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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Does coastal western hemlock respond to fertilization?

Klinka, Karel January 2001 (has links)
Response to fertilization is a function of the degree to which nutrients are limiting growth, the capacity of individual trees to respond to nutrient inputs, the degree to which other factors limit growth, and the possible extrinsic effects of treatment (e.g., root mortality due to fertilizer-induced soil pH effects). Recognition and examination of these factors is essential if response to fertilization is to be predictable. Over the past 25 years numerous western hemlock fertilizer trials have shown responses ranging from negative to positive with no clear trends. Theories for this erratic response include: (a) different nutritional requirements during different stages of stand development; (b) high native N availability or low supplies of other nutrients (P and S, in particular); (c) differential adverse effects of N fertilizers on surface roots, mycorrhizal populations and P nutrition; (d) a requirement for slow release N; and (e) induced water stress. The objective of this study was to develop site-specific guidelines for western hemlock fertilization decision-making for industrial use. This study reports on the first and third growing-season response to two different fertilizer treatments, and identification of possible relationships between fertilizer response and site and stand conditions.

Estimated decrease in productivity for pacific silver fir as elevation increases

Klinka, Karel January 1998 (has links)
When making decisions on which areas to harvest in a sustained yield, even-flow manner in mountainous areas such those in coastal British Columbia, it is important to know how timber productivity changes with elevation. This information allows foresters to decide at what elevation to start increasing the rotation age and to decide at what elevation sustainable harvesting becomes infeasible due to low productivity. Since Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis Dougl. ex Forbes) has an elevation range that extends from sea level nearly to the tree line (0 m to approximately 1,650 m; from the Coastal Western Hemlock zone, through the Mountain Hemlock zone; to the lower limits of the Alpine Tundra zone), productivity-elevation relationships are especially important. To acquire quantitative measures of productivity decrease with increasing elevation a regression equation relating site index (the height of the dominant trees at a base age of breast height age of 50 years) to elevation in southern coastal BC was developed. In turn, we used this regression as an input into the height driven yield model named the Variable Density Yield Prediction model (VDYP). The use of the VDYP model allows the site index values to be translated into actual productivity measures (e.g., volume per hectare, mean annual increment at culmination age).

Comparison of soil acidification and intensity of podzolization beneath decaying wood versus non-woody forest floors in coastal BC

Klinka, Karel, Kayahara, Gordon J., Chourmouzis, Christine January 2001 (has links)
Forest managers concerned with maintaining soil productivity must consider the impacts of forestry practices upon the features of a site. One critical feature is the amount and type of organic matter on a site, which may affect soil development. This study addresses the question of whether CWD accumulations increase the intensity of podzolization, thus reducing the long-term productivity of a site.

Plant diversity in old-growth and second-growth stands in the coastal rainforests of British Columbia

Klinka, Karel January 1997 (has links)
One of the human activities impacting biodiversity is the cutting of old-growth forests. In response to the controversy surrounding the cutting of old-growth in the coastal rainforest of BC, the Ministries of the Environment and Forests have produced biodiversity guidelines that are to be applied when manipulating stands in the provincial forest. This study augments these guidelines by investigating the diversity differences between second-growth and old-growth forests in relation to site quality. We demonstrate how standlevel plant diversity differs between 40-year-old and old-growth stands in the Very Wet Coastal Western Hemlock subzone (CWHvm) on Vancouver Island. This information is intended to provide foresters with an understanding of the effects of age, disturbance and site quality on stand-level plant diversity, thereby allowing for informed professional management decisions.

Forest floor dynamics across a chronosequence in the coastal western hemlock zone

Klinka, Karel January 1997 (has links)
The forest floor represents the uppermost organic and organicenriched mineral soil horizons. They have been formed by the deposition of organic material and the subsequent biologically mediated decomposition. The forest floor influences rooting-zone temperature, aeration, moisture, and nutrient conditions, and hence, forest productivity. Considering the importance of the forest floor, and the fact that it is exposed to disturbance (being the surface layer), we need to assess the potential impacts our logging practices may have. Clearcutting, one of the contentious silvicultural practices used in British Columbia, is imputed to most adversely affect ecosystems and sustainability. We assessed the long-term impact of clearcutting on the forest floor by documenting changes in the thickness, chemical and biotic properties of the humus form across a chronosequence of forest stands. The study was located in the largest and most representative portion of the coastal rainforest the Very Wet Maritime Coastal Western Hemlock (CWHvm) subzone.

Pacific silver fir site index in relation to ecological measures of site quality

Klinka, Karel January 1999 (has links)
Ecosystem-specific forest management requires comprehension of tree species productivity in managed settings, and how this productivity varies with the ecological determinants of site quality, i.e., the environmental factors that directly affect the growth of plants: light, heat, soil moisture, soil nutrients, and soil aeration. A good understanding of this variation is necessary for making species- and site-specific silvicultural decisions to maximize productivity. Productivity of a given species is usually measured by site index (tree height at 50 years at breast height age). Quantitative relationships between site index and these measures of site quality provide predictive models for estimating site index. Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis (Dougl. ex Loud.) Forbes) is an important timber crop species in the coastal forests of British Columbia. In relation to climate, its range in southwestern British Columbia extends from sea level to almost timberline, and from the hypermaritime region on western Vancouver Island to the subcontinental region on the leeward side of the Coast Mountains. In relation to soils, its range extends from slightly dry to wet sites and from very poor to very rich sites. In view of this relatively wide climatic amplitude, a large variability in productivity can be expected. It is particularly important to consider the growth performance of Pacific silver fir when decisions are made regarding whether or not to cut stands on high-elevation sites. In the study summarized here, relationships between Pacific silver fir site index and selected ecological measures of site quality were examined, and site index models using these measures as predictors were developed.

