presents a danger to the environment such asemission of greenhouse gases. In order to achieve sustainable development we need clean and renewable energy sources. Wavepower is a good solution for future energy supply, with many advantages. The Department of Electricity in the Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University works with the development of a wave power concept where a buoy floating on the sea surface is connected to a generator on the sea floor. The work is performed within the so-called Lysekilproject and the system is tested at a facility in Lysekil on the Swedish west coast. In the existing design, a buoy is connected to the wire that goes from the generator by means of three chains. Due to wave movement wear occurs where the three chains are coupled to the buoy and to each other. There is also a risk of corrosion. The purpose of this thesis is to come up with a new concept of attachment between the buoy and wire to the generator. The objective is to reduce wear, thus reducing the need for maintenance work. The first stage of this work was to generate several concepts of possible design solutions. A concept which is based on four beams placed on top of the buoy and a plate in the middle where the wire is secured by a fastener was selected as the preferred concept. This concept was further developed using the CAD-program SolidWorks. The final structure corresponds to a large extent to the requirement specification which was developed in the beginning of the project. It can withstand a force of 500 kN, which may arise due to the biggest wave during a storm. It has no moving parts, so there will be no wear. Instead of chains a wire is used, which is well protected against corrosion. The proposed design does not need as much maintenance as the existing structure with chains. It is also easy to assemble, provided that the right tool is constructed.


Gustafsson, Johan, Milesson, Gustav, Furusköld, Jenny, Svedlindh, Klas, Ljung, Albin January 2014 (has links)
Rapporten behandlar det kandidatarbete som fem studenter blev tilldelade våren år 2014. Målet med arbetet innefattar utveckling och framtagning av en produkt som underlättar förtöjning av båtar vid exempelvis bojar och bryggor. Detta kandidatarbete resulterade i en produktdesign av en båtshake som underlättar förtöjning och denna uppfyller behov som har identifierats från en marknadsundersökning. Arbetet innefattar analyser av tillverkningsmetoder och material för att finna lämpliga sådana vid framtagning av produkten i fråga. Rapporten redogör även för hur koncept och design har tagits fram med hjälp av diverse konceptgenereringsmetoder. För att testa produktdesignen och dess funktioner tillverkades en prototyp likvärdig med den framtagna designen. Denna testades i sin arbetsmiljö, men även i en simulerad sådan. Därefter gjordes bedömningen att den uppfyller de mål och krav som har satts upp för projektet. / The report discusses the bachelor’s thesis that five students were assigned in the spring of 2014. The goal of this thesis includes the development and production of a product that facilitates the mooring of boats, for example to buoys and piers. This paper covers the work process resulting in a product design of a boat hook that facilitates mooring. This product was designed to meet the customer needs identified during a market survey. The report analyzes the manufacturing methods and materials in order to find appropriate ones for the production of the designed product. The report describes how the concept and design was developed assisted by various concept generation methods. To test the product design and its features a prototype similar to the developed design was produced. This was tested in a realistic working environment, but also in a simulated one. The conclusion was that the prototype met the required customer needs that were put forth throughout the project.

Mikrobiální rizika při výrobě a prodeji cukrářských výrobků

Gallinová, Ludmila January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is concerning with microbic contamination problematics during the production and sale of confectionery products. It defines the level of contamination we can find in the mentioned confectionery products. It also gives out the basic and the most important pathogens. Besides that it shows how to avoid the contamination and which methods and processes during the production and sale could be used. The experimental determination of the important microogranisms is also part of this thesis. We have done an microbiological analysis of the confectionery products which was bought in two diffenert confectionery stores. We have also done smears on different places of the stores and checkings to find an appereance of microorganisms in the air in each of these stores.

