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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of management in the in-service training of adult learners in agricultural institutions

Sepheka, Amony Amanda 01 1900 (has links)
Agriculture is one of the most important economic activities, with significant contribution to food security, job creation and gross domestic product (GDP) in many countries. Due to the historical inequalities in the distribution of farming land, agriculture in South Africa has been divided into commercial agriculture and subsistence agriculture. The end result are inequalities in the distribution of land, skills and wealth, with the majority of South Africans living in poverty, being illiterate and with no skills. The newly elected democratic Government has since 1994 attempted to address these inequalities. Among the programmes introduced to skill farmers was the launch of the Agricultural Education and Training (AET) Strategy. The aim of AET was to improve Agricultural production through quality agricultural education and training, and thereby addressing the needs of the country’s economy. Adult in-service training was introduced at agricultural institutions. It is now mandatory for the management of agricultural institutions providing in-service training to skill their workers. Yet there is still no clear understanding of how the farmers, managers and supervisors benefit or do not benefit from their employees’ in-service training. This lack of information has been of concern to the farm managers, training providers, sponsors and other stakeholders. Apart from frequent discussions, little has so far been written on the subject. In particular, there is little known about the role of management of the adult in-service training at the agricultural institutions. The aim of this research was to explore the role of the management of in-service training of adult learners at an agricultural institution with the objective of providing the needed information. The qualitative research approach, using grounded theory, was employed because of its suitability to the study. Information was collected from the participants using both in-depth open-ended questions and focus groups interviews. The data analysis was achieved by using the ATLAS ti. The aim was to provide an in-depth understanding of people’s experiences in the agricultural industry, especially at the two sampled agricultural institutions, both situated in Gauteng. vi The lack of evaluation of the Adult in-service training project was found to be the main reason why there is still no clear understanding of how the farmers, managers and supervisors benefit or do not benefit from their employees’ in-service training. The problem of lack of evaluation was related to the level of literacy of the adult in-service learners, who preferred practical training to theoretical training. At the same time, the farm managers, training providers, sponsors and other stakeholders are anxious to know the training progress results. The knowledge of training progress is also needed for the implementation of improvements or financial sponsorship. This research therefore recommends, among others, that evaluations be carried out among the adult in-service learners in such a manner that both the adult learners and the other stakeholders are satisfied. It is, therefore, essential that the role of management of the Adult in-service training agricultural institutions be well defined, so as to fulfil the purpose of these in-service institutions of skilling the trainees to be productive agricultural farmers for the benefit of agricultural production in South Africa. / Temothuo ke nngwe ya ditirwana tsa botlhokwa tota tsa ikonomi, tse di nang le seabe se segolo mo netefatsong ya lotseno lwa dijo, go tlhola ditiro mmogo le go Palogotlhe ya Dikumo tsa Naga (GDP), mo dinageng di le dintsi. Ka ntlha ya hisitori ya go sa lekalekane mo kabong ya lefatshe la temo, temothuo mono Aforikaborwa e ne ya aroganngwa ka mapahata a le mabedi, e bong temothuo e e totileng kgwebo le e e totileng go iphedisa fela. Kwa bofelong re feleditse ka go sa lekalekaneng ga kabo ya lefatshe, bokgoni le khumo, fao bontsi jwa Maaforikaborwa ba tshelelang mo khumanegong, ba sa rutega e bile ba se na bokgoni. Puso ya demokerasi e e tlhophilweng sešwa, e sa le e leka go mekamekana le go sa lekalekaneng go, go simolola ka 1994. Gareng ga mananeo a a itsisitsweng go neela balemi bokgoni, ke kgakolo ya Leano la Thuto le Thupelelo malebana le Temothuo (AET). Maikaelelo ka AET e ne e le go tokafatsa kumo ya Temothuo ka mosele wa thuto le thupelelo ya boleng, ka jalo go mekamekanwe le ditlhokwa tsa ikonomi ya naga. Go itsisitswe thupelelotirong ya bagolo kwa ditheong tsa temothuo. Gajaana, bolaodi jwa ditheo tsa temothuo bo gapelediwa go neela thupelelotirong gore badiri ba ditheo tse, ba nne le bokgoni. Le gale, ga go ise go tlhaloganyege sentle gore balemerui, balaodi le batlhokomedi ba ungwa go le kae, kgotsa ga ba ungwe jang, malebana le thupelelotirong ya bathapiwa ba bona. Tlhokego e ya tshedimosetso, e tshwentse balaodi ba dipolase, bakatisi, baetleetsi mmogo le banaleseabe. Ga go a kwala go le gontsi malebana le setlhogo se, go fitlha gajaana. Go feta fa, ga go itsiwe seabe sa bolaodi malebana le thupelelotirong ya bagolo mo ditheong tsa temothuo. Maikaelelo a tlhotlhomisi e e ne e le go leba seabe sa bolaodi mo thupelelotirong ya baithuti ba bagolo kwa ditheong tsa temothuo, ka maikaelelo a go neela thsedimosetso e e tlhokegang. Molebo wa patlisiso wa diteng o dirisitswe ka ntlha ya bomaleba jwa ona mo tlhotlhomising e. Go kokoantswe tshedimosetso go tswa go batsaakarolo, go dirisiwa dipotso tse di tseneletseng mmogo