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Testing site index-site factor relationships for predicting lodgepole pine and interior spruce productivity in central British ColumbiaKlinka, Karel, Kayahara, Gordon J., Chourmouzis, Christine January 1998 (has links)
Knowledge of the potential productivity of a tree species becomes especially important when timber production is the primary management objective. However, direct determination of potential productivity is often not possible. For example, in situations
where the site is unstocked, stocked with trees unsuitable for productivity measurement, or stocked with species other than the one of interest. In these cases, an indirect estimate using known characteristics of the site itself is required. Such estimates were made using regression to model site index with indirect measures of site quality for lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) and interior spruce (Picea engelmannii × P. glauca) in the Sub-Boreal Spruce (SBS) zone of central BC. We tested the utility of these productivity relationship models for predicting the site index of lodgepole pine and interior spruce (Kayahara et al. accepted for publication).
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Trembling aspen site index in relation to environmental measures of site qualityKlinka, Karel January 2001 (has links)
Trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) is one of the most common tree species in the boreal and temperate forests of North America. It grows on many different sites and associates with a variety of tree species. In BC, aspen is frequent throughout all submontane and montane continental forested zones. Relationships between environmental factors and forest productivity have been the subjects of many studies. Most of these studies, using various topographic, soil, physical and chemical properties as independent variables, had limited success in accounting for the variation in SI over a large geographic area. The objectives of this study were (1) to quantify relationships between aspen SI and environmental factors at two spatial scales, and (2) to develop predictive SI models from easily measurable environmental factors.
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Climate - radial growth relationships in some major tree species of British ColumbiaKlinka, Karel, Splechtna, Bernhard E., Dobry, Jaroslav, Chourmouzis, Christine January 1998 (has links)
This study examines the influence of climate on tree-ring properties of several major tree species: Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis (Dougl. ex Loud.) Forbes), subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.) Nutt.), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco), and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia Dougl. ex Loud.). Our three objectives were to determine how (1) tree-ring properties change along an elevation gradient, (2) short-term climatic influences are correlated with tree-ring properties, and (3) long-term climatic influence on tree-ring properties.
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Predicting site index of Lodgepole pine and interior spruce in the sub-boreal spruce zoneKlinka, Karel, Wang, Qingli, Wang, G. G., Coates, K. Dave, Chourmouzis, Christine January 2001 (has links)
Knowledge of ecological site characteristics and tree growth on different sites is fundamental for silvicultural decisionmaking and planning. With biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification in place in British Columbia, silvicultural management
has been given an ecological foundation; however, relationships between growth and site quality have not yet been fully investigated. The purpose of this study was to determine how site conditions within the SBS zone affect the height growth of lodgepole pine (Pl) and interior spruce (Sx).
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Species diversity and floristic relationships of the understory vegetation in black spruce and trembling aspen stands in the boreal forest of British ColumbiaKlinka, Karel, Qian, H., Krestov, Pavel, Chourmouzis, Christine January 2001 (has links)
The boreal forest is confined to the Northern Hemisphere and is the most continuous and extensive forest in the world. In North America boreal forest extends from the Pacific to Atlantic coast spanning over 10° latitude. White spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss), black spruce (P. mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.), and trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) are among the dominant tree species. Black spruce and trembling aspen may form pure stands and occupy similar sites as their edaphic amplitudes overlap; however, spruce is rare on water-deficient sites and aspen does not tolerate excess water.
Despite many studies conducted in the North American boreal forest, little is known about relationships between the boreal understory vegetation and softwood or hardwood canopy species in different climate regions. Furthermore, the variation in species diversity and succession between the stands dominated by coniferous trees and those dominated by broadleaved trees within the same region is unknown. The objectives of this study are to determine (1) the difference in the species diversity and floristic composition of understory vegetation between black spruce and trembling aspen stands
within the same climatic region, and (2) how the species diversity and floristic composition of understory vegetation in each stand type vary with climate, and soil moisture and soil nutrient conditions.
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Towards a quantitative classification of soil nutrient regimes in British Columbia : comparison of regional studiesKlinka, Karel, Varga, Pal, Chourmouzis, Christine January 1999 (has links)
The three major components in the site classification of the biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification system are: climatic regimes, soil moisture regimes (SMRs) and soil nutrient regimes (SNRs). Both SMRs and SNRs can be identified in the field using soil
characteristics and indicator plants. In the case of SMRs a quantitative classification was also developed that allow comparison of SMRs in different subzones. However, similar quantitative classification has not yet been developed for SNRs. This pamphlet
summarizes and compares the results of several regional studies conducted in different biogeclimatic zones. Each of theses studies aimes to develop a quantitative SNR classification (Table 1). The comparison will examine: (1) how well the field-based
classification matches quantitative classification, and (2) which direct measures distinguish best between field-identified SNRs.
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