Globální bezpečnost a boj proti terorismu v 21. století

Fireš, Adam January 2006 (has links)
Globální bezpečnost v současnosti. Hlavní bezpečnostní hrozby. Terorismus. Definice terorismu. Typy terorismu. Boj proti terorismu. Mezinárodní politika a diplomacie

Hodnocení efektivity protiteroristické politiky EU - pilíř prevence / Assessing the Effectiveness of the Prevent Pillar of the EU Counter-terrorism Strategy

Rakovská, Petra January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of terrorism prevention and counter-radicalization in the European Union. The aim of this thesis is to assess the effectiveness of the 'prevent' pillar of The EU Counter-Terrorism Strategy. Due to the lack of agreement on why people engage in terrorism, (the process of) radicalization, and measuring and conceptualizing effectiveness, a unique research framework was designed. In the absence of a 'recipe' for effective terrorism prevention, the focus is on the EU's approach, i.e. what the EU has set out for itself in the 'prevent' pillar. This research design consists of two criteria - 'progress' and 'EU involvement.' In order to assess the effectiveness of the 'prevent' pillar, each of the pillar's seven key priorities was exposed to these criteria. The findings indicate that the 'prevent' pillar is relatively effective as the progress was made in each priority area and the EU was involved considerably. As this research does not make any causality claims, these findings do not translate into the reduction of the terrorist threat. This effectiveness might as well be a result of careful wording of the pillar's priorities and their tailoring to the EU context. The main responsibility to tackle radicalization and recruitment still remains at local and national level.

Politické působení Anselma z Canterbury / Political activity of Anselm of Canterbury

Kalina, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The thesis aims to describe Anselm's years as prior and abbot and his archiepiscopal career. Analyzing the years spent in the Norman monastery of Bec as a missionary and teacher in its school, the thesis notes the amount of knowledge and experiences which prepared Anselm for his archiepiscopal career. His intellectual qualities and theories are examined as well as some of his highly influential theological texts. Anselm also strove to spread the reforms of his teacher and mentor at Bec and his predecessor at Canterbury, Archbishop Lanfranc. Anselm's following archiepiscopal career spanned the reigns of two kings: William Rufus and Henry I. The study proves that the policies and attitudes of both rulers were quite different. Under the reign of William Rufus, Anselm tried to bring his ideal theoretical state of things into actuality, but the king resisted everything he attempted to do. With his death, Anselm's position changed rapidly and dramatically. Henry, on the other hand, excelled in the ability to work out a compromise. In the end, Anselm's archiepiscopal career concluded with cooperation between king and archbishop.

Řešení sporů z pracovněprávních vztahů - česko-německé srovnání / Resolving disputes in labour law relations - czech-german comparison

Kozlovská, Anita January 2016 (has links)
Diese Arbeit ist als Übersicht der Wege der Lösungen der arbeitsrechtlichen Beziehungen mit dem Fokus überwiegend auf die kollektiven arbeitsrechtlichen Streitigkeiten konzipiert. Die Arbeit teilt sich auf drei Hauptabschnitte: die tschechische Gesetzgebung, die deutsche Gesetzgebung und dann ihren Vergleich. Ein unbeträchtlicher Teil der Arbeit verfolgt den Vergleich der Gerichtsbarkeit in Arbeitssachen, wo die tschechische Agenda im Rahmen der allgemeinen Gerichte gelöst wird und die deutsche das Institut der Arbeitsgerichte benützt. Das Kapitel des Vergleichs beginnt mit einer tabellarischen Übersicht des Verfahrens. Erwähnt ist auch die Effektivität beider rechtlichen Ausgestaltungen. Unwesentlich sind die alternativen Wege der Lösung arbeitsrechtlicher Streitigkeiten erwähnt, und zwar mit dem Vergleich der Schlichtung und der Mediation. Das Hauptthema sind die aus den kollektiven arbeitsrechtlichen Beziehungen entstandenen Streitigkeiten, insbesondere aus den kollektiven Verhandlungen in der Tschechischen Republik und aus den Tarifverhandlungen in Deutschland im Rahmen der Abschließungen der kollektiven (und in Deutschland der Tarif-) Verträge. Der wichtige Ausdruck dieser Beziehungen ist unter anderem die spezifische Weise der Durchsetzung der kollektiven Interessen, und zwar mithilfe der...

Analýza korupce v České republice

Přibyl, Jan Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Cílem práce je zmapovat případy korupce v ČR a navrhnout různé možnosti vyhodnocení a stanovení prognóz do budoucna. Práce postupně zanalyzovala a popsala stav a vývoj korupce v ČR. Jak začátky korupce a její vývoj v čase, tak i popis jednotlivých složek korupce. Dále je v práci popsán způsob boje proti korupci a porovnání stavu v ČR a ve světě.Dále byly navrhnuty 3 základní analýzy korupce a jejich aplikace.Jedná se o statistickou analýzu, geografickou analýzu a analýzu za pomocí dotazníkového šetření.

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