le tse di sa tsenelelang jalo, le dipotsolotso tsa ditlhopha tse di totilweng. Kanaanelo ya datha e fitlheletswe ka go dirisa ATLAS ti. viii Maikaelelo e ne e le go neela tlhaloganyo e e tseneletseng ya maitemogelo a batho mo industering ya temothuo, bogolosegolo ditheo tse di supilweng tsa temothuo, bobedi jwa tsona bo le mo Gauteng. Lebakalegolo la gore go bo go se na tlhaloganyo e e edileng ya gore balemerui, balaodi le batlhokomedi ba ungwa jang kgotsa ga ba ungwe jang malebana le thupelelotirong ya badiredi, ga le ise le tlhake. Matsapa a go tlhoka tekanyetso a tsalana le maemo a borutegi a baithuti ba bagolo ba thupelelotirong, ba ba neng ba eletsa thupelelotirong ya tiragatso e seng ya tiro. Ka nako yona e balaodi ba dipolasa, batlamedi ba thupelelo, baetleetsi mmogo le banaleseabe, ba fela pelo go itse dipholo tsa thupelelo. Kitso ya tsamao ya thupelelo e bile e tlhokega malebana le tiragatso ya tlhabololo mmogo le ketletso ya tsa matlhole. Tlhotlhomisi e, ka jalo, gareng gat se dingwe e tshikhinya gore, gareng gat se dingwe, tlhotlhwafatso e dirwe mo baithuting ba bagolo ba thupelelotirong ka tsela e e tlaa kgotsofatsang baithuti ba bagolo mmogo le ba na le seabe. Ka jalo go botlhokwa gore seabe sa ditheo tsa bolaodi jwa katiso ya bodiredi jwa temothuo jwa Bagolo, se lebiwe sentle, gore se kgotsofatse maikaelelo a ditheo tse tsa katisotirong ya ditheo tse, e maikaelelo a yona e leng go nonotsha bakatisiwa go nna balemirui ba ba tlhololo go ungwa temothuo mo Aforikaborwa. / Ezolimo zingomunye wemisebenzi yezomnotho ebaluleke kakhulu, kanti zibambe iqhaza elisemqoka ekutholakaleni kokudla, ukudala amathuba omsebenzi nakusambamkiqizo wezwe (GDP) emazweni amaningi. Ngenxa yomlando wokungalingani ekwabeni umhlaba wezolimo, ezolimo lezi eNingizimu Afrika sezehlukaniswe zaba ngezolimo zokuhwebelana, nezolimo zokungadliwa ekhaya. Umphumela walokhu kube ukungalingani ekwabiweni komhlaba, amakhono, nomnotho, nokuba iningi lezakhamizi zaseNingozimu Afrika liphile ngobumpofu, ukungakwazi ukufunda nokubhala nokungabi namakhono. Uhulumeni omusha wentando yeningi, kusukela ku-1994 ubuzama ukubhekana nalokhu kungalingani. Kwezinye zezinhlelo ezisunguliwe ukuhlomisa abalimi ngamakhono kube ukwethula iNdlela Yokufundisa Nokuqeqesha kwezolimo (Agricultural Education and Training [AET] Strategy). Injongo ye-AET ukwenza ngcono imikhiqizo yeZolimo ngokufundisa nokuqeqesha kwezolimo okusezingeni eliphakeme, ngalokho kubhekanwe nezidingo zezomnotho ezweni. Kwaqalwa ukuba kube nokuqeqeshwa kwabadala okwenzelwa ezikhungweni zezolimo. Sebephoqelekile manje abaphathi bezikhungo zezolimo eziqeqeshela emsebenzini ukuba bahlomise abasebenzi babo ngamakhono adingekayo. Noma kunjalo akukho ukuqonda kahle ukuthi abalimi, izimenenja nababhekile bazuza noma abazuzi kanjani ngokuqeqeshelwa emsebenzini kwabasebenzi babo. Ukungatholakali kolwazi lwalokhu kuyazikhathaza izimenenja zamapulazi, abaqeqeshi, abaxhasi nabanye ababambe iqhaza. Ngaphandle kwezingxoxo ezihlale ziba khona, kuze kube manje kuncane osekubhaliwe ngalesi sihloko. Ikakhulu kuncane okwaziwayo ngeqhaza labaphathi (izimenenja) bokuqeqeshelwa emsebenzini kwabafundi abadala ezikhungweni zezolimo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo-ke bekungucubungula ngeqhaza labaphathi bezikhungo zokuqeqeshela abafundi abadala emsebenzini ezikhungweni zezolimo, inhloso kungukuba kuhlinzekwe ngolwazi oludingekayo. Lapha bekusetshenziswa indlela yocwaningo egxile emsocweni (qualitative) kusetshenziswa ithiyori ezinzile (grounded) ngoba lokhu kuyezwana nalolu cwaningo. Ulwazi oludingekayo beluqoqwa kwababambe iqhaza kusetshenziswa imibuzo ejulayo x kodwa evulekile, nokuba kubuzanwe namaqembu ebekugxilwe kuwo. Imininingwane etholakele ibihlaziywa ngokusebenzisa i-ATLADS TI. Injongo bekungukuba kutholakale ukuqonda okujulile ngalokho abedlula kukho abantu embonini yezolimo, ikakhulu ezikhungweni zezolimo ezimbili eziqokiwe, zombili eziseGauteng. Ukungenzeki kokuba kuhlolwe izinga lephrojekthi yokuqeshelwa emsebenzini kwabadala kwatholakala kuyikhona okuyisizathu esiphambili sokuba kuze kube manje kungacacile ukuqonda ukuthi ngabe abalimi nezimenenja bayazuza yini noma abazuzi lutho ngalokhu kuqeqeshelwa emsebenzi kwabasebenzi. Inkinga yokungabi bikho kwalokhu kuhlolwa kwezinga kuhambisana nezinga lokwazi ukufunda okubhaliwe nokubhala kwabafundi abadala abaqeqeshelwa emsebenzini, ababethanda kakhulu ukuqeqeshwa kokwenziwayo kunalokho okuyithiyori. Kanti ngaso leso sikhathi izimenenja zepulazi, abaqeqeshi, abaxhasi nabanye ababambe iqhaza kulo msebenzi banexhala ngokwazi imiphumela yokuqhubekela phambili kwalokhu kuqeqesha. Ukwazi ngokuqhubeka kokuqeqesha kuyadingeka futhi ukuze zenziwe ngcono ezinye izinto, noma kuhleleke nokutholakala kwabaxhasa ngezimali. Ngakho-ke lolu cwaningo, ngaphezu kwezinye izincomo, luncoma ukuthi kuhlolwe izinga kubafundi abadala abaqeqeshwayo ngendlela yokuba bagculiseke abafundi abadala nabanye ababambe iqhaza kule phrojekthi. Kubalulekile-ke ukuba uchazwe kucace kahle umsebenzi wabaphathi bezikhungo zezolimo zokuqeqeshela abadala emsebenzini, ukuze kufezeke izinhloso zalezi zikhungo zokuqeqeshela emsebenzini mayelana nokuhlomisa abaqeqeshwayo ngamakhono ukuze bagcine sebengabalimi abakhiqiza okomkhakha wezolimo okuzosiza iNingizimu Afrika yonkana. / Science and Technology Education / D. Phil. (Education)

A talent management model for medium sized enterprises in Uganda