The association between western hemlock fine roots and woody versus non-woody forest floor substrates in coastal British Columbia

Klinka, Karel January 2001 (has links)
In the wetter climates associated with the coastal forests of the Pacific Northwest, coarse woody debris (CWD) accumulations in the form of snags, downed boles, and large branches can be large in natural forest ecosystems. Although maintaining organic matter for sustainable site productivity is not in dispute, the importance of CWD as a source of soil organic matter is questionable. Forest managers attempting to optimize timber production need to know how CWD affects short-term forest tree growth and productivity. This study addresses the question of the immediate value of CWD for growth of mature (90 year old) western hemlock (Hw). Because of practical difficulty with mature trees growing in different substrates, we utilized fine root distribution or proliferation, as an indicator of important substrates.

Investigation into the productivity of single- and mixed-species, second-growth stands of western hemlock and western redcedar

Klinka, Karel, Collins, D. Bradley, Chourmouzis, Christine January 2001 (has links)
In BC, it is required that harvested areas be regenerated with a mixture of tree species whenever appropriate to the site. This policy is based upon the assumption that increases in stand productivity, reliability, and/or biodiversity can be achieved in mixed-species stands. However, the knowledge justifying this policy is at best incomplete. Differences in forest productivity of mixed-species stands have been attributed mostly to competition. However, an increasing number of studies are providing evidence to support alternate theories, in which positive plant interactions play a major role. Positive plant interactions are divided into two components: (i) competitive reduction through structural and physiological differences in above and below ground structures, and (ii) facilitation through any positive effect on the growing environment of one plant species by another. These theories have yet to be tested in forest ecosystems. The objectives of this study, with respect to naturally established, unmanaged, second-growth stands of western hemlock (Hw) (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.), western redcedar (Cw) (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don in Lamb.), and their mixtures, were: (1) to review the mechanisms of positive plant interactions and their potential to occur in these mixtures, and (2) to compare the productivity of these three stand types, using relative and absolute yield.

Towards a quantitative classification of soil nutrient regimes in British Columbia : comparison of regional studies

Klinka, Karel, Varga, Pal, Chourmouzis, Christine January 1999 (has links)
The three major components in the site classification of the biogeoclimatic ecosystem classification system are: climatic regimes, soil moisture regimes (SMRs) and soil nutrient regimes (SNRs). Both SMRs and SNRs can be identified in the field using soil characteristics and indicator plants. In the case of SMRs a quantitative classification was also developed that allow comparison of SMRs in different subzones. However, similar quantitative classification has not yet been developed for SNRs. This pamphlet summarizes and compares the results of several regional studies conducted in different biogeclimatic zones. Each of theses studies aimes to develop a quantitative SNR classification (Table 1). The comparison will examine: (1) how well the field-based classification matches quantitative classification, and (2) which direct measures distinguish best between field-identified SNRs.

The structure of single- and mixed-species, second-growth stands of Western hemlock and Western redcedar

Klinka, Karel, Varga, Pal, Montigny, Louise E. M. de, Chourmouzis, Christine January 2001 (has links)
The structure of a forest stand is characterized by: (a) species composition, (b) age, (c) size (diameter and height), and (d) spatial (horizontal and vertical) arrangement of the trees. Depending on the species, site, and disturbance history, the stand structure varies with time, thus providing a snapshot of a particular development stage. Research on growth and stand structure has shown that the spatial distribution of trees is one of the key determinants of stand productivity. Forest inventories and ecological surveys carried out in British Columbia (BC) have shown that the structure of naturally established, unmanaged stands varies from simple (single-species, single-storied, and even-aged) to complex (multi-species, multi-storied, and uneven-aged). Only a few studies have quantitatively characterized this range of structural complexity, with nearly all studies focusing on old-growth stands. BC forest policy requires that harvested areas be regenerated with a mixture of tree species whenever a mixture is suited to the site. This policy is based upon the assumption that under appropriate conditions, increases in stand productivity, reliability, and/or biodiversity can be attained in mixed-species stands. This assumption has not yet been tested for forest ecosystems. One mechanism by which different tree species can reduce crown competition for light is through vertical separation (the development of multiple canopy strata). Canopy stratification is not easily recognized in mixed-species stands, particularly when species have similar shade tolerance and height growth patterns, and no quantitative methods have been developed to detect stratification. The diameter frequency distribution of two-storied stands have been characterized by inverted J-shaped as well as modal curves. Although it would be more appropriate to characterize stand structure by height frequency distributions, these distributions have not been developed. We suggest that (i) a stand is stratified if there are distinct, quantitatifiable modes in the size distribution; either diameter, height, or crown height, and (ii) height or crown height distributions will be the most sensitive measures. To characterize the structure of western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) (Hw) and western redcedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don in Lamb.) (Cw) second-growth stands, and to investigate its influence on tree growth, we (1) described and compared size (diameter, height, and crown height) frequency distributions in single- and mixed-species stands, (2) determined whether mixed-species stands develop a stratified canopy, and (3) examined whether interactions between hemlock and redcedar affect tree growth.

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