Ndawula, Gerald January 2018 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in Zulu and SePedi / Business-oriented studies have revealed that medium-sized enterprises greatly contribute to economic growth and socio-economic development of developed and emerging economies like Uganda. At the same time, these enterprises are faced with copious challenges, and chief among them, is a general lack of prudent talent management model(s) and talented people to propel them forward in order to sustain competitiveness. The aim of the present research undertaking was to develop a model for talent management that could be applied by medium-sized enterprises in Uganda to attract and retain talented people with the view to sustain survival, growth, development and competitiveness. The study evolved on the thesis statement that the characteristics of an enterprise (i.e., main business, number of employees, years of existence, technological advancement, ownership arrangement, location and active website) and managerial characteristics (i.e., level of competition, performance rating of the enterprise, leadership style, owners participation, academic attainment of the General Manager/Chief Executive Officer and academic attainment of Assistant General Manager/Assistant Chief Executive Officer) influence the direction and dynamics of talent management (i.e., talent identification, leadership talent development, talent development for hard to fill positions, higher position talent development, cohort of talent, talent utilization and reward management) in the medium-sized enterprises in Uganda. A mixed research design was adopted. Primary data was obtained through a survey questionnaire and interviews of management experts were conducted, using the theoretical sampling technique. The interviews were meant to obtain the underlying in-depth factors pertaining to emerging issues from the quantitative data analysis. Based on the Business Register for the year 2006, the total population of the medium-sized enterprises in Uganda stood at 58,512 and the targeted sample of 600 medium sized enterprises was statistically arrived at. 570 medium-sized enterprises responded positively to the study. This gave a response rate of 95%, which was classified as excellent. The measuring instrument yielded an overall Cronbach Alpha value of 0.77 which implied that the instrument was reliable to conduct the study. A variable was generated to measure talent management. This was done by the application of STATA Version 13.0. Linear regression analysis was conducted for all the seven research questions for the study. The model fit was good because the probability value (0.000) was less than 0.05 and the conclusions were made at 95 per cent level of confidence. Using the adjusted model, it was established that main business, technological advancement, ownership structure and location of enterprises significantly influence talent management in the medium-sized enterprises in Uganda. In addition, it was revealed that performance rating, leadership style, owners participation and academic attainment of the assistant general managers significantly influence the dynamics and direction of talent management in the medium-sized enterprises in Uganda. These findings formed the developed talent management model for medium-sized enterprises. The fundamental theoretical contribution of this investigation was the development of a talent management model for medium-sized enterprises in Uganda, in the context of developing countries. The practical worth of the model is its application to strengthen talent management in the medium-sized enterprises with the view to sustain survival, growth, development and competitiveness. The recommendations of the study are that: the dependency of medium sized enterprises in Uganda on general management aspects without embracing fundamental ingredients of talent management is a risky business venture; and medium-sized enterprises in Uganda must revisit their talent identification, talent development initiatives, talent retention programs, talent utilization and reward management systems. This will permit them to be aligned with the volatile competitive business environment. Medium-sized enterprises must continuously re-examine leadership talent development initiatives in order to enhance business leaders with the view to attain long term sustainability. / Izingcwaningo eziphathelene nebhizinisi sezikuvezile ukuthi amabhizinisi amaphakathi ngobukhulu anegalelo elikhulukazi ekukhulisweni komnotho kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwenhlalomnotho yamazwe aneminotho esithuthukile kanye nalawo aneminotho esafufusa njenge-Uganda. Kusenjalo, lawa mabhizinisi azithola ebhekene nezinkinga eziningi, futhi enkulu kunazo zonke, wukuntuleka kwemodeli noma amamodeli okuphathwa kwabasebenzi, ngokunjalo nokuntuleka kwabasebenzi abanekhono abazokwazi ukuqhubekisela phambili amabhizinisi lawo ukuze akwazi ukukhula futhi adlondlobale emsebenzini wawo webhizinisi lapho kunesimo sokuncintisana okukhulu phakathi kwamabhizinisi. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo lwamanje kwabe kuwukuthuthukisa imodeli yokuphathwa kwabasebenzi engasetshenziswa emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu ase-Uganda, ngenhloso yokuheha nokugcina abantu abanamakhono ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthi amabhizinisi ayaqhubeka nokusebenza, ayakhula, ayathuthuka futhi ayakwazi ukuncintisana ngempumelelo emkhakheni wezebhizinisi. Lolu cwaningo kwathuthukiselwa phezu kwesitatimende sethisisi esithi izici-bunjalo zebhizinisi (okusho umsebenzi oyinhloko owenziwa yibhizinisi, inani labasebenzi, iminyaka esiphelile lasungulwa futhi likhona, ukuthuthuka noqhukubekela kwalo phambili kwezobuchwepheshe, isimo sobunikazi, indawo elisebenzela kuyona kanye newebhusayithi esebenzayo) kanye nezici-bunjalo eziphathelene nokuphathwa kwebhizinisi (okusho, izinga lokuncintisana, isilinganiso-kusebenza sebhizinisi, isitayela sobuholi, ukubamba iqhaza komnikazi, izinga lemfundo eliphakeme afinyelele kulona uMphathi-jikelele/uMphathi Omkhulu kanye nezinga lemfundo eliphakeme elifinyelele kulona iPhini loMphathi-jikelele/iPhini loMphathi Omkhulu) kunomthelela emgudwini kanye nezinqubo-kusebenza zokuphathwa kwabasebenzi (okusho, ukuhlonzwa kwabasebenzi abanekhono, ukuthuthukiswa kwabasebenzi abanekhono lobuholi, ukuthuthukiswa kwabasebenzi abanekhono lokugcwalisa izikhala okunzima kakhulu ukuzigcwalisa, ukuthuthukiswa kwabasebenzi abazongena ezikhundleni eziphakeme, iqembulabasebenzi abanekhono, ukusetshenziswa kwabasebenzi abanekhono kanye nokuphathwa kwemivuzo) emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu kwelase-Uganda.ngobukhulu abamba iqhaza ngenkuthalo kulolu cwaningo. Lokhu kwahlinzeka ngezinga lokusabela elingama-95%, okuyizinga elithathwa njengelihle kakhulu. Ithuluzi lokukala lakhiqiza inani-bungakho eliphelele le-Cronbach Alpha elingu 0.77 okusho ukuthi leli thuluzi labe liyithuluzi elithembakele futhi elifanelekile ukwenza ucwaningo. Kwenziwa isikali esiguquguqukayo sokukala ukuphathwa kwabasebenzi abanekhono. Lokhu kwenziwa nokusebenzisa i-STATA Version 13.0. Kwenziwa uhlaziyo lwe-linear regression maqondana nayo yonke imibuzo yocwaningo eyisikhombisa. Ukufaneleka kwemodeli kwabe kukuhle kakhulu ngoba i-probability value (0.000) yabe ingaphansi kuka-0.05 futhi imibono yokuphothula yenziwa yafinyelele ezingeni lokuthembakala elingama-95%. Ngokusebenzisa imodeli ehlelwe kabusha, kwatholakala ukuthi umsebenzi oyinhloko owenziwa yibhizinisi, ukuthuthuka nokuqhubekela kwalo phambili kwezobuchwepheshe, isimo sobunikazi kanye nendawo asebenzela kuyona amabhizinisi kunomthethela omkhulu ekuphathweni kwabasebenzi emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu ezweni lase-Uganda. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ucwaningo lwakuveza ukuthi isilinganiso-kusebenza, isitayela sobuholi, ukubamba iqhaza komnikazi kanye nezinga lemfundo eliphakeme elifinyelele kulona iphini lomphathi, kunomthelela kwizinqubo-kusebenza kanye nasemgudwini wokuphathwa kwabasebenzi emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu kwelase-Uganda. Le miphumela etholakele ocwaningweni yakha imodeli yokuphathwa kwabasebenzi ethuthukisiwe, eqondiswe emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu. Igalelo eliyisisekelo, eliphathelene nethiyori, elenziwe yilolu cwaningo wukuthuthukiswa kwemodeli yabasebenzi eyenzelwe amabhizinisi amaphakathi ngobukhulu kwelase-Uganda, ngokwesimo esiqondene namazwe asathuthuka. Ukusebenziseka nokubaluleka okuphathekayo kwale modeli wukusetshenziswa kwayo ekuqiniseni ukuphathwa kwabasebenzi abanekhono emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthi amabhizinisi ayaqhubeka nokusebenza, ayakhula, ayathuthuka futhi ayakwazi ukuncintisana ngempumelelo emkhakheni wezebhizinisi. Izincomo zocwaningo wukuthi: ukuthembela kwamabhizinisi aphakathi ngobukhulu ase-Uganda ezinqubweni zokuphatha ezijwayelekile ngaphandle kokuqinisekisa ukubhekelelwa kwezinto ezisemqoka kakhulu futhi eziyisisekelo sokuphathwa kwabasebenzi abanekhono kuyinto eyingozi kakhulu ebhizinisini; futhi amabhizinisi amaphakathi ase-Uganda kumele abuyekeze noma abhekisise izindlela nezinqubo zazo eziphathelene nokuhlonza abasebenzi abanekhono, izinhlelo zazo zokuthuthukisa abasebenzi abanekhono, izinhlelo zokugcina abasebenzi abanekhono, izinhlelo zokusebenzisa abasebenzi abanekhono kanye nezinhlelo zokuphathwa kwemivuzo. Lokhu kuzokwenza ukuthi lawa mabhizinisi akwazi ukuhambisana nesimo sebhizinisi esinokuncintisana okunzima impela. Amabhizinisi amaphakathi ngobukhulu kumele aqhubeke nokuhlola nokubhekisisa kabusha izinhlelo zokuthuthukiswa kobuholi bebhizinisi ukuze kuthuthukiswe abaholi bebhizinisi ngenhloso yokuqinisekisa ukusimama kwesikhathi eside. / Dithuto tša go šetša kgwebo di utullotše gore dikgwebo ya bogolo bja magareng bo dira seabe se segolo go kgolo ya ikonomi le tlhabollo ya ikonomi le leago ya diikonomi tšeo ditšwelelago go swana le Uganda. Ka nako e tee, dikgwebo di lebane le mathata a magolo, bjo bogolo go fetiša ke hlokego ya kakaretšo motlolo wa taolo ya talente le batho ba go ba le talente ba kgoromeletša go re go kgone go kgotleletšwa phadišano. Nepo ya matsapa a diphatišišo tša bjalo e be e le go tlhabolla motlolo wa taolo ya talente yeo e bego e ka šomišwa ke dikgwebo tša magareng mo Uganda go gokagoketša le go rua batho ba go ba le talente ka maikemišetšo a go tšwetša pele go phomelela, kgolo, tlhabollo le go kgona go phadišana. Thuto ye e gatetše pele ka go setatamente sa thesise ya go re dimelo tša kgwebo (ke go re., kgwebo ya motheo, palo ya bašomi, mengwaga ya go ba gona, kgatelopele ya thekenolotši, peakanyo ya bong, lefelo le weposaete ya go šoma) le dimelo tša bolaodi (ke go re., maemo a phadišano, kelo ya mašomelo a kgwebo, mokgwa wa boetapele, botšeakarolo bja mong, phihlelelo ya dithuto tša Molaodikakaretšo/Molaodiphethiši le phihlelelo ya dithuto ya 14 Motlatšamolaodikakaretšo/Motlatšamolaodiphethiši) do huetša tsela le mathaithai a taolo ya talente (ke go re., tlhaolo ya talente, tlhabollo ya talente ya boetapele, tlhabollo ya talente ya diposo tšeo go lego boima go di tlatša, tlhabollo ya talente ya diposo tša godingwana, yuniti ya talente, tšhomišo ya talente le taolo ya difoka) ka go dikgwebo tša magareng kwa Uganda. Tlhamo ya hlakahlakano ya diphatišišo e kgethilwe. Datha ya motheo e hweditšwe ka letlakalapotšišo la dinyakišišo le ditsebi tša taolo ya dipoledišano tša mošomo di dirilwe, go šomiša mokgwa wa go dira sampole ya teori. Dipoledišano tša mošomo di be di diretšwe go hwetša dintlha tša motheo tša go tsenelela mabapi le ditaba tšeo di tšwelelago go tšwa go tekolo ya datha ya dipalopalo. Ge go lebeletšwe Retšisetara ya Kgwebo ya ngwaga wa 2006, palomoka ya setšhaba sa dikgwebo tša magareng kwa Uganda e be e eme go 58,512 le sampole yeo e nepilwego ya dikgwebo tša magareng tše 600 di fihlile go ya ka dipalopalo go dikgwebo tše 570 tša magareng tšeo di ikarabetšego ka tshwanelo go thuto ye. Se se file kelo ya dikarabo ya diperesente tše 95 tše di hlophilwego bjalo ka tša maemo a godimo. Sedirišwa sa go ela se fihleletše palomoka ya boleng bja Cronbach Alpha ya 0.77 yeo e laeditšwego go re sedirišwa se se tshepegile go diragatša thuto ye. Sefapantšhi se hlamilwe go ela taolo ya talente. Se se dirilwe ka tšhomišo ya STATA Version 13.0. Poelomorago ya kelo ya tatelano e dirilwe go dipotšišo ka moka tše šupa tša diphatišišo tša thuto. Mohuta wo wa motlolo o be o le botse ka gobane boleng bja kgonagalo e be e le (0.000) ka fase ga 0.05 le dithumo di dirilwe ka diperesente tše 95 tša maemo a boitshepo. Go šomišwa motlolo wo o beakantšwego, go hwetšagetše go re kgwebo ye kgolo, kgatelopele ya thekenolotši, sebopego sa bong le lefelo la dikgwebo di huetša kudu taolo ya talente ka go dikgwebo tša magareng tša Uganda. Go tlaleletša, go tšweleditše go re kelo ya mašomelo, mokgwa wa boetapele, botšeakarolo bja mong le phihlelelo ya dithuto tša batlatšabalaodikakaretšo di huetša kudu mathaithai le khuetšo le tsela ya taolo ya talente ka go kgwebo ya magareng mo Uganda. Dipoelo tše di hlamilwe motlolo wa taolo ya talente wa dikgwebo tša magareng. Seabe sa teori ya motheo sa dinyakišišo tše ke tlhabollo ya motlolo wa taolo ya talente wa dikgwebo tša magareng tša Uganda ka go lefapha la dinaga tšeo di hlabologago. Boleng bja nnete bja motlolo wo ke tšhomišo ya wona go matlafatša taolo ya talente ka go dikgwebo tša magareng ka tebelelo ya go tšwetšapele go phela, kgolo, tlhabollo le go kgona go phadišana. 15 Ditigelo tša thuto ke go re: go ithekga ga dikgwebo tša magareng kwa Uganda go merero ya kakaretšo ntle le go amogela ditswakwa tša motheo tša taolo ya talente ke kgwebo ye kotsi; le dikgwebo tša magareng tša Uganda di swanetše go boela go tlhaolo ya bona ya talente, matsapa a tlhabollo ya talente, mananeo a go swarelela talente, tšhomišo ya talente le tshepedišo ya taolo ya difoka. Se se tla ba dumelela go sepelelana le tikologo yeo e tekatekago ya kgwebo. Dikgwebo tša magareng di swanetše go tšwela pele go lekolaleswa matsapa a tlhabollo ya talente ya boetapele go re go kgontšhwe baetapele ba kgwebo ka maikemišetšo a go fihlelela kgatelopele ya go ya go ile. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / D.B.L.

Managing for improved school effectiveness at selected primary schools in the Gauteng province

Kobola, Matshidiso Walter 01 1900 (has links)
The research study investigated management strategies through which school effectiveness could be enhanced in primary schools situated in Gauteng Province. The enhancement of school effectiveness necessitated the discussion on school improvement to find ways to turn around the situation in dysfunctional schools in the province. The province is characterised by urban and suburban areas, townships, and informal settlements. Teachers in schools in these areas are well qualified. However, different challenges in these areas impact upon the enhancement of school effectiveness. A literature review was conducted to provide a conceptual framework and explain concepts such as effective management, administration, leadership, principal effectiveness, and teacher effectiveness. The literature review also investigated the factors that impact upon school effectiveness and school improvement and explored the historical development of School Effectiveness Research (SER) in the United States of America, Europe, Australia, and Africa to expound the problem investigated. An empirical investigation using a qualitative approach was conducted. Six primary schools were selected using purposive sampling to ensure that different demographic areas were covered in the research. Purposive sampling allowed the researcher to target schools from high and low socio-economic areas because they often experience different challenges concerning to school effectiveness. Data were collected through individual interviews with principals and officials from the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) at the district and teachers in focus groups. Key findings were identified. Participants from the three categories respectively identified several characteristics of effective schools which concurred with the literature on school effectiveness. They also identified two features of effective schools which were unique to the study: in effective schools, there is little or no learner and teacher absenteeism; and school values which shape the behaviour of learners are clearly articulated. School values include trustworthiness, respectfulness, honesty, responsibility, striving for excellence and good leadership. School effectiveness is hindered by the current process of appointing principals which does not always succeed in selecting principals with the required leadership qualities and management skills. Further, the incorrect implementation of the Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS) in schools hinders teacher development and leads to poor teacher performance. / Die navorsingstudie ondersoek bestuurstrategieë waardeur die effektiwiteit van primêre skole, geleë in die Provinisie van Gauteng verhoog kan word. Die verhoging van effektiwiteit in skole het die bespreking oor skoolverbetering genoodsaak om maniere te vind om die situasie in disfunksionele skole in die provinisie om te draai. Die provinsie word gekenmerk deur landelike en stedelike gebiede, lokasies, en informele nedersetttings. Onderwysers van skole in hierdie gebiede is goed gekwalifiseerd. Verskeie uitdagings in hierdie gebiede het egter n uitwerking op die verhoging van effektiwiteit in skole. ʼn Literêre oorsig is uitgevoer om n konseptuele raamwerk te voorsien en om konsepte soos effektiewe bestuur, administrasie, leierskap, effektiwiteit van die skoolhoof, en onderwysers te verduidelik. ʼn Kwalitatiewe benadering is gebruik om die empiriese ondersoek uit te voer. Ses primêre skole is gekies en doelgerigte steekproefneming is gebruik om te verseker dat verskillende demografiese gebiede deel was van die navorsing. Doelgerigte steekproefneming het die navorser toegelaat om skole van hoë en lae sosio-ekonomiese gebiede te teiken omdat hulle dikwels verskillende uitdagings aangaande die effektiwiteit van skole ervaar. Data is versamel deur indivduele onderhoude met skoolhoofde en amptenare van Gauteng Onderwys Departement (GDE) by die distrik en deur fokusgroep onderhoude met onderwysers. Sleutelbevindinge was soos volg. Deelnemers uit die drie kategoriëë het onderskeidelik geidentifiseer met verskeie eienskappe van effektiewe skole wat ooreenstem met die literatuur op effektiwiteit in skole. Hulle het ook twee kenmerke van effektiewe skole wat uniek was tot die studie geïdentifiseer: in effektiewe skole is daar min of geen afwesigheid van leerders en onderwysers; en skoolwaardes wat die gedrag van leerders vorm word duidelik verwoord. Skoolwaardes sluit betroubaarheid, respek, eerlikheid, verantwoordelikheid, strewe na uitenmendheid en goeie leierskap in. Effektiwiteit in skole word verhinder deur die huidge proses van aanstelling van skoolhoofde wat nie altyd daarin slaag om skoolhoofde te kies wat die nodige leierskap en bestuurseienskappe het nie. Verder, die verkeerde implementering van die Geïntegreerde Bestuurstelsel (IQMS) in skole belemmer die ontwikkeling en lei tot swak prestasie van onderwysers. / Dinyakisiso tse tsa go ithuta di be di tsomana le mekgwanakgwana ya bolaodi bja thuto go tiisetsa gore dikolo tsa motheo Profentsheng ya Gauteng di soma mesomo yeo e nepagetsego. Tiisetso ya go soma mesomonepagetsego ya sekolo e dirile gore go ahlaahliwe hlabollo ya dikolo go humana ditselana tseo ka tsona re ka hlabolang dikolo tseo di sa someng botse mo profentsheng. Profentshe ya Gauteng e na le dikolo tsa motsesetoropong le tsa mo go bego go dula batho basweu fela. Barutisi mo mafelong a ba na le di thuto tse maleba. Fela, dihlotlo tseo dileng gona mo mafelong a di huetsa tiistso ya go soma mesomonepagatso sekolong. Go dirilwe tekololeswa ya dingwalwa go hlalosa dikgopolo tse bjalo ka taolonepagatso, boetapele, mesomonepagatso ya hlogo ya sekolo le mesomonepagatso ya morutisi. Tekololeswa ya dingwalwa e nyakisisitse dintlha tseo di huetsang mesomonepagetso sekolong le hlabollo ya sekolo go lebeletswe tswetsopele ya dinyakisiso tsamesomonepagatso ya dikiolo dinageng tsa United States of America, Europa, Australia le Afrika go hlalosa bothata bjo bo nyakisiswago. Go dirilwe dinyakisiso ka poledisano go somiswa mokgwa wa kwalitetifi. Go kgethilwe dikolo tse tshela tsa fase ka go somisa kgetho ka maikemisetso go direla gore go akaretswe dikolo go tswa mafelong a go fapana. Kgetho ka maikemisetso e dumelela monyakisisi go tswa mafelong a batho ba go ba le sa bona le mafelong a batho ba go hloka sa bona ka ge ba itemogela dihlotlo tse fapaneng mesomonepagatso. Tshedimoso ye e kgobokeditswe ka dipoledisano le dihlogo tsa dikolo motho a le nosi le bahlankedi bammuso wa Kgoro ya Thuto ya Kgauteng motho a le nosi le dipoledisano ka sehlopha. Dintlha tsa dipoelo di be di le mo go latelago: Batseakarolo go tswa mafapeng a go fapana ba hlaotse diponagalo tsa dikolo tseo disomago ka nepagalo tseo di dumelelanago le tekololeswa ya dingwalwa. Gape ba hlaotse dipanagalo tse dingwe tsa moswana nosi: Dikolo tsa go soma ka nepagalo ga di na barutwana goba barutisi ba go se tle sekolong. Meano ya sekolo e akaretsa botshephegi, tlhompho, boikarabelo le go somela bobotse ka go fetisa le boetapele bjo bo botse. Mosomonepagatso ya sekolo e sitiswa ke tshepediso ya go thwala dihlogo tsa dikolo yeo ka nako tse dinwe e sitago ke go hlaola hlogo ya sekolo yeo e nago le boetapele le bolaodi bjo bo botse. Gape, go tsentshatirisong wo o fasagetseng wa tshepetso ya bolaodi bja hlabollo ya barutisi go sitisa tswelopele. / Educational Management and Leadership / Ph. D. (Education Management)

Management accounting graduates' technical skills to meet banking employers' expectations: an Open Distance eLearning (ODeL) University perspective

Dumalisile, Caroline Nontatu 03 1900 (has links)
One of the most critical challenges facing South Africa is the shortage of skills. The Financial Services Sector, of which banks form part, is also affected by this problem and this poses a risk in achieving the targeted Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The quality and level of education offered in South African Higher Education Institutions is perceived as being insufficient to that which is required in the industry and is a possible contributing factor towards the skills shortage problem. The study was motivated by the concerns raised by some scholars concerning the relevance of the management accounting syllabus as compared with the technical skills required in the banking industry. Investigating this is important as the Financial Services Sector, which includes the banking industry, is one of the largest employers of management accountants in South Africa and there is a paucity of research in this area. The aim of the study was to determine whether management accounting technical skills provided by an ODeL University in South Africa meet banking employers’ expectations. A qualitative research approach was used to conduct interviews with nineteen participants from three banks and ten academics from the ODeL University and includes a qualitative documentary analysis to review and analyse the study material for four management accounting modules and the mapping of the management accounting syllabus to the SAICA competency framework. The results reflect the data obtained from the interviews. The analysis of the interviews is organised under five main themes as follows: Function of management accounting within the banking sector; recruitment of graduates and development of management accounting technical skills; identified technical skills lacking in new graduates employed by banks; bank specific training at an ODeL institution (an academic perspective) and strategies to bridge the gap. The results of the analysis conducted on the management accounting study material from the ODeL University are presented in four categories; Costing, Financial Management, Accounting Data Processing and the SAICA Competency Framework. The results indicate that bank employers acknowledge the work achieved by higher education institutions in providing students with basic management accounting skills, which enable them to start working in management accounting positions in banks. However, bank participants were concerned with graduates’ inability to link theory with practical application and further confirmed that graduates lack a number of relevant technical skills. Academics confirmed that the management accounting syllabus does not give much attention to banks and other financial service industries; it is dominated by activities and case studies related to manufacturing industries. The analysis of the prescribed study material supports this and indicates that there are insufficient activities related to service companies and very few references to financial services sector entities. Several recommendations were made by participants which, inter alia include incorporating relevant activities and case studies into the management accounting syllabus and greater reciprocity between the banking industry and universities. This study contributes to the literature on management accounting technical skills’ relevance to banks and by extension, the financial services sector. It provides insights on the management accounting technical skills that are currently lacking in graduates. Additional areas warranting further research are also identified. / Omnye weyona micelimngeni enobuzaza ojongene noMzantsi Afrika kukunqongophala kwezakhono. ICandelo leeNkonzo zezeMali, apho iibhanki ziyinxalenye zalo, nalo liyachaphazeleka yile ngxaki kwaye oku kubeka umngcipheko ekuphumezeni iMveliso yeKhaya ePheleleyo (iGDP). Umgangatho nenqanaba lemfundo ezinikezelwa kumaZiko eMfundo ePhakamileyo aseMzantsi Afrika zibonwa njengezingonelanga kwinto efunekayo kushishino, kwaye ibonwa iyinto enempembelelo kwingxaki yokunqongophalo lwezakhono. Uphando lwakhuthazwa yinkxalabo ephakanyiswe zezinye izifundiswa malunga nokuhambelana kolawulo lwesilabhasi yobalo-mali (accounting) xa kuthelekiswa nezakhono zobugcisa ezifunekayo kushishino lwebhanki. Ukuphanda oku kubalulekile njengeCandelo leNkonzo yezeziMali, nelibandakanya ishishini lebhanki, elingelinye labaqeshi abakhulu labacubunguli bobalo-mali eMzantsi Afrika, kwaye kukho ubuncinane bophando kulo mcimbi. Injongo yophando yayikukufumanisa ukuba ingaba izakhono zobuchule bokuphatha ezobalo-mali ezinikezwa yiYunivesithi ye-ODeL eMzantsi Afrika ziyahlangabezana nokulindelwe ngabaqeshi beebhanki. Inkqubo yophando esemgangathweni yasetyenziswa ukwenza udliwanondlebe nabathathi-nxaxheba abalishumi elinesixhenxe abaphuma kwiibhanki ezintathu kunye nabafundisi/abahlohli abalishumi kwiYunivesithi ye-ODeL, kwaye ibandakanya nokucazulula idotyhumentari esemgangathweni ukwenza isincomo-gxeko nokucazulula izixhobo zokufunda kwiimodyuli ezine zolawulo lwezobalo-mali kunye nokuzoba isilabhasi yolawulo lwezibalo-mali kwisakhelo sesikhokelo sezakhono kwi-SAICA. Iziphumo zibonisa idatha efunyenwe kudliwanondlebe. Ucazululo lodliwanondlebe luhlelwe phantsi kwezihloko ezihlanu eziphambili ngolu hlobo lulandelayo: Umsebenzi wolawulo lwezibalo-mali ngaphakathi kwecandelo lokulondoloza(banking); ukufunwa kwabafundi abathweswe izidanga kunye nokuphuhliswa kwezakhono zobalo-mali; ukuchongwa kwezakhono zobugcisa ezinqongopheleyo kubafundi abatsha abaqashwe ziibhanki; uqeqesho olukhethekileyo lwebhanki kwiyunivesithi ye-ODeL (umbono wemfundo) kunye nezicwangciso zokuvala isikhewu. Iziphumo zohlalutyo olwenziweyo kwizixhobo zokufunda zolawulo lwezobalo-mali kwiYunivesithi ye-ODeL zivezwa ngokwamanqanaba amane; Ukubiza indleko, ukuPhathwa kwezeMali, ukuPhathwa kweDatha yezoBalo-mali (Accounting) kunye neSakhelo sezakhono ze-SAICA. Iziphumo zibonisa ukuba abaqeshi bebhanki bawunika ingqalelo umsebenzi owenziweyo ngamaziko emfundo ephakamileyo ekuboneleleni ngezakhono zolawulo lwezemali, into eyenza abafundi ukuba bakwazi ukuqalisa ukusebenza kwizikhundla zobalo-mali kwiibhanki. Nangona kunjalo, abathathi-nxaxheba bebhanki babenenkxalabo yokungakwazi kwabafundi ukudibanisa i-thiyori kunye nendlela yokusebenza kwaye baphinda baqinisekisa ukuba abafundi abaphumeleleyo bayasilela kwizakhono ezininzi zobugcisa ezifanelekileyo. Abahlohli baqinisekisile ukuba isilabhasi yolawulo lobalo-mali ayiniki ngqalelo enkulu kwiibhanki nakwamanye amashishini enkonzo yezemali; ilawulwa yimisebenzi kunye nezifundo ezinxulumene nemizimveliso. Uhlalutyo lwezixhobo zokufunda ezimiselweyo ziyakuxhasa oku kwaye zibonisa ukuba ayonelanga imizekeliso esetyenziswayo enxulumene neenkampani zenkonzo kunye nezalathiso ezimbalwa kakhulu kumacandelo enkonzo yezemali. Izindululo ezininzi zaye zenziwa ngabathathi-nxaxheba bathi, phakathi kwezinye izinto zibandakanya ukongezwa kwemizekelo efanelekileyo kunye nezifundo zokufundwa (case studies) kwisilabhasi yolawulo lobalo-mali kunye nokusebenzisana okukuko phakathi kweshishini lebhanki neeyunivesithi. Olu phando lunegalelo kuncwadi lolawulo lwezakhono zobuchule bobugcisa bobalo-mali obufanelekileyo kwiibhanki nakwicandelo leenkonzo zezezimali jikelele. Lunika ingcaciso kwizakhono zolawulo zobalo-mali ezisasilelayo okwangoku kwabo banezidanga. Iindawo ezongeziweyo ezisafuna uphando olongeziweyo nazo zikwachongiwe. / Ye nngwe ya ditlhohlo tše di nyakago tekolo ka tlhokomedišišo tše Afrika Borwa e lebanego natšo ke tlhokego ya bokgoni. Lekala la Ditirelo tša Ditšhelete, leo dipanka di lego karolo ya lona, le lona le angwa ke bothata bjo gomme se se hlola tšhošetšo ya go fihlelela palomoka ya ditšhelete tša dithoto le ditirelo tšeo di tšweleditšwego nageng (GDP). Boleng le boemo bja thuto yeo e rutwago ka go Diinstitušene tša Thuto ya Godingwana tša Afrika Borwa di tšewa go ba tšeo di sa kgotsofatšego go ena le tše di nyakegago diintastering gape ke ntlha yeo e ka hlolago bothata bja tlhaelo ya bokgoni. Thutelo ye e hlohleleditšwe ke dipelaelo tšeo di hlagišitšwego ke baithuti ba bangwe malebana le maleba a lenaneothuto la tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho ge go bapetšwa le bokgoni le tsebo tšeo di nyakegago go phethagatša mešongwana ye e itšeng intasering ya go panka ditšhelete. Go nyakišiša se go bohlokwa ka ge Lekala la Ditirelo tša Ditšhelete, le le akaretšago intasteri ya go panka ditšhelete, e le ye nngwe ya bathapi ba bantšintši ba batho bao ba fago khamphani datha le tshedimošo ka ditšhelete gore di dirišwe kgodišong ya kgwebo ya yona ka Afrika Borwa efela go na le dinyakišišo tšeo di sego tše ntši go sehlogo se. Maikemišetšo a thutelo ye e be e le go šupa ge eba bokgoni le tsebo tšeo di nyakegago go phethagatša tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho bjoo bo rutwago ke yunibesithi ya ODeL ka Afrika Borwa bo kgotsofatša ditetelo tša bathapi ba dipankeng. Mokgwatebelelo wa nyakišišo ka go utolla mokgwa wa bophelo bja setšhaba se itšeng o dirišitšwe go phethagatša ditherišano le batšeakarolo ba lesomesenyane go tšwa dipankeng tše tharo le dirutegi tše lesome go tša yunibesithing ya ODeL gomme o akaretša tshekatsheko ya kanegelo ya ditiragalo ya go kwešiša mabaka le dikgopolo go lebelela le go sekaseka ditlakelo tša thuto tša mebotšulo ya tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho le go tswalanya lenaneothuto la tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho le tlhako ya botsebi ya SAICA. Dipoelo di laeditše datha yeo e hweditšwego go tšwa ditherišanong. Tshekatsheko ya ditherišano e beakantšwe go ya ka merero ye mene ka mo go latelago: Tiro ya tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho ka go lekala go panka ditšhelete; kalatšo ya dialoga le kgodišo ya bokgoni le tsebo tšeo di nyakegago go phethagatša tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho; bokgoni le tsebo tšeo di nyakegago go phethagatša mešongwana ye e itšeng tšeo di šupilwego tšeo di se nago dialoga tše mpsha tšeo di thapilwego ke dipanka; tlhahlo ye e lebanego go tša dipanka institušeneng ya ODeL (tebelelo ya borutegi) le maano a go tswalela sekgala seo. Dipoelo tša tshekatsheko yeo e phethagaditšwego go ditlakelo tša thuto tša tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho go tšwa yunibesithing ya ODeL di hlagišitšwe ka magoro a mane; Kakanyatshenyegelo, Bolaodi bja ditšhelete, Phetolelo ya datha go popego yeo e ka dirišwago ka go Tšhupamatlotlo le Tlhako ya Botsebi ya SAICA. Dipoelo di bontšha gore bathapi ba dipankeng ba amogela modiro wo o fihleletšwego ke diinstitušene tša thuto ya godingwana wa go fa baithuti bokgoni bja motheo bja tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho bjoo bo ba kgontšhago go thoma go šoma maemong a tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho dipankeng. Le ge go le bjalo, batšeakarolo dipankeng ba be ba tshwenywa ke go se kgone ga dialoga go tswalanya teori le tirišo ya ka mehla gape ba tiiša gore dialoga di hloka bokgoni le tsebo tšeo di nyakegago go phethagatša mešongwana ye e itšeng. Dirutegi di tiišitše gore lenaneothuto la tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho ga e fe šedi ye ntši go dipanka le diintasteri tše dingwe tša tirelo ya ditšhelete; go go dirwago gagolo ke ditiro le dithutelo tša ditiragalo tše itšeng tšeo di sepelelanago le diintasteri tša tšweletšo. Tshekatsheko ya ditlakelo tša thuto tše di kgethetšwego baithuti di thekga ntlha ye le go šupa gore go na le ditiro tšeo e sego tše ntši tšeo di tswalanego le go direla dikhamphani le ditšhupetšo tše mmalwa go dipopego ka boikemelo bja tšona tša lekala la ditirelo tša ditšhelete. Batšeakarolo ba file ditšhišinyo tše mmalwa tšeo ka morago , gare ga tše dingwe, di akaretšago ditiro tša maleba le dithutelo go ditiragalo tše di bilego gona ka go lenaneothuto la tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho le go fana ka bogolwane gare ga intasteri ya go panka le diyunibesithi. Thutelo ye e na le seabe go sengwalwa ka ga maleba a dipanka go bokgoni le tsebo tšeo di nyakegago go phethagatša mešongwana ye e itšeng tša tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho gapegape le go Lekala la Ditirelo tša Ditšhelete. E fa tshedimošo ka ga bokgoni le tsebo tšeo di nyakegago go phethagatša tshekatsheko ya matlotlo a kgwebo go thuša bolaodi go dira diphetho tšeo di hlaelago go dialoga. Mafelo a tlaleletšo ao a hlokago dinyakišišo tše dingwe le ona a šupilwe. / Finance, Risk Management and Banking / M. Ph. (Accounting Sciences)

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